Hadoop Training Tutorial

Certainly! In this tutorial, we will delve into the world of Hadoop, a critical tool in the realm of big data storage and analytics. As businesses worldwide are rapidly generating vast amounts of data, the use of technologies like Hadoop for effective data management and utilization is becoming increasingly important. Hadoop has seen significant evolution and is now a key player in this field, prompting many companies to adopt this technology to leverage their data assets fully.

Hadoop Training Tutorial

This comprehensive guide is designed to provide a thorough understanding of Hadoop online training and its functionalities. Whether you’re new to this technology or seeking to deepen your knowledge, this tutorial by Multisoft Virtual Academy will cater to all levels, from basic concepts to more advanced applications. We will explore the essential aspects of Big Data Hadoop, including its features and operational dynamics, to give you a well-rounded understanding of this powerful tool.

So, let’s dive into this Hadoop tutorial and explore the following topics in detail.

What is Data?

Data refers to specific pieces of information that are collected and preserved for later use. This information can exist in various formats, including text, video, audio, and software programs.

The generation of data comes from a multitude of sources, which has expanded significantly over time. In the past, data sources were relatively limited, but with technological advancements and widespread internet access, the origins of data have multiplied. Nowadays, data is generated from diverse sources such as social media platforms, cameras, microphones, RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) readers, business transactions, and sensor information, among others.

In the present scenario, the rapid advancements in the Internet of Things (IoT) and social media have laid a foundation for massive data generation. There are hundreds of thousands of IoT devices and social media users continuously producing data.

What is Big Data?

Big data refers to the massive amounts of data, which can be either structured or unstructured, that businesses handle. The primary goal for organizations is to extract meaningful insights from this data, aiding them in making prompt and informed decisions. Big data brings with it several challenges, including data collection, storage, transfer, analysis, visualization, and querying.

Traditionally, organizations have attempted to process large data sets using relational database management systems and software packages designed for data visualization. However, with the escalation in data volumes, these conventional tools often fall short. The solution lies in utilizing high-powered computational systems capable of processing data simultaneously across thousands of servers.

The sheer volume of data an organization possesses is less critical than how effectively it can be utilized. Efficient use of big data can significantly contribute to an organization’s growth. The advantages of leveraging big data include cost savings, time efficiency, the development of new products, and a better understanding of market trends, among others.

Data Processing methods

The conventional method of data processing in enterprises typically involves a system designed for both processing and storing large volumes of data. In this approach, data is often stored in Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) like Microsoft SQL servers, Oracle databases, and involves sophisticated software designed to integrate with these databases. This software processes the necessary data and presents it for decision-making purposes.

However, this traditional approach faced challenges when dealing with the sheer scale of modern data. Handling vast quantities of data with traditional processing systems proved to be a cumbersome and inefficient task, as these systems struggled to keep pace with the growing data volumes. This challenge highlighted the need for a new kind of software solution capable of effectively managing and processing large data sets. This necessity led to the inception of a new software framework known as Hadoop, designed to address these significant data processing challenges.

Define Hadoop

Hadoop is an open-source software framework specifically created for handling and storing massive volumes of data sets. It operates by distributing data across large clusters of commodity hardware, thus leveraging a distributed computing approach. The design of Hadoop certification is inspired by a paper published by Google on MapReduce, incorporating principles of functional programming into its architecture.

The framework is primarily developed using the Java programming language. It was designed by Doug Cutting and Michael J. Cafarella. Hadoop is known for its robust and scalable nature, making it highly effective for big data applications. The software is released under the Apache Version 2 license, ensuring its widespread availability and continuous development by a global community of contributors.


Hadoop, as a powerful tool in the realm of big data, comes with several key features that make it particularly effective for processing and managing large datasets. Here are some of its most notable features:

  • Distributed Data Processing: Hadoop is designed to process data in a distributed manner, spreading the workload across multiple nodes. This allows for efficient processing of large volumes of data.
  • Scalability: One of the major strengths of Hadoop is its scalability. It can handle petabytes of data by adding more nodes to the Hadoop clusters. This makes it highly adaptable to the growing data needs of an organization.
  • Fault Tolerance: Hadoop is designed to be resilient to failures. Data is replicated across different nodes in the cluster, which ensures that the system can continue functioning even if one or more nodes fail.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Since Hadoop is open-source and uses commodity hardware, it offers a cost-effective solution for storing and processing large amounts of data compared to traditional relational database management systems.
  • Flexibility in Data Processing: Hadoop can process structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. This flexibility is crucial given the diverse nature of data generated in the modern digital landscape.
  • High Throughput: Hadoop provides high throughput, which is the ability to process a large amount of data in a relatively shorter amount of time. This is essential for big data applications where data volume is huge.

Hadoop core components

Hadoop’s architecture is built around four core components, each serving a specific role in the framework’s functionality:

  • Hadoop Common: This component acts as the foundation for the other Hadoop modules. Hadoop Common includes a collection of utilities and libraries that support the various other Hadoop components. For instance, when tools like HBase or Hive need to access the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), they utilize Java Archive (JAR) files provided by Hadoop Common. Essentially, it serves as a shared resource or a central repository for common functionalities needed across the Hadoop ecosystem.
  • Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS): HDFS is the primary storage system used by Hadoop applications. It’s specifically designed to store large data sets reliably and to stream these data sets at high bandwidth to user applications. In HDFS, data is broken down into smaller units called blocks, which are then distributed across the cluster. To ensure data reliability and availability, HDFS creates multiple replicas of each data block and distributes them throughout the cluster.
  • YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator): YARN represents a significant shift in the architecture of Hadoop, focusing on improving its scalability and cluster utilization. The core idea behind YARN is to separate the duties of resource management and job scheduling/monitoring into different components.


Through this discussion, we’ve delved into the vast and complex world of big data, exploring the pivotal role that Hadoop plays in this arena. We’ve covered the essentials of what big data entails, the intricacies of Multisoft’s Hadoop Training as a powerful framework for big data processing, and the core components. By understanding the journey of data from its generation to its processing via Hadoop, you’ve gained insight into how this technology is transforming the way we handle large-scale data challenges.

I hope this exploration has been informative and helps you in your journey into the world of big data and Hadoop. Keep learning and exploring, as the field of data science and big data technologies is constantly evolving and offering new opportunities. Happy learning!

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