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Unlocking Recruitment Success with Workday

Workday Recruiting, a comprehensive recruitment solution integrated into the Workday Human Capital Management (HCM) suite, offers a unified approach to managing the entire recruitment lifecycle. In today’s competitive job market, organizations need innovative solutions to attract, engage, and retain top talent. From sourcing candidates to onboarding new hires, Workday Recruiting online training streamlines processes, enhances collaboration, and provides valuable insights to improve hiring outcomes.


Key Features of Workday Recruiting

  • Unified Platform: Workday Recruiting integrates seamlessly with Workday HCM, providing a single system for all HR activities. This integration ensures consistent data across all HR functions, reducing redundancy and enhancing data accuracy.
  • Candidate Management: This feature enables recruiters to manage candidate information efficiently. It includes tools for tracking applications, managing candidate communications, and maintaining detailed candidate profiles.
  • Collaborative Hiring: Workday Recruiting fosters collaboration among hiring teams. It offers shared tools and dashboards that enable recruiters and hiring managers to work together effectively throughout the hiring process.
  • Mobile Access: With mobile capabilities, Workday Recruiting allows recruiters and candidates to interact on the go. This flexibility improves responsiveness and engagement, leading to a better candidate experience.
  • Analytics and Reporting: The platform provides robust analytics and reporting tools. Recruiters can track key metrics, generate custom reports, and use predictive analytics to make data-driven decisions.
  • Compliance: Workday Recruiting ensures that organizations remain compliant with various regulatory requirements and internal policies. It includes features for tracking and documenting compliance-related activities.


Current Recruitment Challenges

The recruitment landscape is increasingly complex, with several challenges that organizations must navigate:

  • Talent Shortage: A global shortage of skilled workers makes it difficult to find and hire qualified candidates.
  • High Competition: Intense competition for top talent requires companies to develop innovative recruitment strategies to stand out.
  • Candidate Experience: Providing a positive candidate experience is crucial for attracting and retaining talent. A poor experience can deter top candidates from accepting job offers.
  • Data Silos: Fragmented recruitment data can hinder decision-making and reduce the effectiveness of recruitment strategies.
  • Compliance: Navigating complex regulatory environments adds another layer of complexity to the recruitment process.


Opportunities in Modern Recruitment

Modern recruitment presents several opportunities for organizations to enhance their talent acquisition strategies and stay competitive:

  • Digital Transformation: Utilizing advanced digital tools and platforms can streamline recruitment processes, improve efficiency, and offer a seamless experience for both recruiters and candidates.
  • Employer Branding: Developing a strong employer brand helps attract top talent by showcasing the organization's values, culture, and career growth opportunities, setting the company apart from competitors.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Leveraging analytics and data insights allows organizations to optimize recruitment strategies, improve decision-making, and measure the effectiveness of their hiring processes.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Focusing on diversity and inclusion initiatives can enhance organizational performance, drive innovation, and create a more dynamic and representative workforce.
  • Remote Recruitment: The rise of remote work enables access to a global talent pool, allowing organizations to recruit from a wider range of locations and attract diverse candidates who may not be available locally.

By capitalizing on these opportunities, organizations can improve their recruitment outcomes, attract high-quality candidates, and build a more agile and innovative workforce.


Features and Benefits

1. Comprehensive Candidate Management

Workday Recruiting provides tools to manage candidates effectively throughout the recruitment lifecycle:

  • Detailed profiles include resumes, cover letters, interview notes, and assessment results.
  • Organizations can create and manage talent pools to nurture relationships with potential candidates.
  • Integrated communication tools enable recruiters to engage with candidates via email, SMS, and social media.


2. Streamlined Recruitment Workflow

The platform simplifies the recruitment workflow, reducing administrative burdens and improving efficiency:

  • Easily create and manage job requisitions with clear job descriptions and requirements.
  • Track candidates through customizable stages, from application submission to offer acceptance.
  • Automate interview scheduling and coordination, reducing time-to-hire and enhancing candidate experience.

3. Collaborative Hiring

Workday Recruiting fosters collaboration among hiring teams, ensuring alignment and effective communication:

  • Dashboards provide hiring managers and recruiters with real-time recruitment progress.
  • Structured feedback and evaluation processes ensure consistent candidate assessments.
  • Role-based access ensures that team members have the right information based on their responsibilities.

4. Analytics and Reporting

Data-driven decision-making is a core strength of Workday Recruiting:

  • Track key recruitment metrics such as time-to-fill, cost-per-hire, and source effectiveness.
  • Create custom reports to gain insights into specific aspects of the recruitment process.
  • Utilize predictive analytics to forecast recruitment outcomes and identify potential challenges.

5. Enhanced Candidate Experience

Providing a positive candidate experience is crucial for attracting top talent:

  • A mobile-friendly interface allows candidates to apply and engage with the recruitment process on their preferred devices.
  • Personalized communication keeps candidates informed and engaged throughout the process.
  • Seamless integration with Workday Onboarding ensures a smooth transition from candidate to employee.

By leveraging these features and benefits, organizations can enhance their recruitment processes, improve efficiency, and attract top talent in a competitive job market.


Emerging Trends in Recruitment

Emerging trends in recruitment are reshaping the talent acquisition landscape, driven by technological advancements and changing workforce dynamics. Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing recruitment by automating repetitive tasks, enhancing candidate matching, and providing predictive insights, leading to more efficient and effective hiring processes. The rise of remote work has expanded the talent pool globally, allowing organizations to access a diverse range of candidates beyond geographical constraints. Additionally, there is a growing emphasis on the candidate experience, with companies focusing on creating seamless and engaging interactions throughout the recruitment process to attract and retain top talent. Diversity and inclusion initiatives are becoming critical, as organizations recognize the value of diverse perspectives in driving innovation and performance. Finally, data-driven decision-making is gaining prominence, with advanced analytics enabling recruiters to optimize their strategies and measure recruitment success more accurately. These trends collectively contribute to a more dynamic, inclusive, and efficient recruitment process.


Workday's Vision for the Future

Workday's vision for the future focuses on continuous innovation and enhancing the recruitment experience through advanced technology. They aim to integrate enhanced AI and machine learning capabilities to further automate and optimize the hiring process. Expanding global reach and ensuring compliance with diverse regulatory environments are key priorities. Workday Recruiting Training also plans to integrate emerging technologies like virtual reality to create immersive candidate experiences. By maintaining a commitment to data-driven decision-making and seamless integration across HR functions, Workday seeks to provide organizations with a robust, future-ready recruitment platform that adapts to evolving workforce dynamics.



Workday Recruiting offers a comprehensive, integrated solution to modern talent acquisition challenges. By leveraging its advanced features, organizations can streamline their recruitment processes, enhance candidate experiences, and make data-driven hiring decisions. The platform's commitment to continuous innovation ensures it remains at the forefront of recruitment technology, adapting to evolving workforce dynamics and regulatory environments. As organizations strive to attract and retain top talent in a competitive market, Workday Recruiting certification by Multisoft Systems provides the tools and insights necessary to build a dynamic, inclusive, and high-performing workforce, positioning businesses for long-term success in the digital age.

Enhancing Data Security and Compliance in Snowflake

Snowflake's innovative approach to data warehousing employs a unique architecture that separates compute and storage capabilities, which allows for a high degree of scalability and performance optimization. This section delves into the architecture of Snowflake and explores its key benefits.

Overview of Snowflake Architecture

Snowflake’s architecture is distinctly designed to operate on the cloud, leveraging a global network of shared data and powerful cloud services. Its architecture can be broken down into three main layers:

  • Database Storage: At its core, Snowflake uses a central repository for persisted data that is stored in a columnar format. This storage is unique because it is dynamically handled by Snowflake across multiple cloud providers and regions, ensuring data is always available and secure.
  • Query Processing: Snowflake processes queries using "virtual warehouses" which are one or more clusters of compute resources. Each virtual warehouse operates independently, allowing multiple queries to run simultaneously without competition for compute resources. This separation allows Snowflake to offer outstanding performance because compute resources can be scaled up or down on the fly without impacting storage.
  • Cloud Services: This layer acts as the brain of the Snowflake architecture, managing all aspects of the data warehouse. It authenticates user sessions, provides SQL query parsing and optimization, and coordinates all transactions, metadata management, and access control. The cloud services layer ensures that the platform can efficiently handle a high volume of queries and administrative tasks.

Benefits of Snowflake

Snowflake offers several compelling benefits that make it a standout solution for data warehousing needs:

  • Scalability: One of Snowflake's most significant advantages is its ability to scale automatically. Users can scale up or down compute resources on-demand, allowing for flexibility in query performance and concurrency without needing to resize hardware or perform complex capacity planning.
  • Performance: Thanks to its innovative multi-cluster shared data architecture, Snowflake separates compute and storage, which allows organizations to optimize and scale these resources independently. This means faster query performance and reduced wait times for data access, especially beneficial for analytics and business intelligence applications.
  • Concurrency and Accessibility: Snowflake handles queries from hundreds of users simultaneously without any degradation in performance. Its architecture ensures that users can access and analyze shared data sets without interfering with each other, making it ideal for large organizations.
  • Zero Management: Snowflake reduces the overhead associated with traditional data warehousing solutions by eliminating the need for manual data sharding, provisioning, or tuning. This "built-for-the-cloud" solution manages all aspects of hardware and software operations automatically.
  • Data Sharing: Snowflake’s secure data sharing capability allows organizations to share governed and secure data in real time. This feature enables users to share live data with other Snowflake users quickly and securely without duplicating data.

Snowflake's architecture and benefits collectively provide a powerful, flexible, and efficient data warehousing solution that supports a wide range of data analytics, business intelligence, and data science applications. By leveraging Snowflake, organizations can drive more insightful decision-making and foster a data-driven culture.

Setting Up Your Snowflake Environment

Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:

  • Create an Account: The first step is to sign up for Snowflake. You can start with a trial account that provides access to Snowflake’s full capabilities for a limited period. Visit the Snowflake website and select the appropriate cloud provider and region based on your organization's needs.
  • Role Setup: After logging into your Snowflake account, you'll need to configure user roles and permissions. Snowflake separates roles to manage access and control; for instance, account administrators have broad permissions across the account, whereas users might have limited access tailored to their operational needs.
  • Create Warehouses: In Snowflake, virtual warehouses are the compute resources that execute data processing tasks. Create a warehouse that suits your workload size and complexity. You can adjust the warehouse size and suspend or resume it based on your compute needs.
  • Create Databases and Schemas: Create a database to store your schemas, tables, views, and other objects. Within each database, you can create one or more schemas that help organize and manage these objects.
  • Data Loading: Snowflake supports multiple methods to load data, including bulk loading using the COPY command or continuous loading with Snowpipe. Initially, you might start with sample data to familiarize yourself with the process.
  • Security Configuration: Configure security settings, including network policies to restrict access based on IP addresses, and manage authentication methods (e.g., password, OAuth, or multi-factor authentication).

Snowflake Advanced Features

Snowflake offers several advanced features that distinguish it from traditional data warehousing solutions, enhancing its capability for efficient data management and collaboration. Two of the standout features are Data Sharing and Cloning, and Time Travel and Zero-Copy Cloning.

1. Data Sharing and Cloning

  • Data Sharing: Snowflake's secure data sharing technology allows you to share live data across different Snowflake accounts without the need to copy or transfer data. This feature enables real-time data access among business units, partners, or customers, ensuring that all stakeholders have access to the same data at the same time. It is highly beneficial for organizations that need to maintain data consistency and timeliness across diverse groups.
  • Cloning: Alongside data sharing, Snowflake supports cloning of databases, schemas, and tables. Cloning, in Snowflake, creates a full copy of the selected data object without duplicating the underlying data physically. This capability, known as Zero-Copy Cloning, is particularly useful for development and testing environments where you can work with real data without affecting the production data. It helps in quickly setting up environments for testing new features or performing what-if analyses.

2. Time Travel and Zero-Copy Cloning

  • Time Travel: Snowflake provides a unique feature known as Time Travel, which allows you to access historical data at any point within a defined period (up to 90 days depending on your Snowflake Edition). This capability enables you to view and revert changes in your data or recover data that was accidentally deleted or modified. Time Travel can be an invaluable tool for auditing and compliance, as well as for debugging and restoring previous states of data.
  • Zero-Copy Cloning: As mentioned, Zero-Copy Cloning allows you to make instant copies of your data objects without the cost of additional storage. This feature uses metadata to manage data versions efficiently, ensuring that only changes made after the clone are stored. The immediate advantage is the ability to use and manipulate these clones for various purposes (like development, testing, or analytics) without incurring extra storage costs and without risking the integrity of your production data.

These advanced features significantly enhance the operational efficiency and flexibility of managing data within Snowflake certification. By utilizing data sharing, cloning, time travel, and zero-copy cloning, organizations can improve their data governance, accelerate development cycles, and enable more robust data analysis capabilities, all while maintaining stringent security and compliance standards. These tools not only simplify data management but also open up new possibilities for data exploration and exploitation.

Snowflake Data Management

Effective data management is crucial for leveraging the full potential of a data warehousing solution. Snowflake excels in this area with robust features focused on security and compliance, as well as performance optimization. These features ensure that Snowflake online training is not only secure and compliant with various regulations but also efficient and cost-effective in its operation.

1. Security and Compliance

  • Security Features: Snowflake provides comprehensive security measures that cover all aspects of data protection. These include always-on, end-to-end encryption of data, both at rest and in transit. Snowflake employs multi-factor authentication (MFA), role-based access control (RBAC), and secure access through private connectivity options like Virtual Private Networks (VPN) and Virtual Private Clouds (VPC).
  • Compliance: Snowflake is committed to maintaining a high level of compliance with global and regional regulations. This includes adherence to standards such as GDPR, HIPAA, SOC 1 and SOC 2 Type II, and PCI DSS. Regular third-party audits ensure that Snowflake remains compliant with these standards, providing organizations the confidence to manage sensitive and regulated data within the platform.

2. Performance Optimization

  • Resource Management: One of the key aspects of Snowflake that aids in performance optimization is its ability to dynamically manage and scale computing resources. Snowflake's multi-cluster architecture allows separate compute clusters to process data simultaneously without contention, which is managed through the Snowflake interface or automatically by setting scaling policies.
  • Query Performance: Snowflake optimizes query performance through advanced query optimization techniques. It automatically manages data partitioning and micro-partitions to streamline data scanning and retrieval processes. This is complemented by a results cache that stores the results of every query for a period, ensuring that repeated queries are served faster without re-computation.
  • Cost Management: Snowflake helps optimize costs by separating storage and compute, allowing you to scale them independently. You only pay for the compute capacity you use, and when no queries are being run, you can completely suspend your virtual warehouses to cut down on costs. Snowflake also offers tools and recommendations to track and optimize spending, making it easier for organizations to manage their data warehousing expenses effectively.

Snowflake's data management capabilities ensure that organizations can not only secure and comply with their data governance requirements but also optimize the performance and cost of their data operations. These features make Snowflake an attractive choice for enterprises that need a robust, scalable, and efficient data warehousing solution.


Snowflake training opens a myriad of opportunities for professionals in the data-driven world. By mastering Snowflake, you not only enhance your technical skills but also position yourself at the forefront of cloud data technology. Whether you are a data analyst, engineer, or business intelligence professional, Snowflake competency can significantly propel your career and organizational growth. Enroll in Multisoft Virtual Academy now!

Understanding Microsoft PowerShell

Microsoft PowerShell is a powerful scripting language and command-line shell designed to improve and automate administrative tasks. Originally built on the .NET framework, it provides full access to COM and WMI, enabling administrators to perform administrative tasks on both local and remote Windows systems.

This guide offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy explores key features, evolution, and application of Microsoft PowerShell Training in real-world scenarios.

History and Evolution

Microsoft PowerShell, originally named Windows PowerShell, has undergone significant transformations since its introduction. Developed by Microsoft as a task automation and configuration management framework, PowerShell combines a command-line shell with a scripting language built on the .NET framework.

  • Initial Release: PowerShell was introduced in November 2006 as a replacement for the older Command Prompt and batch scripts. It was designed to streamline and automate the management of Windows operating systems and applications.
  • Growing Capabilities: Over the years, PowerShell has evolved, with major updates enhancing its functionalities. For instance, PowerShell 2.0 came bundled with Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2, introducing advanced features like remote management and background jobs.
  • Open Source and Cross-Platform: The release of PowerShell Core (version 6.0) in 2016 marked a pivotal shift, as PowerShell became open-source and cross-platform, supporting Linux and macOS in addition to Windows. This broadened its usability across different environments.
  • Current Version: PowerShell 7, the latest iteration, combines the strengths of both Windows PowerShell and PowerShell Core, aiming to provide a unified and robust experience across all platforms.

Core Concepts

PowerShell introduces several core concepts that enhance its scripting prowess and administrative capabilities:

  • Cmdlets: These are lightweight commands used in the PowerShell environment. Cmdlets are specialized .NET classes that implement specific actions, such as getting system information, modifying data, or managing services. They follow a verb-noun naming convention, like Get-Help, Start-Service, etc.
  • Scripts and Functions: PowerShell scripts are files containing a collection of cmdlets and other PowerShell syntax. Functions, on the other hand, are compact blocks of code designed to perform specific tasks within a script, reusable and parameterizable.
  • Modules and Snap-ins: Modules in PowerShell are packages of functions, cmdlets, and workflows that can be imported and used in sessions. Snap-ins are older collections that contain cmdlets and providers, but modules are now the preferred way to package and distribute PowerShell commands.

PowerShell and .NET Framework

A distinguishing feature of PowerShell is its deep integration with the .NET Framework, allowing it to call upon .NET classes, methods, and libraries. This integration enhances PowerShell's functionality and flexibility, enabling it to perform complex operations and handle various types of data.

  • Accessing .NET Classes: PowerShell scripts can instantiate and use .NET objects, call static methods, and access properties directly. This opens up a wide range of possibilities, from manipulating system files to processing XML and JSON.
  • Example: Creating a new .NET object in PowerShell might look like this: $dateTime = New-Object -TypeName System.DateTime
  • Benefits: The ability to leverage .NET classes means that PowerShell can perform just about any task that a .NET application can do, from network communications to text processing and beyond.

Therefore, understanding these foundational aspects of PowerShell  its history, core concepts, and integration with the .NET framework  is essential for anyone looking to master or leverage its capabilities in system administration, automation, or development.

Basic Commands and Scripting

1. Basic Cmdlets

Cmdlets are the primary tools in the PowerShell toolkit, allowing users to execute a wide range of tasks from simple data retrieval to complex system administration. Each cmdlet is a command-line function running a task, and by chaining these cmdlets, users can accomplish complex processes.

  • Get-Command and Get-Help: These cmdlets are fundamental for beginners. Get-Command fetches all available commands that PowerShell can execute, while Get-Help provides a detailed guide on how each command works, including examples of usage.
  • Get-Item: This cmdlet retrieves an item at a specified location. It is often used to access file system data, registry data, or environmental variables.
  • Pipeline: The pipeline is a powerful feature in PowerShell that allows users to pass the output of one cmdlet as the input into another cmdlet, enabling efficient data processing and resource usage.

2. Scripting Basics

Scripting in PowerShell begins with understanding how to automate repetitive tasks and processes. Scripts are essentially sequences of cmdlets and other scripting elements saved in .ps1 files.

  • Variables: Variables in PowerShell are used to store data that can be used throughout a script. They are prefixed with a dollar sign ($), making them easily identifiable.
  • Loops and Conditions: These control structures allow for repeating actions (loops) or deciding which actions to execute based on conditions. Commonly used loops include for, foreach, and while, and conditions are managed with if-else statements.
  • Error Handling: PowerShell scripts can handle errors proactively through try, catch, and finally blocks. These ensure that scripts gracefully handle unexpected events or errors during execution.

3. Advanced Scripting

For more sophisticated scripting requirements, PowerShell offers advanced capabilities that are crucial for complex automation and scripting challenges.

  • Functions and Parameters: Advanced scripts often define custom functions, which are reusable blocks of code designed to perform specific tasks. Functions can be parameterized to accept inputs, making them versatile and modular in nature.
  • Creating and Managing Modules: As scripts grow in complexity, managing them becomes essential. Modules in PowerShell allow scripters to package and distribute a collection of functions, cmdlets, and configurations as a single unit, which can be shared and reused across different scripts and environments.
  • Profile Scripts: PowerShell allows users to create scripts that run at the start of every PowerShell session, known as profile scripts. These are useful for initializing environments, defining commonly used functions, and setting default configurations.

Understanding and mastering these basics and advanced scripting techniques are crucial for anyone aiming to leverage PowerShell's full potential in automating and streamlining tasks. Whether it's simple file management tasks or complex network operations, PowerShell provides the tools necessary for effective and efficient scripting.

Advanced PowerShell

PowerShell is not just a powerful scripting language for local administration; its capabilities extend to advanced areas such as remote management, automation and scheduling, and interacting with APIs. These features make it an indispensable tool for system administrators and DevOps professionals managing complex, distributed environments.

  • Remote Management: PowerShell's remote management capabilities allow administrators to control and manage machines from a central location, regardless of whether those machines are in the next room or halfway around the world. This is achieved through PowerShell remoting, which leverages the WS-Management protocol to enable secure communication across different networks and systems. With remote management, you can execute commands, manage services, and configure settings across multiple systems simultaneously, all without needing to physically access each machine. This is particularly valuable in large organizations with extensive IT infrastructures, as it significantly reduces the time and effort required for system management.
  • Automation and Scheduling: Automation is at the heart of PowerShell’s utility, allowing repetitive and complex tasks to be performed with little to no manual intervention. PowerShell scripts can be written to automate virtually any aspect of system administration, from deploying applications and updates to configuring new users and systems. Moreover, these tasks can be scheduled to run at specific times, using built-in Windows features like Task Scheduler or through PowerShell itself. This means that many routine tasks can be performed during off-peak hours, minimizing disruption and maximizing productivity. Automation not only speeds up operations but also helps to reduce errors that might occur when tasks are performed manually.
  • Interacting with APIs: As modern IT environments increasingly rely on various software services and platforms, the ability to interact with APIs becomes crucial. PowerShell can connect to and interact with RESTful APIs, which many modern software services expose for managing their functionalities. This allows PowerShell to retrieve data from, send data to, and manipulate these services programmatically. Whether it's pulling data from a cloud storage service, sending notifications to a communication platform, or integrating with an enterprise resource planning system, PowerShell can serve as the bridge between your local scripts and external services. This integration capability is key for organizations that use a mix of on-premises and cloud-based tools, enabling them to streamline their operations and improve data flow across different platforms.

The advanced features of PowerShell certification extend its functionality beyond basic scripting and into the realm of full-scale enterprise management. Its capabilities in remote management, automation, and API interaction make it a powerful tool for improving efficiency, accuracy, and connectivity across diverse IT environments.

PowerShell for DevOps

PowerShell is a fundamental tool in the DevOps landscape, enhancing processes across Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), Infrastructure as Code (IaC), and testing paradigms. Here's how PowerShell supports these key areas without diving into specific code examples:

1. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

PowerShell streamlines the CI/CD pipeline, helping teams manage the software lifecycle efficiently from development through to deployment. It automates and manages the build and deployment processes, ensuring that these operations are repeatable and error-free. By scripting complex deployment tasks, PowerShell ensures consistency across different environments—be it development, testing, or production. This automation extends to configuring environments as part of the deployment process, setting up necessary services, and verifying that all components are correctly aligned before the application goes live.

2. Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

In the realm of IaC, PowerShell proves invaluable, especially in predominantly Windows-based or Azure-infused environments. It allows system administrators and DevOps professionals to script the setup and management of infrastructure, translating manual setup tasks into scripts that can be versioned and treated as part of the application codebase. PowerShell facilitates the management of servers, storage, and network configurations, ensuring that the infrastructure is provisioned and managed consistently and transparently. Its integration with tools like PowerShell DSC (Desired State Configuration) further enhances its capabilities, allowing professionals to define the desired state of their infrastructure and have the system automatically enforce this state, thus maintaining consistency and reducing manual overhead.

3. Testing with Pester

Testing is a critical component of any DevOps strategy, and PowerShell integrates with Pester, a testing framework specifically designed for PowerShell scripts. Pester provides a powerful platform for developing and running unit and integration tests, ensuring that all scripts perform as expected before they are deployed. This is particularly important in a DevOps context, where rapid deployments and high-quality standards are paramount. By using Pester, teams can automate the testing of their deployment scripts, configuration files, and even the environment settings, helping catch issues early in the development cycle. Integration of Pester tests into CI/CD pipelines further automates feedback loops, allowing teams to detect problems early and respond quickly.

PowerShell, with its comprehensive features and integrations, plays a pivotal role in enhancing the efficiency, reliability, and scalability of DevOps practices. Whether it’s through automating deployment processes, managing infrastructure as code, or ensuring quality through automated tests, PowerShell online training provides the tools necessary for modern DevOps teams to succeed.


PowerShell is not just a tool for system administrators; it is a complete scripting language that can greatly simplify the way IT professionals deploy software, manage systems, and automate tasks. With its robust features and flexible scripting environment, PowerShell continues to be an essential tool in the tech world.

Your Complete SAP2000 Training Handbook

SAP2000 stands as a leading software tool in the realm of civil and structural engineering, developed by Computers and Structures, Inc. (CSI). It is a comprehensive, integrated software environment used for structural analysis and design. Renowned for its intuitive interface and powerful analysis capabilities, SAP2000 is equipped to handle all types of infrastructural design projects, from simple static structures to complex dynamic analyses.

The software's robust features allow engineers to model, analyze, and design virtually any type of structure. Whether it’s bridges, skyscrapers, industrial plants, or transportation infrastructure, SAP2000 training offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy streamlines the process with tools tailored to create efficient and reliable designs. The system is designed to be both flexible and accessible, catering to the needs of both novice engineers and seasoned professionals.

Importance of Structural Analysis and Design Software in Engineering

In the field of structural engineering, the accuracy, safety, and cost-efficiency of a project largely depend on the initial design and analysis stages. Structural analysis and design software, like SAP2000, plays a critical role in this process. These tools help engineers simulate the behavior of structures under various loads and assess their ability to withstand environmental stresses and everyday use. Using such software enables engineers to visualize complex designs and optimize them without the need for expensive physical prototypes. This not only reduces the time and cost involved in the design phase but also enhances the safety aspects by allowing for thorough testing under simulated conditions. The end result is structures that are not only safe and compliant with regulations but also innovative and resource-efficient.

Brief History of SAP2000

The journey of SAP2000 began in the late 1970s when its predecessor, SAP IV, was developed by Professor Edward L. Wilson and the team at the University of California, Berkeley. The name SAP derives from the acronym for "Structural Analysis Program." SAP2000, as it is known today, evolved over decades, incorporating advancements in technology and structural engineering practices to meet the growing demands of complex architectural designs and construction technology.

Each iteration of SAP2000 has brought significant enhancements, from basic 2D linear static analysis to comprehensive 3D nonlinear dynamic analysis, making it a versatile and powerful tool in the toolkit of structural engineers worldwide. The continuous development and integration of new features have kept SAP2000 certification at the forefront of structural analysis and design software, helping to shape the skyline of cities around the globe.

Core Features of SAP2000

1. User Interface

SAP2000 boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface that simplifies the complex process of structural design and analysis. The interface is designed to facilitate both the beginner and the experienced engineer with customizable layouts and interactive menus. Features such as drag-and-drop modeling, contextual right-click menus, and multiple viewports enhance the user's ability to model structures efficiently and accurately. Toolbars and shortcut commands can be tailored to suit individual preferences, making the workflow smoother and more adaptable to various project requirements.

2. Analysis Capabilities

At the heart of SAP2000 are its robust analysis capabilities, which allow for both linear and nonlinear modeling and analysis. It supports a wide range of analysis strategies, including static, dynamic, modal, and pushover analyses, enabling engineers to assess the performance of structures under different loads and conditions. The software can handle the complexities of seismic analysis, wind loading, and other environmental factors with precision. Its ability to integrate with other software tools and platforms also allows for a seamless analysis process across different project stages.

3. Design Features

SAP2000 is equipped with comprehensive design tools that conform to international design codes, making it a globally applicable software solution. It automates many of the tedious tasks involved in structural design, such as material optimization, cross-section sizing, and the checking of design codes. This automation not only speeds up the design process but also ensures that the structures meet the required safety and reliability standards. Additionally, SAP2000 provides detailed output and reports that help in documenting the design process for review and compliance purposes.

Types of Structures that can be Modeled in SAP2000

  • Buildings: SAP2000 is versatile in modeling various types of buildings, from simple residential units to complex high-rise commercial towers. It offers tools for designing the structural elements of buildings, including foundations, beams, columns, and slabs, ensuring they are robust and compliant with design codes. The software's ability to simulate building performance in earthquake-prone regions or under high wind conditions makes it indispensable for ensuring the safety and durability of building structures.
  • Bridges: Bridge design is another area where SAP2000 excels. The software can model a wide array of bridge types, including suspension bridges, arch bridges, and cable-stayed bridges. Its capabilities include the analysis of bridge dynamics, vehicle loading simulations, and the integration of construction staging. SAP2000's specialized tools for bridge design help engineers optimize bridge geometries and materials, leading to safer and more cost-effective bridge constructions.
  • Industrial Structures: For industrial applications, SAP2000 can model structures like towers, tanks, and conveyor systems. These structures often require detailed analysis due to their exposure to operational loads and environmental challenges. SAP2000's ability to incorporate both geometric nonlinearity and material inelasticity makes it a powerful tool for designing industrial structures that are both efficient and resilient.

The diverse capabilities of SAP2000 online training make it a preferred choice for a wide range of structural engineering projects. Its user-friendly interface, advanced analysis features, and comprehensive design tools equip engineers to tackle complex challenges in the modern built environment.

Benefits of Using SAP2000

1. Precision in Structural Modeling

SAP2000 stands out for its exceptional precision in structural modeling, which is crucial for accurate simulations and design. The software allows engineers to create detailed, refined models that closely represent the real-world conditions of a structure. This precision is achieved through advanced meshing techniques, support for higher-order analysis methods, and the ability to define materials and cross-sectional properties accurately. Such detailed modeling reduces the margin of error, enhances the reliability of structural assessments, and ensures that designs are both safe and optimized for performance.

2. Integration with Other CAD Software

One of the significant benefits of SAP2000 is its seamless integration with other computer-aided design (CAD) software, such as AutoCAD and Revit. This interoperability facilitates the smooth transfer of information between different platforms, streamlining the workflow from the conceptual design phase through to detailed structural analysis and design. Integration with BIM (Building Information Modeling) technologies allows for collaborative work environments where architectural, engineering, and construction professionals can work concurrently on a single, unified model, reducing conflicts and revisions, and improving project delivery timelines.

3. Efficiency in Analysis and Design

SAP2000 enhances efficiency in both analysis and design phases of a project. Its advanced computational algorithms can handle complex calculations quickly and accurately, allowing engineers to perform multiple iterations in a short time. This capability is vital in the early stages of design when various configurations and options are being evaluated. Additionally, SAP2000 automates many aspects of the design process, such as load application, code-based dimensioning, and compliance checks. This automation not only speeds up the design process but also significantly reduces the likelihood of human error.

4. Adaptability to Various Types of Engineering Projects

The adaptability of SAP2000 to various types of engineering projects is another key advantage. Whether it's architectural, civil, or mechanical engineering, SAP2000 provides the necessary tools and features to cater to different engineering demands. The software's versatile nature allows it to be used in projects as diverse as earthquake engineering, offshore structures, and even aerospace applications. This broad range of capabilities means that firms can rely on a single software package for multiple project types, simplifying training requirements and software management.

Overall, the benefits of using SAP2000 include not only enhanced precision and integration capabilities but also increased efficiency and adaptability. These advantages make SAP2000 a valuable tool for structural engineers seeking to innovate and push the boundaries of what is possible in structural design.

Components of SAP2000 Training

SAP2000 training is structured in levels from basic to advanced, ensuring that engineers of all skill levels can effectively use the software to its full potential. Each level is designed to build upon the knowledge and skills acquired in the previous one, providing a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of structural modeling and analysis.

Basic Training Modules

  • Introduction to the Interface: The basic training usually begins with an introduction to the SAP2000 interface. Trainees learn how to navigate the software, understand the menu structure, and use the various tools available for modeling and analysis. This module ensures that users are comfortable with the environment, making it easier to perform simple tasks and prepare for more complex operations.
  • Simple Structural Models: Once familiar with the interface, trainees learn how to create simple structural models. This involves defining geometries, assigning properties to structural elements, and setting up boundary conditions. This module helps users understand the fundamental concepts of structural modeling, which are critical for both the analysis and design processes.
  • Understanding Loads and Load Combinations: This module focuses on how to apply loads to the structural models and how to create load combinations according to relevant design codes. Understanding the correct application of loads, such as dead loads, live loads, wind loads, and seismic loads, is crucial for the accurate analysis of structural behavior under various conditions.

Intermediate Training Modules

  • Dynamic Analysis: In the intermediate stage, trainees delve into dynamic analysis, learning techniques to analyze the response of structures to dynamic loads, such as earthquakes or vibrations from machinery. This module covers the setup of modal analysis, response spectrum analysis, and time-history analysis, providing a deeper understanding of how structures behave under dynamic conditions.
  • Nonlinear Analysis: Nonlinear analysis is crucial for understanding the behavior of structures beyond the elastic range. This training module introduces concepts such as material nonlinearity, geometric nonlinearity, and the analysis of structures under large displacements. Trainees learn how to set up and interpret the results from nonlinear static and dynamic analyses.
  • Design and Detailing Features: This module covers the integrated design tools in SAP2000 used for reinforcing concrete, steel, and timber structures according to international design standards. Trainees learn how to use the software for automated design optimizations and how to detail structural components effectively, ensuring compliance with design requirements.

Advanced Training Modules

  • Customization using API: For users who need to customize or extend the functionality of SAP2000, this module introduces the application programming interface (API). Trainees learn how to write scripts and programs that interact with SAP2000, automating repetitive tasks and integrating the software with other applications used within their organizations.
  • Complex and Specialized Structures: The most advanced training module deals with the modeling and analysis of complex and specialized structures such as high-rise buildings, suspension bridges, and other unique architectural forms. This training often involves case studies and project-based learning to tackle the specific challenges associated with these types of structures.


SAP2000 stands as a formidable tool in the structural engineering domain, offering unparalleled precision, efficiency, and flexibility across a wide range of projects. Training in SAP2000 equips engineers with the necessary skills to fully leverage these capabilities, enhancing their ability to model, analyze, and design complex structures with confidence and accuracy. Whether beginning with basic modules or advancing to complex and specialized structures, SAP2000 online training is integral for professionals aiming to excel in the structural engineering field and contribute to the development of safe, innovative, and efficient infrastructural solutions. Enroll in Multisoft Virtual Academy now!

An In-Depth Look at Computational Fluid Dynamics

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a branch of fluid mechanics that uses numerical analysis and data structures to solve and analyze problems that involve fluid flows. Computers are used to perform the calculations required to simulate the interaction of liquids and gases with surfaces defined by boundary conditions. With high-speed supercomputers, better solutions can be achieved, and CFD is used to design and simulate systems without resorting to costly experimental setups.

The scope of CFD is vast and versatile. It spans a range of disciplines and industries, offering insights into fluid behavior under various physical and environmental conditions. CFD simulations can model complex systems including weather systems, aircraft aerodynamics, engine components, HVAC systems, and chemical reactions in an industrial setting. This broad scope makes CFD training an invaluable tool in both research and industry, facilitating the development of safer, more efficient, and economically viable solutions.

Importance and Applications in Various Industries

  • Aerospace and Aviation: CFD plays a critical role in the design and optimization of aircraft. It allows engineers to simulate airflow over wings and through engines, helping in the design of more efficient and safer aircraft while reducing physical wind tunnel testing costs.
  • Automotive Industry: In automotive design, CFD is used to optimize the aerodynamics of vehicles for improved fuel efficiency and performance. It also plays a crucial role in the design of combustion engines and the study of heat dissipation.
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering: For civil engineering, CFD is crucial in the simulation of wind loading on buildings, the design of HVAC systems to improve air quality and comfort, and water treatment processes. Environmental applications include studying pollutant dispersion in air and water.
  • Energy Sector: In energy production, whether it's nuclear, hydroelectric, or renewable energy sources like wind and solar, CFD helps optimize processes to maximize output and efficiency while minimizing environmental impact.
  • Healthcare and Biomedical Applications: CFD is increasingly used in the biomedical field to simulate blood flow in arteries and veins, assisting in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. It also aids in the design of medical devices such as ventilators and other flow-assisted devices.
  • Consumer Goods and Electronics: From optimizing the cooling systems in electronics to enhancing the aerodynamics of sports equipment and even the design of efficient mixing processes in food production, CFD’s applications are seemingly limitless.

In summary, CFD is a dynamic tool that bridges theoretical studies and experimental procedures, allowing for detailed visualization and analysis of fluid interaction in a virtual, cost-effective environment. As industries increasingly prioritize sustainability and efficiency, the importance of CFD online training by Multisoft Virtual Academy is set to grow, influencing a multitude of sectors and contributing significantly to advancements in technology and process optimization.

Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

1. Governing Equations

The core of CFD lies in its ability to numerically solve the governing equations of fluid dynamics that describe how velocity, pressure, temperature, and density of a fluid evolve over time:

  • Continuity Equation: This equation asserts the principle of conservation of mass. For an incompressible flow, it simplifies to the statement that the divergence of the velocity field is zero, indicating that the mass does not accumulate or deplete at any point.
  • Navier-Stokes Equations: These are a set of nonlinear partial differential equations that describe the motion of viscous fluid substances. They generalize the conservation of momentum, accounting for velocity gradients in the fluid. These equations are crucial for characterizing the physics of fluids and can predict weather patterns, ocean currents, water flow in a pipe, air flow around a wing, and blood flow in arteries.
  • Energy Equation: Also known as the First Law of Thermodynamics, this equation is used in CFD to calculate changes in energy within a fluid system, providing insights into heat transfer and changes in temperature due to energy dissipation, radiation, or convection.

2. Numerical Methods

Solving the CFD equations requires numerical methods that can handle complex geometries, non-linear equations, and fluctuating boundary conditions:

  • Finite Difference Method (FDM): This technique involves discretizing the continuous domain into a grid and approximating the differential equations as difference equations. This method is straightforward and works well with structured grids but may become complex for irregular geometries.
  • Finite Volume Method (FVM): Most commonly used in CFD, FVM involves dividing the domain into a finite number of control volumes using a grid. Equations are integrated over each control volume, ensuring conservation laws are satisfied locally. This method is preferable for complex geometries and unstructured meshes.
  • Finite Element Method (FEM): FEM divides the domain into a collection of subdomains (elements). The solution is formulated as a weighted residual problem, where the equations are satisfied in an average sense over each element. This method is particularly powerful in handling complex boundaries and providing high precision in regions with high gradients.

Mesh Generation and Its Significance

Mesh generation is a crucial step in CFD certification that involves dividing the computational domain into small, discrete cells or elements:

  • Types of Meshes: Meshes can be structured, unstructured, or hybrid. Structured meshes have regular connectivity and are simpler to generate but are less flexible in handling complex geometries. Unstructured meshes allow more flexibility but require more computational resources.
  • Significance: The quality of the mesh significantly impacts the accuracy, convergence, and speed of the CFD simulation. A finer mesh typically provides more accurate results but at the cost of increased computational effort. Adaptive mesh refinement techniques are often used to optimize the mesh dynamically based on the solution's evolving features.
  • Boundary Layers: In many CFD simulations, especially those involving fluid flow over surfaces, capturing the boundary layer physics accurately is essential. This often requires very fine meshes near the surface to resolve the steep velocity and temperature gradients.

Mesh generation is both an art and a science, requiring careful balance between resolution needs and computational feasibility. The advancements in mesh generation technology continue to enhance the capabilities and applications of CFD in various fields.

Overview of CFD Software Tools

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software tools are crucial for performing fluid flow simulations. They vary widely in terms of features, capabilities, user interface, and areas of application. Here's an introduction to some popular CFD software and a comparative analysis of their features and industry applications.

Popular CFD Software

  1. ANSYS Fluent
    • Features: ANSYS Fluent is known for its advanced meshing capabilities, high-performance computing power, and detailed turbulence modeling. It supports reactive flows, multiphase flows, and has robust heat transfer modeling capabilities.
    • Industry Applications: Widely used in industries such as aerospace for simulating airflows over aircraft, automotive for engine and cabin design, and energy for assessing combustion in turbines.
  2. OpenFOAM
    • Features: OpenFOAM is an open-source software that provides extensive customization capabilities through its programming interface. It includes tools for meshing, simulation, post-processing, and offers a variety of solvers and utilities.
    • Industry Applications: Its flexibility makes it popular in academia for research purposes and industries like automotive, environmental engineering, and renewable energy, where customized simulations are often required.
  3. Autodesk CFD
    • Features: Autodesk CFD provides a user-friendly interface and integrates well with other Autodesk products. It offers thermal simulation and fluid flow analysis tools, with an emphasis on architectural and product design usability.
    • Industry Applications: Commonly used in building and industrial design for HVAC system optimization and in product design for consumer goods to test and optimize packaging and electronics cooling.

Comparative Analysis

  • Ease of Use: Autodesk CFD is generally considered the most user-friendly, especially for designers familiar with other Autodesk products. ANSYS Fluent, while more complex, offers detailed documentation and tutorials. OpenFOAM, due to its open-source nature, requires a steep learning curve but is highly flexible for those who can utilize its programming environment.
  • Customization and Flexibility: OpenFOAM leads in customization due to its open-source framework, allowing users to write their own solvers or modify existing ones. ANSYS Fluent also offers customization through user-defined functions but is not as flexible as OpenFOAM. Autodesk CFD has limited customization capabilities, focusing more on integrated, straightforward solutions.
  • Computational Power and Accuracy: ANSYS Fluent is renowned for its high computational power and accuracy, making it suitable for complex and large-scale simulations in industries like aerospace and automotive. OpenFOAM also supports large-scale simulations with high accuracy, but the quality of results can depend on the user's expertise in setting up the simulations correctly. Autodesk CFD is optimized for quicker, less computationally intensive tasks, making it ideal for preliminary design stages rather than detailed analysis.
  • Cost and Accessibility: OpenFOAM is free, which makes it accessible to students and researchers. ANSYS Fluent and Autodesk CFD are commercial software, with ANSYS generally being the more expensive option due to its advanced features. However, both provide academic licenses at reduced costs.

Therefore, the choice of CFD software often depends on the specific needs of the project, including the level of detail required, the user’s familiarity with CFD tools, and budget constraints. Each software has its strengths and is tailored to different aspects of the simulation process, making them indispensable tools in the field of fluid dynamics.


Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) stands as a transformative tool in the field of fluid mechanics, enabling detailed analysis and optimization across a diverse array of applications. From designing sleeker aircraft and more efficient automotive components to enhancing the sustainability of energy systems and improving medical devices, CFD helps bridge the gap between theoretical research and practical implementation. The choice of CFD software—be it ANSYS Fluent for its robust, industry-leading capabilities, OpenFOAM for unparalleled customization, or Autodesk CFD for user-friendly, design-integrated solutions—depends heavily on specific project requirements, budget, and user expertise. As technology advances, the role of CFD is expected to expand further, driven by improvements in computational power, more sophisticated modeling techniques, and an increasing emphasis on sustainable and optimized designs.

Embracing CFD training not only enhances product and system performance but also fosters innovation across industries, underpinning the future of engineering and design. Enroll now in Multisoft Virtual Academy!

What is Workday Training?

Workday is a leading provider of enterprise cloud applications for finance and human resources, helping organizations adapt to the changing demands of the business environment. Implementing Workday successfully within an organization requires comprehensive training, as the software handles critical operations such as human capital management, financial management, payroll, and student administration systems.

Introduction to Workday Training

Workday was founded in 2005 with a focus on providing human capital management, payroll, financial management, and analytics applications designed for the world's largest organizations. It’s known for its ease of use, flexibility, and comprehensive approach to managing corporate needs. The software combines finance and HR in one seamless system, allowing for streamlined processes and improved data management. Workday training offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy is designed to equip users, administrators, and IT professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to utilize Workday’s suite of applications effectively. This training encompasses a variety of instructional methods, including online courses, instructor-led training sessions, and hands-on practical exercises, tailored to meet the needs of different roles within an organization.

Objectives of Workday Training

  • Familiarization with the Interface: Users learn to navigate the Workday environment, understanding its core functionalities and how to access various features.
  • Operational Efficiency: Training aims to help users manage and execute day-to-day tasks within Workday more efficiently, enhancing productivity across the organization.
  • Data Management and Security: Workday training emphasizes the importance of data integrity and security, teaching best practices for entering, managing, and protecting sensitive information.
  • Customization and Configuration: Users are trained on how to customize and configure the system to fit the organization’s specific needs, including setting up business processes and security roles.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Workday offers powerful analytics tools, and training helps users understand how to create, manage, and interpret reports to make informed business decisions.

The Importance of Workday Training

Workday is complex and robust, with a wide range of functionalities and configurations tailored to the diverse needs of large organizations. Effective utilization of Workday can lead to enhanced decision-making, better financial oversight, and improved HR operations. However, to leverage Workday to its full potential, users must understand its features and functionalities deeply. Here lies the critical importance of Workday training.

Types of Workday Training

  • End-User Training: This training is for employees who will be using Workday in their daily jobs. It focuses on the specific functionalities that users need to perform their roles, such as self-service tasks, time tracking, and benefits enrollment.
  • IT and Administrator Training: This more technical training is aimed at IT staff and Workday administrators who need to understand the backend setup, advanced configurations, and system maintenance.
  • Project Team Training: Designed for members of the Workday implementation team, this training covers the broader aspects of Workday deployments, including project management, best practices, and change management.


  • Increased Adoption: Effective training ensures that users are comfortable and proficient with the system, leading to higher adoption rates across the organization.
  • Enhanced Productivity: When users understand how to use Workday features effectively, they can perform tasks more quickly and accurately, leading to operational efficiencies.
  • Reduced Dependency: With proper training, organizations can reduce their dependency on external consultants, as internal users gain the ability to manage and troubleshoot the system.
  • Improved ROI: Maximizing the capabilities of Workday through training can lead to a better return on investment as the full potential of this comprehensive tool is utilized.

Selecting the right training program involves considering the specific needs of your organization and your team. Workday offers official training through its Workday Education Services, which provides comprehensive learning materials and courses. Additionally, many third-party providers offer training programs that may be more flexible or specialized.

What Will You Learn in Workday Training?

Participants in Workday training can expect to learn a wide array of skills, tailored to their specific roles. However, some core learning outcomes include:

  • Navigating the Workday Interface: Understanding the user interface and basic navigation within Workday.
  • Mastering Business Processes: Detailed training on configuring and managing various business processes within Workday.
  • Data Security and Compliance: Ensuring data integrity and security within Workday, including understanding compliance issues.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Learning how to create and manage reports and use analytics tools within Workday for better decision-making.
  • Integration and Configuration: Skills for integrating Workday with other systems and configuring the application to meet specific organizational needs.

Who Needs Workday Training?

  • HR Professionals: Those in human resources need to understand how to use Workday for everything from recruiting and onboarding to performance assessments and employee engagement.
  • Finance Professionals: Individuals working in finance can utilize Workday for financial management, planning, and analytics to drive business results.
  • IT Professionals: Workday training can help IT professionals understand the configuration, integration, and security features necessary to maintain and optimize the system.
  • Project Managers: Those who oversee Workday implementation projects require a thorough understanding of the software to ensure it meets the business's needs.

Workday Training in today's world

Workday training is more relevant, in today's digital-driven corporate environment than ever, aligning seamlessly with the overarching goals of agility and digital transformation. As businesses across various sectors move towards cloud-based solutions to manage their workforce and financial operations, Workday stands out as a sophisticated tool that offers comprehensive capabilities in human capital management and financial management. The real-time data processing and integrated analytics provided by Workday allow organizations to make swift, informed decisions. To fully harness these capabilities, employees must be adept at navigating the system, leveraging its many functions to streamline operations and enhance strategic decision-making. Workday certification empowers employees by providing them with the skills and knowledge to utilize these complex tools effectively, promoting operational efficiency and innovation.

Moreover, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of remote working capabilities, with Workday offering cloud solutions that support remote management of resources. Training for Workday enables employees to manage tasks from anywhere, ensuring business continuity and resilience.

As organizations increasingly prioritize flexibility, efficiency, and data-driven management, Workday training becomes indispensable, ensuring that all layers of an organization are proficient in using this dynamic platform to achieve business success and adapt to the ever-changing global business landscape.


Workday online training is an essential component of a successful implementation and ongoing management of Workday systems. Whether through direct courses offered by Workday or through Multisoft Virtual Academy, effective training programs help ensure that all users are equipped to meet the challenges of their roles, leading to better overall performance and efficiency of the system within the organization.

Overall, as the business world continues to evolve and digital transformation initiatives become increasingly central to organizational strategies, the role of comprehensive training programs like those offered for Workday will only grow in importance. Whether you are an individual looking to boost your career or a business aiming to maximize your investment in Workday, appropriate training is the key to unlocking the full potential of this powerful enterprise solution.

A brief introduction to Workday

Workday has redefined how organizations manage their most critical resources—finance and human capital. Since its inception in 2005, Workday has grown from a fledgling startup to a formidable force in the cloud-based ERP industry, serving over 40% of Fortune 500 companies. By integrating all aspects of financial management and human resources, Workday helps businesses achieve greater operational visibility, enhanced decision-making, and improved operational efficiency.

This article presented by Multisoft Virtual Academy delves into the workings of Workday training, exploring its solutions suite, technological innovations, and the significant impact it has on global businesses.

History and Evolution

Workday was founded in 2005 by David Duffield and Aneel Bhusri, former leaders at PeopleSoft, which Oracle acquired in a hostile takeover. The founders envisioned a company that would revolutionize the way organizations manage their finances and human resources by leveraging the power of the cloud. The primary mission was to deliver integrated software solutions that were easy to use, flexible, and accessible anywhere, anytime.

Workday introduced its first product, Workday Human Capital Management (HCM), in 2006, focusing on providing comprehensive tools for workforce planning, analysis, and execution. This was followed by the launch of Workday Financial Management in 2008, which sought to streamline core financial management processes with superior analytics and reporting capabilities.

Major milestones for Workday include:

  • 2009: Introduction of Workday 10, adding improved budgeting, planning, and forecasting features.
  • 2012: Workday went public, listing on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol WDAY, signaling its growth and market acceptance.
  • 2014: Expansion of data analytics capabilities, launching Workday Insight Applications.
  • 2016: Acquisition of Platfora, enhancing business analytics and data visualization tools.
  • 2018: Launch of Workday Cloud Platform, allowing developers to create custom applications within the Workday ecosystem.
  • 2020: Introduction of Workday Help, an employee assistance and HR service delivery product.

Through these innovations and expansions, Workday has not only adhered to its original mission but has also redefined the landscape of enterprise software solutions, continuously driving forward with new technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence to automate and optimize business operations.

Workday’s Product Suite

Workday's core offerings encompass a range of products designed to address the needs of large and medium-sized businesses across various sectors. Here’s a breakdown of their primary products and services:

  • Workday Human Capital Management (HCM): This suite is a global human resources (HR) solution encompassing all aspects of workforce lifecycle management including recruiting, learning management, talent management, compensation, benefits, payroll, and more. It helps organizations manage their global workforce from a single system, providing insights and tools to make strategic HR decisions.
  • Workday Financial Management: Aimed at transforming financial processes and providing real-time operational insights, this application includes functions for financial planning, analysis, and transactions. It supports organizations in achieving a transparent view of their corporate finances and better compliance with accounting standards and regulations.
  • Workday Adaptive Planning: Offers tools for financial planning and analysis, helping businesses to adapt to changing market conditions by connecting sales, finance, and operations to a single version of the truth.
  • Workday Student: A newer addition tailored for the education sector, integrating student recruiting, admissions, curriculum management, records, advising, and financial aid into one system.
  • Workday Professional Services Automation (PSA): Designed for service-based industries, this tool integrates project and resource management with financial accounting and billing to streamline operations, improve profitability, and enhance client service.
  • Workday Prism Analytics: Allows integration of external data into Workday, providing advanced data analytics tools to deliver comprehensive insights and enhance decision-making processes.

Each of these products is built on a modern cloud infrastructure with robust security features, ensuring that Workday not only meets but exceeds the expectations and needs of its users. Through its suite of applications, Workday certification continues to help organizations around the world manage their operations with more precision and efficiency, enabling them to focus more on strategic business initiatives.

Technology and Innovation at Workday

Workday has consistently been at the forefront of enterprise software innovation, leveraging cutting-edge technology to deliver high-quality services that meet the demands of modern businesses. Here’s an in-depth look at how Workday employs technology and innovation across its architecture, security measures, and artificial intelligence applications.

Architecture and Cloud Solutions

Workday utilizes a unique, single-architecture approach to provide its services. This architecture is built on a modern, cloud-based platform designed from the ground up to handle enterprise-scale requirements while maintaining high performance and flexibility. The key elements of Workday's architecture include:

  • Object-Oriented Database: Unlike traditional relational databases, Workday uses an object-oriented database that aligns more closely with the programming models used in its applications. This approach enables more efficient data retrieval and better supports the complex data types often seen in HR and financial data.
  • In-Memory Computing: Workday incorporates in-memory processing to deliver fast analytics, reporting, and real-time insights. This technology allows all data to be stored in RAM instead of traditional disk databases, drastically reducing the response time for queries and calculations.
  • Elastic Infrastructure: To support scalability and reliability, Workday employs a multi-tenant cloud infrastructure that automatically scales resources based on demand. This elasticity ensures that all customers receive the required computing power and storage without experiencing performance degradation.
  • Metadata Framework: Workday’s applications are metadata-driven, meaning they are designed to be easily adaptable to changing business requirements without extensive coding. This framework allows Workday to quickly deploy updates and new features across its customer base without downtime or disruptions.

Security and Compliance

Security and compliance are paramount at Workday, given the sensitive nature of the data handled by its applications. Workday employs a comprehensive, multi-layered security strategy to protect data integrity and privacy:

  • Data Encryption: Workday encrypts data at rest and in transit using industry-standard encryption protocols. This ensures that sensitive data is always protected, regardless of its state.
  • Robust Authentication and Authorization: Workday supports strong authentication mechanisms, including multi-factor authentication (MFA) and role-based access controls (RBAC), to ensure that only authorized users can access the system.
  • Regular Audits and Compliance Checks: Workday undergoes regular third-party audits and maintains compliance with major international standards, including ISO 27001, SOC 1, and SOC 2, as well as industry-specific regulations like GDPR and HIPAA.
  • Advanced Threat Detection: Using machine learning and behavior analysis, Workday’s security systems can detect and respond to potential threats in real-time, further enhancing the security posture.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Workday has integrated AI and machine learning technologies across its suite to enhance the functionality and efficiency of its applications. Some key implementations include:

  • Workday People Analytics: This tool uses machine learning to provide HR insights and predict workforce trends, helping managers make informed decisions about talent management, retention, and hiring.
  • Augmented Analytics: Within Workday Prism Analytics, machine learning algorithms analyze large datasets to uncover patterns and insights, which are then presented in an easy-to-understand format through natural language summaries.
  • Intelligent Automation: Workday leverages AI to automate routine tasks such as expense approvals and payroll processing, reducing the likelihood of human error and freeing up staff to focus on more strategic activities.

By continuously investing in these areas of technology and innovation, Workday not only enhances the capabilities of its own platform but also empowers its customers to stay competitive in a digital-first world, leveraging data-driven insights and automated processes to drive business success.


As businesses continue to evolve in a digital-first world, the need for agile, intuitive, and comprehensive ERP solutions becomes increasingly critical. Workday has carved out a significant niche in this space, particularly noted for its human capital management and financial management systems. Its commitment to user-friendly design, coupled with a robust, single-source data model, allows organizations to achieve greater operational visibility and efficiency.

Workday's influence in the enterprise software market is notably marked by its ability to adapt quickly to the changing technological landscape, integrating innovations like artificial intelligence and machine learning to automate processes and enhance decision-making. Its cloud-native approach ensures that clients always have access to the latest features without the need for disruptive upgrades or extensive downtime. Looking ahead, Workday is well-positioned to continue leading in areas of HCM and financials while expanding its reach into more industry-specific solutions. Its focus on enhancing user experience and embracing cutting-edge technology will likely keep it at the forefront of the ERP market, appealing to a broad range of industries and organizational sizes.

Therefore, Workday online training not only supports current enterprise management needs but also anticipates future demands, fostering environments where businesses can thrive through enhanced insights, improved efficiency, and a more engaged workforce. This forward-thinking approach will undoubtedly continue to influence and shape the landscape of enterprise software.

SAP BRIM Training: A Comprehensive Guide to Success

SAP Billing and Revenue Innovation Management (BRIM) is a powerful suite of applications designed to meet these evolving needs, offering robust capabilities for billing, invoicing, revenue recognition, and subscription management. To harness the full potential of SAP BRIM, specialized training is essential.

This article offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy provides a comprehensive guide to SAP BRIM training, covering its importance, key components, training objectives, benefits, and career prospects.

Understanding SAP BRIM

SAP BRIM is a comprehensive solution that enables organizations to manage complex billing scenarios, subscription-based services, digital commerce, and revenue streams effectively. It integrates seamlessly with SAP S/4HANA and other SAP solutions, providing end-to-end visibility and control over billing processes. Key components of SAP BRIM include:

  • SAP Convergent Charging: Enables flexible and real-time charging for various services, products, and usage-based models.
  • SAP Convergent Invoicing: Automates billing processes, consolidates invoices, and supports multiple billing formats and currencies.
  • SAP Subscription Billing: Facilitates subscription management, pricing models, contract lifecycle management, and recurring billing.
  • SAP Order Management: Streamlines order processing, configuration, and fulfillment for complex product and service offerings.
  • SAP Revenue Accounting and Reporting: Ensures compliance with revenue recognition standards, automates revenue calculations, and provides insightful reporting capabilities.

Importance of SAP BRIM Training

Effective utilization of SAP BRIM certification requires in-depth knowledge of its functionalities, configurations, integration points, and best practices. Training in SAP BRIM equips professionals with the skills and expertise needed to:

  • Design and implement robust billing and revenue management processes.
  • Optimize subscription pricing strategies and revenue models.
  • Configure SAP BRIM modules to align with business requirements.
  • Integrate SAP BRIM with other SAP solutions and third-party systems.
  • Troubleshoot issues, perform system maintenance, and ensure data accuracy.
  • Stay updated with the latest SAP BRIM features, updates, and industry trends.

Training Objectives

The primary objectives of SAP BRIM training are to:

  1. Develop In-Depth Knowledge: Gain a comprehensive understanding of SAP BRIM components, functionalities, and architecture.
  2. Hands-On Experience: Engage in hands-on exercises, simulations, and real-world scenarios to apply theoretical concepts.
  3. Configuration Skills: Learn to configure SAP BRIM modules, pricing rules, billing cycles, payment methods, and tax settings.
  4. Integration Expertise: Understand how SAP BRIM integrates with SAP S/4HANA, CRM, Hybris, and external systems.
  5. Best Practices: Explore industry best practices, compliance requirements, and optimization strategies for SAP BRIM implementation.
  6. Certification Preparation: Prepare for SAP BRIM certification exams to validate skills and enhance career prospects.

Benefits of SAP BRIM Training

Investing in SAP BRIM training offers numerous benefits for individuals and organizations alike:

  1. Enhanced Efficiency: Streamline billing processes, reduce errors, and improve revenue recognition accuracy.
  2. Revenue Optimization: Implement dynamic pricing strategies, promotions, and discounts to maximize revenue.
  3. Customer Satisfaction: Deliver personalized billing experiences, transparent invoices, and flexible payment options to customers.
  4. Operational Excellence: Leverage automation, analytics, and reporting tools for better decision-making and performance monitoring.
  5. Scalability: Support business growth, new product launches, and evolving market demands with scalable billing solutions.
  6. Competitive Advantage: Differentiate your business with agile billing capabilities, innovative pricing models, and faster time-to-market.
  7. Compliance: Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, accounting standards, and revenue recognition guidelines.

Career Prospects

Professionals with expertise in SAP BRIM are in high demand across industries such as telecommunications, utilities, media, technology, and healthcare. Career opportunities in SAP BRIM include:

  1. SAP BRIM Consultant: Design, implement, and optimize SAP BRIM solutions for clients, providing consulting services on billing and revenue management.
  2. Billing Analyst: Analyze billing data, create invoices, resolve billing discrepancies, and support billing operations using SAP BRIM.
  3. Revenue Accountant: Ensure accurate revenue recognition, perform revenue accounting tasks, and generate financial reports with SAP BRIM.
  4. Business Analyst: Gather business requirements, perform gap analysis, recommend SAP BRIM solutions, and support project implementations.
  5. Solution Architect: Design end-to-end billing and revenue management solutions, architect system integrations, and oversee technical implementations.
  6. Project Manager: Lead SAP BRIM implementation projects, manage project timelines, budgets, resources, and stakeholder communications.
  7. Trainer/Instructor: Deliver SAP BRIM training programs, create training materials, conduct workshops, and certify professionals in SAP BRIM.

Advanced Topics in SAP BRIM Training

In addition to the foundational aspects of SAP BRIM online training, advanced topics are also covered in training programs to deepen participants' understanding and expertise. These topics may include:

  1. Advanced Pricing: Explore complex pricing scenarios, tiered pricing structures, volume-based discounts, and promotional offers within SAP BRIM.
  2. Revenue Recognition Rules: Understand revenue recognition principles, revenue allocation methods, deferred revenue handling, and compliance with accounting standards like ASC 606 and IFRS 15.
  3. Subscription Management: Dive into advanced subscription management features such as subscription renewals, upgrades/downgrades, metered usage billing, and contract renegotiations.
  4. Custom Development: Learn about customizing SAP BRIM functionalities, developing custom reports, extensions, user exits, and integrating third-party applications.
  5. Billing Cycles and Processes: Optimize billing cycles, automate billing processes, configure billing triggers, generate consolidated invoices, and handle billing disputes.
  6. Analytics and Insights: Utilize SAP BRIM analytics tools to gain insights into customer billing behavior, revenue trends, profitability analysis, and forecasting.

Certification and Continuing Education

After completing SAP BRIM training, professionals have the opportunity to pursue SAP certification exams to validate their skills and credentials. SAP offers certification paths such as:

  • SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP Billing and Revenue Innovation Management
  • SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Cloud for Customer
  • SAP Certified Technology Associate - SAP S/4HANA Cloud

Continuing education and ongoing learning are also encouraged to stay updated with the latest SAP BRIM features, industry trends, and regulatory changes. SAP Learning Hub, online forums, webinars, and conferences are valuable resources for continuous professional development.

Conclusion: Investing in Success with SAP BRIM Training

SAP BRIM training is an indispensable investment for professionals and organizations aiming to optimize billing processes, drive revenue growth, and achieve competitive advantages. By gaining expertise in SAP BRIM corporate training, individuals can unlock new career opportunities, contribute to business success, and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving digital economy. Whether pursuing certification, exploring advanced topics, or leveraging various training formats, SAP BRIM training by Multisoft Virtual Academy equips you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to excel in billing and revenue innovation management.

Choosing Your Platform: Dayforce vs Salesforce – Which Is Right for You?

Organizations are constantly seeking innovative solutions to streamline their operations and maximize efficiency in today's fast-paced business environment. One such solution that has gained prominence is Dayforce, a comprehensive cloud-based platform that integrates human capital management (HCM), payroll, workforce management, and talent management into a single system.

To leverage the full potential of Dayforce, organizations invest in specialized training programs to equip their teams with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate and optimize this powerful tool.

Understanding Dayforce

Dayforce, developed by Ceridian, is a unified HCM platform designed to simplify complex workforce management processes. It offers a range of features and modules that cover every aspect of HR and workforce management, including:

  1. Payroll Management: Dayforce automates payroll processes, calculates taxes, deductions, and benefits, and ensures compliance with regulatory requirements.
  2. Time and Attendance: The platform tracks employee attendance, manages schedules, handles time-off requests, and provides real-time insights into workforce productivity.
  3. HR Management: From onboarding to performance management and employee development, Dayforce streamlines HR processes and enhances employee engagement.
  4. Benefits Administration: Dayforce enables efficient management of employee benefits, including enrollment, eligibility, and administration.
  5. Talent Management: The platform includes features for recruiting, learning and development, succession planning, and performance tracking, fostering a culture of continuous growth and development.

The Importance

Implementing Dayforce training within an organization requires more than just software installation. It demands a deep understanding of its functionalities, configurations, and best practices to drive optimal results. Dayforce training plays a pivotal role in this journey by providing employees with the necessary knowledge and skills to:

  1. Maximize Efficiency: Training equips users with the ability to navigate Dayforce seamlessly, perform tasks efficiently, and leverage automation to reduce manual effort.
  2. Ensure Compliance: Understanding Dayforce's compliance features helps organizations adhere to labor laws, tax regulations, and industry standards, minimizing compliance risks.
  3. Improve Decision-Making: Training empowers managers and decision-makers with data-driven insights from Dayforce analytics, enabling informed decision-making and strategic workforce planning.
  4. Enhance User Adoption: Well-trained users are more likely to embrace Dayforce enthusiastically, leading to higher user adoption rates and overall system success.
  5. Drive Continuous Improvement: Ongoing training keeps users updated with new features, enhancements, and best practices, driving continuous improvement and innovation within the organization.


Dayforce training programs are designed to cater to different user roles and proficiency levels, ensuring that each individual gains the necessary expertise to fulfill their responsibilities effectively. Some key components of Dayforce training include:

  1. Basic Navigation: Training begins with familiarizing users with Dayforce's interface, navigation menus, and basic functionalities such as logging in, accessing dashboards, and searching for information.
  2. Module-Specific Training: Users receive in-depth training on specific Dayforce modules relevant to their roles, such as payroll processing, time and attendance management, benefits administration, or talent management.
  3. Configuration and Customization: For administrators and power users, training covers Dayforce's configuration options, customization capabilities, and best practices for tailoring the system to meet the organization's unique requirements.
  4. Reporting and Analytics: Training delves into Dayforce's reporting tools, dashboards, and analytics features, teaching users how to generate custom reports, analyze data trends, and extract actionable insights.
  5. Compliance and Security: A critical aspect of training is educating users on Dayforce's compliance features, data security protocols, and privacy measures to ensure data integrity and regulatory compliance.


Investing in Dayforce online training offers numerous benefits to organizations, including:

  1. Increased Productivity: Well-trained users can navigate Dayforce efficiently, complete tasks faster, and focus on strategic activities, leading to increased productivity across the organization.
  2. Cost Savings: Training reduces errors, streamlines processes, and minimizes the need for manual interventions, resulting in cost savings through improved operational efficiency.
  3. Enhanced Compliance: Proper training ensures that users understand and adhere to compliance requirements, reducing the risk of penalties or legal issues related to payroll, taxation, and data privacy.
  4. Improved Decision-Making: Training provides users with access to accurate, real-time data and analytics, enabling informed decision-making and better strategic planning.
  5. Employee Satisfaction: Employees who are proficient in using Dayforce experience fewer frustrations, leading to higher job satisfaction and engagement levels.

Best Practices

To ensure successful implementation and utilization of Dayforce, organizations should follow these best practices for training:

  1. Tailored Training Plans: Develop customized training plans based on user roles, responsibilities, and proficiency levels to deliver targeted and relevant learning experiences.
  2. Hands-On Learning: Incorporate hands-on exercises, simulations, and practical scenarios in training sessions to enhance understanding and retention of Dayforce concepts.
  3. Continuous Learning: Offer ongoing training and refresher courses to keep users updated with new features, industry trends, and best practices for maximizing Dayforce's capabilities.
  4. Feedback and Evaluation: Gather feedback from trainees to assess the effectiveness of training programs, identify areas for improvement, and continuously refine training content and delivery methods.

Therefore, Dayforce certification is a strategic investment that empowers organizations to harness the full potential of modern kronos workforce training management solutions. By equipping employees with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to leverage Dayforce effectively, organizations can drive operational excellence, enhance employee satisfaction, and achieve sustainable growth in today's dynamic business landscape.


Dayforce VS Salesforce

Dayforce and Salesforce are both powerful cloud-based platforms, but they serve different purposes and cater to distinct business needs.


  1. Focus: Dayforce, developed by Ceridian, is primarily an integrated human capital management (HCM) platform that includes modules for payroll, HR management, time and attendance, benefits administration, and talent management.
  2. Target Audience: Dayforce is designed for organizations looking to streamline their HR and workforce management processes, improve employee engagement, and ensure compliance with labor laws and regulations.
  3. Key Features: Some key features of Dayforce include automated payroll processing, time tracking, employee self-service capabilities, performance management, recruitment, and analytics for workforce insights.
  4. Benefits: Dayforce offers benefits such as increased efficiency, reduced administrative burden, improved compliance, enhanced employee experience, and data-driven decision-making.


  1. Focus: Salesforce is a comprehensive customer relationship management (CRM) platform that focuses on sales, marketing, customer service, and business analytics.
  2. Target Audience: Salesforce is ideal for businesses looking to manage customer relationships, track sales pipelines, automate marketing campaigns, provide excellent customer service, and gain actionable insights from data.
  3. Key Features: Salesforce offers features like lead management, opportunity tracking, marketing automation, customer support tools, collaboration tools, customizable dashboards, and AI-driven analytics.
  4. Benefits: Salesforce provides benefits such as improved sales efficiency, enhanced marketing effectiveness, streamlined customer support, increased customer satisfaction, and data-driven decision-making.

Key Differences:

  1. Functionality: Dayforce is focused on HR and workforce management, while Salesforce is focused on CRM, sales, marketing, and customer service.
  2. Modules: Dayforce includes modules for payroll, HR, time and attendance, benefits, and talent management, whereas Salesforce includes modules for sales, marketing, customer service, and analytics.
  3. Target Audience: Dayforce targets HR professionals and organizations looking to manage their workforce effectively, while Salesforce targets sales, marketing, and customer service teams aiming to improve customer relationships and drive revenue growth.
  4. Integration: Both platforms offer integration capabilities with other systems and applications, allowing organizations to create seamless workflows and gain a holistic view of their operations.

Hence, Dayforce training and Salesforce FSC training by Multisoft Virtual Academy are both leading cloud-based platforms, but they serve different business functions and address different aspects of organizational operations. Choosing between them depends on the specific needs and priorities of your business, whether it's optimizing HR processes and workforce management (Dayforce) or enhancing customer relationships and driving sales growth (Salesforce).

Safeguarding Your Digital Fortress: A Guide to CyberArk Training

CyberArk is a leading provider of Privileged Access Management (PAM) solutions, offering a comprehensive suite of tools to secure, manage, and monitor privileged accounts. To leverage this powerful platform effectively, CyberArk training is crucial. In today's digital landscape, privileged accounts – those holding elevated access to critical systems and data – pose a significant security risk. A single compromised account can wreak havoc, granting unauthorized access and causing devastating breaches. This is where CyberArk steps in.

This article offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy equips you with the knowledge to navigate the world of CyberArk training, empowering you and your team to fortify your organization's cybersecurity posture.

Why Invest in CyberArk Training?

Here's why CyberArk training is an essential investment for any organization:

  • Enhanced Security: CyberArk training equips users with the expertise to manage privileged accounts securely. They learn best practices for password management, access control, and session monitoring, significantly reducing the risk of breaches.
  • Streamlined Workflows: Automating privileged account management tasks frees up IT resources and reduces manual errors. Training empowers users to leverage CyberArk's functionalities for efficient access provisioning and deprovisioning.
  • Compliance Adherence: CyberArk helps organizations comply with various industry regulations and data privacy laws. Training ensures users understand how to implement the platform's features to meet compliance requirements.
  • Reduced Costs: Breaches can be incredibly expensive. CyberArk training helps prevent such incidents, leading to significant cost savings in the long run.
  • Improved User Experience: CyberArk simplifies privileged account management for authorized users. Training ensures a smooth user experience, minimizing disruptions and boosting productivity.

The Critical Role of CyberArk

In the digital age, privileged accounts – those with unrestricted access to sensitive systems and data – present a major security vulnerability. A single compromised account can wreak havoc, granting malicious actors a backdoor into your organization's crown jewels. This is where CyberArk certification steps in, playing a critical role in safeguarding your digital fortress.

Understanding the Threat

Imagine a master key unlocking every door in your organization. That's essentially the power a privileged account wields. Hackers understand this allure and target these accounts relentlessly. Once compromised, they can steal sensitive data, disrupt operations, or even launch further attacks within your network.

Traditional security measures like complex passwords and basic access controls often prove insufficient. Manual processes for managing privileged accounts are prone to errors and inconsistencies. This creates security gaps that attackers can exploit.

Enter CyberArk: A Comprehensive PAM Solution

CyberArk addresses these challenges head-on by offering a Privileged Access Management (PAM) solution. It acts as a secure vault, centralizing and safeguarding privileged credentials. Here's how CyberArk makes a difference:

  • Reduced Attack Surface: By eliminating the need for privileged accounts to reside on endpoints or be readily accessible, CyberArk minimizes the attack surface for hackers.
  • Enhanced Security Controls: CyberArk enforces robust security protocols like least privilege access, multi-factor authentication, and session monitoring. This significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access and malicious activity.
  • Automated Workflows: Automating tasks like password rotation and access provisioning frees up IT resources and reduces human error. This streamlines workflows and improves overall security posture.
  • Improved Visibility and Control: CyberArk provides a centralized view of all privileged accounts and their activity. This allows for better detection of suspicious behavior and faster response times to potential threats.

The Importance of CyberArk in Today's Context

Cyberattacks are growing in sophistication and frequency. Ransomware attacks, data breaches, and targeted intrusions are a constant threat. CyberArk plays a vital role in this ever-evolving landscape by:

  • Meeting Compliance Requirements: With stricter data privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA, organizations need robust security measures. CyberArk helps organizations comply with these regulations by ensuring secure privileged access management.
  • Securing Cloud Environments: As organizations increasingly migrate to the cloud, securing privileged access in these environments becomes crucial. CyberArk offers solutions for securing privileged access in cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and GCP.
  • Empowering a Zero Trust Approach: The Zero Trust security model emphasizes "never trust, always verify." CyberArk aligns with this approach by strictly controlling access and continuously monitoring privileged account activity.

CyberArk is not just a security tool; it's a critical layer of defense in today's threat landscape. By securing privileged accounts, CyberArk helps organizations mitigate a major security risk, safeguard sensitive data, and build a more resilient security posture.

Here's a breakdown to help you choose

  • Beginners: Start with on-demand training modules or introductory courses offered by CyberArk University. Consider attending a free webinar to gain a basic understanding of the platform.
  • Intermediate Users: Explore instructor-led courses or blended learning programs that offer a mix of theoretical and practical training on core CyberArk functionalities.
  • Advanced Users and Professionals Seeking Certification: Opt for advanced CyberArk University courses or specialized programs aligned with the specific certification you're targeting (e.g., Certified CyberArk Privileged Access Security Specialist – CAPSS).

Beyond the Basics: Advanced CyberArk Training

Once you've mastered the fundamentals, consider exploring advanced training options to further enhance your CyberArk expertise:

  • CyberArk Integration Training: Learn how to integrate CyberArk with your existing security infrastructure, including firewalls, SIEM systems, and identity and access management (IAM) solutions.
  • CyberArk Cloud Security Training: Deep dive into securing privileged access in cloud environments with modules focused on AWS, Azure, and GCP integration with CyberArk.
  • CyberArk DevOps Security Training: Explore best practices for integrating CyberArk with DevOps workflows, ensuring secure access management throughout the development lifecycle.

Key Benefits of CyberArk

CyberArk has established itself as a leader in Privileged Access Management (PAM), offering a comprehensive suite of tools to secure, manage, and monitor privileged accounts. These accounts, possessing elevated access to critical systems and data, pose a significant security risk if compromised.

Let's delve into the key benefits CyberArk offers to organizations seeking to bolster their cybersecurity posture:

  • Enhanced Security: CyberArk acts as a central vault for privileged credentials, shielding them from unauthorized access. Features like password rotation, multi-factor authentication, and session monitoring significantly reduce the risk of breaches stemming from compromised privileged accounts.
  • Streamlined Workflows: Automating mundane tasks like password resets and access provisioning frees up IT personnel to focus on more strategic initiatives. CyberArk streamlines workflows, improving overall efficiency and productivity within the IT security team.
  • Compliance Adherence: CyberArk helps organizations comply with various industry regulations and data privacy laws like HIPAA, PCI DSS, and GDPR. The platform offers comprehensive audit trails and reporting capabilities, allowing organizations to demonstrate adherence to compliance requirements.
  • Reduced Costs: CyberArk helps prevent costly data breaches by securing privileged accounts. Additionally, automation reduces manual work, leading to lower IT security management costs.
  • Improved User Experience: CyberArk simplifies privileged access management for authorized users by providing a secure and centralized platform for requesting and utilizing privileged accounts. This reduces disruptions and frustration for legitimate users.
  • Enhanced Visibility and Control: CyberArk provides a centralized view of all privileged accounts and their activity. This allows for better control over access privileges and enables organizations to identify and address any suspicious activity promptly.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: CyberArk can adapt to the evolving needs of your organization. The platform scales to accommodate a growing number of privileged accounts and integrates seamlessly with existing security infrastructure.

By implementing CyberArk course, organizations gain a powerful tool to fortify their defenses against cyberattacks. The benefits extend beyond just security, encompassing improved efficiency, cost savings, and simplified compliance management. Investing in CyberArk can be a game-changer for any organization seeking to safeguard its critical assets and build a robust cybersecurity posture.


Investing in CyberArk training equips your team with the skills and knowledge to effectively secure privileged accounts, the cornerstone of a robust cybersecurity posture. By choosing the right training path and continually expanding your knowledge base, you can significantly reduce security risks, ensure compliance, and streamline privileged access management within your organization. Remember, cybersecurity is an ongoing battle. Staying updated on the latest threats and functionalities through continuous learning is crucial. A well-trained team equipped with CyberArk expertise can be your organization's shield against cyberattacks, safeguarding your digital assets and ensuring a secure future.

Consider Multisoft Virtual Academy’s CyberArk training as an investment in your organization's resilience. By empowering your team with the knowledge to manage privileged accounts effectively, you can achieve peace of mind knowing your critical systems and data are well-protected. With the right training, CyberArk can become a powerful weapon in your cybersecurity arsenal, helping you navigate the ever-evolving threat landscape and build a fortress against cyber threats.

Introduction to Dayforce

Dayforce is a comprehensive human capital management (HCM) platform that integrates all aspects of HR, payroll, benefits, talent, and workforce management into a single application. Developed by Ceridian, Dayforce is designed to streamline HR processes, enhance employee engagement, and ensure regulatory compliance. As businesses evolve and the workforce becomes increasingly dynamic, the need for efficient and effective HR solutions has never been greater. This is where Dayforce shines, offering robust functionalities that cater to the complex needs of modern organizations.

Dayforce training is essential for organizations looking to fully leverage the capabilities of the platform. Proper training ensures that HR professionals, managers, and employees can navigate the system efficiently, utilize its features to their fullest potential, and ultimately contribute to the organization's success. The goal of Dayforce training is not only to impart knowledge about the software but also to enhance the overall productivity and effectiveness of the HR department.

Understanding Dayforce Features

Dayforce offers a wide range of features that cover the entire spectrum of human capital management. Each module within Dayforce is designed to address specific HR needs, making it a versatile solution for organizations of all sizes. Here’s a closer look at the key features of Dayforce:

1. Core HR

Core HR is the backbone of Dayforce, providing essential functionalities for managing employee data, organizational structures, and HR processes. It includes tools for onboarding, offboarding, employee records management, and compliance tracking. With Core HR, organizations can maintain accurate and up-to-date employee information, streamline HR workflows, and ensure compliance with labor laws and regulations.

2. Payroll

Dayforce’s payroll module is renowned for its accuracy and efficiency. It automates complex payroll calculations, tax withholdings, and deductions, ensuring employees are paid correctly and on time. The system supports multi-jurisdictional payroll, making it ideal for organizations with a diverse workforce. Additionally, the payroll module integrates seamlessly with other Dayforce features, such as time and attendance, to provide a holistic payroll solution.

3. Workforce Management

Workforce management in Dayforce encompasses time and attendance, scheduling, and labor forecasting. The system provides real-time visibility into workforce data, enabling managers to make informed decisions about scheduling and labor allocation. With features like shift swapping, mobile clocking, and compliance monitoring, Dayforce helps organizations optimize their workforce, reduce labor costs, and improve employee satisfaction.

4. Talent Management

The talent management module in Dayforce covers recruitment, performance management, succession planning, and learning and development. It provides tools for attracting and hiring top talent, setting performance goals, conducting appraisals, and identifying high-potential employees for future leadership roles. By aligning talent management with organizational goals, Dayforce helps businesses build a skilled and motivated workforce.


Dayforce simplifies benefits administration by automating enrollment, managing eligibility, and tracking changes. The system supports a wide range of benefit plans, including health, dental, vision, retirement, and more. Employees can easily view and manage their benefits through the self-service portal, while HR professionals can efficiently handle open enrollment, life events, and compliance reporting.

  • Analytics: Dayforce analytics provides actionable insights into HR metrics and workforce trends. The system offers customizable dashboards, reports, and data visualization tools to help organizations monitor key performance indicators, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions. With advanced analytics capabilities, Dayforce enables HR teams to transform data into strategic value.
  • Dayforce Training Programs: To ensure that users can fully utilize Dayforce, Ceridian offers a variety of training programs tailored to different learning preferences and organizational needs. These programs include instructor-led training, online self-paced training, hybrid models, and certification programs.
  • Instructor-Led Training: Instructor-led training (ILT) provides a structured learning environment where participants can interact with experienced trainers and fellow learners. ILT sessions can be conducted in-person or virtually, offering flexibility for organizations with distributed teams. This type of training is ideal for users who prefer real-time guidance, hands-on practice, and immediate feedback.
  • Hybrid Training Models: Hybrid training models combine the benefits of instructor-led and self-paced training. Participants can attend live sessions for interactive learning and access online resources for additional practice and reinforcement. This approach provides flexibility while ensuring comprehensive coverage of the training material.
  • Certification Programs: Dayforce certification programs validate users’ proficiency in using the platform. These programs typically involve completing a series of courses and passing an exam. Certification demonstrates a user’s expertise and can enhance their professional credibility and career prospects.

Training Modules and Curriculum

Dayforce training programs are structured into modules, each focusing on a specific aspect of the platform. Here is an overview of the key training modules:

1. Basic Dayforce Navigation

This module covers the fundamentals of navigating the Dayforce interface, including logging in, accessing different modules, and using the self-service portal. It also introduces users to the main features and functionalities of Dayforce.

2. Employee Management

The employee management module teaches users how to manage employee records, including adding new hires, updating personal information, and processing terminations. It also covers organizational structure management, such as creating departments, assigning roles, and maintaining reporting relationships.

3. Time and Attendance

This module focuses on managing employee time and attendance, including clocking in and out, tracking hours worked, and approving timesheets. It also covers advanced features like shift scheduling, leave management, and compliance monitoring.

4. Payroll Processing

The payroll processing module covers the entire payroll cycle, from calculating wages and taxes to generating paychecks and filing tax reports. It includes instructions on handling special payroll situations, such as bonuses, deductions, and garnishments.

5. Benefits Administration

This module teaches users how to manage employee benefits, including enrollment, eligibility tracking, and life event changes. It also covers compliance reporting and benefits reconciliation.

6. Talent Management

The talent management module covers recruitment, performance management, and succession planning. Users learn how to create job postings, track applicants, conduct performance reviews, and develop succession plans.

7. Analytics and Reporting

This module focuses on generating and customizing reports, creating dashboards, and using analytics tools to gain insights into HR metrics and workforce trends. It also covers data export and integration with other systems.

Developing a Dayforce Training Plan

Creating an effective Dayforce training plan involves several key steps:

  • Assessing Organizational Needs: Before developing a training plan, it’s essential to assess the organization’s specific needs and objectives. This includes identifying the key features of Dayforce that will be used, the roles and responsibilities of the users, and any existing gaps in knowledge or skills.
  • Defining Training Objectives: Based on the assessment, clear training objectives should be defined. These objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). For example, an objective might be to ensure that all HR staff can process payroll accurately within two weeks of training.
  • Creating a Training Schedule: A detailed training schedule should be developed, outlining the timing and duration of each training session. The schedule should take into account the availability of participants, the complexity of the material, and the need for practice and reinforcement.
  • Selecting Appropriate Training Methods: Choosing the right training methods is crucial for the success of the training program. This might include a combination of instructor-led sessions, online courses, hands-on practice, and assessments. The chosen methods should align with the learning preferences and needs of the participants.

Best Practices for Dayforce Training

To maximize the effectiveness of Dayforce certification, the following best practices should be considered:

1. Engaging Training Methods

Using engaging training methods, such as interactive simulations, real-world scenarios, and group discussions, can enhance learning and retention. Participants are more likely to understand and remember the material when they are actively involved in the learning process.

2. Utilizing Real-World Scenarios

Incorporating real-world scenarios into the training can help participants understand how to apply what they have learned in their daily work. This practical approach makes the training more relevant and meaningful.

3. Continuous Learning and Development

Training should not be a one-time event but an ongoing process. Providing opportunities for continuous learning and development, such as refresher courses, advanced training sessions, and access to online resources, helps users stay up-to-date with new features and best practices.

4. Feedback and Assessment

Regular feedback and assessment are essential for measuring the effectiveness of the training and identifying areas for improvement. Participants should be encouraged to provide feedback on the training program, and their progress should be assessed through quizzes, tests, and practical exercises.

Challenges in Dayforce Training

While Dayforce training offers numerous benefits, organizations may face several challenges:

  • Common Challenges Faced by Organizations: Common challenges include resistance to change, lack of time for training, and varying levels of technical proficiency among users. These challenges can hinder the adoption and effective use of Dayforce.
  • Strategies to Overcome Training Obstacles: To overcome these challenges, organizations should focus on change management, providing adequate support and resources, and tailoring the training to meet the needs of different user groups. Effective communication and involving key stakeholders in the training process can also help address resistance and ensure a smoother transition.

Case Studies and Success Stories

Real-life case studies and success stories highlight the impact of effective Dayforce online training:

  • Real-Life Examples of Successful Dayforce Implementation: Several organizations have successfully implemented Dayforce, resulting in improved HR processes, increased efficiency, and enhanced employee satisfaction. For example, a multinational company might have streamlined its payroll processing across multiple countries, reducing errors and ensuring timely payments.
  • Lessons Learned from Various Organizations: These success stories often provide valuable lessons for other organizations. Key takeaways might include the importance of thorough training, the benefits of continuous learning, and the impact of effective change management.

Future Trends in Dayforce Training

The field of Dayforce training is continuously evolving, with several emerging trends:

1. Innovations in Training Methodologies

Innovations in training methodologies, such as gamification, virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR), are enhancing the learning experience. These technologies provide immersive and interactive training environments, making learning more engaging and effective.

2. The Role of AI and Machine Learning in Training

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are playing an increasingly important role in training. AI-powered training platforms can personalize learning paths, provide real-time feedback, and predict training needs based on user performance and behavior.

3. The Future of HR Tech and Dayforce

As HR technology continues to evolve, Dayforce is likely to incorporate more advanced features and capabilities. Staying ahead of these trends and continuously updating training programs will be essential for organizations to maximize the benefits of Dayforce.


Dayforce training offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy is crucial for organizations looking to fully leverage the capabilities of the platform. By providing comprehensive training programs, utilizing best practices, and addressing challenges, organizations can ensure that their HR teams and employees are well-equipped to use Dayforce effectively. Continuous learning and staying updated with the latest trends and innovations will further enhance the value of Dayforce, contributing to the overall success of the organization.

Navigating the Complexities of ANSYS Software: A Detailed Review

ANSYS, a global leader in engineering simulation software, helps professionals and students alike to innovate and improve product designs. This article provided by Multisoft Virtual Academy delves into the world of ANSYS training, exploring its importance, the types of courses available, and the benefits it brings to various industries.

Understanding ANSYS Software

ANSYS software is a comprehensive tool used for finite element analysis (FEA), computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and other numerical analysis and design tasks. It enables engineers and designers to simulate the physical interactions that products will undergo in the real world, thereby predicting their performance and potential failures. From aerospace and automotive to electronics and energy, ANSYS provides solutions across a wide spectrum of industries.

ANSYS software is a powerful tool widely used in engineering for simulations that predict how product designs will behave in real-world environments. While it offers numerous advantages, like any tool, it has its limitations. Here’s a breakdown of the pros and cons of using ANSYS software:

Pros of ANSYS Software

  • Comprehensive Simulation Capabilities: ANSYS offers extensive simulation options across multiple physics, including structural, thermal, fluid dynamics, and electromagnetics, allowing for integrated multi-physics analysis which is crucial for complex engineering projects.
  • High Accuracy and Reliability: ANSYS is known for its high-fidelity simulations, providing accurate and reliable results that help engineers make informed decisions during the design process. This accuracy is critical in industries like aerospace, automotive, and civil engineering, where safety and performance are paramount.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Despite its complexity, ANSYS strives to maintain a user-friendly interface that simplifies the setup of simulation models. It features pre-defined systems templates and automated workflows that can help reduce the learning curve for new users.
  • Advanced Optimization Tools: ANSYS includes sophisticated optimization tools that can automatically adjust designs to improve performance, reduce materials usage, or meet other specified criteria, enhancing both product effectiveness and efficiency in development.
  • Scalability: The software can scale from a simple model on a single processor to complex simulations that require high-performance computing clusters. This scalability makes it suitable for both small-scale projects and large, intricate analyses.
  • Strong Support and Community: ANSYS has a robust support system and a vast community of users worldwide. The availability of numerous forums, documentation, training resources, and user meetings makes it easier for users to learn and solve problems effectively.

Cons of ANSYS Software

  • Cost: One of the major downsides of ANSYS is its cost. The software can be quite expensive, which might not be justifiable for small companies or individual users. The high cost also extends to training and advanced support services.
  • Complexity: Although it has a user-friendly interface, the overall complexity of the software can be daunting, especially for beginners. Mastering ANSYS requires significant time and effort, and users must have a strong understanding of the physical principles behind the simulations they are running.
  • Hardware Requirements: To run simulations efficiently, especially those that are resource-intensive, ANSYS requires high-performance computing resources. This might necessitate substantial hardware investments, which can be a barrier for smaller organizations or educational institutions.
  • Frequent Updates: While regular updates are generally a positive aspect as they improve functionality and fix issues, they can also pose challenges. Users need to stay updated with the latest versions, which might involve additional training and adjustments in existing workflows.
  • Overhead in Large-scale Models: Setting up large-scale simulation models can be time-consuming and complex. Preparing geometries, creating meshes, setting boundary conditions, and post-processing large datasets can lead to significant overheads.
  • Specialized Knowledge Requirement: Effective use of ANSYS often requires not only familiarity with the software itself but also specialized knowledge in specific engineering domains. This can limit the software’s utility to users who do not possess such specialized knowledge.

Why Invest in ANSYS Training?

Investing in ANSYS training is a strategic decision that offers several compelling benefits, particularly for engineers and designers looking to elevate their proficiency in simulation software. Here’s why such an investment is worthwhile:

  • Enhanced Product Design: ANSYS training enables users to perform sophisticated simulations that mirror real-world conditions. Understanding how to leverage the software’s capabilities helps in designing more efficient and innovative products, reducing the likelihood of costly redesigns.
  • Career Development: Proficiency in ANSYS is highly valued across numerous engineering fields. Completing formal training can significantly enhance an individual's credentials and career prospects, opening doors to advanced technical roles and leadership positions.
  • Operational Efficiency: Training helps users maximize the utility of ANSYS features, streamlining the design and analysis processes. This efficiency translates to faster project turnarounds and lower operational costs by minimizing the reliance on physical prototypes.
  • Competitive Edge: In industries where engineering innovation is critical, the knowledge gained from ANSYS training can provide a competitive edge, enabling companies to stay ahead of technology curves and deliver superior engineering solutions.

Therefore, ANSYS certification is an investment in future capabilities, both for individuals and organizations, ensuring readiness to meet the challenges of modern engineering demands.

Types of ANSYS Training Courses

ANSYS training can be divided into several categories, each tailored to different needs and expertise levels:

  • Basic to Advanced Courses: These range from introductory lessons on general navigation through the software and basic analysis to advanced techniques in specific types of simulations like thermal, dynamic, or fluid analyses.
  • Industry-Specific Training: Some courses are designed to meet the needs of specific industries. For instance, the automotive sector might require detailed courses on crash simulation, while the electronics industry may focus on thermal management.
  • Certification Programs: ANSYS offers certification programs that validate the skills and knowledge of professionals, giving them a competitive edge in the job market.
  • Customized Workshops: Many training providers and ANSYS itself offer bespoke workshops that can be tailored to the specific needs of a company or a project.

Integrating ANSYS Training into Academia and Industry

In academia, ANSYS training is increasingly being integrated into engineering curricula to prepare students for real-world engineering challenges. Universities often partner with ANSYS to provide students with access to state-of-the-art tools and training resources.

In the industry, companies invest in ANSYS training for their employees to stay competitive and innovative. This training ensures that engineering teams can leverage the latest simulation technologies to accelerate product development cycles and enhance the quality of their designs.

What is Finite Element Modeling?

Finite Element Modeling (FEM) in Ansys Fluent CFD Training refers to the application of the finite element method (FEM) within the ANSYS software environment to simulate and analyze a wide range of physical problems across various industries. ANSYS is a powerful tool that utilizes FEM to provide solutions for structural, thermal, fluid dynamics, electromagnetic, acoustics, and multiphysics problems. The capability of ANSYS to apply FEM effectively makes it a preferred choice for engineers and researchers seeking to design, optimize, and validate their products or research findings under real-world conditions.

Key Features of FEM in ANSYS

  • Meshing: ANSYS provides sophisticated meshing tools that can automatically generate meshes that conform to complex geometries. Users can adjust mesh density and refine it near areas of interest to improve accuracy where it is most needed.
  • Material Models: A wide range of material models is available in ANSYS, allowing users to simulate behavior under various conditions, including plastics, metals, rubbers, and bio-materials under mechanical, thermal, and multiphysical environments.
  • Element Types: ANSYS supports an extensive library of element types that can be used for various types of analyses, including beam elements for structural frames, shell elements for thin structures, and solid elements for volumetric objects.
  • Solver Options: ANSYS features robust solver technologies that can handle linear, nonlinear, static, and dynamic analyses. This versatility ensures that ANSYS can be adapted to solve virtually any engineering problem.
  • Post-Processing: The software provides powerful tools for post-processing analysis results, allowing for detailed visualization of everything from deformation patterns and stress distributions to fluid flow patterns and electromagnetic fields.

Applications of FEM in ANSYS

  • Automotive and Aerospace Industries: Used for crash simulations, fatigue analysis, thermal management, and aerodynamics.
  • Civil Engineering: Helps in the analysis and design of infrastructure such as bridges, buildings, and dams, ensuring they meet safety standards.
  • Electronics: Used for thermal management and structural integrity of components like semiconductors and PCBs.


ANSYS training by Multisoft Virtual Academy is a valuable investment for anyone involved in product design and analysis. Whether you’re a student looking to enhance your skills or a professional aiming to stay at the forefront of technology, ANSYS offers tools and training to meet your needs. By investing in ANSYS online training, you are not just learning a software; you are setting the stage for innovation and success in any engineering endeavor. However, the decision to use ANSYS should consider both the specific needs of the project and the resources available, as the software's complexity and cost may not be suitable for every potential user or organization.

Unlocking Efficiency: The Top Benefits of Workday SCM

Workday, renowned for its cloud-based enterprise solutions for finance and human resources, extends its expertise into the realm of Supply Chain Management (SCM). Workday SCM offers a comprehensive suite designed to streamline and optimize supply chain processes.

This blog provided by Multisoft Virtual Academy explores the value of Workday SCM training, its benefits, core components, and what participants can anticipate from this transformative learning experience.

Understanding Workday SCM

Workday SCM is a powerful cloud-based suite of applications tailored to manage every facet of an organization’s supply chain operations. Seamlessly integrated with Workday’s human capital and financial management systems, it offers a unified platform for managing procurement, inventory, supplier relationships, and more. This integration facilitates real-time visibility, enhances decision-making, and boosts operational efficiency across the supply chain.

The Importance of Workday SCM Training

  • Boost Your Career Prospects: Proficiency in Workday SCM is increasingly in demand as more organizations adopt this technology. Certification in Workday SCM can significantly enhance your resume, showcasing your expertise in modern supply chain management and distinguishing you in a competitive job market.
  • Enhance Operational Efficiency: Workday SCM training empowers professionals to optimize supply chain operations, leading to better inventory management, streamlined procurement processes, and stronger supplier relationships. This, in turn, reduces costs and improves service delivery.
  • Make Informed Strategic Decisions: The real-time data and analytics capabilities of Workday SCM enable professionals to make strategic, data-driven decisions. By mastering these tools, you can anticipate market trends, manage risks, and respond proactively to supply chain challenges.
  • Achieve Scalability and Flexibility: As businesses grow, their supply chain needs become more complex. Workday SCM training equips you with the knowledge to scale operations effectively, ensuring your supply chain processes can adapt to evolving business requirements.

Key Components of Workday SCM Training

Workday SCM training encompasses various modules essential for effective supply chain management. Key areas of focus include:

  • Procurement Management: Learn to manage procurement processes from requisition to payment, leveraging Workday’s tools to ensure cost-effective purchasing and compliance with procurement policies.
  • Inventory Management: Understand how to manage inventory levels to reduce excess stock and prevent stockouts. Learn to use Workday’s inventory management features to maintain optimal stock levels and improve order fulfillment.
  • Supplier Management: Gain insights into building and maintaining strong supplier relationships using Workday’s supplier management tools to evaluate performance, manage contracts, and ensure timely delivery of goods and services.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Explore Workday’s powerful analytics and reporting capabilities to generate and interpret reports that provide insights into supply chain performance, aiding in data-driven decision-making.

Achieving Workday hcm certification involves a mix of theoretical learning and practical assessments. Candidates must demonstrate their understanding of Workday SCM functionalities through exams and practical exercises. This globally recognized certification adds significant value to your professional profile, signaling your expertise to employers and peers.

What to Expect During Training

  • Interactive Learning: Expect a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application through interactive sessions that include case studies, real-world scenarios, and hands-on exercises.
  • Expert Instructors: Training is typically conducted by industry experts with extensive experience in Workday SCM. Their insights and practical tips can greatly enhance your learning experience.
  • Comprehensive Resources: Training programs provide a wealth of resources, including manuals, video tutorials, and access to practice environments, which are invaluable for deepening your understanding and preparing for certification exams.
  • Networking Opportunities: Training sessions often bring together professionals from various industries, offering excellent opportunities to network, share experiences, and build professional relationships.

Workday SCM training equips you with skills directly applicable in the workplace. Whether you're involved in procurement, inventory management, supplier relations, or logistics, the training provides you with tools and techniques to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. For instance, you'll learn how to forecast demand accurately, manage inventory levels to prevent stockouts or overstocking, and streamline procurement processes to reduce costs and improve supplier performance.

Success Stories and Testimonials

Listening to those who have completed Workday SCM training can be inspiring. Many reports significant improvements in their job performance and career progression. For example, Jane Doe, a supply chain manager at a multinational corporation, credits her certification with helping her secure a promotion and lead her team through a successful supply chain transformation project. Similarly, John Smith, an independent consultant, found that his enhanced skills allowed him to offer more value to his clients, leading to increased business opportunities.

One of the key aspects of Workday online training is the emphasis on continuous learning. The supply chain landscape is constantly changing, and staying current with new features, updates, and best practices is crucial. Many training programs offer ongoing support, including webinars, forums, and updated course materials, ensuring that learners remain at the forefront of industry developments. The field of supply chain management is evolving rapidly due to advancements in technology and changes in global trade dynamics. Staying updated with the latest tools and best practices is essential for career advancement. Workday SCM training ensures that you are well-versed in the latest functionalities and trends, making you a valuable asset to any organization.

The Benefits of Workday SCM

Workday Supply Chain Management (SCM) offers a myriad of benefits that enhance the efficiency, transparency, and overall performance of supply chain operations. As a comprehensive cloud-based solution, Workday SCM integrates seamlessly with other enterprise systems, providing businesses with the tools necessary to optimize their supply chain processes. Here are the key benefits of implementing Workday SCM:

1. Integrated System for Enhanced Visibility

Workday SCM integrates with other Workday applications, such as human capital management (HCM) and financial management, creating a unified platform. This integration ensures that all supply chain data is centralized, providing enhanced visibility into operations. Users can easily access and analyze data from various departments, leading to more informed decision-making and streamlined processes.

2. Improved Efficiency and Productivity

By automating routine tasks and standardizing processes, Workday SCM significantly improves operational efficiency. Automated workflows reduce the need for manual intervention, minimizing errors and freeing up time for employees to focus on strategic activities. This efficiency leads to faster processing times and improved productivity across the supply chain.

3. Real-Time Data and Analytics

Workday SCM provides real-time data and advanced analytics capabilities, allowing businesses to monitor supply chain performance continuously. Real-time insights enable proactive decision-making, helping organizations identify and address issues before they escalate. The ability to analyze data on-the-fly ensures that supply chain managers can respond quickly to changes in demand, supply disruptions, and other critical factors.

4. Enhanced Collaboration

The platform fosters collaboration between various stakeholders, including suppliers, partners, and internal teams. By providing a centralized platform for communication and information sharing, Workday SCM helps ensure that all parties are aligned and working towards common goals. This collaborative approach leads to more cohesive and efficient supply chain operations.

5. Scalability and Flexibility

Workday SCM is designed to scale with your business. As your organization grows, the platform can easily accommodate increased complexity and volume in supply chain operations. Its cloud-based nature allows for quick and flexible adjustments, ensuring that the system can adapt to changing business needs without significant downtime or disruption.

6. Cost Savings

Optimizing supply chain processes with Workday SCM leads to significant cost savings. The system helps reduce operational costs by improving procurement efficiency, managing inventory levels more effectively, and minimizing waste. Additionally, the enhanced visibility into spending patterns enables better financial management and cost control.

7. Supplier Management and Performance

Workday SCM provides robust tools for managing supplier relationships and performance. The platform allows for comprehensive supplier evaluations, contract management, and performance tracking. By maintaining strong supplier relationships and ensuring high standards of performance, businesses can secure better terms, improve quality, and ensure timely deliveries.

8. Risk Management

Effective risk management is critical in supply chain operations. Workday SCM equips organizations with the tools to identify, assess, and mitigate risks throughout the supply chain. By providing real-time visibility and predictive analytics, the platform helps businesses anticipate potential disruptions and develop contingency plans to maintain continuity and resilience.

9. Compliance and Regulatory Adherence

Workday SCM helps ensure compliance with industry regulations and standards. The platform's comprehensive reporting and audit capabilities make it easier to track compliance requirements and maintain necessary documentation. This reduces the risk of regulatory fines and enhances the organization’s reputation for reliability and integrity.

10. User-Friendly Interface

Workday SCM is designed with a user-friendly interface that simplifies navigation and use. The intuitive design ensures that users can quickly learn and effectively utilize the system, reducing training time and increasing user adoption. The platform’s ease of use enhances overall productivity and satisfaction among employees.

11. Sustainability Initiatives

Workday SCM supports sustainability initiatives by providing tools to track and manage environmental impact. Organizations can monitor their carbon footprint, optimize resource usage, and implement sustainable practices throughout the supply chain. This capability not only supports corporate social responsibility goals but also meets increasing consumer demand for sustainable business practices.

12. Future-Proof Technology

As a cloud-based solution, Workday SCM is continuously updated with the latest features and enhancements. This ensures that businesses always have access to cutting-edge technology without the need for costly and time-consuming upgrades. The platform’s future-proof nature helps organizations stay competitive and agile in a rapidly evolving market.


Multisoft Virtual Academy Workday SCM training is not just about mastering a software system; it's about mastering the art and science of supply chain management. As businesses continue to navigate the complexities of global markets, the skills acquired through this training will become increasingly valuable. Whether you're looking to advance your career, enhance your organization's operational efficiencies, or simply gain a competitive edge, Workday SCM training offers a pathway to achieving these goals. Embrace this opportunity and unlock your potential in the thriving field of supply chain management.

Step into the future of supply chain management with Workday SCM training and position yourself at the forefront of industry innovation and efficiency.

Workday HCM Certification Cost - A Handbook for Ambitious Professionals

Workday HCM certification is a credential that validates your knowledge and skills in using Workday HCM applications and tools. It demonstrates your ability to configure, implement, and support Workday HCM solutions for various business scenarios and requirements. Workday HCM certification also shows your commitment to professional development and continuous learning in the field of HR technology.

There are different levels of Workday HCM certification, depending on your role and experience. The most common ones are:

  • Workday HCM Core Certification: This is the foundational level of certification that covers the core concepts and functionalities of Workday HCM. It is suitable for anyone who wants to learn the basics of Workday HCM and gain a general understanding of the platform. To earn this certification, you need to complete a four-week training course offered by Workday or one of its authorized partners, and pass a proctored exam at the end of the course.
  • Workday HCM Pro Certification: This is the advanced level of certification that covers the specific modules and features of Workday HCM, such as compensation, benefits, talent, payroll, and reporting. It is suitable for those who have at least one year of experience in working with Workday HCM and want to deepen their expertise and skills. To earn this certification, you need to complete a two-week training course offered by Workday or one of its authorized partners, and pass a proctored exam at the end of the course. You also need to have a valid Workday HCM Core certification as a prerequisite.
  • Workday HCM Consultant Certification: This is the highest level of certification that covers the best practices and methodologies for designing, configuring, and deploying Workday HCM solutions for clients. It is suitable for those who have at least two years of experience in consulting and project management in Workday HCM and want to demonstrate their proficiency and credibility. To earn this certification, you need to complete a three-week training course offered by Workday or one of its authorized partners, and pass a proctored exam at the end of the course. You also need to have a valid Workday HCM Pro certification as a prerequisite.

How Much Does Workday HCM Certification Cost in India?

The cost of Workday HCM certification in India varies depending on the level of certification, and the location. According to some online sources, the average cost of Workday HCM certification in India ranges from Rs. 29,500 to Rs. 35,400 for the basic modules. However, it may vary based on the module you choose.

There is a catch, though. You cannot enroll in Multisoft Virtual Academy’s Workday HCM Training courses unless you are employed by Workday or one of its partner companies. Workday does not offer certification courses to individuals or independent consultants. This is because Workday wants to maintain the quality and integrity of its certification program and ensure that only qualified and authorized professionals can access its proprietary software and materials.

Therefore, if you want to get Workday HCM certification in India, you need to first find a job or a contract with a Workday partner company that can sponsor your certification. Some of the well-known Workday partner companies in India are Accenture, Deloitte, IBM, Cognizant, Wipro, and Capgemini. You can search for Workday HCM jobs or projects on various online platforms, such as Indeed, Naukri, Monster, or LinkedIn.

Once you get hired or contracted by a Workday partner company, you can register for the Workday HCM certification course of your choice through the Workday Learning Center. You will need to pay the course fee, which is usually deducted from your salary or invoice. You will also need to arrange for the exam proctoring, which can be done online or at a designated testing center. You will have two attempts to pass the exam, and if you fail both, you will need to retake the course and pay the fee again.

How to Prepare for Workday HCM Certification Exam?

The Workday HCM certification exam is a multiple-choice test that assesses your knowledge and skills in using Workday HCM applications and tools. The exam duration is 90 minutes, and the passing score is 70%. The exam content is based on the topics and objectives covered in the training course. Therefore, the best way to prepare for the exam is to attend the course and complete the assignments and exercises.

However, attending the course alone may not be enough to pass the exam. You also need to review the course materials, practice the concepts and scenarios, and take mock tests to gauge your readiness and identify your weak areas. Here are some tips and resources to help you prepare for the Workday HCM certification exam:

  • Review the Course Materials: The course materials include the slides, videos, guides, and manuals that are provided by Workday or the training provider. You should review them thoroughly and take notes of the key points and tips. You should also refer to the Workday documentation and community forums for additional information and clarification.
  • Practice the Concepts and Scenarios: The course materials also include access to the Workday tenant, which is a sandbox environment where you can practice the configuration and implementation of Workday HCM solutions. You should practice the concepts and scenarios that are relevant to the exam and try to replicate the examples and exercises from the course. You should also explore the different options and features of Workday HCM and learn how to troubleshoot and resolve common issues.
  • Take Mock Tests: Mock tests are simulated exams that mimic the format and difficulty of the actual exam. They help you to test your knowledge and skills, measure your progress, and identify your gaps and mistakes. You should take mock tests regularly and review your results and feedback.


Workday HCM certification is a valuable credential that can boost your career prospects and credibility in the field of HR technology. However, getting Workday HCM certification in India is not easy or cheap. You need to find a Workday partner company that can sponsor your certification, pay the course fee, and pass the exam. You also need to prepare well for the exam by reviewing the course materials, practicing the concepts and scenarios, and taking mock tests.

If you are interested in Workday SCM certification, you should start by learning the basics of Workday HCM and gaining some hands-on experience. You can enroll in online courses provided by Multisoft Virtual Academy.

By following these steps and utilizing these resources, you can increase your chances of obtaining Workday HCM certification and advancing your career in the field of HR technology. Good luck on your journey to becoming a certified Workday HCM professional!

Why SAP BRIM Is a Business Essential?

SAP Billing and Revenue Innovation Management (BRIM) is a comprehensive solution designed to help businesses manage the entire lifecycle of billing and revenue transactions more efficiently. SAP BRIM training is pivotal for professionals looking to leverage this robust framework to optimize billing systems and drive business growth.

This article provided by Multisoft Virtual Academy delves into the details of SAP BRIM Training, exploring its importance, the curriculum covered, and the benefits it brings to professionals and organizations alike.

Understanding SAP BRIM

SAP BRIM is a high-volume transaction management and billing solution that supports various processes within the order-to-cash cycle. This includes subscription order management, convergent charging, convergent invoicing, and contract accounting. By integrating these components, SAP BRIM provides a seamless and flexible solution for managing the complexities of billing and revenue. The primary goal of SAP BRIM certification is to enable businesses to innovate their billing systems, accommodate new pricing models, manage subscriptions, and handle vast amounts of billing data efficiently. This agility is crucial in industries like telecommunications, utilities, and media, where billing models frequently evolve.

Why Invest in SAP BRIM Training?

Training in SAP BRIM equips professionals with the necessary skills to implement, manage, and optimize the SAP BRIM solution. The benefits of such training are manifold:

  • Career Advancement: As more companies implement SAP BRIM, the demand for skilled professionals in this field grows. Training provides a significant edge in job markets focused on ERP and SAP-related roles.
  • Operational Efficiency: Employees trained in SAP BRIM can streamline billing processes, reduce errors, and ensure a smoother workflow, directly impacting the bottom line.
  • Enhanced Understanding of Billing Models: SAP BRIM training helps professionals understand and implement varied and complex billing scenarios, enabling businesses to offer flexible pricing to their customers.

Key Components

SAP BRIM training typically covers several core areas:

  • Subscription Order Management (SOM): This module is pivotal for professionals in companies that operate on recurring revenue models. Training in SOM provides participants with the expertise to manage and maintain subscription-based orders efficiently. Learners gain skills in setting up, modifying, and maintaining various subscription packages, which is crucial for businesses looking to offer flexible and responsive service options to their customers.
  • Convergent Charging (CC): Convergent Charging is essential for implementing dynamic pricing strategies. This component of SAP BRIM enables real-time charging capabilities, allowing businesses to adjust prices based on usage or other predefined criteria. Trainees learn how to design and apply pricing models that adapt to customer usage patterns and market conditions, enabling more personalized and competitive billing solutions.
  • Convergent Invoicing (CI): The CI module focuses on the consolidation of billing processes. Participants learn how to merge bills from multiple services into a single invoice, enhancing the clarity and simplicity of billing statements sent to customers. This capability is particularly beneficial for companies that offer diverse service portfolios, as it helps in maintaining clear and accurate billing communications.
  • Contract Accounting and Revenue Recognition (FI-CA): This crucial component involves managing the financial aspects of customer contracts. Training covers how to ensure that revenue is recognized in compliance with international accounting standards, which is vital for maintaining financial accuracy and adhering to regulatory requirements. Participants also learn about the management of receivables and payables, providing them with a solid foundation in handling financial transactions within the SAP system.

These core areas equip participants with a robust skill set to handle advanced billing systems and optimize revenue management in a variety of business settings.

Choosing the Right Training Provider

When selecting a training provider for SAP BRIM, consider the following:

  • Accreditation: Ensure the provider is certified by SAP. This guarantees that the training meets high standards and is up-to-date with the latest SAP technologies.
  • Expert Instructors: Trainers should not only be knowledgeable about SAP systems but also possess real-world experience in implementing SAP BRIM.
  • Comprehensive Curriculum: The program should cover all key aspects of SAP BRIM, including hands-on labs and case studies that simulate real business scenarios.


  • Enhanced Skills and Expertise: Professionals gain in-depth knowledge of billing and revenue management, enhancing their expertise and making them valuable assets to their organizations.
  • Operational Efficiency: Training enables professionals to optimize billing processes, reduce errors, and ensure consistency across transactions, leading to improved operational efficiency.
  • Career Advancement: With the specialized skills acquired from SAP BRIM training, individuals can advance their careers in the SAP ecosystem, opening up opportunities for higher roles and responsibilities.
  • Business Growth: For organizations, having trained SAP BRIM professionals means being able to leverage the full potential of the SAP BRIM suite to drive business growth and improve customer satisfaction through better service delivery.

Case Studies and Real-World Applications

Implementing SAP Billing and Revenue Innovation Management (BRIM) has significantly transformed how companies manage their billing and revenue cycles. Below are some real-world case studies that highlight the effectiveness and transformative potential of SAP BRIM across various industries:

1. Telecommunications Giant Improves Customer Billing Accuracy

A leading telecommunications company faced challenges with its legacy billing systems, which were not only slow but prone to errors, affecting customer satisfaction. After implementing SAP BRIM, the company was able to automate and streamline its billing processes. The result was a 30% reduction in billing errors and a significant improvement in customer satisfaction. The real-time billing capabilities of SAP BRIM enabled the company to handle millions of transactions daily, thus supporting their large customer base more efficiently.

2. Utility Company Manages Complex Tariffs with Ease

A major utility company dealing with complex tariff structures needed a solution that could simplify its processes and improve accuracy in compliance and billing. With SAP BRIM, the company automated its tariff management, which significantly reduced manual interventions and errors. This led to more accurate billing, improved compliance with regulatory requirements, and enhanced customer trust. Additionally, SAP BRIM's flexibility allowed the company to quickly adapt to regulatory changes without disrupting their operations.

3. Healthcare Provider Streamlines Patient Billing

A healthcare provider sought to overhaul its patient billing and revenue management systems to provide clearer, more consistent billing experiences for patients while also reducing internal inefficiencies. By implementing SAP BRIM, the provider was able to integrate services across different departments into a unified billing system. This integration helped in providing a transparent billing process that patients could easily understand, thereby reducing disputes and increasing patient satisfaction levels.

4. Media Company Enhances Subscription Management

A global media company with a diverse range of digital products, including subscription-based services, needed a robust system to manage subscriptions effectively. SAP BRIM enabled them to manage and bill millions of subscribers in real-time, offering flexible subscription packages and promotions that could be adjusted dynamically. This adaptability helped improve subscriber retention rates and significantly increased revenue from subscription services.

5. Retail Chain Optimizes Loyalty and Reward Programs

A large retail chain integrated SAP BRIM to manage its loyalty programs more efficiently. The solution allowed them to automate the rewards and billing associated with their customer loyalty programs, reducing errors and operational costs. This automation provided customers with real-time updates about their loyalty rewards and made redemption processes smoother, enhancing the overall customer experience.

These case studies demonstrate the versatility and impact of SAP BRIM online training across different sectors. Whether it’s improving billing accuracy, managing complex tariffs, enhancing subscription services, or optimizing loyalty programs, SAP BRIM provides the tools necessary for businesses to modernize their revenue management practices effectively. Companies that invest in SAP BRIM training for their teams can expect improved operational efficiency, better compliance, and an enhanced ability to meet the evolving needs of their customers.

Looking Ahead

The future of billing is increasingly dynamic, with a growing emphasis on flexible and customer-centric models. Functions Of SAP BRIM not only prepares individuals and organizations to be competent in using the software but also equips them to anticipate and react proficiently to market changes.


SAP BRIM training is a strategic investment for both individuals and organizations aiming to optimize their billing processes and enhance revenue management. The comprehensive training ensures that professionals are equipped with the knowledge and skills to implement, manage, and maximize the benefits of SAP BRIM systems. As businesses continue to evolve and customer demands become more complex, the role of SAP BRIM will become more critical, making trained professionals key to organizational success.

Whether you are looking to enhance your professional qualifications or improve your organization’s billing operations, Multisoft’s SAP BRIM training offers a pathway to achieving these goals.

Unlocking Utility Efficiency with SAP IS-Utilities

SAP for Utilities (SAP IS-U) is an industry-specific solution designed to streamline operations and enhance customer service in the utilities sector. This integrated solution helps manage and bill residential, commercial, industrial, and prospective utility customers. This article by Multisoft Virtual Academy explores SAP IS-U's features, benefits, and real-world applications to provide a comprehensive understanding of how this system supports utility companies.

What is SAP IS-U?

SAP IS-U is a component of the SAP Industry Solution Portfolio that supports the specific processes of utility companies. It offers a comprehensive approach to managing all customer service-related processes, including billing, metering, service, and more. SAP ISU training is integrated with SAP's standard modules, allowing for seamless data flow across various business operations, enhancing efficiency and providing better control over processes.

Key Features

  • Customer Information Management: SAP IS-U provides robust tools to manage customer data, from initial contact through to contract conclusion. It ensures utilities have all necessary information to manage customer relationships effectively.
  • Device Management: Handling meter readings, installations, and maintenance is streamlined with SAP IS-U’s device management capabilities. This includes everything from routine checks to replacing and repairing meters.
  • Billing and Invoicing: SAP IS-U automates the billing process, handling complex tariff models and billing cycles. This automation helps reduce errors and improve the efficiency of the billing process.
  • Energy Data Management: SAP IS-U facilitates the management of vast amounts of data related to energy consumption, generation, and measurement. This is crucial for accurate billing and efficient energy use analysis.
  • Customer Service: Enhanced tools for customer service allow utilities to respond swiftly to customer inquiries and issues, improving customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Benefits of SAP IS-U

  • Improved Operational Efficiency: By automating many routine tasks, SAP IS-U reduces manual effort and helps streamline operations, leading to significant cost savings and operational efficiencies.
  • Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: With tools that offer improved customer interaction and quicker response times, utilities can enhance service delivery, thereby boosting customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Accurate Billing and Revenue Management: SAP IS-U supports complex billing arrangements which can handle multiple products and services, reducing errors and ensuring accurate and timely billing.
  • Regulatory Compliance: The utility industry is heavily regulated, and SAP IS-U helps ensure compliance with various regulatory requirements through accurate data management and reporting capabilities.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: As utility companies grow, SAP IS-U scales to meet increased demands without sacrificing performance, thanks to its robust architecture and integration capabilities.

Implementing SAP IS-U

The implementation of SAP IS-U requires careful planning and execution. It involves the following steps:

  • Requirement Analysis: Understanding the specific needs and challenges of the utility company.
  • Customization: Tailoring SAP IS-U to meet the unique requirements of the company.
  • Integration: Ensuring that SAP IS-U works seamlessly with other systems in the organization.
  • Training: Equipping employees with the necessary skills to use SAP IS-U effectively.
  • Go-live and Support: Starting the system and providing ongoing support to address any issues.

Real-World Applications of SAP IS-U

Many utility companies worldwide have successfully implemented SAP IS-U to improve their operations. For instance, a large European utility company implemented SAP IS-U and saw a 20% reduction in operational costs related to customer management and billing. Another example is a utility provider in the United States that used SAP IS-U to enhance its customer service capabilities, resulting in a 30% improvement in customer satisfaction ratings.

As the utility industry continues to evolve, SAP IS-U also adapts to meet emerging challenges such as smart grid technology integration, renewable energy services, and advanced metering infrastructure. The future of SAP IS-U lies in leveraging AI and machine learning to further enhance predictive analytics and smart services, offering utilities even more tools to manage resources efficiently and sustainably.

Advanced Analytics and Predictive Modeling

SAP IS-U integrates advanced analytics and predictive modeling capabilities that enable utilities to forecast demand, anticipate equipment maintenance needs, and optimize resource allocation. For example, predictive analytics can be used to analyze consumption patterns, which helps in demand forecasting and in designing tailored energy-saving programs for customers. These capabilities not only improve operational efficiencies but also enhance strategic decision-making, allowing utilities to be proactive rather than reactive in their operations.

Enhancing Customer Engagement with SAP IS-U

Modern utilities are focusing more on customer engagement and satisfaction as key drivers of business growth. SAP IS-U supports this shift through its Customer Relationship and Billing (CR&B) component, which offers a 360-degree view of the customer. This holistic approach enables utilities to manage and analyze customer interactions more effectively, tailor services to individual needs, and resolve issues more efficiently, thereby enhancing overall customer satisfaction. As the push towards renewable energy sources grows, utilities are increasingly required to integrate with smart grid technologies. SAP IS-U certification facilitates this integration by managing the data exchange between smart grids and utility providers. This capability supports the dynamic management of energy production, distribution, and consumption, making it easier for utilities to incorporate energy from renewable sources and manage distributed energy resources (DERs).

Challenges in Implementing SAP IS-U

While SAP IS-U offers numerous benefits, its implementation comes with challenges. The complexity of utility operations often means that configuring SAP IS-U to fit specific needs can be intricate and resource-intensive. Additionally, the success of SAP IS-U online training depends heavily on user adoption. Comprehensive training and change management processes are crucial to ensure that all users are comfortable with the system and can leverage its capabilities fully.

Sustainability initiatives are becoming a priority for utilities globally, driven by both regulatory pressures and consumer demand for greener energy solutions. SAP IS-U helps utilities manage compliance with environmental regulations by tracking emissions, managing waste, and documenting renewable energy usage. Moreover, SAP IS-U’s ability to handle complex billing and service provisions makes it easier for utilities to offer and manage time-of-use rates and other incentives that promote energy efficiency.

Case Study: Large Asian Utility Company

A large utility company in Asia utilized SAP IS-U to overhaul its entire customer service operation, integrating mobile and online platforms to allow customers real-time access to their consumption data and billing information. This integration not only improved operational efficiency but also significantly boosted customer engagement by providing transparency and control over energy usage. The company reported a 25% increase in customer satisfaction and a 15% decrease in call center calls as customers shifted to using digital channels for routine inquiries.

Future Enhancements in SAP IS-U

Looking ahead, SAP IS-U is set to incorporate more advanced technologies such as blockchain for secure data sharing and Internet of Things (IoT) for better asset management. These technologies promise to enhance the efficiency of utility operations further and improve the reliability of services provided to customers.


SAP IS-U is an essential tool for utility companies looking to enhance operational efficiency, improve customer satisfaction, and manage resources more effectively. With its comprehensive features and robust capabilities, SAP IS-U Corporate Training are poised to continue playing a pivotal role in the digital transformation of the utility sector. As technologies evolve, SAP IS-U’s adaptability will ensure it remains at the forefront of utility management solutions.

Mastering KRONOS: A Beginner's Guide to Online Training

In the ever-evolving landscape of workforce management, KRONOS has established itself as a leading software solution, streamlining timekeeping, attendance tracking, and labor management processes for businesses of all sizes. For those new to KRONOS, understanding its features and functionalities can seem daunting. Multisoft Virtual Academy offers a comprehensive KRONOS tutorial for beginners, providing the foundational knowledge needed to leverage this powerful tool effectively. This blog will delve into the benefits of KRONOS, the structure of the Multisoft Virtual Academy course, and how it can set you on the path to mastering workforce management.

Understanding KRONOS

KRONOS is an advanced workforce management solution designed to help organizations manage employee time and attendance, scheduling, and overall labor management. The software integrates seamlessly with various HR and payroll systems, making it an essential tool for optimizing workforce productivity and ensuring compliance with labor laws. KRONOS is widely used across different industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, retail, and education, due to its versatility and robust features.

The Importance of KRONOS Training

Proper training in KRONOS is crucial for maximizing its potential. Untrained users may find themselves overwhelmed by the software's extensive capabilities, leading to inefficient use and potential errors. Structured training ensures users can navigate the system confidently, utilize its features effectively, and troubleshoot common issues. Additionally, certified KRONOS professionals are in high demand, making this training an excellent investment for career advancement.

Overview of Multisoft Virtual Academy's KRONOS Tutorial

Multisoft Virtual Academy offers a beginner-friendly KRONOS UKG tutorial designed to provide a solid foundation in using the software. The course is meticulously structured, covering all essential aspects of KRONOS, from basic navigation to advanced functionalities. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what you can expect:

  1. Introduction to KRONOS:

    • Understanding the basics of workforce management
    • Overview of KRONOS and its applications
    • Navigating the KRONOS interface
  2. Time and Attendance Management:

    • Setting up employee profiles
    • Managing time and attendance records
    • Configuring time clocks and other data collection devices
  3. Scheduling:

    • Creating and managing employee schedules
    • Handling shift swaps and managing overtime
    • Using KRONOS scheduling tools for optimization
  4. Labor Management:

    • Tracking labor costs
    • Managing labor laws and compliance
    • Generating reports for analysis
  5. Integration with HR and Payroll Systems:

    • Understanding integration capabilities
    • Setting up and managing integrations
    • Troubleshooting common integration issues

Benefits of Online Training with Multisoft Virtual Academy

Opting for online training with Multisoft Virtual Academy offers several advantages:

  1. Flexibility:

    • Learn at your own pace with access to course materials 24/7
    • Balance your learning with work and personal commitments
  2. Expert Instruction:

    • Learn from industry experts with extensive experience in KRONOS
    • Benefit from practical insights and real-world examples
  3. Interactive Learning:

    • Engage in interactive sessions and hands-on practice
    • Participate in discussions and Q&A sessions with instructors
  4. Certification:

    • Earn a certification upon course completion
    • Enhance your resume and increase your marketability

Why Choose Multisoft Virtual Academy?

Multisoft Virtual Academy stands out due to its commitment to delivering high-quality, accessible training. The academy's comprehensive curriculum, expert instructors, and flexible learning options make it an ideal choice for anyone looking to master KRONOS Training. Furthermore, the support provided throughout the learning journey ensures that students can overcome any challenges they encounter.


Mastering KRONOS can significantly enhance your career prospects and improve your organization’s workforce management efficiency. Multisoft Virtual Academy’s beginner tutorial offers a well-rounded, accessible introduction to Kronos Workforce (UKG) Dimensions Training, equipping you with the skills needed to excel. Whether you are a professional looking to upskill or an organization aiming to optimize workforce management, this online training is a valuable investment. Embrace the opportunity to learn from the best and take your first step towards becoming a proficient KRONOS user.

SCCM Tutorial for New Users

In this System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) tutorial, we will delve into how this management software can be used to efficiently manage an organization's IT infrastructure, from the deployment of new systems to the retirement of old ones. SCCM provides a comprehensive suite that integrates various functionalities to ensure smooth intercommunication between different system components.

Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM), now known as Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager, is a critical component of Microsoft's System Center suite, which is a collection of management tools designed to help enterprise administrators efficiently manage their IT environments.

SCCM within the System Center Suite

SCCM is part of the larger System Center family, a suite of management solutions from Microsoft that includes tools for managing servers, virtual machines, and other network components across physical, virtual, and cloud environments. Other components of the System Center family include System Center Operations Manager (SCOM), System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM), and more. While each tool serves specific functions, SCCM training focuses primarily on the management of endpoints like desktops, laptops, and mobile devices.

Key Functions of SCCM

  • Security Management: SCCM provides tools to administer and enforce security policies. This includes managing firewalls, antivirus settings, and update compliance across all devices in the enterprise.
  • Application Deployment: Administrators use SCCM to deploy applications across various devices within the network efficiently. This centralized approach ensures consistency in application versions and settings across the entire organization.
  • Device Management: SCCM offers extensive capabilities for managing the configurations of devices within the network. This ensures devices operate efficiently and comply with organizational policies.

Why Organizations Choose SCCM?

Organizations opt for SCCM certification over other individual components of the System Center for several reasons:

  • Comprehensive Tool: As a comprehensive management tool, SCCM reduces the complexity and potential compatibility issues associated with using multiple separate tools for device and application management.
  • Streamlined Updates and Patching: One of the major strengths of SCCM is its ability to manage updates and patches centrally. Rather than manually updating devices or using separate systems, administrators can push updates globally, ensuring all devices are secure and up-to-date.
  • Integration and Automation: SCCM seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft products and services, such as Windows Server, Windows OS, and Microsoft 365. This integration allows for better automation and a smoother management process across various Microsoft environments.
  • Cost-Effective: Buying SCCM as part of the entire System Center suite can be more cost-effective than purchasing standalone components. It offers a broader range of management tools that provide better value for the investment.

Therefore, SCCM online training by Multisoft Virtual Academy serves as a vital tool within the System Center suite, providing a unified platform for managing a wide range of security, application deployment, and device management tasks. Its integration capabilities and the efficiency it brings to IT management make it a preferred choice for enterprises looking to streamline their IT operations.

Systems Management in Enterprise

Before the development of comprehensive systems management tools, IT departments faced significant challenges in managing servers and client systems. Tasks such as patching computers, imaging workstations, deploying software, monitoring servers and network devices, and managing backups were cumbersome and manually intensive.

In this early environment, IT departments often used multiple dedicated servers to handle different tasks, which was inefficient due to the lack of integration and communication between these servers. For instance, an organization might have used one product to track assets, another to deploy images on systems, a separate one for system updates and patches, another for system monitoring and alerts, and yet another for data backup and security management. This fragmented approach was standard for about 5 to 8 years at Microsoft, where these functions were managed through distinct products. After years of operating in this disjointed manner, Microsoft consolidated these various tools into a single integrated suite known as System Center. This suite brought together all the essential tools for system imaging, deployment, patching, updating, maintenance, support, and retirement under one umbrella, streamlining the entire life-cycle management of systems.

Now, organizations looking to purchase a new license can buy a single suite license that covers all these functionalities, allowing them to benefit from a unified management experience across their enterprise. This shift significantly simplifies the complex processes of systems management.

What are System Center family of Products? Top of Form

The System Center family of products from Microsoft is a comprehensive suite of management tools designed to help IT professionals manage various aspects of their IT infrastructure. Each component within the family targets specific needs in an organization's IT environment. Here's an overview of each product in the System Center suite:

1. System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM)

Manages the deployment and security of devices and applications across an enterprise. SCCM facilitates operating system deployments, application installation, and updates, and integrates with cloud services for modern management of devices.

2. System Center Operations Manager (SCOM)

Provides infrastructure monitoring that is flexible and cost-effective, helps ensure the predictable performance and availability of vital applications, and offers comprehensive monitoring for your datacenter and cloud, both private and public.

3. System Center Data Protection Manager (SCDPM)

Offers backup and recovery solutions for Microsoft environments, including SQL Server, SharePoint, Exchange, and various file servers. It ensures data is protected and recoverable from disasters or attacks.

4. System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM)

Manages virtualized datacenter environments, allowing administrators to configure and manage their virtualization host, networking, and storage resources in order to create and deploy virtual machines and services to private clouds.

5. System Center Service Manager (SCSM)

Provides an integrated platform for automating and adapting IT service management best practices, such as those found in ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library). It helps organizations align their IT services with business needs and provides service desk functionality.

6. System Center Capacity Planner (SCCP)

Offers tools and guidance to help plan and optimize the deployment of Microsoft server technologies. It helps IT professionals evaluate infrastructure requirements to ensure system performance, scalability, and reliability.

7. System Center Mobile Device Manager (SCMDM)

Allows IT departments to manage mobile devices effectively, ensuring secure access to corporate applications and data on Windows phones and other mobile devices. It integrates mobile device management (MDM) into the existing IT infrastructure.

8. System Center Essentials

Designed for mid-sized organizations, it provides unified physical and virtual IT management. It simplifies complex management tasks and offers a comprehensive solution that enables IT professionals to proactively manage their IT environment.


In this article, we explored how System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) corporate training addresses common challenges in enterprise systems management. We delved into the functions and benefits of SCCM, highlighting how it resolves complexities within IT environments through its robust features. We also examined the broader System Center suite of products, detailing each component's role and capabilities. Additionally, we looked at specific business scenarios where SCCM is particularly beneficial and discussed the enhancements introduced in its latest updates. Our goal was to provide comprehensive insights into SCCM's functionality and its application in modern IT management. We hope this article has been informative and helpful in understanding SCCM online training by Multisoft Virtual Academy and its significance in enterprise systems management.

SAP Commerce Cloud Developer Combo Tutorial

The SAP Commerce Cloud Business Developer Combo Online Training, encompassing courses C4H340 and C4H341, is a specialized educational program designed for developers. It equips participants with a comprehensive understanding of SAP Commerce Cloud's capabilities, focusing on both foundational and advanced development skills. The training covers essential topics such as data modeling, web content management, integration techniques, and customizing business processes, aimed at enhancing participants' ability to build and manage effective e-commerce solutions within the SAP environment.  In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, e-commerce platforms are not just about selling products but creating seamless, personalized customer experiences. SAP Commerce Cloud by Multisoft Systems stands at the forefront of this transformation, offering a suite of tools designed to cater to both business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) markets.

For developers tasked with harnessing the full potential of this platform, the SAP Commerce Cloud Business Developer Combo Training provides an essential pathway to mastery.

Why opt for SAP Commerce Cloud Developer Training?

The training is more than just a learning curve; it's an investment in future-proofing your business. Here’s why it’s critical:

  • Comprehensive Skill Development: The combo training is designed to transform developers into SAP Commerce Cloud experts who can not only manage the platform but also customize and extend it to meet specific business requirements.
  • Stay Ahead of the Curve: As digital commerce evolves, staying updated with the latest tools and technologies is paramount. This training ensures developers are always ahead, equipped with the knowledge to implement state-of-the-art solutions.
  • Optimized Resource Use: Trained developers can maximize the efficiency of the platform, ensuring that the business leverages SAP Commerce Cloud to its full potential, which translates to reduced costs and increased ROI.

Training Curriculum: What to Expect?

The SAP Commerce Cloud Business Developer Combo Training is meticulously structured to cover every aspect of the platform, from basic fundamentals to advanced programming. The curriculum typically includes:

1. Foundation of SAP Commerce Cloud

  • Overview of the Platform: Introduction to its architecture, features, and how it integrates within the SAP ecosystem.
  • Basic Configuration: Setting up the development environment and understanding the out-of-the-box functionalities.

2. Core Development Practices

  • Data Modeling and Hybris ImpEx: Learn to define data models and manipulate data in SAP Commerce Cloud.
  • FlexibleSearch: Mastering the query language specific to SAP Commerce Cloud for efficient data retrieval.

3. Advanced Features and Customization

  • Customizing Workflows and Business Processes: Tailoring the platform to enhance business operations.
  • Rule Engine Implementation: Implementing advanced business rules and promotions without extensive coding.

4. Front-End Development Innovations

  • SmartEdit: Utilizing SAP’s web content management tool for creating and managing dynamic content.
  • Responsive Design and Spartacus Framework: Building responsive e-commerce websites using SAP’s Spartacus, a lean, Angular-based JavaScript storefront.

5. Commerce Management

  • Order Management: Insights into the tools and techniques for streamlined order processing.
  • Catalog Management: Best practices for managing product content across multiple catalogs and sites.

6. Performance and Scalability

  • Optimizing Performance: Techniques to ensure the platform runs efficiently even at peak loads.
  • Scalability Solutions: Strategies to grow the platform in line with business expansion.

The SAP combo training certification emphasizes real-world applications. Participants engage in hands-on projects and simulations that mimic actual business scenarios. This practical approach helps developers understand the nuances of the platform, preparing them for real challenges they will face in the field.

Benefits of SAP Commerce Cloud Developer Training

  • In-Depth Knowledge: Participants gain a deep understanding of both the technical and business aspects of the platform, which is crucial for developing tailored e-commerce solutions.
  • Enhanced Career Prospects: With the e-commerce sector booming, expertise in a leading platform like SAP Commerce Cloud significantly boosts job prospects and professional growth.
  • Immediate Business Impact: Developers can immediately apply the skills learned to optimize current projects, enhancing efficiency and productivity.

The learning journey doesn't end with the training. SAP Ariba training course offers continuous learning opportunities through updates in courses and additional certifications. Developers can stay updated with the latest advancements and continually enhance their skills.

Integrating Innovation with SAP Commerce Cloud Developer Training

The SAP Commerce Cloud Business Developer Combo Training not only equips developers with a robust set of skills but also integrates innovative practices that prepare them for the future of e-commerce development. Here’s a deeper dive into the innovative aspects of the training and its long-term benefits:

1. Emphasis on Innovation and Automation

  • Machine Learning Integration: The training covers the integration of machine learning algorithms to personalize customer experiences and optimize business operations. This includes predictive analytics for customer behavior, product recommendations, and inventory management.
  • Automation Tools: Developers learn to implement automation tools within the commerce cloud, which streamline workflows, reduce human error, and increase operational efficiency.

2. Security and Compliance

  • Data Security: With the increase in cyber threats, understanding and implementing robust security measures is crucial. The training includes best practices for securing customer data and transactions.
  • Compliance Standards: Developers also learn to navigate and comply with various international regulations such as GDPR, ensuring that the platform adheres to legal standards globally.

3. Multi-Channel Commerce

  • Omnichannel Strategies: As e-commerce extends beyond traditional web platforms, training in developing omnichannel solutions is essential. This includes integrating physical and digital shopping experiences, ensuring a seamless customer journey across all touchpoints.
  • Mobile and Social Commerce: The training extends to developing mobile-responsive designs and leveraging social media platforms for commerce, addressing the growing trend of mobile and social shopping.

4. Collaboration and Community Engagement

  • SAP Community Network: Participants are encouraged to engage with the SAP community network, where they can share insights, ask questions, and learn from the experiences of others. This community involvement fosters a collaborative learning environment.
  • Workshops and Webinars: Ongoing workshops and webinars keep developers informed about the latest tools, trends, and technologies in e-commerce development.

Leveraging Training for Strategic Business Advantages

After completing the SAP Commerce Cloud Business Developer Combo Training, developers are not only technically proficient but also strategically equipped to contribute to business growth. They can:

  • Drive Innovation: By applying advanced technologies and strategies learned during training, developers can lead projects that drive innovation and differentiation in the market.
  • Enhance Customer Engagement: With skills in personalized and omnichannel commerce, developers can create unique shopping experiences that enhance customer engagement and loyalty.
  • Boost Efficiency: The ability to automate and optimize business processes leads to significant improvements in operational efficiency, directly impacting the bottom line.

The SAP Commerce Cloud Business Developer Combo Training positions developers at the intersection of technology and business strategy, making them invaluable assets to any organization. By continuously adapting and expanding their skills, they not only ensure their professional growth but also contribute substantially to their organization’s success in the competitive e-commerce landscape. This training is more than an educational experience; it’s a strategic tool for long-term business resilience and innovation.


Multisoft Systems’ SAP Commerce Cloud Business Developer Combo Online Training is not just a learning program but a transformative experience for developers. It equips them with the skills and insights needed to turn complex business requirements into effective, scalable, and secure e-commerce solutions. As businesses continue to rely heavily on digital commerce platforms, the demand for skilled developers will only grow. This training ensures that participants are not just prepared to meet the demands but also to lead innovations in this dynamic field.

Top 15 Artificial Intelligence Technologies

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. The term can also apply to any machine that exhibits traits associated with a human mind, such as learning and problem-solving. The primary aim of AI is to enhance machine functionality with minimal human intervention. This includes the ability to rationalize, take actions that have the best chance of achieving a specific goal, learn from mistakes, and adapt to new inputs.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies are the specific tools, frameworks, methodologies, and hardware that enable machines to mimic human cognitive functions such as learning, reasoning, and problem-solving. These technologies form the backbone of AI systems, allowing them to operate autonomously in various environments and for diverse applications.

Artificial Intelligence Training technologies are revolutionizing industries, enhancing productivity, and altering landscapes across various sectors. As AI continues to evolve, it's essential to understand the key technologies driving this transformation. Here are the top 15 AI technologies that are shaping the future.

1. Machine Learning Platforms

Machine learning platforms provide tools essential for analyzing big data, developing models, and deploying AI applications. These platforms simplify the process of machine learning by offering functionalities such as data preprocessing, model training, and validation, along with deployment capabilities. They are crucial for businesses looking to utilize predictive analytics to drive decision-making and improve operational efficiencies. For instance, platforms like TensorFlow and PyTorch offer libraries and tools that enable developers and data scientists to create sophisticated AI models that can learn from and make predictions on data.

2. Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a field of AI that focuses on the interaction between computers and humans through natural language. The goal of NLP is to read, decipher, understand, and make sense of human languages in a manner that is valuable. It involves several tasks such as language translation, sentiment analysis, speech recognition, and chatbot functionality. NLP is critical for applications that require understanding of human language, enabling machines to process and analyze large amounts of natural language data, thus enhancing communication between humans and machines.

3. Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) involves the use of software robots to automate highly repetitive and routine tasks formerly carried out by humans. RPA tools allow businesses to automate mundane tasks across applications and systems. This automation technology integrates the rules and workflow necessary to carry out these tasks, leading to significant improvements in efficiency and reduction in error rates. It's widely used in industries such as banking, healthcare, and insurance where large volumes of transactions need to be processed efficiently and consistently.

4. Computer Vision

Computer vision is a field of artificial intelligence that trains computers to interpret and understand the visual world. Machines can accurately identify and classify objects — and then react to what they “see” — using digital images from cameras, videos, and deep learning models. It plays a critical role in various applications including autonomous vehicles, facial recognition systems, and healthcare diagnostics. Computer vision's ability to extract detailed information from visual inputs makes it invaluable for safety-critical applications like surveillance and real-time threat detection.

5. AI-Optimized Hardware

AI-optimized hardware refers to silicon chips that are specifically designed to efficiently process AI tasks, such as neural network inference and training. These chips are optimized for specific types of mathematical operations and data patterns common in AI applications. This includes GPUs, TPUs, and custom ASICs. They accelerate the execution of algorithms used in AI applications, enabling more rapid processing and analysis of large datasets, thus improving the performance of AI applications from voice recognition to computational finance.

6. Decision Management AI

Decision management AI involves using AI technologies to automate decision-making processes in business applications. These systems are programmed to follow pre-determined rules and logics to make decisions in real-time, enhancing business operations across sectors such as finance, operations, and marketing. By integrating real-time decision-making capabilities, businesses can respond more quickly to operational challenges and customer needs, leading to increased efficiency and optimized outcomes.

7. Edge AI

Edge AI refers to algorithms that process data generated by a hardware device at the local level without needing to send data back to a central server. This is particularly useful in applications where latency and connectivity can be an issue, such as in remote sensing devices or mobile applications. Edge computing combined with AI allows for faster responses and real-time data processing, leading to more efficient operations in areas such as manufacturing, telecommunication, and automotive industries.

8. AI in Cybersecurity

In cybersecurity, AI is used to enhance the protection of systems, networks, and data from digital attacks. AI technologies help to automatically detect and react to threats in real time by identifying patterns and anomalies that suggest potential threats. This proactive approach to security can significantly reduce the incidence of breaches, detect anomalies that human analysts might miss, and automate responses to threats much more swiftly than traditional methods.

9. Content Creation

AI-driven content creation involves using AI tools to automatically generate written, visual, or audio content. Applications include automated journalism where AI algorithms generate news stories based on data inputs, video content creation, and personalized advertising content. This technology not only speeds up content creation but also helps in maintaining large-scale content strategies, such as those required in digital marketing and media publishing.

10. Biometrics

Biometrics technology uses AI to authenticate and identify individuals based on their physical or behavioral characteristics. Common forms of biometric identification include fingerprint scanning, facial recognition, and voice identification. This technology is highly used in security and law enforcement but is also becoming popular in personal devices such as smartphones and laptops as a method of enhancing user security and convenience.

11. Speech Recognition

Speech recognition technology translates spoken words into written text. AI-enhanced speech recognition is used in real-time voice-activated assistants, transcription services, and interactive voice response systems in call centers. This technology not only improves accessibility and user interaction but is also pivotal in developing hands-free control systems in various devices and vehicles.

12. Virtual Agents

Virtual agents are AI-powered systems designed to simulate human interaction to communicate with users, typically used in customer service functions. They can handle inquiries via text or voice, providing responses based on a combination of pre-programmed scripts and AI learning. These agents improve customer experience by providing consistent, instant, and 24/7 support.

13. AI-Enabled Chips

AI-enabled chips are designed to efficiently handle AI-specific workloads like neural network training and inference. These chips are integrated into devices to enhance processing power and efficiency, allowing for more sophisticated AI applications on mobile and IoT devices. Manufacturers such as NVIDIA and Intel are leading in the development of these specialized chips, which are crucial for AI applications requiring high computational power.

14. Deep Learning Platforms

Deep learning platforms offer developers and researchers the tools to build, train, and deploy models based on deep learning—a subset of machine learning based on artificial neural networks with representation learning. These platforms support applications that require massive computational power and large amounts of data, enabling features like image recognition, speech recognition, and natural language understanding.

15. Emotion Recognition

Emotion recognition technology uses AI to assess a person's emotional state based on their facial expressions, voice tone, and body language. This technology is used in customer service to tailor interactions based on the customer's emotional cues, potentially improving engagement and satisfaction. It's also used in security systems and in health care to monitor patients' emotional and mental states.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) encapsulates computational models that embody aspects of human intelligence, allowing for complex problem-solving, inference-making, and language processing. AI Machine Learning Training The implementation of AI across various sectors has demonstrated significant benefits, streamlined processes and enhanced decision-making capabilities. As organizations adopt AI, it is crucial to conduct comprehensive pre-release trials to identify and mitigate biases and errors. Ensuring the robustness of designs and models is essential for the reliable performance of AI systems. Post-deployment, continuous monitoring in diverse scenarios is necessary to maintain system integrity and effectiveness.

For those looking to delve deeper into this field and aspire to become AI experts, pursuing an Artificial Intelligence Certification Training Course by Multisoft Virtual Academy is highly recommended. These courses offer a blend of live instructor-led training, real-world industry use cases, and hands-on projects, equipping participants with the knowledge and skills to excel in the AI domain and secure impactful roles in the industry.

A Guide to PEGA Training

Pega is a leading provider of software for customer engagement and operational excellence. At its core is the Pega Platform, which offers a suite of applications for Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Business Process Management (BPM), and case management. Pega's software enables organizations to streamline their operations, automate business processes, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Pega's technology is based on a model-driven approach, allowing users to design and deploy applications rapidly without the need for extensive coding. Its key features include a visual development environment, advanced analytics, decision management capabilities, and omni-channel support. Pega's applications are highly configurable and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of different industries and business functions.

Overall, Pega online training by Multisoft Virtual Academy empowers organizations to transform their business processes and drive digital innovation, ultimately leading to improved operational efficiency, enhanced customer satisfaction, and sustainable growth.

What is Pega Certified Business Architect?

The Pega Certified Business Architect (PCBA) certification is a credential offered by Pegasystems, Inc. It validates the knowledge and skills of individuals in designing and implementing Pega-based business solutions. As a certified business architect, individuals demonstrate proficiency in understanding business requirements, translating them into technical specifications, and configuring Pega applications to meet those requirements effectively.

The PCBA certification program covers various aspects of Pega technology, including business process management (BPM), case management, decision management, user interface design, and integration. Candidates are required to pass a rigorous exam that tests their understanding of Pega's architecture, tools, and best practices. Achieving PCBA certification distinguishes individuals as experts in leveraging Pega's platform to drive business transformation and deliver value to organizations. It demonstrates their ability to align business objectives with technical solutions, optimize business processes, and enhance customer experiences.

PCBA certification is valuable for business analysts, consultants, and professionals involved in designing and implementing Pega applications. It enhances their credibility in the industry and opens up new career opportunities in organizations that utilize Pega technology for their digital transformation initiatives. Overall, PCBA certification validates the expertise of individuals in harnessing the power of Pega's platform to drive innovation and achieve business success.

Why Pega?

Organizations choose Pega certification for its ability to deliver tangible business results quickly and efficiently. Here are some key reasons why Pega stands out:

  • Unified Platform: Pega offers a single platform for building and managing a wide range of applications, eliminating the need for disparate systems and reducing complexity.
  • Agility and Flexibility: Pega's model-driven approach enables rapid application development and deployment, allowing organizations to adapt quickly to changing business requirements.
  • Customer-Centric Solutions: Pega's CRM and BPM applications are designed to prioritize the customer experience, helping organizations build long-lasting relationships and drive customer loyalty.
  • Intelligent Automation: Pega's software leverages advanced analytics and artificial intelligence to automate repetitive tasks, improve decision-making, and drive operational efficiency.
  • Scalability and Reliability: Pega's platform is highly scalable and reliable, capable of supporting large-scale deployments and mission-critical applications.

Pega provides organizations with the tools and capabilities they need to stay competitive in today's rapidly evolving business landscape.

Pega Architecture

Pega's architecture is built on a Java-based platform and follows a service-oriented architecture (SOA) model. It consists of several key components, including:

  • Pega Platform: The core engine that provides the runtime environment for Pega applications. It includes the rules engine, workflow engine, and user interface framework.
  • Rules Engine: The heart of the Pega Platform, responsible for executing business rules and logic defined within Pega applications.
  • Database: Stores application data and metadata, enabling persistence and retrieval of information.
  • Integration Layer: Facilitates communication between Pega applications and external systems, supporting various integration patterns such as SOAP, REST, and messaging.
  • User Interface: Pega's user interface framework allows developers to design and customize user interfaces using a visual development environment.
  • Security Layer: Provides robust security features to protect sensitive data and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

Pega's architecture is designed to be scalable, flexible, and highly customizable, enabling organizations to build and deploy complex applications that meet their unique business needs.


Pega PRPC (Pega Rules Process Commander) is the flagship product of Pega, serving as the foundation for building and deploying Pega applications. It provides a comprehensive set of tools and capabilities for designing, developing, and managing business applications across various industries and use cases. PRPC utilizes a model-driven approach, allowing users to define application logic, business rules, and workflows using visual tools and declarative configurations rather than traditional coding. This enables rapid application development and deployment, reducing time-to-market and enhancing agility.

PRPC offers a wide range of features and functionalities, including case management, business process automation, decision management, mobile development, and analytics. It provides pre-built templates and components that accelerate development and ensure consistency across applications. PRPC's scalability and extensibility make it suitable for organizations of all sizes, from small businesses to large enterprises. It supports multi-tenancy and can be deployed on-premises or in the cloud, providing flexibility and choice in deployment options.

Pega PRPC is a powerful platform for building intelligent and adaptive business applications that drive digital transformation, improve operational efficiency, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Uses of Pega PRPC

Pega PRPC is used across various industries and business functions to address a wide range of use cases. Some common applications of Pega PRPC include:

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Pega PRPC enables organizations to manage customer interactions, track customer journeys, and personalize customer experiences across channels.
  • Business Process Management (BPM): Pega PRPC automates and optimizes business processes, streamlining workflows, reducing manual errors, and improving operational efficiency.
  • Case Management: Pega PRPC provides robust case management capabilities, allowing organizations to handle complex cases, track case progress, and ensure compliance with regulations.
  • Financial Services: In the financial services industry, Pega PRPC is used for applications such as loan origination, risk management, fraud detection, and customer onboarding.
  • Healthcare: In healthcare, Pega PRPC is used for applications such as patient management, claims processing, care coordination, and population health management.
  • Insurance: In the insurance industry, Pega PRPC is used for applications such as policy administration, claims processing, underwriting, and customer service.
  • Government: In government agencies, Pega PRPC is used for applications such as case management, permit processing, license management, and regulatory compliance.

Pega PRPC is a versatile platform that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of different industries and use cases, providing organizations with the tools and capabilities they need to drive digital transformation and achieve their business objectives.

Advantages of Pega

  • Rapid application development with a model-driven approach.
  • Comprehensive suite covering CRM, BPM, and case management.
  • Highly configurable and customizable applications.
  • Advanced analytics and decision management capabilities.
  • Omni-channel support for seamless customer engagement.
  • Scalable architecture suitable for organizations of all sizes.
  • Superior customer experience and operational efficiency.

Disadvantages of Pega

  • Steep learning curve for new users due to its complexity.
  • Limited flexibility in certain customization scenarios.
  • High licensing and implementation costs for some organizations.
  • Dependency on vendor support for updates and maintenance.
  • Integration challenges with legacy systems and third-party applications.
  • Potential performance issues with large-scale deployments.
  • Complexity in managing upgrades and version compatibility.


Multisoft Virtual Academy’s Pega training emerges as a powerful force in the realm of business process management and customer engagement, offering a robust suite of applications that drive operational excellence and elevate customer experiences. While its model-driven approach facilitates rapid application development and customization, its advanced analytics and decision management capabilities empower organizations to make data-driven decisions and stay ahead in today's competitive landscape. Despite some challenges such as complexity and high costs, Pega's scalability, versatility, and commitment to innovation position it as a valuable partner for organizations seeking to transform their operations and achieve sustainable growth in the digital age.

Transform Your Career with Google Cloud Architect Training

The Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect certification enables IT professionals to leverage Google Cloud technologies effectively. With this certification provided by Multisoft Virtual Academy, individuals demonstrate their ability to design, develop, and manage robust, secure, scalable, highly available, and dynamic solutions to drive business objectives.

The certification is aimed at cloud professionals who design cloud solution architectures for security and compliance, manage cloud infrastructure, analyze and optimize business processes, and oversee the implementation of cloud architecture. In the realm of cloud computing, the demand for skilled professionals who can design, manage, and understand cloud architecture is increasing at a breakneck pace. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) stands as one of the leading cloud services providers, and the Professional Cloud Architect certification is among the most prestigious credentials one can attain in the cloud industry. This Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect certification equips professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively design and manage secure, scalable, and highly available cloud architectures.

Why Pursue GCP Cloud Architect Training?

  • Industry Demand: As more companies migrate to the cloud, the demand for knowledgeable cloud architects continues to grow. This certification opens up numerous career opportunities.
  • Professional Credibility and Recognition: Being certified by Google—a pioneer and leader in cloud technology—enhances your professional credibility. It distinguishes you in the job market and within your professional network.
  • Higher Earning Potential: Certified professionals often enjoy higher salaries compared to their non-certified peers. This credential is a mark of expertise that is highly valued.
  • Staying Relevant: The cloud industry is ever-evolving, and staying current is crucial. This training ensures you are up-to-date with the latest cloud technologies and practices.
  • Comprehensive Skill Development: The training covers a broad range of topics including designing and planning a cloud solution architecture, managing and provisioning a solution infrastructure, designing for security and compliance, analyzing and optimizing technical and business processes, managing implementation, and ensuring solution and operations reliability.

The Path to Certification

The journey to becoming a Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect involves several steps:

  • Preparation: Understanding the basics of GCP services is crucial. Familiarize yourself with computing and networking services, storage options, and more importantly, Google’s security and compliance guidelines.
  • Training: Enroll in a Professional Cloud Architect training course. These courses are designed to cover every aspect of the exam and typically include lectures, labs, and quizzes to reinforce learning.
  • Hands-On Experience: Apply what you learn through real-world projects or labs. GCP offers Qwiklabs and practice projects that simulate real-world problems.
  • Study and Review: Make use of online resources, study guides, and practice exams. Google’s exam guide outlines key areas to focus on.
  • Certification Exam: Schedule and pass the Professional Cloud Architect certification exam. The exam assesses your skills and knowledge related to designing, managing, and implementing GCP services.

Key Topics Covered in the Training

Training for the GCP Professional Cloud Architect training covers a variety of crucial topics:

  • Designing and Planning Cloud Solution Architecture: Best practices for building cloud architecture, balancing architectural requirements, and integrating solutions.
  • Managing and Provisioning Solution Infrastructure: Effective management of cloud resources, configuring network topologies, and ensuring data storage compliance.
  • Security and Compliance Design: Implementing secure access, data protection mechanisms, and compliance controls within a cloud architecture.
  • Analyzing and Optimizing Business Processes: Techniques for ensuring operational reliability, business continuity, and disaster recovery strategies.
  • Implementation Management: Guidance on managing cloud architecture implementations and making decisions during the project lifecycle.
  • Operational Reliability: Maintaining quality operations by managing incident responses and service interruptions.

Benefits of GCP Cloud Architect Training

  • Expertise in Google Cloud: Trainers often have years of industry experience and are usually certified Google Cloud Architects themselves. They provide insights not just into the certification, but also into practical, real-world applications.
  • Networking Opportunities: Interacting with peers and professionals in the field during the course can lead to job opportunities and collaborations.
  • Flexible Learning Options: Many training providers offer online courses that can be taken at your own pace, making it easier for working professionals to upskill without compromising their job responsibilities.
  • Simulation Exams and Hands-On Labs: These tools help consolidate learning through practical application, ensuring that you are not only prepared to pass the certification exam but also to handle real-life scenarios.
  • Continuous Learning Resources: Most training programs provide access to a wealth of learning materials, including lifetime access to course updates.


The Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect Online Training by Multisoft Virtual Academy is designed to provide comprehensive knowledge and practical skills for designing and managing robust, secure, and scalable cloud architectures using Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Here are some key usages and applications of this training:

1. Designing Cloud Solutions

Trainees learn to design effective cloud solutions that meet the specific needs of businesses. This includes understanding the trade-offs and implications of different architectural decisions and choosing the right services and configurations to optimize performance and cost.

2. Managing Cloud Infrastructure

The training equips professionals with the skills to manage and provision cloud infrastructure. This includes automating and orchestrating workloads, scaling resources dynamically, and ensuring that the deployment of applications and data across multiple cloud environments is secure and compliant.

3. Optimizing Operational Processes

Participants are trained to analyze and optimize technical and business processes. This includes improving the reliability and performance of cloud services, automating security controls and compliance validations, and using data analytics to drive business decisions.

4. Ensuring Compliance and Security

The training covers comprehensive strategies for designing and implementing security measures that protect against threats, and ensure data privacy and compliance with regulations like GDPR, HIPAA, etc. Trainees learn to integrate these practices throughout the architecture and operations of cloud solutions.

5. Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

Professionals learn to design disaster recovery plans that ensure rapid recovery of IT systems and data accessibility, with minimal downtime. This includes understanding redundancy, data replication, and failover processes essential for maintaining business operations during outages.

6. Innovating with New Technologies

As Google Cloud continues to evolve, the training provides updated knowledge on the latest technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and Kubernetes. This keeps professionals ahead in leveraging cloud innovations for enhancing business solutions.

7. Consulting and Advisory Roles

Certified cloud architects often take on consulting roles, advising organizations on cloud strategies, migrations, and deployments. This training equips them with a broad and deep understanding of cloud technologies, making them valuable advisors for businesses looking to adopt or expand their cloud infrastructure.

8. Leadership and Project Management

With this certification, professionals can lead teams and manage large-scale cloud projects. They are equipped to oversee the lifecycle of a cloud project from conception through execution, ensuring alignment with business goals.

9. Facilitating Cross-Functional Collaboration

Training participants gain skills that help them collaborate effectively with various stakeholders, including developers, IT operations staff, security teams, and senior management, to ensure that the cloud architecture supports all aspects of the business.

10. Career Advancement

Achieving a Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect certification opens up advanced career opportunities in the cloud domain, often leading to higher responsibilities and better compensation. It is a significant credential that adds value to a professional’s resume.


Achieving a Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect certification is an ambitious goal that sets you apart in the tech industry. It not only boosts your resume but also enhances your ability to contribute to your organization's success in the cloud domain. The training by Multisoft Virtual Academy prepares you for not just a test, but for a career that involves solving complex problems with innovative cloud solutions.

For IT professionals aiming to excel in the ever-evolving cloud architecture landscape, this training is not just an option it's an essential step toward ensuring a vibrant, forward-thinking career. Whether you are just starting out or looking to consolidate and formalize your experience, the Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect certification is your pathway to success.

A Guide to ServiceNow Webassessor

ServiceNow Webassessor is a sophisticated online testing platform specifically designed to administer and manage ServiceNow certification exams. This secure and comprehensive tool allows candidates to register for, schedule, and take exams either online or onsite. Users can create personalized accounts to manage their exam schedules, view transcripts, and immediately receive their certifications upon completion. Webassessor ensures a reliable and efficient certification process, offering flexible exam formats and robust security measures to uphold the integrity of the testing environment. It is ideal for professionals seeking to validate their skills and knowledge in ServiceNow applications, enhancing their credentials in the IT field.  

ServiceNow training by Multisoft Virtual Academy is a comprehensive, cloud-based examination management system designed to streamline the process of creating, administering, and analyzing certification exams. Ideal for both learners and exam administrators, it offers a user-friendly interface and a range of versatile features:

  • Exam Development: Provides intuitive tools for item authoring and exam construction, allowing administrators to easily create and update exams.
  • Flexible Exam Formats: Candidates can choose between online or onsite exams, selecting the format that best suits their needs.
  • Scheduling Convenience: Users can schedule exams at their convenience, selecting preferred dates and times through the platform.
  • Secure Proctoring: Ensures the integrity of online exams with proctored options, maintaining high standards for certification.
  • Candidate Management: Manages candidate accounts efficiently, from registration through to exam completion.
  • Advanced Reporting: Generates detailed reports to analyze candidate performance and exam effectiveness, aiding in continuous improvement of the exam content.


Benefits for Users

  • Accessibility: Being cloud-based, it is accessible from anywhere, offering flexibility for both test takers and administrators.
  • Security: Ensures that all data, including exam content and user information, is securely stored and managed.
  • Efficiency: Streamlines the entire exam lifecycle, from creation to result analysis, saving time and reducing administrative burdens.

By using Multisoft’s ServiceNow Webassessor, organizations can enhance the effectiveness of their certification programs, providing a reliable and efficient way for candidates to demonstrate their competencies and qualifications in a secure environment. This tool not only simplifies the administrative process but also enhances the learning experience by making certification more accessible and adaptable to individual needs. If you're interested in gaining or administering certifications, delving deeper into the capabilities of ServiceNow admin certification can provide valuable insights and tools to help you succeed.



WebAssessor is a specialized online testing platform used primarily for administering ServiceNow certification exams. It offers a secure and reliable environment for candidates to take their certification tests. Here’s a concise overview of what WebAssessor provides:

  • Secure Testing: Ensures that all certification exams are conducted securely to maintain the integrity of the testing process.
  • Instant Certification: Once a candidate completes an exam, they can immediately access their certification results, streamlining the process of obtaining official credentials.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Candidates can select the credential they wish to pursue and choose a convenient date and time for their exam, offering flexibility to accommodate different schedules.
  • Account Management: Users need to create a personal account on WebAssessor, which allows them to register for exams, track their testing history, and manage their certification details.


How to create a Webassessor candidate account?

Creating a candidate account on Webassessor is a straightforward process, which involves finding the specific test sponsor’s portal and registering through it. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create your account:

  1. Identify Your Test Sponsor
    • Determine which organization or test sponsor’s certification exam you wish to take (e.g., ServiceNow, Salesforce, etc.).
  2. Search for the Test Sponsor’s Webassessor Portal
    • Use a search engine to find the specific test sponsor’s Webassessor login page. Use search terms like “Test Sponsor Webassessor Login”. For example, if your test sponsor is Acme, search for “Acme Webassessor Login”.
  3. Verify the URL
    • Ensure that the URL you’ve found corresponds to the official test sponsor’s site. This is crucial for security and to make sure you are accessing the correct portal.


  1. Navigate to Account Creation
    • Once on the test sponsor’s Webassessor portal, look for a link that says “Create an Account”. Click on this link to start the registration process.
  2. Fill Out the Registration Form
    • Complete the required fields in the registration form. This will typically include personal information, contact details, and any other information necessary to establish your candidate profile.
  3. Set Up Login Credentials
    • Choose a username and password. Make sure to pick a strong password to secure your account. Write down or securely store your login credentials as you will need them to access your account in the future.
  4. Complete the Registration
    • Submit your registration form. You may be asked to verify your email address or complete additional steps depending on the test sponsor’s requirements.
  5. Save the Test Sponsor’s Portal Page
    • Bookmark the login page for easy access in the future. This will save you time when you need to log in to register for exams or check your results.

Important Notes

  • Independent Account Creation: If there is no option to create an account independently and you are directed back to the test sponsor’s site, follow the specific instructions provided there.
  • Use Official Links: Always use links from the official test sponsor’s website to avoid phishing or fraudulent sites.
  • Privacy and Security: Be cautious about the information you provide and ensure you are on a secure (https) connection before submitting any personal details.

Following these steps will help you successfully create a Webassessor account, allowing you to register for and schedule your certification exams.


ServiceNow® ITOM online training by Multisoft Virtual Academy is a robust and secure platform tailored for managing and taking certification exams for various test sponsors such as ServiceNow. The platform provides a centralized and streamlined process for candidates to register, schedule, and take exams, enhancing the accessibility and convenience of obtaining professional certifications. The process of creating a Webassessor candidate account is straightforward, involving searching for the specific test sponsor's branded portal, verifying the URL, and filling out the necessary registration details. It's crucial for candidates to ensure they are accessing the correct and official portal to avoid security risks and to guarantee the validity of their certification process.

The ability to choose between online or onsite exams, coupled with flexible scheduling options, makes Webassessor an excellent choice for professionals looking to advance their skills and credentials. Remembering login details and keeping a record of the test sponsor’s portal page will facilitate future interactions with the platform. As technology and professional fields evolve, tools like Webassessor play a pivotal role in enabling professionals to stay relevant and competitive through certified expertise, ultimately contributing to career advancement and success in various industries.

KRONOS Tutorial for beginners

KRONOS, now part of Ultimate Kronos Group (UKG), is a cloud-based software solution for workforce management and human capital management (HCM). It offers features for talent acquisition, employee onboarding, time and attendance tracking, and payroll processing, all integrated into a single platform to enhance HR productivity and reduce compliance risks.

KRONOS Incorporated has had a significant impact on the human capital management (HCM) industry since its inception. Here's an overview of its history and key milestones:

History of KRONOS Incorporated

  • Foundation: KRONOS was founded in 1977 by Mark Ain, an alumnus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Simon Business School. The company was established with the vision of revolutionizing workforce management through technology.
  • Technological Innovation: In 1979, KRONOS introduced the world's first microprocessor-based time clock, a groundbreaking innovation at the time. This device significantly improved the accuracy and efficiency of tracking employee hours.
  • Product Evolution: Over the years, KRONOS has continually expanded and refined its product offerings. This includes developing software solutions that encompass all aspects of workforce management, from hiring and onboarding to payroll processing and performance management.
  • Going Public: KRONOS went public in 1992, listing on the Nasdaq. This move provided the company with additional capital to fuel its growth and product development.
  • Merger into UKG: In 2020, a significant merger took place between KRONOS and Ultimate Software, leading to the formation of Ultimate Kronos Group (UKG). This merger combined the strengths of both companies to create a more robust and comprehensive HCM solution provider.

Impact of the Merger

The merger between KRONOS and Ultimate Software to form UKG aimed to leverage the technological strengths and customer bases of both companies to enhance their market position. This strategic move has allowed UKG training to offer an even broader range of products and services, further facilitating workforce management for companies worldwide.

Legacy and Industry Standing

  • Innovation Leader: KRONOS has been recognized for its innovative solutions in workforce management, setting industry standards and continually evolving to meet the changing needs of businesses.
  • Comprehensive Solutions: With a wide array of products, KRONOS (now UKG) caters to all types of businesses, from small enterprises to large multinational corporations, offering tailored solutions that address specific workforce challenges.

KRONOS’s contributions to the field of workforce management have been pivotal, shaping how businesses approach and handle their HR needs. The evolution from a pioneering hardware developer to a leading software solutions provider in HCM underscores its importance in the industry.

KRONOS provides a comprehensive set of cloud-based software solutions designed to streamline various human resources (HR) tasks. Here’s a deeper look into what KRONOS training offers and how it stands out in the competitive field of Human Capital Management (HCM). Key Features include:

  • Talent Acquisition: Helps businesses find and recruit the right talent efficiently.
  • Employee Onboarding: Streamlines the process of integrating new hires into the company, making it smoother and more efficient.
  • Time & Attendance Management: Allows for precise tracking of employee hours, which is crucial for payroll and compliance.
  • Payroll Processing: Automates payroll calculations, ensuring accuracy and timeliness in employee payments.

Benefits for HR Managers

  • Single Platform Convenience: By consolidating all HR functions onto a single platform, KRONOS enhances HR productivity, reduces costs, and minimizes compliance risks. This integration provides HR managers a much-needed respite by simplifying their workflow and reducing the administrative burden.
  • Scalability: The different suites offered cater to various business sizes and needs, making KRONOS a versatile option for many organizations.

Product Offerings

  • Workforce Ready Suite: Targeted at small to mid-sized businesses, this suite is designed to be easy to use while providing all the necessary tools for effective workforce management.
  • Workforce Central Suite: Aimed at larger enterprises, this suite offers more robust and comprehensive tools needed to manage a large workforce.
  • Workforce Dimensions Suite: Combines the user-friendliness of the Workforce Ready Suite with the powerful features of the Workforce Central Suite, making it a versatile option for businesses that need both ease of use and extensive functionality.

Major Clients and Competitors

  • Clients: Notable companies such as Cognizant, Accenture, Microsoft, Infosys, Tech Mahindra, and Tata Consultancy Services use KRONOS, indicating its strong reputation and reliability in the industry.
  • Competitors: KRONOS faces competition from other prominent HCM providers like Infor, Paychex, Oracle, and ADP, each offering unique features that compete in the HCM market space.

KRONOS certification stands out due to its comprehensive features that cater to a wide range of business sizes and its ability to consolidate multiple HR functions into a single, efficient platform. This makes it an attractive option for companies looking to optimize their human resource management.


KRONOS, now part of Ultimate Kronos Group (UKG), offers several distinct advantages that make it a preferred choice for many organizations looking to manage their workforce efficiently. Here's a breakdown of these advantages:

1. Division of Labor

  • Multi-tier System: KRONOS employs a multi-tier system architecture which effectively divides computing tasks and data management across several layers. This separation ensures smoother operation and enhanced stability because tasks are handled more efficiently across different servers.

2. Scalability

  • Flexible Infrastructure: The ability to scale horizontally (adding more machines) or vertically (adding power to existing machines) ensures that the system can grow with the needs of the business. This makes it suitable for companies of all sizes and allows them to expand their usage of the software without performance bottlenecks.

3. Performance

  • Robust Architecture: By isolating functions across different tiers, an issue in one area does not cripple the entire system. This modular approach not only minimizes downtime but also simplifies maintenance and upgrades, as specific components can be addressed without affecting others.

4. Easy Data Access

  • Mobile Accessibility: The platform provides easy access to data through mobile devices, which is increasingly important in today’s mobile-first world. Managers and employees can access their information, perform tasks, and make decisions from anywhere, enhancing productivity and flexibility.

5. Single Platform Integration

  • Unified Features: KRONOS integrates a wide range of HR functions into a single platform, from payroll and time tracking to talent management and analytics. This centralization eliminates the need for multiple separate systems, reduces software conflicts, and simplifies the user experience.

Key Takeaways

  • Empowerment Through Knowledge: Familiarizing yourself with the KRONOS system—or any comprehensive tool you use—is vital. This not only helps in reducing the likelihood of mistakes but also enhances your ability to utilize the software to its full potential.
  • Consistent Fundamentals: While KRONOS continues to evolve, introducing new features and versions, the core principles of its operation remain consistent. This ensures that once you understand the basics, adapting to upgrades or changes becomes much simpler.
  • Continuous Learning: Start by logging into the system, navigating through its various functionalities, and practicing the tasks you'll need to manage. This hands-on approach is the best way to solidify your understanding and skills.


Keep your curiosity and willingness to learn alive. The more you explore and practice, the more proficient you will become. Whether it's through additional tutorials, hands-on use, or seeking out new resources, continuous learning is the key to success in utilizing complex software systems like KRONOS effectively.

We hope this tutorial by Multisoft Virtual Academy has been informative and motivating. If you have any more questions or need further assistance with KRONOS UKG online training or any other educational content, feel free to reach out. Remember, every step you take in learning and every bit of knowledge you gain makes you better equipped to handle the challenges of modern workforce management.

The Complete Guide to Fluid Power Training

Fluid power is the use of fluids under pressure to generate, control, and transmit power. It is divided into two categories: hydraulics, which uses liquids like oil or water, and pneumatics, which uses compressed air or other gases. Fluid power systems are preferred for applications requiring a significant amount of force with precise control, such as in lifting heavy loads, automating production lines, or in precision machinery operations. In the world of engineering, fluid power systems play a pivotal role across various industries, from manufacturing and aerospace to agriculture and construction.

Understanding these systems operating primarily on hydraulic and pneumatic energy is crucial for engineers and technicians. This blog post by Multisoft Systems delves into the significance of Fluid Power Training, exploring its benefits, key components, and how it can propel your career to new heights.

Why Invest in Fluid Power Training?

  • High Demand for Skilled Professionals: As industries strive for more automation and precision, the demand for skilled professionals who can design, maintain, and repair fluid power systems is increasing. Training in this field ensures you stay relevant and competitive in a rapidly evolving job market.
  • Enhanced Skills and Knowledge: Fluid power training programs cover a broad spectrum of knowledge from basic principles to advanced system design, including simulations and hands-on practice. This comprehensive understanding allows for better problem-solving and innovation within the workplace.
  • Safety and Efficiency: Proper training teaches the correct procedures for operating and maintaining hydraulic and pneumatic systems, which is crucial to ensuring workplace safety and operational efficiency.
  • Career Advancement: Specializing in fluid power opens up various career opportunities, from system design and engineering to maintenance and technical sales areas. Proficiency in this field can lead to senior technical roles or management positions.

Key Components

Fluid power training typically encompasses several core areas to provide a rounded understanding and practical skill set:

  • Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics: Understanding the properties of fluids and how they behave under different pressures and temperatures is foundational.
  • Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems: Detailed study on the design, components, and operation of both systems.
  • Circuits and Schematics: Learning to read and design circuit diagrams for fluid power systems is essential for troubleshooting and building new systems.
  • Safety Protocols: Emphasizes the importance of safety standards in handling high-pressure systems.
  • Maintenance Techniques: Covers routine checks, troubleshooting errors, and preventive maintenance to prolong the lifespan and efficiency of fluid power systems.
  • Emerging Technologies: Keeps you updated with the latest advancements, such as automation integration and new materials or fluids being used in the industry.

Training Formats

Fluid power training is offered in various formats to cater to different learning preferences and schedules:

  • Certificate Programs: Many technical institutes and community colleges offer certificate programs that can be completed in a few months to a year. These are ideal for individuals new to the field or those looking to formalize their expertise.
  • Workshops and Seminars: For professionals seeking to update their skills or gain insights into specific technologies or applications, short-term workshops and seminars are beneficial.
  • Online Courses: There are also comprehensive online courses offering flexibility for those who cannot commit to a full-time program or prefer to learn at their own pace.
  • On-the-Job Training: Some companies provide hands-on training on the job, which is invaluable for understanding real-world applications and gaining practical experience.

Real-World Applications

The knowledge gained from fluid power training has practical applications across various fields:

  • Manufacturing: Automating production lines for faster and more efficient production.
  • Aerospace: Operating and maintaining aircraft hydraulic systems for flight operations and safety.
  • Automotive: Designing and repairing hydraulic systems in vehicles, such as brake and steering systems.
  • Construction: Using heavy machinery such as excavators, cranes, and bulldozers, which rely extensively on hydraulic systems.

Many engineers and technicians have transformed their careers through specialized training in fluid power. For instance, a technician from a small manufacturing company may rise to become the head of maintenance after completing a comprehensive hydraulic systems course, significantly improving the company's productivity and reducing machine downtime.

Getting Started

If you're interested in Fluid Power certification, start by researching accredited programs that offer certified courses. Look for programs that balance theory with practical exercises and provide access to modern lab facilities and experienced instructors. Networking with professionals in the field and attending industry seminars can also provide valuable insights and career advice.

Skills you will learn

When you undergo Fluid Power online training, here are some of the key skills you will acquire:

  • Understand the properties and behavior of fluids under pressure, essential for designing and troubleshooting fluid power systems.
  • Learn to design hydraulic and pneumatic systems, including calculating force, pressure, flow rate, and efficiency.
  • Gain the ability to read and create detailed hydraulic and pneumatic circuit diagrams and schematics.
  • Learn how to select appropriate components such as pumps, valves, cylinders, and accumulators, and understand their integration into fluid power systems.
  • Develop skills in diagnosing issues and maintaining fluid power equipment to ensure optimal performance and longevity.
  • Acquire knowledge of safety protocols to safely operate and manage fluid power systems.
  • Understand how to optimize systems for energy efficiency, reducing environmental impact and operational costs.
  • Learn about electronic control systems that integrate with hydraulic and pneumatic systems, including sensors and PLCs.
  • Stay updated with the latest innovations in fluid power technology, such as electro-hydraulic and electro-pneumatic systems.
  • Through hands-on practice, become proficient at applying theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, enhancing your practical and problem-solving skills.

These skills will not only boost your expertise and employability in various sectors relying on fluid power technology but also prepare you for advanced roles and responsibilities within the field.


Fluid power is a dynamic field with substantial impact across multiple industries. PL-300: Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst Course Training Investing in fluid power training not only enhances your technical skills but also broadens your career opportunities. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to upgrade your skills, Fluid Power corporate online training by Multisoft Systems offers a pathway to achieving your professional goals, ensuring you remain at the forefront of technological advancements and industry demands.

Top 20 Workday HCM Interview Questions

Workday HCM is a cloud-based human capital management software that provides tools for managing the entire employee lifecycle, from recruitment to retirement. It integrates functions like payroll, talent management, benefits, workforce planning, and analytics into a single system, offering a comprehensive solution for managing and optimizing an organization's workforce efficiently. Workday HCM Training is a program designed to educate users on how to effectively utilize the Workday Human Capital Management platform. It covers a range of topics including system navigation, employee lifecycle management, payroll processing, and analytics.

This Workday HCM training by Multisoft Virtual Academy is tailored to help HR professionals, system administrators, and end-users understand and maximize the functionalities of Workday HCM, ensuring they can efficiently manage workforce processes and enhance organizational operations.

Preparing for an interview involving Workday Human Capital Management (HCM)? Here are 20 key questions along with comprehensive answers to help you demonstrate your expertise and understanding of the platform.

1. What is Workday HCM?

Workday HCM is a comprehensive cloud-based suite designed to handle all aspects of human resource management. It integrates a wide range of HR functionalities including recruiting, talent management, payroll, benefits, and employee data management into a single system. This holistic approach helps organizations streamline their HR operations, ensure data consistency, and leverage real-time insights for decision-making.

2. Can you explain the architecture of Workday?

Workday's architecture is based on a multi-tenant, cloud-based structure, where all users and applications share a single, common infrastructure and code base maintained centrally. This design allows Workday to quickly deploy updates, manage security efficiently, and scale resources according to demand, ensuring all clients are on the latest version with robust data integrity and security measures.

3. How does Workday support global organizations?

Workday supports global organizations by providing extensive functionalities tailored for global operations, including multi-language support, a wide range of currencies, and compliance with local regulations. It offers global payroll capabilities, consolidated reporting across different regions, and tools for managing global talent, making it an ideal solution for multinational corporations.

4. What are Worktags in Workday?

Worktags are used within Workday to categorize and report on business data. They allow users to tag transactions, business processes, and objects with attributes that represent organizational dimensions like cost centers, regions, or projects. This facilitates granular reporting and analysis, enabling more detailed insights into business operations.

5. Explain the concept of Business Processes in Workday.

In Workday, business processes are defined as sequences of tasks that accomplish a specific organizational goal. Each process, such as hiring or onboarding, is configurable and consists of steps that can be assigned to different roles within the organization. Workday's workflow functionality is highly flexible, allowing for conditional routing and approvals based on organization-specific policies.

6. How is security managed in Workday?

Security in Workday is role-based, with access control at multiple levels including functional areas, business processes, and data sources. Workday uses domains and security groups to fine-tune access permissions, ensuring that users see only the data and functions relevant to their role, thereby maintaining data privacy and compliance.

7. What is the tenant in Workday?

A tenant in Workday refers to a unique set of data, configurations, and security settings maintained within the Workday online training environment for each customer. It serves as the virtual instance where an organization’s specific data, business processes, and customizations reside, isolated from other tenants.

8. Can you discuss Workday’s reporting capabilities?

Workday offers robust reporting capabilities with real-time operational reporting features based on live data. It includes standard reports, custom reports, and composite reports which allow for combining data from multiple sources. Additionally, Workday provides analytics with dashboards and scorecards to support strategic decision-making.

9. How does Workday handle integrations?

Workday integrates with other systems using its robust APIs and integration platform. It supports a variety of integration types including Cloud Connect, Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB), and Workday Studio, which can handle everything from simple data imports to complex cross-functional business processes.

10. How do you utilize Workday HCM to facilitate effective succession planning?

Succession planning in Workday HCM is facilitated through its robust talent management functionalities. Initially, use Workday to identify key positions and assess the critical skills required for these roles. Then, leveraging Workday’s talent and performance data, identify potential internal candidates who exhibit these skills and show leadership potential. Workday’s Career and Development Planning tools help create personalized development plans for these candidates, ensuring they are prepared for future roles.

11. Describe how you would use Workday for performance management.

Workday’s performance management module enables organizations to configure and manage performance review processes that align with their HR strategies. It allows for setting up goals, scheduling reviews, providing feedback, and assessing employee performance.

12. How do you ensure data accuracy in Workday?

Ensuring data accuracy in Workday Recruiting course involves setting up data validation rules, regularly reviewing data input practices, and training users on correct data entry procedures. Additionally, utilizing Workday’s audit and reporting tools to regularly check data integrity and quickly address any discrepancies is crucial.

13. Explain how Workday facilitates employee onboarding.

Workday streamlines the onboarding process by automating administrative tasks such as paperwork, benefits enrollment, and training schedules. It provides new hires with a portal containing all necessary information and tasks they need to complete, which helps in engaging them from day one and ensuring a smooth start at the company.

14. What is Workday’s approach to talent acquisition?

Workday’s talent acquisition functionality is comprehensive, integrating the entire recruitment process from job requisition to hiring. It includes features like candidate tracking, interview management, offer management, and onboarding. The system enhances recruiter efficiency, improves candidate experience, and provides insights into the hiring process through embedded analytics.

15. Discuss the benefit administration capabilities in Workday.

Workday’s benefits administration module allows organizations to manage a wide range of employee benefits, including health, retirement, insurance, and other perks. It supports automatic benefits enrollment based on eligibility rules, life event management, and provides a comprehensive view for employees to manage their benefits, helping ensure compliance and employee satisfaction.

16. How do you handle payroll processing in Workday?

Workday’s payroll module is integrated within its HCM suite, providing a seamless flow of data from time tracking and employee changes to payroll processing. It supports payroll calculations, tax withholdings, and payments, offering configurable rules to meet diverse payroll requirements and ensuring compliance with local tax regulations.

17. How do you handle user adoption challenges when rolling out new Workday HCM features?

User adoption is critical to the success of new Workday HCM features. To handle adoption challenges, start by involving key stakeholders early in the planning process to ensure the features align with user needs and business goals. Comprehensive training sessions are then conducted to educate users about the benefits and functionalities of the new features. Regular follow-up sessions help to address any ongoing concerns and ensure users are comfortable and proficient with the new features.

18. What is unique about managing projects in Workday compared to other HR systems?

Managing projects in Workday scm training is unique due to its real-time data updates and comprehensive integration capabilities. This allows project managers to have up-to-date information at their fingertips, facilitating better decision-making and more efficient resource management. The unified nature of Workday also reduces the need for separate project management tools.

19. How does Workday support employee learning and development?

Workday Learning is a module that provides tools for delivering and tracking employee training programs. It supports a mixture of learning types including online courses, instructor-led training, and peer learning. The platform integrates learning with performance goals and career development plans, making it a powerful tool for ongoing employee development.

20. What strategies would you suggest for migrating from a legacy HR system to Workday?

Migrating from a legacy HR system to Workday involves careful planning and execution. Workday Payroll Training Key strategies include comprehensive data cleaning and mapping, involving stakeholders in the planning process, conducting pilot tests, and providing extensive training. Additionally, it’s crucial to manage expectations through clear communication regarding the benefits and changes brought by the new system.

PeopleSoft HR Training: Empowering HR Professionals

PeopleSoft HCM is an integrated suite offering a wide array of applications designed to manage every aspect of HR operations, including workforce administration, payroll, talent management, HR analytics, and more. It is highly customizable, allowing organizations to tailor the system to meet their unique requirements and processes. However, the complexity and depth of PeopleSoft HCM also mean that effective utilization requires in-depth knowledge and skills—precisely what PeopleSoft Human Resource Training aims to provide. In today’s dynamic business environment, human resources (HR) management plays a crucial role in shaping the workforce and driving organizational success.

Oracle's PeopleSoft Human Capital Management (HCM) provides a comprehensive suite of tools designed to help HR professionals manage and optimize their workforce. PeopleSoft Human Resource Training is essential for professionals seeking to leverage this powerful software to its full potential. This article by Multisoft Virtual Academy explores the importance of PeopleSoft Human Resource training, its benefits, and key components that HR professionals can expect to learn.

Why Invest in PeopleSoft Human Resource Training?

  • Enhanced System Utilization: Training empowers users to fully utilize the various functionalities of PeopleSoft HCM, from basic navigation to complex data analysis and system customization.
  • Increased Efficiency: Knowing how to effectively use PeopleSoft can streamline HR processes, reduce errors, and save time, translating to cost savings and more strategic use of resources.
  • Professional Development: For HR professionals, training in PeopleSoft HCM is a valuable addition to their skill set, enhancing career opportunities and credibility within the profession.
  • Strategic HR Management: Advanced knowledge of PeopleSoft enables HR teams to pull comprehensive analytics and reports, aiding in strategic decision-making and improving workforce management.

Core Components

PeopleSoft Human Resource Training covers a broad spectrum of knowledge areas and skills. Here are some of the core components that are typically included in the training:

  • Navigation and Basics: Participants first learn the basics of navigating through the PeopleSoft interface, understanding the dashboard, and accessing different modules.
  • Personnel Management: Training includes detailed processes for managing personnel information, from hiring and onboarding to terminations. This component is vital for keeping the system updated and ensuring compliance with labor laws and regulations.
  • Payroll and Benefits: Participants learn how to manage payroll components within PeopleSoft, including setting up payroll runs, managing deductions, and benefits administration. This knowledge is crucial for maintaining accurate and timely employee payments and benefits distribution.
  • Talent Management: This includes training on how to handle various aspects of talent management such as performance management, career and succession planning, and learning management. These tools help organizations manage their talent pool effectively, ensuring that the right people are in the right roles and are adequately developed.
  • Time and Labor: Training often covers the management of time reporting and labor tracking within PeopleSoft. This is crucial for workforce planning and cost management.
  • Security and Data Privacy: Understanding how to configure and manage system security settings is a critical part of the training, ensuring that sensitive HR data is protected against unauthorized access.
  • Advanced Features and Customization: For more tech-savvy users, training might also include sessions on advanced features like customizing workflows, creating new reports, or even modifying the user interface according to specific organizational needs.

Benefits of Certification

Obtaining a PeopleSoft training brings numerous benefits. It validates an individual's expertise in the PeopleSoft platform, enhancing their credibility and marketability in the competitive HR landscape. Certified professionals are often preferred by employers for their proven proficiency and dedication to continuing education, which can lead to better job opportunities and potential for higher salaries. Certification also instills confidence in the certified individuals, empowering them to effectively manage complex HR systems and contribute strategically to their organizations. Additionally, it facilitates a deeper understanding of the software, enabling users to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of their HR operations.

Implementing What You Learn

Implementing the skills learned from PeopleSoft Human Resource online training requires strategic planning and a proactive approach. Firstly, it's essential to conduct an initial assessment of the current HR systems and processes to identify areas that would benefit most from enhanced PeopleSoft functionalities. Integrating new skills into day-to-day operations starts with small, manageable changes to ensure smooth adaptation and minimize disruption.

Effective implementation also involves collaboration across various HR and IT departments. Sharing knowledge and best practices helps ensure that the entire team understands how to leverage PeopleSoft features to their fullest. Creating a collaborative environment encourages ongoing learning and problem-solving, reinforcing the practical application of the training. Training participants should also prioritize setting up a feedback loop where they can monitor the outcomes of their newly implemented strategies and make adjustments as necessary. This iterative process helps refine the use of PeopleSoft tools to align more closely with organizational goals.

Lastly, continuing education is crucial. The landscape of HR technology is continuously evolving, and staying updated with the latest PeopleSoft upgrades and features can dramatically improve HR operations. Regular refresher courses and attending user groups or conferences can help maintain a high level of proficiency, ensuring that HR professionals remain agile and responsive to new challenges and opportunities.

Enhancing HR Strategy

In the evolving landscape of human resources, PeopleSoft Human Resource Training not only equips HR professionals with necessary technical skills but also enables them to align HR strategies with overall business objectives. This alignment is critical as organizations increasingly rely on data-driven insights to make informed decisions that affect their workforce and competitive positioning. A significant advantage of PeopleSoft HCM is its configurability, allowing organizations to tailor processes to fit their unique operational needs. In-depth training helps HR teams customize modules like recruitment, performance management, and employee self-service portals to enhance user experience and functionality. For instance, by automating routine tasks, HR professionals can redirect their focus towards more strategic initiatives such as talent development and employee engagement.

Advanced training in PeopleSoft equips HR professionals to leverage the software’s powerful analytics tools. These tools provide critical insights into workforce trends, productivity, and compliance issues, enabling HR managers to forecast needs, plan resources, and manage risks more effectively. For example, predictive analytics can help identify flight risks and guide the development of retention strategies tailored to key talent segments. Continuing education is vital in keeping up with updates to PeopleSoft HCM. Many training providers offer ongoing courses and updates. Additionally, engaging with the broader PeopleSoft community through forums and conferences can provide valuable insights and help HR professionals stay ahead of industry trends and software developments.

The Impact of Skilled HR Professionals

HR professionals trained in PeopleSoft can significantly impact their organizations. By efficiently managing HR processes and data, they help ensure that the organization not only remains compliant with regulatory requirements but also thrives through the optimal use of its human capital. Ultimately, the skills acquired from PeopleSoft Human Resource Training empower HR professionals to contribute to their organization's success more strategically, proving that the right training and tools can turn the HR department into a pivotal component of organizational leadership.


Investing in PeopleSoft admin Training by Multisoft Virtual Academy is crucial for HR professionals looking to enhance their skills and maximize the potential of their HR systems. Effective training not only improves personal competence but also contributes significantly to organizational efficiency and success. With the right training and implementation, HR professionals can transform their operations and play a strategic role in their organization’s growth.

Mastering CANoe: Essential Training for Automotive Professionals

CANoe is developed by Vector Informatik and is widely recognized as the leading tool for simulation, diagnostic, and testing tasks related to network communications within vehicles. It supports a variety of network protocols like CAN, LIN, FlexRay, and Ethernet, making it an indispensable tool for automotive software engineers and system testers. In the rapidly evolving automotive industry, efficient and reliable software is increasingly becoming the backbone of innovation, especially with the rise of connected, autonomous, and electric vehicles.

Vector CANoe is a comprehensive software tool that supports the development, testing, and analysis of individual ECUs (Electronic Control Units) and entire automotive networks. CANoe Training by Multisoft Virtual Academy is essential for professionals looking to master this tool and leverage its capabilities to enhance automotive software quality and reliability.

Why Invest in CANoe Training?

  • Skill Enhancement: CANoe is a sophisticated tool that requires specific skills to be used effectively. Training provides the necessary knowledge to utilize all its features efficiently.
  • Improved Product Quality: Proper use of CANoe can significantly reduce development time and improve the quality and reliability of automotive software systems.
  • Career Advancement: Proficiency in CANoe is highly valued in the automotive industry, and mastering it can open up significant career opportunities.
  • Innovation Support: CANoe helps in simulating and validating vehicle networks and ECUs, crucial for developing innovative automotive technologies.

Core Components

CANoe Training covers a wide range of topics designed to equip participants with a deep understanding of the tool and its applications in automotive systems development:

  • Introduction to CANoe: Understanding the interface, basic functionalities, and setting up a CANoe environment.
  • Simulation Capabilities: Learning how to simulate ECUs and networks to test interactions and communications without physical hardware.
  • Network Communication: Deep dives into protocol-specific uses of CANoe, including CAN, LIN, and FlexRay, among others, to manage data effectively.
  • Scripting and Automation: Using CAPL (Communication Access Programming Language) to script test cases and automate tasks within CANoe.
  • Analysis Tools: Exploring CANoe’s analysis features that allow for real-time monitoring and logging of data to troubleshoot and optimize network performance.
  • Testing and Validation: Detailed training on creating and managing test environments and validation scenarios to ensure compliance with industry standards and performance expectations.

Obtaining CANoe certification not only demonstrates a professional’s competence but also enhances their credibility in the field. Certified professionals are often seen as assets to their teams, capable of leading complex projects and driving innovation. Certification can lead to better job positions, higher salaries, and more respect in the professional community.

Implementing What You Learn

Implementing skills acquired from CANoe online training involves more than just applying new knowledge. It requires integrating this knowledge into the daily workflows:

  • Develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): Use training insights to develop or update SOPs for software testing and validation.
  • Share Knowledge: Conduct training sessions to transfer knowledge to colleagues, enhancing the overall competency of your team.
  • Regularly Update Skills: The automotive software landscape is continuously evolving, and so are the capabilities of tools like CANoe. Regular updates and refresher courses keep skills current.
  • Engage in Community and Forums: Participate in CANoe user groups and online forums to stay connected with other experts, share experiences, and solve challenges collaboratively.

Expanding Knowledge with Advanced CANoe Features

Beyond the basic functionalities, advanced CANoe training introduces professionals to more sophisticated features that can significantly impact automotive software development and testing. These include detailed analysis of network behavior under various conditions, stress testing, and integration testing with actual hardware and software. Advanced training sessions delve into the optimization of network communication for performance and safety, crucial in the development of connected and autonomous vehicles.

During CANoe training, learners typically engage with real-world case studies and practical scenarios that mimic the challenges faced in actual automotive development projects. These scenarios help in understanding how CANoe can be used to detect and diagnose issues early in the development cycle, potentially saving significant resources and reducing time to market for new automotive technologies. For instance, using CANoe to simulate network traffic can help identify bottlenecks or errors in communication protocols before they impact vehicle performance.

Bridging Theory and Practice

To bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge acquired in training and its practical application, many courses incorporate hands-on projects. These projects allow participants to apply their learning in controlled, realistic environments, facilitating a deeper understanding of CANoe’s capabilities and limitations. Such practical exposure is invaluable, as it equips professionals with the confidence to apply their skills immediately and effectively in their work settings.

Innovative use of CANoe goes beyond standard testing and analysis. Advanced users can leverage the tool to create predictive models and use simulation data to improve ECU designs proactively. By predicting how new designs will perform under different network conditions, engineers can innovate more freely, knowing that they have a robust tool to validate their ideas.

Skills you will learn

In a comprehensive CANoe training program, participants can expect to learn a variety of skills that are crucial for automotive software development and testing:

  • Learn how to configure and manage various automotive communication protocols such as CAN, LIN, FlexRay, and Ethernet within CANoe.
  • Gain the ability to create and manage virtual environments for simulating and testing ECUs and network communications without the need for physical prototypes.
  • Develop skills in analyzing data traffic on networks, identifying anomalies, and troubleshooting errors to ensure optimal network performance.
  • Acquire proficiency in CAPL (Communication Access Programming Language), allowing you to write scripts for test automation, simulation control, and data manipulation within CANoe.
  • Learn how to design comprehensive test cases and automate testing processes to validate the functionality and reliability of automotive software and hardware components.
  • Understand how to use CANoe’s analysis tools to optimize the performance and efficiency of automotive networks and systems.
  • Master the implementation of diagnostic routines and service functions within CANoe to support maintenance and error resolution in automotive systems.
  • Learn to integrate CANoe with actual hardware for hybrid testing scenarios, combining simulations with real-world testing for more comprehensive validation.
  • Enhance your ability to generate detailed reports and documentation from CANoe, essential for compliance with industry standards and for project documentation.

These skills are essential for automotive professionals involved in ECU development and testing, and they provide the technical foundation necessary to handle complex challenges in modern vehicle systems development.


CANoe online training by Multisoft Virtual Academy is a pivotal step for any automotive professional who wants to excel in the field of ECU and network communications development. Through comprehensive training, engineers and developers not only enhance their technical skills but also contribute to the higher standards of automotive software reliability and performance. As vehicles become more software-driven, proficiency in tools like CANoe is becoming essential, making CANoe training a valuable investment for both individuals and organizations in the automotive sector.

A Guide to API 650 Tank Design Course

API 650 tanks hold a pivotal position due to their robust design and compliance with stringent industry standards. Governed by the American Petroleum Institute, the API Standard 650 outlines the criteria for the design, fabrication, erection, and inspection of welded, above-ground, vertical, cylindrical, flat-bottomed, open- or closed-top storage tanks. Primarily used for storing oil, gasoline, chemicals, and produced water, these tanks are essential in petrochemical plants, refineries, and various other industrial sectors.

What is API 650?

API 650, formally known as the "Welded Tanks for Oil Storage," is a standard developed by the American Petroleum Institute (API) that provides guidelines for the design, fabrication, erection, and inspection of welded, above-ground, vertical, cylindrical, flat-bottomed storage tanks. It primarily focuses on tanks designed to store oil, gasoline, chemicals, and water under atmospheric pressure conditions. This standard ensures that tanks are constructed in a manner that maintains safety and integrity, suitable for different environmental and operational stresses.

The API 650 standard outlines critical design and construction details including material specifications, tank dimensions, permissible design stresses, and joint designs. It also specifies requirements for foundations, roofs, and structural supports. One of the key features of API 650 is its emphasis on the quality of construction, including strict requirements for welding practices and techniques. It also mandates thorough testing and inspection protocols to ensure that the tanks meet safety and quality benchmarks before they are put into service. As a result, API 650 tanks are widely recognized for their reliability and safety in various industrial applications.

Design Parameters of API 650 Tanks

The design process of API 650 tanks is meticulous and involves several critical parameters:

  • Material Selection: The construction of API 650 tanks requires the use of steel plates that are capable of withstanding the pressures and temperatures associated with storing petroleum and its by-products. Material grades are specified according to the contents of the tank and the conditions they will be subjected to.
  • Size and Capacity: These tanks can vary widely in size, typically from 10 to 350 feet in diameter and 30 to 60 feet in height. The capacity can also vary, generally from a few hundred barrels to over a million gallons. The design must account for the specific gravity of the stored liquid and the potential for future capacity expansion.
  • Roof Designs: API 650 tanks may be designed with a variety of roof types, including cone roofs, dome roofs, and floating roofs, depending on the volatility of the stored liquid. For highly volatile substances, floating roofs are preferred as they minimize vapor space and reduce evaporation loss.
  • Bottom Plates and Foundation: The foundation is crucial for the structural integrity of the tank. It must be designed to provide adequate support against settlement, uplift, and other geotechnical factors. The bottom plates are also a critical aspect, usually designed to prevent leakage and contamination of groundwater.

Manufacturing and Construction Standards

The API 650 standard prescribes strict requirements during the manufacturing and construction phases to ensure safety and reliability:

  • Welding Standards: All welding must follow the procedures specified in API 650, which require using qualified welders and methods that ensure robust and leak-proof seams.
  • Testing and Inspection: Hydrostatic testing is conducted to check for leaks and verify the integrity of the tank after it is constructed. Additionally, regular inspections are mandated to monitor the tank's condition and maintain its operational safety throughout its lifespan.
  • Corrosion Protection: Since these tanks often store corrosive substances, they are designed with corrosion allowances and may include coatings or cathodic protection systems to extend their operational life.

Regulatory and Safety Considerations

Safety is paramount when designing and operating API 650 tanks. The standards incorporate multiple safety features and require adherence to environmental regulations to mitigate any risk of spills or failures. The tanks are designed to withstand environmental challenges such as wind, seismic activity, and temperature variations.

Furthermore, API 650 Tanks Design training are subject to regular audits and inspections by regulatory authorities to ensure compliance with environmental and safety standards. This not only helps in maintaining the integrity of the tank but also safeguards against potential operational hazards.

Applications of API 650 Tanks

Beyond oil and gas storage, API 650 tanks are increasingly being employed in water treatment plants and in the agricultural industry for the storage of irrigation water and other fluids. The adaptability of the design to different climates and site conditions makes them an ideal choice for a wide range of industrial applications.

API 650 tanks are versatile storage solutions primarily used in the petroleum industry but also extensively applied across various sectors due to their robust design and safety features. These tanks commonly store oil, gasoline, and other petroleum products, helping to manage large volume needs in refineries and distribution centers. Beyond oil storage, they are also used for holding chemicals in petrochemical plants, where their ability to handle different contents and resist corrosive materials is critical.

In the environmental management sector, API 650 Tanks certification course are vital for water storage applications, including in water treatment plants and for fire protection water reserves. Their design allows for modifications like floating roofs to minimize evaporation, crucial for volatile chemicals and environmental conservation efforts.

Additionally, the agricultural industry utilizes these tanks for storing irrigation water and other agricultural chemicals, ensuring large quantities are available on-demand during planting or harvest seasons. The adaptability and safety of API 650 tanks make them a preferred choice in industries requiring dependable large-scale liquid storage solutions, highlighting their broad utility beyond just the petroleum sector.

Skills you will learn

Here's a concise list of skills you can learn:

  • Enhancing problem-solving and analytical skills to evaluate information effectively.
  • Planning, executing, and managing projects to achieve specific goals on time and within budget.
  • Developing the ability to write clear, comprehensive, and precise documents for technical communication.
  • Leading teams effectively and fostering collaborative environments.
  • Interpreting complex data sets to make informed decisions.
  • Gaining proficiency in coding languages and software development techniques.
  • Understanding financial concepts, budgeting, and financial planning.
  • Improving verbal and written communication for diverse audiences.
  • Mastering the use of digital tools and platforms to enhance work efficiency.
  • Cultivating innovative approaches to solve problems and generate new ideas.


Multisoft’s API 650 Tanks Design training are integral to the storage of not only petroleum and its by-products but also a variety of other fluids in industrial applications. With their rigorous design standards and comprehensive guidelines, these tanks provide a reliable solution for large-scale storage needs. By adhering to API 650 online training, industries ensure that their storage practices are safe, environmentally friendly, and effective, marking a critical step in operational excellence and risk management in the industrial sector. So, enroll in Multisoft Virtual Academy now!

A Tutorial on Tableau Training

Tableau Training offers a gateway to harnessing the full potential of data visualization. Whether you're a data analyst, business intelligence professional, or a newcomer to the field, mastering Tableau can elevate your skills and career prospects. By learning how to leverage Tableau's features and functionalities, you can create compelling visualizations that uncover hidden patterns, trends, and insights within your data, empowering you to make informed decisions and drive business growth. In today's data-driven world, the ability to effectively analyze and visualize data is a crucial skill for professionals across various industries.

Tableau, a leading data visualization tool, empowers users to transform complex datasets into interactive and insightful visualizations, enabling data-driven decision-making like never before. In this comprehensive tutorial by Multisoft Virtual Academy, we'll delve into the world of Tableau online training, exploring its importance, key concepts, and how to get started on your journey to mastering this powerful tool.

Key Concepts

Before diving into Tableau Training, it's essential to familiarize yourself with some key concepts that form the foundation of data visualization:

  • Data Connection and Preparation: Tableau allows users to connect to various data sources, including databases, spreadsheets, and cloud services. During Tableau Training, you'll learn how to import and prepare data for analysis, ensuring it's clean, structured, and ready for visualization.
  • Visualization Types: Tableau offers a wide range of visualization types, from basic charts like bar graphs and scatter plots to more advanced visuals like heat maps and treemaps. Understanding when and how to use each visualization type is a fundamental aspect of Tableau Training.
  • Dashboard Creation: Dashboards are central to Tableau's capabilities, allowing users to combine multiple visualizations into a single interactive interface. In Tableau Training, you'll learn how to design and customize dashboards to convey insights effectively to your audience.
  • Calculations and Expressions: Tableau provides powerful calculation and expression capabilities for creating custom metrics and measures. Through Tableau Training, you'll master the use of calculated fields, parameters, and table calculations to perform complex analyses and derive meaningful insights from your data.
  • Mapping: Tableau's mapping features enable users to visualize spatial data and geographic trends. During Tableau Training, you'll learn how to create maps, add layers, and perform spatial analysis to uncover geographical insights within your datasets.

Getting Started with Tableau Training

Now that we've covered the basics, let's explore how you can kickstart your Tableau Training journey:

  • Choose the Right Training Program: There are numerous Tableau Training programs available, ranging from online courses to in-person workshops and certification programs. Look for a program that aligns with your learning goals, schedule, and budget.
  • Master the Basics: Begin by familiarizing yourself with Tableau's interface, navigation, and basic functionalities. Many Tableau Training courses offer introductory modules that cover these essentials, providing a solid foundation for further learning.
  • Practice, Practice, Practice: Like any skill, mastering Tableau requires practice. Dedicate time to exploring Tableau's features, experimenting with different visualization types, and working on real-world datasets. The more you practice, the more proficient you'll become.
  • Join the Tableau Community: Tableau boasts a vibrant and supportive community of users, where you can find resources, ask questions, and share insights. Joining forums, attending user groups, and participating in online communities can enhance your Tableau learning experience.
  • Work on Projects: Apply your Tableau skills to real-world projects and scenarios. Whether it's analyzing sales data, tracking marketing performance, or visualizing financial trends, working on projects will deepen your understanding of Tableau and showcase your expertise to potential employers.
  • Seek Certification: Consider pursuing Tableau certification to validate your skills and enhance your credibility in the job market. Tableau offers various certification exams, including Desktop Specialist, Desktop Certified Associate, and Desktop Certified Professional, each catering to different skill levels and roles.

Why Tableau?

Learning Tableau Training is essential for anyone seeking to excel in the realm of data analysis and visualization. Tableau offers a powerful suite of tools and functionalities that enable users to transform raw data into actionable insights, empowering informed decision-making and driving business growth. By mastering Tableau, individuals gain the ability to create compelling visualizations that uncover hidden patterns, trends, and correlations within their data, allowing them to identify opportunities, mitigate risks, and optimize strategies.

Moreover, Tableau's intuitive interface and user-friendly features make it accessible to users of all skill levels, from beginners to seasoned professionals. Whether you're a data analyst, business intelligence professional, or a manager looking to leverage data for strategic decision-making, Tableau certification equips you with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in today's data-driven world. With Tableau Training, you'll gain the confidence to tackle complex data challenges, communicate insights effectively, and make a meaningful impact in your organization.

Skills you will acquire

In Tableau Training, participants will acquire the following skills:

  • Data connection and preparation techniques.
  • Creation of various types of visualizations such as bar charts, line graphs, and heat maps.
  • Dashboard design and customization for effective data presentation.
  • Advanced calculation and expression techniques for custom metrics and measures.
  • Spatial analysis and mapping of geographical data.
  • Data blending and joins to integrate disparate datasets.
  • Performance optimization strategies for efficient data analysis.
  • Storytelling with data to communicate insights effectively.
  • Collaboration and sharing of visualizations within the Tableau ecosystem.Top of Form

Advanced Topics in Tableau Training

In addition to the fundamental concepts covered in Tableau Training, there are several advanced topics that participants can explore to further enhance their skills and proficiency:

  • Advanced Visualization Techniques: Tableau offers advanced visualization techniques that enable users to create sophisticated and interactive visualizations. This includes techniques such as dual-axis charts, reference lines, trend lines, and box plots. Advanced Tableau Training delves into these techniques, providing participants with the knowledge and skills to create visually stunning and insightful visualizations.
  • Data Blending and Joins: Tableau allows users to blend data from multiple sources and perform joins to combine related datasets. Advanced Tableau Training covers techniques for data blending and joins, including blending on different granularities, handling null values, and optimizing performance.
  • Advanced Calculations: Calculations are at the heart of Tableau's analytical capabilities, allowing users to create custom metrics and measures tailored to their specific needs. Advanced Tableau Training explores advanced calculation techniques, such as level of detail expressions, nested calculations, and conditional logic.
  • Data Preparation and Cleaning: Data preparation is a critical step in the data analysis process, ensuring that data is clean, structured, and ready for analysis. Advanced Tableau Training covers advanced data preparation techniques, including data reshaping, pivot/unpivot, and data cleaning using calculated fields and data blending. Participants learn how to streamline the data preparation process and ensure data accuracy and integrity.
  • Performance Optimization: As datasets grow in size and complexity, optimizing performance becomes increasingly important to ensure smooth and efficient data analysis. Advanced Tableau Training covers techniques for performance optimization, including data extracts, query optimization, and server configuration.

By exploring these advanced topics in Tableau advance Training, participants can take their Tableau skills to the next level and become proficient in advanced data visualization, analysis, and storytelling. Whether you're looking to advance your career or simply expand your knowledge and expertise, advanced Tableau Training offers a wealth of opportunities for growth and development.


Multisoft’s Tableau server training is your gateway to unlocking the power of data visualization. By mastering Tableau's features and functionalities, you can transform raw data into actionable insights, drive informed decision-making, and propel your career to new heights. Whether you're a seasoned data professional or a newcomer to the field, Tableau Training offers a wealth of opportunities for learning, growth, and success. So why wait? Start your Tableau Training journey today and embark on a transformative path towards becoming a data visualization expert.

Charting Success with Maxsurf Training

Maxsurf is renowned for its user-friendly interface and powerful modeling capabilities, allowing designers to create accurate, optimized hull forms quickly. The software caters to a broad spectrum of maritime design needs, from small boats to large sea-going vessels. Its modules cover various aspects of marine design, including initial hull design, hydrostatics, stability analysis, and performance assessment. With Maxsurf, professionals can simulate and analyze vessel behavior under diverse conditions, ensuring designs are not only efficient but also compliant with international standards and safety regulations.

In the evolving landscape of naval architecture and marine engineering, the demand for cutting-edge software solutions that can streamline the design and analysis of vessels is at an all-time high. Maxsurf, developed by Bentley Systems, stands at the forefront of this innovation, offering a comprehensive suite of integrated applications for the modeling, analysis, and optimization of all types of marine vessels. As the industry gravitates towards more sophisticated and efficient design methodologies, the importance of Maxsurf training by Multisoft Virtual Academy has become paramount for professionals seeking to enhance their skills and navigate the complexities of modern marine design with confidence.

The Imperative for Maxsurf Training

Despite its intuitive design, mastering Maxsurf requires a deep understanding of both the software itself and the fundamental principles of naval architecture. Training programs are essential to unlock the full potential of Maxsurf, enabling designers to leverage its capabilities to the fullest and produce innovative, high-quality vessel designs. Professionals who undergo comprehensive Maxsurf training can expect to:

  • Enhance their design efficiency: Training sharpens skills in using Maxsurf's tools, significantly reducing the time required to move from concept to finalized design.
  • Improve design quality: A deeper understanding of the software allows for the creation of more refined and optimized designs that meet or exceed industry standards.
  • Stay competitive: In a rapidly evolving field, proficiency in leading software like Maxsurf is a valuable asset that sets individuals apart in the job market.

Key Components

Effective Maxsurf certification encompass a range of topics designed to equip participants with a thorough understanding of the software training course and its application in real-world scenarios. Some critical areas covered include:

  • Fundamentals of Hull Design: Introducing the basic principles of hull design and how they are applied within Maxsurf to create efficient and stable vessels.
  • 3D Modeling: Guiding participants through the process of creating detailed 3D models of hulls and superstructures using Maxsurf's modeling tools.
  • Hydrostatics and Stability Analysis: Teaching how to use Maxsurf to perform hydrostatic calculations and stability analysis, ensuring designs comply with safety standards.
  • Performance Simulation: Demonstrating how to simulate vessel performance in various sea conditions using Maxsurf, including resistance, propulsion, and seakeeping analysis.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Covering the use of Maxsurf to ensure designs meet international maritime regulations and standards.
  • Advanced Features: Exploring advanced features of Maxsurf, such as parametric transformation and optimization tools, to refine designs further.

Tailoring Training to Your Needs

Given the diverse applications of Maxsurf, training programs can vary widely in scope and depth. For beginners, foundational courses that cover the basics of the software and general principles of naval architecture are essential. Experienced professionals might seek advanced workshops focusing on specific modules of Maxsurf or specialized areas of marine design. Online tutorials, webinars, and customized training sessions offered by Bentley Systems or certified training centers provide flexible options to suit different learning preferences and schedules.

Investing in Maxsurf new courses training is a strategic move for any marine design professional aiming to advance their career. The skills and knowledge gained can lead to more significant opportunities within the industry, whether in design optimization, project management, or consulting. As the maritime sector continues to emphasize innovation and efficiency, the demand for skilled professionals proficient in advanced design software like Maxsurf will only grow.

The Evolution of Maritime Design Needs

The evolution of maritime design requirements calls for tools that can handle complex analyses and produce innovative solutions. Maxsurf, with its comprehensive suite of applications, meets this demand head-on. However, as the software evolves to incorporate new features and capabilities, ongoing training becomes essential. Continuous learning ensures that professionals remain adept at utilizing Maxsurf to its full potential, thereby addressing the dynamic challenges of vessel design and engineering.

With the global push for environmental sustainability, marine engineers and naval architects are increasingly tasked with designing vessels that minimize fuel consumption, reduce emissions, and utilize alternative energy sources. Specialized Maxsurf training programs focusing on sustainable design practices equip professionals with the knowledge to integrate eco-friendly innovations into their designs. Learning how to leverage Maxsurf's advanced simulation and analysis tools for environmental impact assessments can lead to groundbreaking advancements in sustainable maritime engineering.

Collaborative Learning and Industry Standards

Maxsurf training also fosters a culture of collaboration among maritime professionals. Through workshops and seminars, designers, engineers, and students come together to share insights, discuss industry trends, and explore new design paradigms. This collaborative environment not only enhances individual learning experiences but also contributes to the establishment of best practices and standards across the industry.

Skills you will learn

  • Mastering the art of designing complex hull geometries using Maxsurf's intuitive modeling tools.
  • Learning to perform accurate hydrostatic calculations and stability assessments to ensure vessel safety and compliance.
  • Gaining skills in simulating vessel performance, including resistance, propulsion efficiency, and seakeeping characteristics.
  • Understanding how to use Maxsurf for evaluating and minimizing a vessel's environmental impact.
  • Acquiring the knowledge to ensure designs meet global maritime safety and construction standards.
  • Developing proficiency in creating detailed 3D models and visualizations of marine structures and vessels.


Maxsurf corporate training by Multisoft Virtual Academy offers a direct pathway to mastering one of the most powerful tools in maritime design and engineering. By understanding the nuances of the software and applying its capabilities to real-world design challenges, professionals can elevate their work, contribute to the advancement of marine engineering, and secure a competitive edge in the field. As the maritime industry sails towards a future marked by innovation and efficiency, the role of comprehensive Maxsurf training in shaping the next generation of naval architects and marine engineers cannot be overstated.

The Essential Guide to OrcaFlex Training

OrcaFlex is widely recognized as the leading software package for the design and analysis of offshore marine systems, encompassing a broad range of applications from the dynamic analysis of moorings, risers, and pipelines to the simulation of installation procedures and safety systems. The intricacies of such software demand a comprehensive understanding to leverage its full potential, underlining the importance of OrcaFlex training for engineers and designers in the marine, offshore, and subsea sectors.

This article by Multisoft Virtual Academy delves into the various aspects of OrcaFlex online training, highlighting its significance, the core topics covered, the structure of training programs, and the benefits of becoming proficient in using OrcaFlex.

The Importance

In the rapidly evolving landscape of offshore engineering, proficiency in high-caliber simulation tools like OrcaFlex is indispensable. OrcaFlex training is crucial not only for new users seeking to understand the basics of the software but also for experienced professionals aiming to stay abreast of the latest features and applications. The software’s ability to model complex dynamic systems accurately is pivotal in decision-making processes, risk assessment, and design optimization. Hence, training equips professionals with the necessary skills to perform detailed analyses, interpret results accurately, and apply findings to real-world challenges, ensuring the safety, reliability, and efficiency of marine operations.

Core Topics Covered in OrcaFlex Training

OrcaFlex training programs are meticulously designed to cover all essential aspects of the software training course, from fundamental principles to advanced applications. Key topics often include:

  • Introduction to OrcaFlex: Familiarization with the software interface, basic concepts, and terminology.
  • Modeling Techniques: Detailed instructions on creating models of marine systems, including moorings, risers, pipelines, and towed systems.
  • Dynamic Analysis: Training in setting up and running dynamic simulations to assess the behavior of systems under various environmental conditions.
  • Fatigue and Strength Analysis: Guidance on evaluating the structural integrity of components over time.
  • Post-Processing: Techniques for analyzing and interpreting simulation results, including graphical representations and reports.
  • Advanced Features: Exploration of specialized modules for specific applications, such as seismic analysis, coupled analysis with other software, and the use of Python scripts.

Structure of OrcaFlex Training Programs

OrcaFlex training programs are designed to cater to various levels of expertise, ranging from beginners to advanced users, ensuring comprehensive understanding and proficiency. These programs typically follow a structured format that includes online courses for flexible learning, in-person workshops for hands-on experience, and customized training tailored to specific project needs or organizational goals. Each format focuses on key aspects such as software fundamentals, dynamic analysis, modeling techniques, and advanced applications, incorporating real-life case studies for practical learning. The goal is to equip participants with the skills necessary to efficiently use OrcaFlex corporate training for offshore design and analysis, enhancing project outcomes and operational efficiency.

Benefits of OrcaFlex Training

Investing in OrcaFlex certification offers numerous benefits, underpinning its essential role in the offshore engineering field:

  • Enhanced Design and Analysis Skills: Training enables professionals to perform more sophisticated analyses, leading to innovative solutions and optimizations for offshore systems.
  • Increased Efficiency: Learning the ins and outs of OrcaFlex helps in streamlining the design process, reducing time spent on trial and error, and ultimately shortening project timelines.
  • Risk Mitigation: By accurately simulating marine environments and system responses, engineers can identify potential issues early in the design phase, reducing the risk of costly failures or accidents.
  • Professional Development: Mastery of OrcaFlex is a valuable skill set that can enhance an engineer's marketability and career prospects within the offshore, marine, and subsea industries.

The Evolution

The evolution of offshore engineering and marine technologies underscores the increasing complexity of projects and the critical need for sophisticated analysis tools like OrcaFlex. The role of OrcaFlex training in preparing engineers to meet these challenges cannot be overstated. Beyond the direct benefits of improved design capabilities and project efficiency, OrcaFlex training plays a pivotal role in ensuring the sustainability and environmental safety of offshore operations. This additional content further explores the impact of OrcaFlex online training on industry standards, its role in fostering innovation, and the future of training in an increasingly digital world.

Impact on Industry Standards and Sustainability

OrcaFlex training not only elevates individual competence but also contributes to the advancement of industry standards. Through detailed simulations, engineers can ensure that designs not only meet but exceed current safety and reliability standards. This proficiency is especially crucial in the face of climate change and increasing environmental concerns, where the ability to predict and mitigate the environmental impact of offshore operations becomes indispensable. Trained professionals can leverage OrcaFlex to design systems that are not only economically viable but also minimize ecological footprints, aligning with global sustainability goals.

Fostering Innovation in Offshore Engineering

Innovation is at the heart of overcoming the offshore industry's most daunting challenges, from deep-water drilling to renewable energy installations. OrcaFlex training fosters an environment of innovation by enabling engineers to explore the boundaries of current design and analysis methodologies. With advanced simulation capabilities, engineers can test new concepts in a virtual environment, significantly reducing the risks and costs associated with physical prototypes. This capacity to iterate and innovate rapidly accelerates the development of novel solutions, pushing the envelope of what is possible in offshore engineering.

The Future of OrcaFlex Training in a Digital Age

As digital technology continues to evolve, so too does the landscape of Multisoft’s OrcaFlex training. The future points towards even more immersive and interactive learning experiences, integrating virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) to simulate offshore environments more realistically. These technologies promise to enhance understanding and retention of complex concepts, allowing engineers to visualize and interact with their designs in real-time. Additionally, the proliferation of AI and machine learning could lead to more personalized training experiences, adapting in real-time to the learner’s progress and areas of interest.

Furthermore, the community around OrcaFlex software is growing, facilitated by online forums, user groups, and global conferences. This network of users enhances the value of training by providing a platform for the exchange of ideas, experiences, and best practices. As this community expands, it fosters a collaborative environment that accelerates innovation and drives the continuous improvement of both the software and the industry it serves.


OrcaFlex online training by Multisoft Virtual Academy is an indispensable resource for professionals engaged in the design and analysis of offshore systems. Its comprehensive coverage from basic functionalities to complex simulations ensures that engineers are well-equipped to tackle the challenges of today’s marine environments. Through a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application, training programs offer a pathway to mastering this powerful software, fostering innovation and excellence in offshore engineering projects.

As the industry continues to advance, the demand for skilled OrcaFlex users will undoubtedly grow, making training a wise investment for individuals and organizations alike.

Beginner's Guide to SAP ABAP Training

SAP ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) stands as a critical pillar in the world of SAP software, powering the customization and development of SAP applications. With businesses globally relying on SAP systems for their critical operations, proficiency in ABAP opens doors to promising career opportunities in the IT and software development sector. This article by Multisoft Virtual Academy delves into the essentials of SAP ABAP training, covering its importance, what the training involves, how to choose the right course, and the potential career paths it unlocks.

At its core, SAP ABAP is a high-level programming language created by SAP SE, used primarily for developing applications on the SAP R/3 platform. It allows for the customization of workflows, reports, interfaces, and forms in SAP applications, ensuring that businesses can tailor their SAP systems to their unique needs.

The Importance of SAP ABAP Training

Training in SAP ABAP is more than learning a programming language; it's about understanding how to transform business processes and operational needs into efficient, scalable software solutions within the SAP ecosystem. As organizations strive for efficiency and adaptability in their operations, the demand for skilled ABAP developers continues to grow. Moreover, SAP ABAP online training by Multisoft Virtual Academy equips individuals with a deep understanding of SAP systems, making them valuable assets to any organization leveraging SAP software.

What Does SAP ABAP Training Involve?

SAP ABAP training encompasses various levels, from beginner to advanced, and covers several key areas:

  • Basics of SAP ABAP: Introducing the SAP environment, data dictionary, and the syntax and constructs of the ABAP language.
  • ABAP Programming Models: Detailed insights into procedural and object-oriented programming models in ABAP, enabling complex application development.
  • Data Modeling and Management: Understanding how to manage and manipulate data within SAP systems using ABAP.
  • UI Development: Learning to create user interfaces with SAP's Fiori and Web Dynpro for ABAP.
  • Advanced Topics: Covering advanced areas such as ABAP for HANA, which involves leveraging SAP's in-memory database to optimize applications.

Choosing the Right SAP ABAP

Selecting an appropriate training program is crucial. Prospective students should consider the following:

  • Accreditation: Ensure the course is recognized by SAP SE. This guarantees that the curriculum meets SAP's quality standards.
  • Curriculum: Review the course content to ensure it covers both foundational and advanced topics.
  • Format: Decide between online, in-person, or hybrid training models based on personal learning preferences and schedules.
  • Instructor Expertise: Experienced instructors bring invaluable insights and real-world scenarios into the classroom.
  • Certification Preparation: Opt for courses that prepare students for SAP ABAP certification exams, a valuable credential for professionals in this field.

Certification and Career Paths

Upon completing training, individuals can pursue SAP ABAP certification, validating their expertise and enhancing their employability. Certified professionals can explore various career paths within the SAP ecosystem, such as:

  • ABAP Developer: Developing and customizing SAP applications to meet the business needs of an organization.
  • SAP Technical Consultant: Providing technical expertise and solutions to optimize SAP systems.
  • SAP Project Manager: Overseeing SAP implementation projects, ensuring they meet business requirements and are delivered on time.

Staying Ahead in the SAP ABAP Landscape

The world of SAP ABAP is ever-evolving, with new updates and practices emerging regularly. Continuing education, staying updated with SAP releases, and participating in the SAP community are crucial for professionals to remain relevant in this dynamic field.

Embarking on SAP ABAP training is not just about learning a programming language; it's about immersing oneself in an ecosystem that powers some of the world's most influential businesses. The journey from a novice to a proficient ABAP developer involves a deep dive into the realms of data modeling, application development, and performance optimization, each of which plays a pivotal role in harnessing the full potential of SAP systems.

Core Components of SAP ABAP Training

SAP ABAP training is meticulously designed to build a solid foundation while gradually introducing more complex concepts and practices. Key components include:

  • Introduction to SAP Environment: Before diving into ABAP, understanding the SAP system's architecture, including its modules and how they interact, is crucial. This knowledge sets the stage for effective ABAP development.
  • Programming Fundamentals: Participants learn the syntax and structures of ABAP, from basic data types to complex control structures, ensuring they can navigate and utilize the language effectively.
  • Data Dictionary Objects: A critical aspect of ABAP programming is defining and manipulating data structures. Training focuses on creating tables, views, and other dictionary objects, essential for storing and retrieving data.
  • Interactive Reporting: Reports are vital in SAP systems for decision-making. Training includes building both simple lists and interactive reports, teaching developers to create user-friendly interfaces that display data dynamically.
  • Dialog Programming: Learning to develop dialog programs (transactions) that allow users to interact with the database through screen sequences is a significant focus area. This skill is vital for customizing SAP applications to meet specific business processes.
  • Enhancements and Modifications: ABAP's flexibility lies in its ability to be customized. Training covers enhancement techniques such as user exits and BAdIs (Business Add-Ins) that allow for the modification of SAP standard applications without altering the original code.

Advanced Topics and Specializations

As trainees progress, they delve into advanced topics such as:

  • ABAP on HANA: Leveraging the capabilities of SAP HANA, this module teaches how to optimize ABAP applications for high performance and efficiency.
  • Web Dynpro and Fiori: These sessions focus on developing modern, user-friendly interfaces for web-based SAP applications, crucial for today's mobile-first business environment.
  • Workflow Development: Understanding how to automate and optimize business processes within SAP systems is a valuable skill, enhancing efficiency and productivity.

Networking and Community Engagement

Engaging with the SAP ABAP community is an invaluable part of the training experience. Community forums, webinars, and conferences offer opportunities to learn from experienced professionals, share knowledge, and stay updated on the latest SAP developments and best practices. Networking within these communities can also open doors to career opportunities and collaborations.

The conclusion of formal training is not the end of the learning journey in SAP ABAP. The field is dynamic, with continuous updates and new technologies emerging. Developers must commit to lifelong learning, leveraging online resources, further certifications, and advanced courses to stay ahead in their careers. By doing so, they ensure not only their relevance in the field but also their ability to contribute innovative solutions to the businesses they serve. Embarking on SAP ABAP training is the first step towards a rewarding career in the SAP ecosystem. It offers the tools, knowledge, and skills to make a significant impact in the world of business software development.


SAP ABAP training offers a clear pathway to becoming an integral part of the SAP ecosystem, bridging business processes with technical solutions. As businesses continue to rely on SAP systems for their critical operations, the demand for skilled ABAP developers is set to rise. By choosing the right training program and pursuing certification, individuals can unlock a wealth of career opportunities, contributing to the efficiency and innovation of businesses worldwide. Whether you're starting your journey in the world of SAP or looking to deepen your expertise, SAP ABAP corporate training is a valuable investment in your future.

The Essentials of Facets Training

Facets Training, a burgeoning field within the broader landscape of professional development and technology education, encompasses a variety of strategies aimed at enhancing the understanding and application of Facets, a comprehensive toolset used in managing healthcare and insurance data. This specialized training is designed to equip professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate, analyze, and leverage the Facets platform effectively, thereby improving operational efficiencies, data accuracy, and ultimately, patient care and service delivery within the healthcare sector.

The Importance of Facets Training

In the complex world of healthcare and insurance, data management plays a pivotal role in the day-to-day operations and long-term strategic planning of organizations. Facets, as a leading software platform, offers a robust suite of tools designed to manage everything from claims processing and billing to customer relationships and data analytics. However, the full potential of such a comprehensive system can only be realized through effective utilization, which is where Facets Training comes into play. By providing a structured learning pathway, Facets Certification by Multisoft Virtual Academy enables individuals and organizations to harness the platform's capabilities to the fullest, leading to improved accuracy, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.

Core Components of Facets Training

Facets Training programs are typically structured around several core components, each aimed at addressing different aspects of the Facets platform:

  • Fundamentals of Facets: This foundational module introduces learners to the basics of the Facets system, including its architecture, main components, and user interface. It is designed for beginners and provides the groundwork for more advanced studies.
  • Data Management and Analysis: A critical aspect of Facets Training focuses on data management practices, including data entry, extraction, and analysis. Learners are taught how to navigate the complex data structures within Facets, ensuring data integrity and facilitating insightful analysis.
  • Claims Processing and Billing: Given the centrality of claims processing and billing in healthcare and insurance sectors, this module is vital. It covers the end-to-end process of claims management, from submission through processing to payment, all within the Facets environment.
  • Customer Relationship Management: This component emphasizes the use of Facets in managing customer interactions and relationships, an essential skill in fostering customer loyalty and satisfaction.
  • Advanced Analytics and Reporting: For professionals looking to delve deeper into the analytical capabilities of Facets, this module offers insights into leveraging the platform for advanced data analytics, predictive modeling, and comprehensive reporting.

Delivery Methods and Technologies

Facets Training programs leverage a variety of delivery methods to accommodate different learning styles and logistical considerations. These can range from in-person workshops and seminars to online courses and webinars. Additionally, many programs offer hands-on training through simulations and real-world projects, providing learners with practical experience in using the Facets platform.

The use of modern educational technologies, such as Learning Management Systems (LMS), interactive simulations, and collaborative tools, further enhances the learning experience, making it more flexible, accessible, and engaging for participants.

The Benefits

The benefits of undergoing Facets certification are multifaceted, impacting individuals, organizations, and the healthcare and insurance sectors at large:

  • Enhanced Professional Competence: Individuals who complete Facets Training emerge with a comprehensive understanding of the platform, ready to apply their knowledge and skills in real-world scenarios, thereby enhancing their professional value.
  • Operational Efficiency: Organizations that invest in Facets Training for their staff can expect to see significant improvements in operational efficiency, as employees become more proficient in utilizing the platform's features to streamline processes.
  • Data Accuracy and Security: Proper training ensures that those handling data within Facets do so accurately and securely, reducing the risk of errors and breaches, which are critical in the healthcare and insurance industries.
  • Improved Decision Making: With advanced training in data analysis and reporting, professionals can extract meaningful insights from complex datasets, supporting better decision-making and strategic planning.
  • Customer Satisfaction: By optimizing the use of Facets in customer relationship management, organizations can enhance customer experiences, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty.

Tailoring Training to Meet Evolving Needs

The dynamic nature of the healthcare and insurance industries, coupled with rapid technological advancements, necessitates a tailored approach to Facets Training. Programs are constantly updated to reflect the latest features and best practices, ensuring that both new entrants and seasoned professionals remain at the forefront of technological proficiency. Moreover, training modules are increasingly customized to address the specific needs of various roles within organizations, from administrative staff to IT professionals and decision-makers. This bespoke approach maximizes the relevance and impact of the training, empowering each participant to apply their learning effectively in their respective domains.

Bridging the Skills Gap

One of the most significant challenges facing the healthcare and insurance sectors today is the skills gap, particularly in the realm of advanced data management and analytics. Facets Training plays a pivotal role in bridging this gap, providing a structured pathway for professionals to acquire not just the technical know-how of using the Facets platform, but also the analytical skills necessary to interpret data meaningfully. As a result, organizations are better equipped to navigate the complexities of the modern healthcare landscape, from managing large datasets to implementing evidence-based strategies for service improvement.

Beyond the immediate benefits of enhanced efficiency and accuracy, Facets Training contributes to fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement within organizations. This culture is crucial for sustaining long-term growth and competitiveness, particularly in industries as dynamic as healthcare and insurance. By investing in ongoing training and development, organizations signal their commitment to excellence and innovation, attracting and retaining top talent motivated by opportunities for professional growth.

What skills will you learn?

Facets Training equips participants with a diverse range of skills crucial for navigating the intricacies of healthcare and insurance data management systems. Here's an overview of the key skills you will learn through Facets Training:

  • Gain a solid foundation in the architecture, components, and functionalities of the Facets system, enabling efficient navigation and utilization of the platform.
  • Learn to accurately input, update, and manage data within Facets, ensuring data integrity and compliance with industry standards.
  • Acquire skills in managing the entire lifecycle of claims processing, from submission to adjudication, ensuring accurate and timely handling of claims.
  • Understand the billing functionalities within Facets, including setting up billing cycles, managing payments, and financial reporting.
  • Develop strategies for using Facets to manage and enhance customer relationships, improving customer service and satisfaction.
  • Learn to extract, analyze, and interpret data for insightful reporting, enabling data-driven decision-making within your organization.
  • Gain insights into how Facets supports compliance with healthcare regulations and standards, ensuring your operations meet legal and ethical guidelines.
  • Develop the ability to identify and resolve common issues within the Facets platform, enhancing operational efficiency.
  • Improve your ability to work within teams, communicate effectively with stakeholders, and manage customer interactions through the CRM aspects of Facets.

By mastering these skills, participants of Facets Training are well-prepared to contribute significantly to their organizations' efficiency, compliance, and customer satisfaction goals, leveraging the full potential of the Facets platform.


In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare and insurance, the importance of data management cannot be overstated. Multisoft’s Facets Training offers a pathway to mastering a critical tool in this domain, enabling professionals and organizations to improve their operations, decision-making, and customer service. As such, investing in Facets Training is not just about acquiring technical skills; it's about embracing a strategic asset that can significantly impact the success and growth of organizations within these sectors.

OpenRoads Designer: A Training Roadmap

Bentley OpenRoads Designer is an all-encompassing, multi-disciplinary platform that empowers engineers to bring their infrastructure projects to life with unparalleled accuracy and detail. It integrates surveying, drainage, subsurface utilities, and roadway design, creating a seamless workflow from concept to completion. By leveraging the power of reality modeling, OpenRoads Designer enables engineers to work within real-world contexts, enhancing the precision and reliability of infrastructure designs. In the evolving landscape of civil engineering and infrastructure design, the need for cutting-edge tools and technologies has never been more critical.

Among the plethora of design software available to civil engineers, Bentley OpenRoads Designer stands out as a beacon of innovation and efficiency. This comprehensive article by Multisoft Virtual Academy delves into the essence of Bentley OpenRoads Designer training, the importance of specialized training, and how it is shaping the future of civil engineering.

The Importance of Specialized Training

While Bentley OpenRoads Designer offers a myriad of advanced features, mastering this complex tool requires specialized training. Here's why:

  • Skill Enhancement: Training equips engineers with the skills necessary to utilize the full spectrum of OpenRoads Designer's capabilities, ensuring efficient and effective use of the software for complex projects.
  • Project Efficiency: With comprehensive knowledge of the software, engineers can significantly reduce project timelines, streamline workflows, and minimize errors, leading to cost savings and higher quality outcomes.
  • Innovation and Creativity: Training opens the door to innovative design techniques and creative problem-solving strategies, enabling engineers to overcome challenges and push the boundaries of infrastructure design.
  • Career Advancement: Proficiency in OpenRoads Designer is highly valued in the civil engineering field, offering professionals a competitive edge in the job market and opportunities for career advancement.

The Training Curriculum

A typical QlikView Designer training program covers a broad range of topics, from basic functionalities to advanced design and analysis techniques. Here's an overview of what participants can expect:

  • Introduction to the Interface: Trainees start with a comprehensive overview of the OpenRoads Designer interface, learning how to navigate and customize the workspace.
  • Project Setup and Data Management: Participants learn how to set up projects, manage data effectively, and utilize templates to streamline the design process.
  • Terrain Modeling: The course covers the creation and editing of detailed 3D terrain models, including the incorporation of geospatial data and the analysis of terrain features.
  • Roadway Design: This core component focuses on the design of roadways, including alignment, profile, cross-sections, and intersections, employing the software's dynamic modeling capabilities.
  • Drainage and Utilities: Trainees learn to design comprehensive drainage systems and utility networks, integrating them seamlessly into their infrastructure projects.
  • Visualization and Output: The training also includes techniques for creating stunning visualizations, animations, and detailed construction documents to communicate design intent effectively.

Hands-on Experience

The essence of Bentley Open Rail Online Training lies in hands-on experience. Through practical exercises, real-world project simulations, and personalized feedback, trainees apply learned concepts, experiment with different design options, and solve complex engineering problems. This experiential learning approach not only reinforces theoretical knowledge but also fosters confidence and proficiency in using the software. Prospective trainees can choose between online and in-person training formats. Online training offers flexibility and convenience, ideal for working professionals, whereas in-person sessions provide a more immersive experience with direct instructor interaction. Both formats typically include access to a wealth of resources, including tutorials, forums, and support networks, facilitating continuous learning and skill development.

The Future of Civil Engineering with Bentley OpenRoads Designer

As infrastructure projects become increasingly complex and the demand for sustainable, resilient designs grows, Bentley OpenRoads Designer is set to play a pivotal role in the future of civil engineering. With its comprehensive capabilities and integration of cutting-edge technologies, it empowers engineers to conceive and execute visionary projects that meet the challenges of the 21st century.

Through specialized online training course, civil engineers can harness the full potential of OpenRoads Designer, translating their expertise into innovative infrastructure solutions that enhance communities, support economic growth, and protect the environment. As such, Bentley OpenRoads Designer training is not just an investment in individual career development but a commitment to advancing the field of civil engineering as a whole.

Bridging the Gap Between Digital and Physical

Bentley OpenRoads Designer transcends traditional design boundaries by offering a bridge between digital planning and physical construction. Training in this powerful software enables engineers to create detailed digital twins of proposed infrastructure, allowing for virtual exploration, analysis, and optimization before any ground is broken. This capability is invaluable in identifying potential issues early in the design process, saving time and resources while ensuring the sustainability and resilience of projects.

Another critical aspect covered in the training is the facilitation of collaborative workflows. In the multidisciplinary field of civil engineering, the ability to seamlessly share and coordinate project data among different stakeholders is crucial. OpenRoads Designer training emphasizes collaborative features of the software, such as cloud-based data management and team-based project execution tools, which empower teams to work more efficiently and with greater transparency.

Sustainability is a pressing concern in civil engineering, and OpenRoads Designer is equipped with features to address this challenge head-on. Training programs highlight how to use the software's analytical tools to assess environmental impacts, optimize material usage, and design for longevity and minimal maintenance. By leveraging these capabilities, engineers can contribute to creating infrastructure that not only meets today’s needs but also preserves resources for future generations.


Bentley OpenRoads Designer corporate training equips civil engineers with the knowledge and skills to leverage one of the most advanced infrastructure design tools available today. By fostering a deep understanding of the software, its training programs open up new horizons of efficiency, creativity, and innovation in civil engineering projects. As we look to the future, the role of specialized training in maximizing the impact of technological advancements in the engineering sector cannot be overstated. For those ready to shape the future of infrastructure, Bentley OpenRoads Designer training is the key to unlocking a world of possibilities.

Elevate Your Finance Game with Murex Training

Murex is a comprehensive platform that supports trading, treasury, risk, and post-trade operations across multiple asset classes. It is designed to provide financial institutions with the tools they need to manage their operations efficiently, comply with regulatory requirements, and adapt to market changes. Murex's modular structure allows for tailored configurations, making it a versatile choice for a wide range of financial services. In the rapidly evolving world of finance, technology plays a pivotal role in managing complex trading, risk management, and processing operations.

Among the plethora of financial software platforms, Murex has emerged as a leader, offering solutions that cater to the needs of banks, asset managers, and other financial institutions. This article by Multisoft Virtual Academy delves into Murex, focusing on the importance of Murex training for professionals seeking to navigate the intricacies of financial markets effectively.

The Need for Murex Training

Given the complexity and breadth of the Murex platform, comprehensive training is essential for professionals who aim to leverage its full potential. Murex training programs are designed to equip users with a thorough understanding of the platform's features, functionalities, and best practices for implementation. These programs cater to various roles within financial institutions, including traders, risk managers, IT specialists, and operations staff.

Core Components

  • Introduction to Murex: This foundational module covers the basics of the Murex platform, including an overview of its architecture, core modules, and user interface. Participants learn about the platform's capabilities in supporting front-to-back-office operations and its role in the financial ecosystem.
  • Trading and Risk Management: Specialized training focuses on how Murex supports trading activities and risk management processes. Participants explore the platform's tools for pricing, hedging, and analyzing various financial instruments, alongside risk assessment methodologies and compliance features.
  • Post-Trade Processing: This component delves into the back-office functionalities of Murex, including trade settlement, confirmations, accounting, and reconciliation processes. Trainees learn how Murex facilitates efficient post-trade operations and regulatory reporting.
  • Customization and Development: For IT professionals and developers, Murex training offers insights into customizing and extending the platform. This includes learning about the Murex scripting language, integration with external systems, and developing custom modules to meet specific organizational needs.
  • Best Practices and Case Studies: Advanced training modules often include real-world case studies and best practices for implementing Murex in various financial institutions. These sessions provide practical insights into overcoming common challenges and maximizing the platform's value.


  • Enhanced Efficiency: Well-trained Murex users can significantly improve operational efficiencies, streamline processes, and reduce manual errors, thereby saving time and resources.
  • Risk Mitigation: Understanding Murex's risk management tools helps institutions better manage and mitigate financial risks, enhancing decision-making and strategic planning.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Murex training equips users with the knowledge to leverage the platform's regulatory reporting features, ensuring compliance with evolving financial regulations.
  • Career Advancement: For professionals in the financial sector, proficiency in Murex is a valuable skill that can open up new career opportunities and paths for advancement.

Selecting the appropriate Murex online training program depends on individual and organizational objectives. Financial institutions often partner with Murex or accredited training providers to offer tailored training sessions. Online courses and certifications are also available for those seeking flexibility. When choosing a training program, consider the curriculum's relevance, the expertise of the trainers, and the balance between theoretical knowledge and practical application.

The Evolving FinTech Landscape and Murex's Adaptability

The financial services industry is under constant pressure from technological advancements, regulatory changes, and emerging market demands. Murex, with its robust and flexible architecture, has consistently adapted to these changes, offering solutions that address new challenges such as digital currencies, real-time risk management, and automation of trading processes. As Murex evolves, Software Development Training so too does the need for specialized training that covers these new features and capabilities.

Tailored Training for Different User Groups

Murex training is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It is imperative that training programs are tailored to the specific needs of different user groups within an organization:

  • Front Office Users: Traders and front-office staff benefit from training on real-time trading tools, market data analysis, and simulation features that Murex offers.
  • Risk and Compliance Officers: For those focused on risk and compliance, training emphasizes the use of Murex for managing market, credit, and operational risk, as well as adhering to regulatory frameworks.
  • IT and System Administrators: Technical staff require a deep dive into system customization, integration, and maintenance to ensure that Murex runs seamlessly within the institution's IT infrastructure.
  • Operations and Back Office Staff: This group needs to understand how Murex supports post-trade processes, including settlements, confirmations, and regulatory reporting.

Murex Training and Digital Transformation

As financial institutions undergo digital transformation, Murex online training course becomes even more critical. It enables users to leverage automation, data analytics, and cloud technologies integrated within Murex. Training programs must therefore include modules on digital innovation, showcasing how Murex can be used to automate workflows, analyze large datasets for insights, and migrate financial operations to the cloud for increased agility and efficiency.

Continuous learning is key to staying ahead in the fast-paced world of financial technology. Murex training should not be viewed as a one-time event but as part of a broader strategy of ongoing education and skill development. Engaging with the Murex community through forums, workshops, and conferences can also provide valuable insights into emerging trends, best practices, and innovative uses of the platform.

The Strategic Value of Murex Training

In summary, Murex training is more than just learning how to use a software platform; it's about empowering professionals and organizations to thrive in the complex ecosystem of financial markets. By investing in comprehensive training, financial institutions can ensure that their teams are equipped to use Murex to its fullest potential, driving efficiency, compliance, and innovation. As the financial industry continues to evolve, the strategic value of Murex training will only grow, highlighting its role as a critical component in the success and resilience of financial services firms.


Multisoft’s Murex corporate training is an invaluable investment for professionals and organizations operating in the financial markets. As Murex continues to evolve, staying abreast of its capabilities through ongoing training is essential for harnessing the platform's full potential. Whether for improving operational efficiencies, managing risks, or ensuring regulatory compliance, proficient use of Murex can significantly enhance an institution's competitive edge in the complex and dynamic landscape of financial services.

A Comprehensive Guide to ANSYS Fluent Training

Fluid dynamics plays a crucial role in various industries, from aerospace and automotive engineering to energy and environmental science. Understanding and analyzing fluid behavior is essential for optimizing designs, predicting performance, and solving complex engineering problems. ANSYS Fluent stands as a premier computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software solution, offering powerful capabilities for simulating fluid flow, heat transfer, and related phenomena.

This article by Multisoft Virtual Academy serves as a comprehensive guide to ANSYS Fluent training, providing insights into its importance, key features, and the training process.

Importance of ANSYS Fluent Training

1. Understanding the Significance

ANSYS Fluent training equips engineers and researchers with the necessary skills to leverage the software effectively for solving real-world fluid dynamics problems. It enables users to simulate and analyze a wide range of scenarios, including laminar and turbulent flows, heat transfer, combustion, multiphase flows, and more.

2. Driving Innovation and Efficiency

Proficiency in ANSYS Fluent empowers professionals to innovate and optimize designs, leading to enhanced product performance, reduced development costs, and accelerated time-to-market. By gaining insights into fluid behavior through simulations, engineers can make informed decisions and iterate designs efficiently.

3. Meeting Industry Demands

Many industries, such as aerospace, automotive, oil and gas, and biomedical, rely on ANSYS Fluent for designing and optimizing their products and processes. Training in ANSYS Fluent is, therefore, highly sought after by employers, as it enhances the skill set of engineers and aligns them with industry demands.

Key Features of ANSYS Fluent

  • Versatile Simulation Capabilities: ANSYS Fluent offers a wide range of simulation capabilities, including steady-state and transient analysis, turbulence modeling, multiphase flow simulation, conjugate heat transfer, combustion modeling, and fluid-structure interaction (FSI). This versatility enables users to tackle diverse engineering challenges with confidence.
  • Robust Solver Technology: The solver technology in ANSYS Fluent employs advanced numerical algorithms and high-performance computing (HPC) techniques to deliver accurate and efficient solutions. It supports parallel processing and can handle complex geometries, making it suitable for both simple and complex simulations.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Despite its powerful capabilities, ANSYS Fluent features an intuitive user interface that streamlines the simulation setup, post-processing, and result visualization processes. The software provides interactive tools, wizards, and tutorials to guide users through each step, ensuring a seamless user experience.

ANSYS Fluent Training Process

1. Foundational Concepts

The training process begins with an introduction to foundational concepts in fluid dynamics, including fluid properties, conservation laws, flow regimes, and boundary conditions. Participants learn about key terms and principles that form the basis of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations.

2. Software Navigation

Next, participants familiarize themselves with the ANSYS Fluent user interface, learning how to navigate the software, access various features and tools, and set up simulation projects. Hands-on exercises and tutorials help users gain confidence in using the software effectively.

3. Simulation Setup

The training covers the process of setting up simulations in ANSYS Fluent, including geometry import, mesh generation, material assignment, boundary condition specification, and solver setup. Participants learn best practices for model preparation to ensure accurate and reliable results.

4. Post-Processing and Analysis

Once simulations are completed, participants learn how to post-process results using ANSYS Fluent's visualization tools. They explore techniques for analyzing flow patterns, temperature distributions, pressure gradients, and other relevant parameters to gain insights into fluid behavior and performance.

5. Advanced Topics and Applications

For more advanced users, the training may delve into specialized topics and applications, such as turbulence modeling, multiphase flow simulation, combustion modeling, transient analysis, and fluid-structure interaction (FSI). Participants gain deeper insights into complex phenomena and learn advanced simulation techniques.

6. Hands-On Projects

Throughout the training, participants engage in hands-on projects and case studies that reinforce their learning and allow them to apply their newfound skills to real-world problems. They work on industry-relevant examples and gain practical experience in solving challenging engineering problems using ANSYS Fluent.

Expanding on ANSYS Fluent Training

In addition to the core training modules, ongoing support and resources are crucial for participants to continue their learning journey beyond the initial training sessions. ANSYS provides a wealth of resources, including documentation, tutorials, webinars, and community forums, where users can access additional guidance, tips, and best practices. Engaging with the ANSYS community allows participants to exchange ideas, seek advice from experienced users, and stay updated on the latest developments and trends in computational fluid dynamics (CFD).

Furthermore, hands-on experience with real-world projects and case studies is invaluable for reinforcing learning and building practical skills. Collaborating on projects with peers or mentors provides opportunities for teamwork, problem-solving, and knowledge sharing, enhancing the overall learning experience. By applying ANSYS Fluent to diverse engineering challenges, participants can expand their expertise and confidence in using the software to address complex fluid dynamics problems effectively.

ANSYS Fluent online training offers a comprehensive learning experience that equips engineers and researchers with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation. With continuous support, access to resources, and hands-on experience, participants can unlock the full potential of ANSYS Fluent corporate training and make significant contributions to their organizations and industries.


Multisoft’s ANSYS Fluent training is essential for engineers and researchers seeking to master the art of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation. By gaining proficiency in ANSYS Fluent, professionals can unlock new opportunities for innovation, optimization, and problem-solving across various industries. With its versatile capabilities, robust solver technology, and user-friendly interface, ANSYS Fluent stands as a premier choice for simulating fluid flow, heat transfer, and related phenomena. Through comprehensive training programs that cover foundational concepts, software navigation, simulation setup, post-processing, and advanced topics, participants can acquire the skills and expertise needed to tackle complex engineering challenges with confidence.

Dayforce vs Salesforce: A Comprehensive Comparison

In the world of enterprise software, two giants stand out for their unique contributions to business operations: Dayforce and Salesforce. While they operate in different domains—Dayforce in human capital management (HCM) and Salesforce in customer relationship management (CRM)—both platforms have become indispensable tools for organizations striving to optimize their operations.

This article by Multisoft Virtual Academy dives deep into the functionalities, benefits, and considerations of Dayforce training and Salesforce training, providing a nuanced comparison for businesses evaluating these solutions.

Introduction to Dayforce

Dayforce, developed by Ceridian, stands as a revolutionary cloud-based platform in the realm of Human Capital Management (HCM). This comprehensive software suite is designed to streamline and automate the myriad complexities of HR management, payroll, benefits, workforce management, talent management, and employee engagement within a single, cohesive application. By integrating these critical functions, Dayforce transforms the traditional approach to HCM into a dynamic, real-time process, significantly enhancing operational efficiency and decision-making capabilities.

At its core, Dayforce is built around the principle of providing real-time access to data and processes, which allows businesses to manage their workforce more effectively, ensuring compliance with labor laws and tax regulations across different jurisdictions. This platform not only facilitates the simplification of payroll and HR tasks but also empowers employees with self-service capabilities, enabling them to manage their personal information, schedules, and benefits with ease and transparency.

With its user-centric design and focus on leveraging technology to foster a more engaged and productive workforce, Dayforce represents a leap forward in how companies manage their most valuable asset: their people. As businesses seek to navigate the complexities of the modern workplace, Dayforce certification stands out as a partner in achieving operational excellence and driving human capital success.

Introduction to Salesforce

Salesforce emerges as a beacon in the realm of customer relationship management (CRM), offering a cloud-based suite that revolutionizes how businesses connect with their customers, partners, and potential clients. Established as the world's leading CRM platform, Salesforce transcends traditional sales and marketing boundaries by fostering a holistic ecosystem where customer information is not just stored but transformed into actionable insights. This enables businesses to cultivate a deeper understanding of their customer base, tailor interactions to individual needs, and drive growth through superior customer engagement and retention strategies.

At its heart, Salesforce is designed to be highly customizable, ensuring that it can adapt to the unique demands of any business, regardless of size or industry. Through its comprehensive suite of applications, including sales, service, marketing, and more, Salesforce provides tools for managing customer relationships at every stage of the lifecycle, from lead acquisition to loyalty building. The platform's innovative approach extends to its vibrant community and extensive marketplace, AppExchange, where users can find a myriad of apps and solutions to extend their CRM capabilities further.

Salesforce's commitment to innovation and customer success has cemented its status as a critical tool for businesses aiming to excel in a customer-centric world. With Salesforce Billing certification, companies are empowered to break down silos, enhance collaboration, and deliver experiences that customers value and remember.

Core Functionalities


  • Workforce Management: Automates scheduling, time and attendance tracking, and leave management.
  • Payroll and Benefits: Offers real-time payroll processing, benefits enrollment, and management.
  • Talent Management: Facilitates recruitment, onboarding, performance management, and employee development.
  • Data and Analytics: Provides comprehensive analytics and reporting tools to make informed decisions.


  • Sales Management: Streamlines lead-to-cash processes, enhances sales productivity, and provides detailed sales forecasts.
  • Customer Service: Delivers personalized service across multiple channels, reduces case times, and improves customer satisfaction.
  • Marketing Automation: Enables targeted marketing campaigns, lead generation, and customer journey mapping.
  • Custom Application Development: Offers a platform (Salesforce Platform) for developing custom applications tailored to business needs.



Dayforce transforms HR operations from reactive to proactive, with its real-time processing capability being a game-changer for businesses. The platform ensures compliance with local labor laws and tax regulations, thereby minimizing risks. Furthermore, it enhances employee engagement through self-service options and mobile accessibility, allowing employees to manage their schedules, pay, and benefits.


Salesforce excels in creating a 360-degree view of the customer, enabling personalized interactions and fostering long-term customer relationships. Its cloud-based nature ensures accessibility from anywhere, promoting collaboration across teams. Additionally, Salesforce's ecosystem, with its extensive app marketplace (AppExchange), allows businesses to extend their CRM functionalities according to their specific needs.



  • Complexity: The comprehensive nature of Dayforce might require a significant learning curve for users unfamiliar with advanced HCM systems.
  • Cost: While offering a wide range of functionalities, the cost could be a consideration for small to medium-sized businesses.


  • Customization Complexity: While Salesforce is highly customizable, businesses may need dedicated resources or consultants to tailor the platform to their specific processes.
  • Pricing Model: Salesforce operates on a subscription-based pricing model, which can become costly as businesses scale and require more advanced features or additional user licenses.

Integration and Scalability

Both Dayforce and Salesforce offer robust integration capabilities, allowing businesses to connect them with existing systems. Dayforce can integrate with various payroll, HR, and ERP systems, ensuring seamless data flow across HR processes. Salesforce, with its extensive API library, integrates with a plethora of business applications, enhancing its CRM functionalities.

As for scalability, both platforms cater to businesses of all sizes. Dayforce's scalable architecture supports the evolving HR needs of growing businesses, while Salesforce's tiered subscription models and customizable platform ensure it grows alongside your customer base and marketing needs.

User Experience

Dayforce provides a unified, intuitive user interface that simplifies complex HR tasks, making it easier for employees and managers to navigate through its extensive functionalities. Its mobile application enhances accessibility, allowing users to manage their HR needs on the go, which is especially beneficial in today's mobile-first world.

Salesforce, renowned for its flexibility and customization options, offers a highly personalized user experience. Its Lightning Interface is designed to boost productivity through a customizable dashboard that displays critical metrics and insights. Moreover, Salesforce's mobile app ensures that sales and marketing teams have the information they need at their fingertips, regardless of their location.

Community Support and Resources

Both platforms boast strong community support networks. Dayforce users have access to Ceridian's community portal, offering forums, documentation, and learning resources to help users maximize the platform's capabilities. Ceridian also provides professional services and support to ensure successful implementation and adoption.

Salesforce's vibrant community, known as the Trailblazer Community, is a rich resource for users at all levels. It facilitates knowledge sharing, networking, and collaboration among millions of users worldwide. Additionally, Salesforce Trailhead offers a gamified learning experience to help users develop skills using the platform, fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

Making the Right Choice

Choosing between Dayforce online training and Salesforce online training essentially comes down to identifying the core needs of your business. If optimizing your human capital management processes is paramount, Dayforce presents a comprehensive, all-in-one solution that streamlines HR operations and enhances employee satisfaction. Conversely, if enhancing customer relationships, boosting sales, and marketing efficiency are your primary goals, Salesforce offers unparalleled CRM capabilities that can transform your customer engagement strategies.


In the contrasting yet complementary worlds of Dayforce and Salesforce, businesses find powerful allies in managing their workforce and customer relations. Both platforms bring distinct advantages to the table, and their selection depends on the strategic objectives of an organization. Whether it's improving internal operations with Dayforce or driving customer success with Salesforce, these platforms offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy empower businesses to achieve excellence in their respective domains. Ultimately, leveraging the strengths of Dayforce and Salesforce can lead to a holistic approach to business management, ensuring both employee satisfaction and customer loyalty.

Mastering Supply Chain Dynamics with SAP MM

SAP Materials Management (MM) is a crucial module within the SAP ERP system, focused on streamlining procurement, inventory management, and supply chain operations. It ensures materials are efficiently managed from purchase to payment, optimizing inventory levels, reducing costs, and enhancing operational workflows to meet business demands effectively.

The SAP Materials Management (MM) module is a vital component of the SAP ERP Central Component (ECC) that equips organizations with extensive capabilities in inventory, warehouse, and materials management. At its core, SAP MM online training by Multisoft Virtual Academy is designed to ensure that materials required for production and operations are always available in the right quantities, at the right time, preventing any potential disruptions in the company's supply chain.

Key Functions and Benefits

1. Inventory Management: SAP MM provides tools for tracking stock levels, managing inventory transactions, and analyzing inventory data to optimize stock levels and reduce carrying costs.

2. Procurement Process: It streamlines the procurement process, enabling companies to automate and manage the purchasing of goods and services. This includes creating purchase orders, selecting vendors, negotiating contracts, and invoice verification.

3. Vendor Management: SAP MM facilitates effective vendor management by maintaining detailed vendor information, evaluating vendor performance, and integrating this information with the procurement process to ensure the best supplier choices.

4. Material Valuation: The module supports material valuation and accounting, ensuring that the material inventory is accurately reflected on the financial statements, based on various valuation methods like standard costing, moving average, and SAP FIFO Training.

5. Integration with Other Modules: A key strength of SAP MM is its seamless integration with other ECC modules, enhancing cross-departmental functionalities and communication. For instance, integration with:

  • Production Planning (PP) ensures the smooth flow of materials required for production.
  • Sales and Distribution (SD) aligns inventory management with sales processes.
  • Finance and Controlling (FICO) enables accurate financial reporting of inventory and procurement operations.
  • Plant Maintenance (PM) and Quality Management (QM) ensure that materials used in production and maintenance meet quality standards.

Role in the Supply Chain

SAP MM plays a crucial role in the supply chain, providing a comprehensive view of materials management that includes procurement, inventory management, and vendor management. This visibility allows companies to make informed decisions, optimize their supply chain operations, and respond dynamically to changes in demand or supply conditions. By ensuring materials are available when needed, SAP MM helps companies avoid production delays, manage costs effectively, and maintain competitive advantage.

One of the strengths of SAP MM is its flexibility in accommodating daily changes in processes. Whether it's adjusting to new supply chain strategies, regulatory changes, or shifts in market demand, SAP MM certification enables organizations to adapt their materials management practices efficiently. This adaptability is critical in today's fast-paced business environment, where agility and responsiveness are key to success.

Organizational Structure

The organizational structure within SAP Materials Management (MM) is meticulously designed to reflect the complex and multi-layered nature of modern businesses. It provides a comprehensive framework that supports the intricate processes involved in materials management, from procurement to inventory control. Let's break down this structure to understand how it fosters efficient and streamlined operations.

1. Plant

The concept of a plant is central to SAP MM, acting as a cornerstone for various logistical operations. It represents any physical location within the organization where operations take place. This could be a manufacturing site, a distribution center, or a regional office. The plant is crucial for detailed planning and execution in materials management, allowing for precise control over production, maintenance, procurement, and distribution activities.

2. Valuation Area

The valuation area is pivotal for the financial assessment of materials. It determines the level at which the value of materials is recorded in the financial accounts. This can be set at the company code level, treating the entire company as a single entity, or at the plant level, offering more granular insight into the value of materials at specific locations. This flexibility allows businesses to tailor their financial reporting and inventory valuation to meet specific operational or regulatory requirements.

3. Storage Locations

Storage locations provide an additional layer of granularity within the plant, delineating specific areas where inventory is physically stored. This differentiation is essential for effective inventory management, allowing for precise tracking of stock levels, movements, and storage conditions across different parts of the plant. By maintaining detailed records at the storage location level, businesses can optimize their inventory handling processes and improve overall efficiency.

4. Purchasing Organizations

Purchasing organizations are the backbone of the procurement process in SAP MM Online Training Course. They operate at a level that transcends individual plants, focusing on the strategic aspects of procurement, such as supplier selection, contract negotiation, and purchase order management. By segmenting procurement activities into distinct organizations, companies can specialize their purchasing strategies to align with broader business goals or operational requirements.

5. Purchasing Groups

Purchasing groups bring a focused approach to procurement, dealing with specific categories of materials or services. They act as the primary point of contact between the company and its suppliers, facilitating communication, negotiation, and transaction management. This level of specialization enables companies to develop expertise in specific areas of procurement, enhancing their ability to secure favorable terms and build strong relationships with key suppliers.


The SAP Materials Management (MM) module stands as a cornerstone of the SAP ERP system, providing comprehensive solutions for managing materials and inventory within an organization. Here's a closer look at the key features that make SAP MM an indispensable tool for supply chain and procurement professionals:

  • Comprehensive Inventory and Raw Material Management: SAP MM excels in managing every facet of inventory, from raw materials to finished goods. It ensures efficient tracking, storage, and movement of materials throughout the organization, optimizing inventory levels and minimizing costs associated with overstocking or stockouts. This comprehensive management extends to handling batch management, shelf-life tracking, and stock transfers, ensuring materials are available when and where they are needed.
  • Integrated Procurement and Warehouse Management: The module streamlines procurement processes, supporting activities from purchase requisition to payment processing. It facilitates automated purchase order generation, vendor selection, and purchase order tracking, simplifying procurement tasks. Coupled with robust warehouse management features, SAP MM enables efficient storage, retrieval, and distribution of materials, enhancing the responsiveness of the supply chain.
  • Advanced Vendor Evaluation and Management: SAP MM provides tools for evaluating and managing supplier relationships, ensuring that procurement activities are aligned with business objectives. The module allows for the assessment of vendors based on criteria such as price, delivery performance, and quality, enabling businesses to identify and collaborate with the best suppliers, thus improving the reliability of the supply chain.
  • Invoice Verification and Material Valuation: The module supports the verification of invoices against goods received and purchase orders, ensuring accuracy in payments and financial records. Material valuation features within SAP MM enable the calculation of material costs based on various valuation methods, providing accurate financial reporting and insights into material cost structures.
  • Material Requirement Planning (MRP): SAP MM facilitates effective material requirement planning, predicting and planning the needs for materials to ensure uninterrupted production. By analyzing current stock levels, procurement times, and production schedules, MRP helps prevent potential shortages or excesses, optimizing the balance between demand and supply.
  • Enhanced Efficiency and Cost Reduction: By automating many of the processes associated with materials management and procurement, SAP MM significantly enhances operational efficiency. This automation reduces the time and effort required for procurement activities, lowers the risk of errors, and helps in achieving more favorable terms from suppliers, contributing to overall cost reduction.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Designed to accommodate the needs of businesses of all sizes and across industries, SAP MM offers scalability and flexibility. It can be customized to meet the specific requirements of an organization, ensuring that the materials management and procurement processes are aligned with the unique challenges and opportunities of each business.


SAP MM stands as a cornerstone module within the SAP ECC, underpinning the efficiency and reliability of the supply chain and procurement processes. Its integration capabilities with other SAP modules enhance organizational efficiency and provide a holistic view of operations. As businesses continue to navigate the complexities of global supply chains, Multisoft’s SAP MM corporate training will remain an essential tool in managing materials effectively, ensuring operational continuity, and driving business success.

How ChatGPT Works?

ChatGPT stands out as a groundbreaking development, transforming how we interact with machines in the era of artificial intelligence. This article delves into the intricacies of ChatGPT, shedding light on its mechanisms, capabilities, and implications for the future.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an advanced AI language model developed by OpenAI, based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture. It's designed to understand and generate human-like text responses, enabling conversations between humans and machines that feel natural and engaging. Trained on a diverse range of internet text, ChatGPT training by Multisoft Virtual Academy can perform a variety of tasks, from answering questions to writing essays, and even composing poetry. Its capabilities are enhanced by machine learning techniques, including reinforcement learning from human feedback, to improve its responses over time. ChatGPT represents a significant step forward in natural language processing, making AI more accessible and useful in everyday applications.

At the heart of ChatGPT training lies the transformer model, introduced in the paper "Attention is All You Need" by Vaswani et al. in 2017. The transformer model revolutionized natural language processing (NLP) by introducing a mechanism known as "self-attention," allowing the model to weigh the importance of different words in a sentence, regardless of their distance from each other. This capability enables ChatGPT to understand context and generate responses that are not only relevant but also coherent over long stretches of text.

Training ChatGPT

Training a model as sophisticated as ChatGPT requires two key stages: pre-training and fine-tuning.

1. Pre-training

During pre-training, ChatGPT is exposed to a diverse array of text sources, including books, articles, and websites, without any specific task in mind. The goal is to help the model understand the basic structure of the language, common patterns, and a wide variety of information. This stage involves learning to predict the next word in millions of sentences, a process that requires massive computational resources and time.

2. Fine-tuning

Fine-tuning tailors ChatGPT to specific tasks or improves its general performance by onlien training course it on a narrower dataset with clear objectives, such as answering questions, writing essays, or generating code. This stage often involves human trainers who guide the model by providing feedback on its outputs, helping it to learn the nuances of human conversation, such as tone, style, and context.

How ChatGPT Generates Text?

When ChatGPT generates text, it uses a process called "autoregressive generation." It starts with an input (a prompt) and predicts the next word in the sequence, adding it to the output. Then, taking the new sequence as input, it repeats the process, continually adding one word at a time until it completes the text or reaches a specified limit.

The generation process is influenced by parameters that control aspects like the length of the response, creativity (or randomness), and adherence to the style or content of the prompt. This flexibility allows ChatGPT to be used for a wide range of applications, from composing poetry to generating programming code.

The Role of Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF)

The Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) technique plays a pivotal role in refining the capabilities of AI models like ChatGPT, significantly enhancing their interaction quality and relevance. At its core, RLHF is a training methodology that combines reinforcement learning (RL) with human input to guide the model towards producing more desirable outputs. This process begins with supervised fine-tuning, where the model is trained on a dataset of human-written responses to improve its understanding of contextually appropriate answers. Following this, human trainers evaluate the model's responses in various scenarios, ranking them or providing corrective feedback.

The reinforcement learning component then uses this feedback to adjust the model's parameters, effectively learning from human preferences and mistakes. This approach enables the model to generate responses that are not only contextually accurate but also align more closely with human values and expectations. RLHF addresses some of the inherent challenges in AI training, such as bias reduction and ethical considerations, by ensuring that the model's outputs reflect a curated and ethically informed dataset. The integration of RLHF into the training process of models like ChatGPT certification marks a significant advance in creating AI that can interact with humans in a more nuanced, respectful, and engaging manner.

Ethical Considerations and Limitations

Despite its impressive capabilities, ChatGPT is not without limitations and ethical concerns. One of the primary challenges is bias in the training data, which can lead the model to generate inappropriate or biased responses. OpenAI has implemented safeguards and continues to research ways to mitigate these issues, but it remains a crucial area of focus.

Another concern is the potential for misuse, such as generating misleading information or impersonating individuals. OpenAI and other stakeholders are actively exploring regulatory and technical measures to prevent harm while maintaining the benefits of this technology.

The Future of ChatGPT and AI

The future of ChatGPT and artificial intelligence (AI) heralds transformative changes across various sectors, driven by continuous advancements in machine learning algorithms and computational power. ChatGPT, with its ability to understand and generate human-like text, is just the beginning of a new era where AI integrates seamlessly into daily life, enhancing both productivity and creativity. In the coming years, we can expect these models to become more sophisticated, offering personalized and context-aware interactions that significantly improve user experience in digital assistants, customer service, education, and content creation.

Moreover, as AI technologies like ChatGPT evolve, they will become more adept at understanding nuanced human emotions and cultural contexts, paving the way for more empathetic and effective communication tools. The integration of multimodal AI, which combines text with visual and auditory data, will further expand the capabilities of AI, enabling more complex and multifaceted interactions.

However, the advancement of ChatGPT and AI also raises important ethical considerations, including privacy, security, and the potential for misuse. Addressing these challenges will require collaborative efforts among technologists, policymakers, and ethicists to ensure that AI technologies are developed and deployed responsibly. As we navigate these challenges, the potential of ChatGPT and AI to drive innovation and improve lives remains immense, promising a future where human and machine intelligence work together in harmony.


ChatGPT, with its foundation in transformer models and advancements in training methodologies like RLHF, is at the forefront of AI research and application. Its ability to generate human-like text has vast implications for various fields, promising to revolutionize the way we interact with technology. As we navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by this innovation, it's clear that ChatGPT corporate online training by Multisoft Virtual Academy is not just a tool but a harbinger of the future of AI.

The journey of ChatGPT from a novel idea to a transformative technology underscores the incredible potential of AI to enhance and augment human capabilities, opening up new possibilities for creativity, efficiency, and interaction in the digital age.

Cyber Security vs Data Science

What is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity encompasses the practices, technologies, and policies designed to protect networks, computers, programs, and data from attack, damage, or unauthorized access. In our digitally connected world, Cybersecurity is critical for protecting sensitive information and ensuring the continuity of business operations. It spans several key areas:

  • Critical Infrastructure Security: Focuses on the protection of essential systems and networks that are crucial for the functioning of society and the economy, such as energy grids, water purification systems, healthcare facilities, and transportation networks. Ensuring the security of these infrastructures is vital for preventing significant disruptions or harm to public safety and national security.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) Security: With the proliferation of connected devices, from smart home devices to industrial sensors, IoT security is essential for preventing unauthorized access and attacks that could compromise personal privacy or disrupt services. This involves securing the communication between devices and networks through measures like strong encryption, authentication, and regular software updates.
  • Network Security: Aims to protect the integrity, confidentiality, and accessibility of data during transmission. Network security involves deploying measures such as firewalls, encryption, and intrusion detection systems to protect against unauthorized access, attacks, and other threats.
  • Application Security: Focuses on keeping software and devices free of threats. A compromised application could provide access to the data its designed to protect. Secure coding practices, regular software updates, and security testing are essential components of application security.
  • Cloud Security: As more businesses and services move to cloud computing, ensuring the security of cloud-based assets is paramount. Cloud security involves a range of policies, technologies, and controls deployed to protect data, applications, and the associated infrastructure of cloud computing.

Each of these areas addresses different aspects of Cybersecurity training, yet they all share the common goal of protecting information and systems from cyber threats. Implementing comprehensive Cybersecurity measures is crucial for safeguarding against data breaches, identity theft, and the disruption of critical services, ensuring the trust and reliability essential for the digital age.


The significance of Cybersecurity in today's digital age cannot be overstated, with its pivotal role in safeguarding the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data. Its importance spans various aspects, from protecting individual privacy to ensuring the operational continuity of critical national infrastructure. Here's a closer look at why cybersecurity is so crucial:

  • Data Security: At the heart of cybersecurity is the protection of sensitive information from unauthorized access and breaches. This involves implementing robust measures such as encryption, strict access controls, and authentication processes.
  • Mitigating Cyberattack Loss: Cybersecurity strategies are key to reducing the impact of cyberattacks. By deploying a combination of preventive, detective, and responsive measures, organizations can minimize potential damages, including financial losses, data breaches, and operational disruptions.
  • Measures for Detection: Proactively identifying potential cybersecurity threats before they manifest is crucial. Through continuous monitoring of network activity and the use of intrusion detection systems, organizations can detect unusual patterns or activities that may indicate a cybersecurity threat.
  • Response Measures: A comprehensive cybersecurity strategy includes preparedness to respond effectively to cyber incidents. This entails having protocols in place for isolating affected systems, restoring data from backups, and engaging law enforcement as necessary.
  • Support for Digitization: As businesses and services increasingly move online, ensuring the security of digital transactions and communications becomes paramount. Cybersecurity measures enable organizations to embrace digitization confidently, offering secure, reliable services to their customers and protecting sensitive data against cyber threats.

In summary, Cyber Security certification is an indispensable component of modern digital life. It extends beyond the technical realm, affecting economic stability, public safety, and national security. As cyber threats continue to evolve in sophistication, so too must our approaches to Cybersecurity, ensuring a safer digital environment for all.

What is Data Science?

Data science stands at the intersection of statistics, mathematics, and computer science, a dynamic field dedicated to extracting knowledge and insights from data. It involves a comprehensive process that includes collecting, processing, analyzing, visualizing, and modeling data to inform and facilitate decision-making across various sectors. This discipline employs a wide range of techniques from statistical analysis to advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence to handle, interpret, and derive actionable insights from large sets of data.

Data scientists leverage programming languages like Python and R, alongside tools such as SQL for data retrieval, to preprocess, cleanse, and analyze data. They utilize machine learning algorithms to predict future trends and patterns, making data science integral to optimizing business strategies, improving customer experiences, and driving innovation. As data continues to grow in volume, velocity, and variety, the role of Data Science certification in extracting valuable information to guide strategic decisions becomes increasingly critical, marking it as a key driver in the evolution of digital transformation and competitive advantage in the modern business landscape.


Data science has emerged as a cornerstone of contemporary business strategy, driving innovation and efficiency across various sectors. Its significance stems from the ability to harness complex data and translate it into actionable insights, offering businesses a multitude of benefits:

  • Enhanced Decision Making: By leveraging data-driven insights, data science empowers organizations to make more informed and effective decisions. It enables the identification of patterns and trends within large datasets, facilitating a deeper understanding of business operations and customer behavior. With tools like predictive analytics, organizations can forecast future trends, anticipate customer needs, and make strategic decisions that align with business objectives.
  • Trend Analysis: This technique is crucial for understanding market movements and consumer preferences over time. By analyzing historical data, data science can predict future behavior and market trends, enabling businesses to stay ahead of the curve. This foresight can be instrumental in developing products, services, and marketing strategies that meet evolving customer demands.
  • Opportunity Identification: Data science offers the unique advantage of uncovering hidden opportunities within vast amounts of data. By analyzing trends, patterns, and relationships, businesses can identify new market segments, revenue streams, and areas for cost reduction. This not only enhances competitiveness but also drives innovation and growth.
  • Understanding Consumer Behavior: At its core, data science excels in deciphering the complexities of consumer behavior. Through advanced analytics, businesses can segment customers, tailor marketing efforts, and develop products that better meet customer needs. This deep understanding of consumer preferences and behaviors enables companies to enhance customer experiences, improve satisfaction, and foster loyalty.

In today's digital age, Data Science training is indispensable for businesses seeking to navigate the complexities of the market, adapt to changing consumer demands, and maintain a competitive edge. Its role in driving informed decision-making, identifying new opportunities, and understanding consumer behavior underscores its critical importance in shaping the future of business.

Key features

Cybersecurity and data science, while distinct fields, both play pivotal roles in modern digital environments, leveraging specific features and techniques to protect and analyze data respectively. Here’s a brief overview of the key features in both domains:

Key Features of Cyber Security

  • Encryption: A fundamental security measure that encodes data, making it accessible only to users who possess the correct decryption key, thereby protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access.
  • Access Control Systems: These systems manage and control who can or cannot access certain data or areas within a network, enhancing security by limiting access based on user roles or credentials.
  • Antivirus Software: Essential for detecting, preventing, and removing malware, antivirus software scans for known threats and alerts administrators to potential new risks.
  • Network Segmentation: Divides a network into smaller segments, improving security by limiting access between segments and containing potential breaches to a smaller area.
  • Firewalls: Act as a barrier between a secure internal network and untrusted external networks, monitoring and controlling incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules.
  • Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS): Tools that monitor network or system activities for malicious actions or policy violations, alerting administrators to suspected breaches.
  • Security Awareness Training: Educates users on the importance of cybersecurity practices, reducing the risk of security incidents by making users aware of how to protect data effectively.
  • Security Audits: Assessments that review the effectiveness of security measures within a system or network, identifying vulnerabilities and recommending enhancements.

Key Features of Data Science

  • Data Exploration and Visualization: Involves examining datasets to understand their underlying structure and extracting insights through graphical representations like charts, graphs, and tables.
  • Data Pre-processing: The preparation of raw data for analysis, which may include cleaning, normalizing, feature engineering, and outlier detection to improve the quality and efficiency of data analysis.
  • Machine Learning: The use of algorithms to model and understand complex data, learn from it, and make predictions. Techniques include linear regression, decision trees, clustering, and neural networks.
  • Model Evaluation: Assessing the performance of machine learning models to determine their accuracy, effectiveness, and ability to generalize to new data.
  • Model Deployment: The process of integrating a developed model into existing production environments, making it operational for real-world data analysis and decision-making.

While Cyber Security training focuses on protecting data from threats and unauthorized access, data science concentrates on extracting meaningful insights and making predictions based on data. Both are crucial in today’s data-driven world, ensuring that data is not only secure but also harnessed effectively to inform decision-making and strategy.


Choosing between Cyber Security training and Data Science training by Multisoft Virtual Academy ultimately boils down to your personal interests, skills, and career goals. Cyber Security is the go-to field for those passionate about safeguarding digital systems, networks, and data from cyber threats and vulnerabilities. It appeals to individuals inclined towards understanding the mechanics of attacks and developing defenses to protect sensitive information.

On the other hand, Data Science is ideal for those fascinated by the prospect of extracting meaningful insights from data. It suits individuals with a knack for mathematics, statistics, and programming, who are eager to dive into data analysis, machine learning, and predictive modeling to drive decision-making and innovation.

For individuals contemplating a career path, it's about aligning your passion and aptitudes with the needs of these dynamic fields. Whether you choose to become a guardian of the digital frontier in Cyber Security or a wizard of data in Data Science, both paths offer the chance to make a significant impact in the digital age.

An Introduction to BizTalk Server Training

BizTalk Server, developed by Microsoft, is a robust and comprehensive server software designed to facilitate business process automation, enterprise application integration, business-to-business communication, and business activity monitoring. As a middleware system, it enables organizations to efficiently integrate various disparate systems, both within and across organizational boundaries. This integration is critical for businesses that rely on diverse applications and data systems to execute their operations, ensuring seamless data flow and processes across the enterprise landscape.

At its core, BizTalk Server is built on a robust messaging framework that supports the exchange of documents or business data, such as purchase orders and invoices, between applications. The server utilizes adapters, which are components designed to communicate with external systems, allowing for the integration of a wide range of applications, from legacy systems to modern cloud-based services. This versatility makes BizTalk an essential tool for organizations looking to streamline their operations and enhance interoperability among their IT systems.

One of the key features of BizTalk Server online training is its ability to orchestrate complex business processes. Through a visual design interface, developers can define and automate business workflows, incorporating various tasks such as document processing, exception handling, and decision making. These processes can span multiple applications and data sources, automating tasks that would otherwise require manual intervention and coordination. BizTalk Server also excels in business-to-business (B2B) communication. It supports numerous industry standards and protocols, such as EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), AS2, and RosettaNet, enabling organizations to securely exchange documents and data with partners and suppliers. This capability is crucial for companies operating in sectors where B2B transactions are frequent and require strict compliance with industry standards.

For monitoring and managing business activities, BizTalk Server certification provides comprehensive tools that give insights into the performance of integrated processes and workflows. These tools enable IT administrators and business analysts to track the flow of documents and data, identify bottlenecks or errors, and make informed decisions to improve efficiency and effectiveness. Moreover, BizTalk's scalability ensures that it can handle increasing loads and complex integration scenarios, making it a suitable solution for enterprises of various sizes and industries.


BizTalk Server, Microsoft's enterprise integration and connectivity server solution, provides a multitude of features designed to address the complexities of automating business processes, integrating disparate applications, and facilitating business-to-business (B2B) communications. Here's an overview of its key features:

  • Application Integration: At its core, BizTalk Server excels in integrating various applications across an enterprise, regardless of the platform they run on or the protocols they use. This is achieved through a wide range of built-in adapters that connect to systems such as SAP, Oracle, SQL Server, and more, facilitating seamless data exchange and process integration.
  • Business Process Automation and Orchestration: BizTalk allows for the modeling and execution of complex business processes through orchestration. Developers can use the graphical design tools within BizTalk to define workflows that include decision points, looping, and parallel actions, automating processes that span multiple systems and services.
  • Business-to-Business Communication: The server supports a variety of B2B protocols and standards, such as EDI, AS2, and RosettaNet, enabling organizations to efficiently conduct transactions with trading partners. This feature is vital for industries where electronic data exchange is critical for operations.
  • Business Activity Monitoring (BAM): BizTalk Server provides real-time monitoring capabilities that allow businesses to track the flow of data and the status of processes across different systems. This visibility is crucial for identifying bottlenecks, troubleshooting issues, and optimizing process efficiency.
  • Rules Engine: The server includes a robust Business Rules Engine (BRE), enabling businesses to define and apply business rules across their processes. This feature allows for the separation of business logic from process implementation, facilitating easier updates and maintenance of rules without needing to change the underlying process code.
  • High Availability and Scalability: Designed to meet the demands of high-volume, mission-critical applications, BizTalk Server supports clustering and load balancing. This ensures high availability and scalability, allowing businesses to maintain continuous operations and manage growth efficiently.
  • Message Transformation Services: BizTalk Server provides powerful tools for transforming messages between different formats, essential for integrating systems that use disparate data representations. This includes transformations between XML, flat files, and custom formats, enabling seamless data exchange and integration.
  • Advanced Messaging Features: The server supports complex messaging patterns, such as content-based routing, message queuing, and publish/subscribe models, offering flexible options for implementing robust, enterprise-level messaging solutions.
  • Security and Compliance: With features that support secure data transmission, encryption, and digital signatures, BizTalk Server helps organizations meet regulatory compliance requirements and ensure data security during integration and communication processes.
  • Extensibility: For scenarios where out-of-the-box features and adapters are not sufficient, BizTalk Server offers a highly extensible architecture. Developers can create custom components and adapters to meet specific integration requirements, further enhancing the server's versatility and adaptability to unique business challenges.

BizTalk Server's comprehensive set of features make it a powerful tool for organizations looking to streamline their operations, enhance connectivity, and leverage automation for efficiency and competitive advantage.


The architecture of BizTalk Server is an intricate framework designed to streamline the automation of business processes, integration of applications, and facilitation of business-to-business communications. It encompasses several key components, including Business Activity Monitoring (BAM), the core BizTalk Server functionalities, messaging capabilities, the Business Rules Engine (BRE), a comprehensive Monitoring System, and the Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) feature. Below is a simplified overview of each component and their roles within the architecture:

1. Business Activity Monitoring (BAM)

  • Activity Monitoring: Focuses on observing specific business processes or tasks for performance tracking.
  • Data Collection: Involves gathering information from various sources to capture the progress and status of monitored activities, including timestamps and data values.
  • Analysis Tools: Utilizes dashboards, charts, and graphs for tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) and analyzing business process performance.
  • Integration Support: Ensures seamless connectivity with orchestrations, messaging, and business rules components, enhancing the system's overall responsiveness and efficiency. It also supports alerts and notifications for event triggering.

2. Orchestration

  • Orchestrations are at the heart of automating complex business processes, facilitated by a graphical tool called Orchestration Designer. This tool aids in designing the coordination among multiple systems and includes features for debugging, testing, and error handling.

3. Messaging

  • The messaging framework handles the processing, routing, transformation, and tracking of data exchanged between different systems. BizTalk Server includes built-in adaptors for seamless integration with databases, file systems, web services, and other enterprise applications.
  • Processing and Routing: Messages are validated and routed based on predefined schemas and business rules.
  • Transformation and Tracking: Supports data format transformations (e.g., XML, JSON, flat files) and message tracking to ensure compliance with standards.

4. Business Rules Engine (BRE)

  • Rule Composer: A graphical interface that simplifies the definition and management of business rules using a library of templates and functions.
  • Rule Repository: Acts as a centralized database for storing, versioning, and managing business rules.
  • Rule Evaluation: Dynamically evaluates business rules during runtime based on incoming data and integration contexts.

5. Health and Activity Tracking

  • Provides insights into system status and resource utilization, helping identify and troubleshoot issues for performance optimization. Includes performance counters, event logging, and a centralized management console.

6. Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO)

  • Facilitates simplified access across multiple applications or systems with a single set of credentials, addressing the challenge of managing multiple authentication details in an interconnected environment.

This architecture effectively combines these components to offer a powerful, flexible solution for integrating diverse IT environments, automating business processes, and enabling efficient data flow and communication across organizational boundaries.

How does the BizTalk Server Work?

BizTalk Server operates by facilitating the seamless integration and management of business processes across various disparate systems within an organization or between businesses. At its core, BizTalk uses a publish-subscribe model to process and route messages based on predefined business rules and workflows, ensuring that data moves efficiently and securely between applications and services. When a message is received by BizTalk Server, it's first published to the Message Box database, a central hub that acts as an intermediary storage allowing for decoupled communication between systems. Subscribers, which could be orchestrations or send ports configured within BizTalk, subscribe to messages based on specific criteria or filters. Once a message is published, it's picked up by the relevant subscribers.

The Business Rules Engine (BRE) evaluates the message against a set of business rules, determining the necessary processing steps, such as transformation into a different format or routing to a specific system. Transformations are often required to ensure the message is in the correct format for the target system, using mappings defined within BizTalk.

Finally, the message is delivered to the target application or external business partner via the appropriate adapter or send port. Throughout this process, Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) provides visibility into the flow and status of messages, allowing for real-time tracking and management of business processes. This intricate orchestration of message flow enables businesses to automate processes efficiently, integrate diverse systems, and respond quickly to changing market demands.


BizTalk Server online training by Multisoft Virtual Academy is a powerful platform that addresses the complex challenges of integrating disparate systems, automating business processes, and facilitating B2B communications. Its comprehensive set of features, combined with support for a wide range of protocols and standards, makes it an essential tool for organizations looking to enhance their operational efficiency, improve data consistency, and strengthen partnerships through better integration capabilities.

Transforming Workforce Management with Dayforce Training

Dayforce, a cutting-edge cloud-based platform developed by Ceridian, stands out as a comprehensive workforce management solution. It integrates payroll, HR, benefits, talent management, and more, into a single, user-friendly system. To harness the full potential of this powerful tool, Dayforce training is essential. In today’s dynamic business environment, effective workforce management is more critical than ever. Organizations seek innovative solutions to streamline processes, enhance productivity, and improve employee satisfaction.

This blog by Multisoft Virtual Academy explores the ins and outs of Dayforce online training, its importance, benefits, and how it empowers both employers and employees to navigate the complexities of modern workforce management.

Understanding Dayforce

Dayforce is a revolutionary Human Capital Management (HCM) software that transforms traditional HR functions into a cohesive, real-time workflow. Its capabilities span across employee scheduling, time and attendance tracking, HR management, talent acquisition, and payroll processing, all within a single application. The real power of Dayforce lies in its ability to provide comprehensive insights into workforce dynamics, enabling managers to make informed decisions quickly.

A standout feature of Dayforce certification is its ability to offer comprehensive insights into workforce dynamics, enabling managers to make informed decisions swiftly. Its user-friendly interface and real-time processing eliminate the gaps between different HR functions, streamlining operations and improving overall organizational efficiency. Whether it’s simplifying payroll procedures, managing time and attendance, overseeing benefits administration, or facilitating talent acquisition and development, Dayforce provides a holistic approach to workforce management. For organizations looking to optimize their HR and workforce management processes, Dayforce stands as a robust, innovative solution that adapts to complex business needs, driving efficiency, compliance, and employee satisfaction.

The Need for Dayforce Training

While Dayforce offers a plethora of features, maximizing its benefits requires a thorough understanding of its functionalities. Dayforce training equips users with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the platform efficiently, ensuring they can leverage its full suite of tools to meet organizational needs.

  • For Employers: Employers benefit from Dayforce training by gaining insights into optimizing workforce management practices. Training enables them to understand how to use Dayforce’s analytics and reporting tools for strategic decision-making, ensuring compliance with labor laws, and improving operational efficiency.
  • For Employees: Employees benefit from understanding how to use Dayforce for everyday tasks such as checking schedules, submitting time-off requests, and accessing pay information. This knowledge enhances their experience, leading to higher satisfaction and engagement levels.

Key Components

Dayforce training covers various aspects of the platform, tailored to different user roles within the organization. Some of the critical areas include:

  • Navigation and Interface: Understanding the Dayforce user interface and navigation basics to efficiently access different modules.
  • Payroll Management: Training on how to process payroll, manage taxes, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Time and Attendance: Learning to manage time sheets, approve time-off requests, and handle scheduling.
  • HR and Benefits Administration: Instructions on managing employee data, benefits enrollment, and HR workflows.
  • Talent Management: Guidance on using Dayforce for recruitment, performance management, and employee development.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Learning to generate reports and use analytics for data-driven workforce management decisions.


1. Enhanced Efficiency

By understanding how to navigate and utilize Dayforce effectively, users can perform tasks more efficiently, reducing time spent on administrative processes and focusing more on strategic activities.

2. Improved Compliance

Dayforce training helps ensure that users are aware of how to use the system in compliance with employment laws and regulations, reducing the risk of legal issues.

3. Better Decision Making

With training in Dayforce’s reporting and analytics, managers can access real-time data to make informed decisions about staffing, scheduling, and other critical aspects of workforce management.

4. Increased Employee Satisfaction

When employees are proficient in using Dayforce, they enjoy a more seamless interaction with HR processes, leading to improved job satisfaction and engagement.

Implementing Dayforce Training

Successful Dayforce training requires a structured approach that caters to the diverse needs of all users. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Role-Based Training: Tailor training sessions to specific roles within the organization to ensure relevance and effectiveness.
  • Hands-On Learning: Incorporate practical exercises and simulations to help users get comfortable with the system.
  • Continuous Learning: Offer ongoing training and support to accommodate updates to the Dayforce platform and evolving organizational needs.

The Future of Workforce Management with Dayforce

As businesses continue to navigate the challenges of managing a diverse and dynamic workforce, tools like Dayforce become indispensable. Dayforce training is not just about learning to use software; it’s about empowering organizations to achieve a holistic approach to workforce management that aligns with their strategic goals. In the era of digital transformation, investing in Dayforce certification is investing in the future of work.

Skills you will learn

Engaging in Dayforce training equips participants with a wide range of valuable skills, essential for effective workforce management and optimization of HR processes. Here are some key skills you can expect to learn:

  • Learn to efficiently navigate the Dayforce platform, understanding its layout, features, and how to access various tools and modules.
  • Gain skills in managing the entire payroll process within Dayforce, including setting up payroll cycles, processing payments, and ensuring compliance with tax laws and regulations.
  • Learn to set up and manage timekeeping systems, track employee attendance, manage leave requests, and ensure accurate time recording for payroll purposes.
  • Acquire skills in managing employee data, from onboarding to offboarding, including personal details, benefits enrollment, and document management.
  • Understand how to use Dayforce for talent acquisition, including posting job openings, tracking applicants, and managing the hiring process.
  • Learn to set up and manage performance review cycles, create and assign goals, and utilize feedback tools to foster employee development.
  • Gain knowledge on how to manage employee benefits within Dayforce, including plan setup, enrollment processes, and compliance with benefits regulations.
  • Develop skills in generating reports and analyzing data within Dayforce for informed decision-making regarding workforce management and HR strategies.
  • Learn how to customize forms, workflows, and reports to fit the specific needs of your organization, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of HR processes.
  • Acquire skills in leveraging Dayforce communication tools and self-service options to improve transparency, accessibility, and overall employee engagement and satisfaction.

These skills not only enhance the operational capabilities of those directly managing HR processes but also contribute significantly to the overall efficiency, compliance, and employee satisfaction within an organization.


Dayforce stands as a beacon of innovation in workforce management, offering a suite of tools that can significantly improve operational efficiency and employee satisfaction. However, to truly tap into the potential of Dayforce, comprehensive training is essential. Through effective Dayforce online training by Multisoft Virtual Academy, organizations can ensure that their teams are equipped to use the platform to its fullest, leading to improved processes, compliance, decision-making, and overall workforce satisfaction. As we look towards the future, the role of Dayforce in transforming workforce management is undeniable, and with the right training, organizations can leverage this powerful tool to navigate the complexities of the modern workplace successfully.

Beyond the foundational benefits and strategies for Dayforce training, it’s crucial to delve deeper into the impact and advanced opportunities this training offers to both organizations and employees.

The Essential Guide to Piping Engineering Training

Piping systems are the lifelines of many industrial operations, ensuring the efficient and safe transport of materials from one point to another. The design and maintenance of these systems require a deep understanding of fluid mechanics, materials science, and safety standards. Piping engineers are responsible for creating systems that meet operational efficiency, safety, and regulatory compliance, making their role indispensable in industrial projects.

In the vast and intricate world of engineering, piping engineering stands out as a crucial discipline, pivotal to the successful operation of myriad industries, including oil and gas, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, and power generation. Piping engineering encompasses the design, installation, and maintenance of piping systems that transport fluids across vast networks. As industries evolve and expand, the demand for skilled piping engineers has surged, making specialized training more important than ever.

This blog by Multisoft Virtual Academy explores the essentials of Piping Engineering online training, shedding light on the skills developed, the importance of this discipline, and the transformative impact it has on professionals and industries alike.

Unpacking Piping Engineering Training

Piping engineering training programs are meticulously designed to equip professionals with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed to excel in this field. These programs cover a broad spectrum of topics, including:

  • Piping Design and Layout: Trainees learn to design piping systems using industry-standard software, understanding the spatial requirements and optimizing layouts for efficiency and safety.
  • Material Selection: Understanding the properties of different materials and their suitability for various types of fluids and operating conditions is crucial for ensuring system integrity and longevity.
  • Stress Analysis: Trainees are taught to analyze the stresses in piping systems under different conditions to prevent failures, using both manual calculations and software tools.
  • Standards and Codes: Knowledge of international standards and regulatory codes is essential for designing systems that meet safety and quality benchmarks.
  • Safety and Risk Management: Training programs emphasize the importance of safety in design, including the identification and mitigation of potential hazards.


For Professionals

  • Career Advancement: Specialized training in piping engineering can open doors to advanced roles and opportunities in diverse industries.
  • Skill Enhancement: Professionals expand their expertise, learning to tackle complex challenges with innovative solutions.
  • Global Opportunities: Skilled piping engineers are in demand worldwide, offering the potential for international career paths.

For Industries

  • Operational Excellence: Well-trained piping engineers can significantly improve the efficiency and safety of industrial operations.
  • Innovation: Fresh perspectives and advanced skills contribute to the development of more efficient and sustainable piping systems.
  • Competitive Advantage: Companies with expertly designed and maintained piping systems have a distinct edge in the market, enabling them to deliver higher quality products and services.

The Path Forward: Implementing Piping Engineering Training

For individuals aspiring to enter or advance in the field of piping engineering, and for companies seeking to enhance their workforce's capabilities, investing in comprehensive piping engineering training is key. Here's how to get started:

  • Research Accredited Programs: Look for training programs offered by reputable institutions or industry associations that provide a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application.
  • Consider Certification: Many programs offer certification upon completion, which can be a valuable credential for professionals.
  • Leverage Online Resources: In addition to formal training programs, numerous online platforms offer courses and tutorials that can complement your learning.

Advanced Modules in Piping Engineering Training

In addition to the foundational skills, advanced piping engineering training explores:

  • Dynamic Simulation: Understanding the dynamic behavior of fluids in piping systems under varying operational conditions to predict performance and prevent issues.
  • 3D Modeling and Digital Twin Technology: Leveraging cutting-edge software to create accurate 3D models of piping systems, enabling virtual testing and optimization before physical implementation.
  • Sustainability and Environmental Impact: Integrating eco-friendly design principles to reduce environmental impact, focusing on energy efficiency and the selection of sustainable materials.
  • Project Management: Skills in managing projects, including budgeting, scheduling, and coordination between multidisciplinary teams, are crucial for the successful execution of piping projects.


The comprehensive scope of AutoCAD Piping Engineering certification encompasses a multitude of functions crucial to the design, implementation, and maintenance of industrial piping systems. These functions form the backbone of efficient and safe operations across various sectors. Let’s delve into the core functions integral to the piping engineering discipline:

1. Design and Layout Planning

Piping engineers are tasked with designing the piping system's layout, which involves planning the paths for pipes based on efficiency, safety, and regulatory compliance. This includes selecting the optimal routes within a facility to ensure that fluids are transported efficiently, without unnecessary bends or lengths that could reduce system effectiveness or increase costs.

2. Material Selection

Choosing the right materials for pipes, fittings, and valves is critical. The selection is based on the type of fluid being transported, the operating temperatures and pressures, and the chemical compatibility. Material selection affects the durability, maintenance requirements, and overall lifespan of the piping system.

3. Stress Analysis

Engineers perform stress analysis to ensure the piping system can withstand the physical stresses it will encounter, including temperature changes, pressures, and fluid dynamics. This analysis is vital to prevent system failure, which could lead to leaks, bursts, and other hazardous conditions.

4. Standards Compliance

Piping systems must adhere to national and international standards and regulations. These standards ensure the safety, reliability, and efficiency of piping systems. Engineers must be familiar with these regulations and incorporate them into their designs and maintenance procedures.

5. Construction and Installation Supervision

Piping engineers oversee the construction and installation of piping systems. This supervision ensures that the design specifications are accurately followed, and the system is built according to the planned layout, material specifications, and safety standards.

6. Testing and Commissioning

Once a piping system is installed, it undergoes rigorous testing and commissioning to ensure it operates as intended. This phase includes pressure tests, leak detection, and functional verification of control systems. It's a critical step before the system can be fully operational.

7. Project Management

Beyond the technical aspects, piping engineers often take on project management roles. They coordinate teams, manage budgets, and ensure projects are completed on time and within scope.

Challenges and Solutions in Piping Engineering Training

  • Bridging the Skills Gap: One of the challenges facing the industry is the skills gap, as the demand for highly skilled piping engineers outpaces the supply. Comprehensive training programs, both online and in-person, are essential to bridge this gap. Mentorship programs and internships can also provide invaluable hands-on experience for aspiring engineers.
  • Keeping Pace with Technology: The rapid advancement of technology presents another challenge. Continuous learning and professional development are vital for professionals to stay abreast of the latest tools and techniques in piping design and analysis.

The Future of Piping Engineering

The future of piping engineering is intrinsically linked to technological innovation and sustainability. Piping Design and Drafting Training As industries strive to reduce their carbon footprint, the role of piping engineers in designing efficient and eco-friendly systems becomes increasingly important. Moreover, the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning into piping design and maintenance promises to enhance predictive maintenance capabilities, minimizing downtime and extending the lifespan of piping systems. To empower the next generation of piping engineers, educational institutions and industries must collaborate to provide robust training programs that combine theoretical knowledge with practical skills. Encouraging diversity and inclusion in the field can also bring fresh perspectives and drive innovation.


Piping engineering is a field that combines technical knowledge, creativity, and problem-solving skills to design and maintain systems critical to industrial success. Through specialized training, professionals can hone these skills, setting themselves up for a rewarding career path that impacts various sectors. As industries continue to grow and face new challenges, the role of skilled piping engineers will only become more vital. Investing in Multisoft’s Piping Engineering corporate training is not just an investment in individual careers but in the future of industry and innovation. Whether you're a seasoned engineer looking to specialize further or a newcomer eager to make your mark, piping engineering training offers a pathway to achieving those ambitions, driving progress, and pioneering solutions in the world of engineering.

Introduction to MSP Foundation

In the complex and fast-evolving realm of project and program management, the need for structured frameworks and methodologies has never been more critical. Among the various approaches that organizations and professionals turn to, the Managing Successful Programmes (MSP®) framework stands out for its versatility and effectiveness. At the heart of this framework lies the MSP Foundation training, a gateway to mastering program management principles that can transform strategic objectives into positive outcomes.

This article by Multisoft Virtual Academy delves into the essence of MSP Foundation online training, exploring its significance, curriculum, benefits, and the path it paves for professionals seeking excellence in program management.

The Essence of MSP Foundation Training

MSP Foundation training is designed to provide professionals with a thorough understanding of the MSP framework, equipping them with the knowledge and tools necessary to successfully manage large-scale programs. Unlike project management, which focuses on the successful delivery of individual projects, program management is concerned with the coordinated management of multiple projects aimed at achieving strategic objectives and realizing benefits for the organization.

What the Training Covers

The MSP Foundation course covers a wide array of topics essential for effective program management, including:

  • MSP Principles: The foundational ethos guiding successful program management, ensuring consistency and effectiveness across programs.
  • MSP Governance Themes: These themes offer a structured approach to program governance, providing a framework for leadership, delivery team management, stakeholder engagement, and benefits realization.
  • MSP Transformational Flow: A comprehensive process that guides the program lifecycle from its conception to the delivery of the desired outcomes, ensuring that the program remains aligned with organizational strategy and delivers value.

Through a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical exercises, participants gain a deep understanding of how to apply MSP principles and practices to real-world scenarios.

Significance of MSP Foundation Training

In an era where change is the only constant, organizations rely on program management to navigate through transitions and achieve strategic objectives. The MSP Foundation certification is crucial for:

  • Aligning Programs with Organizational Strategy: It ensures that program managers can effectively align multiple projects within a program to the overarching strategic goals of the organization.
  • Enhancing Career Prospects: Professionals certified in MSP Foundation are recognized for their ability to manage complex programs, opening doors to advanced roles and opportunities.
  • Improving Organizational Outcomes: By adopting the MSP framework, organizations can improve their ability to deliver programs that realize benefits, enhance stakeholder satisfaction, and achieve strategic objectives.


For Individuals

  • Enhanced Skill Set: The training equips professionals with a comprehensive toolkit for managing programs, enhancing their effectiveness and efficiency.
  • Certification and Recognition: Achieving MSP Foundation certification demonstrates a commitment to program management excellence, significantly enhancing one’s professional standing and opportunities.
  • Foundation for Further Advancement: The MSP Foundation level lays the groundwork for advanced MSP certifications, such as MSP Practitioner and MSP Advanced Practitioner, facilitating career growth.

For Organizations

  • Strategic Alignment: MSP-trained professionals can ensure that programs are aligned with organizational strategy, driving forward strategic objectives.
  • Improved Delivery Capability: The MSP framework enhances an organization's capability to deliver complex programs on time, within budget, and to the desired quality.
  • Enhanced Agility: MSP supports organizational agility, enabling faster response to market changes and opportunities through effective program management.

Curriculum and Certification Process

The MSP Foundation training typically spans over three days, culminating in an examination that assesses the participant's understanding of the MSP framework and its application. The curriculum is delivered through a combination of lectures, group discussions, and case studies, ensuring a well-rounded learning experience.

The certification exam is a closed-book test, consisting of multiple-choice questions. Passing the exam signifies that the candidate has achieved a fundamental understanding of the MSP framework and is capable of applying it to manage programs within an organizational context.

The Path Forward: Beyond MSP Foundation

Upon successfully achieving MSP Foundation certification, professionals often continue their learning journey by pursuing higher levels of MSP certification:

  • MSP Practitioner: Focuses on the application of MSP in real-world scenarios, requiring a deeper understanding and ability to tailor MSP to program needs.
  • MSP Advanced Practitioner: Aimed at those who wish to demonstrate a high level of expertise in MSP, focusing on complex program management challenges and leadership skills.

These advanced certifications further validate a professional's competence in managing successful programs and open up opportunities for leadership roles in program management.


MSP Foundation online training by Multisoft Virtual Academy serves as a critical stepping stone for professionals aspiring to excel in program management. By providing a solid foundation in the MSP framework, it equips individuals and organizations with the tools and knowledge necessary to navigate the complexities of modern business landscapes. Beyond the immediate benefits of enhanced skills and certification, MSP Foundation lays the groundwork for lifelong learning and career advancement in the field of program management. Whether you're looking to enhance your professional capabilities, advance your career, or drive your organization toward its strategic goals, MSP Foundation corporate training offers a pathway to achieving those objectives with confidence and competence.

The evolving nature of business and technology demands a robust approach to managing change, and MSP provides a structured yet flexible framework that can adapt to the unique challenges of any organization. As professionals progress through MSP training and certification, they not only enhance their own career prospects but also contribute significantly to the strategic success of their organizations.

Moreover, the collaborative skills, strategic insight, and practical methodologies gained through MSP Foundation training prepare professionals to lead with vision and agility. The ability to oversee multiple projects and align them with organizational goals is invaluable in today’s fast-paced world, where adaptability and strategic foresight are key competitive advantages.

For organizations, investing in MSP Foundation training for their staff is not just about improving project outcomes—it’s about fostering a culture of continuous improvement, strategic alignment, and benefits realization. This investment in professional development pays dividends in the form of more effective program management, which in turn drives organizational success and resilience.

Transforming Design: The Power of SPI InTools

SPI InTools is a specialized software application tailored for the engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) sector, specifically addressing the needs of instrumentation and control engineering. It offers a robust platform for the planning, design, and maintenance of instrumentation and control systems, pivotal in various industries, including oil and gas, power generation, and chemical processing. By automating complex processes and facilitating the integration of information, SPI InTools significantly reduces errors, saves time, and drives efficiency across project lifecycles.

In the ever-evolving landscape of industrial automation and control systems engineering, SmartPlant Instrumentation (SPI), also known as InTools, stands out as a beacon of innovation and efficiency. Developed by Intergraph (now part of Hexagon PPM), SPI InTools is a comprehensive solution designed to meet the intricate demands of modern instrumentation and control engineering. This article by Multisoft Virtual Academy delves into the myriad benefits and functions of SPI InTools online training, illustrating its pivotal role in streamlining project execution, enhancing design accuracy, and fostering collaboration in engineering projects.

Key Benefits

1. Enhanced Accuracy and Consistency

SPI InTools brings unparalleled accuracy and consistency to the engineering design process. By centralizing data management and employing intelligent design functionalities, it minimizes the risk of discrepancies and errors that can occur with manual data handling. The software ensures that all documents and drawings are consistently updated, reflecting any changes in design promptly. This level of precision is crucial for the successful execution of projects, particularly in industries where safety and compliance are paramount.

2. Improved Efficiency and Productivity

The automation of routine tasks is one of SPI InTools' standout features. It streamlines various processes, from generating instrument datasheets to creating detailed wiring and loop diagrams. This automation not only accelerates the design phase but also reduces the manpower and time required, leading to significant cost savings. Additionally, the software's ability to manage large volumes of data effortlessly makes it an indispensable tool for projects of all sizes.

3. Enhanced Collaboration and Integration

SPI InTools promotes a collaborative working environment by enabling seamless data sharing and communication among project teams. Its integration capabilities allow for smooth data exchange with other engineering and design tools, ensuring that all stakeholders have access to accurate and up-to-date information. This interconnectedness is vital for the alignment of project objectives, timelines, and quality standards across different disciplines and phases.

4. Comprehensive Documentation and Reporting

The software excels in generating comprehensive and customizable reports and documentation, a critical aspect of project management and compliance. With SPI InTools, teams can easily produce detailed instrument datasheets, wiring diagrams, and procurement reports, among others. SmartPlant® 3D (SP3D) Software Training This documentation is essential for project audits, maintenance planning, and ensuring adherence to industry regulations and standards.

Core Functions of SPI InTools

SPI InTools is equipped with a wide array of functions designed to cater to the intricate requirements of instrumentation and control engineering. These functionalities cover every phase of a project, from initial planning and design to maintenance and operations.

1. Instrument Indexing

The instrument index function serves as the cornerstone of project planning in SPI InTools. It provides a comprehensive overview of all instruments and control loops within a project, including their specifications, statuses, and associated documentation. SmartPlant 3D (SP3D) Civil Training This centralized database is crucial for tracking and managing the vast array of instruments involved in industrial projects.

2. Datasheet Creation and Management

SPI InTools simplifies the creation and management of instrument datasheets, a tedious and time-consuming task when done manually. The software automates the generation of datasheets based on predefined templates, ensuring that all necessary technical information is accurately captured and easily accessible.

3. Loop and Wiring Diagrams

The ability to automatically generate loop and wiring diagrams is another key feature of SPI InTools. These diagrams are essential for visualizing the connections and interactions between different instruments and control systems. The software's intelligent design tools ensure that these diagrams are accurate and comply with project standards and industry regulations.

4. Integration with 3D Models

SPI InTools can integrate with 3D modeling software, allowing engineers to visualize instrumentation and control systems within the overall plant design. This integration facilitates the identification of potential design conflicts early in the project, saving time and resources in the long run.

5. Calibration and Maintenance Scheduling

Beyond its design capabilities, SPI InTools supports the calibration and maintenance of instrumentation. The software can track calibration records, schedule maintenance activities, and generate work orders, ensuring that instruments operate efficiently and safely throughout their lifecycle.

Streamlining Regulatory Compliance

One of the challenges in the engineering sector, especially in highly regulated industries like oil and gas or pharmaceuticals, is ensuring compliance with local and international standards. SPI InTools directly addresses this challenge by incorporating regulatory requirements into its design and documentation processes. It enables teams to design systems that are not only efficient and reliable but also compliant with the latest safety and environmental standards. This proactive approach to compliance significantly reduces the risk of costly penalties and project delays.

Future-proofing Engineering Projects

As technology evolves, so do the demands on engineering software. SPI InTools is designed with the future in mind, offering scalable solutions that can adapt to changing project requirements and technological advancements. Its modular architecture allows for easy updates and integration with emerging technologies such as IoT devices, advanced analytics, and machine learning algorithms. This flexibility ensures that SPI InTools certification remains at the forefront of engineering design, enabling users to leverage new technologies to drive innovation and efficiency.

In today’s world, there is an increasing emphasis on sustainability and the need for industries to minimize their environmental impact. SPI InTools contributes to sustainable engineering practices by enabling the design of energy-efficient systems and processes. By optimizing control strategies and instrumentation, companies can reduce waste, lower energy consumption, and decrease greenhouse gas emissions, aligning with global sustainability goals.


SPI InTools represents a paradigm shift in instrumentation and control engineering, offering a suite of tools that significantly enhance the accuracy, efficiency, and collaboration of engineering projects. Its comprehensive functionalities cater to the entire project lifecycle, from design and procurement to maintenance and operations. By harnessing the power of SPI InTools online training by Multisoft Virtual Academy, engineering teams can navigate the complexities of modern industrial projects with confidence, ensuring that their designs are not only innovative but also safe, reliable, and compliant with industry standards. As industries continue to evolve towards greater digitalization and automation, SPI InTools stands as a critical asset in the digital transformation journey, enabling businesses to achieve operational excellence and competitive advantage.

Benefits of SP3D Electrical Certification

SmartPlant 3D (SP3D) electrical training emerges as a beacon for professionals aiming to refine their skills and elevate their careers in this competitive landscape. In the ever-evolving field of electrical design and engineering, staying ahead of the curve is not just an option; it's a necessity.

This comprehensive article delves into the myriad benefits of Multisoft Virtual Academy’s SP3D electrical training, illustrating why it is a pivotal step for those aspiring to excel in electrical design and engineering.

Benefits include:

1. Enhancing Design Efficiency

SP3D training equips professionals with the knowledge to leverage the software's advanced features, significantly improving design efficiency. The intuitive interface and tools of SP3D allow for the swift creation of accurate and detailed electrical models. This efficiency is a game-changer, reducing project timelines and enabling designers to meet tight deadlines without compromising on quality.

2. Facilitating Collaboration

In the realm of large-scale engineering projects, collaboration is key. SP3D electrical training emphasizes the collaborative features of the software, teaching users how to effectively share and manage design data across different disciplines and project stages. This seamless collaboration reduces errors and ensures consistency, making it easier to bring complex projects to successful completion.

3. Promoting Standardization

Standardization is crucial for maintaining quality and consistency in electrical designs. SP3D training instills a deep understanding of how to apply industry standards and best practices within the software. This knowledge ensures that designs adhere to global standards, reducing the risk of costly rework and enhancing the project's credibility.

4. Reducing Design Errors

One of the most significant benefits of SP3D civil training is the substantial reduction in design errors. The software's advanced validation tools allow for early detection and correction of potential issues, long before they can impact the construction phase. This proactive approach to error mitigation not only saves time and resources but also enhances the overall safety and reliability of the electrical systems designed.

5. Increasing Marketability and Career Advancement

In a competitive job market, specialized skills like proficiency in SP3D can set candidates apart. Professionals who undergo SP3D electrical training often find themselves more marketable, with enhanced opportunities for career advancement. This training signals to employers a commitment to professional development and a readiness to tackle complex electrical design challenges.

6. Supporting Complex Projects

SP3D is designed to support the complexities of modern electrical design projects. Through training, professionals gain the ability to navigate and manage these complexities, making them invaluable assets to their teams. Whether it's integrating new technologies or complying with evolving regulations, trained SP3D users are well-equipped to handle the demands of contemporary projects.

7. Improving Project Visualization

Visualizing electrical designs accurately is crucial for understanding and communicating project specifics. SP3D training teaches professionals how to use the software's powerful visualization tools, enabling them to create detailed 3D models. These models provide a clear understanding of the project, facilitating better decision-making and stakeholder engagement.

8. Enhancing Data Management

Effective data management is pivotal for the success of any electrical design project. SP3D electrical training covers the software's comprehensive data management capabilities, ensuring professionals can efficiently organize, access, and utilize project data. This streamlined approach to data management enhances productivity and minimizes the risk of data-related issues.

9. Adapting to Industry Changes

The electrical design industry is subject to continuous change, driven by technological advancements and regulatory shifts. SP3D training ensures that professionals are not just familiar with current best practices but are also adaptable to future changes. This adaptability is crucial for maintaining relevance and effectiveness in a rapidly evolving field.

10. Boosting Project ROI

Ultimately, the benefits of SP3D electrical training converge on a crucial point: boosting the return on investment (ROI) for projects. By enhancing efficiency, reducing errors, and improving collaboration, SP3D-trained professionals can significantly contribute to the successful and cost-effective completion of projects. This positive impact on ROI makes SP3D training a wise investment for both individuals and organizations.

Skills you will learn

During SP3D Electrical training, participants will acquire a diverse set of skills essential for mastering electrical design within the SmartPlant 3D environment. These skills include:

  • Understanding the SP3D interface, basic navigation, and the fundamental concepts of electrical design within SP3D.
  • Learning to create detailed 3D models of electrical components and systems, including wiring, conduits, and electrical equipment.
  • Skills in managing and organizing project data effectively within SP3D, ensuring efficient access and use throughout the project lifecycle.
  • Generating accurate and detailed drawings and schematics from 3D models, including layout plans and elevation views.
  • Applying industry standards and best practices in electrical design to ensure quality and compliance in SP3D projects.
  • Utilizing SP3D's validation tools to identify and correct design errors before they impact construction or operation.
  • Creating high-quality visualizations and presentations from SP3D models to communicate design intentions clearly to stakeholders.
  • Learning to customize the SP3D environment, including setting up custom views, templates, and reports to streamline the design process.
  • Simulating electrical system operations within SP3D to validate design choices and optimize system performance.
  • Understanding how to ensure designs comply with local and international electrical codes and standards.
  • Exploring advanced SP3D features and tools that can further enhance the design process, such as automation scripts and macros.
  • Skills in integrating SP3D designs with other engineering and design software to enhance project coordination and execution.
  • Developing problem-solving skills specific to electrical design challenges within the SP3D environment.

Acquiring these skills during SP3D Electrical certification will prepare participants for successful careers in electrical design, enhancing their ability to contribute to complex engineering projects with skill and confidence.


The landscape of electrical design and engineering is both challenging and rewarding. As professionals seek to navigate this landscape, SP3D electrical online training by Multisoft Virtual Academy stands out as a key enabler of success. By offering a comprehensive suite of benefits, from improved efficiency and collaboration to enhanced marketability and project ROI, SP3D training equips professionals with the tools they need to excel. Whether you're looking to advance your career, contribute to groundbreaking projects, or simply stay ahead in a competitive field, the benefits of SP3D electrical training are too significant to overlook.

Workday Tutorial for Beginners

Workday, renowned for its cloud-based Financial Management and Human Capital Management software, operates on a service model that prioritizes unified integration and functionality within organizations. Recognized by as a leader in the ERP industry, Workday's single-system approach for HR and finance facilitates complete data visibility, aiding in informed decision-making.

The platform significantly enhances Payroll and HR compliance, reduces risk, and provides valuable data crucial for strategic decisions. Its array of features and benefits has made Workday HCM Training by Multisoft Virtual Academy a preferred choice among diverse organizations, subsequently creating numerous job opportunities in this field. For professionals aspiring to excel in the HR and Finance domains, acquiring training and certification in Workday is a strategic move.

What is Workday?

Workday is a vendor of cloud-based software, primarily focusing on applications for financial management, enterprise resource planning (ERP), and human capital management (HCM). It offers a versatile suite of services designed to cater to businesses of various sizes, including large enterprises with multiple locations. Workday's comprehensive features encompass time tracking, human resource management, data analysis, and time management, among others. This multifaceted approach allows it to effectively address the diverse and complex needs of modern organizations, streamlining processes and enhancing efficiency across various business functions.

Workday Terminology

Workday, with its comprehensive suite of cloud-based applications, uses specific terminology to describe various functions and features. Understanding these terms is crucial for effectively navigating and utilizing the Workday training platform:

  • Business Process: In Workday, a business process is a series of tasks combined to achieve a specific business goal. It includes approvals, actions, approval chains, checklists, and to-dos. A sub-process or task within a business process may involve a combination of these steps.
  • Life Event: Refers to significant personal events, such as marriage or the birth of a child, which may impact benefit choices and eligibility.
  • Headcount: The total number of workers in an organization.
  • Org Chart: A visual representation of an organization's structure, detailing roles, responsibilities, and relationships among employees.
  • Staffing Event: Any event that changes an employee's job or position, like a promotion, hiring, or transfer. These events often trigger the opportunity to edit or alter benefits elections.
  • Worker Profile: A page that provides an overview of an employee’s contact information and job position.
  • Worklets: Small, icon-based reports on the landing page that provide quick access to frequently used information and tasks. Examples include open positions and work anniversaries.
  • Actions and Views: Buttons that group common reports and tasks, typically accessible through worklets.
  • Add Button: A clickable button used to add more information to a task.
  • Alert Message: Notifications about system restrictions based on configurations. They act as soft warnings but allow users to continue working without immediately resolving the issue.
  • Attachments Icon: An icon for attaching files like PDFs, Excel sheets, or Word documents to a task.
  • Arrow: An icon that, when clicked, expands to show additional areas that can be edited. It’s akin to a "More" icon.
  • Workday Logo: Clicking this logo navigates the user back to the home page.
  • Calendar: An icon that opens a calendar interface for date selection.
  • Cancel Button: A button that, when clicked, exits the current task without saving changes.
  • Continue Button: This button moves the user to the next step or page in a task process.
  • Delete Row: An icon used to remove the current row from a grid within the interface.

These terms are integral to understanding and effectively working with the Workday system, especially in roles related to HR, finance, and planning within an organization.

Workday Products

Workday certification offers a range of products tailored to meet the needs of large and medium-sized enterprises, each designed to optimize various aspects of business operations:

1. Financial Management

  • Workday's Financial Management product enhances financial efficiency through comprehensive control over functions like procurement, reporting, projects, and accounting, all powered by cloud-based ERP software.
  • It facilitates seamless changes in reporting and processes without disrupting ongoing business operations.

2. Enterprise Planning

  • With Workday Adaptive Planning, enterprises can efficiently execute, plan, and analyze business processes, ultimately boosting business performance.
  • This product relies on Workforce Planning, Financial Planning, and Elastic Hypercube Technology, integral components of Workday's ERP system, to offer adaptable and dynamic planning capabilities.

3. Analytics

  • Workday's analytics solutions are designed to transform raw data into meaningful insights, enabling data-driven decision-making.
  • Key features include Prism Analytics and People Analytics, which provide in-depth analysis and understanding of various business metrics and human resource data.

4. Human Capital Management (HCM)

  • The HCM module in Workday is geared towards managing HR functions such as recruiting, workforce planning, and providing comprehensive visibility into the workforce.
  • It supports the entire lifecycle management of employees, from hiring and onboarding to development and retention.

Each of these products integrates seamlessly within the Workday ecosystem, providing businesses with a unified solution to manage their operations efficiently and make informed decisions based on real-time data and analytics.

Advantages of Human Capital Management

  • Through the HCM tool, we can improve the workforce picture ultimately.
  • HCM allows us to grasp the knowledge of people’s contingent laborers and pricing.
  • The self-service system of HCM assists us to enable leadership and people quality.
  • The decision-making feature of HCM allows us to take corrective action against the workforce.
  • We can easily configure the system for further requirements.


Workday HCM Online Training Course by Multisoft Virtual Academy stands as a robust SaaS (Software as a Service) solution, encompassing a wide range of functionalities including Human Capital Management (HCM), finance, project management, and professional services automation. Its advanced interface equips organizations with cutting-edge analytical and reporting tools, enabling them to meet diverse client requirements effectively.

This Workday tutorial has aimed to provide foundational insights into what Workday is and the various products it offers, serving as a comprehensive guide for those seeking to understand or utilize this versatile software system in their organizations. Whether for HR, financial management, or project tracking, Workday presents a unified, scalable solution tailored to the evolving needs of modern businesses.

Vector Canoe: A Beginner’s Guide

Welcome to the world of CANoe, the leading software tool used in automotive and aerospace industries for network development, testing, and analysis. If you're new to this field or looking to upskill, CANoe online training is your gateway to mastering this essential tool.

This blog will serve as a beginner’s guide, helping you navigate through the fundamentals of CANoe online training. CANoe, developed by Vector, is a versatile software platform used for simulating, diagnosing, and analyzing network communications in vehicles and aircraft. It supports various network protocols like CAN, LIN, and FlexRay. As a beginner, understanding the scope and capabilities of CANoe is crucial for effective learning.

CANoe online training is a focused educational program designed to teach professionals how to use the Vector CANoe software, an essential tool in the automotive and aerospace industries for network simulation, diagnostics, and analysis. The course covers CANoe's functionalities for CAN, LIN, and FlexRay networks, including the usage of the CAPL scripting language for creating test scenarios and controlling simulations. It is tailored for CANoe users, engineers, and technicians involved in controller development, motor vehicle electrical systems, and test planning. This training program offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy, is led by industry experts and include practical exercises for hands-on learning. They are ideal for those looking to enhance their skills in automotive network systems and testing. This software is widely used in the automotive and aerospace industries for network simulation, diagnostics, analysis, and testing in CAN, LIN, and FlexRay networks.


CANoe online training courses cover a wide range of topics:

  • Introduction to CANoe’s interface and functionalities.
  • Learning the basics of CAN, LIN, and FlexRay protocols.
  • Understanding how to use CANoe for network simulation and testing.
  • Introduction to CAPL (Communication Access Programming Language) for scripting and automation within CANoe.

This training is designed for a wide range of professionals, including automotive engineers, aerospace industry professionals, and students aspiring to enter these fields. To embark on your CANoe certification learning journey, you don’t need extensive prior knowledge. A basic understanding of vehicle networks and a keen interest in automotive or aerospace technology are good starting points.

The training programs cover various aspects of the CANoe software, including:

  • Modeling and Simulation: Participants learn to effectively use CANoe in conjunction with CAPL (Communication Access Programming Language) for modeling and simulation purposes.
  • Understanding CAN and CAN FD Protocols: The courses delve into the characteristics of the CAN (Controller Area Network) and CAN FD (Flexible Data-rate) protocols, providing a solid foundation in these critical areas.
  • Measurement and Analysis Tools: Trainees gain insights into how CANoe can be used as a measurement and analysis tool, equipping them with the necessary skills to analyze network performance and troubleshoot issues.
  • Practical Exercises and Interactive Learning: The courses emphasize hands-on learning, allowing participants to engage in practical exercises and benefit from interactive sessions led by experienced trainers.
  • Target Audience: The training is ideal for CANoe users, individuals working in controller development, motor vehicle electrical departments, and test planning and execution departments.

These courses are tailored to enrich the knowledge of CAN and CANoe users, providing them with the skills needed to excel in fields that require expertise in automotive and aerospace network systems.

Modeling and Simulation using CANoe and CAPL

Modeling and Simulation using CANoe and CAPL involve utilizing Vector's CANoe software along with the Communication Access Programming Language (CAPL) to create simulations and models for network systems, primarily in automotive and aerospace applications. Vector CANoe Online Training is an advanced software tool used for developing, testing, and analyzing network communications within these industries.

Here's an overview of how modeling and simulation are approached in CANoe and CAPL:

  • Creating Simulations in CANoe: CANoe allows users to simulate network communications and interactions between different network nodes or electronic control units (ECUs). This simulation capability is crucial for testing and validating network communications without the need for physical hardware.
  • Programming with CAPL: CAPL is a scripting language specifically designed for use in CANoe. It allows users to create test scenarios and scripts that can control the behavior of simulated network nodes. This is particularly useful for testing how different network components respond under various conditions.
  • Practical Applications: The combination of CANoe and CAPL is used to simulate real-world scenarios and conditions that automotive and aerospace systems might encounter. This helps in identifying and rectifying potential issues in a controlled virtual environment before deploying systems in real-world applications.
  • Benefits: Modeling and simulation with CANoe and CAPL offer several advantages, such as reducing development time, ensuring system reliability and safety, and facilitating the understanding of complex network behaviors.
  • Learning and Development: Training courses in CANoe and CAPL, like those offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy, cover these aspects, providing hands-on experience with the software and language.


Starting CANoe online training can be a significant step in your professional development. This guide aims to equip you with the knowledge you need to begin your journey. As you progress, remember that the world of automotive and aerospace technology is constantly evolving, and staying updated through such training can be a game-changer in your career.

This training, accessible to individual learners and invaluable for corporate training programs, provides the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in these advanced technological fields. Whether you're looking to enhance your personal skillset or aiming to elevate your organization's capabilities, CANoe online training is a strategic investment in future-ready expertise. Embrace this learning journey to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving industry and make a significant impact in your professional growth.

AutoCAD Piping Tutorial

Introduction to Piping Design in AutoCAD

AutoCAD provides a specialized set of tools and features designed to facilitate the creation of piping schematics and layouts. With its comprehensive toolset, designers can efficiently create accurate, scalable, and data-rich piping designs. Before diving into the piping design process, it's essential to familiarize yourself with the AutoCAD interface, basic drawing and editing commands, and the concept of layers and blocks.

AutoCAD Piping online training by Multisoft Virtual Academy is a comprehensive learning program focused on teaching professionals how to use AutoCAD for designing piping systems. It covers the fundamentals of drawing, editing, and annotating piping layouts, as well as advanced features like 3D modeling and data extraction, equipping participants with the skills needed to create accurate and efficient piping designs.

Setting Up Your Environment

  • Layers and Styles: Begin by setting up your layers, line types, and text styles. Each component of your piping design, such as pipes, valves, and fittings, should be on its own layer. This organization helps in managing the visibility and appearance of different parts of your design.
  • Tool Palettes: AutoCAD's Tool Palettes provide quick access to piping components and symbols. Customize your tool palettes by adding commonly used symbols and parts for your piping designs.
  • Dynamic Blocks: Utilize dynamic blocks for piping components such as valves, elbows, and tees. Dynamic blocks can be configured to represent multiple variations of a component, reducing the number of individual blocks you need to create and manage.

Drawing Piping Layouts

  • Starting with a P&ID: Often, the process begins with a Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID). Use this as a reference to understand the flow and connections within your system.
  • Drawing Pipes: Use the line or polyline commands to draw pipes. Specify the line type and weight to represent different pipe types and sizes. Utilize orthogonal drawing modes (e.g., Ortho mode) to ensure your pipes are drawn at right angles, which is a common requirement in piping designs.
  • Adding Fittings and Components: Insert dynamic blocks for fittings, valves, and other components. Align these with your pipes and adjust their scale and rotation as needed. AutoCAD's grip editing features make it easy to manipulate these components.
  • Using External References: For complex projects, you might work on different aspects of the piping layout in separate files. Use external references (Xrefs) to bring these different parts together into a single drawing without merging the actual files. This approach keeps your files manageable and facilitates collaboration.

Annotation and Dimensioning

  • Annotating Components: Label your pipes and components with text or attribute blocks. Use data extraction tools to generate parts lists and schedules from your annotations.
  • Dimensioning: Apply dimensions to your layout to specify distances between components, pipe lengths, and other critical measurements. AutoCAD offers various dimensioning tools to suit different types of measurements and design standards.

3D Piping Design

AutoCAD also supports 3D piping design, allowing for the visualization and analysis of complex piping networks.

  • Modeling Pipes in 3D: Use the 3D modeling tools to extrude pipes from your 2D layout or directly draw in 3D using specialized commands.
  • Adding 3D Components: Similar to 2D design, insert 3D models of fittings, valves, and other components. Many libraries and online resources offer 3D models that can be imported into AutoCAD.
  • Visualization and Analysis: Utilize AutoCAD's rendering tools to visualize your piping design in 3D. Perform interference checks to identify potential clashes between components.

Advanced Piping Design Techniques

Beyond the basics, Piping Design and Drafting Training offers advanced techniques that can significantly enhance the efficiency and accuracy of piping designs. Mastery of these techniques allows designers to tackle more complex projects and automate repetitive tasks.

1. Using Data Extraction for BOMs

One of the most time-consuming aspects of piping design is generating Bill of Materials (BOMs) or parts lists. AutoCAD's Data Extraction tool automates this process by extracting information from objects, blocks, and attributes within your drawings. This data can then be compiled into a table within AutoCAD or exported to a spreadsheet. By using data extraction, designers can ensure their BOMs are accurate and reflect the current state of the drawing, saving considerable time and reducing errors.

2. Parametric Constraints for Piping Systems

Parametric constraints in AutoCAD enable designers to maintain relationships between different drawing elements. For piping designs, this means that changes to one part of the system (such as the length of a pipe) can automatically adjust connected components, ensuring the integrity of the overall design. This feature is particularly useful in the early stages of design when layouts are still being optimized.

3. Customizing Pipe Routing Preferences

For more advanced 3D piping designs, AutoCAD Plant 3D, an extension of AutoCAD for plant designers, offers customizable pipe routing preferences. These preferences allow designers to define standard routing practices, including elbow types, branch connection types, and preferred fittings. By setting these preferences, designers can streamline the pipe routing process, ensuring consistency across the project while adhering to industry standards.

4. Collaboration and Cloud Integration

Collaboration is key in large-scale piping projects. AutoCAD’s cloud integration and collaboration tools, such as AutoCAD Web & Mobile and BIM 360, allow team members to access and update drawings from anywhere, at any time. This capability ensures that all stakeholders are working with the most current information, reducing the likelihood of costly mistakes and rework.

Optimizing Workflow with Scripts and Automation

For repetitive tasks and processes, AutoCAD supports the use of scripts Piping Engineering Training, custom commands, and macros. By automating routine tasks, designers can significantly reduce the time spent on manual processes. For example, a custom script could automate the placement of standard components along a pipe run, or update all annotations in a drawing to conform to a new standard. Learning to write simple scripts or customize AutoCAD's AutoLISP programming language can unlock a higher level of efficiency and personalization in your piping design workflow.

Leveraging 3D Scanning for Accurate Piping Models

The integration of 3D scanning technology with AutoCAD P&ID Essential Training has revolutionized the way piping systems are designed and retrofitted. 3D scans of existing conditions can be imported into AutoCAD, providing a precise base for designing new installations or modifications. This approach minimizes clashes and discrepancies, ensuring that the new designs fit perfectly with the existing infrastructure. Utilizing 3D scans helps in identifying potential issues early in the design phase, significantly reducing the risk of costly modifications during construction.

Sustainable Design Practices

With a growing emphasis on sustainability, piping designers are now focusing on creating systems that are not only efficient but also minimize environmental impact. AutoCAD aids in this endeavor by enabling the simulation of fluid dynamics and heat transfer within pipes, helping designers to optimize the system for energy efficiency. Additionally, material selection tools within AutoCAD help designers choose sustainable materials that reduce the carbon footprint of the piping systems.

Embracing these advanced practices and technologies, AutoCAD 2D & 3D Training users can significantly enhance the quality, efficiency, and sustainability of their piping designs. The continuous learning and application of new features and integrations keep piping design professionals at the cutting edge of their field, ready to meet the challenges of modern infrastructure projects.


The robust features and tools of AutoCAD Piping online training make it an excellent choice for piping design across various industries. By following this tutorial provided by Multisoft Virtual Academy, you'll be able to set up your environment, draw and annotate piping layouts, and even venture into 3D piping design. Like any complex tool, mastering AutoCAD for piping design requires practice and continued learning. Take advantage of AutoCAD's extensive help resources, tutorials, and community forums to further enhance your skills and efficiency in piping design.

A Guide to Sales Cloud Consultant Certification

Salesforce, a leader in customer relationship management (CRM), offers such a solution with its Sales Cloud platform. However, harnessing the full potential of this powerful tool requires specialized knowledge and skills, which is where Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant training comes into play. In today's digital era, where customer expectations are at an all-time high, businesses are constantly seeking innovative solutions to not just meet but exceed these demands.

This Sales Cloud Consultant online training course by Multisoft Virtual Academy is designed to equip professionals with the expertise needed to implement, customize, and manage Sales Cloud solutions effectively.

Understanding Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant Training

Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant training is tailored for individuals looking to deepen their understanding of the Sales Cloud platform and learn how to leverage its capabilities to drive sales and improve customer satisfaction. This training is ideal for IT professionals, sales managers, consultants, and anyone aspiring to become a Salesforce Sales Cloud consultant. The program covers a broad range of topics, from basic functionalities to advanced features and customization options, providing participants with a solid foundation and practical skills to excel in their roles.

Why Pursue Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant Training?

  • Expertise in High Demand: As more businesses adopt Salesforce Sales Cloud to streamline their sales processes, the demand for skilled consultants who can optimize and customize the platform has skyrocketed. This training opens up numerous career opportunities in various industries.
  • Comprehensive Skill Development: Participants will learn how to manage and configure Sales Cloud, implement solutions that support customer business processes, manage leads, opportunities, and sales forecasting, and much more. This wide-ranging skill set is invaluable for any professional in the sales and CRM domain.
  • Certification and Recognition: Completing the training and passing the Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant certification exam not only validates your skills but also enhances your professional credibility. Certified consultants are highly sought after and often command higher salaries.
  • Practical, Hands-On Learning: The training emphasizes practical, real-world applications of Sales Cloud functionalities. Through case studies, interactive sessions, and hands-on exercises, learners gain the confidence to tackle complex sales challenges and customize the platform to meet specific business needs.

Key Components

The Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant training program is structured to provide a deep dive into the following areas:

  • Sales Cloud Solution Design: Learn how to design scalable and maintainable Sales Cloud solutions that meet customer business requirements.
  • Implementation Strategies: Understand the best practices for implementing Sales Cloud, including system setup, data migration, and user adoption strategies.
  • Customization and Configuration: Gain expertise in customizing Sales Cloud using workflows, approval processes, and custom fields to tailor the platform to unique business processes.
  • Sales Process Management: Master the art of managing sales processes from lead acquisition to closing deals, including managing pipelines, forecasting, and leveraging analytics for strategic decision-making.
  • Integration and Data Management: Explore how to integrate Sales Cloud with other platforms and manage data effectively to ensure data quality and accessibility.

Leveraging Training for Career Growth

Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant certification not only equips individuals with technical skills but also enhances their strategic and analytical abilities. Consultants learn to view sales processes from a holistic perspective, identifying areas for improvement and innovation. This ability to drive change and deliver value makes certified consultants’ invaluable assets to their organizations or clients.

As the digital landscape evolves, businesses are in constant search of strategies to not just stay afloat but to thrive. Salesforce Sales Cloud stands out as a beacon for companies aiming to revolutionize their sales operations. The journey to mastering Salesforce Sales Cloud is both challenging and rewarding, demanding a robust understanding of the platform and its myriad capabilities. Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant Training is meticulously designed to bridge this knowledge gap, empowering professionals to become architects of innovative sales solutions.

The Role of Salesforce Sales Cloud in Modern Business

Salesforce Sales Cloud has become synonymous with efficiency and effectiveness in sales operations. It offers a suite of cloud-based tools that enhance customer relationship management, sales automation, and analytics. This powerful platform enables businesses to manage sales cycles more effectively, track customer interactions, and forecast sales with greater accuracy. However, to fully exploit these benefits, a deep and nuanced understanding of Sales Cloud is essential—a proficiency that the Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant Training aims to instill.

Elevating Your Professional Portfolio

Embarking on this training journey adds a jewel to your professional portfolio. The course doesn’t just teach you about the platform's technical aspects; it also hones your problem-solving skills, enabling you to tailor Sales Cloud solutions to complex business challenges. This ability to customize and optimize sales processes makes certified consultants pivotal to their organizations’ success, driving sales efficiency and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Preparing for Real-World Challenges

The training curriculum is meticulously crafted, covering everything from the fundamentals of Sales Cloud to advanced configuration and customization techniques. It's structured to ensure that participants understand the platform’s core functionalities and are adept at leveraging its full potential to meet diverse business needs. The training encompasses:

  • Advanced Analytics: Learning how to interpret and utilize sales data for strategic decision-making.
  • Cloud Integration: Understanding how to integrate Sales Cloud with other platforms to create a cohesive ecosystem.
  • User Adoption Strategies: Strategies to ensure smooth adoption of Sales Cloud within organizations, focusing on training and support for end-users.

Community and Networking Opportunities

Participating in Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant Training opens doors to a vibrant community of Salesforce professionals. This network is invaluable for sharing insights, solving challenges, and staying updated on the latest Salesforce developments. Networking with peers and industry experts can lead to new opportunities, collaborations, and career advancement.


The Multisoft Virtual Academy’s Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant training is more than just a learning program; it's a gateway to transforming sales processes and driving business growth. As organizations continue to adopt Salesforce Sales Cloud at an accelerating pace, the demand for skilled consultants will only increase. This training offers a unique opportunity for professionals to advance their careers, increase their earning potential, and become leaders in the CRM and sales management field. Whether you're an IT professional, a sales manager, or looking to pivot into a consulting role, this training provides the knowledge, skills, and certification needed to succeed in today's competitive landscape.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Tutorial for Beginners

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the cloud computing arm of Amazon, providing a vast array of on-demand computing resources and services. Launched in 2006, AWS offers scalable, reliable, and cost-effective solutions that cater to businesses of all sizes. Its suite encompasses storage options, computing power, databases, machine learning, analytics, and more, all delivered over the internet. AWS's global network of data centers ensures high availability and resilience. With its pay-as-you-go pricing model, businesses can avoid upfront costs and only pay for what they use. As a trailblazer in the cloud industry, AWS continues to innovate, setting standards for cloud capabilities and versatility.

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a service that enables AWS customers to manage user access and permissions. It allows users to create and manage AWS users and groups, and grant or deny them permissions to Amazon Web Services (AWS) Training resources. IAM ensures secure and granular control over AWS services and resources.

Features of AWS

1. Cost-effective

AWS operates on a pay-as-you-go pricing model, meaning businesses only pay for the services they use, without any upfront costs or long-term commitments. This model allows for significant cost savings as it adapts to the user's needs, scaling costs up or down based on usage.

2. Flexibility

AWS offers a broad spectrum of services that cater to various IT needs. Whether it's computing power, database storage, or content delivery, AWS's flexibility ensures it can support virtually any workload. It also supports multiple programming languages, operating systems, and platforms, allowing businesses to choose the environment that best suits them.

3. Secure

At the heart of AWS's operations is its commitment to security. AWS provides end-to-end encryption, secure access mechanisms, and multi-factor authentication. Their infrastructure is designed to keep data safe, with data centers globally that adhere to the highest security standards. Moreover, AWS's Identity and Access Management (IAM) ensures granular control over who can access specific resources.

Three types of securities

  • Secure services
  • Physical security
  • Data privacy

Types of Amazon Web Services

There are 3 types of AWS:

1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

AWS's IaaS offers virtualized computing resources over the internet. This includes virtual machines, storage, and networking. With services like Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), AWS allows users to rent IT infrastructure on a pay-as-you-go basis without the need to buy or manage physical servers.

2. Software as a Service (SaaS)

SaaS on AWS refers to cloud-based software applications provided over the internet. Users can access software applications directly through web browsers without needing to install or maintain them on individual devices. Examples include Amazon Chime, a communication service, and Amazon WorkDocs, a document collaboration service.

3. Platform as a Service (PaaS)

AWS's PaaS provides a platform allowing customers to develop, run, and manage applications without the complexity of infrastructure maintenance and management. It streamlines the development process by offering ready-to-use programming frameworks.

Competitors of AWS

  • Microsoft Azure
  • Google cloud platform
  • IBM cloud management services
  • Oracle cloud
  • Alibaba cloud management services
  • Dell Technologies cloud

Uses of AWS Based on key strengths

1. Most Functionality

AWS provides a vast selection of tools and services that cater to virtually every aspect of cloud computing. This extensive functionality allows businesses to host websites, run powerful applications, perform analytics, and even harness machine learning and AI, all within a single platform.

2. Largest Community of Customers and Partnerships

With its extensive global reach, AWS supports a wide-ranging community of individual developers, startups, and Fortune 500 companies. This network facilitates knowledge exchange, offering pre-built solutions and best practices that new users can leverage.

3. Most Secure

AWS prioritizes security and offers a deep set of features, compliance certifications, and a multi-layered security architecture. Users can employ advanced encryption methods, fine-grained access controls, and dedicated security tools like AWS Shield for DDoS protection, ensuring data safety and system integrity.

4. Fastest Pace of Innovation

AWS consistently rolls out new services and features, enabling users to harness the latest technologies. Whether it's serverless computing, containers, or quantum technologies, AWS empowers its users to stay ahead in the tech race.

5. Most Proven Operational Expertise

Drawing from years of experience managing the platform, AWS Certified Security Engineering Training offers unmatched operational know-how. Users benefit from Amazon's best practices in reliability, scalability, and performance.

Advantages of Amazon Web Services (AWS)

  1. Agility: AWS provides a vast array of services that enable businesses to quickly deploy, scale, and experiment. Whether you're launching a new application or trying out a new technology stack, AWS allows you to do so without heavy upfront investment or long-term commitment.
  2. Cost Savings: With AWS's pay-as-you-go pricing model, you only pay for what you use. There's no need for significant upfront capital expenditure on hardware or long-term contracts.
  3. Move Globally in Minutes: AWS boasts a global presence with data centers in numerous regions around the world. This means you can easily deploy your applications in multiple locations with just a few clicks.

Career opportunities for AWS

  • Amazon Web Services solutions architect
  • System integrators
  • Cloud developer
  • Operational support engineer
  • Cloud software engineer
  • DevOps of engineer


In the dynamic landscape of cloud computing, Amazon Web Services stands out as a pioneering force, underlined by its extensive service portfolio, global reach, and consistent innovation. As businesses increasingly pivot towards digital solutions, understanding the differentiators of platforms like AWS becomes paramount. While AWS's offerings are undoubtedly robust, it's always prudent for organizations to evaluate their specific needs, considering both current requirements and future scalability. The cloud is not a one-size-fits-all realm, and AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials Certification Training Course is but one of the luminaries in a sky filled with stars. Yet, its prominence and track record make it a beacon for many navigating the complexities of the digital transformation journey. As with any technological decision, due diligence, informed choices, and continuous learning remain the keystones of success.

Workday HCM vs Oracle HCM

In Human Capital Management (HCM) solutions, Workday HCM and Oracle HCM Cloud stand out as two of the leading platforms offering comprehensive tools for managing the modern workforce. Both systems aim to streamline HR processes, enhance decision-making, and improve employee engagement through innovative technology. This article delves into a comparative analysis of Workday HCM vs. Oracle HCM, exploring their features, benefits, and key differentiators to help organizations decide which solution best fits their needs.

Introduction to Workday HCM and Oracle HCM Cloud

Workday HCM is a cloud-based software solution designed to manage all HR functions from recruitment to retirement. It offers an intuitive user interface, robust analytics, and extensive integration capabilities. Workday is renowned for its ease of use, real-time insights, and comprehensive talent management features.

Oracle HCM Cloud, part of the Oracle Cloud suite, provides a complete set of HR capabilities, including payroll, talent management, and workforce management. Oracle HCM Cloud is known for its flexibility, scalability, and depth of functionality, supporting global companies with complex needs.

Core Features and Functionalities

Workday HCM emphasizes a unified approach, integrating various aspects of HR into a single system. It excels in analytics and reporting, offering detailed insights into workforce dynamics and helping companies make informed decisions. Workday's interface is designed for simplicity and ease of use, promoting user adoption across all levels of the organization.

Oracle HCM Cloud offers a broad range of HR functionalities with strong customization options, allowing businesses to tailor the system to their specific requirements. Oracle's solution stands out for its depth in global HR compliance, supporting multiple languages, currencies, and local regulations, making it a strong contender for multinational corporations.

User Experience and Accessibility

Workday HCM is celebrated for its user-friendly design, which simplifies navigation and makes it easier for employees and HR professionals to access and manage information. Workday's mobile application enhances accessibility, enabling users to perform tasks and access data from anywhere.

Oracle HCM Cloud also provides a comprehensive mobile experience and a configurable user interface, though it is often perceived as more complex due to its extensive customization capabilities. Oracle has made significant improvements to its user interface, focusing on personalization and ease of use.

Implementation and Integration

Workday HCM offers a streamlined implementation process, thanks to its cloud-native architecture and predefined best practices Azure Solutions Architect Expert. While customization is possible, Workday encourages customers to adopt standard processes to reduce implementation times and costs.

Oracle HCM Cloud provides flexibility in implementation and integration with existing systems. Oracle's extensive experience with on-premises solutions translates into robust integration capabilities for companies transitioning from Oracle or other legacy systems to the cloud.

Analytics and Decision Support

Workday HCM shines in its analytics and business intelligence capabilities. It provides comprehensive tools for data analysis, including predictive analytics, which help organizations forecast trends and make strategic decisions regarding their workforce.

Oracle HCM Cloud matches closely with its own set of advanced analytics features, including AI and machine learning components that offer insights into HR processes and employee performance. Oracle's analytics tools are highly customizable, allowing for deep dives into data.

Talent Management

Both Workday HCM and Oracle HCM Cloud offer extensive talent management functionalities. Workday's approach integrates talent management seamlessly with other HR processes, facilitating a holistic view of employee lifecycles and enabling effective succession planning and career development paths.

Oracle HCM Cloud, on the other hand, provides detailed talent management features with strong capabilities in recruiting, AWS DevOps learning management, and performance management. Oracle's solution is particularly noted for its comprehensive learning management system (LMS), which supports a wide array of content types and learning methods.

Global Compliance and Localization

Workday HCM and Oracle HCM Cloud both offer extensive support for global compliance and localization, catering to multinational companies. Workday provides real-time updates to comply with changing regulations, while Oracle offers deep localization capabilities, with support for over 200 jurisdictions worldwide.

Pricing and ROI

Pricing models for both Workday HCM certification and Oracle HCM certification Cloud are subscription-based, depending on the number of users and the modules selected. While direct comparisons are challenging due to the customized nature of each deployment, organizations have reported significant ROI from both platforms, thanks to improved HR efficiencies, better compliance, and enhanced decision-making capabilities.

Choosing Between Workday HCM and Oracle HCM Cloud

The choice between Workday HCM and Oracle HCM Cloud depends on several factors, including:

  • Company Size and Complexity: Oracle HCM Cloud might be better suited for large or complex organizations with specific needs for customization and global operations. Workday HCM is often preferred by mid-sized to large companies looking for a streamlined, user-friendly solution.
  • Implementation and Integration Needs: Companies with existing Oracle systems or those requiring extensive customization may lean towards Oracle HCM Cloud. Workday HCM offers a more standardized approach, which can lead to quicker implementations.
  • User Experience and Accessibility: Organizations prioritizing ease of use and mobile access might find Workday HCM more aligned with their needs, while those requiring deep customization capabilities may opt for Oracle HCM Cloud.

Workday HCM Pros & Cons


  • Easy to navigate and user-friendly.
  • Integrates various HR functions seamlessly.
  • Offers powerful reporting and predictive insights.
  • Streamlined implementation and updates.
  • Ensures adherence to various regulations.
  • Effective mobile app for on-the-go access.
  • High user adoption due to ease of use.


  • Less flexible in customization compared to some competitors.
  • Can be expensive, with costs increasing for additional features.
  • May face challenges when integrating with non-Workday products.
  • Certain areas might lack the depth provided by specialized software.
  • New users may require training to fully utilize all features.

Oracle HCM Pros & Cons


  • Tailor the system to meet specific business needs.
  • Extensive suite of HR features and modules.
  • Supports multiple languages, currencies, and local regulations.
  • Incorporates AI and machine learning for deep insights.
  • Easily integrates with other Oracle products and third-party systems.
  • Scales well for large, complex organizations.
  • Comprehensive mobile access to HR functions.


  • Can be complex to configure and use, requiring more training.
  • Lengthier implementation process compared to some competitors.
  • Potentially high total cost of ownership, especially with customizations.
  • While customizable, it may not be as intuitive as some competitors.
  • The vast range of features can be overwhelming for some users.
  • Customizations and integrations may require ongoing maintenance.


Both Workday HCM training and Oracle HCM training Cloud offer powerful solutions for managing the modern workforce, each with its strengths and areas of specialization. Workday HCM stands out for its user-friendly design and robust analytics, whereas Oracle HCM Cloud offers unparalleled customization and depth of functionality for global compliance. Ultimately, the decision will depend on the specific needs, preferences, and strategic goals of the organization. By carefully evaluating each platform's offerings against their HR priorities, companies can select the solution that best enables them to manage their most valuable asset: their people.

A Comprehensive Workday HCM Tutorial

Workday Human Capital Management (HCM) emerges as a leader in this transformation, offering a cloud-based solution that unifies a wide range of HR functions into a single system. This tutorial aims to provide an in-depth understanding of Workday HCM, covering its core features, benefits, and practical insights for users looking to leverage this powerful tool. In the ever-evolving landscape of human resources (HR), technology plays a pivotal role in transforming HR operations from traditional practices to strategic partnership roles within businesses.

Introduction to Workday HCM

Workday HCM is a comprehensive suite designed to support global businesses manage their workforce, from recruitment to retirement. It integrates various aspects of HR, including talent management, payroll, benefits administration, and analytics, into a seamless user experience. With its intuitive design and extensive functionality, Multisoft’s Workday HCM online training enables organizations to adapt to the changing workforce dynamics and drive HR success.

Core Features of Workday HCM

  • Talent Management: Enhances the entire employee lifecycle, from recruiting and onboarding to performance management and succession planning.
  • Payroll and Benefits: Simplifies complex payroll processes and offers flexible benefits administration to meet diverse workforce needs.
  • Workforce Planning and Analytics: Provides insights into workforce data, helping organizations plan for future talent needs and make informed decisions.
  • Learning and Development: Supports continuous employee growth through personalized learning experiences and professional development plans.

Getting Started with Workday HCM

1. Navigating the Interface

Workday HCM’s interface is designed for ease of use, with a dashboard that provides quick access to common tasks and real-time insights. To navigate, users can utilize the search bar for direct access to specific functions or navigate through the application menus for a broader exploration of available features.

2. Managing Employee Data

Central to Workday HCM is the management of employee data. Users can easily add new employees, update existing employee information, and manage organizational structures. The system ensures data integrity and compliance, facilitating efficient HR processes.

3. Implementing Payroll and Benefits

Workday HCM streamlines payroll operations, accommodating various global and local payroll requirements. The benefits administration module allows for the customization of benefit plans to suit employee needs, ensuring a comprehensive coverage and management.

4. Leveraging Talent Management

The talent management feature of Workday HCM supports a holistic approach to employee development. It encompasses recruiting, onboarding, performance management, and more, enabling HR teams to attract, retain, and develop top talent effectively.

5. Recruiting and Onboarding

Workday’s recruiting and onboarding tools simplify the hiring process, from posting job openings to managing candidate pipelines and onboarding new hires. The system enhances the candidate and employee experience, making it seamless and engaging.

6. Performance Management

Workday HCM facilitates continuous feedback and goal-setting, promoting an ongoing performance management process. It allows managers and employees to collaborate on setting objectives, reviewing performance, and planning for career development.

7. Advancing with Analytics and Reporting

One of the standout features of Workday HCM is its robust analytics and reporting capabilities. Users can generate custom reports and dashboards to gain insights into HR metrics, supporting strategic decision-making and enhancing organizational performance.

Implementing Workday HCM: Best Practices

  • Comprehensive Training: Ensure that HR teams and end-users receive thorough training on Workday HCM to maximize its benefits.
  • Data Integrity: Maintain accurate and up-to-date employee data to leverage Workday HCM’s full potential.
  • Continuous Improvement: Utilize feedback and analytics to continuously improve HR processes and strategies.


Workday Human Capital Management (HCM) stands out as a revolutionary cloud-based solution designed to transform how organizations manage their workforce. Below are some of the key benefits that Workday HCM offers to businesses of all sizes:

  • Comprehensive Integration

Workday HCM provides a unified system that integrates a wide range of HR functions, including talent management, payroll, benefits, workforce planning, learning and development, and recruitment. This integration reduces the need for multiple disparate systems, simplifying HR processes and data management.

  • Enhanced Decision Making

With real-time analytics and reporting capabilities, Workday online training empowers organizations with actionable insights into their workforce. HR leaders can make informed decisions regarding talent acquisition, retention strategies, workforce planning, and performance improvements, leveraging data-driven insights to drive organizational success.

  • Global Compliance

Managing a global workforce requires adherence to local labor laws, tax regulations, and compliance standards. Workday HCM supports global compliance, offering features for various regions and countries, thus mitigating legal risks and ensuring global operations run smoothly.

  • Enhanced Employee Experience

Workday HCM focuses on providing a positive user experience for both HR teams and employees. Its intuitive interface and self-service capabilities enable employees to access information, manage their profiles, and complete tasks independently, enhancing engagement and satisfaction.

  • Data Security and Privacy

As a cloud-based solution, Workday HCM is built with a strong emphasis on data security and privacy. It employs advanced security measures to protect sensitive employee information and ensure data integrity, giving organizations peace of mind.

  • Reduced IT Burden

Since Workday HCM is a cloud-based solution, it reduces the IT infrastructure and maintenance burden on organizations. Automatic updates ensure that the system is always up to date with the latest features and security patches, without requiring extensive IT involvement.

  • Strategic HR Transformation

Workday HCM enables HR to transition from administrative to strategic roles. By automating administrative tasks and providing insights into workforce analytics, HR professionals can focus on strategic initiatives like talent development, organizational culture, and leadership development.

Research Insights

Studies and user feedback highlight the transformative impact of Workday SCM certification on HR operations. Organizations that implement Workday HCM report significant improvements in process efficiency, strategic HR planning, and overall workforce management. The cloud-based solution not only streamlines HR tasks but also provides the agility to adapt to changing business and workforce needs.


Multisoft Virtual Academy’s Workday Corporate training stands at the forefront of HR technology, offering a comprehensive solution to manage the modern workforce. Through its intuitive interface, extensive features, and robust analytics, Workday HCM empowers HR professionals to transition from administrative functions to strategic roles. As organizations continue to navigate the complexities of global talent management, Workday HCM provides the tools necessary to excel in human capital management. Whether you are new to Workday HCM or looking to deepen your expertise, this tutorial serves as a foundation for leveraging the full potential of Workday HCM to drive HR success.

By embracing Workday HCM, businesses can not only optimize their HR operations but also foster a work environment that attracts, develops, and retains top talent, ultimately contributing to long-term organizational success.

Benefits of Saviynt Training

Saviynt, a leading provider of intelligent identity and access management solutions, has become an indispensable tool for organizations aiming to enhance their security posture and ensure compliance with various regulatory requirements. Training in Saviynt equips IT professionals, security analysts, and system administrators with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively implement and manage Saviynt solutions.

This article explores the myriad benefits of Saviynt training, highlighting how it can empower professionals and organizations to achieve their security and compliance goals.


Saviynt, a prominent player in the identity governance and administration (IGA) market, was founded with the vision of transforming traditional identity and access management (IAM) with a cloud-first approach. As Saviynt's innovative platform gained traction, addressing complex security and compliance challenges for businesses transitioning to the cloud, the demand for specialized knowledge and expertise in implementing and managing Saviynt solutions grew significantly. To meet this demand, Saviynt introduced training programs designed to empower IT professionals, security experts, and system administrators with the skills needed to effectively utilize its platform. These training programs have evolved over time to include a comprehensive curriculum that covers Saviynt's core functionalities, best practices for deployment, and advanced features for securing digital identities and managing access across hybrid IT environments.

The history of Saviynt training reflects its commitment to enabling organizations to leverage cutting-edge IAM solutions through education, thereby ensuring that users can maximize the platform's capabilities to enhance their security posture and compliance strategies.

Why it is essential?

Saviynt training is essential because it enables professionals to effectively implement and manage Saviynt's advanced identity and access management solutions, crucial for safeguarding an organization's digital assets. It ensures that IT teams are proficient in utilizing the platform's capabilities to enhance security, ensure regulatory compliance, and automate security processes. Multisoft Virtual Academy’s Saviynt online training empowers organizations to optimize their security and compliance posture, reduce risks of breaches and non-compliance, and improve operational efficiency by leveraging Saviynt's sophisticated features for identity governance, cloud security, and privileged access management.

Benefits include:

1. Comprehensive Understanding of Saviynt’s Capabilities

Saviynt corporate training offers an in-depth exploration of the platform’s extensive features, including identity governance, cloud security, application GRC (Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance), and privileged access management. Participants gain a holistic understanding of how to leverage Saviynt to secure digital identities, manage access rights, and monitor activities across cloud and on-premises environments. This comprehensive knowledge enables organizations to maximize their investment in Saviynt by fully utilizing its capabilities to protect their assets.

2. Enhanced Security and Compliance Posture

One of the primary benefits of Saviynt training is the significant improvement in an organization's security and compliance posture. Trained professionals are well-equipped to configure Saviynt to enforce robust access policies, conduct regular access reviews, and detect and respond to anomalous activities. This proactive approach to identity and access management helps prevent unauthorized access and data breaches, thereby reducing the risk of compliance violations and associated penalties.

3. Efficiency and Productivity Gains

Saviynt training empowers IT teams to streamline and automate critical security and compliance processes. By mastering the platform’s automation capabilities, such as automated provisioning and deprovisioning of access rights, organizations can significantly reduce manual efforts and minimize the risk of human error. This efficiency not only frees up valuable IT resources but also accelerates onboarding and offboarding processes, enhancing overall organizational productivity.

4. Empowerment Through Best Practices

Training sessions are typically led by experts with extensive experience in deploying and managing Saviynt in diverse environments. These trainers share industry best practices, tips, and strategies for overcoming common challenges. Participants learn not just the technical aspects of Saviynt but also how to effectively plan and execute an identity and access management strategy that aligns with best practices. This knowledge is invaluable for organizations looking to optimize their Saviynt deployment and ensure a secure and compliant digital environment.

5. Building a Skilled Workforce

In the rapidly evolving field of cybersecurity, having a workforce skilled in cutting-edge technologies like Saviynt is a significant competitive advantage. Saviynt training equips employees with highly sought-after skills, enhancing their job satisfaction and career prospects. For organizations, investing in training demonstrates a commitment to employee development, which can improve retention rates and attract top talent looking to work with the latest technologies.

6. Accelerated Problem-Solving and Innovation

Trained professionals are better equipped to troubleshoot issues, optimize system performance, and innovate security practices using Saviynt’s advanced features. This problem-solving ability is crucial for maintaining uninterrupted business operations and responding swiftly to emerging security threats. Furthermore, by understanding the full capabilities of the Saviynt platform, teams can devise creative solutions to complex security challenges, driving innovation within the organization.

7. Networking Opportunities

Saviynt training often brings together professionals from various industries and backgrounds, providing valuable networking opportunities. These interactions can lead to the sharing of insights, experiences, and best practices beyond the scope of the training material. Building a network of peers in the field of identity and access management can be beneficial for professional growth and collaboration on future projects.

8. Staying Ahead of Regulatory Changes

With regulations like GDPR, HIPAA, and CCPA constantly evolving, organizations must adapt their compliance strategies accordingly. Saviynt training includes updates on the latest regulatory requirements and how Saviynt can help meet them. This ongoing education ensures that organizations remain compliant and are prepared for future regulatory changes, avoiding costly fines and reputational damage.



The benefits of Multisoft’s Saviynt training are multifaceted, ranging from enhanced security and compliance to efficiency gains and workforce development. By investing in training, organizations not only maximize their return on investment in Saviynt but also strengthen their overall security posture in the face of growing cyber threats. Moreover, the knowledge and skills acquired through Saviynt training empower professionals to advance their careers in the rapidly evolving field of cybersecurity.

As digital transformation accelerates and the landscape of threats and regulations continues to evolve, the value of Saviynt training has never been more evident. So, enroll now!



Q1. What will I learn in Saviynt training?

Participants will learn about Saviynt's platform capabilities, including identity governance, cloud security, application GRC, and privileged access management. The training covers how to configure and manage Saviynt to ensure robust security, compliance, and efficient automation of security processes.

Q2. How does Saviynt training benefit organizations?

Saviynt training empowers organizations to maximize their investment in the Saviynt platform by fully leveraging its capabilities for enhancing security and compliance. It leads to improved operational efficiency, reduced risk of data breaches and non-compliance, and a skilled workforce capable of managing sophisticated identity and access management challenges.


Q3. Are there any specific industries that benefit more from Saviynt training?

While Saviynt training is beneficial across various industries, sectors with stringent regulatory compliance requirements—such as finance, healthcare, government, and energy—may find it particularly valuable. These industries require robust identity and access management solutions to protect sensitive information and comply with legal standards.

Q4. How does Saviynt training impact career advancement?

Saviynt training equips professionals with specialized knowledge and skills in identity and access management, a critical area in cybersecurity. Certification and proficiency in Saviynt can enhance a professional's credentials, making them more attractive to employers and opening up opportunities for career advancement in the cybersecurity and IT management fields.

Q5. Can Saviynt training help with specific compliance requirements?

Absolutely. Saviynt training often covers how to use the platform to meet specific regulatory compliance requirements, such as GDPR, HIPAA, or SOX. Participants learn to configure Saviynt to enforce compliance policies, conduct audits, and generate reports that support compliance efforts.

Pros and Cons of Dayforce Training

Dayforce training is a comprehensive educational program designed to teach users how to effectively utilize Dayforce, a cloud-based human capital management (HCM) software developed by Ceridian. This training encompasses various modules, including payroll, benefits, workforce management, human resources, talent management, and analytics. It aims to equip employees, HR professionals, and managers with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate and maximize the platform's capabilities. Through a mix of theoretical lessons and practical exercises, participants learn to streamline HR processes, improve compliance, enhance employee engagement, and make data-driven decisions, thereby optimizing the overall efficiency and productivity of their organization.

This article explores the advantages and disadvantages of Dayforce training, providing insights for businesses considering investing in this HCM solution.

Advantages of Dayforce Training

1. Comprehensive Understanding of the Platform

Dayforce training equips users with a thorough understanding of the platform, enabling them to efficiently navigate and utilize its wide range of features. This comprehensive knowledge helps optimize HR processes, from recruitment and onboarding to payroll and performance management, ensuring that organizations can fully leverage the platform's capabilities.

2. Increased Efficiency and Productivity

By mastering Dayforce, employees can automate and streamline many time-consuming HR tasks, leading to significant improvements in efficiency and productivity. The platform's integrated nature allows for real-time data synchronization across different HR functions, reducing manual data entry and minimizing errors.

3. Enhanced Compliance

Dayforce training helps ensure that users are well-versed in the platform's compliance features, which are designed to keep pace with changing labor laws and regulations. This knowledge is crucial for organizations to avoid costly legal penalties and maintain compliance with employment standards.

4. Improved Employee Experience

Trained Dayforce users can more effectively manage employee-related tasks, leading to an improved employee experience. The platform facilitates better communication, timely feedback, and easier access to important documents and schedules, all of which contribute to higher employee satisfaction and engagement.

5. Data-Driven Decision Making

Dayforce provides powerful analytics and reporting tools that, when used proficiently, can offer valuable insights into workforce trends and performance. Training ensures that users can accurately interpret this data, aiding strategic decision-making and helping organizations to proactively address HR challenges.

6. Competitive Advantage

Organizations with a workforce proficient in Dayforce can gain a competitive advantage by attracting and retaining top talent, optimizing workforce management, and reducing operational costs. The efficiency and innovation enabled by effective use of the platform can set a company apart in the marketplace.

Disadvantages of Dayforce Training

1. Cost and Time Investment

One of the main disadvantages of Dayforce training is the significant investment of time and money required. Comprehensive training programs can be costly, and employees must dedicate time away from their regular duties to participate in training sessions, which may impact short-term productivity.

2. Complexity of Training

Given the extensive functionality and features of Dayforce training can be complex and overwhelming for some users. Organizations need to ensure that the training is tailored to the specific needs of their staff, which can be challenging to achieve.

3. Keeping Pace with Updates

Dayforce, like many cloud-based platforms, is continuously updated to introduce new features and improvements. This necessitates ongoing training to keep users up-to-date, which can be a logistical and financial burden for organizations.

4. Dependency on the Platform

Extensive training and reliance on Dayforce for a wide range of HR functions can create a dependency on the platform. This could pose a risk if there are any disruptions to the service or if the organization decides to switch to a different HCM solution in the future.

5. Implementation Challenges

The initial stages of implementing Dayforce and training staff can present challenges, particularly in organizations with complex HR processes or those transitioning from manual systems. These challenges can include resistance to change, data migration issues, and the need for technical support.

6. Risk of Underutilization

Without ongoing support and advanced training, there is a risk that users may not fully utilize Dayforce's capabilities. This underutilization can result in organizations not achieving the maximum return on their investment in the platform and the training program.

Balancing the Pros and Cons

To maximize the benefits and minimize the drawbacks of Dayforce training, organizations should:

  • Customize Training to Meet Specific Needs: Tailor training sessions to address the unique requirements of your organization and the varying skill levels of participants.
  • Adopt a Blended Learning Approach: Combine self-paced online learning with instructor-led sessions to accommodate different learning styles and schedules.
  • Foster a Culture of Continuous Learning: Encourage ongoing education and provide resources for employees to keep up with Dayforce updates and new features.
  • Evaluate and Adapt Training Strategies: Regularly assess the effectiveness of training programs and make adjustments as needed to ensure they remain relevant and engaging.

Skills you will learn

  • Understanding the Dayforce user interface and navigation techniques to efficiently access various functionalities.
  • Skills in managing and executing payroll processes, including adjustments, calculations, and compliance with tax regulations.
  • Knowledge of setting up and managing employee benefits within Dayforce, including health insurance, retirement plans, and other perks.
  • Skills in scheduling, time and attendance tracking, and labor compliance, ensuring optimal staffing levels and adherence to labor laws.
  • Understanding of HR functionalities such as employee records management, onboarding, performance evaluations, and termination processes.
  • Techniques for managing the talent lifecycle, including recruitment, talent development, succession planning, and retention strategies.
  • Ability to generate and interpret reports and analytics for informed decision-making on workforce trends, productivity, and HR metrics.
  • Insights into maintaining compliance with local, state, and federal employment laws and regulations through Dayforce functionalities.


Dayforce training offers numerous advantages, from improving HR efficiencies and compliance to enhancing the employee experience and enabling data-driven strategic planning. However, organizations must also consider the disadvantages, including the resources required for comprehensive training, the complexity of the platform, and the need for ongoing education to keep up with updates.

To maximize the benefits of Dayforce corporate training while mitigating the potential drawbacks, organizations should develop a strategic approach to training that includes tailored learning paths, support for continuous learning, and measures to ensure the effective application of Dayforce capabilities. By doing so, businesses can ensure that their investment in Dayforce training translates into tangible improvements in workforce management and overall organizational performance

The Ultimate Training Guide for ABB 800xA DCS

In the evolving landscape of industrial automation, proficiency in Distributed Control Systems (DCS) is pivotal for those at the forefront of manufacturing, processing, and energy production. Among the plethora of DCS technologies, ABB's 800xA stands out for its robustness, versatility, and integration capabilities. This article delves into the ABB 800xA DCS Training & Certification Course, exploring its significance, curriculum, and the transformative impact it can have on professionals and organizations alike.

The ABB 800xA DCS is not just a control system; it's a comprehensive solution that extends beyond traditional process control to encompass electrical, safety, and telecommunications systems, among others. Its ability to integrate process, electrical, safety, and telecoms on a single platform is revolutionary, offering unparalleled visibility and control over industrial operations. This integration ensures operational efficiency, reduces costs, and enhances safety and productivity.

Why ABB 800xA DCS Training & Certification?

The complexity and sophistication of the 800xA system necessitate a thorough understanding and skilled handling to leverage its full potential. The ABB 800xA DCS Online Training is designed to equip professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills to design, implement, operate, and maintain the 800xA system effectively. It caters to a range of professionals, from system engineers and operators to maintenance personnel and project managers.

Curriculum and Learning Outcomes

The ABB 800xA DCS Training & Certification Course is comprehensive, covering various aspects of the system. Here's an overview of the curriculum and the key skills participants will acquire:

1. System Architecture and Installation

  • Understanding the 800xA architecture, including hardware components and network configuration.
  • Skills in system installation, setup, and commissioning.

2. Configuration and Programming

  • In-depth knowledge of Control Builder M, the software used for creating control solutions within 800xA.
  • Skills in configuring controllers, defining control logic, and creating control modules.

3. Operations and Visualization

  • Mastery in developing and managing operator graphics, ensuring operators have the necessary visibility and control over processes.
  • Techniques for effective alarm management and event handling.

4. Maintenance and Troubleshooting

  • Strategies for system maintenance, including backup, restore, and software upgrade procedures.
  • Skills in diagnosing and troubleshooting system issues, ensuring high system availability and reliability.

5. Advanced Topics

  • Insights into integrating third-party systems and devices using various communication protocols.
  • Understanding of advanced functionalities like asset optimization, batch management, and safety system integration.

Transformative Impact on Professionals and Organizations

1. For Professionals

  • Enhanced Skillset: The certification provides a competitive edge in the job market, reflecting a deep understanding of one of the most advanced DCS platforms.
  • Career Advancement: Professionals with specialized skills in operating and managing the 800xA system are in high demand, opening up opportunities for career growth and advancement.
  • Professional Network: Engaging in this training connects individuals with a community of experts and peers, fostering professional relationships that can be invaluable over time.

2. For Organizations

  • Operational Excellence: Teams trained in 800xA can significantly improve operational efficiency, reduce downtime, and enhance product quality.
  • Innovation and Adaptability: With a deep understanding of the system, organizations can more easily adapt to changing market demands and leverage new technologies.
  • Safety and Compliance: Skilled operators ensure that the system is run safely and in compliance with regulatory standards, minimizing risks to personnel and the environment.

Bridging the Digital Transformation Gap

The industrial sector is undergoing a monumental shift, commonly referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0. This transformation is characterized by the integration of digital technologies into manufacturing processes, leading to increased automation, improved communication, and self-monitoring systems that can analyze and diagnose issues without human intervention. ABB 800xA DCS plays a critical role in this transformation, offering a platform that seamlessly integrates process control, safety systems, and operational analytics. Training in 800xA equips professionals with the skills to navigate this digital landscape, ensuring they are well-prepared to lead and implement Industry 4.0 initiatives.

At its core, the ABB 800xA DCS Certification Course provides a deep dive into the principles of process control. Participants gain not just an operational knowledge of the 800xA system but also a comprehensive understanding of how modern DCS can optimize process efficiency and energy consumption, reduce operational costs, and improve product consistency. This holistic approach to training ensures that participants are not just operators of a system but are also well-versed in the theory and principles that underpin effective process control.

Detailed Curriculum

The curriculum is designed to cover all facets of the 800xA system comprehensively. Key modules typically include:

  • Introduction to 800xA: Overview of the system architecture, features, and capabilities.
  • System Engineering: Detailed instructions on system configuration, including hardware setup, software installation, and network configuration.
  • Control Builder M: In-depth training on the primary tool for creating and managing control applications, focusing on graphical programming, logic development, and application debugging.
  • Operator Workplace Configuration: Guidance on customizing operator interfaces, managing alarms, and optimizing the display of process information to enhance operational decision-making.
  • Asset Management: Strategies for using the 800xA system for asset monitoring, preventive maintenance, and integration with asset optimization tools.
  • Safety System Integration: Training on integrating safety and process control systems within the 800xA environment to ensure regulatory compliance and operational safety.
  • Data Management and Reporting: Techniques for collecting, storing, and analyzing process data, including the creation of reports and dashboards for performance monitoring.

Hands-on Labs and Real-World Simulations

A significant portion of the training is dedicated to hands-on labs and simulations, which are critical for understanding how to operate and troubleshoot the system under various conditions. Participants work on actual 800xA workstations, simulating real-world scenarios to practice:

  • Building and deploying control strategies.
  • Creating and modifying operator graphics.
  • Configuring alarms and handling events.
  • Performing system diagnostics and troubleshooting.
  • Implementing system backups and recovery.

Unique Offerings

What sets the ABB 800xA DCS Training & Certification apart are the unique offerings, such as:

  • Global Network of ABB University: Access to a worldwide network of ABB training centers, ensuring consistent and high-quality training regardless of location.
  • Customized Training Solutions: Options for tailor-made training programs designed to meet the specific needs of an organization, delivered on-site or at ABB facilities.
  • Lifetime Learning: Commitment to professional development through advanced courses and updates, supporting a long-term career in industrial automation.

Therefore, the ABB 800xA DCS Training & Certification Course is a comprehensive program that prepares participants for the complexities of modern industrial automation. It offers a detailed curriculum, practical experience through hands-on labs, and a path for continuous learning and professional development, all designed to enhance operational efficiency and innovation in any industrial setting.


The ABB 800xA DCS Training & Certification Course is meticulously designed to cater to the evolving needs of both professionals and organizations in the industrial automation space. Through a blend of theoretical knowledge, practical application, and ongoing support, this training ensures that participants are well-equipped to leverage the full capabilities of the 800xA system, driving innovation and efficiency in their operations.

A Complete Tutorial to Kronos Training

Kronos, now part of UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group) following a merger, offers a suite of solutions designed to help organizations manage their workforce in an efficient, compliant, and productive manner. This tutorial aims to provide a foundational understanding of Kronos, focusing on its core functionalities, user interface, and practical applications in the workplace.

Introduction to Kronos

Kronos is a leading workforce management solution that integrates time and attendance tracking, employee scheduling, absence management, HR and payroll, and labor analytics into one cohesive system. It's designed to streamline operations, enhance productivity, and improve employee engagement across various industries, including healthcare, retail, manufacturing, and more. By automating complex processes, Kronos online training by Multisoft Virtual Academy helps organizations reduce labor costs, comply with regulatory requirements, and make informed business decisions.

Getting Started with Kronos

The Kronos interface is user-friendly and designed to facilitate easy access to its myriad features. Upon login, users are greeted with a dashboard that provides a snapshot of their timecard, schedule, and any notifications or alerts. Navigation is typically menu-driven, with major functions like timekeeping, scheduling, and reporting accessible from the main menu.

One of the fundamental features of Kronos is its timekeeping capability. Employees can clock in and out using various methods, including web-based interfaces, mobile applications, and physical time clocks. To record time, users simply log into their account, navigate to the timekeeping section, and enter their start and end times. Kronos also allows for the editing of timecards to correct errors, with appropriate permissions and audit trails to ensure compliance.

Scheduling in Kronos is highly flexible, accommodating the needs of diverse workforces. Managers can create and publish schedules, view employee availability, and manage time-off requests through the scheduling module. This feature supports both fixed and flexible scheduling, allowing for the assignment of shifts based on employee preferences, skills, and business needs.

Advanced Features

  • Absence Management

Kronos streamlines the process of managing employee absences, whether planned or unplanned. The system enables employees to request time off directly through the platform, while managers receive notifications to approve or deny these requests. Kronos also provides insights into absence patterns, helping organizations identify trends and address potential issues proactively.

  • HR and Payroll Integration

Beyond timekeeping and scheduling, Kronos offers comprehensive HR and payroll integration. This includes the management of personal employee information, payroll processing, and benefits administration. The seamless integration ensures accuracy in payroll calculations and compliance with labor laws, significantly reducing administrative burdens.

  • Labor Analytics

One of the most powerful features of Kronos is its labor analytics capability. The platform offers a range of reporting tools that allow organizations to analyze workforce data in real-time. These insights can inform strategic decisions, helping leaders optimize labor costs, improve workforce productivity, and enhance employee satisfaction.

Practical Applications

The practical application of Kronos ukg training across various industries underscores its versatility and effectiveness in managing workforce needs. Here are some examples:

  • Healthcare: In hospitals and healthcare facilities, Kronos manages shift rotations, staff scheduling, and compliance with labor laws specific to healthcare, such as nurse-to-patient ratios.
  • Retail: For retail chains, Kronos optimizes staffing by aligning employee schedules with forecasted store traffic, enhancing customer service during peak hours.
  • Manufacturing: In manufacturing plants, Kronos tracks employee hours worked, including overtime and double time, ensuring accurate payroll processing.
  • Education: Schools and universities use Kronos for tracking faculty and staff hours, managing substitute teacher assignments, and monitoring leave and absences.
  • Public Sector: Government agencies utilize Kronos to manage employee time and attendance, comply with civil service rules, and handle complex payroll requirements.
  • Hospitality: In the hospitality industry, Kronos helps manage a diverse and often transient workforce, scheduling staff based on anticipated guest demand.
  • Transportation and Logistics: For companies in this sector, Kronos manages drivers' and warehouse workers' schedules, tracks hours in compliance with transportation regulations, and supports efficient operations by aligning workforce schedules with delivery and logistics demands.
  • Professional Services: Firms in sectors like consulting, IT, and finance use Kronos for tracking billable hours, managing project-based work, and analyzing labor costs against revenue for better profitability insights.

These practical applications demonstrate Kronos's ability to adapt to the specific needs of various sectors, optimizing workforce management, enhancing compliance, and contributing to overall operational efficiency.

What skills will you gain?

  • Proficiency in navigating the Kronos user interface for efficient workflow management.
  • Ability to accurately track time and attendance, including clocking in and out, managing timecards, and understanding compliance implications.
  • Skills in scheduling and managing shifts, including creating schedules, handling time-off requests, and adjusting staffing based on demand.
  • Knowledge of absence management, including processing leave requests and analyzing absence patterns for better workforce planning.
  • Understanding of Kronos HR and payroll integration for streamlined employee data management, payroll processing, and benefits administration.
  • Competence in using Kronos labor analytics and reporting tools to generate insights on workforce productivity, labor costs, and operational efficiency.
  • Familiarity with configuring and customizing system settings to meet specific organizational needs and preferences.
  • Enhanced problem-solving abilities to troubleshoot common issues and navigate system updates or changes.
  • Improved communication and collaboration skills through the effective use of Kronos tools for team scheduling and workforce management.
  • Knowledge of data security and privacy practices within Kronos to protect sensitive employee information.
  • Ability to leverage Kronos mobile applications for remote workforce management and employee self-service functionalities.
  • Skills in continuous learning and adaptation to new features and updates within the Kronos ecosystem.

Why Kronos is essential?

Kronos is essential because it streamlines workforce management processes, reducing administrative burdens and increasing operational efficiency. By automating timekeeping, scheduling, and payroll tasks, Kronos minimizes errors and ensures compliance with labor laws. It offers real-time insights into labor costs and productivity, enabling informed decision-making and strategic workforce planning. Additionally, Kronos certification enhances employee engagement by providing self-service options for time tracking and leave requests, promoting a more transparent and empowering workplace environment. Its comprehensive suite of tools supports a wide range of industries, making it a versatile solution for managing a diverse and dynamic workforce.


Kronos training is a powerful tool for managing workforce needs, offering a range of features from timekeeping and scheduling to analytics and HR integration. A comprehensive understanding of Kronos can significantly enhance organizational efficiency and employee satisfaction. By following this tutorial and adopting best practices for Kronos training, organizations can ensure their teams are well-equipped to leverage the full potential of this workforce management solution. Continuous learning and adaptation to new features and functionalities will further enhance the benefits realized from Kronos, ensuring it remains a vital asset in workforce management. Enroll now!

What is SAP SD Online Training?

SAP SD Online Training and Certification Course offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy is a comprehensive program designed to provide a deep understanding of the Sales and Distribution (SD) module of the SAP ERP system.

This course dives into the functionality and configurations of the SAP SD module, covering key topics like master data management, sales, shipping, billing, pricing, credit management, and more. It guides learners through the entire order-to-cash cycle, enabling them to optimize sales and distribution processes in their organizations. The course is designed with a blend of theory and practical exercises, providing real-world context to concepts learned. Learners get hands-on experience with SAP environments, contributing to practical understanding and skill development. To support personalized learning, the online training format offers flexible scheduling and pace. Regular assessments and feedback further enrich the learning experience. Upon course completion, learners gain a SAP SD certification, enhancing their professional credibility in the SAP ecosystem.

Multisoft's course provides an opportunity for learners to interact with experienced instructors, adding to the richness of the learning journey. This course is an excellent choice for aspiring SAP consultants, sales and distribution professionals, and anyone eager to navigate the SAP SD landscape efficiently.

What is SAP SD?

SAP SD (Sales and Distribution) is one of the core modules of the SAP ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system. It is used to manage and streamline all processes related to selling, shipping, and billing of products and services. The module is tightly integrated with other SAP modules such as Materials Management (MM), Production Planning (PP), and Financial Accounting (FI). This integration enables efficient end-to-end order processing within an organization.

Key sub-modules and functionalities within SAP SD include:

  1. Master Data: This includes the data related to customers, materials, pricing, etc., which is used across transactions.
  2. Sales: This includes processes like sales order management, sales document processing, scheduling agreements, contracts, etc.
  3. Shipping: This involves processes related to outbound delivery of products, including picking, packing, and transportation of goods.
  4. Billing: This includes creating, processing, and managing invoices for the products and services delivered to customers.
  5. Pricing: This includes managing and applying various pricing strategies, discounts, and surcharges.
  6. Credit Management: This involves assessing the creditworthiness of customers and managing credit limits.

SAP SD is widely used across industries, and knowledge of this module is highly valued in roles related to sales and distribution management, logistics, and SAP consulting.

Features of SAP SD Module

The SAP SD (Sales and Distribution) module is equipped with a range of features that support a variety of sales and distribution processes:

  1. Pricing and Taxation: The Pricing feature allows businesses to set flexible pricing rules based on different parameters like customer, product, region, etc. The Taxation feature assists in calculating taxes for various regions, considering local tax rules and regulations.
  2. Availability Check: This feature allows for real-time tracking of inventory levels. It checks product availability during the sales order processing to ensure product delivery timelines.
  3. Billing and Invoicing: SAP SD can generate and manage invoices based on the delivered orders. It allows for the creation of various types of billing documents like invoices, credit memos, debit memos, and more.
  4. Material Determination: It's used to determine substitute materials for a particular material. It can automatically substitute materials that are not available during the sales process.
  5. Credit Management: This feature allows businesses to manage their risk with customers and ensure that sales do not exceed set credit limits. It provides a comprehensive view of the customer's credit status.
  6. Account Determination: This feature automatically posts transactions to the appropriate General Ledger accounts in Financial Accounting. This ensures that sales revenues, discounts, and taxes are posted to the right accounts.

Each of these features contributes to the efficient and accurate processing of sales and distribution operations within a business.

Key Components in SAP SD

The SAP Sales and Distribution (SD) training course consists of several key components that support the various processes involved in sales and distribution:

  1. Master Data: This includes the data related to customers (Customer Master Data), materials (Material Master Data), pricing (Condition Master Data), and more. This data is used consistently across the transactions and seldom changes.
  2. Sales: This component manages the entire sales process, including sales inquiries, quotations, sales orders, sales returns, and more.
  3. Shipping: This component deals with all processes related to the delivery of products. It includes scheduling deliveries, picking and packing goods, goods issue, and shipment.
  4. Billing: This component involves creating, processing, and managing invoices for the products and services delivered. It allows for the generation of various types of billing documents like invoices, debit and credit memos, etc.
  5. Pricing: This component is responsible for calculating prices for goods or services. It handles various pricing elements like discounts, surcharges, taxes, and more, allowing for flexible pricing strategies.
  6. Credit Management: This component allows businesses to manage their risk with customers and ensure sales don't exceed set credit limits.

SAP SD - Organisational Structure

SAP SD online certification course provides multiple components, including Divisions, Distribution Channels, Sales Areas, and others to formulate a complete Sales and Distribution organizational structure. The establishment of this structure chiefly involves two phases:

  1. Establishing organizational units within the SAP system.
  2. Establishing necessary connections between these elements.

The sales organization holds the highest rank in this structure, responsible for product and service distribution. SAP recommends maintaining the number of sales organizations at a minimum in the structure for streamlined reporting processes.

Following the sales organization, the distribution channel is the next level in the hierarchy. It signifies the method used to distribute products and services to customers. Within the structure, a division signifies a specific product or service line within an organization. Also referred to as an entity, a sales area is vital for processing orders in a company. It comprises a sales organization, a distribution channel, and a division.

In the SAP SD organizational structure, each sales organization is assigned a company code. Following this, the divisions and distribution channels are assigned to the sales organization, collectively forming a sales area.

Characteristics of SAP SD

SAP SD (Sales and Distribution) is a core module of the SAP ERP system that handles all processes related to selling, shipping, and billing of products and services. Here are some key characteristics of SAP SD corporate training:

  • Efficient management of the entire order-to-cash process.
  • Integration with other SAP modules, allowing for streamlined business processes.
  • Flexible pricing conditions to manage various pricing strategies.
  • Real-time data availability for sales and distribution processes.
  • Availability checks and backorder processing to manage product availability.
  • Comprehensive credit management to manage risk with customers.

Advantages of Using SAP SD

The advantages of SAP SD Online Training & Certification Course includes:

  • Streamlines all sales and distribution processes, increasing efficiency.
  • Supports a wide range of sales and distribution scenarios, from simple to complex.
  • Enables real-time data access, ensuring up-to-date information for decision-making.
  • Facilitates efficient inventory management by tracking product availability.
  • Provides comprehensive pricing and discount management functionalities.
  • Supports multiple sales channels with the ability to adapt to various distribution methods.

Course FAQ’s

Who should take SAP Online Training & Certification Courses?

Anyone looking to enhance their knowledge of SAP systems, including IT professionals, business analysts, project managers, end users, aspiring SAP consultants, and students interested in a career in SAP can take these courses.

What are the prerequisites for SAP Online Training?

While there are no strict prerequisites, basic understanding of business processes related to the SAP module you choose would be beneficial.

Are these courses entirely online?

Yes, these courses are completely online, allowing you to learn at your own pace and schedule.

What will I gain from these courses?

These courses provide comprehensive knowledge of various SAP modules, practical skills through hands-on exercises, interaction with experienced instructors, and a certification upon completion.

Is the SAP Certification recognized worldwide?

Yes, SAP Certification by Multisoft Virtual Academy is recognized globally and is considered a standard of excellence in the SAP community.

Do these courses require any programming skills?

Not all courses require programming skills. However, certain modules like ABAP and HANA do require understanding of programming concepts.

How often are course materials updated?

Multisoft Virtual Academy regularly update course materials to reflect the latest updates and changes in the SAP software and practices.

Is there a course completion certificate?

Yes, Multisoft Virtual Academy issue a course completion certificate once you've successfully finished the course.


The SAP SD Online Training & Certification Course is a comprehensive program designed to equip professionals with the expertise required to excel in sales and distribution roles using SAP systems. The course not only offers a detailed understanding of the SAP SD module but also provides practical experience, making it an ideal choice for those aiming for hands-on proficiency. The certification earned at the end of the course signifies the learner's competence in SAP SD, enhancing their career prospects in the SAP ecosystem.

SAP BRIM Online Course: A Course Overview

Welcome to Multisoft Virtual Academy's SAP Billing and Revenue Innovation Management (BRIM) online training. This comprehensive course is designed to equip professionals with a deep understanding of SAP's sophisticated solution for managing high-volume revenue and billing processes. Our curriculum covers key modules, including Convergent Charging, Convergent Invoicing, and Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA). By blending theoretical knowledge with practical application, our experienced trainers guide learners through complex concepts using real-world examples. Whether you're a seasoned SAP professional or a beginner in the field, our flexible online course provides the necessary tools to master SAP BRIM and transform your career.

About the SAP BRIM

SAP Billing and Revenue Innovation Management (BRIM) is a high-volume subscription billing solution provided by SAP, the leading enterprise software company. It is designed to handle billing, charging, and revenue management processes for industries with high-volume business transactions, such as telecommunications, insurance, utilities, media, and entertainment. SAP BRIM training streamlines and automates the entire billing process, from capturing usage data to creating invoices. It supports complex pricing models, discounting rules, and automated bill calculation, making it easy to manage varied and flexible pricing structures.

Key components of SAP BRIM include:

  1. SAP Convergent Charging: This module provides the rating and charging functions, allowing businesses to create flexible pricing models and accurately calculate charges for usage.
  2. SAP Convergent Invoicing: This module handles invoice creation and payment processing, enabling companies to issue accurate, timely invoices.
  3. Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA): This sub-ledger accounting system is designed for industries with large customer numbers and high volumes of documents. It helps manage and track all receivables and payables associated with customer contracts.
  4. SAP Subscription Order Management: This helps manage and automate the lifecycle of subscription-based services, from initial order through activation, modification, and cancellation.

By implementing SAP BRIM, businesses can reduce errors, increase operational efficiency, and deliver a better customer experience with timely and accurate billing.

Benefits of SAP BRIM

SAP Billing and Revenue Innovation Management (BRIM) brings several benefits to businesses, particularly those with high-volume and subscription-based billing processes:

  1. Streamlined Operations: SAP BRIM automates the entire billing cycle, from capturing usage data to generating invoices, streamlining operations and improving efficiency.
  2. Flexible Pricing Models: With SAP BRIM, businesses can support diverse and complex pricing structures. It provides a flexible framework to handle various pricing scenarios, including dynamic pricing, tiered pricing, and bundled offers.
  3. Improved Accuracy: Automation reduces the risk of manual errors in billing calculations, leading to more accurate invoices and improved customer satisfaction.
  4. Real-time Analytics: SAP BRIM provides real-time reporting and analytics, giving businesses valuable insights into revenue streams and customer behavior. This can inform strategic decisions and help optimize pricing models.
  5. Enhanced Customer Experience: By ensuring timely and accurate billing, SAP BRIM can significantly enhance the customer experience. It also supports self-service portals where customers can view their usage and billing information.
  6. Integration Capabilities: Being a SAP product, BRIM integrates seamlessly with other SAP systems, providing a unified and efficient platform for all business operations.

Prerequisites to learn SAP BRIM

To effectively learn SAP Billing and Revenue Innovation Management (BRIM), having a basic understanding of certain SAP modules and business processes can be very beneficial. Here are the prerequisites you mentioned, and why they're important:

  1. Materials Management (MM): SAP MM is about managing materials and resources of an organization with functions like planning, controlling, etc. Understanding this module helps you grasp the procurement process, which could have billing implications in BRIM.
  2. Sales and Distribution (SD): This module involves the process from selling the product to the delivery. The invoice process in SD directly links to BRIM, and understanding SD will assist in comprehending the flow of billing data.
  3. Financial Accounting and Controlling (FI/CO): This is SAP's core module for financial processing. Familiarity with FI/CO can give learners an understanding of how billing data gets posted to financial accounting, making it easier to comprehend the financial aspects of BRIM.
  4. Production Planning: While Production Planning is not directly related to billing, understanding the production process can help understand the business flow, which indirectly affects billing and revenue.

How to learn SAP BRIM?

Learning SAP Billing and Revenue Innovation Management (BRIM), an encompassing solution for billing and revenue management, involves a series of steps that can enhance your understanding and expertise in this field:

  1. Preparation: Familiarize yourself with the basics of SAP systems, and gain an understanding of the key areas relevant to SAP BRIM such as Materials Management (MM), Sales and Distribution (SD), Financial Accounting and Controlling (FI/CO), and Production Planning. This foundational knowledge will help you better understand the BRIM module.
  2. Choose a Course: Find a reputable learning platform, such as Multisoft Virtual Academy, that offers a comprehensive SAP BRIM course. Look for courses with a blend of theoretical learning and hands-on exercises.
  3. Start Learning: Begin the course and take notes. Ensure to attend each lesson attentively. Utilize the course resources such as study materials, guides, and practice assignments to deepen your understanding.

Benefits of Online Training

Online training indeed offers a number of compelling benefits:

  1. Convenience: With online training, you can learn from anywhere, whether at home, at work, or on the go. This eliminates the need to travel to a specific location for classes, providing flexibility and comfort.
  2. Lower Cost: Online courses often cost less than traditional in-person classes due to reduced overheads like facility, travel, or accommodation expenses. Also, many online courses offer flexible payment options, making them more affordable.
  3. Time-Saving: Since you don't have to travel to a physical location, you can save significant time that can be utilized for learning or other activities.
  4. Pacing Oneself: Online courses often allow learners to progress at their own pace. This is especially beneficial for complex subjects where different learners may need varying amounts of time to fully grasp certain concepts.
  5. Interactivity: Despite being online, many courses offer ample opportunities for interaction. Learners can communicate with instructors and peers through forums, chat rooms, or video conferences, enhancing the learning experience. Some courses also offer interactive simulations or exercises that can help learners better understand and apply the material.

Job Opportunities in SAP BRIM

Mastering SAP Billing and Revenue Innovation Management (BRIM) can open up a wide range of job opportunities in various sectors. Businesses across industries are looking for professionals who can effectively manage and streamline their billing and revenue processes, making SAP BRIM expertise highly sought after.

As a SAP BRIM professional, you could work as a Business Intelligence (BI) Consultant, where you'd leverage BRIM's analytics capabilities to deliver insights and drive strategic decision-making. This role would involve analyzing billing and revenue data, creating reports, and helping businesses understand their performance and identify opportunities for improvement. Another potential role is an Intelligent Solutions Architect, where you'd design and implement intelligent, automated solutions for billing and revenue management using SAP BRIM. This role could involve everything from setting up flexible pricing models to integrating BRIM with other systems.

As a Digital Platform Engineer with a focus on SAP BRIM, you'd be responsible for maintaining and enhancing the BRIM platform to support business needs. This could involve troubleshooting issues, implementing updates, and ensuring the platform can effectively handle high volumes of billing and revenue data. Regardless of the specific role, having SAP BRIM course skills can set you apart in the job market and position you for a range of rewarding careers.


Multisoft Virtual Academy's SAP BRIM Corporate training course offers a comprehensive pathway to mastering billing and revenue management processes in the SAP environment. Whether you're an experienced professional looking to expand your SAP skillset or a beginner seeking a career in this field, our course offers the flexibility, depth, and practical knowledge to meet your needs. We pride ourselves on delivering quality education and interactive learning experiences that enhance career opportunities and foster professional growth. Learn at your own pace, engage with experienced instructors, and step into the exciting world of SAP BRIM with Multisoft Virtual Academy. Your journey towards becoming a SAP BRIM expert starts here.

Microsoft Azure Tutorial & its hidden benefits

Welcome to our fresh digital corner, diving deep into the realms of Microsoft Azure. Before we embark on this enlightening journey, let’s pause for a brief moment to understand Microsoft Azure's essence and the pathway to attaining its coveted certification. Moreover, for those keen on validating their expertise, we'll shed light on the path to achieving a Microsoft Azure certification. Dive in with us!

Introduction to Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure, often simply termed "Azure," is Microsoft's cloud computing platform, offering a vast spectrum of integrated cloud services spanning computing, analytics, storage, and networking. With its comprehensive suite of solutions, from Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) to Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS), Azure empowers developers and IT professionals to build, deploy, and manage applications through Microsoft-managed data centers. Distinguished for its flexibility, scalability, and security features, Azure is designed to integrate seamlessly with an array of tools and frameworks, thereby aiding businesses in navigating the complexities of the digital age while fostering innovation.

One of Azure’s unique selling points is its ability to support a diverse range of programming languages, databases, operating systems, frameworks, and devices. From Python, Java, and .NET to SQL Server, Oracle, and NoSQL, Azure is agnostic, welcoming both Microsoft-centric and diverse open-source technologies.

Azure's pay-as-you-go pricing model

One of the attractions for businesses either big or small as it allows organizations to avoid upfront capital expenditure, scaling resources up or down based on demand, ensuring cost efficiency.

Moreover, for those invested in Microsoft's ecosystem, the synergies between Azure and other Microsoft products like Office 365, Dynamics 365, and Windows Server offer seamless integration, enhancing productivity and streamlining operations.

Microsoft Azure Data Factory Tutorial for first time users

Microsoft Azure Data Factory (ADF) can be best described as a cloud-based data integration service that allows users to create, schedule, and manage data-driven workflows, or "pipelines." Think of ADF as a digital conveyor belt, moving data between various supported source and destination data stores, while also providing capabilities to transform and process the data using computer services such as Azure HDInsight and Azure Machine Learning. For beginners, setting up a pipeline involves a few key steps: defining your input and output data stores, creating datasets to represent the data, and designing the activities that determine actions on the data. Through ADF's intuitive visual interface, users can drag-and-drop activities, set parameters, and visualize the entire data flow. Moreover, it integrates seamlessly with other Azure services, ensuring that even novices can harness the power of the cloud to orchestrate and automate their data workflows efficiently.

How to use Microsoft Azure Data Factory for the first time?

Here's a step-by-step guide on using Microsoft Azure Data Factory for the first time:

1. Set up an Azure Account

  • If you don't have a Microsoft Azure account, start by signing up at the official Azure website.
  • After registering, navigate to the Azure portal.

2. Create a pipeline

  • In the Azure portal, search for and select 'Data Factory'.
  • Click the '+ Add' button.
  • Fill in the subscription details, resource group, region, and name your data factory.
  • Review the other settings and adjust if necessary. Click 'Review + Create', then 'Create'.

3. Add a Source Dataset

  • Once the Data Factory instance is created, go to the 'Author & Monitor' tab.
  • In the Author section, select '+' > 'Dataset'.
  • Choose the data store where your source data resides (e.g., Azure Blob Storage, SQL Data Warehouse, etc.).
  • Configure the connection to your source data, test the connection, and then finalize the dataset.

4. Add a Destination Dataset

  • Again in the Author section, select '+' > 'Dataset'.
  • Choose the data store where you want the processed data to reside.
  • Configure and test the connection, similar to the source dataset.

5. Add a Copy Data Activity

  • In the Author section, under your pipeline, select '+' > 'Activity' > 'Copy Data'.
  • Link your source and destination datasets to the copy data activity.
  • Configure mapping if the source and destination structures differ. The mapping ensures that data from the source matches up correctly with the destination.

6. Monitor Your Pipeline

  • After deploying your pipeline, go to the 'Monitor' tab in the Data Factory UI.
  • Here, you can see all your pipeline runs, their status, any errors, and other diagnostic information.
  • If any issues arise, detailed error messages should provide guidance on how to resolve them.

7. Schedule Your Pipeline

  • In the 'Author' tab, select 'Triggers' and then '+ New/Edit'.
  • Define your schedule by setting start times, end times (if needed), and the frequency (e.g., hourly, daily).
  • Associate the trigger with your pipeline. This ensures that the pipeline runs as per the defined schedule.

Now, you've set up a basic Azure Data Factory pipeline that will move data from a source to a destination, and you can monitor and schedule its runs. As you become more familiar with Azure Data Factory, you can explore its more advanced capabilities, such as data transformations, hybrid activities, and integration with other Azure services.

Microsoft Azure Benefits

Here are some hidden benefits of Microsoft Azure listed below:

1. Scalability

Azure's infrastructure is designed to handle massive workloads. This means you can easily upscale or downscale your operations based on demand. Whether you're running a startup or a Fortune 500 company, Azure grows with you. Azure's auto-scaling capability ensures your applications always perform at their best, regardless of traffic spikes.

2. Cost-Effectiveness

With its pay-as-you-go model, Azure eliminates the need for hefty upfront investments. Organizations only pay for what they use, leading to significant savings. Furthermore, Azure offers reserved instances and sustainable pricing models that can lead to long-term cost reductions.

3. Security

Azure is built with a security-first approach. With its multi-layered security measure across data, applications, and networks, Azure provides robust protection against cyber threats. The Azure Security Center offers unified security management, ensuring your data and applications are shielded 24/7.

4. Reliability

Azure boasts a global footprint with data centers in more than 60 regions worldwide. This vast infrastructure ensures high availability and disaster recovery, guaranteeing your applications and services remain operational even if an entire data center faces issues.

5. Integration

For businesses already invested in Microsoft products like Office 365 or Dynamics 365, Azure provides seamless integration. This symbiotic relationship ensures better collaboration, productivity, and streamlined operations without the need for third-party solutions.

6. Flexibility

Azure supports a vast range of devices, operating systems, databases, and programming languages. From Windows to Linux or SQL Server to Oracle, Azure's inclusive nature ensures you aren't bound by any single technology, giving you the freedom to use the tools you prefer.

7. Innovation

Azure is at the forefront of emerging technologies. From AI and machine learning capabilities to serverless computing and blockchain-as-a-service, Azure's innovative tools empower businesses to stay ahead of the curve and embrace the future.

8. Compliance

Operating in various industries demands compliance with several regulations. Azure, understanding this, has the most comprehensive set of compliance offerings compared to any other cloud provider. With over 90 compliance certifications, including those for GDPR, HIPAA, and ISO 27001, businesses can trust Azure with their sensitive data, knowing it's managed responsibly.

Microsoft Azure Data Engineer

A Microsoft Azure Data Engineer specializes in designing and implementing robust data solutions on the Azure platform. They are experts in managing, monitoring, and transforming vast amounts of data using Azure's suite of analytics services, such as Azure Data Factory, Azure Databricks, and Azure Synapse Analytics. Their primary goal is to ensure that data is accessible, reliable, and optimized for various operations, from analytics to machine learning. With a keen understanding of data structures, ETL processes, and cloud-based storage solutions, these engineers play a pivotal role in enabling organizations to make data-driven decisions, thereby propelling businesses into a future fueled by insights.

Microsoft Azure Machine Learning

Microsoft Azure Machine Learning is an integrated, end-to-end data science and advanced analytics solution. It empowers developers and data scientists to build, train, and deploy machine learning models using the power and scale of Azure's cloud infrastructure. With a drag-and-drop interface and a set of versatile tools, it democratizes AI, making it accessible even to those without extensive coding expertise. Azure Machine Learning supports various open-source frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and scikit-learn. By offering capabilities such as automated machine learning and hyper parameter tuning, it accelerates the model development process, ensuring businesses can derive insights and make data-driven decisions faster and more efficiently.

Azure Machine Learning features

  • Automated Machine Learning (AutoML): Azure Machine Learning's AutoML simplifies the process of model development by automatically iterating through different algorithms and hyper parameters to find the best model.
  • An Integrated Development Environment (IDE): Azure Machine Learning Studio offers an intuitive, browser-based IDE, eliminating the need for any installations or setups. Users can drag-and-drop datasets and modules, construct data flow graphs, and develop, test, and deploy machine learning solutions all within a unified environment.
  • Data Preparation: Azure Machine Learning ensures robust data wrangling capabilities. Users can clean, transform, and manipulate data with ease, preparing it for model development.
  • Model Training and Evaluation: Azure provides vast computational resources to train complex models efficiently. Users can easily switch between CPU and GPU resources depending on the workload.
  • Model Deployment: Once a model is trained and fine-tuned, Azure Machine Learning facilitates seamless deployment. With a few clicks, users can deploy models as web services in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) or Azure Container Instances.
  • Monitoring and Management: Post-deployment, Azure provides tools to monitor model performance in real-time. It captures logs, metrics, and usage data, ensuring users can track how models fare in production environments.

Microsoft SQL Azure

Microsoft SQL Azure, commonly known as Azure SQL Database, is a cloud-based relational database service from Microsoft. Hosted in the Azure cloud, it provides a scalable, highly available, and fully managed database solution, eliminating the complexities of infrastructure maintenance and overheads. Built on the foundation of Microsoft SQL Server, it offers familiar tools and a consistent set of features for secure data storage, retrieval, and management. Azure SQL Database seamlessly integrates with Azure services and supports advanced features like built-in intelligence, automated backups, and georeplication. For businesses seeking a robust, flexible, and cost-effective database solution, SQL Azure emerges as a go-to choice in the cloud era.

Microsoft Azure Active Directory Features

  • SSO (Single Sign-On): Azure AD's Single Sign-On feature allows users to log in once and gain access to a wide range of integrated apps and services without needing to sign in again for each one.
  • MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication): Multi-Factor Authentication bolsters security by requiring two or more verification methods—something the user knows (password), something the user possesses (a trusted device or smart card), or something inherent to the user (biometrics like fingerprint or facial recognition).
  • Identity Protection: Azure AD's Identity Protection uses advanced machine learning algorithms to detect suspicious activities and potential vulnerabilities.
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): RBAC allows administrators to assign permissions to users based on their roles in the organization. For instance, a finance executive might be granted access to billing-related applications, while a developer might get permissions for development tools.
  • Application Management: Azure AD facilitates end-to-end application management. It offers a centralized location from which administrators can manage access to various applications, set up SSO integrations, configure policies for conditional access, and even provision user accounts into other cloud services.

Microsoft Azure Career Path

  • Cloud Solution Architect
  • Cloud Developer
  • Cloud Administrators
  • Data Engineer
  • DevOps Engineer


Microsoft Azure isn't just a cloud platform; it's a comprehensive set of cloud services aiming to meet the challenges of today's business environments. Whether you're an individual developer or a multinational enterprise, Azure offers the tools, scalability, and flexibility required to meet and exceed the digital transformation goals of the modern era.

Beyond its primary features, Azure's nuanced benefits, often overlooked, have the potential to redefine operational efficiency and agility for organizations. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, Azure's robustness, combined with its myriad hidden perks, underscores its indispensability. For businesses and individuals eager to thrive in the digital era, mastering Azure through comprehensive tutorials and delving into its concealed advantages is an investment worth making.

Embrace the cloud wave with Multisoft Virtual Academy and unlock a world of opportunities!

Choosing Between SAP FSM and TM

SAP stands out as a leading provider in the realm of enterprise software, which offers a wide array of solutions tailored to streamline business operations. Two of SAP's specialized offerings, SAP Field Service Management (FSM) and SAP Transportation Management (TM), cater to specific yet critical aspects of business logistics and service delivery. This comprehensive guide delves into the features, benefits, and key differences between SAP FSM and SAP TM, providing insights to help businesses decide which solution best fits their needs.

Understanding SAP Field Service Management (FSM)

SAP Field Service Management (FSM) is designed to optimize the efficiency of field service operations. It addresses the complexities of dispatching, service order management, mobile workforce management, and customer service. By leveraging real-time analytics, IoT (Internet of Things) integration, and robust scheduling tools, SAP FSM training ensures that the right technician reaches the right location with the right tools and parts to perform the job efficiently.

Key Features of SAP FSM

  • Smart Scheduling and Dispatching: Utilizes AI and machine learning to optimize field service assignments based on technician skills, location, and availability.
  • Mobile Workforce Management: Empowers technicians with mobile access to service orders, customer details, and inventory information.
  • Customer Engagement Tools: Provides customers with real-time updates, appointment scheduling capabilities, and service feedback options.
  • Parts and Inventory Management: Ensures accurate tracking and availability of necessary parts and tools for field services.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Offers comprehensive insights into service performance, customer satisfaction, and operational efficiency.

Exploring SAP Transportation Management (TM)

SAP Transportation Management (TM) focuses on the broader aspect of logistics and supply chain management, specifically the planning, execution, and optimization of the physical movement of goods. SAP TM training aims to reduce transportation costs, improve logistics efficiency, and enhance customer satisfaction by streamlining processes such as freight order management, transportation planning, and carrier management.

Key Features of SAP TM

  • Transportation Planning and Optimization: Automates route and load planning, optimizing transportation schedules and reducing costs.
  • Freight Order Management: Manages the lifecycle of freight orders, from creation through settlement, ensuring compliance and documentation accuracy.
  • Carrier Management: Facilitates the selection and management of carriers, including contract negotiation and performance monitoring.
  • Charge Calculation and Settlement: Automates the calculation of freight costs and manages the settlement process with carriers and service providers.
  • Visibility and Event Management: Offers real-time tracking of shipments and proactive management of transportation events.

SAP FSM vs. SAP TM: Key Differences

While both SAP FSM and SAP TM are designed to enhance the efficiency of business operations, they serve distinct functions within the organization. Here are the key differences:

  • Focus Area: SAP FSM is centered around improving field service operations, targeting service excellence and technician efficiency. In contrast, SAP TM focuses on the broader logistics and transportation aspect of the supply chain, aiming to optimize the movement of goods.
  • Target Users: SAP FSM is primarily designed for businesses that manage field service operations, including maintenance, repairs, and installation services. SAP TM caters to companies that deal with complex logistics and transportation needs across various modes of transport.
  • Functionality: SAP FSM offers tools for scheduling, mobile workforce management, and customer engagement specific to field services. SAP TM provides capabilities for transportation planning, freight management, and carrier collaboration to streamline logistics operations.
  • Integration Points: While both solutions can integrate with other SAP modules and third-party systems, SAP FSM integrates closely with customer service and CRM systems, whereas SAP TM is often integrated with supply chain, warehousing, and ERP systems for a comprehensive logistics view.

Choosing the Right Solution for Your Business

The decision between SAP FSM and SAP TM hinges on your business's specific needs:

  • For Field Service Optimization: If your primary goal is to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your field service operations, SAP FSM is the solution. It will help you manage service orders, dispatch technicians more effectively, and improve customer satisfaction with real-time engagement tools.
  • For Transportation and Logistics Management: If you aim to streamline your transportation processes, reduce logistics costs, and improve supply chain visibility, SAP TM is the more appropriate choice. It offers advanced tools for planning, executing, and monitoring the movement of goods across your supply chain.

Impact on Digital Transformation

The adoption of SAP FSM certification and SAP TM certification can be a significant driver of digital transformation within organizations. By automating and optimizing field service and transportation management processes, businesses can achieve:

  • Operational Efficiency: Both solutions reduce manual tasks through automation, leading to increased operational efficiency and allowing employees to focus on higher-value activities.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: With advanced analytics and reporting capabilities, businesses can harness data to make informed decisions, predict service or transportation needs, and optimize resources accordingly.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Real-time updates, visibility into service and delivery processes, and efficient problem resolution improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Agility and Scalability: Cloud-based deployment options provide the agility to quickly adapt to changing business needs and scale operations as required.

Leveraging SAP FSM and SAP TM for Competitive Advantage

Businesses that implement SAP FSM or SAP TM can leverage these solutions to gain a competitive edge:

  • Improved Service and Delivery Performance: By ensuring that field services and product deliveries are executed efficiently and on time, businesses can stand out in a crowded market.
  • Cost Reduction: Optimizing routes, loads, and service schedules reduces operational and transportation costs, directly impacting the bottom line.
  • Sustainability Goals: Efficient scheduling and route optimization contribute to reduced fuel consumption and lower emissions, helping businesses meet their sustainability objectives.
  • Compliance and Risk Management: Ensuring compliance with industry regulations and reducing risks associated with service failures or transportation disruptions protect businesses from potential fines and reputation damage.

Future Trends and Innovations

As businesses continue to evolve, the integration of emerging technologies such as AI, IoT, and blockchain with SAP FSM and SAP TM will further transform service and transportation management. These technologies can enhance predictive maintenance, automate routine decisions, and provide greater transparency and security in logistics operations in corporate training. Staying abreast of these trends and investing in continuous improvement will enable businesses to maintain their competitive advantage and meet the growing expectations of their customers.


Both SAP FSM training and SAP TM training by Multisoft Virtual Academy are powerful tools designed to address different aspects of business operations. By understanding the features, benefits, and key differences between these solutions, businesses can make informed decisions that align with their operational needs and strategic goals. Whether optimizing field service operations or streamlining transportation and logistics, SAP's specialized solutions offer the flexibility and functionality required to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction.

Top 20 SP3D Training Interview Questions

SP3D, or SmartPlant 3D, is an advanced plant design software used for creating detailed 3D models of process plants. Widely utilized in industries like oil and gas, power, and chemicals, it streamlines design processes, improves accuracy, and supports collaboration. SP3D specializes in piping, structural, and equipment modeling, enhancing design efficiency and project outcomes.

Multisoft Virtual Academy’s SP3D online training is a specialized program designed to teach professionals how to use SmartPlant 3D, a leading plant design software. The training covers 3D modeling, project setup, efficient design techniques, and the software's tools and features, essential for professionals in engineering sectors such as oil, gas, and power.

Q1. What is SP3D and its primary use?

SmartPlant 3D (SP3D) is an advanced plant design software used for 3D modeling of process plants. It's used in industries like oil and gas, power, and chemicals for creating detailed and precise plant designs. SP3D facilitates efficient design processes, improves accuracy, and allows easy integration with other design and engineering software.

Q2. Explain the key features of SP3D.

SP3D offers features like auto-routing of piping, collision detection, and isometric drawing generation. It supports integrated design workflows and provides tools for structural, piping, and equipment modeling. Its data-centric approach and rule-based designs enhance design quality and consistency across the project.

Q3. How does SP3D improve project efficiency?

SP3D streamlines design processes with tools like automated pipe routing, which reduces manual work. Its 3D modeling capability allows designers to detect and resolve clashes early in the design process, avoiding costly rework. SP3D’s integration with other software improves collaboration and data consistency.

Q4. Can you discuss SP3D’s role in piping design?

In piping design, SP3D is used for creating detailed 3D models of piping systems. It allows for accurate placement of pipes, fittings, and valves. Features like auto-routing and clash detection help in optimizing piping layouts, ensuring compliance with design standards and improving overall efficiency.

Q5. What are the system requirements for running SP3D?

SP3D requires a high-performance computer with a multi-core processor, ample RAM (16GB or more), dedicated graphics card, and considerable disk space. It also requires a Windows operating system and compatible software for database and server management.

Q6. Describe the process of creating a new project in SP3D.

Creating a new project in SP3D involves setting up project parameters, defining the work breakdown structure, and configuring project-specific settings. This includes establishing design codes, setting up databases, and defining user roles and permissions for project collaboration.

Q7. How does SP3D handle data management?

SP3D uses a centralized database approach for data management. This ensures all project data is stored in a single location, providing consistency and integrity. The database stores information about design elements, properties, and project changes, allowing for easy retrieval and modification.

Q8. What are some common challenges in using SP3D, and how can they be overcome?

Challenges include steep learning curve, managing large data sets, and integration with other systems. Overcoming these involves comprehensive training, ensuring robust hardware and network infrastructure, and using compatible software versions for smooth integration.

Q9. Explain how SP3D integrates with other engineering software.

SP3D integrates with other engineering software like PDS, PDMS, and AutoCAD. This allows for the import and export of data, seamless collaboration across different design platforms, and enhances project efficiency by leveraging data across various software tools.

Q10. What is the significance of SP3D in project collaboration?

SP3D enhances project collaboration by allowing multiple users to work on the same project simultaneously. Its centralized database system and compatibility with other software facilitate coordinated efforts across different engineering disciplines, leading to more cohesive and integrated project outcomes.

Q11. How does SP3D support compliance with industry standards?

SP3D supports compliance by including libraries and templates that align with industry standards. It allows customization to adhere to specific regulations and standards, ensuring that designs meet safety, quality, and operational requirements.

Q12. Discuss the role of SP3D in plant lifecycle management.

SP3D plays a vital role in plant lifecycle management by providing a comprehensive 3D model of the plant. This model is used throughout the plant's lifecycle, from initial design and construction to operation and maintenance, aiding in planning, modifications, and decommissioning activities.

Q13. What are the benefits of SP3D in plant safety management?

SP3D contributes to plant safety management by enabling the creation of accurate and detailed 3D models. These models help in identifying potential safety issues, planning safe plant layouts, and conducting safety analyses and simulations.

Q14. How does SP3D facilitate cost reduction in plant design projects?

SP3D reduces costs by minimizing design errors, reducing the need for physical prototypes, and optimizing the design process. Its clash detection and resolution capabilities save costs associated with rework and delays, leading to more cost-effective project execution.

Q15. Can you explain the process of clash detection in SP3D?

Clash detection in SP3D involves the automatic identification of interferences between different design elements. The software scans the 3D model to detect physical overlaps or close proximities that could lead to issues during construction or operation, allowing designers to resolve these clashes during the design phase.

Q16. What is the importance of SP3D training for professionals?

SP3D training is crucial for professionals as it equips them with the necessary skills to effectively use the software. It covers various aspects of the software, including modeling techniques, project setup, data management, and best practices, essential for successful project outcomes.

Q17. Describe the types of modeling supported by SP3D.

SP3D supports various types of modeling, including piping, equipment, structural, and HVAC modeling. Each modeling type has specific tools and functions tailored to the design requirements of these disciplines, allowing for comprehensive and detailed 3D plant models.

Q18. How does SP3D contribute to environmental sustainability in design?

SP3D contributes to environmental sustainability by enabling more efficient and accurate designs. This leads to optimal use of materials and resources, reducing waste and the environmental impact of construction and operation of plants.

Q19. Discuss the role of SP3D in retrofitting and plant expansion projects.

For retrofitting and expansion projects, SP3D is invaluable in updating existing models, planning extensions, and integrating new components seamlessly into existing structures. Its precision and compatibility with legacy systems make it ideal for such complex projects.

Q20. What future developments do you foresee in SP3D technology?

Future developments in SP3D technology may include enhanced integration with virtual and augmented reality for immersive design experiences, greater use of AI for predictive design analytics, and cloud-based collaboration features for more flexible and scalable project management.

Workday HCM & its Core Concepts

Workday Human Capital Management (HCM) Certification Course and Online Training by Multisoft Virtual Academy is a comprehensive, cloud-based solution designed to aid organizations in their HR functions, from talent acquisition to retirement. Workday HCM online training programs aim to equip learners with the knowledge and skills required to operate, configure, and implement this solution effectively. As businesses evolve and HR requirements grow increasingly complex, there is a palpable need for systems that are both intuitive and powerful. Enter Workday HCM, a solution that not only addresses conventional HR needs but also provides tools for strategic human resource initiatives.

In the rapidly changing world of HR technology, Workday Human Capital Management stands out as a comprehensive solution tailored for modern businesses. Multisoft Virtual Academy, in recognizing the platform's potential and industry demand, offers training to equip professionals with the skills they need to leverage Workday HCM Training to its fullest.

Core concepts

When diving into the world of Workday Human Capital Management (HCM), one quickly realizes the significance of its core concepts. These fundamental ideas form the backbone of Workday's design and functionality, ensuring that the platform can cater to the nuanced and ever-evolving needs of global businesses. Here's a closer look at these core concepts and why they're essential for anyone hoping to grasp the full potential of Workday HCM online course.

1. Business Objects

At the heart of Workday's architecture are Business Objects, which are essentially representations of real-world entities. Think of them as the digital avatars of actual business elements – be it a person, an organization, a role, or even a concept like a financial transaction. Business Objects hold data and can be associated with business processes, allowing for automation and data-driven decision-making.

2. Business Processes

Business Processes in Workday denote a sequence of tasks that achieve a specific outcome, such as hiring an employee or changing someone's job role. These processes are configurable, meaning businesses can tailor them to mirror their real-world operational procedures. Each step in a business process can have conditions, approvals, and notifications, ensuring both flexibility and governance.

3. Workday Organizations

Organizations are foundational structures within Workday that classify workers and jobs into various categories. These include:

  • · Supervisory Organizations: Define reporting hierarchies, i.e., who reports to whom.
  • · Matrix Organizations: Represent secondary reporting relationships, often seen in project-based roles.
  • · Cost Centers: Used primarily for financial tracking, linking workforce costs to specific business units or projects.
  • · Custom Organizations: Offer flexibility by allowing businesses to define their own categories based on unique needs.

4. Staffing Models

Workday offers three primary staffing models to align with diverse organizational practices:

  • · Position Management: Each job role has a specific position tied to it, offering tight control over headcount and vacancies.
  • · Job Management: Focuses on the job role rather than individual positions. It offers more flexibility, especially in high-turnover environments.
  • · Headcount Management: Concentrates on the number of employees without getting into specifics of job roles or positions.

5. Workday Tenants

In Workday, a 'tenant' is a distinct environment. There are primarily three types:

  • · Implementation Tenant (GMS): A sandbox environment used for configuration during the initial implementation.
  • · Production Tenant: The live environment where actual business operations occur.
  • · Preview Tenant: A mirror of the production tenant, used for testing purposes, especially before major updates.

Workday Objects: Business Objects & Related Business Processes

Workday's architecture is, at its core, object-oriented, which lends itself to flexibility, scalability, and a high degree of configurability. To truly understand the system and its capabilities, it's essential to grasp two fundamental concepts: Business Objects and Business Processes. Let’s delve deeper into these foundational building blocks of the Workday ecosystem.

1. Business Objects (BOs):

Business Objects in Workday are essentially digital representations or "blueprints" of real-world entities or concepts. They encapsulate data and define relationships, behaviors, and interactions within the system. Some key characteristics and components include:

  • · Data: Every Business Object encapsulates a set of related data. For instance, an Employee BO will encompass data such as name, date of birth, hire date, compensation, etc.
  • · Fields: These are individual data points or attributes within a Business Object. Using the Employee BO example, "name" or "hire date" would be fields.
  • · Instances: An instance of a Business Object is a specific realization of the object. For the Employee BO, each individual employee in the system (like John Doe or Jane Smith) would be an instance.
  • · Relationships: Business Objects don’t exist in isolation. They can have relationships with other BOs. For example, an Employee BO might be related to a Position BO, which in turn might be linked to a Department BO.

2. Related Business Processes (BPs):

Workday’s operational flow is governed by Business Processes. These are sequences of tasks or steps designed to achieve a specific business outcome. Related to Business Objects, they define how the system should behave or react when certain actions are taken on a BO. Key components and characteristics include:

  • · Events: Each business process is triggered by a specific event. This could be anything from hiring a new employee to requesting time off. Each event corresponds to a Business Object, setting the process in motion.
  • · Tasks and Steps: Once initiated, a BP consists of a series of tasks or steps to be completed. These can be actions (like entering data), approvals (a manager signing off on a request), or checks (verifying prerequisites).
  • · Conditions: BPs can be configured to adjust based on specific conditions. For instance, a leave request might have different approval paths depending on the duration of the leave.
  • · Notifications: Automated alerts can be set up at different stages of a BP to inform stakeholders of the process's status or next steps.
  • · Security and Roles: Access to and control over various stages of a BP are governed by Workday’s robust security model. Different roles can be assigned different permissions, ensuring that sensitive tasks are accessed only by authorized individuals.

Integration of Business Objects and Business Processes

The real power of Workday comes from the intricate integration of Business Objects and Business Processes. When a user interacts with a Business Object (like creating a new job position), it triggers a related Business Process (like the hiring process). This sequence ensures that the platform remains both structured and fluid, allowing for streamlined operations while maintaining organizational checks and balances.

Types of Workday Organization - Supervisory, Matrix, and Custom

Within the realm of Workday HCM, one of the system's strengths lies in its capability to structure and represent a company's organizational layout and relationships. Organizations in Workday allow companies to categorize and manage their workers, roles, and hierarchies more efficiently. Understanding the primary types of organizations - Supervisory, Matrix, and Custom - is crucial for effective use and configuration of the platform.

1. Supervisory Organizations

Supervisory Organizations are the most foundational and frequently used organization type in Workday. They depict the managerial hierarchy within a company, reflecting the direct reporting relationships between employees.

  • · Structure: Supervisory Organizations are typically arranged in a hierarchical tree structure. Each organization has a manager, and this relationship dictates the primary reporting line.
  • · Function: They primarily define who reports to whom. When an employee is hired or moves roles, they are assigned to a supervisory organization which determines their direct manager.
  • · Implications: Many of Workday's core HR functions, such as staffing, compensation, and performance reviews, are managed at the Supervisory Organization level. For instance, certain compensation packages or benefits may be specific to a particular supervisory organization.

2. Matrix Organizations

Matrix Organizations in Workday cater to companies with matrix management structures, where employees might have dual reporting relationships. This is especially common in project-driven industries like consulting or IT.

  • · Structure: Unlike the strict hierarchy of supervisory organizations, matrix structures allow for more fluidity. An employee can have one primary manager (defined by their supervisory organization) and one or more additional managers (defined by the matrix organization).
  • · Function: They capture secondary or dotted-line reporting relationships. An employee might report to a primary supervisor for general job functions but report to a project manager for the duration of a specific project.
  • · Implications: Matrix Organizations enable companies to manage resources more effectively across different projects or functions. They provide clarity on responsibilities and ensure that even in dual reporting scenarios, performance management, and task allocation is streamlined.

3. Custom Organizations

Custom Organizations offer businesses the flexibility to create organizations based on unique needs that are not depicted by supervisory or matrix structures.

  • · Structure: Their structure is determined by the specific requirements of the business. For instance, a company might want to group employees based on specific skills, product lines, or customer segments.
  • · Function: Custom Organizations allow companies to categorize workers for purposes other than managerial reporting. This could be for budgetary control, analytics, talent planning, or any other specialized business need.
  • · Implications: By enabling businesses to create tailored organizational groupings, Workday ensures that the system can adapt to diverse and niche business models. Whether it's for reporting, analytics, or specialized workflows, Custom Organizations add an extra layer of configurability to the platform.

Staffing Models in Workday: Position Management, Job Management, and Headcount Management

In Workday, the staffing model you choose determines how you manage your workforce and fill vacancies. It dictates the way jobs and positions are structured, how hiring takes place, and how any changes to workforce composition are handled. Workday offers three primary staffing models, each catering to different organizational needs: Position Management, Job Management, and Headcount Management. Let’s delve into each of these to understand their significance and application.

1. Position Management

  • · Overview: This model provides the most granular level of workforce control. Every role in the organization is defined as a distinct position with its unique identifier.
  • · Functionality:
  • · Each position can exist whether it's filled or vacant.
  • · When an employee leaves, the position remains, awaiting the next hire or reassignment.
  • · Positions can be tied to specific Supervisory Organizations, locations, cost centers, or other attributes.
  • · Use Case: This model is ideal for organizations that require tight control over each role, such as government agencies or institutions with strict headcount controls and budgetary constraints.

2. Job Management

  • · Overview: Here, the emphasis is on the role or job profile rather than individual positions. While positions in the Position Management model are concrete and specific, in Job Management, they are fluid and generalized.
  • · Functionality:
  • · Jobs are defined by their attributes (e.g., role, responsibilities, qualifications), not by vacancies or filled roles.
  • · When hiring, instead of filling a pre-defined position, a new role is essentially created based on the job profile.
  • · There's more flexibility in moving employees around without the constraints of fixed positions.
  • · Use Case: Suitable for dynamic companies that experience frequent role changes, rapid scaling, or have a more fluid organizational structure, like startups or certain tech firms.

3. Headcount Management

  • · Overview: The focus shifts from specific roles or positions to mere numbers. This model is about ensuring an organization maintains its desired number of employees without delving into specific job details.
  • · Functionality:
  • · The organization sets a headcount limit for different units or categories. For instance, a department might have a headcount limit of 50 employees.
  • · It doesn't matter which specific roles these employees have; what matters is not exceeding the set number.
  • · Hiring, promotions, or any staffing changes are made keeping the headcount limit in mind.
  • · Use Case: This model suits organizations that need high-level control without the intricacies of specific roles or job profiles, often seen in seasonal industries or sectors with generalized roles.


Understanding Workday's core concepts is pivotal for both end-users and those responsible for its configuration and administration. These principles aren't just theoretical constructs; they're reflections of real-world business dynamics, intricately woven into a digital platform. By mastering these fundamentals, businesses can harness Workday HCM's full capabilities, ensuring streamlined operations, enhanced decision-making, and robust governance. So, let’s enroll in Multisoft Virtual Academy’s Workday HCM Online Certification Training to reach new heights!

Whether you're a HR professional, a consultant, or a decision-maker, a deep-rooted understanding of these core concepts will empower you to leverage Workday to its utmost potential.

Top 10 Artificial Intelligence Technologies

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science focused on creating intelligent machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. These tasks include learning, problem-solving, perception, decision-making, and language understanding. AI combines algorithms, data, and computational power to mimic and even surpass human cognitive abilities, transforming how we interact with technology and approach complex problems.

The realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is evolving at an unprecedented pace, transforming industries and reshaping the way we live and work. In this digital era, technologies related to Multisoft’s AI training are the cornerstone of innovation, driving advancements in various fields. Here’s a comprehensive look at the top 10 AI technologies that are currently leading the charge.

Mentioned below are the top 10 artificial intelligence technologies of today’s world!

1. Machine Learning Platforms

These platforms are at the heart of AI, providing algorithms, APIs, development and training tools, data, as well as computing power to design, train, and deploy models into applications, processes, and other machines. Machine Learning platforms are widely used for prediction and classification. Companies like IBM, Google, and Microsoft are at the forefront of such platforms, offering robust solutions for various applications.

2. Natural Language Processing (NLP)

NLP enables machines to understand and interpret human language. The technology is getting sophisticated enough to understand context, nuance, and subtleties in our speech and text. Applications of NLP are vast, ranging from speech recognition and chatbots to translation services. Google’s BERT and OpenAI's GPT-3 are prime examples of advanced NLP models.

3. Robotics Process Automation (RPA)

RPA uses AI to automate routine and mundane tasks. By mimicking human interactions with software and applications, RPA can handle repetitive tasks such as data entry, customer service inquiries, and even complex financial processes. Companies like UiPath and Blue Prism are leading the RPA revolution.

4. AI-Optimized Hardware

Designed specifically to run AI-oriented computations, this hardware accelerates the processing of AI applications. These include graphics processing units (GPUs) and appliances specifically built and optimized for machine learning and other AI functions. NVIDIA and Intel are key players in AI hardware, offering powerful GPUs and AI-specific processors.

5. Virtual Agents

Virtual agents, commonly known as chatbots, are AI systems capable of interacting with humans. They are widely used in customer service to provide end-users with automated yet seemingly intelligent interactions Generative AI Foundation Certification Training Course. Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, and Microsoft’s Cortana are well-known examples of virtual agents.

6. Decision Management AI

AI in decision management is used to automatically make decisions in set processes. Integrated into various business applications for manual and automated decision-making, they have found their use in a broad range of industries, from retail to banking. These systems are designed to be continuously learning and adapting.

7. Deep Learning Platforms

A special category of machine learning, deep learning platforms use neural network architectures with multiple layers (deep neural networks). They are particularly powerful in pattern recognition and classification, and are fundamental in breakthroughs in areas like speech and image recognition. TensorFlow and PyTorch are prominent deep learning platforms.

8. Biometrics

This technology enables more natural interactions between humans and machines, including image and touch recognition, speech, and body language. Biometrics is increasingly being used in security and authentication contexts, with applications in mobile banking and user access control. Apple’s Face ID and various fingerprint scanning technologies are typical examples.

9. AI in Cybersecurity

AI technologies are being employed to detect and defend against sophisticated cyber threats. By learning and evolving from historical cybersecurity incident data, AI can identify patterns and anomalies that might indicate a threat. Darktrace and IBM’s Watson are leveraging AI in cybersecurity to provide advanced threat detection.

10. AI-Enabled Edge Computing

Edge computing with AI involves processing data where it is generated. By integrating AI capabilities into edge devices, data can be processed locally, reducing latency and improving speed. This is crucial in IoT applications, autonomous vehicles, and smart cities. Companies like Amazon and Google are investing heavily in AI-enabled edge computing solutions.

The Impact of AI Technologies

The impact of these technologies is vast and varied. In healthcare, AI assists in diagnosing diseases and personalizing treatment. In finance, it powers algorithms for fraud detection and risk management. The retail industry uses AI for personalized shopping experiences and inventory management. Across all sectors, AI is enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and innovation.

The Future of AI Technologies

The future of AI certification is geared towards more integrated and sophisticated applications. As AI continues to advance, we can expect it to become more ubiquitous, blending seamlessly into everyday objects and activities. Future AI will likely be more intuitive, capable of understanding and anticipating our needs better. The convergence of AI with other emerging technologies like blockchain and quantum computing could open up new frontiers. There’s also a growing focus on ethical AI, ensuring that these powerful technologies are used responsibly and for the benefit of society.

Challenges and Considerations

Despite its promise, AI faces challenges. Data privacy and security are major concerns, as AI systems rely heavily on data. There’s also the issue of job displacement due to automation. Ensuring that AI is unbiased and equitable remains a significant challenge. Moreover, the complexity of AI systems necessitates a high level of expertise, making skilled professionals in AI a valuable but scarce resource. Continued research and investment in education and training are crucial for the sustained growth and responsible deployment of AI technologies.


Machine Learning & AI Course technologies are not just futuristic concepts but are already deeply embedded in our daily lives. From simplifying tasks to solving complex problems, AI is enhancing human capabilities and transforming industries. As we stand on the brink of AI-driven transformation, it is essential to harness these technologies responsibly, with a focus on sustainable and equitable development. The Artificial Intelligence Training by Multisoft Virtual Academy is an immersive program designed to provide in-depth learning in the field of AI.

The future shaped by AI holds immense potential, and it's up to us to steer it in the right direction for the betterment of society.

Ceridian Dayforce Payroll Tutorial

Welcome to this comprehensive tutorial on Ceridian Dayforce Payroll Training. This guide is designed to help new users understand and navigate the Dayforce Payroll system, a robust and integrated payroll management solution offered by Ceridian. In this article, we will cover the key functionalities, best practices, and tips to efficiently manage payroll operations using Dayforce.

Introduction to Ceridian Dayforce Payroll

Ceridian Dayforce Payroll is a cloud-based payroll processing solution that simplifies payroll management by integrating real-time data across various human resources functions. It offers a single, seamless application for payroll processing, time and attendance, benefits, and HR management. The system is known for its real-time processing capabilities, allowing payroll administrators to view and audit payroll data anytime during the pay cycle, reducing the risk of errors and ensuring compliance with various tax and employment laws.

Therefore, Multisoft Virtual Academy’s Ceridian Dayforce Payroll Training is beneficial for those who are new to the Dayforce system or those looking to deepen their understanding and improve their efficiency in using the software for payroll management.

Getting Started with Dayforce Payroll

1. Logging In

To begin using Dayforce Payroll, log in using your organization-specific credentials. The system offers a secure login process, ensuring that sensitive payroll data remains confidential.

2. Navigating the Dashboard

Once logged in, you'll be greeted with the Dayforce dashboard. This user-friendly interface provides quick access to various payroll functions. Familiarize yourself with the layout, including the navigation bar, where you can access payroll, time and attendance, benefits, and other modules.

3. User Roles and Permissions

Understanding user roles and permissions is crucial in Dayforce. Different roles are assigned varying levels of access and capabilities within the payroll module. Ensure you understand your role and the functionalities available to you.

Key Features of Dayforce Payroll

  • · Real-Time Payroll Processing: One of Dayforce's standout features is its real-time payroll processing capability. Unlike traditional systems, Dayforce allows you to view and modify payroll data throughout the pay period. This immediate access facilitates more accurate and compliant payroll management.
  • · Time and Attendance Integration: Dayforce seamlessly integrates time and attendance data into payroll processing. This integration ensures that hours worked, including overtime and leave, are accurately reflected in payroll calculations.
  • · Tax Management and Compliance: Dayforce provides robust tax management tools, keeping track of various federal, state, and local tax regulations. It automatically updates tax tables, ensuring compliance and reducing the risk of penalties.
  • · Payroll Reporting and Analytics: Dayforce offers extensive reporting and analytics capabilities. Customizable reports can be generated to analyze payroll expenses, tax liabilities, and employee compensation trends, aiding in strategic decision-making.
  • · Employee Self-Service: Employees can access their pay stubs, tax forms, and personal information through the self-service portal. This feature empowers employees and reduces administrative workload for payroll staff.

Running a Payroll Cycle in Dayforce

Running a payroll cycle in Ceridian Dayforce certification is a systematic process that involves several steps to ensure accuracy and compliance. Here's a step-by-step guide to effectively manage a payroll cycle in Dayforce:

1. Data Verification

Before processing payroll, verify all employee data, including hours worked, leave taken, and any other compensation adjustments. Ensure that the time and attendance data is accurately imported into the payroll module.

2. Calculating Payroll

Once data verification is complete, initiate the payroll calculation. Dayforce processes the payroll in real-time, allowing you to review gross-to-net calculations instantly. This step includes computing wages, taxes, deductions, and other withholdings.

3. Review and Audit

Conduct a thorough review and audit of the calculated payroll. Check for any discrepancies or errors. Dayforce's real-time processing allows you to make corrections and view the updated results immediately.

4. Approvals

Once the payroll is reviewed and confirmed accurate, it goes through an approval process. Depending on your organization's policy, this may involve one or more levels of approvals.

5. Finalizing and Distributing Payroll

After approvals, finalize the payroll for the period. Dayforce then facilitates the distribution of pay via direct deposit, checks, or pay cards. Ensure that all payment methods are correctly set up and functioning.

6. Payroll Records and Reporting

Maintain accurate records of each payroll cycle. Generate necessary reports for internal records and compliance purposes. Dayforce stores historical payroll data, which can be accessed for audits and analyses.

Best Practices for Efficient Payroll Management

  • · Stay updated with Dayforce training and updates. Regularly participate in training sessions offered by Ceridian or your organization to keep up with new features and best practices.
  • · Ensure consistent and accurate data entry. Establish standardized procedures for entering time and attendance data and other payroll-related information.
  • · Leverage Dayforce's support resources, including user guides, online forums, and customer support. These resources can provide valuable assistance in resolving issues and improving your payroll management skills.
  • · Create a payroll calendar that outlines all payroll processing dates, tax filing deadlines, and other important dates. This calendar will help you stay organized and ensure timely payroll processing.
  • · Promote the use of the employee self-service portal. Educating employees on how to access their payroll information reduces queries and administrative tasks for the payroll team.


Multisoft’s Ceridian Dayforce Payroll training is a powerful tool that transforms how organizations manage their payroll operations. By understanding its functionalities and adopting best practices, you can efficiently process payroll, ensure compliance, and provide valuable insights to your organization. Remember, effective payroll management is a continuous learning process. Stay engaged with the Dayforce community, participate in ongoing training, and keep exploring the system's capabilities to maximize its potential for your organization's payroll needs.

Through comprehensive corporate training programs, employees can gain in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience with Dayforce, leading to more accurate payroll processing, compliance with legal standards, and improved employee satisfaction.

CyberArk Training Tutorial

CyberArk is a specialized security software focused on Privileged Access Management (PAM). It safeguards critical assets and infrastructure by securing, managing, and monitoring privileged accounts and credentials. CyberArk provides robust protection against cyber threats that target high-level access points, thereby playing a crucial role in an organization's overall cybersecurity framework and helping maintain regulatory compliance and operational security.

Top of Form

Multisoft Virtual Academy’s CyberArk online training focuses on securing privileged accounts in an organization - these are accounts with elevated access and rights, making them a prime target for cyber-attacks. The CyberArk suite includes tools for password management, session management, threat analytics, and more.

This article serves as a comprehensive tutorial for those looking to understand and implement CyberArk effectively through training.

Why CyberArk Training?

As cyber threats become more sophisticated, the need for skilled professionals in PAM solutions like CyberArk increases. Training empowers IT and security professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge to implement, manage, and leverage the CyberArk suite effectively, ensuring the security of critical assets.

The Core Components of CyberArk Training

1. Introduction to Privileged Access Management

    • Understanding the concept of privileged access and its importance in cybersecurity.
    • The role of PAM in protecting an organization's critical assets.

2. CyberArk Architecture

    • Overview of the CyberArk solution, including its components and how they interact.
    • Details on the CyberArk Digital Vault, Central Policy Manager (CPM), Privileged Session Manager (PSM), and Password Vault Web Access (PVWA).

3. Installation and Configuration

    • Step-by-step guide on installing CyberArk components.
    • Best practices for configuring CyberArk in different environments.

4. Managing Privileged Accounts

    • Techniques for securing and managing privileged accounts.
    • Understanding policies and access controls.

5. Using CyberArk for Password Management

    • How CyberArk secures and manages passwords.
    • Automated password rotation and management.

6. Session Management and Monitoring

    • Tools for monitoring privileged sessions.
    • Techniques for detecting and responding to suspicious activities.

7. Integrating CyberArk with Other Systems

    • Strategies for integrating CyberArk with other IT systems, like SIEM, for enhanced security.

8. CyberArk Administration and Troubleshooting

    • Daily administration tasks for a CyberArk environment.
    • Troubleshooting common issues and challenges.

Key Features of CyberArk

  • CyberArk uses multiple layers of security, including encryption and segregation, to protect privileged credentials.
  • Suitable for organizations of all sizes, it can be scaled as per the growing needs.
  • Helps in meeting various compliance requirements like SOX, HIPAA, and GDPR.
  • Comprehensive auditing and reporting capabilities for enhanced visibility and control.

Benefits of CyberArk Training

CyberArk, a leading solution in Privileged Access Management (PAM), offers numerous benefits that are crucial for modern organizations in maintaining robust cybersecurity. These benefits include:

  • Enhanced Security for Privileged Accounts: CyberArk provides robust protection for privileged accounts, which are often targeted by cyber attackers due to their high-level access rights. By securing these accounts, CyberArk significantly reduces the risk of data breaches and cyber-attacks.
  • Regulatory Compliance: CyberArk helps organizations comply with regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, SOX, and others by providing secure management of privileged accounts.
  • Reduced Insider Threats: Insider threats, whether intentional or accidental, pose a significant risk to organizations. CyberArk mitigates this risk by controlling and monitoring privileged access, ensuring that users only have the access they need to perform their job.
  • Audit and Reporting Capabilities: CyberArk’s comprehensive audit trails and reporting tools enable organizations to track and analyze access and activities on privileged accounts. This is vital for both security and compliance, providing transparency and accountability.
  • Automated Password Management: The solution automates the management of privileged credentials, including password rotation and enforcing password policies, thereby reducing the administrative burden and the risk of human error.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: CyberArk’s scalable architecture ensures that it can accommodate the growing needs of an organization, adapting to changes in the IT environment without compromising on security.

Preparing for CyberArk Training

Before starting your training, it's helpful to:

  • Have a basic understanding of cybersecurity concepts.
  • Familiarize yourself with basic network and IT concepts.
  • Set up a dedicated study schedule.

Advanced Topics

Beyond the basics, advanced CyberArk certification often includes:

1. Customizing CyberArk Solutions

  • Tailoring CyberArk solutions to fit specific organizational needs.
  • Developing custom plugins and extensions for enhanced functionality.

2. Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

  • Implementing strategies for CyberArk environment recovery.
  • Ensuring minimal downtime and data integrity during incidents.

3. Advanced Threat Analytics

  • Analyzing threats specific to privileged accounts.
  • Utilizing CyberArk's threat analytics to predict and prevent breaches.

4. Automating Security Tasks

  • Utilizing CyberArk's APIs for automation.
  • Integrating CyberArk with orchestration tools for streamlined security processes.

Real-World Applications and Case Studies

Training incorporates case studies and real-world scenarios, providing insights into:

  • How companies have successfully implemented CyberArk.
  • Common challenges in privileged access management and how to overcome them.
  • Lessons learned from high-profile cyberattacks involving privileged credentials.


Post-training, you might consider pursuing certifications like:

  • CyberArk Certified Delivery Engineer (CDE): For those involved in implementing CyberArk solutions.
  • CyberArk Certified Defender (CCD): Focusing on managing and monitoring the CyberArk suite.

Continuing education is crucial in cybersecurity. Stay updated with:

  • Webinars and online courses.
  • CyberArk community forums and knowledge bases.
  • Industry conferences and workshops.

Implementing CyberArk in Your Organization

Post-training, when implementing CyberArk, consider:

  • Assessment and Planning: Assess current security posture and plan the CyberArk deployment accordingly.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Engage with key stakeholders to ensure their requirements are met and they understand the benefits.
  • Pilot Testing: Conduct a pilot test to identify potential issues before full-scale implementation.
  • Training and Awareness: Educate other team members about CyberArk functionalities and best practices.

Measuring the Impact of CyberArk

Once implemented, evaluate the impact of CyberArk through:

  • Reduction in privileged account-related incidents.
  • Improved compliance and audit performance.
  • Feedback from users and stakeholders.

Keep an eye on how emerging technologies like AI and machine learning are integrated into CyberArk solutions for enhanced security capabilities.

Final Thoughts

Multisoft Virtual Academy’s CyberArk online training is more than just learning a tool; it's about embracing a strategic approach to cybersecurity. As cyber threats evolve, so must our skills and tools. With this training, you'll be well-equipped to face modern cybersecurity challenges, making you an invaluable asset to any organization.

Remember, in the world of cybersecurity, knowledge and skills are your best defense.

ServiceNow Training Tutorial for Beginners

ServiceNow, as a cloud-based IT service management (ITSM) solution, plays a crucial role in modern IT and business operations. Its expansive managed workflow system streamlines and automates various enterprise service domains, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness. The focus on service delivery, availability, customer interaction, and resource optimization make it a valuable tool for organizations across different sectors. The growth potential of the Cloud ITSM market, with ServiceNow being a key player, underscores the platform's relevance in the future of IT service management. This growth projection, coupled with the platform's versatility, makes ServiceNow a promising career avenue. Individuals seeking to enter this field can benefit significantly from specialized training, such as the ServiceNow Online Training, which equips them with the necessary skills and knowledge.

Given the high demand for ServiceNow training expertise, as reflected in the impressive average salary statistics from, pursuing a career in this area appears to be a strategic choice. This ServiceNow tutorial aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to the platform, covering all the essential aspects required for a solid foundation in ServiceNow operations and applications. This knowledge is not only valuable for career development but also for contributing effectively to the digital transformation initiatives of businesses.

What is ServiceNow?

ServiceNow is indeed a prominent cloud-based platform, primarily known for its IT service management (ITSM) capabilities. It enables organizations to automate and streamline their IT and business processes. What sets ServiceNow apart is its highly adaptive nature, allowing customization and configuration to meet the specific needs of different users and instances. Founded in 2004 by Fred Luddy, ServiceNow has its roots in the experience and vision of a leader familiar with the nuances of IT service management, given Luddy's background with companies like Remedy Corporation and Peregrine Systems. This expertise is reflected in the platform's comprehensive approach.

One of ServiceNow's key strengths is its ability to consolidate various services and processes into a unified system of record. This integration capability simplifies and centralizes the management of enterprise operations, from IT services to customer service and security operations. By providing a single platform for these diverse functions, ServiceNow helps organizations enhance efficiency, reduce silos, and improve overall service delivery and management.

Why do we need ServiceNow?

ServiceNow certification is essential for several reasons in the modern business landscape:

  • Streamlining Operations: ServiceNow's cloud-based platform enables organizations to replace outdated processes with more efficient, automated workflows. This modernization is key in keeping pace with the rapid evolution of business practices and technology.
  • Centralized Request Handling: It provides a single point where requests from machines, customers, and employees converge. This centralization streamlines how requests are managed, enhancing overall operational efficiency.
  • Cross-Departmental Collaboration: ServiceNow facilitates collaboration across different departments. Teams can prioritize, assign, and work on requests together, leading to more effective problem-solving and issue resolution.
  • Enhanced Problem Identification: By allowing various departments to collaborate effectively, ServiceNow aids in more creatively and efficiently identifying and addressing problems. This leads to quicker resolutions and improved processes.
  • Improved Service Levels: Implementing ServiceNow can lead to significant enhancements in service delivery. By automating and optimizing service management, organizations can provide faster and more reliable services to their users.
  • Boosting Productivity: ServiceNow drives efficiency, enabling work to be completed faster and more effectively than traditional methods. This increase in productivity is beneficial not just for IT teams but across the entire organization.

Therefore, ServiceNow admin training is more than just an IT tool; it's a comprehensive platform that transforms how organizations manage and deliver services, fostering a more integrated, efficient, and agile approach to business operations.


ServiceNow, as a comprehensive service management platform, offers a range of features that make it highly beneficial for organizations. These features include:

  • Customer-Centric Hosting with Lower Maintenance Costs: ServiceNow provides a hosting solution that focuses on delivering optimal customer experiences while simultaneously reducing the costs associated with maintenance. This is achieved through its cloud-based nature, which eliminates the need for extensive on-premise infrastructure.
  • Ease of Customization: One of the platform's key strengths is its high level of customizability. Organizations can tailor the platform to their specific needs, whether it's modifying workflows, creating custom applications, or integrating with other systems. This flexibility allows companies to adapt the platform to their evolving business requirements.
  • Live Reporting and Monitoring: ServiceNow includes robust live reporting and monitoring capabilities, enabling organizations to gain real-time insights into their operations. This feature is crucial for making informed decisions, tracking the performance of various services, and identifying areas for improvement.
  • Data Integrity and Privacy: The platform places a strong emphasis on data integrity and privacy. It ensures that data is accurately maintained and protected, complying with various data protection regulations. This is especially important for organizations that handle sensitive information.
  • Enhanced Internal Monitoring: ServiceNow allows for improved monitoring of internal processes. This enhanced oversight helps in identifying inefficiencies, managing resources effectively, and ensuring that the organization's internal workflows are running smoothly and align with business objectives.

ServiceNow's features are designed to support efficient, secure, and flexible service management, making it a valuable tool for organizations looking to optimize their IT and business processes.

ServiceNow Software Asset Management training is a comprehensive solution that helps organizations efficiently manage and optimize their software assets. It provides a centralized platform for tracking software licenses, usage, and compliance. SAM enables businesses to reduce software costs by identifying unused or underutilized licenses, ensuring compliance with licensing agreements, and automating software procurement processes.

ServiceNow Terminology

ServiceNow's terminology reflects its functionality and user-centric design, helping to streamline and manage various aspects of service management. Understanding these terms is essential for effectively utilizing the platform:

  • Lists: Lists in ServiceNow are interfaces that display sets of records retrieved from a data table.
  • Forms: Forms are used to display, enter, or update a single record from a data table.
  • Users: Users are individuals who interact with the ServiceNow platform within an enterprise.
  • Roles: Roles in ServiceNow define the permissions and access levels of users based on their responsibilities within the organization.
  • Groups: Groups are collections of users who perform similar tasks or have similar responsibilities within the organization.

ServiceNow IT Asset Management (ITAM) training is a comprehensive solution designed to efficiently manage an organization's IT assets throughout their lifecycle. It enables businesses to gain better visibility into their IT infrastructure, track asset usage, optimize procurement, and ensure compliance with licensing agreements. ServiceNow ITAM helps in reducing costs by eliminating asset redundancies and optimizing asset utilization.

ServiceNow Configuration

The ITSM (IT Service Management) guided setup in ServiceNow is indeed an effective and streamlined way to configure the platform, especially for initial setup. This approach is designed to simplify and guide the configuration process, making it more accessible, especially for system administrators or those new to ServiceNow. Here's how it works:

  • Accessing ITSM Guided Setup: Typically, a system administrator with the necessary permissions can access the ITSM guided setup. To do this, they would navigate to the ITSM option in the main navigation bar and select “ITSM Guided Setup.” From there, clicking on the 'Get Started' button initiates the setup process.
  • Step-by-Step Configuration Tasks: The ITSM guided setup presents a series of tasks or steps that guide users through configuring various IT service management applications within their ServiceNow instance. This structured approach ensures that all key aspects of setup and configuration are covered.
  • Customization Options: During the setup, administrators can customize various elements such as the company logo, company name, and banner. Additionally, they can specify which fields should be displayed in lists and forms, tailoring the interface to the organization's specific needs.
  • Configuring Main Applications: Besides basic customization, the ITSM guided setup assists in configuring main applications like Incident Management, Change Management, and others. This is crucial as these applications are core to IT service management and often require careful setup to align with organizational processes and policies.
  • Guidance and Best Practices: The ITSM guided setup not only provides a step-by-step approach but also incorporates best practices and recommendations, making it easier for administrators to configure the platform effectively.

By using the ITSM guided setup, organizations can ensure a comprehensive and well-structured configuration of their ServiceNow instance, laying a solid foundation for efficient IT service management.


This comprehensive ServiceNow tutorial by Multisoft Virtual Academy offers a deep dive into various critical aspects of the platform, making it an invaluable resource for anyone looking to master ServiceNow. From understanding the basics of what ServiceNow is, to more advanced topics like development, configuration, administration, and scripting, this tutorial covers a broad spectrum of necessary skills and knowledge.

This tutorial is particularly beneficial for those aiming to gain a holistic understanding of ServiceNow, whether they're new to the platform or looking to enhance their existing skills. It's structured to provide both theoretical knowledge and practical application, ensuring a well-rounded learning experience.

SAP FICO tutorial for beginners

SAP FICO, standing for Financial Accounting (FI) and Controlling (CO), is an integral module of SAP ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and is central to managing a company's financial transactions and reporting functions.

The SAP FICO Training is designed to accommodate learners with different backgrounds, with no specific prerequisites required. Through this course, Multisoft Virtual Academy delivers a comprehensive and practical understanding of SAP FICO, empowering learners to effectively manage financial operations using this robust SAP module.

Multisoft Virtual Academy offers an immersive tutorial on SAP FICO, an integral part of SAP ERP, responsible for managing financial transactions and reporting within a business. The course is divided into two core areas: SAP FI (Financial Accounting) and SAP CO (Controlling). SAP FI automates and integrates all financial accounting processes, including financial reporting, accounts receivable and payable, and general ledger accounting. On the other hand, SAP CO controls the costs of business operations and aids in planning, reporting, and monitoring operations. The tutorial by MVA meticulously covers these areas, offering learners a deep dive into SAP FICO functionalities. Each concept is reinforced through real-world examples and case studies, thereby providing learners with an applied understanding of SAP FICO.

Core Features of SAP FICO

SAP FICO is comprised of two sub-modules: SAP FI and SAP CO.

SAP FI (Financial Accounting) is designed to automate, integrate, and manage all the financial accounting processes within an organization. It handles key financial tasks such as financial reporting, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and general ledger accounting. It provides real-time data and supports financial analysis and decision-making.

SAP CO (Controlling) complements SAP FI and provides a detailed picture of the company's operations by managing and controlling the costs involved in running a business. It helps organizations plan, report, and monitor the company's operations and performance.

SAP FICO Tutorial

The SAP FICO tutorial by MVA offers in-depth coverage of the SAP FICO module's functionalities. The course begins with an introduction to the SAP environment and the basics of SAP FI, moving on to detailed coverage of key aspects such as General Ledger Accounting, Accounts Receivable and Payable, Asset Accounting, and Bank Accounting.

The Controlling part of the tutorial covers Cost Element Accounting, Cost Center Accounting, Profit Center Accounting, and Internal Orders. Students get to learn the configuration and use of these areas, including how to manage master data and handle various transactions.

Career Prospects

Learning SAP FICO opens up a multitude of career opportunities. The roles are in high demand across various industries, offering excellent career growth and lucrative remuneration. Here are a few career paths one could explore after gaining proficiency in SAP FICO:

  • SAP FICO Consultant
  • SAP FICO Analyst
  • SAP FICO Project Manager
  • SAP FICO End User
  • SAP FICO Trainer

How does it function?

SAP FICO is a tool that enables organizations to maintain and handle data related to financial and managerial accounting. This functionality facilitates the creation of dependable financial reports, crucial for strategic decision-making processes. Through SAP FICO, corporate executives gain a detailed understanding of their firm's financial health, both in its present state and from a historical perspective. This comprehensive view empowers them to effectively strategize and plan for the future growth and development of the company.

In an SAP environment, the Controlling (CO) and Financial Accounting (FI) modules function autonomously yet interact closely. There is a continuous exchange of data between these modules, influencing the flow of costs. The system utilizes various Controlling account assignment objects like cost centers, business processes, projects, and orders to allocate costs and revenues. This interaction plays a crucial role in how expenses and earnings are distributed and managed within the SAP framework.

What is Fiscal year?

In the SAP FICO module, the fiscal year is an essential aspect, as it sets the framework for financial reporting. The fiscal year variant is used to define the fiscal year, and it is independent of the calendar year.

The fiscal year can be set as a "Year Dependent" or "Year Independent" variant. The Year Dependent variant is used when the fiscal year changes from year to year. In contrast, the Year Independent variant is used when the fiscal year does not change.

The SAP system supports two types of fiscal year variants:

  1. Non-calendar fiscal year: This variant is used when the fiscal year does not coincide with the calendar year. For example, a fiscal year might start in April and end in March of the next year.
  2. Calendar fiscal year: This variant is used when the fiscal year aligns with the calendar year, i.e., from January to December.

During SAP FICO certification, you'll learn how to define a fiscal year variant, assign it to a company code, and maintain periods, which includes specifying the posting periods for each fiscal year and their corresponding start and end dates. Understanding the concept of fiscal years in SAP FICO is crucial for accurate and efficient financial reporting.

It's worth noting that once the fiscal year variant is defined and assigned to a company code, it should not be changed. Such changes can lead to data inconsistencies and complications in financial reporting.


The SAP FICO tutorial by Multisoft Virtual Academy is much more than a course—it's a holistic learning experience designed to equip learners with practical skills and theoretical knowledge. With its comprehensive curriculum, expert instructors, and learner-friendly approach, this tutorial stands as a valuable resource for corporate training and anyone looking to delve into the world of SAP FICO. By the end of the course, you'll gain a robust understanding of SAP FICO, enabling you to effectively handle financial management tasks within an SAP environment. You'll be well-equipped to contribute to the financial success of your organization and advance your career in the domain of SAP.

So, embark on this enriching journey and steer your career towards promising opportunities in the world of finance and controlling.


Q1. Can SAP FICO be customized to fit specific business needs?

Yes, one of SAP FICO's strengths is its flexibility. It can be customized to align with specific business processes and reporting requirements.

Q2. How does SAP FICO enhance decision-making?

By providing real-time financial data and comprehensive reporting capabilities, SAP FICO enables managers and executives to make informed decisions based on accurate financial insights.

Q3. What are the security features in SAP FICO?

SAP FICO includes robust security features like role-based access controls, audit trails, and compliance with financial regulations, ensuring data integrity and security.

Q4. What is the future scope of SAP FICO professionals?

SAP FICO professionals have a promising future, as financial management and controlling are crucial for any business. With the evolving SAP ecosystem, there is a continuous demand for skilled SAP FICO experts.

Q5. How does SAP FICO handle tax calculations and compliance?

It automates tax calculations and ensures compliance with various tax regulations, supporting different tax codes and jurisdictions for accurate financial processing.

Unlocking the Potential of Identity Management with SailPoint Training at Multisoft Virtual Academy

In an era where digital transformation is at the forefront, the significance of robust identity management cannot be overstated. SailPoint, as a leader in identity governance, offers a comprehensive platform that empowers organizations to manage user access efficiently and securely. This blog delves into the essence of SailPoint training provided by Multisoft Virtual Academy, highlighting its importance, content, benefits, and how it prepares professionals for the challenges of identity management in the digital age.

Why SailPoint Training?

With cybersecurity threats evolving rapidly, organizations are increasingly aware of the need to protect sensitive data and ensure compliance with regulatory standards. SailPoint offers an innovative solution by enabling businesses to manage and monitor user access across various applications and systems. The training in SailPoint equips IT professionals with the necessary skills to implement and manage these solutions effectively.

Multisoft Virtual Academy: Your Gateway to Expertise

Multisoft Virtual Academy stands out as a premier training provider, offering a comprehensive SailPoint course that covers all critical aspects of identity governance. The course is designed for both beginners and experienced professionals, ensuring a deep understanding of SailPoint’s features and capabilities.

Course Content and Structure

The SailPoint training program by Multisoft Virtual Academy is meticulously structured to provide a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Key topics include:

  • Fundamentals of Identity Governance: Understanding the basics of identity management and its importance in modern-day businesses.
  • SailPoint IdentityIQ Architecture: Detailed insights into the architecture and components of SailPoint IdentityIQ.
  • Configuration and Administration: Learning how to configure and administer SailPoint solutions, including user provisioning, password management, and access certifications.
  • Policy Management: Creating and managing security policies to ensure compliance and mitigate risks.
  • Workflow and Reporting: Understanding workflow design and the creation of reports for monitoring and auditing purposes.

Interactive Learning Experience

Multisoft Virtual Academy emphasizes an interactive learning approach, combining expert-led lectures with hands-on lab sessions. This approach ensures that learners can apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios, enhancing their understanding and skills.

Who Should Enroll?

The SailPoint training program is ideal for:

  • IT professionals aiming to specialize in identity governance.
  • System administrators responsible for managing user access and security.
  • Security analysts and consultants looking to broaden their expertise in identity management solutions.
  • Anyone interested in understanding and implementing SailPoint solutions in their organization.

Benefits of SailPoint Training

By completing the SailPoint training with Multisoft Virtual Academy, professionals can:

  • Gain Comprehensive Knowledge: Develop a thorough understanding of SailPoint’s features and functionalities.
  • Enhance Career Prospects: With the rising demand for skilled identity governance professionals, this training opens doors to lucrative career opportunities.
  • Improve Security Posture: Implement effective identity governance strategies to enhance organizational security.
  • Earn Recognition: Receive a certification upon completion, acknowledging your expertise in SailPoint.

Flexibility and Support

Understanding the busy schedules of professionals, Multisoft Virtual Academy offers flexible training schedules. Additionally, learners receive continuous support from expert instructors and access to a wealth of resources for an enriching learning experience.


In conclusion, the SailPoint training by Multisoft Virtual Academy is a comprehensive program that equips professionals with the skills and knowledge required to excel in the field of identity governance. As organizations continue to navigate the complexities of digital transformation, the demand for skilled professionals in this domain is on the rise. This training not only enhances career prospects but also contributes significantly to the security and efficiency of the organizations these professionals serve. Embrace the future of identity management with SailPoint training and become a part of the solution in this ever-evolving digital landscape.

Vector CANoe Training Course Tutorial: Mastering Network Development and Analysis

Welcome to the world of Vector CANoe, an all-encompassing software tool for developing, testing, and analyzing networks in automotive and related industries. This blog will guide you through the essentials of the Vector CANoe Training Course offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy, outlining why this course is a pivotal step in your professional development.

The Importance of Vector CANoe in Today's Industry

Vector CANoe plays a crucial role in the automotive industry, where it's used for the development, simulation, testing, and analysis of electronic networks. The software supports a variety of network standards including CAN, LIN, FlexRay, and Ethernet. With the automotive industry rapidly evolving towards more complex electronic systems and connectivity solutions, the demand for skilled professionals in this area is at an all-time high.

What Does the Vector CANoe Training Course Entail?

The Vector CANoe Training Course offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy is designed to equip you with in-depth knowledge and practical skills in using Vector CANoe. The course covers the following key areas:

  1. Fundamentals of CANoe Operation: Understanding the basic operations, user interface, and features of CANoe.

  2. Network Development and Simulation: Learn how to develop and simulate network models, creating real-world scenarios within the software.

  3. Scripting and Automation: Introduction to scripting languages used in CANoe for automation of tasks and extended functionality.

  4. Analysis and Troubleshooting: Learn how to use CANoe for network analysis, diagnosing, and troubleshooting network issues.

  5. Hands-On Projects: Real-life projects and case studies to apply the learned skills and validate your understanding.

Who Should Enroll?

This course is ideal for professionals in the automotive industry, system engineers, network designers, and anyone looking to deepen their understanding of network development and analysis. Prior knowledge in electronic systems or automotive networks can be beneficial but is not mandatory.

The Multisoft Virtual Academy Edge

Multisoft Virtual Academy stands out for its comprehensive approach to online learning. The key features of their training include:

  • Experienced Instructors: Learn from industry professionals with vast experience in Vector CANoe and automotive networking.

  • Interactive Sessions: The course is designed to be interactive, ensuring a deep and practical understanding of the concepts.

  • Flexibility: Offering flexible schedules to accommodate the busy lives of working professionals.

  • Certification: On completion of the course, you receive a certification from Multisoft Virtual Academy, a testament to your newly acquired skills.

Real-World Applications and Career Advantages

After completing the Vector CANoe Training Course, you will be able to:

  • Efficiently develop and test network systems in the automotive industry.
  • Analyze and troubleshoot network issues, enhancing system reliability.
  • Automate tasks within CANoe, increasing productivity and efficiency.
  • Position yourself for career advancement in a high-demand sector.


The Vector CANoe Training Course by Multisoft Virtual Academy is more than just a tutorial; it's a comprehensive journey into mastering a vital tool in the automotive industry. Whether you are starting your career or looking to upgrade your skills, this course offers a blend of theory, practical skills, and real-world applications. Enroll today and steer your career towards new horizons in network development and analysis!

Informatica IICS: The Complete Online Guide to Cloud Data Management

Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services by Multisoft Virtual Academy is a next-gen integration platform-as-a-service (iPaaS) solution. It is designed to connect, integrate, and manage various data sets across different cloud and on-premises sources. In the age of cloud-driven transformations, efficient integration, and data management capabilities are paramount for businesses to harness the full power of their data. This brings to light the importance of tools like Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services (IICS). To understand and master IICS, professional training becomes indispensable. This is where Multisoft Virtual Academy comes into play, offering a robust Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services (IICS) online training program.

IICS empowers businesses to:

  • Seamlessly integrate data across cloud, hybrid, and on-premises environments.
  • Achieve real-time data synchronization with Cloud Data Integration Elastic services.
  • Execute API management, ensuring connectivity between applications and data sources.

The Significance of Professional Training

While IICS is a powerful tool, mastering its plethora of features requires guidance. Professional training not only expedites the learning process but also ensures that learners acquire both theoretical knowledge and practical insights.

What is Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services (IICS)?

Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services (IICS) is a state-of-the-art Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) solution offered by Informatica, a leader in the data management sphere. It is a holistic platform designed to help businesses efficiently connect, synchronize, and manage data across various cloud and on-premises sources.

Key Features of IICS:

  • Seamless Integration: IICS allows users to integrate data between cloud-based applications, on-premises systems, and a hybrid of the two, ensuring fluid data exchange and reducing integration complexities.
  • Data Synchronization: With IICS, organizations can achieve real-time data synchronization, enabling them to have up-to-date, unified views of their data, regardless of the source.
  • Comprehensive Connectivity: IICS provides a vast array of pre-built connectors to popular cloud and on-premises applications, databases, and protocols.
  • API and Application Integration: Beyond conventional data integration, IICS supports API management, allowing organizations to create, deploy, and manage APIs seamlessly.

Why is IICS Crucial for Businesses?

Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services (IICS) is pivotal for businesses in today's data-driven era. It seamlessly integrates disparate data sources, ensuring consistent, real-time data flow across platforms. This integration empowers businesses with timely insights, enhancing decision-making. Additionally, IICS's advanced features, from AI-driven recommendations to robust error handling, ensure data reliability and operational efficiency.

In an age where data is fragmented across on-premises systems and cloud platforms, IICS stands as a unifying force, making it indispensable for cohesive and agile business operations.

Setting up Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services (IICS)

Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services (IICS) offers an intuitive, user-friendly environment to set up and manage data integration tasks across multiple platforms. While the process is straightforward, setting up IICS correctly is crucial to ensure seamless integrations and optimal performance. This guide offers an overview of the key steps involved in setting up IICS.

1. Account Creation and Configuration

  • Sign Up: Start by creating an account on the Informatica Cloud portal. Choose the appropriate subscription model based on your organization's requirements.
  • Login: Once registered, log in to the Informatica Cloud portal using your credentials.
  • Set Preferences: Navigate to the administrator settings. Here, you can set your preferences, such as time zones, default project folders, and more.

2. Navigating the IICS Console

The IICS console is your central hub for managing integrations. Familiarize yourself with the dashboard, which provides quick access to tasks, services, connections, and more.

3. Installing the Secure Agent

Secure Agent is a lightweight, self-updating program that facilitates secure communication between IICS and your data sources, whether on-premises or in the cloud.

  • Download and Install: Navigate to the "Administrator" section and choose "Runtime Environments." Download the Secure Agent installer specific to your OS (Windows, Linux, etc.) and run it.
  • Configuration: Once installed, the Secure Agent requires activation. Link it to your IICS account by providing your Informatica Cloud credentials.
  • Start the Agent: Ensure the Secure Agent is running whenever you're executing tasks in IICS.

4. Establishing Connections

  • Pre-built Connectors: IICS offers a variety of pre-built connectors for popular databases, applications, and protocols.
  • Custom Connectors: If you have a unique data source, you can also build custom connectors using the Informatica Connector Toolkit.
  • Connection Properties: Each connector will require specific properties, such as hostname, username, password, and more.

5. Designing Integration Tasks

  • Task Wizards: Use the task wizards available in IICS to guide you through the creation of data synchronization or replication tasks.
  • Mapping Designer: For complex integrations, use the Mapping Designer to visually design data flow, transformations, and more.

6. Scheduling and Execution

  • Scheduling: Once your integration tasks are set, you can schedule them to run at specific intervals or trigger them based on certain events.
  • Monitor and Manage: Track the progress of your tasks, monitor their status, and manage any errors or issues through the IICS dashboard.

What is Data Synchronization?

Data synchronization refers to the process of maintaining uniformity and consistency of data sets across different databases, applications, or systems. It ensures that when data is modified in one location (source), those changes are automatically reflected in another (destination).

Data synchronization is a critical aspect of any integration platform, ensuring that data remains consistent and updated across multiple systems. Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services (IICS) provides powerful data synchronization capabilities, enabling businesses to maintain a cohesive, accurate, and real-time view of their data, irrespective of where it resides. Let's delve deeper into the concept and understand how IICS manages this intricate task.

IICS and Data Synchronization: The Highlights

  • Task Wizards: These are step-by-step guides that simplify the creation of data synchronization tasks, making the process accessible and straightforward.
  • Transformation Capabilities: IICS offers robust transformation capabilities, allowing users to define rules and logic to alter data as it moves between systems.
  • Conflict Resolution: IICS provides mechanisms to detect and resolve such conflicts, ensuring data integrity.
  • Audit and Logging: This ensures that businesses have a complete audit trail of what data was moved, when it was synchronized, and if any transformations or alterations were applied.

Key Use Cases for Data Synchronization in IICS

  • Hybrid Cloud Integration: As businesses adopt a mix of on-premises and cloud solutions, IICS can synchronize data across these diverse environments, ensuring consistency.
  • Mergers and Acquisitions: When companies merge or acquire another entity, data from different systems needs to be integrated and synchronized.
  • Data Warehousing: Keeping a data warehouse updated requires regular data feeds from source systems.
  • E-commerce and Retail: Real-time synchronization between inventory, sales platforms, and backend systems ensures that stock levels, prices, and product information remain consistent.

API and Application Integration

1. API Management: In the age of microservices and modular applications, API management has become vital. IICS provides tools for creating, deploying, and managing APIs, ensuring they're scalable, secure, and efficient.

2. Process Designer: This visual tool lets users define and design integration processes, from simple data mappings to multifaceted business workflows.

3. Real-time Integration: With the increasing demand for real-time data, IICS supports event-driven integration patterns.

4. Transformation and Routing: Beyond mere connectivity, data often needs transformation or routing logic when moving between applications or systems.

Advanced IICS Features

Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services (IICS) has rapidly solidified its reputation as a leading Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS). Beyond its basic capabilities for data integration, synchronization, and quality, IICS houses an arsenal of advanced features designed to address complex integration challenges and orchestrate sophisticated data workflows.

Let's embark on a journey through the pinnacle features of IICS that empower organizations to realize unparalleled integration excellence.

1. Advanced Data Transformation

  • Hierarchical Data Processing: IICS provides tools for parsing, transforming, and writing hierarchical data structures, such as XML, JSON, and AVRO, offering businesses flexibility in handling modern data formats.
  • Complex Transformations: Advanced transformations, such as data tokenization, data masking, and sequence generation, help in modifying data for security, compliance, and business-specific requirements.

2. Advanced Task Flow Management

  • Conditional Task Flows: You can design flows that adjust dynamically based on data conditions or external triggers.
  • Parallel Task Execution: IICS supports executing multiple tasks in parallel, optimizing data processing and reducing integration times.

3. Cloud Application Integration

  • Service Connectors: IICS allows for the creation of reusable service connectors, facilitating standardized connections to APIs and services.
  • Advanced API Handling: Beyond basic API integrations, IICS supports complex API processes, handling pagination, batch operations, and advanced error-handling patterns.

4. Data Integration B2B Gateway

  • B2B Protocols: IICS can seamlessly integrate with trading partners using a wide array of B2B protocols, such as EDI X12, EDIFACT, and HL7.
  • Partner Management: You can manage, monitor, and onboard trading partners, streamlining B2B integrations and collaborations.

5. Advanced Error Handling and Monitoring

  • Proactive Monitoring: With IICS's advanced monitoring features, organizations can receive real-time insights into their integration processes, identifying potential issues before they escalate.
  • Customized Error Handling: Users can define complex error-handling routines, including conditional retries, error notifications, and dynamic error-routing.

6. Asset Management and Governance

  • Version Control: IICS provides native version control for integration assets, ensuring that teams can work collaboratively and roll back changes if required.
  • Operational Insights: The platform provides deep insights into data operations, including lineage, data profiling, and audit trails, fostering governance and transparency.

Who Should Enroll?

The IICS online training by Multisoft Virtual Academy is tailored for:

  • Data Integration Specialists looking to expand their knowledge base.
  • IT professionals aiming to transition into the domain of cloud data integration.
  • Organizations planning to migrate or integrate their data across diverse platforms.
  • Fresh graduates aspiring to build a career in data management and integration.


In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, tools like Informatica Cloud Training - IICS Course are redefining how businesses approach data management and integration. Proper training ensures that professionals can leverage these tools to their fullest potential, leading to efficient and streamlined operations.

Multisoft Virtual Academy, with its rich history in professional training and development, stands as a beacon for those looking to master IICS. Their comprehensive training program, combined with their dedication to nurturing skilled professionals, makes them the go-to destination for Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services (IICS) online training.

The Business Developer's Guide to SAP Commerce Cloud Mastery

SAP Commerce Cloud is a part of SAP’s suite of cloud products and plays a pivotal role in fostering e-commerce solutions for businesses of varying scales. From personalizing the user experience to managing intricate order-to-cash processes, SAP Commerce Cloud offers a bouquet of functionalities that drive commerce innovation. As businesses increasingly integrate their operations with this solution, the demand for knowledgeable developers adept at SAP Commerce Cloud's nuances continues to soar.

With the rapid evolution of the digital landscape, companies are incessantly looking for efficient ways to streamline their business processes, boost their sales, and ensure impeccable customer experiences. In this scenario, SAP Commerce Cloud has emerged as a dominant force in the world of digital commerce. Recognizing the burgeoning demand for skilled SAP Commerce Cloud professionals, Multisoft Virtual Academy offers the combined training of C4H340 and C4H341 - SAP Commerce Cloud Business Developer Combo Online Training.


Why Opt for the C4H340 and C4H341 Combo?

Both C4H340 and C4H341 are comprehensive courses, each adding unique value to a developer’s learning journey.

C4H340: This module dives into the foundations of the SAP Commerce Cloud and offers insights into the platform's architecture, data structures, and basic functionalities. It covers:

  1. Understanding the platform's architecture
  2. Recognizing SAP Commerce Cloud accelerators
  3. Working with flexible search and importing/exporting data
  4. Introduction to ImpEx and scripting

C4H341: A step up from the foundational level, this module explores more advanced features of SAP Commerce Cloud. The primary takeaways from C4H341 include:

  1. Mastering complex data modeling
  2. Advanced management of product data and orders
  3. Utilizing advanced features like customizing cockpits
  4. Handling order management and integration techniques

By combining these courses, Multisoft Virtual Academy ensures that students gain an end-to-end comprehension of the SAP Commerce Cloud online training course, from its basic functionalities to its more intricate applications.


Introduction to ImpEx and Scripting in SAP Commerce Cloud

In the realm of SAP Commerce Cloud, understanding and efficiently utilizing tools and functionalities like ImpEx and scripting is crucial. These features streamline data management processes, allowing businesses to create, modify, and synchronize data with ease. Let's delve deeper into what ImpEx and scripting are and their significance in the SAP Commerce Cloud ecosystem.

What is ImpEx?

ImpEx stands for "Import and Export". It is a data exchange tool and a text-based import and export functionality in SAP Commerce Cloud. ImpEx is a unique scripting language developed specifically for data import, update, and export operations in the platform.

Key Features of ImpEx:

  1. Flexible Format: ImpEx scripts can be written in either CSV or XML formats.
  2. Macro Support: ImpEx supports the use of macros, which can simplify scripts by replacing repetitive code snippets.
  3. Support for Multiple Operations: Besides basic importing and exporting, ImpEx can handle data removal, updating, and even commenting for better readability and organization.


Why is ImpEx Important?

  1. Data Synchronization: Businesses can easily sync data between different environments, such as development, staging, and production.
  2. Migration: It's invaluable during platform migration, ensuring data from older systems can be imported to SAP Commerce Cloud without hitches.
  3. Streamlined Updates: Regular data updates, whether product listings or customer data, become more manageable with ImpEx scripts.


Scripting in SAP Commerce Cloud

Scripting in SAP Commerce Cloud pertains to the use of scripts to automate processes, execute specific tasks, or modify data. These scripts can be written in languages supported by the platform, including Groovy, Beanshell, and JavaScript.

Key Uses of Scripting:

  1. Automation: Many repetitive tasks, like data cleanup or periodic data updates, can be automated using scripts.
  2. Customization: Businesses can tailor their SAP Commerce Cloud functionalities using scripts, making the platform more aligned with specific requirements.
  3. Data Manipulation: Scripting can be employed to manipulate data in ways not directly supported by built-in SAP Commerce Cloud functionalities.


Why is Scripting Significant?

  1. Enhanced Efficiency: Automation and customization reduce manual interventions, speeding up processes.
  2. Flexibility: Scripting provides businesses with the flexibility to modify the platform to meet unique needs or industry-specific requirements.
  3. Error Minimization: Automated scripts reduce the risk of human errors in tasks like data entry or updates.


Recognizing SAP Commerce Cloud Accelerators

SAP Commerce Cloud, as a holistic e-commerce solution, is designed to meet the varying needs of different industries and businesses. But setting up a full-fledged commerce platform from scratch can be daunting. That's where SAP Commerce Cloud Accelerators come into play. Accelerators are pre-configured, customizable templates aimed at fast-tracking the implementation of the platform. They provide a strong foundation and best practices to build upon, greatly reducing time-to-market and initial setup efforts.

Accelerators are essentially industry-specific and channel-oriented solution templates. They come loaded with essential functionalities, sample storefronts, responsive web designs, and baseline integrations that cater to different sectors. By deploying an accelerator, businesses can have a running e-commerce website in a fraction of the time it would usually take to develop one from the ground up.


Types of SAP Commerce Cloud Accelerators

Recognizing and understanding the scope of various accelerators is crucial to maximize the potential of SAP Commerce Cloud:

  1. B2C Commerce Accelerator: Tailored for Business-to-Consumer scenarios, this accelerator helps businesses establish a direct online sales channel for consumers. Features include customer registration, order management, search and navigation, promotions, and customer reviews.
  2. B2B Commerce Accelerator: Designed for Business-to-Business models, it includes features like customizable catalogs, order approval workflows, unit management, and repeat order functionalities.
  3. Travel Accelerator: Created for the travel industry, it includes functionalities like multi-dimensional search, bundled offers, and order management tailored for travel services.
  4. Financial Services Accelerator: Catered to the insurance and financial sectors, it includes features for policy management, document handling, and insurance-specific product categorizations.
  5. Telco & Media Accelerator: Built for the telecommunications and media industry, it includes capabilities for handling subscriptions, bundling products with services, and managing digital goods.


Why Use Accelerators?

  1. Speed to Market: By utilizing ready-made templates and best practices, businesses can significantly reduce the time taken to go live.
  2. Customization: While accelerators offer out-of-the-box functionalities, they are also designed to be customizable, ensuring businesses can tailor the platform to their unique needs.
  3. Responsive Design: Accelerators come with built-in responsive web design, ensuring that the storefront is optimized for both desktop and mobile interfaces.
  4. Continuous Updates: SAP regularly updates its accelerators to include new features and best practices, ensuring businesses remain at the forefront of e-commerce capabilities.


Customizing Cockpits in SAP Commerce Cloud

In the multifaceted landscape of SAP Commerce Cloud, cockpits play an instrumental role. Cockpits are intuitive web-based interfaces that provide users with tools and functionalities to manage different aspects of the e-commerce platform. As businesses grow and their needs evolve, the ability to customize these cockpits becomes vital to ensure efficient and streamlined operations.

In SAP Commerce Cloud, several cockpits cater to different operational needs:

  1. Product Cockpit: For managing product data and catalog structures.
  2. Customer Service Cockpit: Enables customer support agents to manage customer data, orders, and tickets.
  3. WCMS (Web Content Management System) Cockpit: For managing website content, including pages, components, and media.
  4. Order Cockpit: Focuses on order management processes.
  5. Admin Cockpit: Tailored for platform-wide administrative tasks, including user roles and permissions.


Steps to Customize Cockpits

  • Understanding the Requirement: Before diving into customization, it's essential to understand the exact needs. Are there functionalities that need to be added? Or existing ones that require modification? Clearly defining the scope is the starting point.
  • Accessing Cockpit Framework: All cockpit customizations happen within the Cockpit Framework, a set of tools and configurations provided by SAP Commerce Cloud.
  • Widget Configuration: Widgets are the building blocks of cockpits. They are the individual units of functionality or display. Customizing a cockpit often means adding, modifying, or removing widgets.
  • Adjusting Layout and UI Elements: Depending on user roles and tasks, the layout of the cockpit can be adjusted. This involves changing the positioning of widgets, altering their sizes, or modifying other UI elements for a more intuitive user experience.
  • Adding Custom Functionalities: For functionalities not present in the default cockpits, developers can create custom extensions and integrate them into the cockpit.


Benefits of Cockpit Customization

  1. Enhanced Productivity: Customized interfaces, tailored to specific business processes, can significantly improve user productivity.
  2. Better User Experience: By aligning the cockpit's design and functionalities with user preferences and tasks, businesses can ensure a more intuitive and user-friendly experience.
  3. Operational Efficiency: Removing unnecessary functionalities and streamlining workflows can lead to faster and more efficient operations.
  4. Role-specific Views: Customization allows businesses to create role-specific views, ensuring that users only see the information and tools pertinent to their tasks.



In today’s fiercely competitive market, the ability to deliver personalized and seamless customer experiences is the difference between a thriving business and an also-ran. SAP Commerce Cloud stands out as a game-changer in this aspect. As businesses worldwide adopt this platform, the demand for skilled professionals in this domain is skyrocketing.

For those aspiring to tap into this wave, the SAP Commerce Cloud Business Developer (C4H340 and C4H341) Combo Online Training by Multisoft Virtual Academy is the perfect launchpad. Combining foundational and advanced modules, the course equips students with a comprehensive understanding of the platform and the expertise to drive digital commerce solutions effectively. With an impressive track record and a robust training methodology, Multisoft Virtual Academy promises not just an educational experience but a transformation into industry-ready professionals.

What is Workday HCM and its features

Workday HCM provides a comprehensive perspective of your organization's data, improving business performance and decision-making, while also increasing flexibility, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. Workday HCM can help businesses enhance their overall success and promote individual growth among employees by offering robust integrations with key systems and easy-to-use features. Therefore, Multisoft Virtual Academy presents with Workday HCM Online Course for everyone. So, enroll now!

What is Workday Human Capital Management?

Workday Human Capital Management provides a comprehensive suite of functionalities aimed at supporting HR professionals in managing various HR tasks, including recruitment, onboarding, performance management, and workforce planning. Additionally, the system is equipped to effectively manage payroll compliance and administer employee benefits.

Workday HCM online course extends its offerings beyond basic analytics, incorporating mobile self-service for employees, predictive analytics, and role-specific access, along with adaptable features like advanced analytics.

By integrating organizational data into Workday HCM solutions, teams are equipped with essential tools for faster, more insightful decision-making. This consolidation enhances talent management, boosts employee engagement, and nurtures leadership development within the organization. This capability extends monitoring talent development while building leaders from within an organization.

Workday HCM stands out in various areas including recruitment, onboarding, talent management, performance management, compensation management, and organizational management, along with analytics. It empowers employees to handle tasks like job transfers, requesting paid time off, or updating their profiles. This self-service capability leads to modern, efficient, and employee-centric HR departments. This not only enhances business decision-making but also can lead to cost savings for employers.

Workday HCM Utilization

Workday HCM (Human Capital Management) is utilized for managing various aspects of workforce management. It includes functionalities for recruitment, employee onboarding, management, and development, while also monitoring workforce productivity. Moreover, it offers employees the convenience of self-service features, allowing them to view their performance reviews, request time off, and access employee benefits online.

The essential elements of Workday HCM Training basics encompass the following:

  1. Data Protection and Security
  2. Enhanced Data Analytics
  3. Talent Acquisition and Recruitment
  4. Management of Time and Attendance
  5. Fundamental Human Resources and Payroll Services
  6. Employee Compensation Management
  7. Workflow and Business Process Administration

How does it work?

Workday HCM streamlines complex procedures like benefits enrollment, new hire orientation, and updates tracking by automating these tasks with its suite of applications designed for businesses of different sizes. This encompasses recruitment, employee integration, training, performance monitoring, payroll management, timekeeping, attendance, and real-time reporting of employee data. Additionally, it offers mobile access, enabling employees to use the system anytime, anywhere.

Workday HCM online training by Multisoft Virtual Academy offers comprehensive support in recruiting, integrating, managing, developing, and monitoring staff performance. It also includes online performance evaluations, requests for time off, and bonus management. Workday HCM stands out as an essential tool due to its efficiency and multiple benefits compared to other HCM solutions.


  1. Streamlined Operations: Workday HCM streamlines various HR functions like payroll, recruitment, benefits management, and employee administration, making them more efficient.
  2. Enhanced Automation: The system automates numerous tasks including payroll, benefits enrollment, and performance evaluations, minimizing the need for manual, time-intensive activities.
  3. Instant Access to Employee Insights: The availability of real-time information on staff performance, job needs, and talent development allows for quicker and more effective decision-making.
  4. Optimized Work Environment: Workday HCM tailors the workplace experience for each employee, focusing on communication, feedback, and growth, leading to cost savings for businesses.
  5. Greater Employee Involvement: The user-friendly interface of Workday HCM encourages staff interaction, boosting their engagement with the system's features.
  6. Efficient HR Management: The automation of tasks such as time tracking, performance assessments, and onboarding lets HR teams concentrate on strategic initiatives, reducing the need for paperwork and manual tasks.
  7. Secure Data Management: Workday HCM ensures the safety of employee data with secure online storage, safeguarding it against external threats and maintaining confidentiality.
  8. Cost-Efficient Solution: With its subscription-based pricing model that eliminates initial investments and hidden fees, Workday HCM is an affordable option for all types of businesses.

What is Workday HCM Software?

Workday HCM is a comprehensive, cloud-based human capital management solution designed for enterprises. It streamlines various HR functions, including personnel data management, time tracking, payroll processing, and managing performance evaluations and succession planning. This software also provides analytical tools to enhance productivity and support informed decision-making. With its mobile application, users can easily access employee information anytime, anywhere.

Workday HCM certification course simplifies key HR processes such as recruitment, onboarding, and performance management. It also automates payroll and benefits administration, helping organizations optimize their operations. Additionally, the platform offers capabilities for planning, forecasting, and managing access to employee data, making it a versatile tool for modern HR management.


  1. Employee Records Management: Workday HCM offers a robust solution for managing all employee-related data. It allows you to efficiently maintain and access records encompassing employment roles, qualifications, payroll, and benefits in a unified, easily accessible platform, available from any location.
  2. Recruitment Process: Workday HCM streamlines the hiring process through its automated system. It covers every stage from job posting and application receipt to candidate evaluation and job offers. It also includes digital onboarding tools and reminders to ensure new employees are well-informed from their first day.
  3. Performance Management: The performance management module in Workday HCM simplifies setting and tracking team objectives and personal development. It features role-specific evaluations and employee recognition initiatives, fostering high performance across the organization.
  4. Payroll and Benefits Administration: Workday HCM eases the management of organizational benefits and compensation. It handles various aspects like leave tracking, bonus distribution, and payroll scheduling, along with automated solutions for payroll, tax filings, and compliance with governmental regulations.
  5. Professional Development: Workday HCM provides a comprehensive array of learning and development opportunities. This includes customizable courses, e-learning platforms, and tracking systems for employee advancement, adaptable to the specific needs of different organizations.


The Workday HCM Online Training & Certification Course by Multisoft Virtual Academy is a comprehensive program that equips participants with in-depth knowledge and practical skills in managing various HR functions using Workday HCM. This course, ideal for corporate training, merges theoretical learning with hands-on practice, preparing professionals to effectively handle employee data, recruitment, performance management, payroll, and benefits, as well as employee development within their organizations.

It's an essential investment for those seeking to enhance their expertise in modern HR management tools. Enroll now!

Introduction to PDMS Training: Navigating the Basics

PDMS Online Training and Certification Course is an internet-based program offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy to equip learners with essential skills in Plant Design Management System (PDMS) for various industries, enhancing their career prospects. In today's fast-paced world, staying ahead of the curve in the engineering and design industry is essential. With ever-evolving technology and competition, continuous up skilling is crucial for professionals to remain relevant and progress in their careers. One such cutting-edge technology in the realm of engineering and design is PDMS (Plant Design Management System).

Multisoft Virtual Academy brings you an exceptional PDMS Online Training and Certification Course that opens the gateway to a realm of exciting possibilities in the engineering domain.

Understanding PDMS: The Backbone of Plant Design

Before delving into the significance of PDMS online training, let's understand the fundamental role this software plays in the engineering domain. PDMS is a 3D design tool used to create detailed models of process plants, power plants, oil refineries, and other industrial facilities. It offers a unified platform for engineers, architects, and designers to collaborate seamlessly, facilitating a smooth workflow and minimizing errors in design and construction.

PDMS, or Plant Design Management System, is a comprehensive 3D design software used in the engineering sector for designing, modeling, and managing complex plant projects. This powerful software enables professionals to create detailed and accurate designs for various industries such as oil and gas, power plants, chemical plants, and many others. The PDMS online training offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy aims to provide a deep understanding of this software's capabilities, empowering participants to leverage its potential fully.

The Importance of PDMS Training

In a study-based approach, it is crucial to recognize the significance of professional training in PDMS. The course provides a platform for participants to gain hands-on experience with the software, understand its functionalities, and apply them to real-world scenarios. From conceptualization to implementation, PDMS online training equips learners with the skills required to execute complex plant design projects efficiently and accurately.

Comprehensive Curriculum

The PDMS Online Training and Certification Course offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy boasts a well-structured and comprehensive curriculum. The course starts with the basics of PDMS and gradually progresses to advanced topics, catering to both beginners and experienced professionals. Participants learn about equipment modeling, structural design, piping systems, clash detection, and much more, enabling them to become proficient PDMS users.

Interactive Learning Environment

A study-based approach thrives in an interactive learning environment, and Multisoft Virtual Academy understands this well. The PDMS certification course provides participants with access to live virtual classrooms, where expert trainers lead engaging sessions. Students can interact with trainers, ask questions, and collaborate with peers, fostering a rich and immersive learning experience.

Certified Trainers and Convenience

To facilitate effective learning, the PDMS Online Training is led by certified trainers with extensive experience in the engineering and design domain. These trainers not only possess expertise in PDMS but also bring their real-world experiences to the virtual classrooms. Learners can benefit from their insights, tips, and guidance throughout the course.

In a study-based theme, convenience and flexibility play pivotal roles in ensuring learners' success. Multisoft Virtual Academy offers the PDMS course online, enabling participants to learn at their own pace and from the comfort of their homes. This flexibility allows working professionals to balance their job responsibilities while up skilling themselves with the course.

Advantages of PDMS Certification

1. Career Advancement

  • PDMS certification validates learners' expertise and can open doors to new job opportunities and career advancements in the engineering and construction industries.

2. Industry Recognition

  • Certified PDMS professionals gain industry-wide recognition for their skills, giving them a competitive edge over non-certified counterparts.

3. Enhanced Credibility

  • Clients and employers place higher trust in certified professionals, knowing they possess the knowledge and proficiency to execute projects efficiently.

Skill Assessment and Career Advancement Opportunities

To monitor the learners' progress effectively, the PDMS course includes regular skill assessments and progress tracking mechanisms. These assessments help identify areas that require more attention and allow trainers to provide personalized feedback to participants, enhancing their learning journey.

The PDMS Online Training and Certification Course serves as a stepping stone for career advancement. As businesses continue to embrace technology, professionals skilled in PDMS are highly sought-after in the industry. The certification received upon completing the course validates one's expertise, making them eligible for better job opportunities and higher remuneration.


The PDMS Online Training and Certification Course by Multisoft Virtual Academy presents a study-based approach to empower engineering professionals with the knowledge and skills to excel in the world of plant design. By enrolling in this course, learners including the corporate training, embark on a transformative journey of professional growth, unlocking new career opportunities and becoming invaluable assets to their organizations.

Dayforce Training – A tutorial to become an expert

Dayforce training is a specialized educational program designed to teach individuals how to effectively use Dayforce, a comprehensive human capital management (HCM) software. This training covers various modules, including payroll, benefits administration, time and attendance management, and workforce analytics. It equips learners with practical skills to navigate and utilize Dayforce training by Multisoft Virtual Academy for efficient workforce management, payroll processing, and data analysis, essential for HR professionals and managers in modern business environments.

Dayforce offers a powerful suite of capabilities for automating and managing the deployment, testing, and workflow processes of applications and services within an organization. Its Continuous Integration (CI) integration plays a pivotal role in streamlining these functions. Here's a detailed look at how Dayforce online training can facilitate these processes:

  1. Automated Deployment and Testing of Applications and Services: Dayforce's automation capabilities allow for the seamless deployment of apps and services. This automation extends to testing processes, ensuring that each deployment is both efficient and reliable. Automated testing minimizes human error and accelerates the deployment cycles, ensuring that applications are market-ready in a shorter time.
  2. Continuous Integration (CI) Integration for Build and Test Cycles: The CI integration within Dayforce facilitates the building and testing phases of the software development lifecycle. By integrating CI tools, organizations can continuously integrate code changes into a shared repository, where automated builds and tests are run. This not only enhances the quality of the software but also enables faster feedback and iteration.
  3. Workflow and Process Management: Beyond just deployment and testing, Dayforce provides tools for managing various workflows and processes within an organization. This includes automating routine tasks, streamlining complex processes, and ensuring that different parts of the organization work in sync. This capability is crucial for maintaining efficiency and productivity in a dynamic business environment.
  4. Customization and Flexibility: With Dayforce, organizations can customize workflows and processes to suit their specific needs. This flexibility allows for the creation of tailored solutions that align closely with the unique operational requirements of each organization.
  5. Enhanced Collaboration and Efficiency: By integrating various aspects of deployment, testing, and workflow management, Dayforce fosters a more collaborative and efficient work environment. Teams can work more cohesively, with reduced bottlenecks and enhanced transparency throughout the development and deployment phases.

Dayforce's CI integration and its capabilities in automating and managing app and service deployment, testing, and workflows significantly contribute to enhancing operational efficiency and productivity in organizations. This integration not only streamlines processes but also ensures that the applications and services delivered are of high quality and reliability.

What does Dayforce do?

Dayforce is a comprehensive Human Capital Management (HCM) software solution that streamlines and automates the entire employee lifecycle, from hiring to retirement. It's designed to assist businesses in managing their workforce training, both full-time employees and contingent workers, efficiently and effectively. Here are some of the key functionalities and uses of Dayforce:

  • Hiring and Onboarding: Dayforce simplifies the recruitment process, making it easier for organizations to attract, hire, and onboard new talent. This includes managing job postings, tracking applicants, and streamlining the onboarding process for new hires.
  • Payroll Processing: It offers advanced payroll processing capabilities, enabling businesses to manage payroll more efficiently. The system ensures that all data is current and correct, reducing errors and ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
  • Benefits Administration: Dayforce simplifies the management of employee benefits, allowing businesses to easily administer and track employee benefits packages, including health insurance, retirement plans, and other perks.
  • Time and Attendance Monitoring: The software allows for efficient tracking of employee time and attendance, helping businesses manage work hours, leave, and absences effectively, which is crucial for payroll and compliance purposes.
  • Performance Management and Evaluations: Dayforce includes tools for managing employee performance, including setting goals, tracking progress, and conducting evaluations. This helps in identifying training needs and making informed decisions about promotions and compensation.

Why to use Dayforce?

Dayforce is a valuable tool for businesses aiming to enhance the efficiency of their workforce management and enrich the employee experience. The software stands out for its comprehensive features, including swift data access, a powerful reporting engine, and integrated analytics. Its user-friendly interface ensures that users can easily retrieve and manage data. This efficiency extends to payroll and attendance processes, helping companies reduce administrative costs and maintain compliance with local labor laws.

Additionally, Dayforce offers robust functionalities like an employee self-service portal. This portal empowers employees to independently manage their personal details, access payroll documents, and more, fostering a sense of autonomy and engagement. The software's compliance features are particularly noteworthy; it automates leave and absence management, ensuring that businesses stay aligned with current labor regulations. Overall, Dayforce certification is an all-encompassing solution for streamlining HR processes, enhancing data management, and ensuring regulatory compliance, all of which contribute to a more effective and satisfied workforce.


Dayforce offers a range of features designed to streamline human resources and workforce management processes. Here's a brief explanation of each key feature:

  1. Payroll: Dayforce's payroll feature simplifies the complex process of employee compensation. It provides real-time calculations that reflect current data, ensuring that changes in time and attendance, benefits, and other factors are immediately accounted for in payroll processing. This results in accurate, compliant, and timely payroll operations, reducing the administrative burden and the risk of errors.
  2. Benefits: The benefits management feature in Dayforce allows organizations to efficiently administer employee benefits programs. This includes managing enrollments, tracking eligibility, and ensuring that employee benefits data is integrated with other HR systems. It helps in simplifying the complex process of benefits administration, ensuring compliance with various regulations, and enhancing employee satisfaction through effective management of their benefits packages.
  3. Staff Availability: This feature assists in workforce planning by tracking staff availability. It allows managers to see when employees are available to work, facilitating efficient scheduling and ensuring that staffing levels meet the operational needs of the business. This feature is particularly useful for managing part-time workers, contingent staff, or employees with variable schedules.
  4. Time and Attendance: Dayforce provides robust tools for tracking time and attendance. This includes managing employee clock-ins and clock-outs, tracking hours worked, managing leave and absences, and ensuring compliance with labor laws. Accurate time and attendance data is crucial for payroll processing, scheduling, and understanding workforce productivity.
  5. Analytics and Reporting: The analytics and reporting feature in Dayforce transforms data into actionable insights. It offers a range of reports and dashboards that help businesses analyze workforce trends, productivity, labor costs, and compliance risks. These insights are crucial for strategic decision-making, helping organizations to optimize their workforce management and improve overall operational efficiency.

Therefore, Dayforce online course combines these features into a comprehensive platform that addresses various aspects of workforce management, from payroll and benefits to time tracking and analytics. This integration not only streamlines HR processes but also provides valuable insights for better workforce management.


The Dayforce Online Training & Certification Course offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy is an invaluable resource for professionals seeking to master this comprehensive human capital management software. It's especially suited for corporate training needs, equipping participants with the skills to effectively manage payroll, benefits, staff availability, time and attendance, and analytics. This training ensures that learners are well-prepared to leverage Dayforce's full capabilities, enhancing workforce management and operational efficiency in their respective organizations. So, enroll now!

From Installation to Operation: A Complete CyberArk Training

Enter CyberArk training by Multisoft Virtual Academy which is a robust security solution that addresses the cybersecurity challenges faced by organizations. CyberArk negates the need for additional infrastructure or complex management, offering an effective and streamlined approach to securing privileged accounts and credentials, reinforcing an organization's defense against cyber threats.

What is CyberArk?

CyberArk is a security application focused on safeguarding privileged accounts within an organization. It functions primarily as a password management system, automating the protection and rotation of credentials for critical accounts to effectively guard against cyber threats like malware and hacking. This robust security measure finds widespread use in sensitive industries like finance, healthcare, energy, and retail. CyberArk Training effectiveness is underscored by its adoption by approximately half of the Fortune 500 companies globally, marking it as a trusted leader in privileged account security.

What is a Privileged Account?

A privileged account is one that holds access to sensitive data, such as personal identifiers, financial information, and protected health information. The specific nature of a privileged account is determined by the kind of sensitive data it can access within an organization. Examples of such accounts include local and domain administrators, emergency accounts, service accounts, and accounts used by applications.

History of CyberArk

CyberArk, founded in 1999 by Boston University’s Metropolitan College alumnus Udi Mokady, is headquartered in Petah Tikva, Israel, with its American headquarters in Newton. It has expanded its global reach across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Asia Pacific, and Japan. CyberArk has built a reputation for its cybersecurity solutions and is recognized among the top cybersecurity firms globally. The company has transitioned from a startup to a publicly traded entity on the NASDAQ. In recent years, CyberArk has acquired companies like Viewfinity, Conjur Inc, and Vaultive to enhance its privilege management, application control software, and cloud service offerings. As of 2018, CyberArk reported revenues of $343 million and employed 1,380 people by the end of 2019.

Industries using CyberArk

If we look at which companies using CyberArk the most, the computer software industry tops the list and the least is human resources.  Here is the complete list of industries that use the CyberArk tool.

  • Computer Software
  • Information Technology and Services
  • Financial Services
  • Banking
  • Insurance
  • Hospital & Health Care
  • Retail
  • Utilities
  • Computer Hardware
  • Human Resources


CyberArk certification course stands at the forefront of cybersecurity solutions, offering a multitude of advantages to organizations:

  • Simplified Credential Tracking: CyberArk's Privileged Account Security Solution automates password management, reducing the need for manual tracking of numerous passwords down to overseeing just CyberArk credentials.
  • Time Efficiency: The automation of password management with CyberArk translates to significant time savings in this typically time-consuming process.
  • Centralized Policy Management: Administrators can centrally manage and update privileged access policies, eliminating the repetitive task of policy updates.
  • Consistent Password Updates: CyberArk centrally manages database passwords and automatically disseminates updates across all related applications and services, thereby preventing process disruptions and potential revenue loss with each password change.

Additionally, CyberArk enhances overall security posture by securing and managing all privileged accounts and SSH keys, regulating access to these accounts, overseeing privileged sessions, managing credentials for applications and services, aiding in compliance with audit and regulatory standards, and integrating smoothly with existing enterprise systems.

Components of CyberArk

CyberArk's suite is comprised of several critical components, each serving a specific role in privileged access security:

  • Digital Vault: CyberArk's Digital Vault offers a highly secure repository for sensitive information, pre-configured for immediate deployment and use.
  • Password Vault Web Access (PVWA): This web-based interface streamlines the management of privileged credentials, offering features for password creation and an activity dashboard that visually represents password management actions.
  • Central Policy Manager (CPM): The CPM automates the rotation of existing passwords with new ones and ensures passwords on remote machines are valid and synchronized.
  • Privileged Session Manager (PSM): This component centralizes access to privileged accounts and acts as a secure initiation point for privileged sessions.
  • Privileged Session Manager for Web: It allows organizations to uniformly secure access across various applications, services, and cloud environments.
  • Privileged Threat Analytics: These analytics tool continuously monitors the use of privileged accounts within the CyberArk PAS platform and even observes non-CyberArk managed accounts for potential threats.
  • Password Upload Utility: Designed to expedite vault deployment, this utility automates the upload of multiple passwords into the PAS solution.
  • SDK Interfaces: This includes the Application Password SDK, which eliminates the need to store passwords within applications by centralizing them in the PAS solution, the Application Password Provider, which retrieves passwords from the vault for local server use, and the Application Server Credential Provider, which securely manages application server credentials contained within XML files.


Multisoft Virtual Academy's CyberArk online training & certification course program is a comprehensive corporate training solution that prepares IT professionals to secure privileged accounts and manage sensitive data effectively. This course meticulously covers CyberArk's critical components, from the Digital Vault to the SDK Interfaces, ensuring that participants gain the knowledge and practical skills needed for robust cybersecurity management. With expert guidance and hands-on experience, trainees will be well-equipped to implement and maintain CyberArk solutions, enhancing their organization's security posture and meeting the demands of the evolving digital landscape. Enroll now!

Unveiling the Path to Workday HCM Certification: Your In-Depth Tutorial

Human Capital Management (HCM) solutions have revolutionized how organizations handle their most valuable asset: their people. Workday HCM stands at the forefront of this innovation, offering a suite of web-based ERP and financial management solutions. This article serves as a comprehensive tutorial for professionals aiming to achieve Workday HCM certification, a credential that can significantly elevate one's career in the domain of HR technology.

Understanding Workday: Workday online training is a cloud-based software system that unifies a wide range of HR functionalities into a single, easy-to-use platform. It encompasses traditional HR and strategic HR functions, including workforce planning, recruiting, talent management, compensation, benefits, learning and development, and more.

The Importance of Workday HCM Certification:

  1. Recognition: A Workday HCM certification is an industry-recognized credential that demonstrates a professional's expertise in the platform.

  2. Career Growth: Certified Workday HCM professionals are often preferred for key HR roles within organizations, facilitating career advancement.

  3. Competitive Edge: The certification gives you a competitive edge in the job market, distinguishing you from your peers.

  4. Skill Enhancement: Through the certification process, you gain in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience with the Workday HCM platform.

Navigating the Certification Pathway:

  1. Understanding Workday HCM Core Concepts: Gain a solid foundation in Workday's core concepts, navigation, and architecture.

  2. Organizational Structures: Learn how to set up and manage various organizational structures within Workday HCM.

  3. Staffing Models: Understand the different staffing models and how to implement them effectively.

  4. Compensation and Benefits: Dive into setting up compensation packages, benefits programs, and the intricacies of managing them in Workday.

  5. Talent and Performance Management: Explore the tools and processes for managing talent, including performance reviews, succession planning, and career development.

  6. Recruitment and Onboarding: Master the recruitment module, learning how to streamline the hiring process from requisition to onboarding.

  7. Time Tracking and Absence Management: Get to grips with managing employee time-off and tracking time worked.

  8. Reporting and Analytics: Understand how to utilize Workday’s robust reporting and analytics to inform business decisions.

  9. Security and Data Privacy: Learn about Workday's security protocols and how to manage data privacy within the system.

Training Methodology:

  1. Instructor-Led Training: Engage with seasoned Workday professionals during live training sessions.

  2. Hands-On Labs: Gain practical experience through access to a Workday training environment.

  3. Interactive Course Materials: Utilize interactive media, practice tests, and study guides to reinforce learning.

  4. Collaboration and Networking: Connect with peers and mentors through forums and study groups.

Certification Exam Preparation:

  1. Exam Overview: Familiarize yourself with the exam structure, types of questions, and the duration of the certification test.

  2. Study Strategies: Develop a study plan that includes reviewing course materials, engaging with interactive tools, and taking mock exams.

  3. Time Management: Learn effective time management strategies to ensure you can navigate through the exam questions efficiently.

  4. Understanding the Practical Application: Focus on understanding how Workday HCM solutions are applied in real-world scenarios.

Who Should Enroll:

  • HR professionals seeking to enhance their tech skills.
  • IT professionals aiming to specialize in HR systems.
  • Organizational leaders responsible for HR transformation.
  • New graduates aspiring to enter the HR technology field.

Career Prospects Post-Certification:

  1. Enhanced Job Roles: Step into roles such as Workday HCM Analyst, Consultant, or Project Manager.

  2. Consulting Opportunities: Provide expert advice to organizations looking to implement or optimize Workday HCM.

  3. Leadership Positions: Lead teams and strategic initiatives in human resources management and technology.

Maintaining Your Certification:

Workday requires professionals to maintain their certification by staying updated with the latest releases and participating in ongoing learning programs. This commitment ensures that certified individuals remain at the cutting edge of Workday SCM Training developments.

Conclusion: Achieving a Workday Payroll admin certification is more than passing an exam; it's about embracing a journey of continuous learning and professional growth. As the HR industry increasingly leans toward digital transformation, certified Workday professionals will be in high demand for their ability to leverage technology to foster human connections and drive organizational success.

Mastering Payroll Management: The Essential Guide to Ceridian Dayforce Training

Payroll management stands as one of the most critical functions within any organization. The advent of sophisticated payroll systems like Ceridian Dayforce has transformed this task from a mundane routine into a strategic component of business operations. With a high demand for proficiency in such systems, comprehensive training is non-negotiable for HR professionals aiming to leverage the full spectrum of features offered by Ceridian Dayforce. In this article, we will explore the key elements of Ceridian Dayforce Payroll training that can help organizations optimize their workforce management and compliance.

Understanding Ceridian Dayforce Payroll

Before diving into training, it’s essential to grasp what Ceridian Dayforce is. It's a cloud-based platform integrating payroll, HR, benefits, talent, and workforce management into a single application. Its real-time processing gives businesses the ability to access and analyze data at any moment, making payroll operations more efficient and accurate.

Key Components of Ceridian Dayforce Payroll Training

1. Navigation Basics

The foundational step in Ceridian Dayforce Payroll training is familiarizing oneself with the user interface. Trainees must learn how to navigate through the dashboard, access various modules, and understand the workflow processes. Mastery of the navigation leads to improved speed and efficiency in payroll processing.

2. Payroll Processing Cycle

Understanding the complete payroll processing cycle is critical. Training should cover all aspects from time sheet approval to final pay stub distribution. Participants should be educated on setting up pay cycles, entering data, and the importance of adherence to schedules to ensure timely and accurate payroll.

3. Compliance Management

With ever-changing tax laws and compliance regulations, Ceridian Dayforce training must address how to manage and maintain compliance within the system. This includes setting up tax profiles, managing employee deductions, and generating year-end reports.

4. Reporting and Analytics

Effective training should empower users to create custom reports and extract actionable insights. Dayforce's robust analytics tools enable the monitoring of payroll metrics which is essential for strategic decision-making.

5. Troubleshooting and Support

An often-overlooked aspect of training is how to troubleshoot common issues and where to find support when needed. Training must provide resources and guide on how to utilize Ceridian Dayforce’s customer support effectively.

Best Practices for Ceridian Dayforce Payroll Training

  • Hands-On Experience: The most effective training includes hands-on practice in a sandbox environment, allowing users to learn by doing without affecting the live system.

  • Customized Learning: Since organizations have unique payroll needs, training should be tailored to address specific business processes and policies.

  • Ongoing Education: As Ceridian Dayforce is continuously updated, ongoing training sessions are essential to stay current with new features and functionalities.

  • User Documentation: Creating user guides and documentation specific to your organization’s payroll processes can provide staff with quick references and contribute to consistency.


Ceridian Dayforce Payroll training is not merely about learning software; it’s about embracing a tool that can significantly enhance payroll management's effectiveness and efficiency. By focusing on the core components and best practices of training, organizations can ensure their HR professionals are well-equipped to handle the complex demands of modern payroll systems. As organizations strive to streamline operations and optimize their workforce, investing in thorough Ceridian Dayforce corporate training is not just beneficial-it’s imperative for success.

Understanding SAP Fieldglass: Revolutionizing Workforce Management

The Emergence of SAP Fieldglass

SAP Fieldglass was established to address a gap in the market where companies required a robust platform to manage their external workforce and services procurement. As organizations globally recognized the growing importance of a flexible workforce, the need for a system to efficiently manage contract workers, freelancers, and outsourced services became critical. SAP Fieldglass provides this by offering a user-friendly interface, seamless integration with other systems, and real-time analytics.

What SAP Fieldglass Brings to the Table

Streamlined Workforce Management

One of the core benefits of SAP Fieldglass is its ability to simplify the management of a contingent workforce. From sourcing to offboarding, every aspect of the contractor lifecycle can be managed within the platform. This includes posting job requests, managing proposals, conducting interviews, onboarding, timekeeping, expense management, and invoicing.

Enhanced Compliance and Reduced Risk

With workforces spanning across different geographies, ensuring compliance with local labor laws and regulations is paramount. SAP Fieldglass training automates this process, providing updates and alerts to ensure that both vendors and contractors adhere to the latest regulations, thus mitigating risk and preventing potential legal issues.

Cost Savings through Better Visibility

SAP Fieldglass helps organizations gain visibility into their spending on non-permanent workforce and services. This comprehensive view allows for better budget management and can lead to significant cost savings. Companies can track expenditures at a granular level, make more informed decisions, and negotiate better terms with suppliers.

Integration Capabilities

One of the standout features of SAP Fieldglass is its ability to integrate with various enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, including SAP ECC and SAP S/4HANA. This integration ensures a seamless flow of data across different business functions, providing a unified view of the workforce and financial insights.

Real-Time Analytics and Reporting

Data is at the heart of informed decision-making, and SAP Fieldglass offers robust analytics and reporting capabilities. Businesses can analyze workforce data, identify trends, and generate reports that help in strategic planning and forecasting.

A Closer Look at SAP Fieldglass Features

Intuitive User Experience

SAP Fieldglass is designed with the end-user in mind. The platform's intuitive interface ensures that managers and suppliers can quickly adapt to and navigate the system, reducing the learning curve and increasing efficiency.

Global Reach

With its multi-language and multi-currency capabilities, SAP Fieldglass is a truly global solution that can manage workforce requirements across different countries and regions, respecting local nuances and needs.

Marketplace Connectivity

Through SAP Fieldglass, organizations can connect to a marketplace of suppliers, enabling access to a wider talent pool and fostering competitive pricing. It helps streamline the process of finding the right talent for the right job at the right cost.

Success Stories: Real-World Applications of SAP Fieldglass

Numerous companies, from small businesses to large enterprises, have utilized SAP Fieldglass to transform their workforce management. Success stories often highlight improved operational efficiency, cost reductions, and enhanced compliance as some of the key benefits realized after implementing SAP Fieldglass.

Potential Challenges and Considerations

Change Management

Implementing a new system often requires significant change management efforts. Ensuring that all stakeholders are on board and properly trained is crucial to the successful adoption of SAP Fieldglass.

Data Security and Privacy

Given that SAP Fieldglass operates in the cloud, data security and privacy are of utmost concern. It is vital that businesses assess the security measures in place and ensure they comply with industry standards and regulations.

Customization and Flexibility

While SAP Fieldglass is highly configurable, there may be limitations to how much the system can be customized to meet specific organizational needs. Businesses must evaluate their requirements and determine if SAP Fieldglass provides the flexibility they need.

Future of Workforce Management with SAP Fieldglass

The future of workforce management is increasingly digital, and solutions like SAP Fieldglass are at the forefront of this transformation. With the platform continually evolving, incorporating artificial intelligence, machine learning, and predictive analytics, it is poised to offer even more sophisticated tools to manage the workforce of the future.


SAP Fieldglass is not just a tool; it's a comprehensive solution that addresses the multifaceted challenges of managing an external workforce. In a world where agility and efficiency are paramount, it offers organizations a competitive edge. As the nature of work continues to evolve, the role of platforms like SAP Fieldglass will undoubtedly become even more integral to workforce management strategies across the globe.

Unleashing the Power of Data Science with R Certification Courses

In today's data-driven world, harnessing the power of data is no longer an option; it's a necessity. Organizations across various industries rely on data to make informed decisions, gain competitive advantages, and drive innovation. This is where data scientists come into play, armed with the skills and knowledge to transform raw data into actionable insights. If you're considering a career in data science or want to enhance your existing skills, enrolling in a Data Science with R Certification Course could be your gateway to success.

Why R for Data Science?

R is a programming language and environment built for statistical computing and data analysis. It has gained immense popularity in the data science community for several reasons:

  1. Open Source: R is open-source, meaning it's freely available for anyone to use and modify. This accessibility fosters a vibrant community of users and developers who continuously contribute to its growth.

  2. Rich Ecosystem: R boasts a rich ecosystem of packages and libraries specifically designed for data analysis, data visualization, and statistical modeling. Packages like ggplot2, dplyr, and caret are widely used for data manipulation and machine learning.

  3. Statistical Capabilities: R is renowned for its statistical capabilities. It offers a vast range of statistical functions and techniques, making it a preferred tool for data scientists and statisticians alike.

  4. Data Visualization: Data visualization is a crucial aspect of data science, and R excels in this area. The ggplot2 package, for instance, allows for the creation of highly customizable and aesthetically pleasing visualizations.

  5. Community Support: R has a strong online community with numerous forums, blogs, and resources where data scientists can seek help, share knowledge, and collaborate on projects.

Benefits of a Data Science with R Certification Course

Enrolling in a Data Science with R Certification Course offers several advantages that can help you kickstart or advance your career in data science:

  1. Structured Learning: These courses provide a structured curriculum designed to take you from the fundamentals of R programming to advanced data science techniques. You'll learn step by step, building a solid foundation along the way.

  2. Hands-on Experience: Practical experience is crucial in data science. Certification courses often include hands-on projects and exercises that allow you to apply your knowledge to real-world problems. This experiential learning is invaluable.

  3. Expert Guidance: You'll have access to experienced instructors who can guide you through complex topics, answer your questions, and provide valuable insights based on their industry experience.

  4. Networking Opportunities: Joining a certification course connects you with a community of like-minded individuals. You can collaborate with peers, share ideas, and potentially build a professional network that can help you in your career.

  5. Certification: Upon successful completion of the course, you'll earn a certification that can boost your credibility in the job market. Many employers value certifications as they demonstrate your commitment to learning and your expertise in data science.

Course Modules in a Data Science with R Certification Course

A typical Data Science with R Certification Course includes a range of modules, each covering essential aspects of data science with a focus on R. These modules may include:

  1. Introduction to Data Science: An overview of data science, its applications, and the data science lifecycle.

  2. R Programming Fundamentals: A deep dive into R programming, covering data types, data structures, and basic programming concepts.

  3. Data Manipulation with R: Learn to clean, transform, and manipulate data using R, with a focus on packages like dplyr and tidyr.

  4. Data Visualization with ggplot2: Explore data visualization techniques and create stunning visualizations using the ggplot2 package.

  5. Statistical Analysis with R: Master statistical concepts and techniques, including hypothesis testing, regression analysis, and ANOVA.

  6. Machine Learning with R: Dive into the world of machine learning, covering topics like classification, regression, clustering, and model evaluation.

  7. Big Data Analytics with R: Explore tools and techniques for working with big data, including integration with Hadoop and Spark.

  8. Time Series Analysis: Learn how to analyze time series data and make predictions using R.

  9. Text Mining and Natural Language Processing (NLP): Gain skills in processing and analyzing text data, including sentiment analysis and text classification.

  10. Capstone Project: Apply your skills to a real-world project, solving a data science problem from start to finish.

  11. Ethics and Data Privacy: Understand the ethical considerations and data privacy issues in data science.

Is a Data Science with R Certification Right for You?

A Data Science with R Certification Course is ideal for individuals who have a passion for data and a desire to make a significant impact in their organizations or industries. It's suitable for:

  • Aspiring Data Scientists: If you're new to data science and want to start a career in this field, a certification course can provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge.

  • Experienced Data Professionals: If you're already working in a data-related role, enhancing your skills with R can open up new career opportunities and help you advance in your current position.

  • Business Professionals: Even if you're not directly involved in data analysis, understanding data science concepts and R can make you a more data-driven and valuable asset to your organization.

  • Academics and Researchers: Researchers and academics can benefit from R's powerful statistical capabilities for data analysis and visualization.


In a world where data is the new currency, data scientists are in high demand. Enrolling in a Data Science with R Certification Course is a strategic move to equip yourself with the skills needed to thrive in this dynamic and evolving field. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced professional, these courses can empower you to unlock the potential of data and make meaningful contributions to your organization's success. So, why wait? Take the first step towards a rewarding career in data science with R today!

SAP BRIM Training & Certification Course - Unlocking New Avenues in Billing and Revenue Management

In today's fast-paced and intricately networked business environment, enterprises constantly seek efficient ways to manage billing and revenue. SAP Billing and Revenue Innovation Management (BRIM) emerges as a pivotal solution, offering a comprehensive approach to handle high-volume billing, invoicing, and revenue management. This article delves into the SAP BRIM Training & Certification Course, explaining its importance, scope, and benefits for professionals in the finance and billing management sectors.

Understanding SAP BRIM

SAP BRIM is a set of solutions tailored to simplify and streamline high-volume transactional billing and revenue management processes. It's primarily utilized by businesses that engage in subscription-based services, utilities, telecommunications, and more, aiming to manage complex billing and invoicing processes effectively.

Key Components of SAP BRIM:

  1. Contract Accounting (FI-CA): Manages customer contracts and billing documents.
  2. Convergent Charging (CC): Handles dynamic pricing models.
  3. Convergent Invoicing (CI): Integrates billing streams to produce invoices.
  4. Subscription Order Management (SOM): Manages customer orders and subscriptions.

Why Opt for SAP BRIM Training?

  1. Skill Enhancement: The training offers in-depth knowledge of managing high-volume billing and invoicing.
  2. Career Advancement: It opens new career opportunities in industries relying on complex billing systems.
  3. Competitive Edge: Certified professionals are valued for their specialized skills in handling sophisticated revenue and billing management systems.

Course Overview

The SAP BRIM Training & Certification Course is structured to provide a holistic understanding of BRIM solutions. It typically encompasses:

Course Modules:

  1. Introduction to SAP BRIM
  2. Billing Process and Configuration
  3. Rate Structure Design and Management
  4. Revenue Management and Financial Integration
  5. Real-World Case Studies and Best Practices


The course typically spans over several weeks, featuring a mix of theoretical and practical modules.

Target Audience

This course is suitable for:

  1. Finance and Billing Managers
  2. SAP Consultants
  3. Project Managers
  4. IT Professionals in the Finance sector

Key Benefits of the Course

For Individuals:

  1. Expertise in BRIM: Acquire specialized skills, enhancing your value in the job market.
  2. Certification Advantage: A certification in SAP BRIM distinguishes you from non-certified peers.

For Organizations:

  1. Efficient Billing Processes: Skilled staff can optimize and manage billing systems more effectively.
  2. Customer Satisfaction: Accurate and efficient billing improves customer satisfaction and retention.

Learning Outcomes

Post-training, participants will be able to:

  1. Understand the end-to-end BRIM process.
  2. Configure and implement various BRIM modules.
  3. Handle complex billing scenarios and revenue management tasks.
  4. Provide strategic solutions to improve billing systems.

Course Delivery and Materials

The course is typically offered online, featuring:

  1. Interactive Sessions: Live classes led by experienced instructors.
  2. Hands-On Labs: Practical exercises using SAP BRIM systems.
  3. Study Material: Comprehensive course materials, including case studies and reference guides.

Certification Process

After completing the training, participants need to clear an examination to receive the SAP BRIM Certification. The certification exam tests the candidate’s understanding of the SAP BRIM functionality and implementation knowledge.

Career Prospects

SAP BRIM certified professionals can explore lucrative roles like:

  1. SAP BRIM Consultant
  2. Billing Manager
  3. Revenue Management Analyst
  4. SAP Functional Analyst

Challenges in Learning

While beneficial, the training can be challenging, requiring a deep understanding of finance and billing processes. Candidates often need to familiarize themselves with SAP's environment, which can be complex for beginners.


The SAP BRIM Training & Certification Course offers a pathway to mastering complex billing and revenue management systems, crucial for businesses across various sectors. As enterprises continue to seek efficient billing solutions, the demand for SAP BRIM professionals is expected to grow. This certification not only enhances individual skill sets but also opens doors to new and exciting career opportunities.


  1. Who should attend SAP BRIM training?

    • Professionals in finance, billing, and SAP consultants looking to specialize in high-volume billing and revenue management.
  2. How long does it take to complete the SAP BRIM course?

    • It varies depending on the training provider, usually spanning several weeks.
  3. Can I pursue this course online?

    • Yes, many providers offer this course online, combining live lectures with virtual labs.
  4. Is the certification recognized globally?

    • Yes, SAP certifications are recognized and valued globally.

By embarking on this journey of SAP BRIM training and certification, professionals not only enhance their skill set but also contribute significantly to their organization's financial and billing efficiency, ultimately driving business success in this digital age.

Ab Initio Certification Course: A Gateway to Data Integration Mastery

The digital age has ushered in an era where data is the new oil. Today's businesses are inundated with massive amounts of data, and effectively harnessing this data is paramount for staying competitive. This is where tools like Ab Initio come into play. If you're a data enthusiast, an Ab Initio certification might be your ticket to a rewarding career in data integration and processing. Let's delve into why.

Understanding Ab Initio

Ab Initio, which means "from the beginning" in Latin, is a software application focused on data processing and data integration. It offers a suite of applications to help businesses collect, process, and present their data. But what makes it stand out is its graphical user interface (GUI), which allows for the easy creation and maintenance of data processing workflows.

Why Should You Consider an Ab Initio Certification Course?

  1. Increasing Demand in the Industry: As businesses are dealing with voluminous data, the demand for efficient data integration tools is escalating. With an Ab Initio certification, you signal to employers that you're proficient in one of the industry's leading tools.

  2. Versatility of the Tool: Ab Initio isn't just about data integration. It's also about parallel processing, data transformation, and enterprise application integration. Learning the ins and outs of this tool through a certification can open doors to various roles in data management.

  3. Competitive Edge in Job Market: With an official certification, you get a significant edge over non-certified peers. It's an attestation of your skills, giving employers confidence in your abilities.

What Will You Learn in an Ab Initio Certification Course?

  • Fundamentals of Ab Initio: Understand the basic concepts, architecture, and terminologies associated with the tool.
  • Graph Development: Dive deep into how to develop, debug, and run graphs - the core abstraction in Ab Initio which represents data processes.
  • Working with Datasets: Learn about the different datasets available in Ab Initio and how to manipulate them.
  • Partitioning and Departitioning: Get to grips with how Ab Initio divides data to process it in parallel.
  • Advanced Features: From meta-programming to conducting in-database processing, delve into the advanced capabilities that Ab Initio offers.

Key Benefits of Completing the Course

  1. Enhanced Skillset: Grasping the advanced data processing capabilities of Ab Initio will put you in an elite category of data professionals.
  2. Career Progression: With this certification, you can position yourself for roles like Data Architect, ETL Developer, and Data Integration Specialist.
  3. Networking: Joining a course often means becoming part of an alumni network, giving you a platform to connect with like-minded professionals.

Preparing for the Ab Initio Certification Exam

While the course will cover a lot, it's crucial to prepare effectively for the certification exam.

  • Practice: Theoretical knowledge is vital, but practical experience is unparalleled. Ensure you spend ample time working on Ab Initio to understand its nuances.
  • Mock Tests: Before the actual exam, take several mock tests to understand the format and identify areas of improvement.
  • Stay Updated: Ab Initio, like any other software, gets updates. Ensure you're up-to-date with the latest features and best practices.


In a world governed by data, tools that can effectively manage and process this data are invaluable. Ab Initio is among the leading software in this domain, and an Ab Initio certification course is a testament to one's proficiency in this tool. Whether you're looking to bolster your resume, make a career shift, or dive deep into data integration, this certification is a step in the right direction. If you've got a passion for data and an eye for detail, the world of Ab Initio awaits!

Navigating Your Career with SailPoint Certification Training

In the fast-paced world of cybersecurity and identity management, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. As organizations grapple with ever-evolving threats and data breaches, the demand for skilled professionals in the field continues to grow. One surefire way to bolster your career prospects and expertise is through SailPoint certification training. In this 1000-word guest blog post, we will explore the significance of SailPoint certification, its benefits, and how it can pave the way for a successful career in the realm of identity and access management.

The Relevance of Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Before diving into SailPoint certification, let's first understand why identity and access management is so important in today's digital landscape. IAM is the cornerstone of cybersecurity, ensuring that only authorized individuals or systems have access to an organization's resources. It safeguards sensitive data, protects against insider threats, and helps companies comply with regulatory requirements.

As the digital ecosystem expands, the complexity of managing identities and access privileges also increases. This is where SailPoint comes into play.

Introducing SailPoint: The IAM Solution

SailPoint is a leading identity governance and access management platform that empowers organizations to efficiently and securely manage user access. Its robust features, including identity governance, access management, and compliance capabilities, make it an indispensable tool for businesses of all sizes.

SailPoint's popularity stems from its ability to automate and streamline IAM processes, reducing security risks and operational overhead. To harness the full potential of SailPoint, professionals seek certification training.

Why Pursue SailPoint Certification?

  • Credential of Expertise: SailPoint certification serves as concrete evidence of your expertise in using the platform. Employers often prefer certified professionals, as they are seen as more competent and knowledgeable.

  • Career Advancement: Certified individuals are better positioned for career advancement. Whether you're aiming for a promotion or exploring new job opportunities, having SailPoint certification on your resume will set you apart from other candidates.

  • Skill Enhancement: SailPoint certification training delves deep into the platform's features and functionalities. You'll gain a comprehensive understanding of identity governance, access management, compliance, and more, enhancing your skill set.

  • Increased Earning Potential: Certified SailPoint professionals typically earn higher salaries than their non-certified counterparts. This investment in your education can yield substantial financial returns.

  • Job Security: With cyber threats becoming more sophisticated, organizations are actively seeking IAM experts to fortify their security posture. SailPoint certification makes you a valuable asset in this regard, increasing your job security.

  • Industry Recognition: SailPoint is a recognized leader in the IAM industry. Holding their certification lends credibility to your profile and showcases your commitment to staying current in the field.

Types of SailPoint Certifications

SailPoint offers a range of certifications to cater to different career levels and areas of expertise. Here are some notable ones:

  • SailPoint Certified IdentityNow Engineer: This certification is ideal for those who work with SailPoint's IdentityNow platform. It covers various aspects of identity governance and access management.

  • SailPoint Certified IdentityNow Implementation Engineer: Geared towards professionals involved in implementing SailPoint's IdentityNow solution, this certification validates your ability to configure and deploy the platform effectively.

  • SailPoint Certified IdentityNow Sales Engineer: Designed for individuals in sales roles, this certification equips you with the knowledge needed to effectively communicate SailPoint's value proposition to clients.

  • SailPoint Certified IdentityNow Architect: For experienced professionals, this certification demonstrates your mastery of SailPoint's IdentityNow architecture and design principles.

The Certification Training Journey

SailPoint certification training typically follows a structured curriculum that covers key topics, including:

  • SailPoint architecture and components
  • Identity governance and compliance
  • Access management and provisioning
  • IdentityNow platform configuration
  • Troubleshooting and best practices

Training programs often include hands-on labs, real-world scenarios, and comprehensive study materials. This immersive learning experience ensures that you not only pass the certification exam but also acquire practical skills that can be applied in your day-to-day work.

Tips for Success

Earning a SailPoint certification is a rewarding journey, but it requires dedication and preparation. Here are some tips to help you succeed:

  • Understand the Exam Blueprint: Familiarize yourself with the exam objectives and weightage of each topic. Allocate your study time accordingly.

  • Hands-On Practice: Practice using SailPoint in a lab environment. The more you interact with the platform, the more confident you'll become.

  • Study Materials: Utilize official SailPoint documentation, practice exams, and study guides. These resources are designed to align with the certification objectives.

  • Join the Community: Engage with the SailPoint community through forums and discussion boards. You can gain valuable insights and support from experienced professionals.

  • Time Management: Create a study schedule and stick to it. Consistency is key to success.


In a digital landscape riddled with security challenges, SailPoint certification training emerges as a beacon of opportunity for professionals in the identity and access management field. With the right certification, you can unlock doors to career growth, increased earning potential, and job security. It's a strategic investment in your future that not only benefits you but also contributes to the cybersecurity resilience of organizations worldwide.

How to Become a Certified Workday Recruiting Expert?

The Workday Recruiting Training Certification Course Online is a specialized program designed to equip HR professionals, recruiters, and other interested individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively use Workday Recruiting software. Workday Recruiting is a comprehensive application that aids companies in finding, engaging, and selecting the most suitable candidates for various job roles, both internally and externally. In today’s fast-paced corporate world, efficiency and effectiveness in talent acquisition and management are paramount. The role of Human Resources has evolved, and professionals in this domain are expected to be adept at leveraging cutting-edge tools and technologies. One such tool that has revolutionized HR management is Workday. Recognizing the industry’s need for skilled Workday professionals, Multisoft Virtual Academy introduces a tailored online training certification course focusing on Workday Recruiting.

Workday Recruiting is a comprehensive application that offers organizations the tools to find, engage, and select the best internal and external candidates. However, to maximize the potential of this robust tool, in-depth knowledge and skill are required. That’s where our Workday Recruiting Certification Course comes into play.

Why choose Multisoft’s Workday Recruiting Training? Because we understand that a certification is not just a piece of paper but a testament to your skill, knowledge, and commitment to professional excellence. Our interactive online sessions, extensive resource materials, and continuous support ensure that every participant emerges as a qualified Workday professional, ready to elevate their career and organization’s HR management to new heights.

Steps to become a Certified Workday Recruiting Expert

In the constantly evolving landscape of human resources and recruitment, proficiency in state-of-the-art tools is indispensable. Workday Recruiting online, a cutting-edge application designed to streamline talent acquisition processes, has become instrumental for HR professionals worldwide. This software, adept at managing and executing intricate recruitment tasks, demands a specific skill set to be employed optimally. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to become a certified Workday Recruiting expert.

Step 1: Understand the Basics of Workday Recruiting

Start by acquainting yourself with the basics. Workday Recruiting is not just about posting jobs; it's an integrated module that handles everything from candidate attraction to onboarding. Acquiring a foundational knowledge of its core features, functionalities, and integration capabilities with Workday HCM is pivotal.

Step 2: Identify Your Learning Goals

Define what you intend to achieve with the certification. Whether it’s about enhancing your career prospects, adding value to your current organization, or transitioning into the HR tech space, a clear set of objectives will guide your learning journey effectively.

Step 3: Choose the Right Training Program

Selecting a credible, comprehensive training program like the one offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy is crucial. Look for courses that combine theoretical knowledge with practical insights, providing hands-on experience to handle real-world challenges.

Step 4: Dive Deep into the Curriculum

Engage thoroughly with topics ranging from recruitment marketing, job posting, application management, interview scheduling, to offer management. A robust understanding of each aspect ensures that you are well-equipped to optimize the Workday Recruiting tool for enhanced talent acquisition and management.

Step 5: Hands-on Practice

Practical application complements theoretical knowledge. Participate in labs, workshops, and simulations to apply your learning in real-time scenarios. This practical exposure enhances understanding and retention, preparing you for the certification examination and beyond.

Step 6: Leverage Resources

Utilize study materials, guides, and resources provided during your training. Join forums, discussion groups, and communities of Workday professionals to exchange insights, resolve queries, and stay updated with the latest trends and updates.

Step 7: Prepare for the Certification Exam

Revise the curriculum, undertake practice tests, and assess your preparedness. The certification exam evaluates your proficiency in utilizing Workday Recruiting for diverse, complex recruitment scenarios. Adequate preparation is key to secure the certification that stamps your expertise.

Step 8: Take the Exam

Approach the exam with confidence. Ensure you are well-rested, and follow the examination guidelines meticulously. Manage your time effectively, and remember, it’s an evaluation of your understanding and application of the Workday Recruiting application.

Step 9: Obtain Your Certification

Congratulations! On passing the exam, you earn the certification validating your expertise as a Workday Recruiting professional. This certification is a testament to your skills, understanding, and proficiency in handling the intricacies of Workday HCM Recruiting.

Step 10: Continuous Learning

The HR tech space is dynamic. To stay relevant, engage in continuous learning. Participate in workshops, seminars, and update sessions to keep your knowledge and skills updated. Stay informed about the advancements and updates in Workday Recruiting to maintain your edge as an expert.

Therefore, becoming a certified Workday Recruiting expert not only amplifies your skillset but also elevates your career prospects significantly. Organizations value professionals who can seamlessly integrate technology into talent acquisition and management, making you a sought-after asset in the competitive HR landscape. Your journey from an enthusiastic learner to a certified Workday Recruiting professional encapsulates dedicated learning, practical application, and continuous growth. Armed with this prestigious certification, you are not just a professional; you are a change agent ready to redefine the contours of talent acquisition and management in the digital age.


Join us at Multisoft Virtual Academy and transform your HR career with the Workday Recruiting Training Certification Course, where quality education meets real-world skill, empowering you to be the change agent in your professional journey. Your pathway to becoming a certified Workday Recruiting expert begins here!

Embark on this journey of transformation, where corporate training, learning and career advancement coincide to offer a comprehensive educational experience tailored for the modern HR professional. Your future in HR is bright and boundless with the Workday Recruiting Training Certification Course by Multisoft Virtual Academy. Enroll today!

Introduction to Kronos Workforce

Kronos, now known as UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group) following a merger, is a leading global provider of workforce management and human capital management cloud solutions. Its platforms are designed to help businesses manage their most valuable resource: their people. Kronos solutions encompass various tools for time and attendance tracking, employee scheduling, absence management, HR and payroll, talent management, and more. These integrated tools not only aid organizations in ensuring regulatory compliance and optimizing workforce productivity but also provide insights for better decision-making. With its intuitive design, Kronos streamlines administrative processes, enabling businesses to focus more on strategic initiatives and less on time-consuming tasks.

Kronos, now a part of UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group) following its merger with Ultimate Software, is a global leader in workforce management and human capital management solutions.

Multisoft Virtual Academy’s Kronos Workforce Dimensions online training is a synthesis of comprehensive curriculum and pragmatic approaches, tailored to fit the dynamic needs of HR professionals, managers, and IT specialists alike.

What does Kronos do?

Kronos software is a leading workforce management and human capital management (HCM) solution used by organizations worldwide. Developed by Kronos Incorporated, the software addresses a wide range of tasks associated with managing and organizing a workforce, streamlining various HR and operational processes. Post its merger with Ultimate Software, the company became known as UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group), yet many still refer to its solutions by the legacy name "Kronos."

1. Workforce Management: Kronos provides tools to track and manage employee time, attendance, schedules, and more. It assists businesses in ensuring that the right employees are at the right place at the right time.

2. Human Capital Management: Beyond just time tracking, Kronos offers a suite of tools that help manage the entire employee lifecycle from hiring to retirement.

What is Kronos used for?

1. Time & Attendance: Tracking employee work hours, overtime, and ensuring compliance with labor laws.

2. Scheduling: Assisting managers in creating optimal, compliant schedules and managing shift swaps or time-off requests.

3. Absence Management: Keeping track of employee leaves, vacations, and sick days to ensure continuous business operation.

4. HR and Payroll: Streamlining HR tasks such as benefits administration, compensation management, and ensuring accurate and timely payroll processing.

5. Hiring: Managing job postings, applicant tracking, and onboarding processes.

6. Labor Analytics: Offering insights into labor data to help in decision-making, budgeting, and forecasting.

In essence, Kronos certification centralizes many crucial HR functions, making it easier for businesses to manage their workforce, maintain compliance, increase productivity, and improve employee satisfaction.

How does Kronos work?

Kronos operates using an integrated suite of tools and software solutions, combining cloud technology, user-friendly interfaces, and data analytics. Here’s an overview of how it works:

1. Cloud-Based System: Most of Kronos’ solutions are cloud-based, meaning organizations can access their data anytime, anywhere. This ensures real-time monitoring and updates.

2. User Interfaces

· Manager Dashboards: Provides an overview of workforce data, allowing managers to see attendance, time tracking, and other important metrics at a glance.

· Employee Portals: Allows employees to clock in/out, view schedules, request time off, and access other pertinent information.

3. Data Collection

· Time Clocks: Physical devices where employees can clock in and out using badges, biometrics, or manual entry.

· Mobile Apps: Employees can clock in/out and managers can approve time-off requests, view schedules, etc., all from a mobile device.

· Web Portals: Another medium for employees and managers to access and manage their data.


Kronos, now a component of UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group) after its merger with Ultimate Software, is a premier choice for many organizations when it comes to workforce management and human capital management solutions. Here's why organizations opt for Kronos online trainning and the benefits they gain:

Benefits of Kronos

1. Better Workforce Productivity

· Kronos ensures that the right employees are scheduled at the right time, reducing overstaffing or understaffing issues.

· Managers receive instant feedback on workforce performance, helping in quick decision-making and resource adjustments.

2. Accurate Time Tracking

· With options like biometric time clocks, mobile entries, and web portals, Kronos captures exact work hours, minimizing errors or time fraud.

· Overtime, breaks, and other specific time-related calculations are automated, ensuring employees are compensated accurately.

3. More Visibility

· Managers have a bird’s eye view of workforce metrics, from attendance to shift swaps, all in one place.

· In-depth reports and analytics provide insights into labor trends, helping in proactive management.

4. Easy Scheduling

· Algorithms generate optimal schedules based on business needs, employee availability, and other factors.

· Managers can easily adjust schedules, accommodate time-off requests, and manage shift swaps through the system.

5. Better Compliance

· Kronos checks for adherence to labor laws, company policies, and union agreements, reducing the risk of violations.

· Immediate notifications ensure managers are aware of potential compliance issues, allowing for timely resolutions.

6. Easier Communication

· Managers and employees communicate seamlessly within the system about schedules, approvals, and other matters.


Advantages of Kronos

1. Enhanced Efficiency

· Kronos automates many manual HR tasks like scheduling, time-tracking, and leave management. This reduces administrative burdens and minimizes errors.

· Having everything from timekeeping to payroll on a single platform ensures smooth workflows and decreases the chances of data discrepancies.

2. Increased Compliance

· Kronos constantly checks for compliance with labor laws, company policies, and union agreements. Managers receive instant alerts for potential violations.

· The system maintains detailed logs of employee hours, breaks, and absences, ensuring readiness for any audits or inspections.

3. Simplified Data Collection

· Whether it's physical time clocks, mobile apps, or web portals, Kronos offers a range of data collection methods to suit different business needs.

· By centralizing data collection, Kronos ensures consistency across departments or locations.

4. More Visibility

· Kronos provides detailed reports on various metrics like labor costs, overtime, and absenteeism. This aids in informed decision-making.

· Managers can view real-time data dashboards, giving them instant insights into workforce dynamics.

5. More Employee Engagement

· Employees have direct access to check schedules, request time off, or view pay stubs, fostering a sense of autonomy and reducing HR inquiries.

· With clear visibility into schedules, time-off balances, and other essential data, employees feel more informed and engaged.


In today's rapidly evolving workforce landscape, effective management of human resources is paramount. The steps outlined above accentuate the intuitive nature and versatility of the Kronos software, demonstrating its capability to streamline tasks, from simple time tracking to intricate report generation. Multisoft Virtual Academy recognizes the importance of such tools in optimizing organizational productivity and ensuring compliance.

Enroll in Multisoft Virtual Academy’s Kronos Workforce Dimensions online training to embark on a transformative journey of learning. Witness a blend of flexibility, comprehensiveness, and real-world application that promises not just to educate but to empower. Your pathway to becoming a certified expert in Kronos Workforce Dimensions is but a click away. Join us, and let’s build the future of efficient workforce management together!

Kronos Workforce (UKG) Interview Questions

Kronos Workforce (UKG) Dimensions Online Training and Certification Course offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy is a specialized training program designed for professionals to gain expertise in the UKG Dimensions platform. This course equips participants with the skills needed to efficiently manage workforce processes using the platform. The training emphasizes hands-on learning, real-world scenarios, and best practices. Upon completion, participants are better positioned to implement and utilize UKG Dimensions, making them valuable assets to their organizations.

Multisoft Virtual Academy provides a set of interview questions which will help the participants to prepare for their interview. The top 20 interview questions are mentioned below with their answers:

Q1. What is Kronos Workforce (UKG) Dimensions and why is it important for organizations?

Kronos Workforce Dimensions is an advanced Human Capital Management (HCM) and workforce management platform developed by UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group). It offers solutions for timekeeping, scheduling, absence management, labor activities, and more. It is important for organizations because it streamlines workforce processes, ensures labor compliance, and provides insights to drive better business outcomes.

Q2. How does UKG Dimensions differ from previous Kronos platforms?

UKG Dimensions is built on a completely new architecture, offering a modern user interface, robust analytics, and seamless integration capabilities. Unlike previous versions, Dimensions provides cloud-native capabilities, a mobile-first approach, and enhanced AI-powered features.

Q3. Explain how UKG Dimensions supports mobile functionalities?

UKG Dimensions has a mobile-first approach. The platform offers mobile apps that allow employees to clock in/out, view their schedules, request time off, and access other functionalities from their smartphones. This mobile capability increases engagement and allows for flexibility in managing the workforce.

Q4. How does UKG Dimensions handle real-time data and analytics?

Dimensions provides real-time data processing, which enables managers and executives to make instant decisions based on current data. Additionally, the platform has built-in analytics tools that provide actionable insights and trends, helping organizations optimize their workforce strategies.

Q5. Can you explain how UKG Dimensions ensures compliance with labor laws?

Dimensions has built-in features to monitor compliance with labor laws, union agreements, and internal policies. Automated alerts can be set up to notify managers about potential breaches, ensuring proactive mitigation.

Q6. How is AI integrated within UKG Dimensions?

Dimensions leverages AI to offer predictive analytics, optimize schedules, analyze patterns for absence management, and more. The AI capabilities enable organizations to forecast labor needs and manage their workforce more efficiently.

Q7. Describe the user experience and interface of UKG Dimensions.

UKG Dimensions boasts a modern and intuitive user interface. Its design prioritizes user experience, ensuring easy navigation, customization, and quick access to essential features. The platform adapts to the device being used, whether it's a desktop or mobile.

Q8. How does UKG Dimensions support integration with other enterprise systems?

Dimensions is built on an open API architecture, which facilitates seamless integration with other enterprise solutions like ERP, HRIS, and payroll systems. This ensures data consistency and streamlines processes across platforms.

Q9. What is the role of cloud technology in UKG Dimensions?

Being cloud-native, Dimensions benefits from enhanced scalability, security, and agility. Cloud technology ensures that organizations can quickly deploy the platform without heavy infrastructure investments and receive automatic updates.

Q10. How does UKG Dimensions handle scheduling?

Dimensions offers automated and AI-powered scheduling tools. Managers can create optimized schedules based on business needs, employee preferences, and compliance requirements. Employees can also swap shifts, bid on open shifts, and request time off through the platform.

Q11. Describe the role of chatbots in UKG Dimensions.

Chatbots in Dimensions provide immediate assistance to users, helping them navigate features, retrieve information, or perform tasks more efficiently. This enhances user experience and reduces the learning curve.

Q12. How does UKG Dimensions facilitate employee self-service?

Dimensions has a robust self-service portal where employees can view their schedules, punch times, check accrual balances, request time off, and more. This empowers employees and reduces administrative tasks for HR.

Q13. How can UKG Dimensions assist in reducing labor costs?

By offering predictive analytics, optimized scheduling, and real-time data, Dimensions helps organizations minimize overtime, reduce absenteeism, and ensure efficient resource allocation. This, in turn, leads to reduced labor costs.

Q14. Explain how UKG Dimensions can improve employee engagement.

The platform provides tools for communication, feedback, and recognition. The mobile capabilities, self-service features, and user-friendly interface enhance accessibility and empowerment, contributing to improved engagement.

Q15. Describe the scalability of UKG Dimensions.

Being cloud-native, Dimensions can easily scale to accommodate the growing needs of organizations, whether it's more users, locations, or functionalities.

Q16. How does UKG Dimensions handle data security?

Dimensions offers enterprise-grade security features, including data encryption, multi-factor authentication, and regular security audits. The cloud infrastructure also ensures data redundancy and disaster recovery.

Q17. What kind of training and support does UKG provide for Dimensions?

UKG offers comprehensive training through online courses, webinars, and hands-on sessions. They also provide 24/7 customer support, online resources, and a user community for collaboration.

Q18. How does UKG Dimensions support global organizations?

Dimensions caters to global organizations by supporting multiple languages, currencies, and regional compliance requirements. Its cloud infrastructure ensures accessibility from anywhere in the world.

Q19. Can you explain how UKG Dimensions handles talent acquisition and onboarding?

While Dimensions primarily focuses on workforce management, it can integrate seamlessly with UKG's other HR solutions, offering a holistic approach to talent acquisition, onboarding, and employee lifecycle management.

Q20. Why should a company invest in UKG Dimensions over other workforce management systems?

UKG Dimensions stands out due to its modern architecture, cloud-native capabilities, AI integrations, and comprehensive features. The platform not only offers workforce management but also provides insights to drive business strategies. Its focus on user experience, scalability, and global support makes it a top choice for organizations of all sizes.

What is Process Engineering?

The Process Engineering online training and certification course by Multisoft Virtual Academy is a comprehensive program designed to equip aspiring and seasoned professionals with essential process engineering skills. It covers vital modules like process design, equipment design, plant design, process modeling, simulation, and risk analysis. This course leverages interactive online sessions, real-world case studies, and self-paced learning to provide a flexible, hands-on learning experience. Upon completion, participants earn an industry-recognized certification, enhancing their employability in diverse sectors. This course is a stepping stone to rewarding roles like Process Engineer, Process Design Engineer, and more in the thriving process engineering industry.

This certification course is designed to provide both entry-level professionals and experienced engineers with an intensive training platform to optimize their process engineering skills.

Shaping Experts in Process Engineering

In an age of technological advancement, online training has reshaped the approach towards skill development and enhancement. Recognizing this trend, Multisoft Virtual Academy is committed to providing high-quality online training, making learning accessible to everyone, everywhere. Our Process Engineering online training and certification course is tailor-made to equip aspiring professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge needed to excel in the field.

Why Choose Process Engineering?

Choosing a career in Process Engineering online course opens a world of opportunities in diverse sectors like chemical, pharmaceutical, petrochemical, and food production industries. As a Process Engineer, you're entrusted with designing, implementing, controlling, and optimizing industrial processes. It plays a pivotal role in designing, implementing, controlling, and optimizing industrial processes. It ensures efficiency, safety, and sustainability, thereby promoting the smooth running of operations and overall business growth.

Your role is pivotal to ensuring efficiency, safety, and sustainability, which are vital for the smooth running of operations and overall business growth. In an era where industries are continually seeking to streamline their processes and enhance productivity, the demand for skilled Process Engineers is rising. With an ability to directly impact a company's profitability and growth, a career in Process Engineering is both rewarding and fulfilling.

Process Design

In the Process Engineering certification course offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy, the Process Design module forms an integral part of the curriculum.

Process Design is the conceptual work done prior to the actual physical implementation of a new or modified process. It entails brainstorming, planning, and creating a blueprint for a process that can efficiently and effectively achieve the desired production goals. In this module, learners are introduced to the principles of designing efficient industrial processes. They are taught how to conceptualize, plan, and design a process that aligns with operational goals while minimizing costs and maximizing safety and efficiency.

Optimization Techniques

In the Process Engineering online training course offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy, the module of Optimization Techniques is a critical component designed to equip learners with the ability to continuously improve industrial processes.

The Optimization Techniques in Process Engineering involve the application of mathematical methods and modeling to enhance the efficiency and performance of industrial processes. These techniques can help reduce waste, minimize energy consumption, increase yield, and maximize overall operational efficiency.

Project Management

The Project Management module in the Process Engineering online training and certification course focuses on imparting the essential skills to manage process engineering projects effectively. Participants are introduced to key concepts such as project lifecycle, scheduling, cost estimation, budgeting, quality control, risk management, and resource allocation. They learn to align these elements with the unique requirements and constraints of process engineering. The module also covers the use of common project management tools and software in the context of process engineering. By the end of this module, learners are equipped to lead and manage process engineering corporate training projects efficiently, ensuring they are completed on time, within budget, and meet quality standards.

What makes course stand out?

Multisoft Virtual Academy’s course, designed by industry experts, covers all aspects of Process Engineering, from basic to advanced levels. It includes modules like process design, equipment design, plant design, process modeling, process simulation, and risk analysis.

1. Interactive Online Sessions: Through our live interactive online sessions, you can interact directly with the trainers, ask questions, and clarify your doubts in real-time.

2. Practical Exposure: We believe that learning is best solidified through practice. Our course includes real-life case studies, projects, and simulations that offer hands-on experience in tackling real-world process engineering problems.

3. Flexible Learning: The course offers the flexibility to learn at your own pace. Our self-paced learning approach helps you balance your professional commitments and learning aspirations.

4. Industry-recognized Certification: Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certification from Multisoft Virtual Academy, recognized by industry leaders worldwide. This certification adds credibility to your professional profile, making you stand out in the job market.

Who Can Benefit?

Multisoft Virtual Academy’s online training and certification course is suitable for a broad spectrum of individuals. Whether you are an engineering graduate, a working professional seeking skill enhancement, or someone eyeing a career shift, this course offers a comprehensive understanding of process engineering.

What after certification?

Process Engineers are in high demand across a range of industries, owing to their crucial role in maintaining and enhancing operational efficiency. With the Multisoft Virtual Academy certification, you stand a strong chance to work in top-notch companies as a Process Engineer, Process Design Engineer, Plant Engineer, or Production Engineer. Moreover, the skills you acquire during the course will not only make you more employable but also open doors to leadership and consultancy roles.

Upon successful completion of the course, participants receive a certification from Multisoft Virtual Academy. This certification serves multiple purposes like Professional Credibility, Skill Validation and Networking.


In a competitive job market, Multisoft Virtual Academy’s Process Engineering online training and certification course offers a strategic edge to thrive. Our course, crafted with meticulous attention to the needs of the industry, provides a holistic learning experience to aspiring Process Engineers. By leveraging our comprehensive and industry-aligned curriculum, you can establish a strong foothold in the field of corporate training in Process Engineering.

Join us today and step into a world of exciting career opportunities! Enroll in our Process Engineering online course and let your journey to becoming an adept Process Engineer begin.

Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud - Tutorial

Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud is a modern suite of applications built to manage every stage of the human resources process, from recruitment to retirement. It offers tools for core HR functions, talent management, payroll, time tracking, and more. Being cloud-based, it provides real-time access to data, analytics, and insights, thereby promoting better decision-making for HR professionals and managers.

Let's delve into what the Global HR component under Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud Training encompasses:


Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources (Global HR)

Global HR is designed to support diverse and geographically dispersed organizations. It provides a foundation for other HCM processes and offers flexibility in defining and managing organizational structures.


Key Features

  • Workforce Modeling: Allows HR professionals and managers to visualize and implement change, whether it's a minor team restructuring or a major merger.
  • Global Assignment: Supports the assignment of employees to positions globally, accommodating different roles in multiple countries.
  • Workforce Predictions: Provides insights into employee performance and potential, helping managers make informed decisions.
  • Location Management: Easily manage work locations, especially for global businesses with operations in multiple countries or regions.
  • Action Framework: Allows the definition of HR processes, ensuring that each step is completed in the correct order.
  • Dynamic Security Profiles: Ensures that data access is based on the role and ensures information security and compliance.


Social and Mobile Capabilities

One of the standout features is its localization capabilities. Oracle Fusion Global HR is tailored for various countries, adhering to local regulations, statutory requirements, and best practices. Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud integrates social features for collaboration and mobile capabilities to ensure that HR processes can be accessed and managed on-the-go.

While often coupled with benefits modules, the core HR solution in Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud Training ensures seamless management of employee benefits, enrollment processes, and more. The solution offers an intuitive user interface, providing an efficient experience for HR professionals, managers, and employees alike.


Training Perspective

From a training standpoint, Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud Training for Global HR typically cover:

  • Navigational aspects of the application.
  • Setting up and managing organizational structures.
  • Employee lifecycle processes including hiring, transfers, promotions, and terminations.
  • Best practices for data management, reporting, and analytics.
  • Deep dives into specific features such as workforce modeling and global assignments.
  • Case studies and real-world scenarios to aid practical understanding.

Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources under the HCM Cloud Training provides a comprehensive toolset for modern HR professionals. It supports not just the tactical aspects of HR but also the strategic elements, ensuring that organizations can attract, retain, and develop the best talent in a global context.


Absence Management

Absence Management in Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management (HCM) Cloud is a robust and flexible solution designed to help organizations manage employee time-off, including vacations, sick leaves, and other types of absences. Given that efficient management of employee absences is critical for maintaining productivity, morale, and compliance with labor laws, Absence Management serves as a vital module in the Oracle Fusion HCM suite.

This feature is designed to support businesses in efficiently managing employee absences. Here's a detailed explanation:


Key Features and Benefits

  1. Configurable Absence Types: Oracle Fusion Absence Management allows HR professionals to configure various absence types according to organizational policies or local labor laws. This includes paid time off, unpaid leaves, sick leaves, and more.
  2. Self-Service Capabilities: Employees can easily request time off, view their leave balances, and track the status of their requests through a user-friendly interface. Managers can review, approve, or decline these requests, streamlining the entire process.
  3. Accrual Plans and Balances: The system can automatically calculate and track accruals for different absence types, such as annual leave accruals. Configurable rules can be set up to determine how and when leave accrues for employees, which can vary based on factors like tenure or job role.
  4. Integration with Payroll: Absence data can be integrated seamlessly with Oracle Fusion Payroll, ensuring accurate deductions or payments related to leave.
  5. Reporting and Analytics: With embedded analytics, HR teams can generate reports to analyze absence trends, identify patterns, or monitor the impact of absences on organizational productivity. This can be crucial for strategic planning and policy adjustments.
  6. Compliance: Oracle Fusion Absence Management supports compliance with various regional and global labor regulations. It helps ensure that leave policies adhere to local labor laws and that employees get their entitled leave benefits.
  7. Flexible Rules: The system supports condition-based rules, meaning you can set up diverse conditions based on which absences are managed. For instance, you can have rules that vary based on regions, job roles, or other criteria.
  8. Notification System: An automated notification system informs employees and managers about upcoming leaves, approvals, or denials, ensuring transparency and timely communication.

In the Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud Training, Absence Management emerges as an essential module for organizations aiming for efficient workforce planning and adherence to local compliance standards. The blend of automated and configurable features ensures that businesses can tailor the system to their unique needs while also providing employees with transparency and control over their absences.



Q1. What is Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud Training?

Oracle Fusion HCM (Human Capital Management) Cloud Training is a program designed to educate participants on the functionalities and features of the Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud suite. The training covers modules like Global HR, Payroll, Absence Management, Talent Management, and more. It equips learners with the skills required to implement, configure, and manage the solution in a business environment.

Q2. Who should attend Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud Training?

The training is ideal for HR professionals, system administrators, consultants, and IT professionals looking to integrate or work with Oracle HCM Cloud in their organizations. Additionally, individuals aiming for a career in HCM solutions or Oracle consultants looking to upgrade their skills can benefit significantly from this training.

Q3. What kind of job roles can I pursue after completing Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud Training and certification?

Completing the training and certification opens doors to various roles such as Oracle HCM Cloud Consultant, HCM Cloud Solution Architect, Fusion HCM Functional Specialist, HR Systems Analyst, and HCM Project Manager, among others.

Q4. Does the training also prepare participants for Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud certification exams?

Yes, many training programs are designed to not only impart practical skills but also prepare participants for Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud certification exams. Participants are often provided with study materials, practice exams, and guidelines on successfully clearing the certification.

Q5. Are there any prerequisites to take the Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud Training?

While anyone interested can attend the training, having a basic understanding of HR processes and Oracle applications can be beneficial. Some advanced modules might require a foundational knowledge of Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud, so it's recommended to check specific course prerequisites before enrolling.



Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud Training by Multisoft Virtual Academy is an indispensable resource for professionals aiming to navigate the intricacies of modern human capital management. This comprehensive training, covering a wide range of modules from Core HR to analytics, empowers participants with both theoretical knowledge and practical application skills. The transformation from traditional HCM solutions to cloud-based platforms has amplified the demand for skilled experts in the domain.

As businesses worldwide increasingly adopt Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud for its scalability, real-time insights, and efficiency, professionals equipped with this training and certification are positioned advantageously in the HR tech landscape, ready to drive organizational success and innovation.

DCS Interview Questions

A Distributed Control System (DCS) is an automated control system that utilizes a network of decentralized controllers to regulate processes within industries, such as chemical, oil, gas, and power plants. Unlike centralized systems, a DCS distributes control functions across various subsystems, improving reliability and scalability. Multisoft Virtual Academy offer a Distributed Control System (DCS) online training & certification course which offers participants knowledge and skills in DCS concepts and applications. Delivered virtually, the course covers DCS architecture, components, and process control. Successful participants earn a certification, demonstrating proficiency in DCS fundamentals and applications, enhancing their career prospects in the automation industry.

Here is a list of interview questions which will help you in preparing for your exam:


Q1. What is a Distributed Control System (DCS)?

Ans: A DCS is an automated control system that is distributed across the functional areas of a process or plant. Rather than having a centralized control system, control is managed by a hierarchy of controllers distributed throughout the plant or process. DCS systems are designed for complex, large-scale processes where high reliability and flexibility are necessary.

Q2. How does DCS differ from a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)?

Ans: While both DCS and PLC are used for process control, DCSs are optimized for large-scale, multifaceted, and redundant process control operations, while PLCs are typically used for discrete control tasks. DCS systems have integrated control functionalities, human-machine interface (HMI), and advanced control strategies in one system. PLCs, however, are often integrated with separate SCADA systems for a similar functionality.

Q3. Describe the architecture of a typical DCS.

Ans: A typical DCS consists of:

  • Field Instruments: These are the sensors and actuators at the field level.
  • Distributed Controllers: They collect data from field instruments and control their behavior.
  • Communication Network: This connects the distributed controllers with the operator workstations and other parts of the system.
  • Operator Workstations: These are the HMIs where operators can monitor and control the process.
  • Servers: These can be for data storage, alarm handling, trending, or other system-wide functionalities.


Q4. What are the advantages of a DCS?

Ans: Some advantages include enhanced process quality, increased productivity, and integration of advanced control strategies, high reliability, and efficient alarm management.

Q5. How does redundancy work in a DCS?

Ans: Redundancy in DCS aims to increase system reliability. If one component fails, its redundant counterpart takes over without causing any system downtime. Typically, redundancy can be found at the controller level, network level, and even the power supply level.

Q6. Explain the role of field instruments in DCS.

Ans: Field instruments, including sensors (like temperature, pressure, and flow sensors) and actuators (like valves), are responsible for the direct interaction with the process. They provide real-time data to the controllers and implement control commands.

Q7. How are alarms managed in DCS?

Ans: DCS systems often have sophisticated alarm management systems that prioritize alarms, so operators can address the most critical situations first. Alarms can be categorized, filtered, and suppressed based on the need.

Q8. Explain the term 'loop' in the context of DCS.

Ans: A loop, in DCS context, refers to a control loop where a controller receives data from a sensor, processes it, and sends a control command to an actuator. This loop aims to maintain the process variable (e.g., temperature) at a set point.

Q9. How is security ensured in a DCS?

Ans: Security in DCS can be ensured through measures such as firewalls, secure communication protocols, user authentication and authorization, regular software updates, and periodic security audits.

Q10. What is batch processing in DCS?

Ans: Batch processing is where a quantity of material is processed or produced in one batch. In DCS, batch control is used to manage the production of these batches, ensuring quality and consistency.

Q11. How do DCS systems handle failure?

Ans: With their redundancy features, DCS systems can switch to a backup system/component when a primary one fails. Moreover, alarms notify operators of any failures.

Q12. Explain the term 'hot swapping' in DCS.

Ans: Hot swapping allows for the replacement or addition of modules (like input/output cards) without shutting down the system.

Q13. What is a Human-Machine Interface (HMI)?

Ans: HMI is the user interface through which operators interact with the control system. It provides a graphical representation of the process and allows operators to control and monitor it.

Q14. How does DCS integrate with other enterprise systems?

Ans: DCS systems can be integrated with other enterprise systems like MES (Manufacturing Execution Systems) or ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) using communication protocols and middleware.

Q15. What are the key considerations when designing a DCS?

Ans: Some key considerations include scalability, redundancy, security, interoperability, and ease of use.

Q16. How do DCS systems handle communication?

Ans: DCS systems typically use proprietary or industry-standard protocols for communication. These can be wired, wireless, or a combination of both.

Q17. Explain the role of historians in DCS.

Ans: Historians are specialized databases in DCS designed to store large amounts of time-stamped process data efficiently.

Q18. What is a PID controller in DCS?

Ans: A PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) controller is a type of feedback controller used in DCS systems to regulate processes. It uses three terms: proportional, integral, and derivative to control the process variable.

Q19. How is safety integrated into DCS?

Ans: Safety Integrated Systems (SIS) can be part of a DCS or standalone. They ensure that the process stays safe by bringing it to a safe state in emergencies.

Q20. Explain advanced process control (APC) in DCS.

Ans: APC refers to the use of sophisticated algorithms and strategies, beyond basic control, to improve process performance, reduce variability, and increase profitability.

Q21. How is data integrity ensured in DCS?

Ans: Data integrity is ensured using checksums, data validation techniques, and secure communication protocols.

Q22. What are the typical applications of DCS?

Ans: DCS is commonly used in industries like oil and gas, power generation, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and pulp and paper.

Q23. How has DCS evolved over the years?

Ans: DCS has evolved from proprietary hardware and software systems to more open architectures, with better integration capabilities, improved user interfaces, and more advanced control strategies.

Q24. What are smart instruments in DCS?

Ans: Smart instruments are field devices that have embedded processing capabilities, allowing them to perform advanced diagnostics, self-calibration, and communication.

Q25. How does DCS support remote operations?

Ans: With advancements in communication technology, DCS systems can be monitored and controlled remotely, allowing for off-site operations and support.

Q26. What is the importance of time synchronization in DCS?

Ans: Time synchronization ensures that all components of a DCS system operate with a consistent time reference, crucial for accurate data logging, and event sequencing.

Q27. What is the role of simulation in DCS?

Ans: Simulation allows for testing and validation of control strategies, operator training, and system optimization without affecting the actual process.

Q28. What challenges are faced in migrating from an old DCS to a newer one?

Ans: Challenges include ensuring data integrity during the migration, training personnel for the new system, ensuring compatibility, and managing downtime.

Q29. How does a DCS system support energy efficiency?

Ans: DCS systems can optimize processes, reducing energy wastage. They can also integrate with energy management systems for a holistic approach.

Q30. What future advancements do you foresee in the realm of DCS?

Ans: The future of DCS may include greater integration with artificial intelligence and machine learning for predictive maintenance, augmented reality interfaces for operators, deeper integration with business systems, and greater emphasis on cybersecurity.

Rising in the IT World: Top 5 Cloud Certifications Courses

Course highlights

The Cloud Certification Course by Multisoft Virtual Academy is a comprehensive training program designed to equip learners with essential knowledge and skills in cloud computing. Multisoft's curriculum covers key cloud platforms, best practices, and architectural insights, preparing aspirants for certification exams and real-world cloud challenges in today's tech-driven industries.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the significance of cloud computing has never been more pronounced. For professionals looking to remain relevant, choosing the right certification course is crucial. Multisoft Virtual Academy, a global training leader, recommends the top five cloud computing certification courses for 2023.

Dive into the dynamic world of cloud computing with Multisoft Virtual Academy's premier Top 5 Cloud Certifications Courses. Designed to fit 2023's evolving cloud landscape, the curriculum offers:

  1. GCP Cloud Architect: Master Google's robust cloud solutions.
  2. AWS Solutions Architect - Associate: Unlock the gold standard of cloud skills with AWS's vast service suite.
  3. Azure Fundamentals: Begin your journey in Microsoft's expansive cloud ecosystem.
  4. CCSP: Solidify your expertise in cloud security, governance, and compliance.
  5. CCSK: Delve deep into holistic cloud security practices.

Empower your IT career by mastering the cloud's intricacies with Multisoft Virtual Academy's unparalleled guidance and expertise.


1. Google Certified Professional (GCP) Cloud Architect

Overview: A frontrunner in the cloud domain, Google Cloud Platform's certification for Cloud Architects is a testament to an individual's ability to design, build, and manage dynamic solutions on GCP training.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Mastery over GCP services, including Compute Engine, App Engine, and Kubernetes.
  2. Expertise in designing, deploying, and optimizing infrastructure.
  3. Proven capability to ensure secure and compliant solutions on GCP.

Why Choose GCP Cloud Architect?

With Google Cloud's growing prominence, this certification provides an edge, ensuring professionals are equipped with the knowledge to create robust solutions in diverse business scenarios.

Key features:

  1. Service Mastery: The course ensures participants gain expertise in Compute Engine, App Engine, and Kubernetes, among others.
  2. Holistic Design Principles: Learn how to optimize infrastructure, manage application deployment, and uphold security and compliance standards.
  3. Career Impact: GCP Cloud Architects are in high demand, with organizations seeking skilled individuals to leverage Google's vast cloud services.


2. Amazon Web Services (AWS) Solutions Architect - Associate

Overview: Amazon continues its reign with AWS, making its Solutions Architect - Associate certification highly sought after for its comprehensive coverage of designing and deploying on AWS data engineer certification.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Proficiency in architecting and deploying secure applications on AWS technologies.
  2. Ability to define solutions using architectural design principles based on customer requirements.
  3. Knowledge of AWS’s global infrastructure and network technologies.

Why Choose AWS Solutions Architect?

Given AWS's dominance in the market, this certification is almost mandatory for those serious about a career in cloud solutions, ensuring a broad and deep understanding of AWS functionalities.

Key features:

  1. Service Spectrum: Delve deep into core AWS offerings, from S3 and DynamoDB for storage to EC2 for compute, ensuring comprehensive cloud knowledge.
  2. Design Prowess: Understand the architectural principles that underpin AWS's infrastructure, empowering effective and efficient cloud solution design.
  3. Market Relevance: AWS dominates the cloud market share, making this certification a lucrative choice for aspirants eyeing top-tier job roles.


3. Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals

Overview: As Microsoft's answer to cloud solutions, Azure has solidified its position in the industry. The Azure Fundamentals certification lays the foundation for all other Azure-based certifications.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Solid grasp of cloud concepts, Azure services, pricing, and support.
  2. Familiarity with core Azure services, including computer, networking, storage, and databases.
  3. Understanding of privacy, compliance, and data protection standards in Azure.

Why Choose Azure Fundamentals?

For professionals who see their future intertwined with Microsoft's tools and solutions, this certification is the perfect starting point, covering the essentials of Azure.

Key features:

  1. Azure At Your Fingertips: From compute and network to storage and databases, explore the vast Azure service suite.
  2. Understanding Costs and Agreements: Get a clear picture of Azure's pricing models and service-level agreements, essential for professionals and decision-makers alike.
  3. Stepping Stone: While valuable in itself, Azure Fundamentals also prepares learners for more advanced Azure certifications, broadening their career horizons.


4. Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP)

Overview: As cyber threats become increasingly sophisticated, cloud security is paramount. Offered by ISC², the CCSP certification is tailored for IT pros serious about careers in cloud security.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Expertise in cloud architecture, governance, risk management, and compliance.
  2. Mastery over cloud application security, platform, and infrastructure.
  3. Comprehensive knowledge of cloud data lifecycle and its inherent risks.

Why Choose CCSP?

In an age where data breaches are frequent and costly, cloud security experts are in high demand. This certification solidifies one's place as a trusted cloud security professional.

Key features:

  1. Security First: Address the unique challenges of cloud security, learning to design and implement comprehensive security controls.
  2. Cloud Data Lifecycle: Grasp the journey of data in the cloud, from creation and storage to retrieval and deletion, ensuring its security at every phase.
  3. Trustworthiness: As cyber threats evolve, businesses seek CCSP-certified professionals to protect their cloud assets, making this a highly valued certification.

5. Cloud Security Alliance: Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK)

Overview: A globally recognized credential, the Certified Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK) Certification Training Course Online is proof of an individual's comprehensive understanding of cloud security challenges.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Proficiency in cloud architecture, governance, and risk management.
  2. Mastery over the CSA’s Cloud Controls Matrix and ENISA risk assessment.
  3. Skills to address cloud security issues from a holistic perspective.

Why Choose CCSK?

CCSK is often seen as the gold standard in cloud security knowledge. Backed by its global recognition, it ensures that professionals can handle cloud security challenges across multiple platforms and scenarios.

Key features:

  1. Security Governance: Understand how to set up and maintain cloud security governance models, aligning with best practices.
  2. Risk Management: Delve into risk assessment in cloud settings, ensuring businesses can operate securely and efficiently in the cloud.
  3. Knowledge Benchmark: CCSK acts as both a foundational guide for novices and a knowledge refresher for seasoned professionals, ensuring all are on the same page regarding cloud security.



In 2023, as the cloud continues to redefine the technological landscape, the right certification can be the catalyst propelling your career forward. Multisoft Virtual Academy, with its curated courses and expert trainers, stands ready to guide you through these certifications. Harness the power of the cloud, and let these certifications be your ladder to success in the IT realm.

Dive deep, upskill, and embark on a journey toward cloud mastery with these top certifications!

Choose wisely, train diligently, and soar high with your newfound cloud expertise!

The Dual Faces of Cyber Exploration: Ethical and Unethical Approaches

What is Hacking?

Hacking refers to the practice of exploiting computer systems, networks, or applications to gain unauthorized access or manipulate functionalities. Multisoft Virtual Academy offers a comprehensive Cyber Security Certification Course with which you can enhance your skills with expert-led training, real-world projects, and in-depth knowledge for a successful cybersecurity career. While often associated with malicious intent, the term also encompasses ethical hackers who identify and fix vulnerabilities to enhance security. Originating as a descriptor for innovative problem-solving at MIT, hacking has evolved to represent a spectrum from illegal activities by black hat hackers to sanctioned security testing by white hat professionals. Regardless of intent, hacking involves understanding and altering digital systems beyond their regular operations. Hacking involves manipulating digital systems or networks to access or alter information without authorization. While some hackers aim for malicious outcomes, others ethically identify vulnerabilities to improve security.


What is Ethical Hacking? ?

Ethical hacking, also known as penetration testing or white-hat hacking, involves the same tools, techniques, and processes that hackers use, but with one major difference: ethical hackers have permission to break into the systems they test. Their purpose is to discover vulnerabilities from a malicious hacker's viewpoint to better secure systems. Ethical hackers use their skills to help organizations identify security flaws, which can then be fixed before a malicious actor exploits them. By doing so, they provide an invaluable service to organizations that wish to maintain robust security postures in a digital age where threats are constantly evolving.

Ethical hacking is authorized probing of computer systems and networks to identify weaknesses. Employed by organizations, ethical hackers use controlled attacks to spot vulnerabilities, ensuring data integrity and protection. They follow guidelines, ensuring legality and safety. Their findings aid in fortifying defenses, safeguarding against malicious threats, and ensuring cybersecurity resilience.


Types of Hackers

There are mainly 3 types of hackers:

· White hat hackers

· Black hat hackers

· Gray hat hackers

White Hat Hackers vs Black Hat Hackers


Attributes White Hat Hackers Black Hat Hackers

Intent Ethical; improve security Malicious; exploit vulnerabilities

Legality Legal; have permission Illegal; no permission

Tools Same as Black Hat, but used ethically Various tools for exploiting systems

Outcome Strengthen security; report vulnerabilities Steal; damage; disrupt

Reward Salaries, recognition, or bug bounties Financial gain; notoriety, or harm

Training Often formal; certifications like CEH Varies; formal to self-taught

Affiliation Work for organizations or as consultants Often independent, some in groups



Gray Hat Hackers

Gray Hat Hackers operate in the ambiguous space between ethical and malicious hacking. Unlike White Hat Hackers, who have clear permission to access systems, or Black Hat Hackers, who act with clear malicious intent, Gray Hats often act without explicit authorization but claim to have noble intentions. They might identify and exploit vulnerabilities in a system, then inform its owner or sometimes even offer a fix—potentially expecting compensation. While their actions can lead to improved security, they tread a fine line legally and ethically, as their intrusions are unsolicited and can potentially cause unintentional harm or disruptions.


Comparison between Hacking and Ethical Hacking

Both hacking and ethical hacking involve similar techniques and skills, but their purposes, intent, and legality differ. Here's a comparison:



1. Purpose: Varies widely; can be for personal gain, mischief, espionage, or malicious intent.

2. Intent: Often malicious, aiming to exploit systems for unauthorized purposes.

3. Legality: Typically illegal unless specifically authorized.

4. Permission: Hackers do not have permission to access or exploit the targeted system.

5. Outcome: Potential harm, data theft, system disruption, unauthorized access or alterations, etc.

6. Rewards: Can be financial gain, data theft, personal satisfaction, notoriety, etc.


Ethical Hacking:

1. Purpose: To identify and fix vulnerabilities in a system, improving its security.

2. Intent: Benevolent, with the primary goal of strengthening security defenses.

3. Legality: Legal, as it's performed under explicit authorization.

4. Permission: Ethical hackers have clear permission to probe and test the system.

5. Outcome: Improved security, vulnerability reports, and recommendations.

6. Rewards: Salaries, recognition, bug bounties, or job satisfaction from enhancing security.


In short, while both hackers and ethical hackers might use similar methods, their intent, permission, and outcomes vary. Ethical hackers act to fortify and secure systems, while hackers might have a range of motivations, often malicious.


Hacking categories

The term categories of hacking can refer to various ways to classify hacking activities based on the target system, method, or intent. Here's a broad overview of different categories based on target systems:

1. Network Hacking: Aims at understanding and exploiting weaknesses in a network infrastructure. This could involve sniffing network traffic, man-in-the-middle attacks, or taking control of network devices.

2. Web Application Hacking: Targets websites and web applications. Common techniques include SQL injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF).

3. Database Hacking: Targets database servers with the intent of extracting, altering, or deleting data. Techniques like SQL injection are common here.

4. Windows Hacking: Specifically targeting Microsoft Windows operating systems. Given the popularity of Windows, it's a frequent target, with hackers exploring system vulnerabilities or software flaws.

5. Phishing: Often conducted via email, but can also be carried out through social media, text messages (smishing), or voice calls (vishing).

6. Botnets: Computers are typically infected by malware, which then brings them under the control of the attacker, turning them into bots.


Hackers vs Crackers

The terms hackers and crackers are often used interchangeably in popular culture, but in the cybersecurity community, they have distinct connotations. Here's a comparison:


1. Definition: Historically, a hacker was someone who enjoyed exploring the details of computer systems and how to stretch their capabilities. The term was often neutral or even positive.

2. Intent: Varies widely; can be for learning, research, ethical improvements, or malicious purposes.

3. Types:

· White Hat Hacker: Ethical hacker who identifies vulnerabilities to improve security.

· Black Hat Hacker: Malicious hacker with intent to harm or exploit.

· Grey Hat Hacker: Operates in the gray area, sometimes breaking laws or ethical standards, but without malicious intent.

4. Motivation: Curiosity, learning, improving security, financial gains, notoriety, or malicious intent.



1. Definition: The term "cracker" is used to describe someone who breaks into computer systems, often with malicious intent. It's more negative than the term "hacker."

2. Intent: Typically malicious, aiming to break security measures, steal data, or cause harm.

3. Activities: Software cracking (breaking software protections), unauthorized system access, data theft, creating and spreading malware.

4. Motivation: Personal gains, financial benefits, vandalism, or simply the thrill of breaking into systems.



It can be concluded that hackers probe systems mainly to identify and fix vulnerabilities, while crackers infiltrate systems for exploitation and personal benefit. The latter is not just unethical but also constitutes illegal criminal behavior. White Hat professionals engage in hacking activities under a legal agreement, while Black Hats operate without any permissions, aiming to breach any system they choose. Crackers exploit personal data for their advantage, while hackers take similar actions to protect companies or individuals from such threats.

If you're keen on diving deep into cybersecurity and envisioning a successful career, consider Multisoft Virtual Academy’s Cyber Security Certification Course. It offers live instruction and hands-on project experience, ensuring you gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject

Tutorial for Beginners - Vector CANoe Training Course

Introduction to Vector CANoe

Vector CANoe is an industry-leading software tool designed for the development, testing, and analysis of electronic systems in automotive applications. At its core, CANoe provides a platform that allows engineers and developers to simulate, diagnose, and validate the communication between various electronic components in vehicles.

Vector CANoe, developed by Vector Informatik, is an industry-standard software tool for the development, testing, and analysis of automotive electronic systems. Multisoft Virtual Academy offers a comprehensive training course on Vector CANoe, designed to equip participants with in-depth knowledge and practical skills. Through hands-on sessions and expert guidance, attendees learn to simulate, diagnose, and validate communication protocols within vehicular systems. This training by Multisoft Virtual Academy ensures that professionals are poised to excel in the rapidly evolving landscape of automotive electronics.


History and Evolution

Vector CANoe training was developed by the Vector Informatik GmbH, a German company renowned for crafting software tools and embedded components for the automotive industry. Over the years, as vehicular systems grew in complexity and the need for integrated tools expanded, CANoe has evolved, consistently staying ahead of industry demands.


Key Features and Capabilities

  1. Multi-Bus Support: Originally centered on the Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol, CANoe has grown to support a multitude of bus systems, including LIN, FlexRay, and Ethernet.
  2. Simulation and Analysis: Users can create exact replicas of their network environments, simulate the behavior of ECUs (Electronic Control Units), and evaluate how different components interact.
  3. Diagnostic Protocols: CANoe offers comprehensive diagnostic features, including support for the Unified Diagnostic Services (UDS) protocol, which aids in identifying and resolving issues within vehicular systems.
  4. CAPL Scripting: The CAN Access Programming Language (CAPL) allows users to develop custom scripts to simulate specific scenarios, automate testing processes, and adapt the tool to various use cases.
  5. Integrated Development Environment: CANoe isn't just a simulation tool. It's a full-fledged development environment, assisting engineers from the initial stages of development through to the final testing phases.


Why Vector CANoe Matters?

As vehicles become more advanced, so do their internal electronic systems. Modern vehicles aren't just mechanical entities; they're complex networks of interconnected electronic components, communicating continually. CANoe facilitates the development of these systems, ensuring that they function seamlessly and reliably. For anyone involved in the development, testing, or validation of automotive electronic systems, understanding and mastering CANoe is crucial. It provides an unparalleled depth of insight into vehicular communication networks, ensuring both the reliability and safety of modern vehicles.


Basics of CAN (Controller Area Network)

The Controller Area Network, or CAN, is a robust vehicle bus standard designed to facilitate communication between microcontrollers and devices in vehicles without a host computer. It is a message-based protocol, designed for multiplex electrical wiring within automobiles, but now also used in various other contexts.

It was developed by Bosch in the 1980s, CAN was introduced to the automotive market as a solution to the growing complexity of car wiring. As vehicles incorporated more electronics and features, there was a pressing need for a more efficient system than the traditional point-to-point wiring setups. CAN emerged as this solution.


How CAN Works?

  1. Message-based Protocol: Instead of transmitting data based on node addresses (like in traditional networks), in CAN, messages are transmitted based on identifiers, which signify the content of a message.
  2. Bus Topology: All devices (nodes) in a CAN network are connected via a linear bus. This bus serves as the common backbone that relays messages across nodes.
  3. Non-destructive Arbitration: When two nodes transmit messages simultaneously, the message with the higher priority (lower identifier value) is sent first without any collision or data loss.

Key Features of CAN

  1. Reliability: CAN has built-in error detection and correction capabilities. It can identify errors, broadcast them to other nodes, and even take malfunctioning nodes off the network if necessary.
  2. Real-time Communication: Due to its prioritized message system and efficient data transmission rates, CAN is suitable for real-time operations, making it essential for vehicle systems.
  3. Flexibility: It's scalable, meaning new nodes can be easily added to the CAN network without major modifications.
  4. Efficiency: CAN reduces the need for extensive wiring, leading to weight reduction and increased efficiency in vehicles.


Types of CANoe

There are two main types:

  1. CAN Base Frame (CAN 2.0A): Uses an 11-bit identifier and can handle up to 2048 different messages.
  2. CAN Extended Frame (CAN 2.0B): Uses a 29-bit identifier, offering more message IDs, which is vital for complex systems.


Applications of CANoe

While initially developed for cars, CAN's benefits have seen it adopted in various other industries, including:

  1. Industrial Automation: For machine control and industrial sensor networks.
  2. Medical Equipment: Especially in devices where multiple components need to communicate, like MRI machines.
  3. Aviation: Used in aircraft for various systems to communicate efficiently.


CANoe Configuration and Setup

CANoe, a product of Vector Informatik, is a versatile tool utilized for the development, testing, and analysis of electronic systems in automotive applications. Setting up CANoe correctly is crucial for effective simulation, diagnosis, and validation of communication between various electronic components. Below is a guide on configuring and setting up CANoe:

1. Starting a New Project:

· Launch CANoe and create a new project. Choose the "File" option from the top menu and select "New."

· Specify the desired name and save location for your project.


2. Configuration Environment:

· Once a project is created, CANoe will open a configuration environment, which is the main workspace for setting up the simulation.

3. Selecting the Appropriate Bus System:

· CANoe supports multiple bus systems such as CAN, LIN, FlexRay, and Ethernet.

· Right-click in the configuration environment and select "Add New Network." Pick the desired bus type.

4. Hardware Configuration:

· Go to the "Network Hardware" tab.

· For each channel, select the appropriate hardware from the list (e.g., Vector's VN1610, VN1630A).

· Ensure you have the correct driver installed for your hardware.

5. Database Assignment:

· The database (.dbc file) contains definitions for signals, messages, and nodes.

· Right-click on the bus system you've added and select "Insert Database."

· Navigate to the location of your .dbc file and select it. This loads all the defined messages and signals into CANoe.

6. Simulation Setup:

· Under the "Simulation" tab, you can define various nodes for simulation purposes.

· Assign specific database nodes to be simulated or create a new simulation node.

· Use the Panel Designer to create a user-friendly graphical interface for your simulation.

7. Channel Configuration:

· In the "Channels" tab, assign channels to your bus systems and configure their properties, such as baud rate.

8. Logging and Measurement Setup:

· Configure your logging settings to capture the necessary data.

· Set up filters to log only relevant messages or signals.

· Define the storage path for log files.

9. Scripting and Testing:

· CANoe supports CAPL (CAN Access Programming Language) for scripting purposes.

· Write or import CAPL scripts to automate testing and simulate specific scenarios.

10. Running the Simulation:

· Once everything is set up, hit the "Start" button located at the top.

· Monitor communication, send messages, or simulate node behavior as required.


CAPL (CAN Access Programming Language) Scripting

CAPL, pronounced as capel, stands for CAN Access Programming Language. It is a proprietary development language and a core component of the Vector CANoe  and CANalyzer applications, specifically designed to allow users to simulate complex scenarios in CAN networks.



As automotive systems became more advanced, there was a need for a versatile scripting tool that could emulate different ECU (Electronic Control Unit) behaviors and manage messages efficiently within the CAN network. CAPL was designed to fill this need, offering a programming approach tailored for CAN-based development and analysis. Key Features of CAPL are:

1. Event-driven Language: CAPL responds to events such as message reception, timers, or keypresses, allowing dynamic reactions in simulations.

2. Built-in Functions: It offers a wide range of built-in functions tailored to CAN, such as sending messages, starting timers, or accessing database objects.

3. C-like Syntax: CAPL's syntax resembles that of the C programming language, making it more accessible to developers familiar with C.


Basic Components of CAPL

  1. Variables: CAPL supports various data types, including bytes, words, longs, and more. These can be defined as global or local, depending on the scope required.
  2. Functions: CAPL provides both user-defined and predefined functions. Predefined functions include on message, on timer, and more, which define actions on specific events.
  3. Timers: Allow the creation of delays or periodic events in the script.
  4. Messages: Users can define and manipulate CAN messages and their signals.


Debugging and Monitoring

CAPL provides debugging tools similar to those in standard IDEs. Users can set breakpoints, inspect variable values, and use the trace window to monitor script operations and messages in real-time.


The CANoe Training and Certification Course by Multisoft Virtual Academy offers a comprehensive dive into the intricacies of one of the automotive industry's most essential software tools. Through this course, participants not only acquire theoretical knowledge but also gain hands-on experience in simulating, diagnosing, and validating vehicle communication. In an era where vehicles are increasingly becoming a complex mesh of interconnected electronic systems, proficiency in tools like CANoe is indispensable.

Completing this certification not only equips professionals with the skills to navigate the evolving automotive landscape but also positions them at the forefront of vehicular electronic development and testing. Whether you're an automotive engineer, an electronic systems developer, or simply a professional keen on upskilling, this course is a gateway to harnessing the future of automotive technology.

What is Kronos UKG Dimensions?

Course overview

Kronos UKG Dimensions by Multisoft Virtual Academy is a comprehensive workforce management system that helps organizations with various HR tasks such as scheduling, timekeeping, absence management, and labor analytics. It's a product of UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group), formed by the merger of Ultimate Software and Kronos Incorporated. Kronos UKG Dimensions online training would typically involve a series of educational materials and courses designed to help users understand and utilize the software effectively. This could involve learning how to navigate the system, understanding its capabilities, and practical instruction on how to perform various tasks.

This UKG Dimensions Certification program could be provided by the software company itself, third-party training providers, or developed internally by an organization for its employees. The format may range from video tutorials, webinars, written documentation, and interactive lessons to live training sessions over video conferencing tools.

A wide range of topics come under UKG training certification, such as:

  1.  Basic Navigation: Understanding the software interface and where to find various functions.
  2.  Timekeeping: How to log hours, monitor overtime, and manage time-off requests.
  3.  Scheduling: Creating and managing shift schedules.
  4.  Compliance: Ensuring labor law compliance.
  5.  Analytics: Generating and interpreting reports.
  6.  Administration: Setting up and managing the system, including user access levels.


History of KRONOS UKG

Kronos Incorporated was originally founded in 1977 by Mark S. Ain. The company quickly became known for its time clock systems and workforce management solutions. Over the years, Kronos evolved its product offering with advancements in technology, moving from physical time clocks to software-based systems, and eventually to cloud-based workforce management solutions. Its products have been used widely across many industries for tasks like scheduling, timekeeping, and absence management. In 2020, Kronos Incorporated and Ultimate Software merged to form UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group). This merger combined the strengths of two leading HR technology and workforce management companies.

Ultimate Software was founded in 1990 and was well-known for its cloud-based human capital management (HCM) solution, UltiPro. UltiPro provided a comprehensive suite of HR, payroll, talent, and labor management solutions. The merger with Kronos Incorporated aimed to leverage the strengths of

both companies, with Ultimate Software's HCM solutions complementing Kronos' workforce management and scheduling products.

The result of this merger, UKG certification, now offers an even wider range of HR and workforce management solutions. UKG Pro (formerly UltiPro) covers HR, payroll, and talent management, while UKG Dimensions (formerly Kronos Workforce Dimensions) focuses on workforce management, including timekeeping, scheduling, and labor analytics.


Advantages of using KRONOS

Kronos, now known as UKG Dimensions Training after the merger between Kronos Incorporated and Ultimate Software to form UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group), offers several benefits to organizations in terms of workforce management. Here are some key advantages:

  1. Streamlined Workforce Management: UKG Dimensions provides a single platform for time tracking, scheduling, payroll, and more, reducing the complexity of managing these processes across multiple systems.
  2. Improved Compliance: The platform helps organizations adhere to labor laws and regulations by automating compliance tasks and keeping track of changes in relevant laws.
  3. Advanced Scheduling: UKG Dimensions offers advanced scheduling capabilities, allowing managers to create and manage schedules that take into account employee preferences, skills, and availability.
  4. Real-time Data and Analytics: The system offers real-time data and analytics capabilities, providing managers with immediate insight into workforce performance. This can aid in making data-driven decisions and improving productivity.
  5. Cloud-based and Mobile Access: As a cloud-based platform, UKG Dimensions can be accessed from anywhere, anytime.
  6. Integration Capabilities: UKG Dimensions can integrate with a variety of other systems, including HRIS, payroll, and ERP systems.
  7. Scalability: The system is scalable and can accommodate the needs of both small businesses and large enterprises. It can handle the increased data and complexity as a company grows.
  8. Employee Engagement: The platform offers tools for employee engagement such as self-service portals where employees can check their schedules, request time off, view their paychecks, etc. This can improve overall employee satisfaction and engagement.


KRONOS Features

Kronos, known as UKG Dimensions after the merger of Kronos Incorporated and Ultimate Software into UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group), includes a variety of features to facilitate comprehensive workforce management. Below are some key features:

  1. Time and Attendance: UKG Dimensions provides robust timekeeping and attendance tracking features, helping organizations maintain accurate records, manage overtime, ensure compliance with labor laws, and prevent time theft.
  2. Scheduling: The system includes advanced scheduling capabilities, allowing managers to easily create, manage, and adjust schedules based on a variety of factors, including employee availability, preferences, and skills.
  3. Absence Management: UKG Dimensions helps manage employee absences, track time-off requests, and ensure compliance with leave policies and regulations.
  4. Labor Analytics: With its analytics features, the platform provides real-time insights into workforce performance, productivity, and trends. This data can assist management in making informed decisions.
  5. Forecasting: The platform can analyze past trends to forecast future labor needs, helping organizations optimize staffing and control labor costs.
  6. Employee Self-Service: UKG Dimensions includes self-service portals that allow employees to check their schedules, request time off, review their time cards, and perform other tasks, enhancing employee engagement and saving administrative time.
  7. Artificial Intelligence (AI): UKG Dimensions leverages AI for smarter decision-making and automation. For example, it might provide suggestions for best-fit schedules or predict potential compliance issues.


KRONOS User Access Profile

In a workforce management solution like UKG training (previously Kronos), user access is typically controlled through user profiles or roles. These profiles define what parts of the system a user can access and what actions they can perform. The following are some common user profiles that might be used:

  1. Administrator: This user has full control over the system. They can add or remove users, assign roles, configure settings, manage integrations with other systems, and have full access to all system data.
  2. Manager: A manager typically has access to scheduling, time and attendance, and labor analytics for the employees they oversee. They can approve or deny time off requests, edit timesheets, and generate reports.
  3. HR Personnel: These users might have access to employee records, absence management, and possibly payroll data. They can add new employees to the system, manage leave policies, and handle other HR-related tasks.
  4. Employee: Regular employees usually have the least access. They can view their own schedule, clock in and out, request time off, and view their own time and attendance records.
  5. Payroll Specialist: This user has access to payroll data. They can process payroll, manage payroll settings, and generate payroll reports.


KRONOS Workspace

Kronos Workforce Dimensions, now known as UKG Dimensions after the merger with Ultimate Software, provides a dynamic, user-friendly, and customizable workspace for all levels of users, from employees to managers to administrators. The workspace includes a dashboard or home page that presents the most relevant and commonly used functions for the user. This might include an overview of current and upcoming work schedules, time-off balances, clock-in/clock-out functions for time tracking, and more. The exact features and layout of the workspace will depend on the user's role and permissions, and may be customizable to better suit the needs of individual users.

For managers and administrators, the workspace may include additional features like employee scheduling tools, labor analytics, reporting capabilities, and more. These users typically have access to a broader range of functions and data, enabling them to effectively manage their teams or the entire workforce. The workspace in UKG Dimensions Commerce Cloud is designed to be intuitive and efficient, reducing the time and effort required to complete common tasks and making it easier for users to find the information they need.


How to get UKG certified?

Getting certified in UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group) products involves taking specialized training courses offered by UKG or authorized training partners. Start by identifying the specific UKG product or solution you want to specialize in, such as UKG Dimensions. Then, enroll in the training program by Multisoft Virtual Academy, which include online classes, hands-on exercises, and exams. Upon successful completion, you'll earn the certification from Multisoft Virtual Academy, demonstrating your expertise in the chosen area. UKG certifications can enhance your professional credibility and are valuable for roles that involve workforce management, HR technology, or related fields. Always refer to UKG's official website for the most accurate information on UKG pro certification.



Kronos UKG Dimensions represents a milestone in workforce management technology, offering an extensive array of features to facilitate everything from timekeeping and scheduling to analytics and compliance. The platform's user-centric design and powerful capabilities cater to the needs of employees, managers, and administrators alike. Through seamless integration, mobile accessibility, and real-time data-driven insights, UKG Kronos certification empowers organizations to optimize their workforce management in a manner that's efficient, flexible, and aligned with the ever-changing landscape of the modern workplace. As a comprehensive solution for the contemporary workforce, UKG Certification is a testament to the ongoing innovation and leadership of the Ultimate Kronos Group in the field of human resource management technology.

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SmartPlant 3D & SmartPlant P&ID: Which one is better?

Course overview

SmartPlant online courses, by Multisoft Virtual Academy, are professional training programs designed to provide comprehensive knowledge about the SmartPlant suite of products. These courses cover a range of software tools, including SmartPlant 3D (SP3D) for advanced 3D design and SmartPlant P&ID (SPPID) for intelligent P&ID creation. Upon completion, participants can effectively use these tools for plant design and management, making these courses invaluable for engineers, project managers, and other professionals in related fields.

Intergraph's SmartPlant suite offers two leading solutions in this arena: SmartPlant 3D (SP3D) and SmartPlant P&ID (SPPID). Each has unique strengths, catering to different needs in the design process. In this blog post, we at Multisoft Virtual Academy will provide an in-depth comparison of these powerful tools, enabling professionals to make informed decisions about their adoption.

SmartPlant 3D (SP3D) Overview

SmartPlant 3D training, part of Hexagon PPM’s Intergraph SmartPlant suite, is a sophisticated 3D design software engineered to streamline design processes while maximizing efficiency. SP3D is widely recognized for its ability to handle complex 3D modeling tasks with precision and ease. The software's design capabilities extend across various plant design disciplines, including structural, piping, civil, and electrical. This comprehensive scope ensures that it caters to the multidimensional needs of intricate design projects.

SmartPlant 3D further elevates its utility by facilitating design automation, clash detection, and integration with other engineering software. Its feature-rich interface and dynamic visual representation provide an intuitive design experience, allowing engineers to effectively map out intricate plant models, ensuring accuracy, and reducing potential errors.

SmartPlant P&ID (SPPID) Overview

SmartPlant P&ID training, on the other hand, specializes in the creation and management of piping and instrumentation diagrams. SPPID is renowned for its ability to develop intelligent P&IDs, which are fundamental to the design, operation, and maintenance of plants. Unlike conventional CAD tools, SPPID generates P&IDs that are data-centric, meaning that they contain detailed, interconnected information about the plant's systems. This data-rich design empowers engineers to make well-informed decisions throughout the plant lifecycle.

SPPID's rule-based functions simplify the creation and validation of P&IDs, helping to enforce design standards and ensure compliance with industry regulations. Moreover, the software’s integration capabilities enable smooth data transfer to other systems, fostering effective communication and collaboration within design teams.


Although SP3D and SPPID are part of the same software suite, their functionalities serve different stages and aspects of the plant design process. Here, we delve into the key differences and how these tools complement each other.

Firstly, SP3D excels in detailed 3D modeling of plants, providing a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary design environment. It presents an all-inclusive view of the plant structure, helping stakeholders visualize the project and detect potential design conflicts before actual construction. SPPID Course focuses on the creation of intelligent P&IDs. These diagrams offer in-depth understanding of plant systems and processes, making SPPID an invaluable tool in the early design phase and plant operation and maintenance. It facilitates standardization, reduces design errors, and ensures regulatory compliance.

However, these applications are not mutually exclusive; rather, they enhance each other’s functionality. The information-rich P&IDs created in SPPID can be utilized in SP3D to develop accurate 3D models. Similarly, 3D models in SP3D can feedback into SPPID, ensuring consistency across all design phases.

Practical Applications of SP3D

SmartPlant 3D course is not confined to just one industry or application. Its powerful 3D modeling capabilities have found a place across various sectors, including:

  1. Oil and Gas: From offshore platforms to refineries, SP3D provides detailed visualization, enabling engineers to design more efficiently.
  2. Power Plants: The accuracy and integration capabilities of SP3D assist in the design and maintenance of complex power generation facilities.
  3. Shipbuilding: SP3D's adaptive technology allows for the intricate modeling of naval and commercial vessels.
  4. Pharmaceuticals: In pharmaceutical manufacturing, precision is key, and SP3D helps achieve that through detailed, customizable 3D models.

Practical Applications of SPPID

SmartPlant P&ID, with its focus on intelligent P&IDs, has become an essential tool in various industries:

  1. Chemical Processing: The detailed, data-rich P&IDs enable better control and understanding of complex chemical processes.
  2. Water Treatment: SPPID helps in designing efficient water treatment systems by providing clear visualization of piping and instrument relationships.
  3. Mining: In the mining industry, SPPID ensures that the processing plants are designed with optimal efficiency and compliance.
  4. Food and Beverage: SPPID's intelligent P&IDs are valuable in designing processes that meet strict hygiene and quality standards.

Challenges and Solutions

While SP3D and SPPID training offer many advantages, they are not without challenges. Complex projects may present issues related to data management, collaboration, and standardization.

  1. Data Management: Handling vast amounts of data requires robust data management strategies. Integration with other tools and employing best practices can mitigate this challenge.
  2. Collaboration: Ensuring that all stakeholders have accurate, up-to-date information requires effective collaboration tools. The integration capabilities of SP3D and SPPID enable this seamless communication.
  3. Standardization: Maintaining consistent design standards across large, multifaceted projects can be challenging. The rule-based design in SPPID and customizable templates in SP3D help enforce standardization.

Technological Innovations

Both SP3D and SPPID admin training are continually evolving, embracing technological advancements such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR), and the Internet of Things (IoT). AI can enhance design automation, while AR can provide immersive visualization experiences. IoT integration allows real-time data monitoring and analytics. These innovations further extend the utility of these tools, keeping them aligned with the technological forefront of the industry.

Integration and Interoperability

The power of SP3D and SPPID software isn't just confined to their individual capabilities; it's also in how they integrate with other tools and with each other. This seamless integration forms an efficient ecosystem that streamlines the flow of information throughout the project lifecycle.

SP3D can import data from SPPID, utilizing the detailed information contained in the P&IDs to enrich the 3D models. Conversely, SP3D's 3D models can be used to update and validate the P&IDs in SPPID. This bidirectional data exchange ensures consistency and accuracy across all design stages. Both tools are designed to work in harmony with other software applications, including enterprise resource planning (ERP), material management, and project management systems. This integration capability leads to smoother collaboration between various stakeholders and more cohesive project execution.

Future Perspectives and Industry Trends

In the rapidly evolving landscape of plant design, tools like SP3D and SPPID are more than just software; they are strategic enablers that drive innovation and efficiency. The trend towards digital twin technology, Industry 4.0, and increased automation underscores the importance of these tools. Organizations that invest in these technologies, coupled with quality training and implementation, position themselves at the forefront of the industry. With continuous updates and enhancements to both SP3D and SPPID, the potential for creating more efficient, sustainable, and innovative designs is immense. The future of plant design is smart, and these tools are leading the way.

Training and Support by Multisoft Virtual Academy

Understanding and mastering SP3D and SPPID require specialized training. At Multisoft Virtual Academy, we offer dedicated courses tailored to meet the needs of professionals across various disciplines and experience levels. Our SP3D training covers everything from basic navigation to advanced modeling techniques. We guide participants through real-world scenarios, enabling them to gain hands-on experience and develop the skills needed to leverage SP3D's full potential. On the other hand, SPPID course focuses on the creation, management, and utilization of intelligent P&IDs. Participants learn how to develop rule-based designs, enforce standards, and integrate SPPID with other tools.

With experienced trainers, flexible scheduling, and a commitment to excellence, we at Multisoft Virtual Academy are here to support your journey in mastering these essential tools.


The comparison between SP3D and SPPID reveals two distinct yet complementary tools, each playing a unique role in modern plant design. From detailed 3D visualization to intelligent P&ID creation, these tools are integral to a successful design process. With seamless integration, adaptability to industry standards, and alignment with future trends, they represent the cutting edge of design technology. By partnering with Multisoft Virtual Academy for training, professionals can gain the expertise required to harness these tools effectively.

In a world where technology continues to redefine possibilities, SP3D and SPPID stand as vital components in shaping the future of plant design.

What is DCS Online Training?

Introduction to Distributed Control Systems (DCS)

Distributed Control Systems (DCS) form a crucial component of modern industrial automation, playing a vital role in the efficient and safe operation of complex processes in various industries. DCS is a specialized control system that consists of multiple autonomous controllers distributed throughout a plant or facility, communicating with each other and working in harmony to control and monitor diverse industrial processes.

DCS divides the control tasks into smaller subsystems, or nodes, distributed across the plant. Each node, known as a controller, is responsible for specific sections or units of the process, such as temperature, pressure, flow, or level control. These controllers collaborate through a robust communication network to optimize the overall process performance.

Key Features of DCS:

  1. Decentralization: DCS distributes control tasks across multiple controllers, offering enhanced flexibility and scalability. This decentralization allows for efficient control and monitoring of individual process units, leading to improved process optimization.
  2. Modularity: DCS is highly modular, enabling the addition or removal of controllers without disrupting the entire system. This modularity makes DCS adaptable to changing process requirements and future expansions.
  3. Redundancy: Redundant controllers and communication paths help prevent single points of failure, minimizing downtime and enhancing process continuity.
  4. Flexibility: DCS offers flexibility in configuring and reconfiguring control strategies, logic, and parameters.
  5. Applications of DCS: DCS finds applications across a wide range of industries, including:
  6. Oil and Gas: Controlling refining processes, wellhead operations, and pipeline monitoring.
  7. Power Generation: Managing power plant operations, turbine control, and load distribution.
  8. Chemical Processing: Monitoring chemical reactions, temperature control, and batch processing.
  9. Manufacturing: Automating assembly lines, material handling, and quality control.
  10. Water and Wastewater Treatment: Optimizing water treatment processes and ensuring compliance with environmental regulations.

Distributed Control Systems (DCS) revolutionize industrial automation by offering decentralization, modularity, flexibility, and real-time monitoring. Their wide-ranging applications across various industries testify to their significance in optimizing processes, enhancing productivity, and ensuring safe and efficient operations. As industries continue to evolve, DCS training online will remain a critical component in driving automation and digital transformation.

DCS Architecture

The architecture of a Distributed Control System (DCS) is designed to efficiently control and monitor industrial processes by distributing control tasks across multiple controllers. DCS architecture comprises several key components that work collaboratively to ensure seamless automation and optimal process performance. Let's delve into the essential elements of DCS architecture:

  1. Controllers: At the core of DCS architecture are the controllers, which are intelligent devices responsible for executing control algorithms and managing specific process units or control loops.
  2. Operator Stations: Operator stations serve as the interface between human operators and the DCS system. They provide real-time process visualization, monitoring, and control functionalities.
  3. Communication Network: The communication network connects controllers, operator stations, and other devices within the DCS system. It enables seamless data exchange and ensures timely transmission of information between different components.
  4. Input/output (I/O) Modules: I/O modules act as the interface between field devices (sensors and actuators) and the DCS controllers. They convert analog and digital signals from the field devices into digital data that can be processed by the controllers.
  5. Redundancy and Fault Tolerance: DCS architecture often incorporates redundancy to enhance system reliability and fault tolerance. Redundant controllers, communication paths, and power supplies are deployed to ensure continued system operation even in the presence of hardware failures.
  6. Engineering Station: The engineering station is where DCS configurations and programming take place. It acts as the central hub for engineering tasks, such as setting up control strategies, configuring alarms, and creating HMIs.

DCS architecture's modular and distributed nature allows for easy expansion and flexibility to accommodate changes in the industrial process. Its ability to process vast amounts of data in real-time, combined with advanced control algorithms, makes DCS course an essential tool for optimizing process control, ensuring efficiency, and maintaining a high level of safety in diverse industries.

DCS Configuration and Programming

DCS configuration and programming are fundamental aspects of setting up a Distributed Control System (DCS) to efficiently control and monitor industrial processes. Configuring DCS controllers and programming them with control strategies are critical steps in ensuring seamless automation. Let's explore the key elements of DCS configuration and programming:

DCS Configuration:

DCS configuration involves setting up the hardware components, communication network, and system parameters to establish the foundation of the DCS system. The configuration process includes the following steps:

1. Controller Configuration:

  • Assigning specific control tasks to individual controllers based on the process requirements.
  • Configuring controller parameters, such as scan rates, input/output points, and communication settings.

2. I/O Module Configuration:

  • Setting up I/O modules to interface with field devices (sensors and actuators) in the plant.
  • Assigning physical I/O points to control loops and process variables.

3. Communication Network Configuration:

· Establishing communication links between controllers, operator stations, and other devices.

· Configuring communication protocols and network addresses to ensure seamless data exchange.

4. Redundancy and Fault Tolerance Configuration:

  • Implementing redundant configurations to enhance system reliability and fault tolerance.
  • Setting up backup controllers and redundant communication paths to avoid single points of failure.

5. HMI Configuration:

  • Designing and configuring Human-Machine Interfaces (HMIs) for operator stations.
  • Creating graphical displays, control panels, and alarm screens for intuitive process visualization.

DCS Programming

DCS programming involves writing control logic and implementing control strategies to govern the behavior of the process units. The programming process includes the following steps:

1. Control Logic Development:

  • Writing control algorithms using DCS-specific programming languages like ladder logic, function block diagrams, or structured text.
  • Implementing mathematical equations and logic statements to regulate process variables.

2. PID Control Tuning:

  • Fine-tuning Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control algorithms to achieve optimal process control.
  • Adjusting PID parameters to ensure stable and responsive control loops.

3. Alarm Configuration:

  • Configuring alarms and event triggers to notify operators of abnormal conditions or critical events.
  • Setting up alarm priorities and escalation levels for effective alarm management.

4. Sequence Programming:

  • Developing sequence logic to automate specific process sequences, such as start-up, shutdown, or batch processing.
  • Ensuring smooth execution of predefined sequences with minimal manual intervention.

5. Safety Interlocks and Emergency Shutdowns:

  • Programming safety interlocks to prevent hazardous conditions or equipment damage.
  • Developing emergency shutdown sequences to ensure quick and safe responses to critical situations.

Human-Machine Interface (HMI) Development in Distributed Control Systems (DCS)

The Human-Machine Interface (HMI) serves as the critical link between human operators and the Distributed Control System Training Courses. It provides an intuitive and user-friendly platform for operators to interact with the automation system, monitor processes, and control industrial operations. HMI development is a crucial aspect of DCS implementation, as it significantly impacts the efficiency, safety, and productivity of industrial processes. Let's delve into the key aspects of HMI development in DCS:

  1. User-Centric Design: HMI development begins with a user-centric design approach. The HMI should be intuitive, visually appealing, and easy to navigate, enabling operators to access critical information and perform control actions efficiently.
  2. Process Visualization: HMI development involves creating graphical representations of industrial processes. Real-time process data, such as temperature, pressure, and flow rates, are displayed using intuitive symbols, charts, and graphs.
  3. Control Panel and Navigation: The HMI should include a control panel with buttons, sliders, and switches for operators to interact with the process.
  4. Contextual Information and Help: Contextual information and help pop-ups assist operators in understanding specific screen elements and functionalities.
  5. Security and Access Control: HMI development includes implementing security measures and access control. Authentication mechanisms ensure that only authorized personnel can access critical functionalities.

Communication protocols in DCS

Communication protocols in Distributed Control Systems (DCS) play a vital role in enabling seamless data exchange and interaction between various components of the automation system. These protocols facilitate real-time communication, ensuring that controllers, operator stations, and other devices can collaborate effectively to control and monitor industrial processes. Several communication protocols are commonly used in DCS environments, each offering specific advantages and features. Let's explore some prominent communication protocols used in DCS:

1. Ethernet/IP (Industrial Protocol):

  • Ethernet/IP is an industrial communication protocol that operates over standard Ethernet networks.
  • It enables high-speed data transfer, making it suitable for real-time control and monitoring applications in DCS.

2. Profibus (Process Field Bus):

  • Profibus is a widely used communication protocol in process automation and manufacturing industries.
  • It supports both process automation and factory automation, making it versatile for various applications.

3. Modbus:

  • Modbus is a simple and widely adopted communication protocol used in various automation systems, including DCS.
  • Modbus is particularly popular in applications involving SCADA systems and PLCs.

4. Foundation Fieldbus:

  • Foundation Fieldbus is a digital communication protocol designed specifically for process control applications in DCS.
  • Foundation Fieldbus supports advanced diagnostics and control capabilities for improved process optimization.

5. HART (Highway Addressable Remote Transducer):

  • HART is a hybrid communication protocol that combines analog signals with digital communication.
  • HART is often used to communicate with intelligent field instruments, such as transmitters and control valves.

6. Profinet (Process Field Net):

  • Profinet is an industrial Ethernet communication protocol used extensively in process automation and factory automation.
  • Profinet supports both cyclic and acyclic communication, enabling efficient data transmission and device configuration.

Properly implementing these protocols ensures reliable and efficient communication, allowing for seamless data exchange and effective control and monitoring of industrial processes.

Cybersecurity in Distributed Control Systems (DCS)

With the increasing integration of digital technologies in industrial automation, the importance of cybersecurity in Distributed Control Systems (DCS) has become paramount. DCS cybersecurity focuses on protecting critical industrial processes, data, and control systems from cyber threats and unauthorized access. Safeguarding DCS from potential cyber-attacks is essential to ensure the safety, reliability, and integrity of industrial operations. Let's explore the key aspects of cybersecurity in DCS:

1. Network Segmentation:

  • Implementing network segmentation isolates critical DCS components from non-essential systems and external networks.
  • This practice reduces the attack surface and minimizes the impact of potential cyber threats.

2. Secure Communication Protocols:

  • Employing secure communication protocols, such as encrypted communication, ensures that data transmitted between DCS components remains confidential and protected from eavesdropping.

3. Access Control and Authentication:

  • Implementing strong access control mechanisms limits access to authorized personnel only.
  • Enforcing multi-factor authentication for privileged users adds an extra layer of security.

4. Regular System Patching and Updates:

  • Keeping DCS software and firmware up-to-date with the latest security patches helps address known vulnerabilities and protects against exploits.

5. Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS):

  • IDPS monitors network traffic for suspicious activities and potential intrusions.
  • It can automatically block or mitigate potential threats to prevent damage.

6. Security Audits and Penetration Testing:

· Conducting regular security audits and penetration testing assesses the overall security posture of the DCS.

Cybersecurity is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring, updating, and adaptation to evolving threats. By integrating robust cybersecurity practices into the DCS corporate training, industries can protect their critical assets, maintain operational continuity, and ensure the safety of personnel and the environment.


Multisoft Virtual Academy's DCS online training course emerges as a comprehensive and highly reputable program designed to equip learners with the skills and knowledge required for success in the world of industrial automation. With its interactive learning environment, hands-on experience, global recognition, and continuous support, participants gain a competitive edge in the job market. Embracing this transformative training opens a world of opportunities, empowering individuals to build thriving careers as skilled DCS professionals.

Enroll in Multisoft Virtual Academy's DCS online training & certification course and embark on an exciting journey of growth and excellence in process automation.

Role of AWS Data Engineers in the Digital Age

What is AWS Data Engineer Certification Course?

The AWS Data Engineer Certification course by Multisoft Virtual Academy is an intensive training program designed to equip learners with skills and knowledge to utilize the services and tools offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) to design, build, and maintain data-driven solutions. The course introduces the participants to the key concepts of data engineering on the AWS platform such as data storage, data ingest, data transformation, data analysis, and visualization. It covers topics like AWS Databases, AWS Analytics services, Big Data technologies, and Machine Learning, and uses real-world use cases for a practical understanding of these concepts. The participants learn to design, develop, and operate AWS data lakes, data warehouses, real-time analytics applications, and machine learning models.

On completion, participants can demonstrate their proficiency by undertaking the AWS Certified Big Data - Specialty examination. This AWS Data Engineer certification not only showcases their ability to handle complex data analysis tasks but also opens up new career opportunities. AWS Data Engineer online training course is ideal for individuals working in roles such as data scientist, data analyst, business intelligence professional, or anyone who is keen on harnessing the power of data on the AWS platform.

Who is an AWS Data Engineer?

An AWS Data Engineer certification is a professional who specializes in designing, building, and managing the data architecture, data flow, and extraction processes on Amazon Web Services (AWS), one of the world's leading cloud computing platforms. Their role involves leveraging AWS services and tools to handle and analyze vast amounts of data.

Key Responsibilities include:

  1. Designing Data Architecture: Data Engineers develop and implement data infrastructure, databases, and processing systems that are scalable, reliable, and efficient.
  2. Data Management and Processing: They manage and optimize the flow of data from multiple sources and implement processes for data modeling, mining, and production.
  3. Implementing ETL Processes: Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) processes are crucial for moving data from various sources into a data warehouse. AWS Data Engineers use tools such as AWS Glue to automate these ETL processes.
  4. Data Security: They are responsible for data security and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. AWS offers various tools for data encryption and access management.
  5. Data Analysis: They often work with data scientists and analysts to provide the data needed for analysis and predictive modeling. They may use AWS data analysis tools such as Amazon Redshift, Kinesis, and Quicksight.

An AWS Data Engineer should have a solid understanding of data warehousing concepts, data modeling, SQL, as well as experience with AWS services like S3, EC2, EMR, Redshift, and more.

What Does an AWS Data Engineer Do?

An AWS Data Engineer leverages Amazon Web Services (AWS) to design and manage robust data architectures. They handle data ingestion from various sources, create efficient Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) processes, and ensure the smooth flow of data within the system. This role involves optimizing databases for performance and managing data security, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. They also collaborate with data scientists and analysts, providing them with clean, organized data for in-depth analysis and modeling. Utilizing tools such as AWS Glue, Redshift, and Kinesis, these professionals play a pivotal role in turning raw data into valuable business insights.

AWS Data Engineer Job Description

An AWS Data Engineer is responsible for designing and managing scalable data architectures using Amazon Web Services (AWS). They develop ETL processes, ensure data security, troubleshoot data-related issues, and collaborate with other teams for data analysis. Proficiency in AWS services, SQL, and data warehousing, along with strong problem-solving skills, are key for this role.


  1. Design, construct, install, test and maintain data management systems.
  2. Ensure systems meet business requirements and industry practices.
  3. Build high-performance algorithms, prototypes, and conceptual models.
  4. Develop and implement data architectures and infrastructure using AWS services such as S3, EC2, EMR, Redshift, and others.
  5. Conduct ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes and data pipeline development.


  1. Bachelor's/Master's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field.
  2. Strong experience working with AWS services and data engineering.
  3. Proficiency in SQL and experience with other programming languages like Python, Java, etc.
  4. Familiarity with ETL tools, big data technologies, and data modeling tools.
  5. AWS Certification (such as AWS Certified Big Data - Specialty or AWS Certified Data Analytics - Specialty) is highly desirable.

Additional Skills:

  1. Ability to work in a fast-paced, agile environment.
  2. Detail-oriented with strong organizational skills.
  3. Ability to translate complex information into clear, concise messages.
  4. Ability to work independently and collaborate effectively as a team member.

AWS Data Engineer Roles and Responsibilities

  1. Design, implement, and optimize data architectures using AWS services.
  2. Perform data ingestion from diverse sources into AWS environment.
  3. Develop and automate ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) processes for efficient data transfer.
  4. Ensure data security and adherence to regulatory requirements.
  5. Collaborate with data scientists and analysts for data preparation and analysis.
  6. Troubleshoot data-related issues and authorize necessary modifications.
  7. Maintain data infrastructure for high availability and performance.
  8. Utilize AWS services such as S3, EC2, Redshift, and more for data operations.
  9. Continuously monitor, refine and report on the performance of data management systems.
  10. Stay updated with industry trends and innovations in data engineering and AWS services.

Why Should You Consider a Career as an AWS Data Engineer?

  1. AWS is Rapidly Growing: Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the most comprehensive and widely adopted cloud platform in the world, accounting for a significant share of the cloud computing market. With its growth, there's a rising demand for professionals who can design and manage data infrastructure on AWS. A career as an AWS Data Engineer can thus offer opportunities to work on exciting, cutting-edge technology in a field that shows no signs of slowing down.
  2. Growing Importance of Cloud Computing: Cloud computing has transformed how businesses operate by offering scalable, flexible, and cost-effective solutions. It has revolutionized the storage and processing of large data volumes, making data engineers pivotal in leveraging this potential. As an AWS Data Engineer, you'll be at the forefront of this cloud computing revolution, harnessing the power of data to drive business insights and strategy. The role allows you to develop specialized skills that are becoming increasingly crucial in our data-driven world.
  3. Diverse Job Opportunities: A career as an AWS Data Engineer is not restricted to a particular industry. All sectors, from healthcare and finance to entertainment and e-commerce, are leveraging cloud services and big data to enhance their operations. This widespread applicability creates a broad range of job opportunities for AWS Data Engineers across different sectors and geographic locations. The role also provides a pathway to other exciting careers in data science, machine learning, and more.

Furthermore, the demand for AWS Data Engineers often surpasses the supply, leading to attractive remuneration and benefits packages. And as the field continues to evolve, there will be ongoing opportunities for learning and professional growth. So, if you're excited by data, technology, and the prospect of continuous learning, a career as an AWS Data Engineer could be an excellent choice for you.

Tools for AWS Data Engineers

  1. AWS Glue: A fully managed extract, transform, and load (ETL) service that makes it easy for users to prepare and load their data for analytics. It discovers, catalogs, and transforms data from various sources and formats, making it an essential tool for data engineers.
  2. AWS Athena: An interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data directly in Amazon S3 using standard SQL. Athena is serverless, so there's no infrastructure to manage, and you only pay for the queries you run, making it a cost-effective tool for analyzing large datasets.
  3. AWS Redshift: A fast, scalable data warehouse that makes it simple and cost-effective to analyze all your data across your data warehouse and data lake. Redshift delivers faster performance by using machine learning, massively parallel query execution, and columnar storage on high-performance disk.
  4. AWS Kinesis: A platform for streaming data on AWS, offering powerful services to load and analyze real-time, streaming data. Kinesis can ingest, buffer, and process data in real-time, allowing data engineers to build real-time dashboards, perform anomaly detection, dynamic pricing, and more.
  5. AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM): A web service that helps you securely control access to AWS resources for your users. Using IAM, you can create and manage AWS users and groups and use permissions to allow or deny their access to AWS resources. IAM is fundamental for managing security and access control to your data and services on AWS.


Q1. Who is an AWS Data Engineer?

An AWS Data Engineer is a professional who designs, constructs, and manages data infrastructures using Amazon Web Services (AWS). They handle data ingestion, processing, storage, and security, and work closely with data scientists and analysts to facilitate data analyses and predictive modeling.

Q2. What skills are required to become an AWS Data Engineer?

An AWS Data Engineer should be proficient in SQL and other programming languages like Python or Java, be familiar with AWS services like S3, EC2, Redshift, and Glue, and have a solid understanding of data warehousing, ETL processes, and data modeling. Strong problem-solving skills and knowledge of data privacy regulations are also essential.

Q3. What are the typical responsibilities of an AWS Data Engineer?

Responsibilities include designing and optimizing data architectures, developing ETL processes, ensuring data security, managing data flow, troubleshooting data-related problems, and collaborating with data scientists and analysts.

Q4. How can I become an AWS Data Engineer?

You need a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or a related field. Gaining practical experience with AWS services and data engineering is crucial.

Q5. What is the career outlook for AWS Data Engineers?

With the growing importance of data and the expanding market share of AWS in cloud services, the demand for AWS Data Engineers is high and continues to grow. You can find opportunities across a diverse range of industries, making it a promising career path with excellent salary prospects.


The AWS Data Engineer Online Training &Certification course offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy serves as a comprehensive program that provides learners with a deep understanding of data engineering concepts and practical skills using AWS tools and services. It's an excellent path for those looking to harness the power of cloud computing and big data, which are increasingly influential in today's digital world. By acquiring knowledge in AWS Databases, Analytics services, and Machine Learning, participants are equipped to handle complex data analysis tasks, making them valuable assets in diverse industries. Ultimately, this certification course paves the way for career growth and opportunities in the rapidly evolving field of data engineering.

CyberArk & its Components

What is CyberArk?

CyberArk is a global leader in privileged access management, a critical layer of IT security to protect data, infrastructure, and assets across the enterprise, in the cloud, and throughout the DevOps pipeline. It delivers the industry's most complete solution to reduce risk created by privileged credentials and secrets.

The company's software is primarily used to securely store, rotate and isolate credentials that are used to access systems throughout an IT environment. It provides solutions that allow companies to identify existing privileged accounts, automatically manage and change credentials, control access, monitor user activity, and respond to potential threats. CyberArk's product offerings include: Enterprise Password Vault, Privileged Session Manager, Privileged Threat Analytics, CyberArk Privilege Cloud, Endpoint Privilege Manager, and many more. Each solution has its own specific use cases, but they all work towards securing privileged access and reducing risk within an organization.

Why CyberArk?

CyberArk training course is the preferred choice for privileged access management due to its comprehensive and cutting-edge solutions that address the critical security challenges faced by organizations today. With an increasing number of cyber threats targeting privileged accounts, CyberArk's specialized software provides a robust and multi-layered defense against potential breaches and unauthorized access. One of the main reasons organizations choose CyberArk certification course is its ability to securely store, rotate, and isolate privileged credentials, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access critical systems and data. Its advanced features allow for automatic credential management, reducing the risk of human errors and enhancing overall security.

Moreover, CyberArk's Privileged Threat Analytics helps organizations identify potential threats and monitor user activity, enabling a proactive approach to cybersecurity. As a globally recognized leader in privileged access management, CyberArk is trusted by numerous enterprises and industries, including government agencies and financial institutions. Its continuous innovation and dedication to cybersecurity make it an invaluable asset for organizations seeking to fortify their defenses and protect their most sensitive assets from cyber Security Training courses threats.

CyberArk components

CyberArk online training & certification course offers a comprehensive suite of privileged access management (PAM) solutions, each designed to address specific cybersecurity needs. Here are the key components of CyberArk:

  1. Digital Vault: The Digital Vault is the heart of CyberArk's solution. It securely stores and manages privileged credentials, such as passwords, SSH keys, API keys, and more. The Vault uses advanced encryption and access controls to safeguard the sensitive data from unauthorized access.
  2. Password Vault Web Access: This component provides a web-based interface for users to access the privileged credentials stored in the Digital Vault securely. It allows users to request, retrieve, and automatically rotate passwords for target systems without direct access to the Vault.
  3. Central Policy Manager: The Central Policy Manager enables organizations to define and enforce access policies for privileged accounts. It ensures that only authorized users can access sensitive information and systems, reducing the risk of potential security breaches.
  4. Privileged Session Manager: This component allows organizations to monitor and record privileged sessions in real-time. It provides detailed audit trails of all activities performed by privileged users during their sessions.
  5. Privileged Session Manager for SSH: Manages and monitors privileged SSH sessions, providing granular control over SSH activities.
  6. Privileged Session Manager for Web: Manages and controls privileged web sessions, including real-time session monitoring and recording.
  7. On-Demand Privileges Manager: Grants temporary and controlled access to privileged accounts on an as-needed basis, reducing the attack surface.
  8. AD Bridge for NIX: Integrates UNIX/Linux systems with Active Directory, streamlining authentication and access control. Existing groups in AD directories are also immediately synchronised with a Vault group. Users have quick access to UNIX machines based on their AD rights and groups, allowing for a continuous workflow and productivity.
  9. Privileged Threat Analytics: Analyzes user behavior to detect and respond to potential insider threats or suspicious activities.
  10. SSH Key Manager: Centralizes management and rotation of SSH keys for enhanced security. Furthermore, SSH Keys offer a more significant danger than mismanaged privileged passwords due to the complexity of monitoring and managing them.
  11. CyberArk Vault Synchronizer: Synchronizes credentials and policies across multiple CyberArk Vaults, ensuring consistency and reliability. CyberArk Vault secrets may now be connected to Conjur and used in DevOps environments like CI/CD pipelines, containerised applications, and cloud platforms, which all benefit from Conjur's clients, APIs, and SDKs.
  12. Email Notifications: Sends alerts and notifications to designated users regarding critical security events. It is installed as a service by default as a component of the Vault server installation.


CyberArk online training offers a range of powerful benefits that significantly strengthen an organization's cybersecurity posture and protect critical assets from cyber threats. Some key advantages include:

  1. Privileged Access Protection: CyberArk secures and manages privileged account credentials, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches.
  2. Regulatory Compliance: It helps organizations meet regulatory requirements and industry standards for privileged access management, ensuring adherence to compliance mandates.
  3. Least Privilege Enforcement: CyberArk enforces the principle of least privilege, granting users only the minimum access needed for their tasks, minimizing the attack surface and potential attack vectors.
  4. Real-time Monitoring and Alerting: CyberArk provides real-time monitoring and recording of privileged sessions, enabling prompt detection of suspicious activities, and automated alerts for proactive threat response.
  5. Credential Rotation: It enables automatic and periodic rotation of privileged account credentials, reducing the risk of unauthorized access due to compromised credentials.
  6. Comprehensive Audit Trails: CyberArk generates detailed audit trails of privileged access, facilitating forensic investigations and compliance reporting.
  7. Flexibility and Scalability: CyberArk caters to organizations of all sizes, offering both on-premises and cloud-based deployment options to accommodate diverse IT infrastructures.


CyberArk online certification course by Multisoft Virtual Academy stands out as a formidable and trusted leader in the realm of Privileged Access Management (PAM). With its comprehensive suite of components, including the Digital Vault, Privileged Session Manager, Privileged Threat Analytics, and more, CyberArk training offers organizations an integrated and versatile solution to secure, manage, and monitor privileged accounts and credentials.

CyberArk's proven track record and multifaceted benefits make it a compelling choice for organizations seeking to fortify their cybersecurity posture and protect their most sensitive assets from unauthorized access and malicious activity.

A Guide to SAP Leonardo

SAP Leonardo - All-in-one Intelligent System

SAP Leonardo, named after the great Italian polymath Leonardo da Vinci, is an all-in-one intelligent system that integrates a range of next-generation technologies into a single digital innovation system. It's designed to help businesses harness the power of technologies like Internet of Things (IoT), Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Advanced Analytics, Blockchain, and Data Intelligence to drive digital transformation.

Here's a breakdown of the key components of SAP Leonardo:

  1. Internet of Things (IoT): SAP Leonardo IoT enables businesses to connect devices, gather and analyze data in real-time, automate processes, and gain valuable insights.
  2. Machine Learning: The SAP Leonardo Machine Learning Foundation provides pre-trained machine learning services and allows developers to create custom models to add intelligence to applications.
  3. Artificial Intelligence (AI): SAP Leonardo incorporates AI to create intelligent applications that can automate routine tasks, understand natural language, recognize patterns and images, and make recommendations.
  4. Big Data: SAP Leonardo provides capabilities to manage, process, and analyze large volumes of data to make data-driven decisions and gain valuable business insights.
  5. Advanced Analytics: With predictive analytics, SAP Leonardo helps businesses forecast future outcomes based on historical data, trends, and patterns.
  6. Blockchain: SAP Leonardo Blockchain provides capabilities to create transparent, secure, and tamper-proof networks for sharing digital assets.
  7. Data Intelligence: SAP Leonardo Data Intelligence organizes, governs, and provides semantic enrichment of big data, turning it into actionable business insights.

SAP Leonardo Certification is not just a technological toolbox but a holistic digital innovation system. It uses SAP Cloud Platform to integrate these technologies with SAP's core applications, ensuring seamless operation and a consistent user experience.


What does SAP Leonardo Training Involve?

SAP Leonardo online training involves understanding and mastering these cutting-edge technologies and learning how to integrate them into business processes to drive innovation, efficiency, and business value. Key areas covered in SAP Leonardo Training usually include:

  1. SAP Leonardo IoT: Understand how to connect devices to the internet to gather real-time insights and automate business processes.
  2. SAP Leonardo Machine Learning: Learn to create intelligent systems that can learn from data to improve processes and decision-making.
  3. SAP Leonardo Big Data: Gain knowledge on managing, processing, and analyzing large volumes of data to extract valuable business insights.
  4. SAP Leonardo Analytics: Learn to use advanced analytical tools to uncover patterns and trends in business data.
  5. SAP Leonardo Blockchain: Understand the principles of blockchain and how it can be used to create secure, transparent, and efficient business networks.
  6. SAP Leonardo Data Intelligence: Learn how to organize and govern enterprise data, and turn it into actionable insights.

The training typically includes a mix of theoretical lessons and hands-on exercises and may also provide guidance on how to design and implement SAP Leonardo solutions to solve real-world business problems.


Who Offers SAP Leonardo Training?

SAP and several other educational institutions and training providers offer SAP BRIM training. Some courses are designed for people with a specific background (like developers or data scientists), while others are more general in nature. It's important to choose a course that aligns with your current skills, career goals, and the needs of your organization.


Why Undertake SAP Leonardo Training?

SAP Leonardo online training can be a valuable asset for anyone looking to advance their career in the digital space. It provides you with knowledge and skills in a range of advanced technologies and prepares you to drive digital innovation in your organization. The demand for professionals skilled in these areas is high and expected to grow, so training in SAP could open up a wealth of career opportunities.


Who Can Benefit from SAP Leonardo Training?

SAP Leonardo certification training is valuable for a wide range of professionals, including:

  1. SAP consultants looking to specialize in next-generation technologies
  2. IT professionals wanting to expand their skill set
  3. Business analysts and decision-makers seeking to leverage advanced technologies for business improvement
  4. Career changers looking to enter the field of digital transformation

SAP Leonardo - Internet of Things (IoT)

SAP Leonardo Internet of Things (IoT) is an integral part of SAP Leonardo, a digital innovation system that includes various leading-edge technologies like Machine Learning, Big Data, Analytics, Blockchain, and Data Intelligence. The IoT component of SAP Leonardo is designed to help businesses leverage the power of connected devices to drive operational efficiency, innovation, and business transformation.

SAP Leonardo IoT allows businesses to connect devices, people, and processes. By gathering and analyzing data from connected devices in real time, SAP Leonardo IoT enables businesses to gain valuable insights, automate processes, improve decision-making, and create new business models.

Key Features of SAP Leonardo IoT are:

  1. Device Connectivity and Management: SAP Leonardo IoT provides the capability to connect and manage a wide variety of devices. It supports different types of connectivity protocols and provides features for device management, monitoring, and maintenance.
  2. Data Ingestion and Processing: SAP Leonardo IoT can ingest large volumes of data from connected devices. It provides capabilities for processing and analyzing this data in real time.
  3. Edge Computing: SAP Leonardo IoT supports edge computing, which allows data processing and analysis to be done close to the source of data (i.e., the devices themselves). This can reduce latency, improve response times, and minimize the need for data transmission.
  4. Integration with Business Processes: SAP Leonardo IoT is designed to integrate with existing business processes and systems. This means the insights gained from IoT data can be directly applied to improve business operations and decision-making.
  5. Application Enablement: SAP Leonardo IoT provides capabilities for developing IoT applications. This includes reusable application services, microservices, and development tools, making it easier to create custom IoT solutions.


Applications of SAP Leonardo IoT

SAP Leonardo IoT can be applied in various ways across different industries. For example, in manufacturing, it can be used for predictive maintenance, real-time monitoring of production lines, and optimization of resource utilization. In logistics, it can be used for real-time tracking of goods, fleet management, and optimization of supply chain operations. In retail, it can be used for inventory management, enhancing customer experience, and improving store operations. SAP Leonardo IoT is a powerful tool that can help businesses leverage the Internet of Things to drive digital transformation. It provides a comprehensive set of capabilities for connecting devices, managing and analyzing IoT data, and integrating IoT with business processes.

SAP Leonardo - Machine Learning Foundation

SAP Leonardo Machine Learning Foundation is a key part of SAP Leonardo's suite of innovative technologies. It provides ready-to-use machine learning (ML) services and allows developers to build their own custom ML models.

SAP Leonardo Machine Learning Foundation hosts a set of pre-trained machine learning services that developers can embed into their applications to provide intelligent features. These services can be leveraged across various industries for a wide array of applications such as image recognition, natural language processing, time series data processing, and more. Here's an overview:

  1. Image Recognition: This service can be used in applications for object detection, face recognition, and feature extraction from images. It can also interpret and categorize images based on their visual content.
  2. Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP services can understand, interpret, and manipulate human language. Applications of this service include sentiment analysis, text classification, language identification, and keyword extraction.
  3. Time Series Data Processing: It is used to analyze and forecast data that varies over a period of time. This can be used in predicting maintenance in machinery, sales forecasting, and analyzing seasonal trends, among other things.

The SAP Leonardo Machine Learning Foundation supports various machine learning frameworks such as TensorFlow, allowing developers to leverage these frameworks for creating and training custom models. The platform also provides a simplified development environment with tools for managing the lifecycle of machine learning models, from development to deployment.


Drive Digital Transformation

Driving Digital Transformation refers to the process of integrating digital technologies into all areas of a business, fundamentally changing how it operates and delivers value to customers. It involves a shift from traditional methods to innovative solutions, enabling businesses to become more efficient, data-driven, and customer-centric. This transformation requires a cultural change, encouraging organizations to continually challenge the status quo, experiment, and adapt to new digital trends and technologies, thereby fostering a more agile, collaborative, and innovative business environment.


Artificial Intelligence (AI)

SAP Leonardo AI provides the technology and tools to develop intelligent applications that can understand natural language, recognize patterns and images, automate routine tasks, and make recommendations. By embedding AI into business applications, companies can automate processes, enhance customer experiences, and unlock new business opportunities.

Key features include:

  1. Natural Language Processing (NLP): Ability to understand and interact in human language.
  2. Machine Learning: Capability to learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed.
  3. Intelligent Robotics: AI-powered robots can automate routine tasks, freeing up human resources for more complex tasks.

Big Data

The Big Data component of SAP Leonardo provides robust capabilities to manage, process, and analyze large volumes of structured and unstructured data. It helps businesses leverage their data to gain valuable insights, make data-driven decisions, and improve operational efficiency.

SAP Leonardo provides robust big data capabilities. The features include:

  1. Data Management: Capability to manage large volumes of structured and unstructured data.
  2. Real-time Processing: Ability to process and analyze data in real-time.
  3. Scalability: Capability to scale as data volume and complexity grow.


Advanced Analytics

This component includes predictive analytics and machine learning capabilities. Predictive analytics allows businesses to forecast future outcomes based on historical data, while machine learning helps in creating self-learning applications. Together, they help businesses to uncover patterns, trends, and relationships in data, providing them with actionable insights.

SAP Leonardo's advanced analytics offer predictive and prescriptive analytics features:

  1. Predictive Analytics: Ability to use historical data to predict future trends and patterns.
  2. Prescriptive Analytics: Suggesting various course of actions to take and showing the potential implications of each decision.
  3. Data Visualization: Providing visual representations of data to make it easier to understand and interpret.


SAP Leonardo Blockchain provides a secure and tamper-proof environment for recording, storing, and verifying transactions. It allows businesses to build transparent, secure networks for sharing digital assets. By integrating blockchain technology into business processes, companies can increase trust, reduce fraud, and create new business models.

  1. Secure Transactions: Every transaction is encrypted and linked to the previous one, making it secure and tamper-proof.
  2. Distributed Ledger: The ledger is distributed across multiple nodes, ensuring transparency and reliability.
  3. Smart Contracts: Blockchain enables automated contracts that are executed when certain conditions are met.

Data Intelligence

This component organizes, governs, and provides semantic enrichment of large data volumes, turning them into actionable business insights. It combines machine learning and AI to automate complex data processes and enables businesses to generate and share insights across the enterprise.

SAP Leonardo Data Intelligence offers features to turn big data into actionable insights:

  1. Data Orchestration: Gathering data from various sources and ensuring it's in the right place at the right time.
  2. Data Governance: Implementing rules and regulations to ensure data accuracy, privacy, and security.
  3. Semantic Enrichment: Using machine learning and advanced analytics to add context and make data easier to understand.


Multisoft Virtual Academy recognizes the transformative potential of advanced technologies encapsulated in SAP Leonardo online training course. As an established training provider, Multisoft Virtual Academy remains committed to empowering professionals with cutting-edge skills. From the Internet of Things to Machine Learning to Data Intelligence, SAP Leonardo harnesses a wealth of transformative technologies. Whether you're an experienced professional looking to up skill or a newcomer aspiring to step into the digital world, Multisoft Virtual Academy’s training programs provide a pathway to success.

As SAP Leonardo certification course continues to evolve, Multisoft Virtual Academy will keep its curriculum updated, ensuring you stay at the forefront of technological innovation. Harness the power of SAP Leonardo online training & certification course with Multisoft Virtual Academy, and take a confident stride into the future of business technology.

SAP Online Training & Certification Courses


Multisoft Virtual Academy offers a robust SAP online training program designed to equip learners with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the SAP environment. The courses, ranging from SAP HANA to SAP BRIM, are delivered by experienced instructors who provide real-world insights and hands-on exercises. The flexible online format allows you to learn at your own pace and schedule, making it ideal for working professionals and students alike. With comprehensive resources, interactive sessions, and practical assignments, Multisoft's SAP online certification training is designed to provide a strong foundation in SAP and open up a world of career opportunities.


Popular SAP Certification and Training Courses

With over 150 different certifications available in different fields and at different levels of expertise, SAP certification training courses are available for anyone with the willingness to learn and advance in their career. The most popular SAP certification training courses are:


What is SAP HR Certification Course?

The SAP HR (Human Resources) Certification course is an official program offered by SAP that validates a professional's knowledge and skills in the SAP HR module. This certification is widely recognized in the IT and business industries, making it a valuable asset for professionals working with SAP software.

The SAP HR training course covers a wide range of topics related to human resources, including organizational management, personnel administration, time management, payroll, and recruitment, among others. The training aims to equip professionals with a comprehensive understanding of the SAP HR module and its application in various HR processes.


What is SAP Ariba Certification Course?

SAP Ariba is a cloud-based innovative solution that allows businesses to connect with right business partners and manage their procurement activities more efficiently. SAP Ariba is widely recognized for its ability to streamline the procurement process, facilitate compliance, and enhance supply chain visibility. Its solutions integrate with ERP and back-office systems, providing a robust, end-to-end solution for organizations of all sizes across diverse industries.

Therefore, in an age characterized by rapid technological evolution, businesses need software solutions that can help streamline procurement processes, making them more efficient and effective. SAP Ariba, a cloud-based solution, is a leader in this area, delivering powerful capabilities for strategic sourcing,

procurement, supplier management, and supply chain collaboration. This is why SAP Ariba training has become a much-sought-after skill in the corporate world. One such premier institution offering comprehensive training in this arena is the Multisoft Virtual Academy.

Multisoft Virtual Academy provides a structured and flexible learning approach to the SAP Ariba curriculum. The training is designed to equip learners with a clear understanding of the key features and benefits of SAP Ariba course and its applications in real-world business scenarios.


What is SAP FICO Training Course?

SAP FICO, standing for Financial Accounting (FI) and Controlling (CO), is an integral module of SAP ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and is central to managing a company's financial transactions and reporting functions.

Multisoft Virtual Academy offers an immersive tutorial on SAP FICO online training course, an integral part of SAP ERP, responsible for managing financial transactions and reporting within a business. The course is divided into two core areas: SAP FI (Financial Accounting) and SAP CO (Controlling). SAP FI automates and integrates all financial accounting processes, including financial reporting, accounts receivable and payable, and general ledger accounting. On the other hand, SAP CO controls the costs of business operations and aids in planning, reporting, and monitoring operations. The tutorial by MVA meticulously covers these areas, offering learners a deep dive into SAP FICO functionalities. Each concept is reinforced through real-world examples and case studies, thereby providing learners with an applied understanding of SAP FICO.

The course is designed to accommodate learners with different backgrounds, with no specific prerequisites required. Through this course, Multisoft Virtual Academy delivers a comprehensive and practical understanding of SAP FICO certification course, empowering learners to effectively manage financial operations using this robust SAP module.


What is SAP S/4HANA Financial Accounting?

SAP S/4HANA Financial Accounting is a part of the SAP S/4HANA ERP system, which is designed to handle all financial transactions and accounting practices within a business. The financial accounting component is also known as SAP S/4HANA Finance or SAP Simple Finance.

SAP S/4HANA Financial Accounting online training & certification course provides a comprehensive suite of financial management and accounting solutions that cater to a wide range of business needs. It enables real-time processing of large volumes of financial data and offers tools for financial planning, accounting, financial close, treasury and financial risk management, collaborative finance operations, and enterprise risk and compliance.


What is SAP BRIM Certification Course?

The SAP BRIM (Billing and Revenue Innovation Management) online training course is a specialized training program that provides comprehensive knowledge about SAP's solution for managing high-volume billing and revenue processes. The course covers key components of SAP BRIM, such as Convergent Charging, Convergent Invoicing, and Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA).

In this course, learners gain an understanding of how to manage complex billing relationships, handle high-volume invoicing processes, and navigate contract accounts. They learn through a blend of theoretical sessions and practical exercises, with real-world examples used to illustrate the application of concepts.

By the end of the course, learners are equipped with the skills to implement, configure, and use SAP BRIM effectively, enabling them to improve billing and revenue management in their organizations or offer their expertise as SAP BRIM consultants.


What is SAP HANA Online Certification & Training Course?

SAP HANA (High-Performance Analytic Appliance) is an in-memory, column-oriented, relational database management system developed and marketed by SAP. It's designed to handle both high transaction rates and complex query processing on the same platform. SAP HANA's primary function as a database server is to store and retrieve data as requested by the applications.

One of the key features of SAP HANA is its in-memory computing capability. Unlike traditional databases that rely heavily on disk storage, SAP HANA stores data in memory, which allows for faster data processing and real-time analytics. In addition, SAP HANA provides capabilities for data modeling, data replication, data integration, data virtualization, and advanced analytics. It also includes an application development platform where developers can build applications that leverage its capabilities for processing and analyzing data in real-time.

SAP HANA is used in a wide range of SAP's software and SaaS offerings, including SAP S/4HANA (a suite of ERP business applications), SAP BW/4HANA (a data warehouse solution), and various applications in the SAP Business Technology Platform.


What is SAP SD Online Certification Training?

SAP Sales and Distribution (SD) online training is a specialized course that focuses on teaching the ins and outs of the SAP SD module, one of the integral parts of SAP ERP systems. The module is used to store the customer and product data of an organization. It is tightly integrated with other SAP modules like Material Management (MM), Financial Accounting and Controlling (FI/CO), and Production Planning (PP).

The training covers various aspects of the SAP SD module, including master data management, sales, pricing, billing, shipping, transportation, and credit management among others. Students learn to handle pre-sales inquiries, sales orders, track sales data, and manage sales activities in an organization. The course is conducted online, giving students the flexibility to learn at their own pace and convenience. It

includes a mix of theoretical sessions, demonstrations, and hands-on exercises, providing students with practical knowledge of how to use the SAP SD module in real-world scenarios.

This certification training course can be beneficial for aspiring SAP consultants, sales and distribution professionals, and anyone looking to enhance their knowledge of SAP systems.


What is SAP Oil and Gas Training Course?

SAP Oil and Gas Training course is a specialized program that focuses on the unique needs and challenges of the oil and gas industry within the context of SAP systems. The course is designed to provide comprehensive knowledge of the SAP for Oil & Gas solution, which is an industry-specific module of the SAP ERP system.

The training covers the various components of the SAP Oil & Gas solution, including:

  1. Upstream Operations Management (UOM): This focuses on the activities related to exploring, recovering, and producing crude oil and natural gas.
  2. Joint Venture Accounting (JVA): This component covers the financial and managerial accounting aspects of joint venture operations.
  3. Production and Revenue Accounting (PRA): This involves revenue distribution and allocation, royalty reporting, and production accounting.
  4. Transportation and Distribution (T&D): This focuses on the logistics of transporting and distributing oil and gas products.
  5. Remote Logistics Management (RLM): This component helps manage logistics in remote areas like offshore platforms and onshore drilling sites.

Learners will gain a solid understanding of how to manage complex industry processes such as hydrocarbon supply chain, joint venture operations, production sharing accounting, and logistics, using SAP's industry-specific solutions. This SAP Oil and Gas Training course SAP Oil and Gas Training course can be beneficial for oil and gas professionals, SAP consultants, and anyone looking to specialize in the SAP for Oil & Gas solution.


What is SAP EHS Certification Training?

SAP EHS (Environment, Health, and Safety) online training is a specialized course that focuses on managing safety and compliance in the workplace using SAP's EHS module. This module is a part of SAP's ERP system designed to help organizations proactively manage environmental, occupational health, safety, and product safety issues.

The SAP EHS certification course covers various sub-modules, including:

  1. Product Safety: This covers the management of dangerous goods, substance volume tracking, and the creation of safety data sheets for products.
  2. Industrial Hygiene and Safety: This focuses on health surveillance, risk assessment, and incident and accident management.
  3. Waste Management: This covers waste disposal processes, from generation and disposal processing to recycling.
  4. Occupational Health: This focuses on tracking employee health data and planning health services, including medical exams, health surveillance protocols, and immunization and vaccination.
  5. Environmental Management: This includes tracking emissions, discharges, and waste, managing permits, and reporting on environmental impact.

The training typically includes theoretical sessions, demonstrations, and hands-on exercises to provide a comprehensive understanding of how to use the SAP EHS module in real-world scenarios.

The SAP EHS online training & certification course can be beneficial for EHS professionals, SAP consultants, and anyone looking to improve their understanding of how to manage environment, health, and safety issues using SAP systems.


What is SAP Fiori Certification Training?

SAP Fiori certification training is a focused course designed to equip learners with the skills to use and develop applications using SAP's Fiori user interface. SAP Fiori is a design language and user experience approach developed by S AP for use in enterprise applications. It provides a role-based, consumer-grade user experience across all lines of business, tasks, and devices.

The SAP Fiori online training covers a range of topics including an overview of the SAP Fiori concept, architecture, and design principles, understanding the SAP Fiori app types (transactional, fact sheets, analytical), configuration of the Fiori Launchpad, development of custom Fiori apps, and more.

Participants will also learn about the latest development tools and technologies related to SAP Fiori, such as SAPUI5, OData services, and SAP Web IDE. The training includes both theoretical concepts and practical sessions to help learners get hands-on experience.

This certification training course can be particularly beneficial for SAP consultants, developers, UX designers, and anyone interested in enhancing the user experience of SAP applications. Through this course, learners can gain the necessary skills to design and develop intuitive, easy-to-use applications that meet the needs of modern businesses.



SAP Online Training & Certification Courses provide a comprehensive, flexible, and accessible avenue to build expertise in various SAP modules, including SD, EHS, FICO, HANA, BRIM and more. These courses are designed to empower professionals with practical skills and theoretical knowledge necessary to navigate the vast SAP landscape, enhancing their career prospects in a competitive job market. The courses offer a blend of instructional materials, hands-on exercises, and interactive sessions, catering to different learning styles.

The certification that follows training validates the learners' proficiency in SAP, increasing their credibility in the industry. Whether you're an aspiring SAP consultant, a professional looking to up skill, or an organization aiming to boost your team's SAP capabilities, SAP Online Training & Certification Courses are a valuable investment towards achieving those goals.

A Detailed Comparison of SAP Ariba, SRM, and MM Course

Course overview

SAP Ariba is a cloud-based innovative solution that allows businesses to connect with right business partners and manage their procurement activities more efficiently. SAP Ariba is widely recognized for its ability to streamline the procurement process, facilitate compliance, and enhance supply chain visibility. Its solutions integrate with ERP and back-office systems, providing a robust, end-to-end solution for organizations of all sizes across diverse industries.

Therefore, in an age characterized by rapid technological evolution, businesses need software solutions that can help streamline procurement processes, making them more efficient and effective. SAP Ariba, a cloud-based solution, is a leader in this area, delivering powerful capabilities for strategic sourcing, procurement, supplier management, and supply chain collaboration. This is why SAP Ariba training has become a much-sought-after skill in the corporate world. One such premier institution offering comprehensive training in this arena is the Multisoft Virtual Academy.

Multisoft Virtual Academy provides a structured and flexible learning approach to the SAP Ariba curriculum. The training is designed to equip learners with a clear understanding of the key features and benefits of SAP Ariba trainig course and its applications in real-world business scenarios.

Benefits of SAP Ariba

  1. Strategic Sourcing: SAP Ariba helps in identifying new opportunities, creating sourcing events, and awarding contracts, enabling businesses to secure the best value from their procurement processes.
  2. Procure-to-Pay Efficiency: It offers a systematic, automated procure-to-pay solution that enables businesses to efficiently order, track, and pay for goods and services, resulting in cost savings, reduced errors, and improved cycle times.
  3. Contract Management: SAP Ariba offers robust contract management capabilities, allowing businesses to create, execute, and manage contracts in a single, centralized repository. This ensures that contracts are adhered to and maximizes their value.
  4. Supplier Management: SAP Ariba provides an integrated platform for managing supplier information, lifecycle, performance, and risk, promoting strong and mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers.
  5. Supply Chain Collaboration: SAP Ariba improves supply chain collaboration by allowing real-time information sharing between businesses and their suppliers. This leads to better inventory management, reduced stock-outs, and minimized excess inventory.
  6. Spend Analysis: SAP Ariba provides advanced analytics tools to analyze spend data and gain actionable insights. This enables businesses to identify saving opportunities, improve compliance, and make data-driven procurement decisions.
  7. Compliance and Risk Management: SAP Ariba ensures adherence to procurement policies and procedures, reducing maverick spend. It also helps businesses identify and mitigate supplier risks early.
  8. Integration with ERP Systems: SAP Ariba seamlessly integrates with existing ERP systems, thus, offering a unified platform to manage all procurement processes.

Comparison between SAP Ariba vs SAP SRM vs SAP MM



SAP Ariba



Primary Focus

Cloud-based procurement, strategic sourcing, and supply chain collaboration

Supplier relationship management, strategic sourcing, procurement

Material and inventory management, part of SAP ERP



On-premise, with some cloud functionality

On-premise, part of SAP ERP


Has a global supplier network, connecting millions of suppliers and buyers worldwide

Limited supplier network compared to Ariba

No specific supplier network

Procurement Process

Covers the complete procurement lifecycle, from sourcing to payment

Covers procurement lifecycle, but not as extensively as Ariba

Covers the procurement process as part of broader material management

Strategic Sourcing

Strong strategic sourcing capabilities with sourcing and auction tools

Includes sourcing capabilities but not as comprehensive as Ariba

Limited to basic purchasing functionality

Contract Management

Strong contract lifecycle management features

Includes contract management but not as comprehensive as Ariba

Basic contract management


Advanced analytics for spend analysis and supplier performance

Limited analytics capabilities

Basic reporting and analytics as part of the wider ERP

Supplier Management

Comprehensive supplier information, performance, and risk management

Focused on supplier relationship management

Basic supplier data management


Integrates with existing ERP systems including SAP

Integration with SAP ERP

Fully integrated with SAP ERP system as it's a module of it


Features available in the SAP Ariba solution

Below is the list of features that are available in the SAP Ariba system:

  • Supply chain collaboration
  • Spend analysis
  • Procurement
  • Spend analysis
  • Invoice Management
  • Supplier discovery
  • Ariba exchange
  • Contract management



SAP Ariba, SRM, and MM, while distinct in their functionalities, share several common elements due to their focus on procurement and supply chain operations. Below are some of the primary similarities:

  1. Procurement Focus: All three solutions are designed to optimize and streamline the procurement process. They automate tasks associated with the procurement lifecycle, from creating purchase orders to invoicing.
  2. Vendor Management: Each system provides tools for managing relationships with vendors or suppliers. These tools may vary in their sophistication and functionality, but the core purpose remains the same.
  3. Integration with SAP Ecosystem: SAP Ariba, SRM, and MM are all designed to integrate seamlessly with other SAP products, ensuring smooth data flow and operational continuity across the entire SAP ecosystem.
  4. Contract Management: While the sophistication of the contract management features varies between the systems, each one includes tools to manage procurement contracts to some degree.
  5. Spend Management: All three platforms include capabilities for tracking and managing organizational spend. These capabilities allow organizations to control costs, identify savings opportunities, and improve budgeting and forecasting accuracy.
  6. Automation: SAP Ariba, SRM, and MM all leverage automation to simplify and streamline procurement tasks. This can help reduce manual errors, improve process efficiency, and free up time for strategic decision-making.
  7. Compliance: All three solutions provide tools to enforce procurement policies and regulations, thus helping ensure compliance.


Advantages and Disadvantages





SAP Ariba

1. Cloud-based solution offering global reach through the Ariba Network.

2. Comprehensive procurement solution covering sourcing, contract management, supplier lifecycle management, and more.

3. Advanced analytics for spend analysis and supplier performance.

4. Integration with other ERP systems, including SAP.

1. Can be more expensive due to its comprehensive capabilities and cloud-based nature.

2. Requires adequate training to fully utilize its extensive features.

3. May be more complex to set up and configure due to its range of functionalities.


1. Focused on supplier relationship management, providing strong tools for vendor collaboration.  

2. Streamlines procurement with automated procure-to-pay processes.

3. Offers self-service procurement to empower employees.

1. Less comprehensive and robust compared to SAP Ariba, particularly in terms of analytics and supplier network.

2. The on premise nature may limit accessibility and real-time collaboration compared to cloud solutions.

3. As SRM is being phased out by SAP, long-term support may be a concern.


1. Part of the SAP ERP system, offering seamless integration with other SAP modules.

2. Focused on material and inventory management, crucial for manufacturing and product-focused businesses.

3. Supports core procurement processes including purchasing, invoice verification, and contract management.

1. Limited in its strategic sourcing and supplier lifecycle management capabilities compared to Ariba.

2. Lacks a global supplier network like the one offered by Ariba.

3. Can be complex to implement and requires thorough SAP knowledge and training.



SAP Ariba online training from Multisoft Virtual Academy is an opportunity to gain cutting-edge skills in the procurement and supply chain sector. With its industry-focused course structure, expert faculty, flexible learning environment, and post-training support, the Academy provides a robust platform for aspiring SAP Ariba professionals.

Whether you aim to advance your career, shift your profession, or enhance your business, this training is an investment that guarantees value and professional growth. By leveraging SAP Ariba course, businesses can achieve operational excellence, reduce costs, increase transparency, and gain a competitive edge in today's dynamic business environment.

Furthermore, the rise in adoption of SAP Ariba has led to a surge in demand for SAP Ariba professionals, making SAP Ariba certification a valuable credential in the job market.


Course FAQ’s

Q1: Who should take these courses?

Professionals working in procurement, supply chain, or inventory management might find these courses useful. Additionally, business analysts, project managers, and consultants who wish to understand these modules better might also benefit.

Q2: Do I need any prerequisites to take these courses?

It helps to have a basic understanding of procurement processes and enterprise resource planning systems.

Q3: What is the difference between these three modules?

While there's overlap, each module has its strengths. Ariba offers a comprehensive cloud-based solution for procurement. SRM focuses more on relationships with suppliers. MM is all about managing materials and inventory in the business.

Q4: Do I get a certificate at the end of these courses?

Multisoft Virtual Academy offer a certificate after completion of the course.

Q5: Can I take these courses online?

Given the rise of online learning, Multisoft Virtual Academy offer these courses in an online format.

Tutorial on Ab Initio - ETL Testing


In the data-driven era, businesses are increasingly reliant on software solutions that can effectively manage and interpret massive amounts of information. One such powerful tool that is making waves in the business intelligence and data processing domain is Ab Initio. This blog post explores the Ab Initio Certification Course offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy, designed to equip aspiring data professionals with the skills to navigate the world of data warehousing and business intelligence.

What is Ab Initio?

Ab-Initio training is a high-performance data processing platform used for extracting, transforming, and loading (ETL) data. Its suite of applications offers robust capabilities for data manipulation, batch processing, and complex event processing. What sets Ab Initio apart is its scalability, efficiency, and capability to handle vast volumes of data, making it a preferred choice for many organizations.


What is ETL?

Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) is a fundamental process in data warehousing that involves extracting data from different sources, transforming it to fit business needs, and then loading it into a database or data warehouse. Ab-Initio certification course is a powerful tool commonly used to execute ETL processes due to its robust capabilities and efficiency in handling large volumes of data.

1. Extract: In this phase, data is collected from multiple heterogeneous sources. The extraction process with Ab Initio is made easy with its variety of components that can handle multiple file formats and databases. Ab Initio's 'Input Table' component is commonly used to extract data from databases.

2. Transform: Once data is extracted, it's rare that it's already in a state ready for analysis. This is where the transformation process comes into play. Ab Initio provides a wealth of components for data transformation, such as 'Reformat', 'Join', 'Rollup', and 'Scan', among others. These transformations can involve tasks such as cleansing, applying business rules, filtering, joining, splitting, aggregating, or transposing data.

3. Load: The final step in the ETL process involves loading the transformed data into the target system, which could be a data warehouse or another database. Ab Initio's 'Output Table' component is commonly used to load data into a database.

By using Ab Initio for ETL processes, businesses can effectively gather data from various sources, manipulate it to suit their analytical needs, and store it in a way that's optimal for their objectives, leading to more informed decision-making and strategic planning.


AB Initio ETL Testing Techniques

Ab Initio is a powerful ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) tool that provides extensive capabilities for handling large data volumes and complex transformations. When conducting ETL testing in Ab Initio, you can leverage multiple testing techniques, as listed below:

1. Testing for Production Validation

This involves ensuring that the data transferred into the production environment matches the source data. The 'Compare Records' component in Ab Initio can help compare source and target datasets.

2. Testing of Source to Target Count

Also known as row count testing, this ensures the number of records in the source system matches those in the target system after the ETL process. The 'Count Records' component in Ab Initio can help with this.

3. Data Testing from Source to Target

This involves checking if the data is accurately moved from source systems to the target data warehouse without any data loss or change.

4. Data Integration Testing

This type of testing ensures that data from various source systems integrates well in the target data warehouse. It is crucial when multiple source systems are involved.

5. Application Migration Testing

This testing type is necessary when the application is migrated from one platform to another, ensuring the ETL process works effectively post-migration.

6. Constant Testing and Data Verification

Ongoing testing is done to ensure the ETL process functions correctly over time, even as data evolves.

7. Testing for Data Duplication

This testing aims to ensure that no duplicate data is loaded into the target system. Ab Initio provides components like 'Unique' to check for duplicate data.

8. Testing for Data Transformation

This testing type validates that the transformation rules have been correctly applied to the data, and data is correctly loaded into the target system.

9. Data Quality Assurance Testing

This testing technique checks for the accuracy, completeness, consistency, and reliability of the data in the target system.

10. Iterative Testing

This involves repeatedly testing the ETL process to ensure its efficiency and effectiveness, especially useful during the development phase.

11. Regression Analysis

Regression testing is performed after any changes or updates to the ETL process to ensure that existing functionalities are not adversely affected.

12. Retesting

If any discrepancies or bugs are found during the initial rounds of testing, retesting is performed after the issues are fixed.

13. Testing for System Integration

This testing ensures that the ETL process works well within the overall system, not causing any issues with other applications or processes.

14. Navigation Evaluation

This testing assesses the ease and efficiency of navigation within the ETL tool, ensuring it's user-friendly and intuitive.

By leveraging these diverse testing techniques in Ab Initio hcm course, you can ensure a robust, reliable, and efficient ETL process, enhancing data quality and paving the way for effective data analysis and informed decision-making.


Ab Initio ETL Tool Architecture

The architecture of the Ab Initio tool consists of the following main components:

1. Co-Operating System

The Co-Operating System is the foundation of the Ab Initio tool. It is a platform-independent, network-based, parallel processing operating system that helps manage and execute Ab Initio processes. It works on both mainframes and distributed systems.

2. Graphical Development Environment (GDE)

GDE is the user interface of Ab Initio, where developers can design and execute ETL graphs. A graph in Ab Initio is a visual representation of the ETL process. It consists of multiple components connected by data flows, with each component performing a specific task like reading data, transforming data, or writing data.

3. Enterprise Meta-Environment (EME)

EME is a repository that stores and manages metadata in Ab Initio. It helps in version control, dependency analysis, and impact analysis. EME can store both business and technical metadata.

4. Conduct IT

Conduct IT is an environment for creating and managing high-volume data processing systems. It's used to build scalable, complex batch and real-time processes. This tool can execute and manage jobs that are designed in the GDE and stored in the EME.

5. Data Profiler

Data Profiler is an analytical application that can specify data quality, completeness, and accuracy. It's used to profile data and assess the quality of data before and after processing.

Ab Initio's unique architecture, characterized by parallelism and scalability, offers high efficiency and performance, making it a powerful tool for data processing and ETL operations in a variety of industries.


ETL Testing

Important tasks in ETL testing include:

  • Source-to-target mapping is performed.
  • Facilitates the cross-referencing of data from several sources.
  • Sample data comparison between any source and any target system.
  • Contributes to diverse data testing
  • Know the data utilized for analysis and reporting.
  • Analyze the data model's architecture.
  • Validation of packing and schema.
  • Facilitates data verification within the data source system of interest.


Differences between ETL and BI

ETL is a type of data integration process that:

  • Extracts data from heterogeneous sources.
  • Transforms the data to make it suitable for analytics and reporting (which can include cleansing, aggregating, and structuring the data).
  • Loads the transformed data into a data warehouse or another database.

The purpose of ETL is to consolidate data from multiple sources and make it accessible and usable for analysis and business intelligence.

BI (Business Intelligence):

Business Intelligence refers to the technologies, applications, and practices for collecting, integrating, analyzing, and presenting business data. The purpose of BI is to support better business decision-making. It allows businesses to:

· Convert raw data into meaningful information.

· Perform in-depth analysis and data mining.

· Generate actionable insights through dashboards, reports, and visualizations.


Why Choose Ab Initio Certification Course?

In an environment where businesses are constantly handling large datasets, expertise in software like Ab Initio is in high demand. Having an Ab Initio certification adds a feather to your cap, demonstrating your proficiency in handling and interpreting data, and increasing your desirability in the job market.

The Ab Initio Certification Course by Multisoft Virtual Academy is meticulously designed to offer in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience with Ab Initio's suite of applications. This intensive course delivers the practical skills you need to utilize the software effectively, enabling you to provide valuable data insights for your organization.


Who Should Opt for This Course?

The Ab Initio Certification Course is beneficial for IT professionals involved in data processing, data warehousing, and business intelligence. It is equally suitable for individuals aspiring to step into the data processing domain. The course requires a basic understanding of SQL, Unix, and data warehousing concepts. However, even beginners with a keen interest in data can thrive in this course with the right dedication and effort.



Q1. What is Ab Initio?

Ab Initio is a high-performance data processing platform used for extracting, transforming, and loading (ETL) data. It is known for its capabilities in data manipulation, batch processing, complex event processing, and handling vast volumes of data.

Q2. What are the main components of Ab Initio?

The main components of Ab Initio are the Co>Operating System, the Graphical Development Environment (GDE), the Enterprise Meta>Environment (EME), Conduct IT, and the Data Profiler.

Q3. What makes Ab Initio stand out among other ETL tools?

Ab Initio stands out for its scalability, efficiency, and ability to process large volumes of data rapidly. Its parallel processing feature is a key differentiator.

Q4. How is data testing performed in Ab Initio?

Testing in Ab Initio can be performed using various components that allow for row count checks, data validation, regression testing, and performance testing, among other things.

Q5. What is the future scope for Ab Initio professionals?

As businesses continue to harness the power of data, the demand for professionals proficient in data processing tools like Ab Initio is expected to grow. Skilled Ab Initio professionals can find opportunities in fields like data warehousing, data management, business intelligence, and more.

Q6. Does Ab initio require coding?

Non-programmers can create complex logic using Ab Initio's visual programming model and graphical development environment.

Q7. What is an Ab initio ETL developer?

The ETL Ab Initio Developer is in charge of creating the next generation of global financial data systems to help our clients with front, middle, and compliance reporting, regulatory reporting, KYC, banking needs, and capital markets.

Q8. What is the role of an Ab Initio developer?

An Ab Initio Developer will oversee software integration and system testing. An Ab Initio Developer is also responsible for creating and running user acceptance tests and implementing software changes.



As businesses continue to harness the power of data, the demand for professionals proficient in data processing tools like Ab-Initio corporate training will only grow. The Ab Initio Certification Course by Multisoft Virtual Academy is a fantastic opportunity to equip yourself with this sought-after skill. With its comprehensive curriculum, hands-on training approach, and flexible online learning environment, it's the perfect platform to advance your career in the data domain.

Enroll in the Ab Initio Certification Course today, and empower yourself with the knowledge and skills to navigate the data-driven landscape of tomorrow. Unlock the power of data, and let it propel your career to new heights!

A Step-by-Step Tutorial Guide to SAP MM

What is SAP MM?

The SAP MM (Materials Management) Online Training and Certification Course is a specialized program that provides comprehensive knowledge of the SAP MM module, an integral part of the SAP ECC (ERP Central Component). SAP MM is primarily focused on managing materials and resources in a company, encompassing areas like procurement, inventory management, and material valuation.

The online training offers a detailed exploration of all facets of SAP MM. You will learn about master data, purchasing, inventory management, invoice verification, and much more. The course will provide insights into the configurations needed to customize SAP MM to a company's requirements. Upon successful completion of the training, participants have the option to obtain SAP MM training, demonstrating their proficiency in this module.

Features of SAP MM

SAP MM (Materials Management) is a critical component of the SAP ECC system, serving as the backbone for the entire supply chain process. It encompasses everything from procurement to payment, providing a unified platform for managing all material-related activities in an organization. Key features of SAP MM include:

  1. Integration with other SAP modules like Finance (FI), Controlling (CO), Sales and Distribution (SD), Quality Management (QM), and Plant Maintenance (PM) for efficient business processes.
  2. A comprehensive Vendor Master Data management system for centralized storage and handling of vendor information.
  3. Purchase Requisition and Purchase Order Management, allowing for the streamlined acquisition of goods and services.
  4. Inventory Management capabilities that enable the tracking and control of stock movement, including goods receipt, goods issue, and stock transfer.
  5. Material Requirement Planning (MRP) functionality, which aids in forecasting and planning for future material requirements.
  6. Automated procedures for valuation and account determination, allowing for accurate valuation of materials and automatic updates to the general ledger.

These features together make SAP MM a comprehensive and robust tool for managing material and inventory processes, leading to improved efficiency and profitability.

Components of SAP MM

SAP MM (Materials Management) is composed of several components, each catering to specific functions within the materials management realm. Here's a brief overview of the components you've listed:

  1. MM - CBP (Consumption-Based Planning): This component deals with planning processes based on past consumption patterns. It helps determine what materials are needed, the quantities required, and when they are needed.
  2. MM - PUR (Purchasing): This is a crucial component that deals with all purchasing activities, including the creation of purchase requisitions, purchase orders, goods receipt, and vendor invoice verification.
  3. MM - SRV (External Services Management): This component is responsible for managing services provided by external vendors. This could include tasks such as managing service contracts, recording service entries, and verifying invoices from service providers.
  4. MM - IV (Inventory Management): Inventory Management is responsible for managing stocks on a quantity and value basis, and planning, entering, and documenting all goods movements to, from, and within the storage locations in the plant.
  5. MM - IV (Logistics Invoice Verification): Despite the same code (IV) as Inventory Management, Logistics Invoice Verification is a separate component. It deals with verifying invoices received from vendors, ensuring that the goods and invoices received match the purchase orders.

Each of these components plays a crucial role in the SAP MM module, contributing to a comprehensive system for managing material and inventory processes within an organization.

Benefits of SAP MM

SAP MM (Materials Management) offers numerous benefits to organizations by providing a streamlined and integrated approach to managing material procurement, inventory, and related processes. With its comprehensive functionalities and seamless integration with other SAP modules, SAP MM empowers businesses to optimize their supply chain operations. Some key benefits of SAP MM include:

  1. Improved procurement efficiency and cost savings
  2. Enhanced inventory control and visibility
  3. Streamlined vendor management and collaboration
  4. Accurate and timely financial reporting
  5. Effective demand planning and forecasting
  6. Enhanced traceability and compliance
  7. Better decision-making through real-time insights

Organizational Structure

Organizational structure in SAP MM (Materials Management) provides a framework for the system. It represents the hierarchy of your organization and how each unit interacts with others. The main organizational elements in SAP MM are:

  1. Plant: In SAP, a plant is a location in the organization where activities take place. A plant could be a manufacturing facility, a distribution center, a regional sales office, or a service center. Each plant is associated with a company code.
  2. Storage Location: A storage location is the place within a plant where materials are physically stored. Every transaction that causes a change in stock is connected to a particular storage location.
  3. Purchasing Organization: This is an organizational unit in the SAP Material Management module. It is responsible for procuring materials and services, negotiating conditions of purchase with vendors, and bearing responsibility for such transactions.
  4. Purchasing Group: In SAP, a purchasing group represents the buyer or group of buyers responsible for certain purchasing activities. They deal with day-to-day purchasing activities, including placing orders with vendors and managing purchase requisitions.

Types of Procurement Process

1. Basic Procurement

  1. Purchase Requisition: The process of creating a request for the purchase of goods or services.
  2. Purchase Order: The formal document issued to a vendor, specifying the details of the requested goods or services.
  3. Goods Receipt: Recording the receipt of goods into inventory after they have been physically received.
  4. Invoice Verification: Verifying vendor invoices against the purchase order and goods receipt to ensure accurate payment.

2. Special Procurement

  1. Subcontracting: Outsourcing a portion of the manufacturing process to a subcontractor.
  2. Consignment: Storing materials provided by a vendor in your inventory until consumed or sold.
  3. Third-Party Processing: Having a third-party service provider process materials on behalf of your organization.
  4. Stock Transport Orders: Moving goods between different plants within the same organization.
  5. Pipeline Material Management: Managing the flow of materials through a pipeline, such as oil or gas.

These procurement processes are designed to cater to various scenarios and requirements within an organization. By understanding and utilizing these processes effectively, businesses can optimize their procurement operations, ensure timely availability of goods and services, and maintain control over costs and inventory management.

Career opportunities

The career scope for professionals skilled in SAP MM (Materials Management) is promising, with a wide range of job opportunities available across industries. Here are some potential career paths in SAP MM:

  1. SAP MM Consultant: As an SAP MM consultant, you'll work with organizations to implement and configure the SAP MM module according to their specific business needs.
  2. Materials Manager: With SAP MM skills, you can pursue a career as a materials manager, responsible for overseeing the procurement, inventory management, and logistics functions within an organization.
  3. Supply Chain Analyst: As a supply chain analyst, you'll leverage your SAP MM knowledge to analyze and optimize supply chain processes.
  4. Purchasing Manager: With expertise in SAP MM, you can pursue a role as a purchasing manager, responsible for managing the organization's procurement activities.
  5. Inventory Controller: As an inventory controller, you'll use your SAP MM skills to monitor and control inventory levels, ensuring accuracy, minimizing stock-outs, and optimizing inventory turnover.
  6. SAP MM Trainer: With in-depth knowledge of SAP MM, you can explore opportunities as an SAP MM trainer, sharing your expertise through training programs and helping professionals enhance their skills in materials management.

Course FAQ’s

Q1. What is SAP MM?

Ans: SAP MM is a module in the SAP ERP system that manages procurement, inventory management, and material valuation. It helps organizations streamline their purchasing processes, optimize inventory levels, and improve supply chain management.

Q2. How does SAP MM integrate with other SAP modules?

Ans: SAP MM integrates with various other SAP modules, such as SAP SD (Sales and Distribution), SAP FI (Financial Accounting), SAP CO (Controlling), SAP PP (Production Planning), and SAP QM (Quality Management). Integration allows seamless flow of data and transactions between these modules, enabling end-to-end business processes.

Q3. What is a Purchase Requisition in SAP MM?

Ans: A Purchase Requisition (PR) is a document used to initiate the procurement process in SAP MM Certification. It is created when a department or user identifies a need for materials or services. The PR contains information such as the material or service required, quantity, delivery date, and account assignment details.

Q4. How can a Purchase Order (PO) be created in SAP MM?

Ans: A Purchase Order (PO) is created in SAP MM based on a Purchase Requisition. The PO includes specific details of the material, quantity, delivery terms, pricing, and vendor information. It is a formal request to a vendor to supply materials or services.

Q5. What is a Goods Receipt (GR) in SAP MM?

Ans: A Goods Receipt (GR) is a process in SAP MM that confirms the receipt of goods or services from a vendor. It involves recording the quantity and quality of the received items, updating inventory levels, and initiating the payment process.

Q6. How does SAP MM handle inventory management?

Ans: SAP MM provides functionalities to manage inventory effectively. It includes features such as goods receipt, goods issue, stock transfer, physical inventory, and stock valuation. These processes ensure accurate tracking and control of inventory levels within the organization.

Q7. What is the Material Master in SAP MM?

Ans: The Material Master is a central data repository in SAP MM that stores information about materials used in an organization. It contains details such as material description, unit of measure, pricing, inventory levels, storage locations, and procurement data.

Q8. How does SAP MM support Vendor Evaluation?

Ans: SAP MM includes Vendor Evaluation functionality to assess and rate vendors based on predefined criteria such as delivery performance, quality of goods or services, and price adherence. It helps organizations in selecting and maintaining reliable suppliers.


This step-by-step tutorial guide to SAP MM provides a comprehensive overview of the module's key functionalities and processes. Starting from the basics, the guide explains the fundamental concepts of SAP MM, including procurement, inventory management, and material valuation. It covers the integration of SAP MM with other modules, such as SD, FI, CO, PP, and QM, highlighting the importance of seamless data flow across different business processes.

By following this guide, users can gain a solid understanding of how to effectively manage materials, streamline procurement processes, and optimize inventory levels within the SAP ERP system.

SAP FICO – A detailed tutorial

SAP FICO Overview

SAP FICO, standing for Financial Accounting (FI) and Controlling (CO), is an integral module of SAP ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and is central to managing a company's financial transactions and reporting functions.

Multisoft Virtual Academy offers an immersive tutorial on SAP FICO, an integral part of SAP ERP, responsible for managing financial transactions and reporting within a business. The course is divided into two core areas: SAP FI (Financial Accounting) and SAP CO (Controlling). SAP FI automates and integrates all financial accounting processes, including financial reporting, accounts receivable and payable, and general ledger accounting. On the other hand, SAP CO controls the costs of business operations and aids in planning, reporting, and monitoring operations. The tutorial by MVA meticulously covers these areas, offering learners a deep dive into SAP FICO functionalities. Each concept is reinforced through real-world examples and case studies, thereby providing learners with an applied understanding of SAP FICO.

The course is designed to accommodate learners with different backgrounds, with no specific prerequisites required. Through this course, Multisoft Virtual Academy delivers a comprehensive and practical understanding of SAP FICO Certification, empowering learners to effectively manage financial operations using this robust SAP module.

Core Features of SAP FICO

SAP FICO is comprised of two sub-modules: SAP FI and SAP CO.

SAP FI (Financial Accounting) is designed to automate, integrate, and manage all the financial accounting processes within an organization. It handles key financial tasks such as financial reporting, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and general ledger accounting. It provides real-time data and supports financial analysis and decision-making.

SAP CO (Controlling) complements SAP FI and provides a detailed picture of the company's operations by managing and controlling the costs involved in running a business. It helps organizations plan, report, and monitor the company's operations and performance.

SAP FICO Tutorial

The SAP FICO tutorial by MVA offers in-depth coverage of the SAP FICO Course module's functionalities. The course begins with an introduction to the SAP environment and the basics of SAP FI, moving on to

detailed coverage of key aspects such as General Ledger Accounting, Accounts Receivable and Payable, Asset Accounting, and Bank Accounting.

The Controlling part of the tutorial covers Cost Element Accounting, Cost Center Accounting, Profit Center Accounting, and Internal Orders. Students get to learn the configuration and use of these areas, including how to manage master data and handle various transactions.

Real-world Application

The course is designed with a practical orientation. Each concept is reinforced through practical examples and case studies that simulate real-world scenarios. This ensures that learners not only understand the theoretical aspects but also gain practical knowledge applicable in an actual business environment.


Here are some suggested prerequisites:

  1. Basic Understanding of SAP: Familiarity with the SAP environment, its navigation, and basic concepts can be beneficial since SAP FICO is a module of SAP ERP.
  2. Knowledge of Financial Accounting: As SAP FICO deals with financial accounting and controlling, a basic understanding of these concepts can be useful.
  3. Knowledge of Business Processes: Understanding the typical financial processes in a business, such as sales, purchasing, and general ledger accounting, can be helpful as SAP FICO is often used to automate these processes.
  4. Computer Literacy: Basic computer skills and familiarity with software applications are essential.
  5. Understanding of Database Management: Although not mandatory, a basic understanding of how databases work can be helpful when working with SAP, which stores and retrieves data from databases.

Career Prospects

Learning SAP FICO Online Training opens up a multitude of career opportunities. The roles are in high demand across various industries, offering excellent career growth and lucrative remuneration. Here are a few career paths one could explore after gaining proficiency in SAP FICO:

  1.  SAP FICO Consultant
  2.  SAP FICO Analyst
  3.  SAP FICO Project Manager
  4.  SAP FICO End User
  5.  SAP FICO Trainer

Fiscal year in SAP FICO training

In the SAP FICO module, the fiscal year is an essential aspect, as it sets the framework for financial reporting. The fiscal year variant is used to define the fiscal year, and it is independent of the calendar year.

The fiscal year can be set as a "Year Dependent" or "Year Independent" variant. The Year Dependent variant is used when the fiscal year changes from year to year. In contrast, the Year Independent variant is used when the fiscal year does not change.

The SAP system supports two types of fiscal year variants:

  1. Non-calendar fiscal year: This variant is used when the fiscal year does not coincide with the calendar year. For example, a fiscal year might start in April and end in March of the next year.
  2. Calendar fiscal year: This variant is used when the fiscal year aligns with the calendar year, i.e., from January to December.

During SAP FICO training, you'll learn how to define a fiscal year variant, assign it to a company code, and maintain periods, which includes specifying the posting periods for each fiscal year and their corresponding start and end dates. Understanding the concept of fiscal years in SAP FICO is crucial for accurate and efficient financial reporting.

It's worth noting that once the fiscal year variant is defined and assigned to a company code, it should not be changed. Such changes can lead to data inconsistencies and complications in financial reporting.


WIP, or Work in Process, is a key concept in manufacturing and project management that refers to all materials, labor, and overhead costs incurred for products that are partially completed. In SAP, the WIP calculation helps to determine the value for those semi-finished products or services and reflect it in the financial books correctly.

In SAP FICO, WIP is crucial in cost object controlling. The costs of partially completed products (the WIP) are carried forward to the next period instead of being seen as an expense in the period they occur. These costs can then be settled once the production order is complete.

  1. SAP calculates the WIP based on the actual costs of the order. If the order remains incomplete at the end of the period, the WIP is calculated based on the order's costing variant.
  2. SAP also provides a variety of reports to view the WIP details, such as the "WIP on Production Orders" report. This report provides the list of production orders and their WIP calculated for a specific period.
  3. Managing and accurately calculating WIP is essential for an organization's cost accounting and profitability analysis. It helps provide a clear picture of the costs associated with the manufacturing process and assists in making informed business decisions.


TAXINN is a tax procedure in SAP, which is used to calculate taxes in the purchasing process. It is India-specific and is predominantly used for the calculation of excise and other taxes. The 'INN' in TAXINN stands for India.

This procedure calculates tax based on the condition method. In the condition method, different tax types are represented as condition types, and these can be found in a pricing procedure. The system uses these conditions to calculate the tax amount.

In the SAP FICO training, you will learn about setting up and using TAXINN. You'll understand how to configure tax procedures and condition types, how to maintain tax codes, and how to integrate these elements into your financial transactions.

Understanding TAXINN and tax configurations in SAP is crucial when dealing with transactions in India or other regions that utilize a similar tax structure. It helps ensure accurate tax calculation and compliance with the local tax laws. It's important to note that the configurations could be complex and may require adjustments to align with changes in tax regulations.

Controlling Area

In SAP FICO, a Controlling Area is an organizational unit within a company where cost accounting is carried out. It facilitates the organization, control, and reporting of internal costs and, therefore, plays a crucial role in managerial decision-making processes.

A Controlling Area can include one or more Company Codes, which are legal entities for which a separate set of accounts is maintained for external reporting purposes. It's worth noting that once you assign a company code to a controlling area, you cannot change it.

The Controlling Area contains important settings that impact the entire cost accounting process, including the following:

  1. Currency: The Controlling Area can either use the same currency as the Company Code or a different one.
  2. Chart of Accounts: Every Controlling Area must be assigned a chart of accounts, which is used for all the accounts in a specific Company Code.
  3. Cost Center Accounting: This feature helps in tracking costs within an organization, allowing managers to control costs better.
  4. Profit Center Accounting: This helps in determining profits for individual areas within a company, providing a detailed picture of a company's profitability.
  5. Internal Orders: These are used to monitor overhead costs incurred for a specific event or task.


The SAP FICO tutorial by Multisoft Virtual Academy is much more than a course—it's a holistic learning experience designed to equip learners with practical skills and theoretical knowledge. With its comprehensive curriculum, expert instructors, and learner-friendly approach, this tutorial stands as a valuable resource for anyone looking to delve into the world of SAP FICO. By the end of the course, you'll gain a robust understanding of SAP FICO, enabling you to effectively handle financial management tasks within an SAP environment. You'll be well-equipped to contribute to the financial success of your organization and advance your career in the domain of SAP.

So embark on this enriching journey and steer your career towards promising opportunities in the world of finance and controlling.

Course FAQ’s

Q1. Who is this SAP FICO course suitable for?

The SAP FICO course is suitable for anyone interested in financial accounting and controlling, particularly finance professionals, SAP end-users, and those aiming to become SAP consultants.

Q2. What are the prerequisites for this course?

While the course is designed to start from basics, having a foundational understanding of financial accounting principles and familiarity with SAP will be helpful.

Q3. Do I need to know how to code to take this course?

No. While SAP does have its own programming language (ABAP), this course focuses on the functional aspects of SAP FICO. Coding is not a requirement to learn SAP FICO.

Q4. Is this course entirely online?

Yes, the SAP FICO course by Multisoft Virtual Academy is entirely online, allowing you to learn at your own pace and convenience.

Q5. Will I receive a certificate upon completion of the course?

Yes, upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate from Multisoft Virtual Academy.

Q6. How does this course help my career?

Learning SAP FICO can open up various job opportunities in areas such as financial accounting, controlling, and consulting. It is a sought-after skill in many industries, increasing your employability.

Saviynt vs SailPoint: A Comprehensive Comparison

What is Saviynt?

Saviynt is a leading provider of cloud-based Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) solutions. It is designed to protect critical applications and data by streamlining the process of managing, securing, and governing user access rights across an organization's resources. Saviynt course platform offers a comprehensive suite of features including identity governance, application access governance, data access governance, privileged access management, and risk management. It goes beyond traditional IGA solutions by incorporating advanced analytics capabilities. By leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), it provides insights into potential risks, automates access decisions, and helps ensure continuous compliance with regulatory requirements.

Saviynt's capabilities extend to both cloud and on-premise environments, with strong integration with cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. It offers fine-grained entitlements, allowing organizations to control access at a granular level and protect sensitive data effectively. It enables organizations to protect their digital identities and data, ensuring security and compliance in an increasingly complex digital landscape. As such, Saviynt has become an essential component of a robust cybersecurity strategy for many businesses.


What is Sailpoint?

SailPoint is a comprehensive Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) solution designed to manage digital identities efficiently and securely. It enables businesses to control who has access to what within the organization, ensuring that the right individuals have the right access at the right time. The sailpoint certification training platform covers a broad array of identity functions such as access certification, access requests, provisioning, password management, and policy enforcement. It uses a policy-driven approach to manage user access across various systems and applications, both in the cloud and on-premise. Its strong compatibility extends to on-premise environments, making it particularly appealing to organizations with significant on-premise infrastructure.

SailPoint IdentityIQ Training role management and access certification capabilities are particularly robust, enabling businesses to efficiently manage user roles and streamline the process of verifying user access. It also offers well-documented APIs for custom integrations, further enhancing its flexibility and adaptability.

One such premier institution offering comprehensive training on Saviynt and SailPoint in this arena is the Multisoft Virtual Academy.

Features of Sailpoint

  1. SailPoint Identity IQ: This is SailPoint's flagship identity governance solution designed for on-premise or hybrid environments. It provides a comprehensive set of features including access certification, policy management, access request, password management, and provisioning. It helps organizations ensure compliance, mitigate risks, and streamline identity-related processes.
  2. SailPoint IdentityNow: This is a full-featured, cloud-based identity governance solution. It delivers the same core functionalities as IdentityIQ but is designed for businesses seeking a cloud-native platform. IdentityNow enables users to manage identities, access, and governance policies seamlessly across cloud, mobile, and on-premise environments.
  3. SailPoint SecurityIQ: This solution focuses on governing access to unstructured data. It enables organizations to discover and manage access to sensitive data stored in systems like file servers, cloud storage systems, and collaboration platforms. By controlling who can access such data, SecurityIQ helps prevent data leaks and breaches.
  4. SailPoint IdentityAI: IdentityAI is a machine learning-based solution that offers predictive identity analytics. It leverages AI to analyze patterns, assess risks, and automate identity processes. It helps organizations to detect anomalies, prevent potential breaches, and make informed identity governance decisions.

Features of Saviynt

  1. Risk-aware Certifications: This feature helps organizations streamline and improve their access certification process. By incorporating risk into the certification process, it prioritizes high-risk access for review. It helps ensure that auditors focus their time and effort on the most critical access rights, making the certification process more efficient and effective.
  2. Intelligent Access Request: Saviynt's Intelligent Access Request feature uses machine learning algorithms to automate and streamline the access request process. By learning from past access request patterns, it can suggest relevant access rights to users and automate approvals for low-risk access, speeding up the request process and reducing the administrative burden.
  3. Fine-grained Entitlement Management: This feature allows organizations to control user access at a very detailed level. With fine-grained entitlements, businesses can manage access rights down to the data field or transaction level. This capability is particularly useful for protecting sensitive data and ensuring compliance with strict data protection regulations.
  4. Terminal Session: Terminal Session management in Saviynt allows for the tracking and monitoring of privileged user sessions. It provides an audit trail of all activities performed during the session, improving accountability. This feature is critical in mitigating the risks associated with privileged access.

Sailpoint vs Saviynt: Pros & cons





  • Comprehensive identity governance features including access certification, role management, and policy enforcement.
  • Compatibility with both cloud and on-premise systems.
  • Open identity platform allows for easy integration with a wide range of applications.
  • Cloud-native solution with strong integration with cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.
  • Offers advanced analytics capabilities, using AI and ML for risk detection and access decisions.
  • Provides fine-grained entitlements for detailed access control.
  • Strong capabilities in terms of access governance and risk management.



  • Some advanced features may require additional modules or customization.
  • The user interface is not as intuitive as some competitors.
  • Depending on the complexity of the organization's IT infrastructure, setup and implementation can be challenging.
  • As a cloud-native solution, Saviynt may not be ideal for organizations with heavy on-premise infrastructure.
  • User interface can be complex and may require training to use effectively.
  • While its advanced features are powerful, they may be overkill for smaller businesses or those with less complex needs.


In conclusion, both Saviynt and SailPoint online training course offer robust solutions for Identity Governance and Administration (IGA). SailPoint shines with its compatibility across both on-premise and cloud environments and is particularly strong in role management and access certification. In contrast, Saviynt, a cloud-native solution, excels with its advanced analytics capabilities, fine-grained entitlements, and strong integration with major cloud platforms. Choosing between sailpoint developer training and Saviynt ultimately comes down to an organization's specific needs, IT environment, and the industry-specific requirements it needs to address. Both solutions have distinct strengths and a thorough understanding of these will enable organizations to select the platform that best aligns with their IGA strategy.

At Multisoft Virtual Academy, we understand the nuances of these platforms and provide comprehensive training programs to help professionals and organizations maximize their investments in these technologies.

Course FAQ’s

Q1: Who should take this course?

IT professionals interested in identity management, cybersecurity professionals, system administrators, or business analysts looking to understand the differences and strengths of these two leading IGA platforms might find this course useful.

Q2: Are there any prerequisites?

A basic understanding of Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) concepts, cybersecurity, and IT administration would be beneficial.

Q3: Is this course theoretical or practical?

It would include theoretical learning and a good course offer hands-on experience or case studies, demonstrating the usage and application of both Saviynt and SailPoint.

Q4: What can I expect to learn from this course?

You will gain a deep understanding of both Saviynt and SailPoint, including their strengths, weaknesses, and use cases. You'll learn how they can be implemented and leveraged to manage identities and access within an organization effectively.

Q5: Will I get a certificate at the end of the course?

Mutlisoft Virtual Academy offer a certificate of completion.

Top 5 reasons to learn Salesforce Vlocity

What is Salesforce Vlocity?

Salesforce Vlocity, now known as Salesforce Industries, is a suite of cloud-based, industry-specific applications built on the Salesforce platform. It is designed to provide deep industry-specific functionalities and workflows for sectors such as telecommunications, insurance, health, utilities, and the public sector. Leveraging the power of Salesforce's robust Customer Relationship Management (CRM) capabilities, Salesforce Industries tailors solutions for unique industry challenges, enabling businesses to deliver seamless customer experiences.

It covers key industry processes, enabling faster time to value, improved operational efficiencies, and enhanced customer engagement. In essence, Salesforce Industries is a powerful tool that brings industry-specific cloud and mobile software to customer-centric businesses. One such premier institution offering comprehensive training in this arena is the Multisoft Virtual Academy.

What Makes Salesforce Vlocity an Easy-to-Learn?

1. Understanding the Ease of Learning Salesforce Vlocity

Salesforce Vlocity, known as Salesforce Industries, is an industry cloud solution that brings the power of Salesforce to specific industry sectors. As more companies leverage the robust functionality of Salesforce and its industry-specific capabilities, the demand for professionals with Salesforce Vlocity training is on the rise. However, what makes Salesforce Vlocity particularly attractive is its ease of learning. Here's a closer look at why Salesforce Vlocity is relatively straightforward to learn:

2. Built on Salesforce Platform

The fact that Salesforce Vlocity is built on the Salesforce Sales Cloud Training platform, a widely accepted and used platform across the globe, makes the learning curve less steep for those already familiar with Salesforce. The core architecture, data modeling, security model, and user interface of Vlocity are consistent with those of Salesforce, which makes it easier for Salesforce professionals to pick up Vlocity.

3. Pre-Built Industry Solutions

Salesforce Vlocity provides pre-built, configurable solutions specifically tailored to different industries. This approach simplifies learning, as professionals can focus on understanding the pre-configured processes and workflows rather than building them from scratch. The pre-built solutions align with industry best practices, making it easier for professionals to grasp the intended application and functionality.

4. Extensive Documentation and Learning Resources

Salesforce provides a wealth of resources for learning Vlocity. The extensive documentation, tutorials, and online forums provide comprehensive, easy-to-understand material covering every aspect of Vlocity. Trailhead, Salesforce's free online learning platform, also provides modules for Salesforce Industries, offering interactive, hands-on challenges that make learning fun and engaging.

5. User-Friendly Interface

Like Salesforce, Vlocity offers a user-friendly, intuitive interface. It employs a visually driven configuration that reduces the reliance on coding. This means that even those without an extensive programming background can learn to configure and use Vlocity effectively.

Salesforce Vlocity Uses in Real World

Salesforce Vlocity (now known as Salesforce Industries) provides cloud-based software solutions with industry-specific functionalities. It can transform customer experiences, streamline operations, and enhance collaborations across various sectors. Here are a few ways Salesforce Vlocity is being used in the real world:

1. Telecommunications: In this industry, Vlocity manages and enhances customer experiences across multiple channels. It accelerates order-to-cash processes, manages service configurations, and handles customer service interactions. For instance, Vlocity can help streamline the process of setting up a new phone or internet service for customers, coordinating between sales, technical, and billing teams.

2. Insurance: Vlocity's insurance platform enables insurance companies to modernize their operations, accelerating quote-to-bind processes and policy administration. Insurance agents can quickly generate quotes, manage policies, and handle claims using Vlocity's unified platform. It also helps improve customer experience by providing personalized services and real-time customer engagement.

3. Healthcare: Salesforce Vlocity helps healthcare organizations deliver personalized, patient-centric experiences. It manages patient relationships and journeys, streamlines care coordination, and enhances health plan sales and service. For example, it might help coordinate a patient's treatment plan across multiple providers, ensuring everyone is on the same page regarding the patient's health status and care strategy.

4. Public Sector: Salesforce Vlocity assists public sector entities in enhancing their citizen engagement. It provides solutions for case management, benefits administration, licensing, and permit compliance. For instance, it can help a city manage the application and renewal process for business licenses, making the process more efficient for both the city and the businesses.

5. Utilities: Vlocity offers utilities companies a comprehensive tool for customer engagement and business operations. It aids in managing service appointments, handling outage

communications, and supporting sales and billing processes. For example, during a power outage, Vlocity can help coordinate the communication process between the company, field workers, and affected customers.

6. Media and Entertainment: Vlocity helps companies in this industry manage their content lifecycle, personalize customer experiences, and streamline operations. It can help manage contracts, rights, royalties, and content distribution across multiple channels.

Important skills required

Here are five important skills that are crucial for effectively leveraging this powerful tool:

1. Salesforce Fundamentals: Since Vlocity is built on the Salesforce platform, a fundamental understanding of Salesforce basics is critical. This includes knowledge of Salesforce's CRM functionalities, data model, security model, and user interface.

2. Industry-Specific Knowledge: As Salesforce Vlocity provides industry-specific cloud solutions, understanding the particularities, challenges, and workflows of the relevant industry is essential. This industry knowledge will help you better utilize the specific tools that Vlocity provides for sectors such as telecommunications, health, insurance, and others.

3. Vlocity Functionalities: It's important to have a solid grasp of Vlocity's core functionalities, such as its data Raptor for data transformation, Omniscript for creating interactive scripts, and Vlocity cards for interface building. Each of these functionalities serves different purposes within the Vlocity ecosystem and enhances the capabilities of the Salesforce platform.

4. Process Automation: Understanding how to automate business processes using Vlocity tools is another crucial skill. This might include automating sales processes, customer service interactions, or industry-specific workflows.

5. Problem-Solving: As with any technology, things may not always work as expected. Being able to troubleshoot, diagnose, and solve issues is a valuable skill for anyone working with Salesforce Vlocity.


The ease of learning Salesforce Vlocity course stems from its design, extensive resources, community support, and practical, hands-on approach to learning. However, it's essential to remember that successful learning also depends on the learner's dedication, practical application, and continuous learning efforts. As with any other technology, mastering Salesforce Vlocity training requires time, practice, and a commitment to learning.

Multisoft Virtual Academy provides a structured and flexible learning approach to the Salesforce Vlocity Curriculum.

Course FAQ’s

Q1: Who should take this course?

This course will be beneficial to professionals who are currently working with Salesforce and wish to specialize in the Vlocity platform. This includes Salesforce administrators, developers, consultants, project managers, and IT managers.

Q2: What are the prerequisites for this course?

A basic understanding of Salesforce and its architecture would be beneficial before taking this course. Knowledge in programming and database systems could also be useful.

Q3: What will I learn in this course?

You will learn about Salesforce Vlocity, including how to use its various tools and features, understand its industry-specific solutions, and how to integrate it with Salesforce's core platform.

Q4: Do I get a certification at the end of the course?

Multisoft Virtual Academy providers offer a certificate upon course completion.

Q5: Can I take this course online?

Yes, Multisoft Virtual Academy offer online delivery given the rise of remote learning.

Primavera P6 Tutorial for Beginners

What is Primavera 6?

Primavera P6 is a robust and versatile project management software developed by Oracle Corporation. It's recognized globally for its ability to manage large-scale, multifaceted projects across a range of industries, including engineering, construction, aerospace, and defense, among others.

Primavera P6 offers a comprehensive solution for project, program, and portfolio management, from planning to development and execution. It provides tools to strategize, evaluate, and control project information, ensuring efficient and effective project delivery. Key features of Primavera P6 include Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), resource management, cost estimation, and risk analysis.

Furthermore, it offers advanced scheduling capabilities, allowing managers to create, track, and visualize project schedules, thereby facilitating timely and well-informed decision-making. By aiding in efficient resource allocation, task coordination, and progress tracking, Primavera P6 plays an instrumental role in driving project success.

Project planning is essential to value as many business opportunities as possible at low costs during a shorter period, considering 4P- Predicting, Planning, Progress, and Performance output including, which has a direct impact upon the recommended Primavera success and durability of the organization. Primavera is exclusively designed to work with one organization at a time.

Primavera P6 Project Management

Primavera P6 offers a comprehensive suite of tools for efficient project management, enabling organizations to handle their projects and portfolios more effectively and achieve successful project outcomes.

Primavera P6 also excels in managing project portfolios. It allows organizations to visualize their portfolio, prioritize work, and align resources with strategic goals. It's also possible to evaluate the risk and reward of individual projects within the portfolio.

With advanced reporting capabilities, Primavera P6 can generate detailed reports and charts, providing stakeholders with valuable insights into project performance and progress.

Why Primavera Project Management?

Primavera P6 is a preferred choice for project management because it offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to handle complex, large-scale projects across a variety of industries. Its powerful features make it possible to manage multiple projects simultaneously while maintaining high levels of efficiency and control.

With Primavera P6, project managers can create detailed Work Breakdown Structures (WBS), allowing for an organized, hierarchical representation of tasks that help in planning, tracking, and managing the project. Its advanced scheduling and resource allocation features ensure optimum utilization of resources and timely project completion. Primavera P6 also provides extensive reporting capabilities, offering real-time insights into project performance and facilitating informed decision-making. Its portfolio management feature allows organizations to align their project portfolios with strategic objectives, balance resource allocation, and assess risks and returns.

Thus, Oracle Primavera P6 certification fosters better project control, productivity, and success, making it an excellent choice for project management.

Primavera’s Project Management Consists of:

  1. Centralized Resource Management
  2. Report Wizard
  3. Threshold Management
  4. Issue Management
  5. Integrated Risk Management


P3 functions as a standalone software designed for use by a single user on a dedicated machine, whereas P6 operates as a multi-tier system designed for simultaneous use by multiple users. P6 incorporates a backend database and a web server in the front-end with an application layer sandwiched in between.

This web server allows users to connect to the system through web interfaces like Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. The setup of P6 is incredibly scalable, supporting millions of activities. It is ideally suited for companies that have diverse operations spread across various geographical locations and a global workforce.


P6 is designed to assist in the execution of projects. As defined in the realm of project management, a project is a distinct, temporary undertaking aimed at producing a unique product or service. The interpretation of 'project' can vary widely across different industries, but it is a fundamental aspect of much of the commercial world. For instance, the term 'project' isn't limited to construction alone. Creating a movie, for example, is a project, as is producing entertainment in today's context. The production of a movie, television show, or music album typically involves a large team.

A Project consists of:

  1. Work scope
  2. Resources and
  3. Timeline


Oracle's Primavera P6 Professional Project Management tool is highly valued by contemporary project managers and schedulers for the control it offers. It's specifically engineered to manage extensive, complex, and nuanced projects, boasting capabilities that can handle up to 100,000 activities.

The tool provides various unique methods for organizing and managing these activities. Primavera P6 also supports an unlimited number of target plans and resources, ensuring that no project is too large or complex to handle. Essentially, Primavera P6 empowers organizations to maintain logical and coherent project structures, enabling them to concentrate on enhancing strategic planning and making more informed decisions.

P6 Core Concept

P6 is a scheduling application which means varies greatly therefore each project shares some common characteristics through the output changes. Here is the list of P6 Core Concepts:

  1. Cost Management
  2. Deliverables
  3. Purchases
  4. Work Scope
  5. Time Management

The phases of Primavera’s Project Management Life Cycle (PMLC)

Primavera’s Project Management Life Cycle (PMLC) follows a methodical, five-phase approach that guides a project from inception to completion. This cycle is aligned with widely recognized project management methodologies and serves as a roadmap for project managers.

1. Initiation: In the initiation phase, the project’s feasibility is assessed. The project’s objectives, scope, and purpose are defined. High-level stakeholder requirements and constraints are identified, and a project charter is created, outlining the project's vision and direction.

2. Planning: The planning phase involves outlining a detailed plan of how the project will be carried out. This includes creating a detailed work breakdown structure (WBS), identifying tasks and dependencies, allocating resources, and developing a project schedule. Risk identification and mitigation strategies are also developed during this phase.

3. Execution: During the execution phase, the planned activities are carried out. Resources are mobilized, tasks are performed as per the project plan, and project deliverables are produced. This phase often involves close monitoring and control to ensure the project stays on track.

4. Monitoring & Control: In the monitoring and control phase, the project’s performance is tracked and compared against the plan. Any deviations are identified and corrective actions are taken to realign the project with the plan. This phase occurs simultaneously with the execution phase and involves quality checks, schedule tracking, and status reporting.

5. Closure: The closure phase marks the end of the project. All project deliverables are finalized and handed over. The project is reviewed, lessons learned are documented, and all project documentation is archived. A formal project closure report is created, signaling the official end of the project.

The PMLC in Primavera allows project managers to maintain a structured approach to project management, ensuring each project is efficiently executed and delivered to meet the stated objectives and stakeholder expectations.


Primavera P6 provides six types of activities and is very important to understand. They help to calculate and determine the start and finish of the activity. They are listed as follows:

  1. Level of Effort
  2. WBS Summary
  3. Task-Dependent
  4. Start Milestone

New Features in Primavera P6 Version 8

  1. P6 Version 8 comes with enhanced risk management tools. For monitoring and tracking risks, included a risk register and risk scoring matrix.
  2. EPPM version is ultimately a web-based interface. Users can quickly create and manage their project schedules through the web, using Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Internet Explorer.
  3. It is a customized version with Tabbed views and configurable toolbars for easy navigation.
  4. Unlike prior versions, Version 8 consists of templates as a part of the central P6 database. One can manage and secure them through a web interface.
  5. Oracle BI is the reporting engine of the P6 enterprise, which also reports the full range of Oracle products


This tutorial provides a brief introduction to the key features of Primavera P6 Training. As you continue to use the software, you'll become more comfortable with its functionalities and learn how to leverage its features to effectively manage your projects.

Oracle's Primavera P6 is a powerful project management tool designed to handle complex, large-scale projects. It facilitates detailed planning, resource allocation, and efficient tracking of project progress. As a beginner, understanding the user interface, creating a project, defining a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), adding and sequencing activities, assigning resources, and scheduling are key steps to master. With consistent practice and hands-on experience, Primavera P6 can greatly enhance your project management skills, contributing to successful project execution and delivery.

Certify Your Expertise: PingDirectory Certification and Training Course for Proficient Identity Management

PingDirectory, a leading Identity and Access Management (IAM) solution, offers a specialized certification and training course in collaboration with Multisoft Virtual Academy. In today's digitally connected world, effective identity management is crucial for organizations to ensure security, compliance, and seamless user experiences. This course equips professionals with advanced skills and knowledge to harness the power of PingDirectory for comprehensive identity management. In this post, we will explore the PingDirectory Certification and Training Course provided by Multisoft Virtual Academy, with a focus on the benefits and significance of certification-based training.

 What is PingDirectory Certification and Training Course?

The PingDirectory Certification and Training Course is a specialized program offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy that focuses on equipping professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively utilize PingDirectory for identity management. This course provides comprehensive training in areas such as directory server architecture, user data modeling, integration, administration, and security. Participants gain hands-on experience through practical sessions and real-world scenarios, allowing them to configure, optimize, and troubleshoot PingDirectory. Successful completion of the course leads to PingDirectory certification, validating the expertise of professionals and enhancing their career prospects in the field of identity management.

Core objectives

  • Provide professionals with comprehensive knowledge and skills in utilizing PingDirectory for effective identity management.
  • Equip participants with hands-on experience in configuring, administering, and optimizing PingDirectory.
  • Validate and enhance the credibility of professionals through PingDirectory certification.
  • Prepare individuals for career advancement and increased employability in the field of identity management.
  • Enable professionals to contribute to secure and compliant identity management practices in organizations.
  • Foster continuous learning and development in the evolving field of identity management.
  • Create a standardized framework of best practices and industry standards in PingDirectory-based identity management.
  • Establish a professional network and community for collaboration and knowledge sharing.
  • Promote the understanding and importance of identity management in organizational security and compliance.
  • Support professionals in staying updated with the latest trends and technologies in PingDirectory and IAM.

Learn from certified experts

When enrolling in the PingDirectory Certification and Training Course, participants have the invaluable opportunity to learn from certified experts in the field. The course is delivered by experienced instructors who possess in-depth knowledge and expertise in PingDirectory and identity management. These certified experts bring real-world insights and practical experience to the training sessions; ensuring participants gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. They provide guidance, support, and mentorship throughout the course, helping learners grasp complex concepts and navigate hands-on practical sessions. Learning from certified experts offers numerous benefits, including access to industry best practices, up-to-date knowledge of PingDirectory features and functionalities, and insights into real-world implementation scenarios.

The expertise of these certified instructors enhances the quality of the training, providing learners with a valuable learning experience and empowering them with the skills required to excel in the field of identity management using PingDirectory.

Career opportunities post-certification

Post-certification, professionals who have completed the PingDirectory Certification and Training Course can explore various exciting career opportunities in the field of identity management. Here are some potential career paths and roles:

  • IAM Architect & Consultant
  • IAM Administrator & Analyst
  • IAM Project Manager
  • Security Consultant
  • Compliance Manager
  • Identity Governance Specialist
  • Identity and Access Analyst
  • IAM Trainer/Instructor


The prerequisites for the PingDirectory Certification and Training Course may vary depending on the specific training provider and course structure. However, here are some common prerequisites that participants should ideally have:

  • Basic IT Knowledge: Participants should have a fundamental understanding of information technology concepts, including networks, systems, and databases.
  • Familiarity with Identity Management: A basic understanding of identity management principles and concepts is beneficial.
  • IT Security Understanding: Having a foundational understanding of IT security concepts and practices is valuable.
  • System Administration Skills: Basic system administration skills are useful, as participants may need to perform administrative tasks and configurations within the PingDirectory environment.
  • Familiarity with IAM Solutions: Prior exposure to Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions, such as directory servers or identity management platforms, can provide a helpful context for understanding PingDirectory and its role in IAM.

Why choose Multisoft Virtual Academy?

There are several reasons to choose Multisoft Virtual Academy for the PingDirectory Certification and Training Course. They offer experienced instructors, comprehensive course content, hands-on practical sessions, flexible learning options, and a track record of delivering high-quality training programs in the field of IT and certifications.


The PingDirectory Admin Certification and Training Course offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy is a comprehensive program that equips professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to harness the power of PingDirectory for effective identity management. With certified experts as instructors, hands-on practical sessions, and a focus on real-world application, participants gain a deep understanding of PingDirectory's features, functionalities, and best practices.

By enrolling in this course, professionals can enhance their employability and explore a wide range of rewarding career opportunities in the PingDirectory corporate training domain. Invest in your future by enrolling in this comprehensive course and take a step towards a successful career.

Sharpen Your Skills: Become Certified in Caesar II Pipe Stress Analysis

The CAESAR II Online Training and Certification Course offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy is a comprehensive program designed to provide individuals with the knowledge and skills required for pipe stress analysis using the CAESAR II software. CAESAR II is a widely-used software tool in the engineering industry for evaluating the structural integrity of piping systems. The training course covers various aspects of pipe stress analysis, including pipe routing, material selection, load calculations, expansion analysis, and code compliance.

In the field of engineering and construction, accurate pipe stress analysis is essential for ensuring the safety and reliability of piping systems. CAESAR II is a widely used software tool that allows engineers to perform comprehensive pipe stress analysis and evaluate the structural integrity of piping systems. To equip professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge, Multisoft Virtual Academy offers a comprehensive CAESAR II Certification. This article explores the significance of certification in pipe stress analysis, the key components of the CAESAR II software training course, and the benefits it offers to individuals seeking career growth in the field.

Importance of Certification in Pipe Stress Analysis

Certification in pipe stress analysis, particularly in the use of software tools like CAESAR II, holds immense value in the engineering industry. It demonstrates an individual's expertise in conducting accurate stress analysis, ensuring compliance with industry standards and codes. Certified professionals are recognized for their ability to mitigate risks associated with piping systems and make informed decisions to enhance their reliability.

Benefits of Enrolling in the CAESAR II Certification Course

  • Enhanced Expertise: The course equips participants with a deep understanding of pipe stress analysis principles and the practical application of CAESAR II software.
  • Expanded Skill Set: The course provides participants with specialized skills in pipe stress analysis, enabling them to take on complex projects and handle critical engineering tasks with confidence.
  • Practical Application: The course emphasizes practical learning through real-world case studies and exercises.
  • Compliance with Industry Standards: Certification ensures that participants are well-versed in industry standards and codes related to pipe stress analysis.
  • Career Growth Opportunities: Certified professionals in pipe stress analysis using CAESAR II are in high demand in the engineering industry.
  • Networking and Collaboration: Participants in the certification course have the opportunity to connect with industry experts and fellow professionals.

Who provides the training certificate?

Multisoft Virtual Academy provides a globally recognized training certificate to the participants, after successful completion of a training program. The training certificates are recognized and accepted across the world.

Who delivers the training program?

All training programs offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy are delivered by certified industry experts, who have years of experience in the relevant domains. Multisoft Global Subject Matter Experts impart knowledge on a wide variety of training courses through one-on-one and corporate training sessions.

Career opportunities post-certification

Upon completing the Integraph CAESAR II Online Training and Certification Course, participants can unlock a range of exciting career opportunities in the field of pipe stress analysis. Here are some potential career paths and roles that individuals can explore post-certification:

  • Pipe Stress Engineer
  • Engineering Consultant
  • Project Manager
  • Quality Assurance Engineer
  • Technical Specialist
  • Research and Development

These career opportunities are just a few examples of the diverse paths that individuals can pursue after completing the CAESAR II Online Training and Certification Course. The certification validates their skills and knowledge, enabling them to make significant contributions to the engineering industry and paving the way for a successful and fulfilling career in pipe stress analysis.

Target audience

The CAESAR II Online Training and Certification Course is designed for a wide range of professionals involved in the field of engineering, piping design, and construction. The target audience for this course includes:

  • Engineers
  • Piping Designers
  • Construction Professionals
  • Engineering Consultants
  • Students and Graduates
  • Professionals Seeking Career Transition
  • Professionals Seeking Professional Development


There are no specific prerequisites for the CAESAR II Online Training and Certification Course. However, a basic understanding of engineering principles and familiarity with piping systems would be beneficial. Participants with prior knowledge of structural analysis, stress analysis concepts, and experience in engineering or piping design will have an advantage in grasping the course material effectively.


The CAESAR II Online Training and Certification Course by Multisoft Virtual Academy provide professionals with a comprehensive understanding of pipe stress analysis using the CAESAR II software. By acquiring certification in this field, individuals demonstrate their expertise, compliance with industry standards, and ability to contribute to the safety and reliability of piping systems. The course not only enhances participants' technical skills but also opens doors to rewarding career opportunities in engineering, construction and corporate training. With practical learning and industry-recognized certification, the CAESAR II course acts as a catalyst for professional growth and success in the field of pipe stress analysis.

Power BI Career Opportunities You Should Know About - PL-300 Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst Training Course

As the name suggests, PL-300 Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst Training Course has been designed for data analysts, who wants to learn Power BI to become a Power BI data analyst. But did you know, Power BI is not just for data analysts, learning Power BI opens doors to many other career opportunities. In this article, you will learn about Power BI career roles and key responsibilities.

Before, we move into the career options, let’s understand what is Power BI.

Power BI is a Data Visualization and Business Intelligence tool that can gather data from different sources and converts them into interactive BI reports and dashboards offering valuable insights in real-time. Power BI hosts a suite of applications, services and connectors, wherein Power BI desktop, Power BI service are based on Saas, and mobile Power BI apps are available for different platforms.

Power BI Career Options - PL-300 Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst Training Course

Power BI Analyst

One of the most popular roles in Power BI is BI analyst. A BI Analyst is responsible for gathering business data using variety of techniques, such as data mining, and looks for trends and checks a company’s competitiveness in the market. Power BI analyst also uses the features of Power BI and their capabilities to gather valuable insights and use them to draw desired business outcome.

Power BI Developer

A Power BI Developer designs, develops and maintains BI solutions. He/she is also responsible for executing queries based on requirements; and developing and updating technical documentation according to the business requirements.

With complete knowledge of BI system and the in-and-out of the queries requested by users, a BI developer fulfils a variety of responsibilities. Apart from the in-depth knowledge BI system, he should have extensive knowledge of databases, operating systems, cloud architecture, and business intelligence. Depending on business or user demands, a business analyst then uses BI solutions developed by BI developer to create reports for users and stakeholders to make informed decisions.

Power BI Consultant

A Power BI Consultant assesses the existing systems and installs new ones if necessary. He/she is also responsible for balancing customer requirements with technical constraints and developing a high-level roadmap to achieve the goals.

Power BI Manager

BI Managers are professionals with years of experience as a Power BI Analyst or Power BI Developer. They drive the data strategy and manage various operations of the BI team. A BI Manager helps decision-makers and stakeholders understand the current situation of the business via dashboards and custom reports so that they can make data-informed decisions.

If you want to gain in-depth knowledge of Power BI, you can choose from a variety of courses from Multisoft Virtual Academy, which also offers Power BI corporate training programs to companies across the world.

Why you should enrol for PL 300: Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst Training course from Multisoft Virtual Academy?

Multisoft Virtual Academy has been in training industry for more than 2 decades and backed by a team of global subject matter experts from around the world. When you enroll for PL 300: Analyzing & Visualizing Data with Training course from Multisoft, you get the opportunity to learn from experienced industry experts and gain skills with hands-on experience from real-life projects and assignments. All the courses offered by Multisoft come with perks like lifetime access to e-learning material, recorded training session videos and after training support.

The courses are delivered in live instructor led, one-on-one and corporate training sessions, where after successful completion of the PL 300: Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst Training course, aspirants receive a globally recognized training certificate to validate and showcase their learning and skills to employers across the world. What’s more? Multisoft after training support assists you to connect with potential employers and lucrative job opportunities in related areas, so that you can step up the career ladder without delay.

About Multisoft Virtual Academy: Multisoft Virtual Academy is a 20 year old training organization, based at Noida. It offers a wide range of world class courses/trainings that are delivered by a team of Multisoft’s team of global subject matter experts in one-on-one and corporate training sessions. Multisoft offers instructor led-trainings with benefits such as lifetime e-learning access, recorded training session video, after training support and a globally recognized training certificate after successful completion of the training program.

The Benefits of Learning the Primavera P6 Software

As the business world grows more interconnected and complex, project management has become a core competency for many professionals. The ability to effectively plan, schedule, track, and control projects can directly impact a company's success. To stay ahead of the curve, it's essential to equip yourself with the right project management tools. One of the most influential is Oracle's Primavera P6, a project portfolio management software solution.

Understanding Primavera P6

Primavera P6 is a globally recognized project portfolio management tool used across multiple industries. This powerful software provides comprehensive, high-performance solutions for planning, managing, and executing projects and programs. From prioritizing project portfolio investments to delivering timely reporting, Primavera P6 is designed to help organizations handle complex projects efficiently.

Enhancing Project Management Skills

Learning Primavera P6 significantly enhances project management skills. With this software, you gain deep insights into project details, helping you to make informed decisions and manage your project portfolio effectively. The software's advanced capabilities in scheduling, tracking, and risk analysis enable you to anticipate and mitigate issues before they become major problems.

Increasing Efficiency and Productivity

Primavera P6 can automate many aspects of project management, which significantly increases productivity. Once you've mastered this tool, you can schedule tasks, assign resources, and estimate costs automatically. The software's ability to streamline processes helps to reduce errors, save time, and increase efficiency.

Managing Complex Projects

One of the most significant benefits of Primavera P6 is its ability to manage complex, large-scale projects. Whether you're overseeing a single project or a multitude of interrelated ones, Primavera P6 can handle it. Its integrated and flexible functions make it easier to manage change, monitor progress, and maintain control over projects regardless of their size or complexity.

Robust Reporting Capabilities

Primavera P6 boasts robust reporting capabilities, providing a wealth of information to assist with decision-making processes. You can generate detailed, customized reports on project performance, resource allocation, costs, and other critical factors. These reports offer valuable insights, enabling you to make data-driven decisions that can significantly improve project outcomes.

Valuable Industry Recognition

Oracle's Primavera P6 is recognized and used globally across industries like construction, engineering, and aerospace. Being proficient in this software can significantly enhance your career prospects. Whether you're seeking a project management role or looking to excel in your current position, familiarity with Primavera P6 sets you apart from your peers.

Future-Proofing Your Career

In a rapidly evolving digital era, staying ahead requires continuous learning and adaptation. Learning Primavera P6 corporate training not only provides immediate advantages but also future-proofs your career. As project management becomes more reliant on software solutions, your expertise in a powerful tool like Primavera P6 ensures you remain relevant and competitive in the job market.


The benefits of learning the Primavera P6 software are multifaceted, providing skills enhancement, increased efficiency, and valuable industry recognition. It's a tool that fosters proactive project management, empowers you to manage complex projects effectively, and provides the capabilities to make informed, data-driven decisions. By investing in learning Primavera P6, you're not just enhancing your project management skills; you're future-proofing your career.

Multisoft Virtual Academy offers comprehensive Primavera P6 training courses, designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to leverage this powerful project management tool effectively. Join us today, and unlock your potential as a project manager.

Unlock Your Potential with Kronos Certification Training: Elevate Your Workforce Management Skills


In today's competitive business landscape, effective workforce management plays a pivotal role in driving organizational success. To stay ahead of the curve, businesses need to invest in cutting-edge technologies and equip their workforce with the necessary skills to optimize operations. One such technology that has revolutionized the realm of workforce management is Kronos. To harness the full potential of Kronos, professionals can leverage the comprehensive Kronos certification training offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy. In this article, we will explore the immense value of Kronos certification training, how it can elevate your workforce management skills, and the benefits of pursuing it through Multisoft Virtual Academy's corporate training programs and Kronos online training.

  1. Understanding Kronos and Its Importance in Workforce Management:

Kronos is a leading workforce management software suite that offers a range of tools and modules designed to streamline workforce operations, enhance productivity, and maximize employee engagement. It encompasses various crucial aspects of workforce management, including time and attendance tracking, scheduling, labor analytics, absence management, and workforce optimization. By effectively utilizing Kronos, organizations can minimize labor costs, reduce compliance risks, optimize resource allocation, and improve overall operational efficiency.

  2. The Value of Kronos Certification Training:

2.1 Comprehensive Knowledge and Skills Development: Kronos certification training provides professionals with in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience in utilizing the Kronos suite of tools. It covers various modules, functionalities, and best practices, empowering participants to make informed decisions, implement effective strategies, and leverage the full potential of Kronos in their respective organizations.

2.2 Industry-Recognized Credentials: Kronos certification serves as a testament to an individual's expertise and proficiency in Kronos workforce management solutions. It enhances professional credibility and opens up a plethora of career advancement opportunities in the field of workforce management, such as becoming a Kronos consultant, analyst, or administrator.

2.3 Stay Updated with the Latest Trends: Kronos certification training ensures professionals stay abreast of the latest developments and trends in workforce management. By acquiring advanced knowledge and skills, individuals can contribute to their organization's growth and drive innovation in workforce management practices.

  3. Multisoft Virtual Academy: Your Partner in Kronos Certification Training:

Multisoft Virtual Academy is a renowned global training provider offering corporate training solutions and online certification programs across various domains. With their comprehensive Kronos certification training, Multisoft Virtual Academy provides professionals with a unique learning experience that combines flexibility, convenience, and industry-recognized expertise.

3.1 Customized Corporate Training Programs: Multisoft Virtual Academy understands that each organization's requirements are unique. Therefore, they offer customized corporate training programs tailored to suit specific business needs. These programs can be conducted on-site or virtually, providing organizations with the flexibility to train their workforce effectively.

3.2 Kronos Online Training: For individuals seeking flexible learning options, Multisoft Virtual Academy offers Kronos online training. The online training programs provide the same comprehensive curriculum as their corporate training, allowing professionals to learn at their own pace, from anywhere in the world. The virtual training environment facilitates interactive learning through live instructor-led sessions, practical exercises, and real-world case studies.

  4. Benefits of Pursuing Kronos Certification Training with Multisoft Virtual Academy:

4.1 Hands-on Practical Experience: Multisoft Virtual Academy's Kronos certification training offers participants ample opportunities to apply their knowledge in practical scenarios. Through hands-on exercises and simulations, professionals gain valuable experience in utilizing Kronos tools effectively, ensuring a smooth transition to real-world workforce management challenges.

4.2 Expert Instructors: Multisoft Virtual Academy's training programs are led by industry-expert instructors with extensive experience in workforce management and Kronos implementation. Their expertise, coupled with interactive training methodologies, ensures participants receive the highest quality instruction and guidance throughout the certification training.

4.3 Networking Opportunities: Participating in Kronos certification training with Multisoft Virtual Academy provides professionals with an excellent platform to network and connect with like-minded individuals, industry experts, and potential employers. These connections can be invaluable for career growth and professional development in the field of workforce management.


In an increasingly competitive business landscape, organizations need to optimize their workforce management practices to achieve sustainable growth. Kronos certification training offers professionals the opportunity to unlock their potential and elevate their skills in workforce management. By partnering with Multisoft Virtual Academy, professionals can benefit from customized corporate training programs and Kronos online training, gaining comprehensive knowledge, industry-recognized credentials, and hands-on experience in utilizing the Kronos suite of tools. Invest in Kronos certification training today and empower your workforce to drive operational excellence and success in the ever-evolving world of workforce management.

Master Pipe Stress Analysis with CAESAR II: Online Training & Certification

The CAESAR II Online Training and Certification Course offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy is a comprehensive program designed to provide individuals with the knowledge and skills required for pipe stress analysis using the CAESAR II software. CAESAR II is a widely-used software tool in the engineering industry for evaluating the structural integrity of piping systems. The training course covers various aspects of pipe stress analysis, including pipe routing, material selection, load calculations, expansion analysis, and code compliance.

In the field of engineering and construction, accurate pipe stress analysis is essential for ensuring the safety and reliability of piping systems. CAESAR II is a widely used software tool that allows engineers to perform comprehensive pipe stress analysis and evaluate the structural integrity of piping systems. To equip professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge, Multisoft Virtual Academy offers a comprehensive CAESAR II Online Training and Certification Course. This article explores the significance of certification in pipe stress analysis, the key components of the CAESAR II course, and the benefits it offers to individuals seeking career growth in the field.

Importance of Certification in Pipe Stress Analysis

Certification in pipe stress analysis, particularly in the use of software tools like CAESAR II, holds immense value in the engineering industry. It demonstrates an individual's expertise in conducting accurate stress analysis, ensuring compliance with industry standards and codes. Certified professionals are recognized for their ability to mitigate risks associated with piping systems and make informed decisions to enhance their reliability.

Benefits of Enrolling in the CAESAR II Certification Course

  • Enhanced Expertise: The course equips participants with a deep understanding of pipe stress analysis principles and the practical application of CAESAR II software.
  • Expanded Skill Set: The course provides participants with specialized skills in pipe stress analysis, enabling them to take on complex projects and handle critical engineering tasks with confidence.
  • Practical Application: The course emphasizes practical learning through real-world case studies and exercises.
  • Compliance with Industry Standards: Certification ensures that participants are well-versed in industry standards and codes related to pipe stress analysis.
  • Career Growth Opportunities: Certified professionals in pipe stress analysis using CAESAR II are in high demand in the engineering industry.
  • Networking and Collaboration: Participants in the certification course have the opportunity to connect with industry experts and fellow professionals.

Who provides the training certificate?

Multisoft Virtual Academy provides a globally recognized training certificate to the participants, after successful completion of a training program. The training certificates are recognized and accepted across the world.

Who delivers the training program?

All training programs offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy are delivered by certified industry experts, who have years of experience in the relevant domains. Multisoft Global Subject Matter Experts impart knowledge on a wide variety of training courses through one-on-one and corporate training sessions.

Career opportunities post-certification

Upon completing the CAESAR II Online Training and Certification Course, participants can unlock a range of exciting career opportunities in the field of pipe stress analysis. Here are some potential career paths and roles that individuals can explore post-certification:

  • Pipe Stress Engineer
  • Engineering Consultant
  • Project Manager
  • Quality Assurance Engineer
  • Technical Specialist
  • Research and Development

These career opportunities are just a few examples of the diverse paths that individuals can pursue after completing the CAESAR II Online Training and Certification Course. The certification validates their skills and knowledge, enabling them to make significant contributions to the engineering industry and paving the way for a successful and fulfilling career in pipe stress analysis.

Target audience

The CAESAR II Online Training and Certification Course is designed for a wide range of professionals involved in the field of engineering, piping design, and construction. The target audience for this course includes:

  • Engineers
  • Piping Designers
  • Construction Professionals
  • Engineering Consultants
  • Students and Graduates
  • Professionals Seeking Career Transition
  • Professionals Seeking Professional Development


There are no specific prerequisites for the CAESAR II Online Training and Certification Course. However, a basic understanding of engineering principles and familiarity with piping systems would be beneficial. Participants with prior knowledge of structural analysis, stress analysis concepts, and experience in engineering or piping design will have an advantage in grasping the course material effectively.


The CAESAR II Online Training and Certification Course by Multisoft Virtual Academy provide professionals with a comprehensive understanding of pipe stress analysis using the CAESAR II software. By acquiring certification in this field, individuals demonstrate their expertise, compliance with industry standards, and ability to contribute to the safety and reliability of piping systems. The course not only enhances participants' technical skills but also opens doors to rewarding career opportunities in engineering, construction and corporate training. With practical learning and industry-recognized certification, the CAESAR II course acts as a catalyst for professional growth and success in the field of pipe stress analysis.

Common Advantages And Disadvantages Of Multithreading In Java Training course

Multithreading is one of the key features of Java that enables the concurrent execution of two or more parts of a program, for maximum utilization of CPU. When embarking on a Java training course, it's essential to understand the benefits and drawbacks of multithreading. Here are some common advantages and disadvantages to be aware of:

Advantages of Multithreading:

1. Improved Performance: The principal advantage of multithreading is increased performance. By allowing multiple threads to execute simultaneously, CPU idle time is reduced, leading to improved performance especially on multi-core and multi-processor systems.

2. Better Responsiveness: Multithreading can enhance responsiveness in interactive applications. For example, in a user interface, one thread can manage user input, while another handles graphical updates. This prevents the application from hanging or becoming unresponsive.

3. Resource Sharing: Threads of the same process share memory and resources, enabling efficient inter-thread communication compared to processes, which require more complex and slower inter-process communication mechanisms.

4. Simplicity of Modeling: In applications that naturally have multiple independent tasks running concurrently (like a multiplayer online game), using multithreading can simplify the modeling and programming of such applications.

Disadvantages of Multithreading:

1. Synchronization Issues: The major challenge with multithreading is managing concurrent access to shared resources. Issues such as deadlocks, race conditions, and thread interference can occur if the threads are not properly synchronized.

2. Debugging Difficulty: Debugging multithreaded programs can be more complex than single-threaded ones due to unexpected interaction between threads. Identifying and reproducing errors can be challenging.

3. Overhead and Context Switching: Each thread requires its own stack, which increases memory overhead. Additionally, frequent context switching between threads can lead to increased CPU time usage, reducing overall efficiency.

4. Complexity: Writing and maintaining multithreaded code can be more complex and error-prone than single-threaded code due to the need for synchronization, and handling of thread-safe and re-entrancy conditions.

When undergoing Java training, it's crucial to grasp both the pros and cons of multithreading. This understanding will help you better design and implement multithreaded applications, effectively utilizing the powerful tool of multithreading in Java.

Unleashing the Power of Business Intelligence: Microsoft Power BI Certification Course

In an era where data is considered the new gold, the ability to interpret and visualize data effectively has become an invaluable asset. Microsoft Power BI, a leading tool in the realm of business intelligence, offers professionals the ability to transform raw data into insightful, interactive visualizations. Recognizing the burgeoning demand for proficient Power BI users, Multisoft Systems offers a comprehensive Microsoft Power BI Online Training and Certification Course.

Understanding Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence (BI) is a technology-powered process utilized by businesses for data analysis and the provision of actionable business information. It encompasses a multitude of tools and applications that assist companies in converting raw data into actionable insights. As organizations strive to be more data-driven, BI has become an integral part of their operations, empowering them to make informed decisions based on insights drawn from data.

Microsoft Power BI – Revolutionizing Business Intelligence

Microsoft Power BI is a robust suite of business analytics tools that deliver insights throughout an organization. It empowers users to connect to hundreds of data sources, streamline data prep, and drive ad-hoc analysis. Power BI's robust visualization capabilities enable users to create engaging reports, and then publish them for their organization to consume on the web and across mobile devices.

Microsoft Power BI Online Training and Certification Course: An Insightful Journey

The Microsoft Power BI Online Training and Certification Course offered by Multisoft Systems is meticulously designed to equip learners with the vital skills to excel in the dynamic world of data visualization and business intelligence. This online course provides learners with the flexibility to progress at their own pace, ensuring a well-rounded and effective learning experience.

Course Highlights

  • The course commences with an introduction to Power BI, its components, and its applications in business intelligence. From there, it advances to using Power BI Desktop – from connecting to data sources to creating a data model.
  • Following this, the course delves into the crux of Power BI – data transformation. Here, learners are exposed to Power Query, learning to extract, transform, and load (ETL) data from an array of sources. They also learn to clean, shape, and enhance data, rendering it ready for analysis.
  • The journey continues into data modeling and DAX (Data Analysis Expressions), a formula language specifically tailored for Power BI that allows users to perform complex calculations on their data.
  • Lastly, learners immerse themselves in Power BI's visualization capabilities, learning to create compelling reports and dashboards. They also learn to publish these reports anddashboards, ensuring that data can be effectively communicated and understood throughout the organization.

Career Opportunities Post-Certification

Upon completion of the Microsoft Power BI Online Training and Certification Course, learners evolve into certified Power BI experts, ready to tackle the exciting world of data visualization and business intelligence. Career paths open to them include roles such as Business Intelligence Analyst, Data Analyst, Power BI Developer, and Business Intelligence Developer. Each of these roles involves using Power BI to convert raw data into actionable insights, making a tangible difference in the decision-making processes within organizations.

Demand for Professionals

The demand for professionals skilled in Microsoft Power BI is soaring. Power BI is a leading business analytics tool, offering users the ability to analyze data and share insights through engaging, interactive visualizations. As more organizations recognize the power of data-driven decision making, the demand for professionals skilled in data visualization tools like Power BI continues to rise.

1. Need for Data Visualization:

In today's digital age, businesses are collecting more data than ever before. However, this data is only useful if it can be effectively analyzed and presented in a way that is easy to understand. Power Platform fundametal trainnig BI professionals are trained to convert raw data into meaningful insights through interactive dashboards and reports. This allows businesses to understand their data at a glance, enabling them to make informed decisions.

2. Business Intelligence is Key:

Business intelligence (BI) is a crucial aspect of successful business operations in the modern world. BI involves the analysis of business data to provide actionable insights. As a leading BI tool, Power BI enables businesses to analyze their data in a way that is both comprehensive and user-friendly. Therefore, Power BI professionals are highly sought after in business environments.

3. Flexibility and Compatibility:

Power BI is compatible with a wide range of data sources, from Excel spreadsheets to cloud-based services. This flexibility, combined with its user-friendly interface, makes Power BI a popular choice for businesses of all sizes and industries. Consequently, professionals trained in Power BI can find opportunities in various sectors.

4. Growing Adoption:

As Microsoft continues to add new features and capabilities to Power BI training, its adoption is growing worldwide. This, in turn, is leading to a growing demand for trained professionals who can leverage these features to drive business insights.


The Microsoft Power BI Online Training and Certification Course provided by Multisoft Systems equips learners with the skills and knowledge necessary to leverage Power BI to its maximum potential. As the need for efficient data analysis and visualization grows, so does the demand for skilled Power BI professionals. This course represents an excellent stepping stone towards a rewarding career in business intelligence.

Enroll in the Microsoft Power BI Online Training and Certification Course by Multisoft Systems today. Unleash the power of data visualization and step into the exhilarating world of business intelligence. In the modern business landscape, data isn't just an asset - it's the key to understanding your business and making informed decisions. The future of data-driven decision-making awaits you!

Workday HCM Online Certification Course: The Complete Guide for Enterprises

Workday Human Capital Management (HCM) is revolutionizing the global HR sphere. Its integrated, cloud-based solution offers businesses the opportunity to manage the full employee lifecycle more effectively. To harness this tool's power, it's vital that your team understands its ins and outs, which is where Workday HCM training comes in. One company leading the way in offering such training is the Multisoft Virtual Academy.

Multisoft Virtual Academy's Workday HCM certification course is a holistic program designed to give your team a robust understanding of this tool's functionalities. From workforce planning and talent management to compensation, benefits, and more, this comprehensive course covers everything you need to know to get the most out of Workday HCM.

Course Overview

The training module is a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical exercises, encouraging trainees to actively engage with the material. Each module focuses on different aspects of the Workday HCM system, starting from the fundamentals, gradually moving to intermediate topics, and finally to the more complex functions.

This systematic approach ensures that even participants with no prior knowledge of the tool can keep pace. Meanwhile, those already familiar with the software will find the course an opportunity to refine and deepen their understanding.

Training Methodology

Multisoft Virtual Academy employs a live, interactive training approach. Each session is led by a certified trainer with significant industry experience, guaranteeing that the participants get to learn from the best in the field. Additionally, all sessions are recorded and available for later viewing, ensuring no one misses out on any key details.

Moreover, hands-on exercises, real-time use-cases, and interactive discussions foster a stimulating learning environment. This immersive approach not only improves comprehension but also increases retention, making it easier for trainees to apply the learned skills in a real-world scenario.

Key Training Modules

The Workday HCM training covers numerous modules. Some of the essential ones include:

Overview of Workday HCM: This module introduces the basics of Workday HCM, its architecture, and the benefits it offers businesses. It's an important first step to familiarize trainees with the tool.

Workforce Lifecycle Management: This module focuses on the critical HR processes of hiring, managing, and retaining employees. It dives into the specifics of onboarding, time tracking, talent management, and succession planning.

Compensation and Benefits: Participants learn how to use Workday HCM to manage employee compensation and benefits effectively. They explore various compensation structures, benefit plans, and how to implement them within the system.

Analytics and Reporting: This module highlights the power of Workday HCM's data analytics capabilities. Participants learn how to create custom reports, interpret data, and use this information to make strategic business decisions.

Certification and Post-training Support

At the end of the course, participants will receive a certificate of completion that demonstrates their proficiency in using the Workday SCM. This certificate enhances the value of their professional profiles, making them more attractive to prospective employers.

Multisoft Virtual Academy further offers post-training support to all participants, ensuring they are not left stranded after the training. This support includes answering any lingering questions and clarifying doubts participants may have as they start applying the skills learned in their respective organizations.


The Multisoft Virtual Academy’s Workday HCM online course is a complete package designed to equip professionals and organizations with the knowledge and skills to navigate and optimize the Workday HCM platform effectively. The course combines theoretical knowledge with practical hands-on experience, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the tool and its applications in managing human capital.

In an era where effective management of human resources is critical to the success of any organization, acquiring proficiency in a tool like Workday HCM can offer a significant competitive advantage. Multisoft's Virtual Academy, with its meticulous course design and expert trainers, is undoubtedly a preferred choice for enterprises looking to upskill their teams and unlock the full potential of Workday HCM.

Mastering Azure: Essential Skills You Need to Succeed

Introduction: In the ever-evolving world of cloud computing, Microsoft Azure has emerged as one of the leading platforms. Azure offers a vast array of services and solutions, making it crucial for professionals to acquire the necessary skills to master this platform. In this guest post, we will explore the essential skills required to become proficient in Azure and provide valuable insights on how to master this powerful cloud computing platform.

  1. Understanding the Fundamentals of Cloud Computing: Before diving into Azure, it is essential to grasp the fundamentals of cloud computing. Familiarize yourself with concepts such as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). This knowledge will lay a solid foundation for your journey towards mastering Azure.

  2. Proficiency in Virtualization and Networking: Azure heavily relies on virtualization technologies and networking concepts. Understanding virtual machines, virtual networks, subnets, and IP addressing will enable you to configure and manage Azure resources effectively. Moreover, familiarity with load balancers, VPN gateways, and network security groups will enhance your ability to design robust and secure Azure solutions.

  3. Azure Resource Management: To master Azure, you must develop expertise in Azure Resource Manager (ARM). ARM provides a unified way to deploy, manage, and organize Azure resources. Learn how to create resource groups, deploy resources using ARM templates, and manage access control through role-based access control (RBAC). Proficiency in ARM will streamline your Azure deployment and management processes.

  4. Azure Storage Services: Azure offers various storage services that are crucial for hosting and managing data. Develop a deep understanding of Azure Blob Storage, Azure Files, Azure Tables, and Azure Queues. Familiarize yourself with their features, use cases, and best practices for storage management. Additionally, learn about storage redundancy options and data replication techniques to ensure high availability and durability.

  5. Mastery of Azure Virtual Machines (VMs): Azure Virtual Machines play a vital role in deploying applications and services. Gain expertise in creating, configuring, and managing Azure VMs. Learn about virtual machine extensions, availability sets, and virtual machine scale sets. Understanding concepts like auto-scaling, monitoring, and virtual machine images will enable you to optimize performance and ensure seamless operations in your Azure infrastructure.

  6. Azure App Services: Azure App Services provide a platform for building and hosting web and mobile applications. Acquire knowledge of Azure Web Apps, Azure Functions, and Azure Logic Apps. Explore the deployment options, scalability features, and integration capabilities offered by Azure App Services. This expertise will empower you to develop and deploy scalable and resilient applications in Azure.

  7. Security and Identity Management: Security is of paramount importance in the cloud environment. Familiarize yourself with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), Azure Active Directory B2C, and Azure AD Domain Services. Understand how to implement identity and access management solutions, configure role-based access control, and secure Azure resources using Azure Security Center. Knowledge of security best practices will help you design and implement secure Azure solutions.

  8. Monitoring, Logging, and Automation: To ensure optimal performance and troubleshoot issues effectively, you need to master Azure monitoring and logging tools. Learn how to leverage Azure Monitor, Azure Log Analytics, and Azure Application Insights to gain insights into your Azure resources. Additionally, explore Azure Automation and Azure Functions to automate routine tasks and streamline your workflows.

Conclusion: Becoming a master of Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Training requires a combination of technical skills, hands-on experience, and continuous learning. By understanding the fundamentals of cloud computing, virtualization, networking, and Azure services, you can lay a strong foundation. Proficiency in Azure Resource Manager, storage services, virtual machines, app services, security, and monitoring will enable you to design, deploy, and manage robust Microsoft Azure Solutions Architect Technologies Online Training. Remember to stay updated with the latest advancements in Azure and embrace a mindset of continuous improvement. With dedication, practice, and the right guidance, you can become a proficient Azure professional and unlock the full potential of Microsoft Azure. Start your Azure journey today and witness the limitless possibilities it offers!

Accelerate Your Tech Career with Google Cloud Platform Certification Training

Introduction to Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

In today's digitally-driven era, the ability to leverage cloud technologies is becoming increasingly critical for businesses of all sizes. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is one such potent tool that offers a suite of cloud computing services that run on the same infrastructure used by Google itself. Getting certified in GCP can open up a world of opportunities for aspiring IT professionals, and there's no better place to start than with Multisoft Virtual Academy’s comprehensive GCP Certification Training.

Why Choose Multisoft Virtual Academy for GCP Certification Training?

A globally recognized training provider, Multisoft Virtual Academy offers a comprehensive Google Cloud Platform Certification Training program designed to arm learners with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively use GCP. With a blend of theoretical learning and practical sessions, the course provides a solid foundation in GCP, preparing you for a successful career in the cloud industry.

A Closer Look at the GCP Certification Training Curriculum

Our GCP Certification Training covers a broad range of topics essential for mastering the Google Cloud Platform. This includes understanding the fundamentals of GCP, managing and storing data, deploying and monitoring applications, implementing GCP security measures, and more. The curriculum is updated regularly to reflect the latest GCP developments, ensuring students always have the most relevant knowledge at their disposal.

Learn from Certified Google Cloud Experts

The GCP Certification Training at Multisoft Virtual Academy is facilitated by certified Google Cloud experts. These instructors, with their years of industry experience, bring real-world insights into the classroom. They guide students through complex GCP concepts and provide invaluable tips on practical application, helping learners become proficient GCP users.

Hands-on Training for Real-World GCP Application

At Multisoft Virtual Academy, we believe that practical application is as important as theoretical knowledge. Therefore, our GCP Certification Training includes numerous hands-on sessions and projects that let students apply what they've learned in real-world scenarios. This experience helps learners understand the nuances of GCP and prepares them to solve real-world challenges they may encounter in their professional life.

An Industry-Recognized Certification

Upon successful completion of the GCP Certification Training, participants are awarded an industry-recognized certification from Multisoft Virtual Academy. This certification not only enhances your professional profile but also signifies your expertise in using the Google Cloud Platform, increasing your employability in the competitive IT industry.

Flexible Learning Options

Recognizing that many of our students are working professionals, Multisoft Virtual Academy offers flexible learning options for the GCP Certification Training. Whether you prefer live online training, self-paced learning, or corporate training sessions, we accommodate your unique learning preferences. Our training platform allows you to learn at your convenience, ensuring your professional development does not interfere with your personal or work commitments.

Endless Career Opportunities with GCP Certification

The GCP Certification from Multisoft Virtual Academy can open up numerous career opportunities in the ever-evolving IT industry. Certified GCP professionals are highly sought-after by top companies globally for roles such as Cloud Architects, Data Engineers, and GCP Administrators. With cloud technology gaining traction across industries, the demand for certified GCP professionals is expected to rise significantly in the coming years.


Google Cloud Platform Certification Training from Multisoft Virtual Academy is an excellent opportunity for IT professionals and aspiring cloud practitioners to enhance their skillset and accelerate their career growth. Our comprehensive training program, backed by expert instructors and hands-on practical experience, ensures that our graduates are ready to make a mark in the exciting world of cloud technology. So why wait? Enroll today and take your first step towards becoming a certified GCP professional!

Exploring the Latest Features and Updates in SAP ARIBA- What Procurement Professionals Need to Know?

SAP ARIBA is a leading procurement solution that helps businesses streamline their procurement process, from sourcing to payment. Enroll for SAP ARIBA Certification Training course from Multisoft Virtual Academy to gain in-depth knowledge about the SAP ARIBA platform. The platform is constantly evolving, with new features and updates being released regularly. As a procurement professional, it is essential to stay up-to-date with these changes to ensure that your procurement process is always optimized for success.

In this article, we will explore some of the latest features and updates in SAP ARIBA and discuss how they can benefit your procurement process.

AI-Powered Sourcing

One of the latest features in SAP ARIBA is the AI-powered sourcing. With this feature, businesses can automate the sourcing process, from identifying the right suppliers to negotiating contracts. This enables businesses to save time and reduce costs, while also ensuring that they are working with the best suppliers.

Enhanced Supplier Management

SAP ARIBA's enhanced supplier management features allow businesses to manage their suppliers more efficiently. With this feature, businesses can monitor supplier performance, track supplier compliance, and collaborate with suppliers more effectively. This enables businesses to build stronger relationships with their suppliers and ensure that they are meeting their procurement needs.

Integrated Payment Solutions

Another significant update in SAP ARIBA is the integration of payment solutions. With this feature, businesses can streamline their payment process, from invoice to payment. This enables businesses to make payments more efficiently and effectively, reducing the risk of errors and delays.

Intelligent Contract Management

SAP ARIBA's intelligent contract management feature allows businesses to manage their contracts more efficiently. With this feature, businesses can automate contract creation, manage contract compliance, and track contract performance. This enables businesses to reduce their risk and ensure that they are meeting their contractual obligations.

Improved Mobile Experience

Finally, SAP ARIBA's improved mobile experience enables procurement professionals to manage their procurement process on-the-go. With this feature, procurement professionals can access critical information and complete procurement tasks from their mobile devices, making it easier to manage their procurement process from anywhere.

Why enroll for SAP ARIBA Certification Training course from Multisoft Virtual Academy?

Multisoft Virtual Academy has been in training industry for more than 2 decades and backed by a team of global subject matter experts from around the world. With Multisoft, you get the opportunity to learn from experienced industry experts and gain skills with hands-on experience from real-life projects and assignments. All the courses offered by Multisoft come with perks like lifetime access to e-learning material, recorded training session videos and after training support.

The courses are delivered in live instructor led, one-on-one and corporate training sessions, where after successful completion of the training program, aspirants receive a

globally recognized training certificate to validate and showcase their learning and skills to potential employers across the world.

Conclusion: Through SAP ARIBA Certification Training course from Multisoft Virtual Academy, participants will learn about features and capabilities of SAP ARIBA, such as AI-powered sourcing, enhanced supplier management, integrated payment solutions, intelligent contract management, and improved mobile experience, to streamline procurement process and achieve greater efficiency and cost savings.

Salary Trend of Cloud Solution Architect by Location 2023

With increasing adoption of cloud technologies, the demand for Cloud Solutions Architect certification programs like, Google Cloud Architect Online Training & Certification Course has increased manifolds in last few years. This article will provide insights on salary (based on location) and roles and responsibilities of a Cloud Solutions Architect.

Who is a Cloud Solution Architect?

A Cloud Solution Architect is a professional who designs, implements, and manages cloud-based solutions for organizations. They are responsible for assessing the organization's business requirements and designing cloud-based solutions that meet those needs.

The Cloud Solution Architect role requires a broad understanding of cloud computing technologies, including infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS). They must be familiar with multiple cloud service providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and others.

A Cloud Solution Architect must be knowledgeable about security, compliance, scalability, and cost optimization of cloud-based solutions. They work with stakeholders to ensure that the solution aligns with business objectives, budget, and timelines. Additionally, they may be involved in managing the implementation and ongoing maintenance of the cloud-based solution.

What are the roles and responsibilities of a cloud solutions architect?

The roles and responsibilities of a Cloud Solution Architect can vary depending on the organization and project needs. However, here are some common roles and responsibilities that a Cloud Solution Architect typically performs:

  • Understand business requirements: Cloud Solution Architects must work with stakeholders to understand the organization's business requirements and technical needs. They must determine the goals and objectives of the cloud-based solution.
  • Design cloud-based solutions: Once the business requirements are understood, Cloud Solution Architects must design cloud-based solutions that meet those needs. They must select appropriate cloud technologies and services to address the business requirements. They must also ensure that the solution aligns with industry best practices and security standards.
  • Develop and implement cloud-based solutions: Cloud Solution Architects must work with developers, system administrators, and other technical staff to implement the cloud-based solution. They must ensure that the solution is scalable, cost-effective, and meets the desired performance and availability requirements.
  • Manage cloud-based solutions: After the solution is implemented, Cloud Solution Architects must manage and maintain the cloud-based solution. They must ensure that the solution is updated, patched, and meets compliance requirements.
  • Provide technical guidance and support: Cloud Solution Architects must provide technical guidance and support to stakeholders, developers, and other technical staff. They must explain complex cloud concepts in a clear and concise manner.
  • Stay up-to-date with emerging cloud technologies: Cloud Solution Architects must stay up-to-date with the latest cloud technologies and trends. They must evaluate new cloud services and determine if they can be incorporated into the organization's cloud-based solutions.

Salary of Cloud Solutions Architect by Location

Here, you will see the average salary of cloud solutions architect based on different countries.

Average Cloud Solutions Architect Salary in India

Average Cloud Solutions Architect Salary in United States

Average Cloud Solutions Architect Salary in United Kingdom


Average Cloud Solutions Architect Salary in Australia

Average Cloud Solutions Architect Salary in Canada

Average Cloud Solutions Architect Salary in New Zealand

Average Cloud Solutions Architect Salary in Singapore

Average Cloud Solutions Architect Salary in South Africa


Keep in mind that the figures mentioned for average salary may change based on the experience, base salary and bonus.

How can I become a Cloud Solutions Architect?

One of the best ways is to opt for online training programs, such as Google Cloud Architect Online Training & Certification Course from a reputed training institution. We recommend Multisoft Virtual Academy, as the trainings delivered here are provided by Multisoft’s global subject matter experts. They are industry experts in cloud computing and other related domains. By simply enrolling for a training program, you can avail benefits like, lifetime e-learning access, recorded training session videos, after training

support and a globally recognized training certificate. Most importantly, you get to learn all the concepts with hands-on training from assignments and projects based on real-life examples and scenarios. For more information or assistance, connect with our training advisors at +91 8130666206 and write to us at

Understanding PDMS – What is PDMS and Its Uses

Do you wish to learn what PDMS is and how it benefits the users? Enroll for PDMS Software Training Certification Course Online from Multisoft Virtual Academy or just go through this piece of content to get sneak-peak of the software in question. Let’s begin.

What is PDMS?

PDMS (Plant Design Management System) is a 3D plant design software developed by AVEVA, a global engineering and industrial software company. It is widely used in the oil and gas, petrochemical, and power generation industries to create and manage detailed 3D models of process plants.

PDMS provides a comprehensive set of tools for designing process plants, including equipment modeling, piping design, structural modeling, and electrical and instrumentation design. It also includes features for managing project data, collaborating with team members, and analyzing and optimizing plant design. The software uses advanced technology, including intelligent design components and parametric modeling, to improve accuracy and efficiency in plant design and construction. It also integrates with other AVEVA software products, such as AVEVA E3D (Everything 3D), to provide a complete solution for plant design and management.

What are the key capabilities/uses of PDMS Software?

The key capabilities and uses of PDMS software include:

  • 3D modeling: PDMS provides a comprehensive set of tools for creating detailed 3D models of process plants, including equipment, piping, structural components, and instrumentation.
  • Clash detection: PDMS includes features for detecting clashes between different components within the 3D model, enabling designers to identify and resolve potential issues early in the design process.
  • Isometric drawing production: PDMS can automatically generate isometric drawings from the 3D model, which are used for fabrication and construction.
  • Project management: PDMS includes features for managing project data, such as document management, version control, and project status tracking.
  • Collaboration: PDMS enables collaboration between different disciplines and stakeholders involved in the design and construction of process plants, such as engineers, designers, project managers, and contractors.
  • Engineering analysis: PDMS can be used in conjunction with other software tools to perform engineering analysis, such as stress analysis, piping flexibility analysis, and equipment design.
  • Data exchange: PDMS can exchange data with other software tools and systems used in the design and construction of process plants, such as CAD software, engineering analysis software, and project management software.

Overall, PDMS is a powerful software tool that enables efficient and accurate 3D modeling of process plants, as well as effective collaboration and project management. It is widely used in the oil and gas, petrochemical, and power generation industries, among others.

Why enroll for PDMS Software Training Certification Course Online from Multisoft Virtual Academy?

Multisoft Virtual Academy has been in training industry for more than 2 decades and backed by a team of global subject matter experts from around the world. With Multisoft, you get the opportunity to learn from experienced industry experts and gain skills with hands-on experience from real-life projects and assignments. All the courses offered by Multisoft come with perks like lifetime access to e-learning material, recorded training session videos and after training support.

The courses are delivered in live instructor led, one-on-one and corporate training sessions, where after successful completion of the training program, aspirants receive a globally recognized training certificate to validate and showcase their learning and skills to potential employers across the world.

Conclusion: PDMS Software Training Certification Course Online from Multisoft Virtual Academy will introduce you to PDMS, a widely used software in the oil and gas, petrochemical, and power generation industries, among others. By gaining expertise in PDMS, you can enhance your career prospects and increase your job opportunities.

Top 20 CAESAR II Interview Questions and Answers

Do you wish to establish your career as a piping designer? Enroll for Intergraph CAESAR II Online Training & Certification Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy. However, if you have already finished your training program, and preparing for interview, here is a little help that will help you ace that interview with much ease.

Below is the list of top 20 CAESER II interview questions and answers.

Q1: What is CAESAR II and what is it used for?

Ans: CAESAR II is a software package used for piping stress analysis. It is used to analyze piping systems and ensure that they are safe, reliable, and meet regulatory requirements.

Q2: What are the key features of CAESAR II?

Ans: Some of the key features of CAESAR II include its ability to perform stress analysis, calculate pipe support loads, analyze wind and seismic loads, and model complex piping systems.

Q3: What are the different types of loads that can be analyzed using CAESAR II?

Ans: CAESAR II can be used to analyze various types of loads including pressure, thermal, wind, seismic, and other external loads.

Q4: How does CAESAR II handle thermal expansion in piping systems?

Ans: CAESAR II calculates the thermal expansion of piping systems based on the input of temperature changes and material properties. The software then determines the resulting stress in the piping system and identifies any areas that may require additional support or modification.

Q5: How does CAESAR II handle pressure analysis in piping systems?

Ans: CAESAR II analyzes the pressure in piping systems based on the input of fluid properties, flow rates, and system pressures. The software then determines the resulting stress in the piping system and identifies any areas that may require additional support or modification.

Q6: How does CAESAR II handle seismic analysis in piping systems?

Ans: CAESAR II analyzes the seismic response of piping systems based on the input of seismic forces and accelerations. The software then determines the resulting stress in the piping system and identifies any areas that may require additional support or modification.

Q7: How does CAESAR II handle wind analysis in piping systems?

Ans: CAESAR II analyzes the wind response of piping systems based on the input of wind forces and velocities. The software then determines the resulting stress in the piping system and identifies any areas that may require additional support or modification.

Q8: How does CAESAR II handle supports and restraints analysis in piping systems?

Ans: CAESAR II analyzes the supports and restraints of piping systems based on the input of support properties and locations. The software then determines the resulting stress in the piping system and identifies any areas that may require additional support or modification.

Q9: What are the types of support available in CAESAR II?

Ans:CAESAR II supports various types of pipe supports including anchors, guides, hangers, and restraints.

Q10: What is the difference between an anchor and a guide in CAESAR II?

Ans: An anchor restricts all six degrees of freedom of the pipe while a guide only restricts movement in the direction of the guide.

Q11: How does CAESAR II calculate pipe stress?

Ans: CAESAR II uses finite element analysis (FEA) to calculate pipe stress. FEA breaks down the piping system into small elements and calculates stress and strain at each element.

Q12: How does CAESAR II calculate thermal expansion?

Ans: CAESAR II calculates thermal expansion by determining the change in temperature of the pipe and using its coefficient of thermal expansion to calculate the resulting length change.

Q13: What is the difference between a displacement-controlled and force-controlled analysis in CAESAR II?

Ans: In a displacement-controlled analysis, the displacements of the piping system are calculated and the stresses are determined based on the allowable displacement. In a force-controlled analysis, the stresses are calculated and the required support loads are determined based on the allowable stress.

Q14: How does CAESAR II handle wind and seismic loads?

Ans: CAESAR II uses the ASCE 7 code to calculate wind and seismic loads. These loads are then used to calculate the stresses in the piping system.

Q15: What is the role of the input file in CAESAR II?

Ans: The input file contains all the data necessary for the analysis. This includes the pipe geometry, material properties, loads, and supports.

Q16: What is the purpose of the output file in CAESAR II?

Ans: The output file contains the results of the analysis. This includes stresses, displacements, support loads, and other relevant data.

Q17: What is the difference between a static and dynamic analysis in CAESAR II?

Ans: In a static analysis, the loads and responses are assumed to be constant over time. In a dynamic analysis, the loads and responses vary over time and are calculated using time-dependent equations.

Q18: What are the different types of nozzle loads that can be analyzed using CAESAR II?

Ans: CAESAR II can analyze various types of nozzle loads including moments, forces, and torques.

Q19: What is the purpose of a piping specification in CAESAR II?

Ans: piping specification defines the allowable stresses, material properties, and other design criteria for the piping system.

Q20: What is the difference between a seamless and welded pipe in CAESAR II?

Ans: seamless pipe has no welded seams while a welded pipe is created by welding two pieces of pipe together.

Need to gain in-depth knowledge on CAESER II? Enroll for Intergraph CAESAR II Online Training & Certification Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy.

Why you should enroll for Intergraph CAESAR II Training & Certification Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy?

Multisoft Virtual Academy has been in training industry for more than 2 decades and backed by a team of global subject matter experts from around the world. With Multisoft, you get the opportunity to learn from experienced industry experts and gain skills with hands-on experience from real-life projects and assignments. All the courses offered by Multisoft come with perks like lifetime access to e-learning material, recorded training session videos and after training support.

The courses are delivered in live instructor led, one-on-one and corporate training sessions, where after successful completion of the corporate training program, aspirants receive a globally recognized training certificate to validate and showcase their learning and skills to potential employers across the world.

Conclusion: With Intergraph CAESAR II Training & Certification Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy, you will master CAESAR II, a powerful software tool that can help engineers and designers accurately analyze the stress and behavior of piping systems. Learning this software can help improve your career prospects and make you a more attractive candidate to potential employers.

Best Practices for Implementing ServiceNow Customer Service Management: Tips and Strategies

Completed your ServiceNow Customer Service Management Fundamentals Online Training Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy and planning to implement ServiceNow CSM to your business module. Here is a list of best practices that one should follow while implement ServiceNow CSM. As implementing ServiceNow Customer Service Management (CSM) can be a complex process, these tips and strategies will help ensure successful implementation.

Tips and Strategies for ServiceNow Customer Service Management Implementation

Define clear goals and objectives: Before you start the implementation process, it's important to define clear goals and objectives for the project. This can help ensure that everyone involved in the project is working towards the same end result.

Start with a pilot project: A pilot project can help you test the system and identify any issues or challenges before rolling out the solution to your entire organization. It can also help you get buy-in from stakeholders and build momentum for the project.

Get executive buy-in: Getting executive buy-in can help ensure that the project has the necessary resources and support to succeed. It can also help ensure that the project aligns with the organization's overall goals and objectives.

Involve key stakeholders: It's important to involve key stakeholders, such as customer service representatives, IT staff, and business leaders, in the implementation process. This can help ensure that the solution meets the needs of all stakeholders and is adopted more easily.

Develop a phased implementation plan: A phased implementation plan can help break the project down into smaller, more manageable stages, reducing the risk of disruption and minimizing downtime.

Train users: It's important to provide comprehensive training to users on how to use the new system. This can help ensure that they understand how to use the system effectively and can maximize its benefits.

Monitor and measure success: After the implementation process is complete, it's important to monitor and measure the success of the project. This can help identify areas for improvement and ensure that the solution is meeting the organization's goals and objectives.

By following these best practices, organizations can increase the likelihood of a successful ServiceNow CSM implementation and maximize the benefits of the solution. New to ServiceNow admin certification Customer Service Management? Enroll for ServiceNow Customer Service Management Fundamentals Online Training Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy.

Why enroll for ServiceNow Customer Service Management Fundamentals Online Training Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy?

Multisoft, you get the opportunity to learn from experienced industry experts and gain skills with hands-on experience from real-life projects and assignments. All the courses offered by Multisoft come with perks like lifetime access to e-learning material, recorded training session videos and after corporate training support.

The courses are delivered in live instructor led, one-on-one and corporate training sessions, where after successful completion of the training program, aspirants receive a globally recognized training certificate to validate and showcase their learning and skills to potential employers across the world.

Conclusion: Learning ServiceNow Customer Service Management Fundamentals Online Training Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy will help you learn how to use the capabilities of ServiceNow CSM platform to streamline customer service operations and improve response times; increase customer satisfaction levels; build customer loyalty; gain better insights into customer needs and more.

Configuring Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce: Best Practices and Key Concepts

Wish to become Dynamics 365 Commerce Functional Consultant? Enroll for MB-340: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce Functional Consultant training course from Multisoft Virtual Academy. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce is a powerful platform designed to help businesses streamline their commerce operations, from online sales to in-store transactions. However, configuring the software can be a complex task that requires a deep understanding of the platform's capabilities and best practices. In this article, we will explore some of the best practices and key concepts for configuring Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce.

Define Your Business Requirements: Before configuring Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce, it is essential to define your business requirements. This involves identifying your business processes and the functionality you require to support them. By defining your requirements upfront, you can ensure that the software is configured to meet your specific needs.

Follow Industry Standards: When configuring Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce, it is important to follow industry standards and best practices. This can help you avoid common pitfalls and ensure that your software is configured in a way that is efficient, secure, and scalable.

Use Standard Configurations: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce includes standard configurations that are designed to support common business scenarios. By using these standard configurations, you can save time and ensure that your software is configured in a way that is consistent with best practices.

Customize Carefully: While Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce is a highly customizable platform, it is important to customize carefully. This involves evaluating the impact of each customization and considering the long-term implications for your business. By customizing carefully, you can ensure that your software is configured to support your specific needs without introducing unnecessary complexity.

Consider Integrations: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce can be integrated with other Microsoft solutions, such as Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations, Power BI, and Office 365. When configuring the software, it is important to consider these integrations and ensure that they are set up correctly. This can help you achieve a more streamlined and efficient business process.

Test Thoroughly: When configuring Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce, it is important to test thoroughly to ensure that the software is configured correctly and working as expected. This involves testing each configuration change in a development environment before deploying it to your production environment. By testing thoroughly, you can avoid errors and ensure that your software is configured for optimal performance.

In conclusion, configuring Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce requires a deep understanding of the platform's capabilities and best practices. By defining your business requirements, following industry standards, using standard configurations, customizing carefully, considering integrations, and testing thoroughly, you can configure the software in a way that meets your specific needs and supports your business processes.

Why enroll for MB-340: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce Functional Consultant training course from Multisoft Virtual Academy?

Multisoft Virtual Academy has been in training industry for more than 2 decades and backed by a team of global subject matter experts from around the world. With Multisoft, you get the opportunity to learn from experienced industry experts and gain skills with hands-on experience from real-life projects and assignments. All the courses offered by Multisoft come with perks like lifetime access to e-learning material, recorded training session videos and after training support.

The courses are delivered in live instructor led, one-on-one and corporate training sessions, where after successful completion of the training program, aspirants receive a globally recognized training certificate to validate and showcase their learning and skills to potential employers across the world.


Conclusion: Learning MB-340: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce Functional Consultant training course from Multisoft Virtual Academy can provide a range of benefits, including in-demand skills, career advancement, improved business processes, competitive advantage, and personal growth. For individuals working in the retail industry or looking to enter the field, learning this software can be a valuable investment in their professional development.

Microsoft Azure DevOps: The Cloud-Based Solution for Your Software Development Needs

In today's fast-paced and highly competitive business landscape, it is essential for organizations to deliver high-quality software products quickly and efficiently. This is where the AZ-400: Designing and Implementing DevOps Solutions corporate training program from Multisoft Virtual Academy can be helpful. Microsoft Azure DevOps provides a cloud-based solution for managing the entire software development lifecycle, from planning and coding to testing and deployment.

Here are some of the key benefits of using Microsoft Azure DevOps for your software development needs:

· Integrated Platform: Microsoft Azure DevOps provides a fully integrated platform that includes tools for planning, coding, building, testing, and deploying software. This allows teams to work seamlessly together, reducing communication gaps and improving collaboration.

· Cloud-Based: With Microsoft Azure DevOps, you can easily store and manage your code in the cloud, making it accessible from anywhere and on any device. This also means that you don't have to worry about managing your own infrastructure or hardware, reducing IT costs and simplifying the deployment process.

· Flexibility: Microsoft Azure DevOps is highly customizable, allowing you to tailor the platform to your specific needs. You can choose which tools and features to use and configure them to match your workflow and processes.

· Continuous Integration and Deployment: Microsoft Azure DevOps enables you to automate the entire software development process, from code changes to testing to deployment. This results in faster release cycles and reduces the risk of human error.

· Enhanced Security: Microsoft Azure DevOps provides robust security features, including role-based access control, data encryption, and compliance certifications. This ensures that your code is secure and compliant with industry standards and regulations.

· Improved Analytics: Microsoft Azure DevOps provides powerful analytics tools that enable you to track and analyze your development processes and identify areas for improvement. This helps you to optimize your workflow, reduce bottlenecks, and improve overall efficiency.

In conclusion, Microsoft Azure DevOps is a cloud-based solution that provides organizations with a comprehensive set of tools and services for managing the entire software development lifecycle. By leveraging this platform, organizations can improve collaboration, reduce costs, and accelerate software delivery while ensuring security and compliance. With its powerful features and flexibility, Microsoft Azure DevOps is a must-have for modern software development teams.

Why enroll for AZ-400: Designing and Implementing DevOps Solutions Corporate training course from Multisoft Virtual Academy?

Multisoft Virtual Academy has been in training industry for more than 2 decades and backed by a team of global subject matter experts from around the world. With Multisoft, participants get the opportunity to learn from experienced industry experts and gain skills with hands-on experience from real-life projects and assignments. All the courses offered by Multisoft can be completely customized based on the learning requirement and preferred schedule of the workforce.

The courses are delivered in live instructor led corporate training sessions, where after successful completion of the training program, participants receive a globally recognized training certificate to validate and showcase their learning and skills.

Conclusion: The AZ-400: Designing and Implementing DevOps Solutions training program from Multisoft Virtual Academy provides companies with a valuable opportunity to equip their employees with the skills necessary to develop and deploy software applications more efficiently and securely. By enrolling their employees in this program, companies can enhance team collaboration, improve software delivery speed and quality, and boost employee morale.

Automating HR Tasks with SAP SuccessFactors: Saving Time and Improving Efficiency

Learning SAP SuccessFactors Corporate Training and Certification Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy cam help you streamline operations and maximize resources. One area where this can be particularly challenging is human resources (HR) management. SAP SuccessFactors, a cloud-based human capital management (HCM) solution, can help businesses automate HR tasks, saving time and improving efficiency. In this article, we'll explore how SAP SuccessFactors can help automate HR tasks and improve overall productivity.

Streamlining Recruitment and Onboarding Processes

Recruitment and onboarding are time-consuming tasks that can be made more efficient through automation. With SAP SuccessFactors, companies can create job postings, screen resumes, schedule interviews, and complete the onboarding process all in one platform. Automation can help reduce the time it takes to fill open positions and get new hires up to speed.

Simplifying Performance Management

Performance management is a crucial aspect of HR management, but it can be time-consuming and complex. SAP SuccessFactors offers tools to streamline the performance management process, such as creating performance goals, tracking progress, and conducting performance reviews. Automation can help HR managers stay on top of the performance management process and identify areas for improvement.

Improving Time and Attendance Management

Time and attendance management is another area where automation can save time and improve accuracy. With SAP SuccessFactors, employees can clock in and out

electronically, and their time and attendance data is automatically recorded and tracked. This can reduce errors and save time compared to traditional manual timekeeping methods.

Enhancing Employee Learning and Development

Employee learning and development are critical for companies looking to improve productivity and stay competitive. SAP SuccessFactors provides tools to automate the learning and development process, such as creating training courses, tracking progress, and conducting assessments. Automation can help ensure that employees receive the training they need to be successful in their roles.

Streamlining Benefits Administration

Benefits administration can be complex and time-consuming, but SAP SuccessFactors can help automate the process. The platform can automate the enrollment process, track benefits, and generate reports. Automation can help reduce errors and ensure that employees receive the benefits they are entitled to.

Why learn SAP SuccessFactors Corporate Training and Certification Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy?

Multisoft Virtual Academy has been in training industry for more than 2 decades and backed by a team of global subject matter experts from around the world. With Multisoft, participants get the opportunity to learn from experienced industry experts and gain skills with hands-on experience from real-life projects and assignments. All the courses offered by Multisoft can be completely customized based on the learning requirement and preferred schedule of the workforce.

The courses are delivered in live instructor led corporate training sessions, where after successful completion of the training program, participants receive a globally recognized training certificate to validate and showcase their learning and skills.

Conclusion: Learning SAP SuccessFactors Corporate Training and Certification Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy can save time and improve efficiency. From recruitment and onboarding to performance management, time and attendance, employee learning and development, and benefits administration, automation can help streamline HR processes and improve overall productivity. By leveraging the capabilities of SAP SuccessFactors, companies can focus on strategic HR initiatives that can drive business growth and success.

How Salesforce Financial Services Cloud is Redefining Wealth Management?

Salesforce Financial Services Cloud (FSC) Corporate Training Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy can be beneficial for your company growth. Salesforce Financial Services Cloud is a revolutionary platform designed to help wealth management firms transform their business processes, increase efficiency, and deliver personalized client experiences. It is a powerful tool that helps advisors to streamline their workflow and focus on building stronger relationships with their clients. This cloud-based platform enables financial advisors to deliver tailored advice and support to their clients, making it a game-changer for the wealth management industry.

With Salesforce Financial Services Cloud, wealth management firms can access a wide range of tools and features that enable them to provide personalized financial advice to their clients. The platform offers a 360-degree view of the client's financial profile, including their assets, liabilities, income, and expenses. This provides advisors with a holistic view of their clients' financial situation, allowing them to develop customized financial plans that address their specific needs.

One of the key benefits of Salesforce Financial Services Cloud is its ability to automate many routine tasks, such as data entry and account management. This frees up advisors to focus on providing valuable financial advice and building strong relationships with their clients. By automating these tasks, advisors can also reduce the risk of errors and ensure that their clients' accounts are always up-to-date.

The platform also includes a range of communication tools that enable advisors to stay in touch with their clients in real-time. This includes email, chat, and video conferencing, making it easy for advisors to provide support and advice whenever their clients need it. Additionally, the platform's mobile app enables advisors to access client data and manage their accounts from anywhere, at any time.

Salesforce Financial Services Cloud also includes a range of analytics tools that help advisors to gain insights into their clients' financial behavior. This includes data on their investment preferences, risk tolerance, and other factors that impact their financial decisions. By leveraging this data, advisors can develop more informed financial plans and provide more tailored advice to their clients.

In conclusion, Salesforce Financial Services Cloud is redefining wealth management by providing a powerful platform that enables advisors to deliver personalized financial advice and support to their clients. By automating routine tasks, providing real-time communication tools, and offering valuable analytics insights, the platform empowers advisors to build stronger relationships with their clients and provide more valuable financial advice. As the wealth management industry continues to evolve, it is clear that platforms like Salesforce Financial Services Cloud will play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of the industry.

Why enroll for Salesforce Financial Services Cloud (FSC) Corporate Training Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy?

Multisoft Virtual Academy has been in training industry for more than 2 decades and backed by a team of global subject matter experts from around the world. With Multisoft, participants get the opportunity to learn from experienced industry experts and gain skills with hands-on experience from real-life projects and assignments. All the courses offered by Multisoft can be completely customized based on the learning requirement and preferred schedule of the workforce.

The courses are delivered in live instructor led corporate training sessions, where after successful completion of the training program, participants receive a globally recognized training certificate to validate and showcase their learning and skills.

Conclusion: Salesforce Financial Services Cloud automates many routine tasks, such as data entry and account management, freeing up your workforce to focus on providing valuable financial advice and building strong relationships with clients. Enrolling for Salesforce Financial Services Cloud (FSC) Corporate Training Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy can result in increased productivity, improved client satisfaction, and reduced errors.

How Customization Can Boost Your Company's Productivity and Efficiency in Microsoft Dynamics 365?

Companies and professionals across the world are learning and adopting new technologies, such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 to business efficiency and productivity. Many have enroll for 55242-A: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customization and Configuration Training course from Multisoft Virtual Academy to gain skills from industry experts. Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a powerful tool that can help companies achieve these goals, but customization can take it to the next level. In this article, we'll explore how customization can boost your company's productivity and efficiency in Microsoft Dynamics 365.

Customization allows you to tailor Dynamics 365 to meet your specific business needs. You can modify the system to fit your processes, workflows, and unique requirements, which can significantly improve your company's productivity and efficiency. Here are some ways customization can help:

Streamlining Workflows

Customization allows you to create workflows that match your specific business processes. You can automate repetitive tasks, reduce manual data entry, and eliminate unnecessary steps, which can streamline your workflows and increase efficiency. This can save your employees time and allow them to focus on more critical tasks.


Customization allows you to personalize Dynamics 365 to match your company's branding and user preferences. This can create a more intuitive and user-friendly experience for your employees, which can increase their productivity and adoption of the system. With customization, you can create a dashboard that displays the most relevant information for each employee, making it easier for them to do their job.

Improved Reporting

Customization allows you to create custom reports that provide the data you need to make informed business decisions. You can create reports that focus on specific areas of your business, such as sales, finance, or customer service. This can give you insights into your business operations, allowing you to make better decisions that increase productivity and efficiency.

Integration with Other Systems

Customization allows you to integrate Dynamics 365 with other systems, such as your ERP, CRM, or marketing automation software. This can provide a seamless flow of information between systems, which can reduce manual data entry and errors. Integrating Dynamics 365 with other systems can also provide your employees with a more comprehensive view of customer information, which can improve their productivity and efficiency.

Customized Security

Customization allows you to customize security roles and permissions, ensuring that employees only have access to the data they need. This can prevent data breaches, reduce the risk of errors, and ensure that sensitive information is protected. Customized security can also reduce the time it takes for employees to access the information they need, which can improve their productivity.

In conclusion, customization can significantly boost your company's productivity and efficiency in Microsoft Dynamics 365. By streamlining workflows, personalizing the system, improving reporting, integrating with other systems, and customizing security, you can create a more efficient and productive business. Customization can also help you stay competitive in today's fast-paced business world by providing a system that matches your unique business needs.

Why enroll for 55242-A: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customization and Configuration Training course from Multisoft Virtual Academy?

Multisoft, you get the opportunity to learn from experienced industry experts and gain skills with hands-on experience from real-life projects and assignments. All the courses offered by Multisoft come with perks like lifetime access to e-learning material, recorded training session videos and after training support.

The courses are delivered in live instructor led, one-on-one and Corporate Training sessions, where after successful completion of the training program, aspirants receive a globally recognized training certificate to validate and showcase their learning and skills to potential employers across the world.

Conclusion:Learning 55242-A: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customization and Configuration Training course from Multisoft Virtual Academy customization and configuration is essential for individuals who want to become proficient in this powerful business tool. Customization and configuration are critical aspects of Dynamics 365 that allow organizations to tailor the system to their specific business needs.

Understanding the Benefits of SmartPlant P&ID for Process Plant Design

Are you an engineer interested in learning process plant designing? Then, you should enroll for SmartPlant P & ID Online Training and Certification Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy. SmartPlant P&ID is an advanced engineering software application used for creating and managing process and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs) in the process plant design industry. SmartPlant P&ID is developed by Intergraph, now part of Hexagon, a leading provider of engineering software and services.

SmartPlant P&ID offers a range of benefits to process plant design engineers, including improved accuracy, increased efficiency, and enhanced collaboration. In this article, we will explore these benefits in more detail.

  1. Improved accuracy: SmartPlant P&ID ensures that P&IDs are consistent and accurate by providing a centralized database of process information. This database is linked to the P&ID drawing, ensuring that all information is up-to-date and accurate. SmartPlant P&ID also provides validation checks to ensure that P&IDs are compliant with industry standards and regulations, reducing the risk of errors and rework.
  2. Increased efficiency: SmartPlant P&ID automates many of the time-consuming tasks associated with creating and managing P&IDs. The software includes a range of tools for creating and modifying P&IDs quickly and efficiently. For example, SmartPlant P&ID provides automatic line routing, allowing engineers to easily route lines between equipment and instruments. The software also includes a range of symbols and templates for quick and easy creation of P&IDs.
  3. Enhanced collaboration: SmartPlant P&ID provides a platform for collaboration between different stakeholders in the process plant design process. The software enables engineers to share P&IDs with other team members, including process engineers, mechanical engineers, and instrument engineers. This enables collaboration and ensures that all stakeholders are working from the same accurate and up-to-date information.
  4. Better data management: SmartPlant P&ID provides a centralized database for all process information, including process data, instrument data, and equipment data. This database can be accessed by other engineering applications, such as SmartPlant 3D, for seamless integration of data. SmartPlant P&ID also provides version control, ensuring that all changes are tracked and documented.
  5. Increased safety and compliance: SmartPlant P&ID ensures that P&IDs are compliant with industry standards and regulations, including ISA 5.1, ISO 14617, and DIN 28004. The software also includes a range of safety features, such as automatic detection of clashes and interferences, ensuring that designs are safe and compliant with regulations.

In conclusion, SmartPlant P&ID provides a range of benefits to process plant design engineers, including improved accuracy, increased efficiency, enhanced collaboration, better data management, and increased safety and compliance. These benefits enable engineers to design and manage process and instrumentation diagrams quickly and efficiently, while ensuring that all stakeholders are working from accurate and up-to-date information. SmartPlant P&ID is an essential tool for any process plant design engineer, helping to streamline the design process and improve overall project outcomes.

Why enroll for SmartPlant P & ID Online Training and Certification Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy?

Multisoft Virtual Academy has been in training industry for more than 2 decades and backed by a team of global subject matter experts from around the world. With Multisoft, you get the opportunity to learn from experienced industry experts and gain skills with hands-on experience from real-life projects and assignments. All the courses offered by Multisoft come with perks like lifetime access to e-learning material, recorded training session videos and after training support.

The courses are delivered in live instructor led, one-on-one and corporate training sessions, where after successful completion of the training program, aspirants receive a globally recognized training certificate to validate and showcase their learning and skills to potential employers across the world.

Conclusion: Learning SmartPlant P & ID Online Training and Certification Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy can provide a range of benefits to anyone interested in pursuing a career in process plant design or related fields. The software is widely used in the industry and offers tools and features that can improve efficiency, enhance collaboration, improve accuracy, and increase safety. Investing time in learning how to use this software can be a valuable career move and help individuals stand out in a competitive job market.

Understanding the Basics of AutoCAD P&ID: A Beginner's Guide

New to AutoCAD P&ID software? Enroll for AutoCAD P&ID Essential Online Training & Certification Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy and gain in-depth knowledge on all the essential aspects and capabilities of AutoCAD P&ID software. If you wish to learn about AutoCAD P&ID before enrolling, here’s a quick guide for you.

AutoCAD P&ID is a powerful software tool that is widely used in the field of plant design and engineering. It provides engineers and designers with the ability to create detailed piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs) quickly and easily. If you're new to AutoCAD P&ID, this beginner's guide will help you understand the basics of the software and how to get started.

What is AutoCAD P&ID?

AutoCAD P&ID is a software application that allows users to create, edit, and manage piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs). P&IDs are essential tools in the field of plant design and engineering, as they provide a graphical representation of the process and instrumentation that make up a plant system. P&IDs are used to communicate design intent, equipment specifications, and system configurations to stakeholders across the organization.

Getting Started with AutoCAD P&ID

To get started with AutoCAD P&ID, you will need to have the software installed on your computer. Once you have installed the software, you can launch it from the Start menu or desktop shortcut. When you first launch the software, you will be presented with a Welcome screen that provides options for creating a new drawing, opening an existing drawing, or accessing recent files.

Creating a New P&ID Drawing

To create a new P&ID drawing in AutoCAD P&ID, you can select the "New" option from the Welcome screen or the "File" menu. This will open a new drawing template that is specifically designed for P&ID creation. The template includes a range of pre-defined P&ID symbols and components that can be easily inserted into the drawing.

Inserting Symbols and Components

AutoCAD P&ID includes a wide range of pre-defined symbols and components that can be easily inserted into the drawing. To insert a symbol or component, you can select it from the P&ID palette, which is located on the left-hand side of the screen. The palette includes categories of symbols and components, such as equipment, valves, and instruments.

Connecting Symbols and Components
Once you have inserted symbols and components into the drawing, you can connect them using lines and arrows to represent the flow of materials and fluids through the system. AutoCAD P&ID includes a range of tools for creating and editing lines and arrows, including the ability to create custom line styles and arrowheads.

Annotating and Documenting the Drawing
AutoCAD P&ID also includes a range of tools for annotating and documenting the drawing, including the ability to add text, labels, and tags to symbols and components. These annotations and labels provide additional information about the system, such as equipment specifications and process parameters.

AutoCAD P&ID is a powerful software tool that is widely used in the field of plant design and engineering. With its intuitive interface and extensive library of symbols and components, AutoCAD P&ID makes it easy for engineers and designers to create detailed piping and instrumentation diagrams. By following this beginner's guide, you can get started with AutoCAD P&ID and begin creating your own P&IDs in no time.

Why enroll for AutoCAD P&ID Essential Online Training & Certification Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy?
Multisoft Virtual Academy has been in training industry for more than 2 decades and backed by a team of global subject matter experts from around the world. With Multisoft, you get the opportunity to learn from experienced industry experts and gain skills with hands-on experience from real-life projects and assignments. All the courses offered by Multisoft come with perks like lifetime access to e-learning material, recorded training session videos and after training support.

The courses are delivered in live instructor led, one-on-one and sessions, where after successful completion of the training program, aspirants receive a globally recognized training certificate to validate and showcase their learning and skills to potential employers across the world.

Learning AutoCAD P&ID Essential Online Training & Certification Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy can help to streamline design, increase efficiency, improve accuracy, enhance collaboration, and increase career opportunities. If you work in the field of plant design and engineering, learning AutoCAD P&ID is definitely worth considering.

The Role of an AVEVA E3D Admin: Responsibilities and Skills Required

For those, who wish to become an AVEVA E3D Administrator, should enroll for AVEVA E3D (Everything 3D) Admin Training Certification Course Online from Multisoft Virtual Academy. If you want to learn, what are the responsibilities and skills required to become an AVEVA E3D Admin, read the article. 

In the world of engineering and design, AVEVA E3D (Everything 3D) is a popular software used for plant design and construction projects. The software offers a range of features and tools to help engineers and designers create 3D models of plants and facilities. However, to ensure the smooth running of AVEVA E3D projects, it's essential to have an experienced AVEVA E3D admin on the team. In this blog, we'll explore the role of an AVEVA E3D admin, their responsibilities, and the skills required for the job.

What is an AVEVA E3D Admin?

An AVEVA E3D admin is a person responsible for managing the AVEVA E3D software and the associated project data. They are typically responsible for setting up and configuring the software, managing user accounts, ensuring the software is up to date, and troubleshooting any issues that arise during the project.

Responsibilities of an AVEVA E3D Admin

  • Software Configuration and Management: The AVEVA E3D admin is responsible for configuring the software to ensure it meets the specific requirements of the project. This involves setting up the database, creating project templates, and configuring project settings.
  • User Account Management: The AVEVA E3D admin is responsible for managing user accounts and permissions within the software. They create user accounts, set up user roles, and assign permissions to ensure that users can access the features and functions they need.
  • Data Management: The AVEVA E3D admin is responsible for managing project data, including creating and updating project data, maintaining data integrity, and ensuring data security.
  • Project Support: The AVEVA E3D admin is responsible for providing technical support to the project team. This involves troubleshooting any issues that arise, providing training to users, and ensuring that the software is functioning correctly.

Skills Required for an AVEVA E3D Admin

To be an effective AVEVA E3D admin, certain skills and knowledge are required. Some of the essential skills include:

  • A strong understanding of the AVEVA E3D software and its functionality.
  • Experience in software configuration and management.
  • Knowledge of project management principles.
  • An understanding of the engineering and construction industries.
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
  • The ability to troubleshoot issues and solve problems.

In conclusion, the role of an AVEVA E3D admin is critical in ensuring the successful completion of projects that use the software. Their responsibilities include software configuration and management, user account management, data management, and project support.

Why enroll for AVEVA E3D (Everything 3D) Admin Training Certification Course Online from Multisoft Virtual Academy?

Multisoft Virtual Academy has been in training industry for more than 2 decades and backed by a team of global subject matter experts from around the world. With Multisoft, you get the opportunity to learn from experienced industry experts and gain skills with hands-on experience from real-life projects and assignments. All the courses offered by Multisoft come with perks like lifetime access to e-learning material, recorded training session videos and after training support.

The courses are delivered in live instructor led, one-on-one and corporate training sessions, where after successful completion of the training program, aspirants receive a globally recognized training certificate to validate and showcase their learning and skills to potential employers across the world.


Learning AVEVA E3D (Everything 3D) Admin Training Certification Course Online from Multisoft Virtual Academy will help you develop relevant skills and knowledge are required to be an effective AVEVA E3D admin, such as, experience in software configuration and management, project management principles, strong communication and interpersonal skills.

Structural Analysis and Design Computer System (SACS) – A Comprehensive Overview

If you want to learn how to enhance the structural design processes of offshore structure, you should enroll for Structural Analysis Computer System (SACS) Software Online Training course from Multisoft Virtual Academy. In this blog, you will gain understanding of SACS and how it is beneficial for offshore structure design.

What is SACS?

SACS (Structural Analysis and Design Computer System) is a software application developed by Bentley Systems for structural analysis and design of offshore structures, including oil and gas platforms, wind turbines, and subsea pipelines. SACS is an integrated suite of applications that includes modules for modeling, analysis, design, and optimization of offshore structures.

What are the key capabilities and features of SACS?

The software supports a range of structural materials, including steel, concrete, and composites, and includes modules for linear and nonlinear analysis, dynamic analysis, fatigue analysis, and spectral analysis. SACS also includes modules for design of structural members, such as beams, columns, and plates, according to various design codes and standards, including API, ISO, and DNV.

SACS provides advanced tools for modeling and analyzing complex offshore structures, including 3D modeling, automatic mesh generation, and visualization. The software also includes features for optimization of structures, such as optimization of pile placement and size, and optimization of jacket structures for cost and weight.

SACS is widely used by structural engineers and designers in the oil and gas industry, offshore wind energy, and marine engineering. The software has a proven track record of reliability, accuracy, and efficiency in the analysis and design of offshore structures. SACS is also integrated with other software applications developed by Bentley Systems, such as MicroStation and OpenBuildings Designer, to provide a seamless workflow for offshore design and construction projects.

Key benefits offered by Structural Analysis Computer System (SACS)

There are several benefits of using Bentley's Structural Analysis Computer System (SACS) for structural analysis and design. Some of these benefits include:

  • Comprehensive software suite: SACS is an integrated suite of applications that includes modules for modeling, analysis, design, and optimization of offshore structures. This provides a comprehensive solution for the entire structural analysis and design process.
  • Advanced analysis capabilities: SACS supports a range of analysis methods, including linear and nonlinear analysis, dynamic analysis, fatigue analysis, and spectral analysis. This enables engineers to analyze structures in detail and identify potential design issues before construction.
  • Support for multiple materials: SACS supports a range of structural materials, including steel, concrete, and composites. This enables engineers to design structures using the most appropriate materials for the specific application.
  • Code compliance: SACS includes modules for design of structural members according to various design codes and standards, including API, ISO, and DNV. This ensures that designs are compliant with industry regulations and standards.
  • Optimization tools: SACS includes features for optimization of structures, such as optimization of pile placement and size, and optimization of jacket structures for cost and weight. This enables engineers to design structures that are optimized for performance, safety, and cost.
  • Visualization tools: SACS provides advanced visualization tools for 3D modeling, automatic mesh generation, and visualization of complex offshore structures. This enables engineers to visualize designs in detail and communicate design concepts to other stakeholders.
  • Integration with other software applications: SACS is integrated with other software applications developed by Bentley Systems, such as MicroStation and OpenBuildings Designer. This provides a seamless workflow for offshore design and construction projects.

Why you should enroll for Structural Analysis Computer System (SACS) Software Online Training course from Multisoft Virtual Academy?

Multisoft Virtual Academy has been in training industry for more than 2 decades and backed by a team of global subject matter experts from around the world. With Multisoft, you get the opportunity to learn from experienced industry experts and gain skills with hands-on experience from real-life projects and assignments. All the courses offered by Multisoft come with perks like lifetime access to e-learning material, recorded training session videos and after training support.

The courses are delivered in live instructor led, one-on-one and corporate training sessions, where after successful completion of the training program, aspirants receive a globally recognized training certificate to validate and showcase their learning and skills to potential employers across the world.

Conclusion: Learning Structural Analysis Computer System (SACS) Software Online Training course from Multisoft Virtual Academy will help participants understand the capabilities of SACS, such as advanced analysis capabilities, supports multiple materials, ensuring code compliance, optimization tools and more; and how to use them to design structures that are optimized for performance, safety, and cost, and to communicate design concepts effectively with other stakeholders.

SmartPlant Electrical for Maintenance and Operations: Key Features and Benefits

Do you wish to learn how to design, maintain, and manage electrical systems in industrial plants? Enroll for Smartplant Electrical (SPEL) Basic Training Certification Course Online from Multisoft Virtual Academy and learn from skilled industry experts.

SmartPlant Electrical is a powerful tool for plant design, but its usefulness doesn't stop once construction is complete. In fact, it's just as important for maintenance and operations as it is for design. Here are some key features and benefits of SmartPlant Electrical for maintenance and operations.

Enhanced data management: SmartPlant Electrical allows for the centralized management of electrical data, making it easier for maintenance and operations teams to access the information they need quickly and easily.

  • Accurate and up-to-date information: Because SmartPlant Electrical integrates with other plant design and management software, the information it contains is always accurate and up-to-date. This can help reduce errors and improve maintenance and operational efficiency.
  • Visualization of electrical systems: SmartPlant Electrical provides a clear visualization of electrical systems, allowing maintenance and operations teams to easily identify potential issues and troubleshoot problems quickly.
  • Advanced reporting capabilities: SmartPlant Electrical includes advanced reporting capabilities that can help maintenance and operations teams analyze data and identify trends over time. This can help identify potential problems before they occur, reducing downtime and maintenance costs.
  • Integration with maintenance management systems: SmartPlant Electrical can be integrated with maintenance management systems, making it easier for maintenance teams to track work orders, prioritize tasks, and schedule maintenance activities.
  • Compliance with industry standards: SmartPlant Electrical is designed to comply with industry standards and regulations, ensuring that maintenance and operations teams are working within the bounds of safety and compliance.
  • Training and support: SmartPlant Electrical includes extensive training and support resources, making it easy for maintenance and operations teams to learn how to use the software effectively.

In conclusion, SmartPlant Electrical is a valuable tool for maintenance and operations teams. Its advanced data management capabilities, accurate information, visualization of electrical systems, advanced reporting, integration with maintenance management systems, compliance with industry standards, and training and support resources make it an essential tool for ensuring plant safety, efficiency, and compliance.

Why enroll for Smartplant Electrical (SPEL) Basic Training Certification Course Online from Multisoft Virtual Academy?

Multisoft Virtual Academy has been in training industry for more than 2 decades and backed by a team of global subject matter experts from around the world. With Multisoft, you get the opportunity to learn from experienced industry experts and gain skills with hands-on experience from real-life projects and assignments. All the courses offered by Multisoft come with perks like lifetime access to e-learning material, recorded training session videos and after training support.

The courses are delivered in live instructor led, one-on-one and corporate training sessions, where after successful completion of the training program, aspirants receive a globally recognized training certificate to validate and showcase their learning and skills to potential employers across the world.

Conclusion: Learning Smartplant Electrical (SPEL) Basic Training Certification Course Online from Multisoft Virtual Academy can help participants improve their efficiency in plant design, construction, and maintenance. SmartPlant Electrical is widely used software in the plant design and management industry. Learning how to use it can increase your career opportunities and make you a more competitive candidate for jobs in this field.

Process Engineering vs. Chemical Engineering: Understanding the Differences

Multisoft Virtual Academy offers a detailed training program on process engineering, i.e. Process Engineering Online Training & Certification Course. This course imparts knowledge on implementing, designing, controlling and optimizing industrial processes in the manufacturing industry. However, if you are confused between process engineering and chemical engineering, this blog will help you understand the difference.

Process engineering and chemical engineering are two distinct fields that are closely related. Both involve the design and optimization of processes for the production of chemicals and other products. However, there are some key differences between these two fields. In this article, we will explore the differences between process engineering and chemical engineering.

Process Engineering

Process engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the design, optimization, and control of processes used in the production of goods and services. Process engineers design and optimize processes for manufacturing industries such as oil and gas, pharmaceuticals, and food and beverage. They are responsible for ensuring that processes are safe, efficient, and cost-effective.

Process engineers typically work with process flow diagrams (PFDs) and piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs) to visualize the process and identify opportunities for improvement. They use tools such as process simulation software to model the process and optimize its performance. Process engineers are also responsible for selecting the appropriate equipment and materials for the process.

Chemical Engineering

Chemical engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the design, development, and operation of chemical processes. Chemical engineers are responsible for designing and optimizing chemical processes for the production of chemicals, fuels, and other products. They are involved in every stage of the process, from research and development to full-scale production.

Chemical engineers use their knowledge of chemistry, physics, and mathematics to design and optimize chemical processes. They are responsible for selecting the appropriate chemical reactions and processes for the production of specific products. They use tools such as process simulation software and mathematical models to optimize the performance of chemical processes.

Differences between Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering

While process engineering and chemical engineering are closely related, there are some key differences between these two fields:

  • Scope: Process engineering is a broader field that encompasses the design and optimization of processes for the production of goods and services in all industries, while chemical engineering specifically focuses on the production of chemicals and other chemical-based products.
  • Emphasis: Chemical engineering places a greater emphasis on the chemistry and physics involved in the production of chemicals, while process engineering places a greater emphasis on the optimization of processes for the production of goods and services.
  • Tools: Chemical engineers use tools such as chemical reactors, distillation columns, and heat exchangers to design and optimize chemical processes, while process engineers use tools such as process flow diagrams and piping and instrumentation diagrams to design and optimize processes for the production of goods and services.
  • Skills: Chemical engineers require a strong background in chemistry and physics, while process engineers require a strong background in engineering principles and process optimization techniques.

Process engineering and chemical engineering are two distinct fields that are closely related. While both involve the design and optimization of processes for the production of goods and services, chemical engineering specifically focuses on the production of chemicals and other chemical-based products, while process engineering is a broader field that encompasses the design and optimization of processes for the production of goods and services in all industries. Understanding the differences between these two fields is important for anyone considering a career in either of these fields.

Why enroll for Process Engineering Online Training & Certification Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy?

Multisoft Virtual Academy has been in training industry for more than 2 decades and backed by a team of global subject matter experts from around the world. With Multisoft, you get the opportunity to learn from experienced industry experts and gain skills with hands-on experience from real-life projects and assignments. All the courses offered by Multisoft come with perks like lifetime access to e-learning material, recorded training session videos and after training support.

The courses are delivered in live instructor led, one-on-one and corporate training sessions, where after successful completion of the training program, aspirants receive a globally recognized training certificate to validate and showcase their learning and skills to potential employers across the world.

Conclusion: Learning Process Engineering Online Training & Certification Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy will help participants to learn how to optimize industrial processes, reducing the cost of production and improving efficiency. Learning process engineering can help you develop the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue a career in this field.

PDMS Training and Certification: Why it's Important for Career Growth

Wondering why PDMS Software Training Certification Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy is in demand these days? Plant Design Management System (PDMS) is a popular software used in the engineering and construction industries for plant design and construction projects. As PDMS continues to gain popularity, more and more companies are seeking employees who have the necessary skills and knowledge to use the software effectively. This is where PDMS training and certification come in. In this article, we will discuss why PDMS training and certification are important for career growth.

What is PDMS Training and Certification?

PDMS training is a program designed to provide individuals with the skills and knowledge they need to use the software effectively. Training programs can vary in length and content, depending on the level of expertise required.

PDMS certification is a credential that confirms an individual's expertise in using the software. Certification programs typically involve an exam or series of exams that test an individual's knowledge of PDMS.

Why is PDMS Training and Certification Important for Career Growth?

  • Demonstrates Expertise: PDMS training and certification demonstrate that an individual has the necessary skills and knowledge to use the software effectively. This can be a valuable asset when applying for jobs in the engineering and construction industries.
  • Increases Employability: As more companies adopt PDMS, there is an increasing demand for employees who have experience using the software. PDMS training and certification can help individuals stand out from other candidates and increase their employability.
  • Improves Efficiency: PDMS training and certification can help individuals use the software more efficiently, which can lead to increased productivity and reduced project timelines. This can be a valuable asset to employers and can help individuals advance in their careers.
  • Provides Continuing Education: PDMS training and certification programs often provide continuing education opportunities that can help individuals stay up-to-date with the latest software developments and industry trends.

Opens up Opportunities for Advancement: PDMS training and certification can help individuals qualify for higher-level positions within their organizations or seek out new career opportunities in other companies.

In conclusion, PDMS training and certification are important for career growth in the engineering and construction industries. They demonstrate expertise, increase employability, improve efficiency, provide continuing education, and open up opportunities for advancement. Individuals who invest in PDMS training and certification can position themselves for success in a rapidly evolving industry.

Why enroll for PDMS Software Training Certification Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy?

Multisoft Virtual Academy has been in training industry for more than 2 decades and backed by a team of global subject matter experts from around the world. With Multisoft, you get the opportunity to learn from experienced industry experts and gain skills with hands-on experience from real-life projects and assignments. All the courses offered by Multisoft come with perks like lifetime access to e-learning material, recorded training session videos and after training support.

The courses are delivered in live instructor led, one-on-one and corporate training sessions, where after successful completion of the training program, aspirants receive a globally recognized training certificate to validate and showcase their learning and skills to potential employers across the world.

Conclusion: Learning PDMS Software Training Certification Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy can be a valuable for professionals working in the engineering and construction industries. It can increase your chances of employment, improve project management efficiency, and provide opportunities for career advancement. This training program can be availed via online training sessions from industry experts.

Key Features of SPI Intools for Efficient Instrumentation Design

Enroll for SmartPlant Instrumentation/Intools (SPI) Training Certification Course Online from Multisoft Virtual Academy and gain in-depth knowledge of SPI Intools, a powerful software package designed for use in instrumentation design for process plants. It offers a range of features that can help engineers design, analyze, and optimize instrumentation systems quickly and efficiently. In this article, we will explore some of the key features of SPI Intools that make it an indispensable tool for efficient instrumentation design.

Comprehensive Instrumentation Database

One of the most important features of SPI Intools is its comprehensive instrumentation database. This database contains a vast library of pre-built instrumentation components, including valves, transmitters, controllers, and more. With this feature, engineers can quickly and easily select the appropriate instrument components for a given process, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.

Smart Instrument Tagging

SPI Intools also offers a smart tagging feature, which enables engineers to assign unique identifiers to each instrument component. This feature helps ensure that all instrumentation components are correctly identified and reduces the risk of errors during the design and construction phases.

Intuitive Instrumentation Design Tools

SPI Intools offers a range of intuitive instrumentation design tools that can help engineers create P&IDs and other design documentation quickly and easily. These tools include drag-and-drop placement, automatic instrument numbering, and customizable symbols, among others. This feature saves time and increases productivity by streamlining the design process.

Accurate Instrument Sizing and Selection

SPI Intools includes powerful algorithms that can help engineers accurately size and select instrumentation components based on process requirements. This feature ensures that instrumentation components are properly sized and optimized for the specific process, reducing the risk of over-sizing or under-sizing.

Advanced Analysis and Optimization Tools

SPI Intools also offers advanced analysis and optimization tools that can help engineers optimize their instrumentation designs for cost, performance, and safety. These tools include simulation and modeling capabilities, scenario analysis, and advanced reporting features, among others. This feature enables engineers to optimize their designs for maximum efficiency and safety.

Seamless Integration with Other Engineering Software

Finally, SPI Intools can be seamlessly integrated with other engineering software, such as 3D CAD and process simulation software. This feature enables engineers to create a complete, integrated model of the entire process plant, including the instrumentation systems, reducing the risk of errors and improving collaboration between different engineering disciplines.

In conclusion, SPI Intools offers a range of powerful features that make it an indispensable tool for efficient instrumentation design. From its comprehensive instrumentation database to its advanced analysis and optimization tools, SPI Intools enables engineers to design, analyze, and optimize instrumentation systems quickly and efficiently, reducing design time and increasing productivity.

Why enroll for SmartPlant Instrumentation/Intools (SPI) Training Certification Course Online from Multisoft Virtual Academy?

Multisoft Virtual Academy has been in training industry for more than 2 decades and backed by a team of global subject matter experts from around the world. With Multisoft, you get the opportunity to learn from experienced industry experts and gain skills with hands-on experience from real-life projects and assignments. All the courses offered by Multisoft come with perks like lifetime access to e-learning material, recorded training session videos and after training support.

The courses are delivered in live instructor led, one-on-one and corporate training sessions, where after successful completion of the training program, aspirants receive a globally recognized training certificate to validate and showcase their learning and skills to potential employers across the world.

Conclusion: Learning SmartPlant Instrumentation/Intools (SPI) Training Certification Course Online from Multisoft Virtual Academy can help engineers design instrumentation systems more efficiently. It can improve productivity, enhance collaboration, optimize design quality, and improve safety and risk management. It can also provide career advancement opportunities for engineers.

Innovative Features of AVEVA E3D Equipment for Advanced Plant Design

If you want to develop skills in AVEVA E3D Equipment, we would suggest you to enroll for AVEVA E3D Equipment Training Certification Course Online from Multisoft Virtual Academy. If you want to learn what AVEVA E3D Equipment is about, then read this blog.

AVEVA E3D Equipment is a powerful plant design software that provides innovative features for advanced plant design. With AVEVA E3D Equipment, engineers and designers can create detailed 3D models of equipment and systems, manage complex projects, and collaborate with stakeholders across the organization. In this blog, we will explore some of the innovative features of AVEVA E3D Equipment that make it a leading choice for advanced plant design.

  • Integrated 3D Modeling: AVEVA E3D Equipment offers integrated 3D modeling capabilities, allowing engineers and designers to create detailed models of equipment and systems. With intuitive modeling tools, users can quickly and easily create 3D models of complex equipment, including pumps, vessels, and piping systems. The software provides a comprehensive library of pre-configured components that can be easily assembled to create detailed 3D models.
  • Enhanced Visualization: AVEVA E3D Equipment provides advanced visualization tools that allow engineers and designers to see their designs in 3D, helping to identify potential design issues and improve design accuracy. The software also includes a range of visualization modes, including wireframe, shaded, and realistic views, allowing users to see their designs from different angles and perspectives.
  • Intelligent Clash Detection: AVEVA E3D Equipment features intelligent clash detection capabilities, allowing users to identify potential clashes and interferences between equipment and systems before they occur. The software automatically identifies and highlights any clashes, allowing designers to make the necessary changes to avoid potential issues.
  • Comprehensive Materials Management: AVEVA E3D Equipment includes comprehensive materials management capabilities, allowing users to manage and track materials throughout the design process. The software provides a centralized materials database, allowing users to easily search for, view, and edit materials information. This feature helps ensure that accurate materials data is used throughout the design process, improving design accuracy and reducing the risk of errors.
  • Robust Project Management: AVEVA E3D Equipment includes robust project management capabilities, allowing users to manage complex projects from start to finish. The software provides a range of project management tools, including task scheduling, resource allocation, and progress tracking. With these tools, users can easily manage and track project progress, ensuring that projects are completed on time and within budget.
  • Collaborative Design: AVEVA E3D Equipment provides collaborative design capabilities, allowing engineers and designers to work together on the same project in real-time. The software includes powerful collaboration tools, such as cloud-based data sharing, version control, and user permissions. With these tools, stakeholders across the organization can easily collaborate on designs, improving communication and reducing the risk of errors.

In conclusion, AVEVA E3D Equipment Corporate Training is a powerful and innovative plant design software that provides advanced 3D modeling, visualization, clash detection, materials management, project management, and collaborative design capabilities. With these features, engineers and designers can create detailed and accurate 3D models of equipment and systems, manage complex projects, and collaborate with stakeholders across the organization. If you're looking for a powerful and versatile plant design software, AVEVA E3D Equipment is definitely worth considering.

Why enroll for AVEVA E3D Equipment Training Certification Course Online from Multisoft Virtual Academy?

Multisoft Virtual Academy has been in training industry for more than 2 decades and backed by a team of global subject matter experts from around the world. With Multisoft, you get the opportunity to learn from experienced industry experts and gain skills with hands-on experience from real-life projects and assignments. All the courses offered by Multisoft come with perks like lifetime access to e-learning material, recorded training session videos and after training support.

The courses are delivered in live instructor led, one-on-one and corporate training sessions, where after successful completion of the training program, aspirants receive a globally recognized training certificate to validate and showcase their learning and skills to potential employers across the world.

Conclusion: Learning AVEVA E3D Equipment Training Certification Course Online from Multisoft Virtual Academy can be highly beneficial for engineers and designers working in the field of plant design. This training program will help you enhance your 3D modeling skills and create more complex and accurate designs.

Benefits of Using CAESAR II for Piping Design and Analysis

CAESAR II Certification Training for Pipe Stress Analysis from Multisoft Virtual Academy enables you to gain in-depth knowledge of CAESAR II, a powerful software tool for performing piping design and analysis. Its advanced capabilities and intuitive user interface make it an essential tool for many engineers and designers in the process industries. In this article, we will explore some of the key benefits of using CAESAR II for piping design and analysis.

Accurate Stress Analysis
One of the primary benefits of using CAESAR II for piping design and analysis is its ability to perform accurate stress analysis. The software uses finite element analysis (FEA) to calculate stresses and deformations in piping systems, taking into account factors such as thermal expansion, external loads, and fluid forces. This allows engineers to identify potential stress points and make design modifications to prevent failures.

Improved Design Quality
By using CAESAR II to analyze piping systems, engineers can identify design flaws and make necessary adjustments to improve the overall quality of the design. This can include modifying pipe supports, adjusting the routing of the piping, or changing the material specifications. By making these changes early in the design process, engineers can avoid costly rework and ensure that the final design meets all necessary requirements.

Enhanced Safety
Using CAESAR II for piping design and analysis can also help enhance safety in the plant. By identifying potential stress points and weak spots in the design, engineers can take steps to prevent failures that could lead to leaks or other hazards. This is especially important in industries such as oil and gas, where a failure in a piping system could have catastrophic consequences.

Increased Efficiency
CAESAR II is designed to help engineers work more efficiently by automating many of the tasks involved in piping design and analysis. For example, the software can automatically generate piping isometrics and perform pipe stress analysis, reducing the time required for these tasks. This allows engineers to focus their time and attention on more complex design challenges.

Reduced Costs
By using CAESAR II for piping design and analysis, companies can reduce costs by avoiding expensive design errors and rework. The software can help engineers identify potential issues early in the design process, reducing the likelihood of costly mistakes later on. In addition, by optimizing the design for efficiency and safety, companies can save money on materials, labor, and maintenance costs over the lifetime of the piping system.

In conclusion, the benefits of using CAESAR II for piping design and analysis are clear. From accurate stress analysis and improved design quality to enhanced safety and increased efficiency, the software offers a range of tools and capabilities that can help engineers and designers in the process industries work more effectively and produce better results.

Why enroll for CAESAR II Certification Training for Pipe Stress Analysis from Multisoft Virtual Academy?

Multisoft Virtual Academy has been in training industry for more than 2 decades and backed by a team of global subject matter experts from around the world. With Multisoft, you get the opportunity to learn from experienced industry experts and gain skills with hands-on experience from real-life projects and assignments. All the courses offered by Multisoft come with perks like lifetime access to e-learning material, recorded training session videos and after training support.

The courses are delivered in live instructor led, one-on-one and corporate training sessions, where after successful completion of the training program, aspirants receive a globally recognized training certificate to validate and showcase their learning and skills to potential employers across the world.

Conclusion: Learning CAESAR II Certification Training for Pipe Stress Analysis from Multisoft Virtual Academy is valuable for engineers working in industries that use piping systems. It can help ensure compliance with industry standards, increase productivity, improve design quality, and advance your career.

Become a Microsoft Azure Administrator with AZ104 Online Training & Certification Course

As a Microsoft Azure Administrator, you will be responsible for managing and implementing various Azure services, including compute, storage, network, and security solutions. This role involves ensuring the smooth operation of Azure environments, monitoring performance and capacity, troubleshooting issues, and optimizing resource utilization.

To become a certified Microsoft Azure Administrator, you can consider taking the AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator online training and certification course. This course will equip you with the knowledge and skills required to pass the Microsoft Azure Administrator Associate certification exam.

AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator Online Training & Certification Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy has been designed for IT professionals, Azure administrators, Azure engineers, and system administrators, who wish to learn Azure, its administration and how to manage related services. If you wish to become a Microsoft Azure Administrator, here are a few things that you should know about.

Who is a Microsoft Azure Administrator?

A Microsoft Azure Administrator is a professional responsible for managing and monitoring Microsoft Azure cloud computing services. He/she is also responsible for monitoring the performance of Azure services, diagnosing and resolving issues, and optimizing the cloud infrastructure to ensure maximum uptime and availability. Azure administrators work closely with developers, architects, and other IT professionals to ensure that Azure-based applications and services are running smoothly.

What are the roles and responsibilities of a Microsoft Azure Administrator?

Some of the common responsibilities of a Microsoft Azure Administrator include:

  • Deploying and configuring Azure services: Azure Administrators are responsible for setting up and configuring various Azure services such as virtual machines, databases, storage accounts, networking, and security.
  • Managing and monitoring Azure resources: They monitor Azure resources to ensure high availability, scalability, and performance. They also troubleshoot issues and perform regular maintenance tasks.
  • Ensuring security and compliance: Azure Administrators are responsible for ensuring that Azure services are secure and compliant with regulatory requirements. They implement security controls, monitor security events, and ensure data protection.
  • Collaborating with other teams: They work closely with developers, architects, and other IT teams to ensure that Azure services are meeting business requirements and are integrated with other systems.
  • Creating and managing Azure policies: They create and manage Azure policies to ensure compliance with organizational standards and best practices.
  • Performing backups and disaster recovery: They ensure that Azure resources are backed up regularly and implement disaster recovery plans to minimize downtime in case of an outage.
  • Optimizing costs: They monitor Azure costs and identify opportunities to optimize costs by using cost-effective solutions and optimizing resource usage.

What is the average salary of Azure Administrator?

Mentioned below is the average income offered to Microsoft Azure Administrators in some of the major countries:


Avg. Salary (Base Pay)



United States


United Kingdom






South Africa

ZAR 6,23,218/yr

While looking at the figures, please keep in mind that the actual pay/income may vary based on additional income, such as bonus and other monetary perks.

What you should do to become an Azure administrator?

To become a Microsoft Azure Administrator, one needs to have a strong understanding of cloud computing concepts, experience in managing cloud infrastructure, and proficiency in using Azure services and tools. Microsoft offers certification programs such as the Azure Administrator Associate certification to validate the skills and expertise of Azure Administrators.

Before applying for a Microsoft Azure Administration certification exam, we would recommend you to enroll for AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator Online Training & Certification Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy. This course will help you learn how to deploy and manage Azure compute services; manage Azure identity and governance; implement and manage storage; configure and manage virtual networking; monitor and maintain Azure resources and more. Participants will receive hands-on training from assignments and projects based on real-life examples and scenarios. All the topics are explained in step-by-step fashion in live instructor-led one-on-one and corporate training sessions. After enrollment, participants can also avail perks, such as lifetime e-learning access, recorded training session videos, after training support and a globally recognized training certificate.

What is the difference between SAP APO and SAP IBP? - SAP IBP Online Training Course

If you are planning to enrol for SAP IBP Online Training from Multisoft Virtual Academy and wish to gain a better understanding of the platform then you are at the right place. When looking for SAP IBP courses, you must have around the term SAP APO, which is often mentioned alongside SAP IBO. What is SAP APO and what’s its relation with SAP IBP? This article will help you get a better look into SAP IBP and understand the difference between SAP APO and SAP IBP.

What is SAP IBP? - SAP IBP Online Training Course

SAP Integrated Business Planning (IBP) is a cloud-based solution that helps companies forecast sales and revenues, plan their inventories in order to maximize profits and service fill rates, anticipate and address any supply chain bottlenecks, identify potential alternatives, all with the use of a simple and efficient user interface.

What is SAP APO? - SAP IBP Online Training Course

SAP APO stands for Advanced Planner and Optimizer. SAP APO is a supply chain planning tool; that helps organizations manage their supply chain. SAP APO had primarily four modules DP (Demand Planning), SNP (Supply Network Planning), PPDS (Production Planning and Detail Scheduling), and GATP (Global Available to Promise).

Difference between SAP IBP and SAP APO- SAP IBP Online Training Course

At present, SAP offers two systems for supply chain planning and management; they are SAP APO and SAP IBP. SAP APO is a well-known and widely used supply chain solution that has been used by customers for many years. However, the need for cloud solutions and growing technical innovations demanded a new powerful tool. To meet such demands, SAP introduced IBP, which takes up the tried-and-tested functions of APO and enriches it with a host of new possibilities. SAP Integrated Business Planning features functionalities such as the integration of key financial figures, optimization of forecasts in the short-term horizon (demand sensing), S&OP, high performance, diverse simulation options, configurable dashboards and real-time visualization.

In a nutshell, SAP IBP is the future, as it's built for the cloud and aligned with the company's S/4HANA roadmap. Some of the features missing from IBP, including Global Available-to-Promise, are included in S/4HANA instead and are an improvement over APO's legacy functionality. Also, SAP users thinking about switching to IBP should consider whether they've moved to S/4HANA and if predictive analytics is important to them, among other factors. Historically, supply chain managers have mostly used APO. By contrast, IBP provides a unified planning view that incorporates sales and management functions more fully and is tailored to each user's needs.

Interested to gain in-depth knowledge on SAP IBP? Enrol for SAP IBP Online Training Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy.

Why enrol for SAP IBP Online Training Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy?

Multisoft Virtual Academy has been in the training industry for more than 2 decades and is backed by a team of global subject matter experts from around the world. When you enrol for SAP IBP Online Training Course from Multisoft, you get the opportunity to learn from experienced industry experts and gain skills with hands-on experience from real-life projects and assignments. All the courses offered by Multisoft come with perks like lifetime access to e-learning material, recorded training session videos and after-training support.

The courses are delivered in live instructor-led, one-on-one and corporate training sessions, where after successful completion of the SAP IBP Online Training Course, aspirants receive a globally recognized training certificate to validate and showcase their learning and skills to employers across the world. What’s more? Multisoft after-training support assists you to connect with potential employers and lucrative job opportunities in related areas so that you can step up the career ladder without delay.

Conclusion: SAP IBP Online Training course from Multisoft Virtual Academy teaches participants about the fundamentals of SAP IBP while introducing them to the IBP platform and its capabilities. This course also teaches students how to use the platform to realize business demands. Enrol with Multisoft Virtual Academy and develop skills in one of the most popular modules of SAP.

Understanding responsibilities of a process engineer - Process Engineering Online Training

Before you enrol for Process Engineering Online Training course from Multisoft Virtual Academy, we would recommend you to understand the responsibilities of a process engineer. So that when you choose to enrol with the Process Engineering Online Training course, you have clear vision of the career you are going to choose.

Responsibilities of a process engineer - Process Engineering Online Training course

Before we walk through the responsibilities of a process engineer, keep in mind that the role of the process engineer may vary from company to company. Therefore, this list of is a general overview of responsibilities a process engineer is expected to undertake.

  1. Research and development – Many process engineers spend a large portion of their time on research and development; finding new technologies that can enhance current processes, and stimulate higher productivity in manufacturing.
  2. Simulating new processes with software – Because overhauling a process is a very expensive and risky task, new processes must be simulated using advanced software that mimics real-world conditions – ensuring that a potential process improvement is worth the risk.
  3. Equipment monitoring – Process engineers who are focused on operations often monitor equipment to ensure that it is functioning correctly, and running according to the standards they put in place when designing the process.
  4. Writing and editing documentation – Documentation for all existing processes must be written up and edited regularly, to ensure that all new hires and other personnel can understand the best practices and standards of each individual process.
  5. Risk assessments of current equipment/processes – Process engineers are responsible for assessing current processes and equipment to determine risk of malfunction/failure, employee/personnel injury, and much more.
  6. Continual evaluation of all processes and equipment – Most process engineers are expected to monitor and evaluate all extant processes and equipment, and develop more streamlined, economical processes – if at all possible.
  7. New equipment installation – Senior process engineers are often responsible for overseeing the installation of new equipment, and making sure that it is installed according to the process specifications.
  8. Troubleshooting production problems – Engineers often work with specialist process technicians to resolve issues with production and processes.
  9. Overseeing processes and operations personnel – Process engineers in management roles typically have at least some control over the oversight and management of operations personnel and floor workers.
  10. Data collection/interpretation – Process engineers analyse, collect, interpret, and compile data–based reports based on data from the manufacturing floor.
  11. Presentation of data findings – Senior process engineers may be responsible for presenting and explaining data findings to C-suite executive and other high-level business personnel.
  12. Budgeting responsibilities – Process engineers may either have input on the manufacturing budget, or be solely responsible for stay on-budget, in some cases.

Why enrol for Process Engineering Online Training course from Multisoft Virtual Academy?

Multisoft Virtual Academy has been in training industry for more than 2 decades and backed by a team of global subject matter experts from around the world. When you enroll for Process Engineering Online Training Course from Multisoft, you get the opportunity to learn from experienced industry experts and gain skills with hands-on experience from real-life projects and assignments. All the courses offered by Multisoft come with perks like lifetime access to e-learning material, recorded training session videos and after training support.

The courses are delivered in live instructor led, one-on-one and corporate training sessions, where after successful completion of the Process Engineering Corporate Training Course, aspirants receive a globally recognized training certificate to validate and showcase their learning and skills to employers across the world. What’s more? Multisoft after training support assists you to connect with potential employers and lucrative job opportunities in related areas, so that you can step up in the career ladder without delay.


If you want to gain clear understanding of all the fundamental aspects of process engineering, you should consider enrolling for Process Engineering Online Training Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy. This course is taught experienced and skilled process engineers, who will introduce you to process engineering; how to work with piping and instrumentation diagram; develop an understanding of the fabrication and conceptual levels; develop an understanding of construction plans; how to work with the various fields of Process Engineering and more.

Why you should enroll for SAP S/4 HANA Finance 1909 Certification Online Course?

Wondering what benefits enrolling for SAP S/4 HANA Finance 1909 Certification Online Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy can get you? Let’s check them out. But first, let’s take a quick look at SAP S/4HANA Finance software.

Why learn SAP S/4HANA Finance

SAP S/4HANA Finance is a comprehensive set of financial management and accounting solutions, accounting, and financial close, covering financial planning and analysis, collaborative finance operations treasury and financial risk management, enterprise risk and compliance management powered by the SAP HANA in-memory database.

Finance organizations need to comprise the digital age to keep up with new business models and give decision-makers instant insight. With SAP S/4HANA Finance, you can build a common view of all financial and operational data, easily consumable reporting, provide flexible automated processes and instantly evaluate the financial implications of business options with real-time analytics, and simulation, all with a beautiful user experience.

Key Benefits of being certified in SAP S/4HANA Finance.

Value Of the Certification in Real-Time Achieving certification in any technology field is very beneficial, the same thing occurs in the area of SAP. Being Certified in SAP S/4HANA Finance is the right beginning point in your career journey. It would award you excellent knowledge concerning the system's functionality. Being certified help you by opening several doors of success. It is not enough to just read a book regarding SAP S/4HANA Finance; you have to find a way of showing that you were tested in the field.

Enhance your Finance Career If you are willing to make a career in finance, it is recommended to get a valid certification. There are lots of financial courses available in the current scenario to improve the financial skills of the candidates; however, only a few courses will provide you with the excellent benefits you are looking for. Hence, it is important to have a clear understanding of the specialized training program and certification. The certification on the SAP S/4HANA Finance boosts your financial knowledge in addition to supporting you to achieve some extra advantages. It also provides an opportunity to be aware of the career opportunities that exist for the certified SAP Professionals.

Verify your skills, unlock your career opportunities

SAP S/4HANA Finance gives you additional skills and knowledge in the field of Finance and helps you to add value to your career. With the increasing competition in the software world, enterprises have inspired professionals to improve their skills to excel over others.

Improve your Job Prospects You need some skills to satisfy the requirement of the job. The candidates are required to guarantee that they’re packed with the ecessary skills to get a job. Acquiring SAP S/4HANA Finance certification is one of the major skills. If you like to choose your career in the field of SAP Finance as a consultant, or any other position, then you will need to obtain this certification. You have to be up-to date with the recent technology. Your skills and knowledge should ensure that you’re capable of building related technical services that are required by the organization. This will support me to secure a high position in your company.

Increase Chance of Promotion

Being certified with SAP S/4HANA Finance will support you to shine over other employees who were not certified. Obviously, there is a difference in understanding the business process between the certified and non-certified personnel. Holding Certification also helps you during the turn of promotion. The additional skills and knowledge gained will be of great support to advance in your field. Many professionals remain stuck with their profession and find opportunities to receive more responsibilities unless otherwise they are promoted. The SAP certification helps this professional to enhance their career quickly and effortlessly.

Want to gain in-depth knowledge of SAP S/4HANA Finance, consider enrolling in SAP S/4 HANA Finance 1909 Certification Online Course.

Why get SAP S/4 HANA Finance 1909 Certification Online Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy

Multisoft Virtual Academy has been in the industry for more than 2 decades. SAP S/4 HANA Finance 1909 Certification Online Course is delivered by Multisoft’s global subject matter experts with a step-by-step teaching approach and instant doubt resolution. This course offers in-depth knowledge of all the aspects, capabilities, and uses of SAP S/4 HANA Finance software. All the courses offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy comes with perks like lifetime e-learning access and recorded training session videos.

After the successful completion of SAP S/4 HANA Finance 1909 Certification Online Course, participants receive a globally recognized training certificate. Moreover, apart from offering an internationally accepted certificate to help showcase skills and learning to potential employers across the world, Multisoft offers after-training support to help successful participants connect with potential employers.

Conclusion: SAP S/4 HANA Finance 1909 Certification Online Course is ideal for Project Manager; SAP HANA® Consultant; Application Consultant; Support Consultant; Chartered Accountants, CPAs, CMAs, and SAP® FICO Consultants. If you want to learn how to use SAP S/4 HANA Finance capabilities to remove traditional barriers between transactional, analytics, and planning systems and gain instant insights and on-the-fly analysis using all levels of financial data.

Understanding the components of SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer (SAP C4C) - SAP C4C Technical Course and Certification Training

SAP C4C Technical Course and Certification Training have been designed for SAP consultants and SAP professionals. Even freshers interested in learning SAP C4C can opt for SAP C4C Technical Course and Certification Training. Interested in learning what SAP C4C is all about, keep reading Multisoft’s blogs and articles.

In this article, you will learn about the two main components of SAP C4C: SAP Hybris Cloud for Sales and SAP Hybris Cloud for Service

SAP Hybris Cloud for Sales - SAP C4C Technical Course and Certification Training

As part of the SAP C4C solution, SAP Hybris Cloud for Sales focuses on sales support. An important function is to provide the sales staff with all relevant information for successful customer contact in a simple way and regardless of location. This data includes sales, open offers, opportunities, contact persons, service processes, and orders placed. An SAP ERP, for example, can serve as a data source. However, it is not only possible to retrieve data, but also to record it on a mobile basis. Some application examples for this are the photographing or scanning of business cards, the collection of visit reports, or simply the admission of orders. All functions are designed to save time for the sales representative, giving him more freedom to manage his customer relationships.
In addition to operational functionalities, SAP Hybris Cloud for Sales contains an integrated analytics component. This uses internal company data as well as external information (e.g. competing products) to provide various analyses.

Another notable feature of the SAP C4C component is its integration with common e-mail clients (such as Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes) and with social media platforms. In addition, SAP Hybris Cloud for Sales works seamlessly with SAP ERP, SAP CRM, and SAP JAM. The latter is a platform for collaboration in the enterprise, which contains the classical functions of a social network.

SAP Hybris Cloud for Service - SAP C4C Technical Course and Certification Training

The second key component of SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer (SAP C4C) is SAP Hybris Cloud for Service. Its task is to support all aspects of customer service. In particular, the software takes into account the fact that customers today contact the service via a wide variety of communication channels. Often they even make service requests before the actual purchase process starts. Therefore, traditional channels are supported as well as modern contact possibilities - including social media, messenger services, and chat functions on websites. We are therefore also talking about a multichannel service tool.

As far as field service is concerned, SAP Hybris Cloud for Service (also known as SAP C4S) includes a visual planning board that can be used to plan and manage technician deployments. The field service technicians themselves also receive mobile tools. For example, it is possible to receive service orders via smartphone, view solution information, call up spare parts inventories, and order spare parts.
Service and customer support also benefit from extensive information stored directly with the respective customer. This includes customer profiles, preferences, and an order and service history. The information collected also makes it possible to place tailor-made offers at the right time and to ensure individual support. Some other features of SAP Hybris Cloud for Service are, a self-service portal (customers solve service requests independently); collaborative problem solving using SAP Jam Communities; a knowledge base, and mapping of Service Level Agreements, Contracts, and Guarantee.

Want to gain in-depth knowledge of Sap C4C, consider enrolling for SAP C4C Technical Course and Certification Training.

Why get SAP C4C Technical Course and Certification Training from Multisoft Virtual Academy?

Multisoft Virtual Academy has been in the industry for more than 2 decades. SAP C4C Technical Course and Certification Training program are delivered by Multisoft’s global subject matter experts with a step-by-step teaching approach and instant doubt resolution. This course offers in-depth knowledge of all the aspects, capabilities, and uses of SAP C4C. All the courses offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy come with perks like lifetime e-learning access and recorded training session videos. After successful completion of the SAP C4C Technical Course and Certification Training program, participants receive a globally recognized training certificate. Moreover, apart from offering an internationally accepted certificate to help showcase skills and learning to potential employers across the world, Multisoft offers after-training support to help successful participants connect with potential employers.

Conclusion: SAP C4C Technical Course and Certification Training program offer knowledge on the essentials of SAP C4C and end-to-end sales process flow. This course has been specially designed for SAP consultants; SAP professionals and freshers interested to learn SAP C4C. It allows participants to learn from industry experts through real-life examples and assignments.

Key features and components of SAP IS RETAIL - SAP IS Retail Online Training and Certification Course

Confused about whether you should enroll for SAP IS Retail Online Training and Certification Course or not? Let us help you. This piece of article will take you through some of the main features of SAP IS Retail; its Components and SAP IS Retailing Process. Let us begin.

What is SAP IS Retail? - SAP IS Retail Online Training and Certification Course

SAP IS Retail is a completely integrated ERP solution aimed at the retail industry. The software works well for small, medium, and large-scale corporations. It aims to fully integrate all departments of a retail organization. These can be supply chain, marketing, and logistics departments. For a retail company, SAP IS Retail offers all the functions required to model business processes.

Features of SAP IS-Retail - SAP IS Retail Online Training and Certification Course

Some of the main features of SAP IS Retail is –

  1. Allows companies to collect and analyze statistical data
  2. The Purchasing functionality lets companies in vendor settlement and merchandise procurement
  3. It supports the sales processes such as customer order management, assortment planning, price planning, promotions, and store management
  4. It has interfaces that offer distributed data processing
  5. Companies can plan their sales strategies and price margins based on the current price reductions/fluctuations    

SAP IS Retail Components - SAP IS Retail Online Training and Certification Course

The major components of SAP Retail are –

  1. Organizational Structure
  2. Master Data
  3. Core Business Processes
  4. Information Systems

SAP IS Retail Process - SAP IS Retail Online Training and Certification Course

The key retailing processes include –

  1. Assortment Management
  2. Calculating sales costs and prices
  3. Managing the promotion of goods and services
  4. Allocation
  5. Purchasing and requirements Planning
  6. Goods Receipt
  7. Invoice Verification
  8. Settlement of End-Of-Period Arrangements
  9. Warehouse Management
  10. Pick-up and Delivery
  11. Billing
  12. Store Supply

All the retailing processes mentioned above allow companies to manage and control their value chain. SAP IS Retail also helps them in attending to changing customer demands. It also helps in understanding future consumer needs. Changes to laws and business practices relating to the industry are also accommodated by SAP IS Retail.

If you want to learn more about SAP IS Retail, enroll for SAP IS Retail Online Training and Certification Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy.

Why choose Multisoft Virtual Academy for SAP IS Retail Online Training and Certification Course?

Multisoft Virtual Academy has been in the training industry for more than 2 decades and is backed by a team of global subject matter experts from around the world. When you enroll for SAP IS Retail Online Training and Certification Course from Multisoft, you get the opportunity to learn from experienced industry experts and gain skills with hands-on experience from real-life projects and assignments. All the courses offered by Multisoft come with perks like lifetime access to e-learning material, recorded training session videos, and after-training support.

The courses are delivered in live instructor-led, one-on-one, and corporate training sessions, where after successful completion of the SAP IS Retail Online Training and Certification Course, aspirants receive a globally recognized training certificate to validate and showcase their learning and skills to employers across the world. What’s more? Multisoft after-training support assists you to connect with potential employers and lucrative job opportunities in related areas so that you can step up the career ladder without delay.

Conclusion: SAP IS Retail Online Training and Certification Course is ideal for anyone from retail background and professionals working in SAP SD, MM & PP. This course imparts knowledge on all the key aspects and capabilities of SAP IS Retail platform, equipping participants with skills and knowledge to manage retail business operations efficiently.

The Advantages of SAP Hybris Commerce Platform - SAP Hybris (DEVELOPER & FUNCTIONAL) Training Certification Course

Need help making a career in the e-commerce industry? SAP Hybris (DEVELOPER & FUNCTIONAL) Training Certification Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy is the answer. Wondering why you should learn SAP Hybris Commerce? Here are some of the main advantages Hybris offers to its users.

Benefits of SAP Hybris Commerce - SAP Hybris (DEVELOPER & FUNCTIONAL) Training Certification Course

  1. SAP Hybris is an omnichannel online platform that integrates all your products and services into one platform while connecting it to all the necessary online marketing platforms. With these features, Hybris not just enables offering better customer satisfaction but also a single-channel marketing ability.
  2. Hybris suite offers an SAP marketing tool, which is powered by the SAP HANA enterprise cloud. This tool can serve functions such as creating state-of-the-art customer profiles and also provide better results in directing targeted marketing campaigns.
  3. SAP cloud service-enabled tools have been successful at driving B2B as well as B2C sales. This suite primarily aims at helping SMEs reach their true potential when it comes to reaching out to their customers. Enabling the company to achieve good B2C standards, Hybris also enhance the B2B operability of the company.
  4. Be it a product catalog, business data, or content for the business website; Hybris can ensure that all the content is centrally managed and always pertains to the necessary data requirements. This can be of tremendous help within any corporate structure as it will provide a level of seamlessness that is usually unheard of in the sphere of content management. Content such as promotional content or customer details is organized and stored for easy recollection when the time arrives. With SAP Managed Services, data management has never been easier.
  5. Hybris also offers a list of various other benefits such as flexibility of checkout options, detailed customization tools, big data management, SAP security services, etc. So, it is quite fair to state that upgrading to the SAP Hybris suite will definitely provide the user with the much-needed edge they need in all sorts of e-commerce operations.

Why choose Multisoft Virtual Academy for SAP Hybris (DEVELOPER & FUNCTIONAL) Training Certification Course?

Multisoft Virtual Academy has been in the training industry for more than 2 decades and is backed by a team of global subject matter experts from around the world. When you enroll for SAP Hybris (DEVELOPER & FUNCTIONAL) Training Certification Course from Multisoft, you get the opportunity to learn from experienced industry experts and gain skills with hands-on experience from real-life projects and assignments. All the courses offered by Multisoft come with perks like lifetime access to e-learning material, recorded training session videos, and after-training support.

The courses are delivered in live instructor-led, one-on-one, and corporate training sessions, where after successful completion of the SAP Hybris (DEVELOPER & FUNCTIONAL) Training Certification Course, aspirants receive a globally recognized training certificate to validate and showcase their learning and skills to employers across the world. What’s more? Multisoft after-training support assists you to connect with potential employers and lucrative job opportunities in related areas so that you can step up the career ladder without delay.

Conclusion: SAP Hybris (DEVELOPER & FUNCTIONAL) Training Certification Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy includes both developer and functional roles in SAP Hybris, preparing participants to kickstart their careers with lucrative job opportunities. Participants get to learn through real-life examples and assignments that are based on real-life scenarios.

Key Benefits of Choosing SAP IBP – SAP IBP Online Training Course

If you want to gain in-depth knowledge about SAP IBP, you should consider enrolling in SAP IBP Online Training Course. Why? This piece of article will share a few key benefits of choosing SAP IBP.

The SAP IBP is a cloud-based business planning software used in supply chain management. The SAP IBP uses real-time integrated information that enables companies to respond quickly. This tool offers integrated, demand and inventory planning, unified planning for sales and operations, and an analytical dashboard for monitoring. The SAP offers the following business-integrated solutions:

  1. Integrated business planning for sales and operations.
  2. Integrated business planning for the demand.
  3. Integrated business planning for inventory management.
  4. Integrated business planning for supply.
  5. Integrated business planning for response planning.

What are the key benefits offered by SAP IBP? - SAP IBP Online Training Course

  1. SAP IBP shows the data one needs in dashboards and various analytics tools, which one can deploy from within the application. It makes the data readability easier and helps quickly gain an actionable understanding of the data at a glimpse and in real time. In addition to this feature, these dashboards and reports are Fiori-based, which implies that they are not only visually readable and efficient but also work moderately like an app store, so one can select the detailed reports and dashboards they want to fetch and analyze.
  2. SAP IBP excels at handling these types of fluid data required to achieve dynamic inventory optimization, market demand planning, and supply planning in changing supply chain environment at all times. IBP designed their previous planning tools to meet more of a measurement role and deliver static data regarding how many commodities an enterprise or a business might contain in stock or need in the future, instead of looking at those portions as a dynamic number within the flow of materials.
  3. SAP IBP eliminates the need for conventional data warehouses. One of the principal objections of tools such as APO and ECC has been the use of a data warehouse which becomes a primary necessity in case of large data requirements for these applications. It compels organizations to use data warehouses to store it all. It added to the overall implementation expenses, eventually creating difficulty in analyzing and accessing the data.
  4. IBP can organize simulations and models in seconds or minutes, rather than taking days or weeks like conventional tools. One thing is for sure, as IBP is a spreadsheet-based tool, it is more leisurely to fetch and load data from different formats. IBP's modeling tools are also easier to use than traditional tools, which are more like an application or modern dashboard tool.

Want to learn more about SAP BRIM?  Enroll for Multisoft Virtual Academy. Here’s why:

Why choose Multisoft Virtual Academy for SAP IBP Online Training Course?

Multisoft Virtual Academy has been in the training industry for more than 2 decades and is backed by a team of global subject matter experts from around the world. When you enroll for SAP IBP Online Training Course from Multisoft, you get the opportunity to learn from experienced industry experts and gain skills with hands-on experience from real-life projects and assignments. All the courses offered by Multisoft come with perks like lifetime access to e-learning material, recorded training session videos, and after-training support. The courses are delivered in live instructor-led, one-on-one, and corporate training sessions, where after successful completion of the SAP IBP Online Training Course, aspirants receive a globally recognized training certificate to validate and showcase their learning and skills to employers across the world. What’s more? Multisoft after-training support assists you to connect with potential employers and lucrative job opportunities in related areas.

Conclusion: SAP IBP Online Training Course is ideal for SAP practitioners who are interested in migrating from SAP APO to SAP IBP and SAP customers who are evaluating SAP IBP as a replacement for SAP APO. This course imparts knowledge in all aspects and capabilities of SAP IBP. However, to enroll for this course, you should have knowledge of Supply Chain Planning along with a basic understanding of SAP Supply Chain Planning solutions like SAP Advanced Planning & Optimization APO.

Highlights of SAP Billing and Revenue Innovation Management (BRIM) Solution

Are you planning to enrol for SAP Billing and Revenue Innovation Management (BRIM) Training course from Multisoft Virtual Academy? Then, this piece of article will help you make a decision whether to go for this course or not. This article talks about the key features and benefits that SAP BRIM offers to business owners.

What is SAP BRIM? - SAP Billing and Revenue Innovation Management (BRIM) Training course

SAP BRIM is a cutting-edge billing solution used to manage subscriptions and other recurring revenue sources. Mainly used to manage high-volume billing environments requiring flexible product configuration, SAP BRIM solution can help business owners and users to manage business model design, while performing contract and order management, billing, and invoice processing. Along with features to manage receivables and payables and providing support for financial customer care, SAP BRIM also allows automating invoicing process.

Key Benefits of SAP BRIM: SAP Billing and Revenue Innovation Management (BRIM) Training course

  • Cloud deployment and faster adaptability to the new business model
  • Enablement of business model innovation
  • Support for subscription and usage-based models
  • Multisided revenue models for partners
  • Shorter time-to-market of products based on subscriptions and usage-based services or physical goods bundled with services
  • Flexible handling of revenue-sharing models
  • Realization of hybrid prepaid, postpaid and pay-as-you-go business models
  • Rule-based and intelligent automation of invoicing and accounting processes
  • Automated and efficient high volume processing of data
  • High transparency / traceability of the entire billing process chain – from usage events to invoicing
  • Reduction of operating costs through consolidated billing systems
  • Increase customer satisfaction by displaying costs, services and physical goods on a single invoice

Want to learn more about SAP BRIM?  Enrol for Multisoft Virtual Academy. Here’s why:

Why choose Multisoft Virtual Academy for SAP Billing and Revenue Innovation Management (BRIM) Training Course?

Multisoft Virtual Academy has been in training industry for more than 2 decades and backed by a team of global subject matter experts from around the world. When you enroll for SAP Billing and Revenue Innovation Management (BRIM) Training Course from Multisoft, you get the opportunity to learn from experienced industry experts and gain skills with hands-on experience from real-life projects and assignments. All the courses offered by Multisoft come with perks like lifetime access to e-learning material, recorded training session videos and after training support. The courses are delivered in live instructor led, one-on-one and corporate training sessions, where after successful completion of the SAP Billing and Revenue Innovation Management (BRIM) Training Course, aspirants receive a globally recognized training certificate to validate and showcase their learning and skills to employers across the world. What’s more? Multisoft after training support assists you to connect with potential employers and lucrative job opportunities in related areas, so that you can step up in the career ladder without delay.

Conclusion: SAP Billing and Revenue Innovation Management (BRIM) Training Course is ideal for Team Leads; Application Consultants; Business Process Owners; Power Users; Program Managers; Project Managers and Solution Architects. This course offers in-depth knowledge on all the aspects of SAP BRIM, allowing participants develop skills and knowledge to advance in career.

Explaining Main Elements of Microcontroller - PIC Microcontroller Programming Training Course

PIC Microcontroller Programming Training course has been designed for individuals having in electronics field and who have beginner knowledge of embedded systems. Anyone who wants to learn how to make electronics can also enrol for PIC Microcontroller Programming Training course from Multisoft Virtual Academy.

History of PIC Microcontroller - PIC Microcontroller Programming Training Course

Developed in year 1993 by microchip technology; the acronym PIC stands for Peripheral Interface Controller. Originally, PIC microcontroller was built for supporting PDP computers and controlling its peripheral devices, and hence it was named as peripheral interface device. When compared to other microcontrollers, PIC microcontrollers are not only fast, but also allows executing a program with ease. Based on Harvard architecture, PIC microcontrollers are very popular for various reasons, such as ease of programming, easy to interfacing with other peripherals, wide availability, low cost, serial programming capability, large user base, etc.

Key Elements of a Microcontroller- PIC Microcontroller Programming Training Course

In order to understand PIC microcontroller, you should know all the elements of a microcontroller. Generally a microcontroller has a central processing unit (CPU), volatile memory, nonvolatile memory, support circuitry and peripherals. 

The Central Processing Unit- Everyone who uses a computer must have definitely heard of the term CPU. CPU not only performs arithmetic operations, but also manages data flow, while generating control signals as per the instructions input by the programmer. Though the complex circuitry for CPU functionality is not visible to the designer, high-level languages and integrated development environments makes writing code for microcontrollers a straightforward task.

Memory- Non-volatile memory is utilized for storing the microcontroller’s program, which is usually a list of machine-language instructions that instructs CPU what to do. The word “Flash” is displayed instead of “nonvolatile memory.”

Volatile memory (i.e., RAM) is utilized for storing temporary data, wherein data is lost when microcontroller loses power. Temporary data storage is also provided by internal registers; however they are not separate but integrated into the CPU.

Peripheral- The term “peripheral” refers to the hardware modules, which helps microcontrollers to communicate with the external system. Here’s how you will identify the various categories of peripherals:

  • Clock generation: internal oscillator, crystal-drive circuitry, phase-locked loop
  • Timing: general-purpose timer, real-time clock, external-event counter, pulse-with modulation
  • Data converters: analog-to-digital converter, digital-to-analog converter, reference-voltage generator
  • Input/output: general-purpose digital input and output circuitry, parallel memory interface
  • Serial communication: UART, SPI, I2C, USB
  • Analog signal processing: operational amplifier, analog comparator

Support Circuitry- Microcontrollers include a range of functional blocks, which are not classified as peripherals due to their primary purpose, as they do not to control, monitor, or communicate with external components; instead they support device’s internal operation and simplify implementation while improving the development process.

Why choose Multisoft Virtual Academy for PIC Microcontroller Programming Training course?

Multisoft Virtual Academy has been in training industry for more than 2 decades and backed by a team of global subject matter experts from around the world. When you enroll for PIC Microcontroller Programming Training course from Multisoft, you get the opportunity to learn from experienced industry experts and gain experience and skills in PIC Microcontroller Programming with hands-on experience from real-life projects and assignments. All the courses offered by Multisoft come with perks like lifetime access to e-learning material, recorded training session videos and after training support.

The courses are delivered in live instructor led, one-on-one and corporate training sessions, where after successful completion of the PIC Microcontroller Programming Training course, aspirants receive a globally recognized training certificate to validate and showcase their learning and skills to employers across the world. What’s more? Multisoft after training support assists you to connect with potential employers and lucrative job opportunities in related areas, so that you can step up in the career ladder without delay.

Conclusion: PIC Microcontroller Programming Training course is ideal for you if you wish to gain in-depth knowledge of PIC Microcontroller Programming. If you want to learn how to make electronics; have some experience in electronics or have basic knowledge of embedded systems, you can go for this course. It is one of the fundamental courses that every individual, who is interested in the field of electronics, should learn before going for any advanced course.

What are the key benefits offered by Primavera P6? Primavera P6 Online Training

Primavera P6 Online Training course from Multisoft Virtual Academy is designed for Project Managers, Business Analysts, Functional Implementers, and End Users. This course imparts knowledge on all the key aspects of Primavera P6, such as how to create a Work Breakdown Structure; customize dashboards; add activities; customize activity views; create relationships; assign constraints; optimize the project schedule; baseline the project plan; create a project; assign roles and resources; view the Enterprise Project Structure; analyze resources and costs and  execute the project. Before, you get down to understanding concepts and terminologies of Primavera P6; here’s a small brief about the tool and its benefits.

What Is Primavera P6? - Primavera P6 Online Training course

Primavera P6 is a project, program and portfolio management tool used for planning, executing and managing project work. The tool is designed to handle projects, regardless of size and industry, such as energy, construction, manufacturing, and IT. Oracle acquired Primavera Systems in year 2008, a tool that now is used to increase efficiency while reducing the chances of schedule overruns.

Primavera P6 Features- Primavera P6 Online Training course

Some of the key features of Primavera P6 are as follows.

•             Comes with a traditional gantt chart that is used to schedule tasks on a bar graph

•             Enables risk Management by identifying, tracking and resolving risks before they become issues

•             Features information dashboard for tracking all project metrics

•             Generate status reports for stakeholders of the company with interactive reporting & analytics features

•             Perform resource analysis and allocation as and when the project demands

•             Check and monitor project tasks with Calendar & Activity Views

•             Easily manage multiple projects of a programs at the same time

•             Scheduling alerts and know what’s pending to keep the project on track

Conclusion: Primavera P6 is a very useful and widely used tool for Project Managers, Business Analysts, Functional Implementers, and End Users. Taking Primavera P6 Online Training course will help you manage one or multiple projects with more efficiency and accuracy.

Why choose Multisoft Virtual Academy for Primavera P6 Online Training course?

Multisoft Virtual Academy has been in the training industry for more than 2 decades and backed by a team of global subject matter experts from around the world. When you enroll for Primavera P6 Online Training course from Multisoft, you get the opportunity to learn from experienced industry experts and gain experience and skills with hands-on experience from real-life projects and assignments. All the courses offered by Multisoft come with perks like lifetime access to e-learning material, recorded training session videos and after training support.

The courses are delivered in live instructor-led, one-on-one and corporate training sessions, where after successful completion of the Primavera P6 Online Training course, aspirants receive a globally recognized training certificate to validate and showcase their learning and skills to employers across the world. What’s more? Multisoft after training support assists you to connect with potential employers and lucrative job opportunities in related areas, so that you can step up in the career ladder without delay.

Decoding the roles and responsibilities of a ServiceNow Administrator Training

If you want to become a ServiceNow Administrator, you should consider going for ServiceNow Admin training course from Multisoft Virtual Academy. This course will help you gain in-depth understanding of all the roles and responsibilities; and how to perform them with proficiency. If you are unaware of the responsibilities undertaken or performed by a ServiceNow Administrator, this blog is for you.

Before we jump into the roles and responsibilities of a ServiceNow Administrator, let’s know a bit more about ServiceNow.

What is ServiceNow? – ServiceNow Admin Training course

Founded in year 2004 by Fred Luddy in Santa Clara, Calif, ServiceNow is a cloud-based company that offers software as service for technical management support. Specializing in IT business management, IT operations management and IT services management, ServiceNow helps users in efficiently managing customer interactions, teams and projects through a variety of plugins and apps, while easily integrating with other tools.

Roles and responsibilities of a ServiceNow Administrator- ServiceNow Admin Training course

A ServiceNow Administrator has to perform responsibilities associated to various operations. Some of the key roles and responsibilities of a ServiceNow Administrator are:

  • Perform day-to-day maintenance and support operations.
  • Develop ways to overcome challenges by working in collaboration with the platform’s functioning team.
  • Create resources for tasks and requests by collaborating with the ServiceNow team. These workflows are used to handle or address various types of operations from customers.
  • Modify the platform to fulfil diverse needs of the organization.
  • Create a range of training plans for users.  
  • Closely monitor ServiceNow’s difficulties, usage and maintenance, among other things.
  • Create automation processes and an integration system of integration.
  • Supervise, create and customize UI policies, business rules, and actions, scripts, pages, among other things.
  • Manage and assist application upgrades, data maintenance and loading.

Conclusion: ServiceNow Admin Training course is ideal for those, who wish to understand ServiceNow ecosystem and learn how to perform administrative tasks, such as, configuring and managing ServiceNow platform; managing project and processes, etc. This course is designed for IT professionals and Functional consultants who want to switch to ServiceNow.

Why choose Multisoft Virtual Academy for ServiceNow Admin training course?

Multisoft Virtual Academy has been in training industry for more than 2 decades and backed by a team of global subject matter experts from around the world. When you enroll for ServiceNow Admin Cloud Computing Training course from Multisoft, you get the opportunity to learn from experienced industry experts and gain experience and skills in ServiceNow Administration with hands-on experience from real-life projects and assignments. All the courses offered by Multisoft come with perks like lifetime access to e-learning material, recorded training session videos and after training support.

The courses are delivered in live instructor led, one-on-one and corporate training sessions, where after successful completion of the ServiceNow Admin training course, aspirants receive a globally recognized training certificate to validate and showcase their learning and skills to employers across the world. What’s more? Multisoft after training support assists you to connect with potential employers and lucrative job opportunities in related areas, so that you can step up in the career ladder without delay.

Things You Should Know About SmartPlant Electrical (SPEL) Basic Training Certification Course Online

SmartPlant Electrical (SPEL) Basic Training Certification Course Online is provided by Multisoft Virtual Academy to those, who want to start their career in Electrical Design and Engineering. However, as always recommend all the participants gain a clear idea about the software so that they know if the benefits offered by learning the software will actually benefit them in their careers or not. If you want to know what this course is about and what to expect with SmartPlant Electrical (SPEL) Basic Training Certification Course Online, dive right in. 

SmartPlant Electrical is a suite of next-gen SmartPlant tools developed by Intergraph. The software comes equipped with a highly flexible tool capable of handling the massive quantity of data generated from the electric power system. SmartPlant Electrical also houses all-inclusive equipment data sheet templates, one-line diagrams, customizable default libraries, and schedule templates. The SmartPlant Electrical (SPEL) Interface Software ETAP houses ETAP-SPEL Data Exchange Interface, which seamlessly enables data synchronization between Intergraph’s SmartPlant Electrical (SPEL) and ETAP. It is a bidirectional interface, which helps joint users to use ETAP for various purposes, such as analysis, design, automation, and integration of data into SPEL, thus increasing electrical efficiency for the lifecycle of operation, maintenance, and construction of the plant.

What will I learn in SmartPlant Electrical (SPEL) Basic Training Certification Course Online?

In this course, you will gain in-depth knowledge about all the key features and capabilities of the SPEL software for designers and electrical engineers. SmartPlant Electrical (SPEL) Basic Training Certification Course Online comprises topics such as SmartPlant Engineering Manager (SPEM); SPEM Data Dictionary Manager; SPEM Format Manager; SPEM Filter Manager; SPEM Catalogue Manager; SPEL Rule Manager; SPEL Option Manager; Single Line Diagram (SLD) and Schematic Templates Customisation; Cable Block Diagram customization; Wiring Diagram Customisation; Excel Reports Customisation, Registration and Revision Management; Copy Existing Data from Other Plants Using Ref Electrical Engineer Option; SLD and Schematics Revision Management and Comparison; Integration with SmartPlant Instrumentation (overview); Interfacing with ETAP/EDSA (overview) and Import Manager. During the training, you will explore SP3D modeling software from Intergraph; work on templates, style rules, and WBS items; space management and define control points; define cable and conduit routing; create fixture drawings extraction and work on solid modeling and structure modeling.

Who can enrol for this course?

SmartPlant Electrical (SPEL) Basic Training Certification course online is ideal for draftsman, designer; individual with B.E. / B.Tech / Diploma in Electrical Engineering and professionals who want to upgrade their skills or make career in Electrical engineering and designing. 

What are the prerequisites for this course?

To enrol for SmartPlant Electrical (SPEL) Basic Training Certification course online, aspirants need to have at-least basic knowledge of electrical design and familiarity with windows-based applications.

Why enrol for SmartPlant Electrical (SPEL) Basic Training Certification course online from Multisoft Virtual Academy?

Multisoft Virtual Academy has been in training industry for more than 2 decades now that is backed with a team of global subject matter experts from around the world. When you enroll for SmartPlant Electrical (SPEL) Basic Training Certification course online from Multisoft, you get the opportunity to learn from experienced industry experts and gain experience and skills in SmartPlant Electrical (SPEL) with hands-on experience from real-life projects and assignments. All the courses offered by Multisoft come with perks like lifetime access to e-learning material, recorded training session videos and after training support. The courses are delivered in live instructor led, one-on-one and corporate training sessions, where after successful completion of the SmartPlant Electrical (SPEL) Basic Training Certification course online, aspirants receive a globally recognized training certificate to validate and showcase their learning and skills to employers across the world. What’s more? Multisoft after training support assists you to connect with potential employers and lucrative job opportunities in related areas, so that you can step up in the career ladder without delay. 

A Walk Through The Key Features of Apache Hbase

If you want to gain skills and in-depth knowledge on Apache Hbase, Apache Hbase Certification Training course online from Multisoft Virtual Academy is just the one you need. This course is taught by a team of Multisoft’s global subject matter experts in live instructor-led one-on-one or corporate training sessions. 

However, if you want a deeper look into the Apache Hbase database, here is a list of its key features and attributes. 

  1. Hbase offers unique feature for high-speed requirements, including consistent writes and reads. 
  2. Hbase offers atomic read and write features, it means when one write or read process takes place, all the other processes are stopped from performing any write or read operation. 
  3. The sharding feature of Habse, helps users to reduce I/O overhead and time by offering manual and automatic division of regions into sub-regions when threshold size reaches. 
  4. Offers WAN and LAN that supports recovery and failover. It acts as a master server that monitors region servers and cluster metadata. 
  5. Offers programmatic access through Java APIs.
  6. Supports scalability in linear as well as modular form. 
  7. Offers Hadoop/HDFS integration, where Hbase can, without hassle run along with other file systems. 
  8. Offers distributed storage including HDFS. 
  9. Supports data replication for all clusters.
  10. HDFS gets internally distributed and recovered automatically, with HBase running with HDFS, which allows HBase to recover automatically. HBase also supports failover by using RegionServer replication. 
  11. Clients can access it easily as HBase offers Java APIs support. 
  12. It also offers MapReduce support to enable parallel process of massive volumes of data. 
  13. It also supports Hadoop MapReduce jobs backup in HBase tables.
  14. Enables to build optimized requests using timestamp and row keys, as HBase keeps row keys in lexicographical order, while the search is performed on the rows range. 
  15. Supports Bloom filters and block cache for query processing in real time. 
  16. Uses Hash tables to offer random access and faster lookups, while storing data in HDFS files which are indexed. 
  17. HBase supports both types of big data, structured as well as semi-structured. 
  18. HBase is schema-less, thus it only defines column families. 
  19. Offers high write throughput, due to easy to manage features and high security. 

These are some of the key features of Apache HBase to name. If you want to gain in-depth knowledge of Apache HBase, consider enrolling for Apache HBase Certification Training course online from Multisoft Virtual Academy. Enroll to avail benefits such as lifetime e-learning access, recorded training session videos and after training support. Once you have successfully completed the course, you will earn a globally recognized training certificate. 

Understanding Red Hat’s OpenShift

Mutlisoft Virtual Academy offers OpenShift Administration Training Certification course to developers, system architects and system administrators. This course offers in-depth understanding of OpenShift fundamentals and responsibilities around OpenShift administration. But, what is Open Shift and how gaining the knowledge of Open Shift can be beneficial?

Here’s what Red Hat’s OpenShift is all about.

Hosted by Red Hat as a (PaaS) service, OpenShift is an open-source cloud development platform. This easy-to-use platform allows users to create, test, run, and deploy applications on the cloud. It is an intelligent platform that can manage applications written in various languages, including Java, Node.js, Ruby, Python and Perl. Since, it supports different types of applications; users can quickly develop and deploy apps on the OpenShift cloud platform.

Why Are People Opting OpenShift?

OpenShift offers a widely –used platform, where enterprises can host their applications on cloud without having to worry about the type of operating system. While the platform is extremely easy to use, it also provides managed network and hardware resources for testing and development. Equipped with easy to use features, OpenShift offers developers freedom to design the required environment.

Here are some of the key features of OpenShift

  • Scale apps to thousands of instances in seconds with Red Hat OpenShift.
  • It simplifies management and deployment of a hybrid infrastructure, offering the flexibility of fully managed or self-managed service, running hybrid, on-premise or in cloud environments.
  • Incorporates cloud native Kubernetes and OCI (Open Container Initiative) containers for container orchestration along with various other open source technologies.
  • Container images developed on the open container initiative industry standard enables portability between Red Hat OpenShift production environments and developer workstations.
  • Offers a suite of multi-language support, developer tools, IDE (integrated development environment) and command line integrations.
  • Wireless platform upgrades and automated installation supported in the cloud along with services that can be fully configured, deployed and upgraded.
  • Automated and streamlined container along with app builds, scaling, deployments, health management, and more.

These are just some of the key features of OpenShift. If you want to get in-depth knowledge and skills on OpenShift, consider enrolling for the OpenShift Basic Training Certification course from Multisoft Virtual Academy. All the courses offered by Multisoft come with perks like lifetime access to e-learning material, recorded training session videos and after training support. Moreover, after successful completion of the OpenShift Administration Training Certification course, you will be awarded with a globally recognized training certificate.

Want to become a process engineer? Here’s what you should know

There are many career options to choose from. However, if you wish to become a process engineer, this article is for you. Let’s start from the start.

Education: For process engineering entry-level jobs, a bachelor’s degree is must. You should have degree in mechanical, chemical or industrial engineering and even earn masters degree for certain positions and roles. Reviewing job descriptions for process engineer positions/roles can help you determine the best suited degree to pursue.

Remember, process Engineer is an entry-level position that most engineers begin in. For senior roles and positions, for instance leading a team of process engineers, you should have vast experience in a particular field of process engineering.

Trainings and certifications:

Process Engineering Online Training Course from Multisoft Virtual Academy is one such course that can help you develop skills and get in-depth understanding about roles and responsibilities of a process engineer. While you learn how to do a job or activity better and with accuracy using tools and devices, you get the opportunity to earn a training certificate to showcase your skills to prospective employers. Secondly, Process Engineering Online Training course also prepare you for certification exams and job interviews. As a certified Process Engineering, you will be able to unlock job opportunities across the globe, as your certification proves that you have right skills and knowledge for the role.

To enrol for Process Engineering Online Training Course or similar course, you need to have an engineering degree.

Gain experience

Now, that you have gained skills and knowledge, it is time to build a solid resume but putting that knowledge and skill to use. Look for job opportunities that allow you to use your knowledge and start building your resume from there. This will help employers know that you have all that they are looking for in a process engineer, skills, knowledge and experience. If you have trouble finding right employers, enrolling for Process Engineering Online Training course from Multisoft Virtual Academy allows you to access their after-training support perk, where Multisoft representatives assist you in finding the right job opportunities.

Roles and responsibilities of a process engineer:

A process engineer is responsible smooth operation of production facilities, equipments, processes, methods, plants and factories Choice For Engineering Students. Here are few roles and responsibilities of process engineer:

  • Testing, monitoring and maintaining equipment, and conducting regular tests to make sure equipment complies with national and internal standards
  • Designing new equipment as required or redesigning the flow of the process in the factory or plant
  • Overseeing the operations of the plant
  • Researching, pricing and assisting in the purchase of new equipment
  • Overseeing the safety of employees
  • Designing, modifying and overseeing processes to guarantee maximum output with minimum defects in the production line
  • Writing, maintaining and collecting required paperwork to show compliance with safety protocols
  • Analyzing every detail and step of the production process to cut costs, increase productivity and optimize the production line
  • Collecting and interpreting data on efficiency and budgets to report to senior management

Where Can a Process Engineer Work?

  • Food & Beverage Industries
  • Chemical Industries
  • Paper & Pulp Industries
  • Plastics & Rubber Industries
  • Metals & Minerals Industries
  • Ceramics, Glass & Cement Industries
  • Utilities Industries
  • Power Generation Industries
  • Water & Wastewater Industries
  • Pharmaceuticals Industries
  • Nuclear plants
  • Insurance firm

If you are interested in this career path, enrol for Process Engineering Online Training course from Multisoft Virtual Academy. You will learn from a team of certified global subject matter experts and choose either you wish to take one-on-one training session or a classroom session. Also, all the courses offered by Multisoft come with perks like lifetime access to e-learning material, recorded training session videos and after training support. Moreover, after successful completion of the Process Engineering Online Training course, you will be awarded with a globally recognized training certificate.

5 In-demand DevOps Skills to Nurture an IT Career

DevOps certification training will help you in learning some of the in-demand skills. Check out the role and uses of the listed skills here. DevOps combines the IT Development Training and IT Operations teams to convert SDLC into a strategic resource. Puppet, Chef, Ansible, Docker, Splunk, and Kubernetes are some of the popular tools in the world of DevOps. However, Coding skills, Scripting Skills, continuous delivery skills, and Operation handling Skills are some of the key skills in this regard. Software Developers, Data Architects, Technical Project Managers, Operations Support, Deployment engineers, IT managers, and Development managers are suggested to earn these skills.

Coding and Scripting Skills 

As a certified professional, you need to have an upper hand in Coding and Scripting. Ruby, Python, Python, Java, PHP, Bash, Javascript, Shell and Node.js are among the most recommended programming/scripting languages. Online DevOps training is designed to help you in learning these skills.

Cloud Skills 

All the AWS DevOps engineers are expected to be subject matter experts in cloud computing. DevOps drives a process and the cloud enables that process by providing it with the necessary platform to perform test, deploy and release code.

Automation Skills

To automate the processes is one of the key responsibilities of the certified engineer. So, you need to master GNU utilities, Python, JavaScript, and other scripting languages if you are looking forward to becoming a successful professional.

Communication and Collaboration Skills 

As the methodology brings teams together, it is all about the process of breaking down the barriers between IT development and IT operations. Hence, it requires flawless communication and proper collaboration among the employees.

Continuous Delivery Skills 

To become a successful DevOps professional, you are supposed to know the role of continuous delivery in the organization. Merging, testing, building, packaging and deploying code come into play within the process of software release. So, it is important for you to know continuous delivery (CD) theory and its real-world applications. For more information visit our website.

Oracle 12c DBA Certification Benefits

Oracle database is a huge technology that is used by most tech-savvy companies in the world. As of now, if you check the stats, it is unarguably the number one database technology in the world. Even for embedded database technology, no other companies come close to it. This technology is used by 305,000 companies all over the world. It is not even surprising, that 97 percent of Fortune 500 companies use this Oracle software to support their work functions. Highly skilled and trained professionals, who learn the skills to utilize this software to add benefit to their companies, usually earn high thanks to it.

Having an Oracle certification is going to help you in validating your skills regarding this software. Let’s find the key benefits of having Oracle Database 12c DBA certification. It will keep you distinct from your peers. Oracle 12c DBA certification will help you to distinguish yourself easily from others. It gives you an added advantage in your career growth, given the demand for this software is increasing exponentially. Employers also see you as one of the few employees who can take better roles and perform better than others in the group.  

The demand of the employees in the industry is very high if they have specified certification. Switching to better jobs is also easy as hiring managers see this certification in high regard. It increases the visibility of employees in their respective organizations. Your visibility in your organization can increase heavily if you have this certificate. It can actually be a cherry on the cake if you are in the IT sector, where Oracle software and the people who know how to use it are in high demand always. You can also go for this course for ensuring better ROI. Organizations see employees with this certification as a better return on their investment. They try to hold on to these employees even if it means they have to pay more to have them in the company. Therefore, it is always advisable to have Oracle Database 12c DBA certificate, especially if you are in the IT industry.

What is the easiest way to become a PingFederate Professional?

PingFederate is an enterprise federation server that enables single sign-on and user authentication. It is also helps the users in controlling global operations by allowing employees, partners, and customers to access securely all the applications from their own devices. The benefit of using PingFederate is you can easily integrate with any third-party software without any trouble. You can easily deploy it in the cloud or on office premises. Balancing security and convenience is tricky but this tool can help you. You can get away with unsecured passwords by using this tool. PingFederate Training can help you even when your secured passwords cannot help. You will get accessibility to the extensibility that is built on the open standard. It helps to integrate many applications, portals, and web applications.  

  • Major web application servers and platforms
  • Virtualization platforms
  • Certified IAM integrations like Azure Ad Connect and Microsoft Office 360
  • Directory servers like Microsoft, Google, and Oracle
  • Commercial enterprises applications
  • MDM providers like MobileIron
  • Multi-factor authentication services like Duo and PingID
  • Legacy web management solutions

To become PingFederate professional you need to go through the certification and examination. This will make you a certified professional. Each attempt of your PingFederate certification exam can cost you 199 USD. You will be required to demonstrate an understanding of understanding of this course via this examination. Upon the completion of the certification, you will be known as the certified professional. The examination is held in a remote and proctored way. You will need to go through roughly 60 multiple choice questions when you sit for this examination. With this certification, you will be having an exponential growth trajectory. It will help you to boost your career growth for employees. Employee productivity will get a boost via SSO. It will help every single employee handle thousands of applications and passwords. So, this certification can be an advantage for the organization and also employees equally by increasing productivity. 

Top 10 Benefits of Learning PingAccess Administration

PingAccess is used to protect APIs and web applications by applying security policies to client requests. This identity-enabled access management product uses authentication criteria to enable the companies in protecting websites, APIs, and other resources. Online course on this technology is perfectly modelled and designed to provide knowledge that helps you to configure PingAcess as a policy server. As a policy server, it helps to protect web applications and APIs. You will learn a few major things by enrolling in this course. It is delivered by skilled instructors to give overall knowledge of installing PingAccess, configuring PingAccess in an agent model, configuring PingAccess as a policy server for protecting APIs, and configuring PingAccess as a policy server for protecting web applications. This is the right time to learn PingAccess with a wider job prospect. 

  • It helps you to enable SSO with that you can manage the whole system centrally of any web applications and APIs.
  • At URL and HTTP method level you can apply access policy with engines having extensive rules. It helps you to secure the headers.
  • Appropriate authentication levels will also be taken care of whenever a user signs up.
  • You will not need to keep your applications in legacy IAM and WAM products and migrate them to reduce costs. This becomes a cost-effective method for organizations handling those products, without any doubt.
  • You can maintain standard-centric operation and avoid lock-in periods of vendors.
  • PingAccess handles a lot of transactions via its gateway. By learning it you will be ready to become scalable and be ready for cloud operations.
  • You will be ready for application integration without depending upon the deployments of third-party agents.
  • You can integrate your applications without architecture changes or codes.
  • The architecture will be flexible and easy to use.
  • Protect your web applications and APIs by applying security policies to your client requests.

By enrolling PingAccess 5.3 Online Class, you are ensuring that you stay ahead of your colleagues professionally. Knowing the benefits of learning PingAccess can give you an idea regarding why you should go ahead with this course. It can help you as a launchpad for your exceptional growth in the future in your career. Here we go with the top 10 benefits of learning PingAccess Administration. You will get an overview of the PingAccess installation process and PingAccess configuration for the protection of web applications and APIs. To enrol on this course, you will need to have equivalent experience with PingFederate. 

How to become an SAP Basis Administrator?

Before digging into our topic, let's first try to understand what SAP basis administration is. Well, it is nothing more than regulating SAP system parameters, coordinating and monitoring batch jobs. They apply system and application software and take up responsibility for safety management and other duties. An SAP basis administrator has to learn how to run operating systems (AIX, Windows, Solaris) and databases such as SQL, Server, etc. along with SAP itself - was which remains the application layer. These administrators make sure whether all the layers run well together. SAP basis training online is based on the modules like Client Administration, R3 Kernel Architecture, Background Processing, System Central Interface, Transaction RZ10, and Performance Tuning.

Skills Required 

  • Substantial proficiency in SAP (module specific).
  • Good understanding in areas of telecommunication, banking, etc.
  • SAP Counsellors are required to communicate with the clients, understand their requirements and therefore are expected to have good communication skills. Illustrating technical data to non-technical people needs a good amount of patience and skills that SAP Administrators master.
  • They are expected to have good sportsmanship spirit and excel in interpersonal skills and teamwork.

Academic Requirements 

  • One needs to be a graduate of any course such as B.Sc., B.Com or any other specialisation.
  • Any Post Graduation courses like, M.Com, etc.

Why does the first job seem difficult?

One can start or begin with jobs as a Basis Assistant Adviser by knowing only one operating system linked with one database. One can begin with learning how to administrate an oracle database that runs in, say, HP-UX. These are the basic steps. These stages make moving on with the SAP Basis Administration easier and more feasible. Whenever companies are up for hiring, their priority is to work with people who have good technical experience. These employees are further sent to training centres for learning specifics of SAP. Few companies do this and a few skip this step. It takes a lot of time and patience, along with a cool mind to become an SAP Basis Administrator, however, a sharp technical history is forms the core for it.

Top 7 Reasons Customers Choose Microsoft Power BI

Power BI brings software services, applications, and connectors together to turn the unrelated sources of data into interactive insights. You will get the flexibility to publish reports across an enterprise without the need of recipients to be licensed individually per user, able to maintain BI assets on-premises with Power BI Report Server, promote your organizational scale, and access to the latest features for embedded analytics. Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Power BI Online Course is designed for Business Analysts, Solution Architects, Project Managers, Business Executives, and IT Professionals. It highlights the modules such as Introduction to Self Service BI Solutions, Shaping and Combining Data, Direct Connectivity, Power BI mobile app, Modelling Data, and Interactive Data Visualizations. Today we will be talking about the key reasons behind the ever-growing popularity of Microsoft Power BI. 

  • This Microsoft-powered tool is featured with pre-packed data visuals; these visuals leverage us to work with bar, column, line, map, matrix, pie charts, and other types of reports. 
  • For greater accessibility, users can bring data together in one place. Power BI makes it easy and effortless. It is currently featured with 70+ connectors that help the users in building Power BI dashboards quickly.
  • This Microsoft tool enables the users to work with OneDrive and SalesForce, DropBox, Google Analytics, Excel spreadsheets, CSV files, and data located on-premises, such as SQL Database.
  • Power BI helps you to ask questions and get answers about your data. Its natural language query engine gets constant updates from Microsoft and works extremely well. 
  • As this Microsoft-powered tool incorporates natural language search interfaces, the users can easily create visualizations and discover insights without the necessity of code or syntax.
  • Power BI automatically supports voice recognition Q&A and lists related meaningful queries. Hence, it helps the users to preview a chart or table visualization in the best possible way. 
  • This all-in-one tool has gained popularity among advanced Excel users as it helps in working with Power Pivot features like clustering, forecasting, grouping and quick measures. You will also get an extra facility in transforming and integrating business data.

If you have learnt Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Power BI Online, you can integrate with Azure data services and other Microsoft solutions; share data and dashboards with the Power BI users; create workspaces to collaborate with colleagues; create collections of reports and dashboards, and enable peer-to-peer sharing with Power BI Pro users outside the organization. Official training partners of Microsoft deliver this course for those with highly skilled subject matter experts, in accordance with industry standards.

How to learn SystemVerilog in a week?

SystemVerilog is used to describe the structure of systems and circuits. It is used in the semiconductor industry to facilitate both the design and verification of electronic devices. Designed to be used in the electronic design and semiconductor industry, SystemVerilog is based on Verilog. Verilog has become part of the same IEEE standard in 2008 and is known as the most popular language for the IP & Sub-system verification that demands constrained random verification. It is ideal for both the RTL design and verification. Electronic hardware designers describe the structure of system and circuit designs that are specialized programming languages commonly known as VHDL, Verilog, and SystemVerilog. 

Verilog is a Hardware Description Language (HDL) – it was started as a proprietary language for hardware modelling and became IEEE standard 1364 later. However, the SystemVerilog is a combination of 2 languages – Hardware Description Language (HDL) and Hardware Verification Language (HVL). It is widely known as HDVL. It became IEEE 1800-2012 standard in 2012. Multisoft Virtual Academy is a prominent name in the world of SystemVerilog online training. This course focused on Data Types, Arrays, Looping, Casting, Dynamic Process concepts, Structures, Queues, and functional verification flows and methodologies. You will become a master of SV Assertion Layers, Comments on Layers, and Boolean expression in Assertion. You will also become an expert in deploying constrained random techniques. 

The offered course is designed for the professionals of Electronics' Engineering who want to move to this domain, establish a career in VLSI Verification, or look forward to widening their skills for career growth. At this Training, Certification & Consultancy Organization, you will get the opportunity to meet the experts through interactive webinars. Here you will get 100 plus subject matter experts who are teaching SystemVerilog online. However, this course comes with up-to-the-dated course contents, module-wise assessments, Advance Analytical Reports, and an industry-recognized course completion certificate. Choose a learning module from One-On-One Training, Own Schedule Training, Corporate Training, Project Based Training, or Fast-Track Training. 

Plan, create, and execute the projects like a master!

Primavera p6 has become the most powerful enterprise project portfolio management software in the world. This multi-disciplinary tool, introduced by Oracle, helps in planning, controlling, monitoring, and reporting projects. It has become a one-stop solution for the planners and engineers who are associated with the management of difficult projects. Featured with unlimited data storage, this tool offers fast and hassle-free access to the data. With its high adaptability and user-friendliness, you can filter, organize, and sort activities in different projects. However, Primavera P6 Professional Fundamentals Training is going to help you tremendously as it offers a long range of things. You will learn how to create a new Project in Primavera P6, how to track the progress of any ongoing project, how to link activities, how to create WBS, how to assign project baseline, how to create activities, how to view Critical Path in an ongoing project, how to manage the programs associated with any ongoing projects, how to print project schedule, and how to assign project expenses. It will enhance your knowledge and open a plethora of job options for you. Some of the popular job profiles are listed below.

  • Planning & Coordination Engineer
  • Senior Project Planner
  • Lead Project Planning specialist
  • Planning Engineer
  • MSS Planning Engineer
  • Planning & Billing Engineer
  • Senior Cloud Engineer - (Azure Linux)
  • Project Coordinator/TPM
  • Sr Software Engineering Manager
  • Senior EPM project manager

This software solution is designed and developed by Oracle to give visibility and compliance to the project managers. If you implement it, you will be able to keep your project management simple and effective. It will enable you to improve communication and collaboration between executive-level staff, planners, workers, and other stakeholders. Medium and large-scale organizations are identifying and eliminating operation risks with the use of this software solution. They are also analyzing resource trends to reduce costs and monitoring their resources to utilize those for effective execution of projects. Learn Primavera P6 online! This course is coming with digital learning materials, recorded videos after training, live webinars, lifetime e-learning access, and module-wise assessments.

Advantages of TensorFlow Online Course

TensorFlow is designed, developed, and marketed by Google – it is an open-source machine learning concept which is supported by Windows, Android, macOS, and Linux. TensorFlow models can run without a traditional computer platform in the Google Cloud Machine Learning Engine and offers a great way to organize low-level numerical programming. An online course in this technology is going to help you to become an expert on this machine learning concept. It will tell how to install TensorFlow on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X, Automate Data Preparation, work with Matrix Conversions, understand Convolutional Neural Networks, and use TensorBoard on Our CNN. To pursue Machine Learning with TensorFlow course, you need to be a mathematical expert and carry a clear understanding of programming and Machine Learning Concepts. Here are a few benefits of this training.

  • How to configure advanced TensorFlow installations?
  • How to create pipelines to deal with real-world input data?
  • Define Variational Autoencoders and Convolutional Neural Networks?
  • How to move from concept to a production-ready machine learning setup?
  • How to run images, time-series, text, audio in TensorFlow?
  • How to deal with a pipeline capable of real-world usage?
  • How to validate and monitor training performance?
  • How to explain the theory of Recursive Neural Tensor Network?
  • How to execute Recursive Neural Network models?
  • How to work with Restricted Boltzmann Machine?

This concept comes with has great community support and inherent graph visualizations. It offers quick updates, seamless performance, and frequent new releases with new features. The professionals with Tensorflow course can execute the subpart of a graph and retrieve discrete data easily. They can easily deploy a cellular device to the computer having a complex setup. Parent company Google has made multiple modifications to this library. So, it is quite different as it was first designed and introduced to the market. However, it has some drawbacks when we compare it with Torch, SciKit, Theano, Neon, or any other library.

Google Cloud Architect Certification Interview Questions

Question: What do you mean by cloud computing?

Answer: Cloud is simply a combination of hardware, storage, network, and interface. This combination offers cloud computing as a service. Cloud computing is nothing but computational power that is available on the cloud all the time. Cloud computing services have their own set of benefits that are basically, management and ease of accessing software from all across the globe.

Question: What is Google Cloud Platform?

Answer: Google Cloud Platform or GCP is developed and managed by the developers of Google. It provides various services like networking, database, storage, compute, and migration of the domains with real-time support.

Question: Which are the platforms popularly used for large-scale computing?

Answer: The platforms that are used for large-scale computing are Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Dell Boomi, and many more.

Question: What modes of deployment are used in cloud computing services?

Answer: Private, hybrid, and public are the three basic modes of deployment in cloud computing services.

Question: How do you ensure that when you transfer the data it is sent securely?

Answer: To ensure the data you transfer is transferred securely by checking the implemented encryption key so that no data leakage takes place.

Question: What security access do cloud computing services provide?

Answer: Cloud computing services provide access control, identity management, and authorization and authentication as the basic security access to their users. We suggest you to go for Google Cloud Architect Certification Online Training if you want to know the security accesses provided by cloud computing services.

Question: In cloud computing, what do you understand by system integrators?

Answer: System integrators in cloud computing are the ones that the process of integrating different complex components by designing the cloud that helps to serve them with private or hybrid cloud.

Question: How many layers are there in cloud computing architecture?

Answer: Precisely there are four layers in cloud computing architecture. These layers are physical layer, infrastructure layer, platform layer, and application layer.

Question: What is utility computing?

Answer: Utility Computing that is popularly known as The Computer Utility is paid as you use it service provisioning model. In Utility Computing, a service provider makes computing resources and infrastructure management available as per requirements.

Prominent Benefits of Using TensorFlow

Machine learning is a complicated discipline, but implementing machine learning has become easier as compared to it was before, thanks to the machine learning frameworks that are being used today, like Google Tensorflow. It is the process of getting the data, training the models, doing predictions, and giving a refined final result. Google developed this framework for machine learning as a combination of tensor and flow. Here tensor is nodes in the graph and their flow happens with the help of the edges. The representation of the vector or multi-dimensional arrays is known as the tensors. It combines digits to represent the data in the code form and is featured with an open-source library that helps you to implement machine learning. You can do powerful experimentation for your research after Tensorflow Online Training.

It simplifies the life of the users

Tensorflow relies on strong architecture to simplify the life of the users. It is comprised of three steps. The first step is data pre-processing which is a method of collecting unstructured data, structuring those data, and then bringing those under one limit value. Model building is the second step and training & estimating the models is the third in this regard.

It is an open-source platform

Being an open-source and community-driven platform, it is open for new advancements by the community, so always stays updated. This platform allows the developers to create machine learning applications using various tools, libraries, and community resources.

It is featured with Keras API 

Owing to its Keras friendliness, it helps different combinations of inputs, outputs, and layers. It also ensures that it reduces memory allocations and makes memory allocation easier. AI and Deep Learning with TensorFlow training is designed to help the professionals to accelerate the work process of data collection and redefining data. It restores the workflow of artificial intelligence and Deep Learning with the use of Keras API.

It gives data visualization facility to the users 

Graphical representation helps developers not to go back and look at the whole code for debugging. This open-source software library provides architectural TPU that is much faster than GPUs and powerful CPUs.

Outshine Your Career with ServiceNow Admin Online Training

ServiceNow streamlines employees’ day-to-day workload by automating daily-basis tasks and reducing the amount of time spent on administrative work. With this software, you get automated and intelligent workflow to replace the unstructured work of your organization. This cloud computing-based software helps the customers with a host of applications. It is used for processing and cataloguing customer service requests as a ticketing tool. Basically, requests related to incidents, changes, and problems are solved by this software. Automating with help of ServiceNow Admin course helps you to work in a cross-platform manner with ease.

In simple terms, this software solution provides Software as a Service for organizations that are into technical management. These professionals designs, develops, customizes while supporting the end-users of the software. They have a very specific and interesting set of duties. You have to add a new system and solve with help of resolutions of problems. For being a good admin of this software you need to have a solid understanding of this software. Your ability to know how the features and applications work will help you to solve the problems of the end-users easily.

There are many job profiles you can apply for after getting trained and certified. ServiceNow Admin, ServiceNow HRSD Developer, ServiceNow Administrator cum Developer, ServiceNow Developer (Performance Analyst), ServiceNow ITSM Developer, Sr. ServiceNow Developer, HL- ServiceNow Developer and, ServiceNow GRC Technical Consultant are a few job roles with high demand in the market. The services that you will learn using this ServiceNow Admin online course include customer services, HR applications, IT security, and business applications. These cloud-enabled services are mostly used in IT firms predominately. This 18-hour training program will give you knowledge about using this software for administrative purposes. You will be able to perform main configuration works, add new users, roles, and groups, manage databases and tables, create workflows, and control system access.

Is it difficult to become a Google Cloud Architect?

The Google Cloud Platform exams have lots of similarities with AWS exams. But it is more difficult than the AWS exam as per expert comment. The main difference is that Google expects that every Solutions Architect to come from a Dev background which is not an issue but some would be quite frightened off by a question asking them to debug some python code which is not necessary. GCP certification training revolves entirely around efficiently performing the Cloud Architect role, rather than around the platform itself, and significant value in this because it may better represent real-world capability. But this can also make it much harder because the scope is almost limitless.

Even though the AWS and Google ask almost only scenario questions on their Pro exams, to determine which the right answers were. For example, a question might specify information A and a reply might talk about C and G, but you have to identify all the services, necessities, and business motivations filling in B, D, E, and F, for a solution. AWS does this too (and it's one of the things mentioned in the Cert Prep Guide), but Google did this even more, in our opinion.

Google’s Professional Cloud Architect (PCA) certification exam is more difficult according to test-takers. It requires you to have solid experience. If we compare with AWS, both do test skills of the candidates based on scenario-based questions, but GCP’s exam focuses a little more out on Google which requires candidates to have a developer background. For example, sometimes GCP creates a question that is in no way related to Google, but GCP thinks it's significant to have that particular knowledge, as AWS has the same things. Google Cloud Platform Associate Cloud Engineer (ACE) exam requires you to correct theoretical problems realistically by thinking through the data flows. If you want to know more about GCP and also want to be trained in it, you can check out the GCP certification course and also get an idea from their module for preparing the exam for next.

ITIL® V3 vs ITIL® V4 – A useful study

ITIL stands for Information Technology Infrastructure Library, and we are going to make a comparison between its third and fourth versions. It is a collection of best practices for managing information technology (IT). ITIL® 4 is the latest version of ITIL that provides a digital operating model to enable the organizations in bringing out useful value from their IT-supported services and products. However, ITIL v3, the other, is a process that is a sequence of activities that have been upgraded to practices. ITIL® framework is one of the most important frameworks in the area of the IT sector. IT is a domain that remains in continuous change. So, it becomes very important for ITIL® creators to upgrade it regularly with modern technologies. AXELOS Ltd has introduced a new version of ITIL i.e., ITIL V4. This blog will highlight the major changes of ITIL® V3 vs ITIL® V4 that have been introduced in the latest version of ITIL.

ITIL V3 Process

  • Service Strategy
  • Strategy Management
  • Business Relationship Management
  • Demand Management
  • Service Portfolio Management
  • Financial Management

ITIL V4 Practices

  • General Management Practices
  • Architecture Management
  • Continual Improvement
  • Information Security Management
  • Knowledge Management
  • Measurement and Reporting
  • Organizational Change Management
  • Portfolio Management
  • Project Management
  • Relationship Management
  • Risk Management
  • Service Financial Management
  • Strategy Management
  • Supplier Management
  • Workforce and Talent Management

ITIL V3 Service lifecycle is composed of five stages – Service Strategy, Service Design, Service Transition, Service Operation, and Continual Service Improvement – CSI. Released in 2007, this framework is based on the concepts of IT as a service that helps business in achieving goals. The new ITIL V4 framework is based on a Service Value System (SVS) which describes how all the components. This version helps the professionals in fulfilling the customer requirements. ITIL online training is ideal for the IT professionals who are interested in upgrading from ITIL® V3 certification to an upper level, looking for foundation level ITIL® knowledge, or looking for ITSM education and an understanding of providing business value to the customers.

Top 3 Benefits of PRINCE2 Foundation and Practitioner Certification

PRINCE2® is Projects IN Controlled Environments; it is a structured project methodology that is based on the Themes, Principles, and Processes upon which the PRINCE2® method works. These methodologies help organizations in productive Project Management. Two certifications are there that are offered by AXELOS® for PRINCE2®, and these are PRINCE2® Foundation and PRINCE2® Practitioner. PRINCE2 Foundation course is good for a career in Project Management professional. This course is ideal for Team Managers, Project Managers, General Managers, Business Change Analysts, Process Improvement Specialists, Project Management Consultants, and Project Support Professionals. Our blog will describe PRINCE2 Foundation & Practitioner certification benefits. PRINCE2 Certifications enjoy widespread popularity as leading management certifications across the globe. You will improve significantly in the following ways. You can monitor, execute, and manage complex projects successfully.

Improved Project Management Skills

You can also knowledge about methodologies, terminologies, frameworks, common systems, and procedures used by other Project Managers and you become more flexible and versatile in executing projects. You enjoy greater leverage by staying familiar with different project-related processes and stages along with associated roles and responsibilities and it helps you to start customizing projects for suiting your organization’s needs.

Global acknowledgement in PRINCE2 society

PRINCE2 Foundation & Practitioner Online Training is standard for Project Management in different parts of the world. Private, public, and government segments’ companies deploy PRINCE2 methods. Certified professionals can do any international project work and shared roles and responsibilities minimize the chance of project failure. PRINCE2 methodologies are not confined to any particular industry vertical and can be applied universally.

Profitable Job Opportunities in PRINCE2

The core competencies of Project Management can offer you an amazing career such as Project Delivery Manager, IT Program Manager, Technical Project Manager, Customer Project Manager, Service Delivery Manager, Innovation Delivery Manager, Software Development Professional, and IT Project Manager. The PRINCE2 foundation certification requires no such eligibility requirements. And after getting the PRINCE2 foundation certification, you can use it to apply for the PRINCE2 practitioner certification. PRINCE2 Foundation and Practitioner Certification, you will be able to learn about the various themes and processes of the PRINCE2 methodology. You can apply them in your organization for better and capable project management solutions. So, enroll in PRINCE2 Foundation and Practitioner certification training and take your project management journey one step further.

A Resourceful Study on Primavera P6

Primavera P6 was launched in 1983 by Primavera® P6 Systems Inc. as an efficient project management software. It was acquired by Oracle Corporation in 2008. It is software employed for enterprise Project Portfolio Management (PPM) is the main work for the employer. Primavera P6 training online program which includes various capabilities of this software that includes project management, collaboration and control abilities, product management, and integration with other enterprise software systems and other Oracle projects. Its tracking features allow users to rapidly generate reports, ensure all projects, and maintain baseline adherence. Primavera P6 Online Training is the ideal for this course include Structural and Project Engineers. 

  • It is popular as easy-to-use project management software.
  • It reduces the risk when used for planning, completing, and managing other tasks.
  • It permitted the resources available for monitored and utilize those resources to assemble project requirements and deadlines 
  • This software makes the planning and scheduling process easy by allowing the user to access the schedule.
  • It integrates with Oracle products.
  • P6 can be used on multiple devices, such as tablets and mobile devices for access anywhere and at any time.
  • P6 works on Windows as a desktop 
  • It has the exceptional quality of breaking down complex projects and making project execution easy.
  • It is used to forecast resources, activities, and miscellaneous project requirements.

For getting the best result with this software, the learner can enroll in Primavera® P6 training and also improve his/her skills. The candidate will get to learn about the management of the resources for numerous projects. It will describe the ways to describe milestones, scheduling, and budgets. It will also understand the key responsibilities. The candidates will get technicalities and knowledge during the training program. It will aid in synchronizing projects with the strategic planning of the organization. The learner will certainly acquire project portfolio management skills. Also, can be expertise through the Primavera P6 online training. It can handle big to small projects, whether you’re working in a traditional methodology or within a responsive structure. 

10 Mind-Blowing Features in Blue Prism Robotic Automation

Robotic Process Automation is a method that can be technology, creative business leaders are stimulating customer-impacting enhancements without affecting the transformational roadmaps. As Blue Prism introduces six intelligence automation skills and delivers expressive AI capabilities, it helps organizations in extending the potential of robotic process automation. It reduces the manual workforce by giving time. This write-up helps you how to Blue Prism tool supports you to achieve the features. Some features of Blue Prism will help beginners for training. RPA Blue Prism course provides operational flexibility using an integrated skilled digital workforce. This course is designed for business intelligence and digital marketing professionals. Unquestionably, the combination of the capable RPA platform with these features enables the enterprise to accelerate business improvement.
It is accurate and secure 
Any limitation is not needed about several processes which need to be executed in this implement. It delivers accurate and secure results to any number of processes that you wish to mechanize.

It is highly scalable 
Scalability with management is another feature. That’s why all the processes can be robotic as required. Also, it will be monitored centrally.

It is designed to work cleverly

This tool is designed to work cleverly without a person physically monitoring every action occurring on the screen.

It enables the users to configure Dashboards

It enables the users to configure Dashboards so that the session information can be redirected to the Monitoring Systems.

It offers optimum data security 

It provides robust features like load balancing, data encryption, and end-to-end auditing. So, every change is audited and related to the user related to it. As this tool is designed to work separately, all the processing is performed and is stored in a data centre and provides a well-defined data abstraction of data and process security. Learn RPA Blue Prism online to become a master of this newbie technology. 
It is designed to Provide Cloud Support to the users

It will give working capacity support as per the changing business requirements. So, users have to just create workers on demand and manage them centrally.

It enables intelligence execution 
Robots connect to systems and act in response dynamically to the responses in the data in several environments.

It offers adaptive positioning technology 
It enables the users to automate application fields to enhance RPA bot speed. 

It is an enterprise-class agility platform 

It produces a centrally managed platform to accommodate agile requirements into rapidly collected business process setups.

It has published dashboards 

Its Intelligent Surface Automation enables the users to increase effectiveness and productivity. It provides unprecedented insights using packaging y within 3rd party tools together with Analytics UI.

Why are the Linux system administrators valued in every organization?

Linux system administrators, web server administrators, and cloud computing professionals across the globe consider Linux as the number one operating system. It comes with an optimum level of user-friendliness and high adoption rates. If you want to install Linux on your Windows PC, you need a RAM of 3 GB or more on your PC. However, Virtual Machine can also help you install this open-source Unix-like operating system. You are supposed to carry a working experience in Linux, know how to install Linux and how to effectively use the Linux command line to pursue this Linux System Administration Online Training. Please prefer this course if you want to gain in-depth knowledge of the process of administering Linux servers! This course offers an incredible range of job options to certified professionals. 

  • Unix/Linux System Administrator Senior
  • Linux/Windows System Administrator (NGT/HR/JD05)
  • Linux Jboss Junior Platform Systems Administrator
  • System Administrator, Openstack, Virtualisation, Linux
  • Linux (System Admin) - Technical Architect
  • Linux System Administrator - L2/L3 - Solaris/Red Hat
  • Senior Linux System Administrator
  • Linux System Admin
  • Network Admin
  • Linux Administrator

Multisoft Virtual Academy has come up with the commitment to help aspiring professionals in increasing their ability to become Linux System Administration certified. It is providing 40 hour-instructor-led online training with after training videos, digital learning materials, lifetime e-learning access, and a widely accepted course completion certificate. The offered course is designed to teach you how to work with Linux systems running Red Hat, Debian/Ubuntu and tools, concepts need to manage a production Linux infrastructure. 

  • How to use essential command-line tools?
  • How to install and layout the file system as per industry-defined standards? 
  • How to manage and troubleshoot the boot process? 
  • How to design, configure, and support Linux servers?
  • How to deploy software components from source and binary packages?  
  • How to manage software and processes effectively? 
  • How to manage users and their environments? 
  • How to manage disks and file systems? 

Linux has gained the synonym as the most favorable option for developers because of its capability to contribute and enhance the code for any purpose. Plus, its advanced security feature is the other reason behind its high acceptance. It is less vulnerable than other operating systems. The online training on open-source Unix-like operating systems will enable you with the scalability of your Linux Operating System in order to meet the critical and ongoing IT needs of your organization. It is designed by industry experts to help the aspirants in managing the day-to-day responsibilities of a Linux administrator. 

Invest 24 hours to master the fundamentals of Snowflake data warehousing capabilities

Cloud-based data warehousing company Snowflake allows corporate companies to store and analyze data with the use of cloud-based hardware and software. Founded in July 2012, this company offers data warehouse-as-a-service to corporate users and is known for building and perfecting a cloud-based data platform. Snowflake optimizes how the data is stored and it is an automatic process. With the use of this technology, you can combine structured and semi-structured data for loading into a cloud database. Hence, you will be able to analyze such data without the need for conversion or transformation into a fixed relational schema first. Go for Snowflake Training if you want to load data, run a high volume of queries, or scale down the virtual warehouse! 

Multisoft Virtual Academy is inviting you to earn 24-hour-instructor-led training on Snowflake. It is designed to help IT Geeks, Data Experts, Cloud Computing Apprentices, and Business Intelligence Enthusiasts in learning the fundamentals of data warehousing capabilities. Our offered course discusses snowflake objects, fundamentals of data warehousing, snowflake analytics solution, snowflake cloning, ways to work with data and analytics effectively, data loading, data unloading, and real-time experience of using AWS S3 Storage/Azure Blob Storage. Plus, you will get all the key skills that are required to clear the Snowflake Certification examination. To pursue this course, you need basic knowledge of IT, Cloud Computing, and in-depth knowledge of the DATA Warehouse. 

Since its establishment, it has been the top priority of Multisoft to deliver instructor-led and self-paced training. We have made our association with a team of Snowflake experts. This Snowflake Online Training offers the modules such as Understanding Cloud Platforms, Partner Connect with Snowflake, Scheduling with Snowflake, Securing Data Sharing, Cloning in Snowflake, Clustering, Performance techniques, Failsafe in Snowflake, Handling JSON and Semi structure data in Snowflake Cloud Data Platform, and Data Loading/Unloading in Snowflake Cloud Platform. Talk to a course counselor and get up to a 20% discount on this course! At our training company, we offer a whopping discount for the on-the-spot enrollments. 

Prepare for ITIL® certification exam with ITIL® v4 Foundation Online Training

ITIL or Information technology Infrastructure Library is based on the processes, procedures, tasks, and checklists. Introduced 3 decades back, it is a set of detailed practices for IT management including IT asset management (ITAM) and IT service management (ITSM). Throughout this period, it has emerged as the most popular IT Service Management framework in the world. Focused on aligning IT services with the changing business needs, it describes the processes, procedures, tasks, and checklists of an organization. Information technology Infrastructure Library allows the organizations to establish a baseline from which it can plan, measure, and implement. It is used to demonstrate compliance and measure improvement. Over the last few years, it has been serving IT companies by giving them reduced costs, better visibility of assets, improved resource utilization, and better risk management. 

ITIL® v4 Foundation Online Training is designed to give you an overall knowledge of ITIL 4 and prepare you for the ITIL® certification exam. It helps in understanding the tools, methodologies, purpose, components of ITIL® 4; enables in working with Service Value System, ITIL® Service Lifecycle; and inspires to learn the guiding Principles of ITIL® 4. This 16-hour-instructor-led training also explains how the ITIL® guiding principles help businesses in improving the overall quality of IT-related services. You can use configure this methodology to boost the efficiency and effectiveness of IT services, whether your organization is small, medium, or large. You will get 16 PDUs, training session videos, and AXELOS certification through this instructor-led training. 

ITIL 4 Online Certification comprises the chapters like ITIL® 4 Overview, ITIL® Concepts, ITIL® Guiding Principles, ITIL® Service Value System, Four Dimensions of Service Management, Continual Improvement, Service Value Chain, and Key ITIL® Practices. Multisoft, as a certified training partner of AXELOS and, provides this course with highly skilled and specially trained subject matter experts. Here we offer instructor-led training, self-paced training, own schedule training for a wide range of technologies, including Information technology Infrastructure Library. At Multisoft, you can enjoy free online live webinars to meet the experts live! We have mastered the art of providing industry-specific online training with interactive live webinars. 

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Certification Training Benefits

Developed and marketed by Microsoft, SQL Server is a globally accepted relational database management system that includes its own SQL language and Transact-SQL (T-SQL). SQL Server Database Engine is the main component of SQL Server that controls, processes, and secures the data storage. This RDBMS represents two things – a relational engine that is used for processing queries and commands and a storage engine that manages various database features such as tables, pages, files, indexes, and transactions. We are offering a great opportunity to create analysis and reporting solutions with a 20-hour-instructor-led online training. This Implementing Data model and Reports with MS-SQL Server 2012 Online Training is featured with exam preparation tips, assessments, 24x7 e-learning access, and a widely accepted training certificate. The candidates need to pass MCSE 70-466 and MCSE 70-467 exams to pursue this Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Certification Training. This project-based training is ideal for Database Professionals with Microsoft® Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA): SQL Server 2012 certification.

  • This course helps in describing data warehouse concepts
  • This course prepares to describe architecture considerations
  • This course teaches how to select an appropriate hardware platform for a data warehouse
  • This course helps in implementing data flow and control flow in an SSIS Package
  • This course prepares the process of implementing SSIS solution that helps in modifying warehouse data
  • This course imparts the knowledge of designing and implementing data warehouses
  • This course develops the skills of working with Cubes and Dimensions
  • This course tells how to debug and troubleshoot SSIS packages
  • This course helps in creating multidimensional databases

This Microsoft SQL Server online training offers a long range of benefits; hence, the list does not end here. This relational database management system is secure, easy to install, and ensures Enhanced Performance. It provides an excellent data restoration and recovery mechanism. This hands-on course provides in-depth knowledge of implementing OLAP cubes, building information displays for effective decision-making in the organization, creating managed enterprise BI solutions, creating dashboards with Microsoft® SharePoint Server PerformancePoint Services, and implementing multidimensional data models. We are carrying 20 years of experience in delivering instructor-led and self-paced training in a plethora of technologies, including Microsoft-powered technologies. As we are an official training partner of Microsoft®, we deliver this course with an optimum level of professionalism. Here you can enjoy free online live webinars to meet the experts live! You can contact our course counsellors to get an instant discount on any course powered by this technology company. 

How to pass AZ-204 in 30 Days!

Are you planning to understand Microsoft Azure or try the MS Azure AZ-204 Exam? A good decision we would say. Microsoft Azure has turned into a million-dollar technology as it is featured with on-demand scalability, world-class cybersecurity, and cost-effective subscription models. This cloud computing development tool is ideal for small businesses and established enterprises – it doesn’t require any on-site hardware. AZ-204: Certification is designed for the Network Engineers, System Engineers, Cloud Administrators, Cloud Solution Architects, Cloud Computing Professionals, and other IT professionals who are responsible for providing cloud solutions. You may be curious to know the professional benefits of this cloud computing technology. Let’s check out some key benefits here. 

  • Azure offers rapid deployments 
  • Azure has designed specific applications to address unique needs
  • Azure makes it easy to deploy your current apps with little to no downtime
  • Azure is ideal for small-scale enterprises to multi-national corporations 
  • Azure is the second-largest IaaS and PaaS service provider worldwide
  • Azure is ideal for government and private organizations 
  • Azure offers industry-specific applications 

AZ-204 exam preparation certification will help you in this regard. This 40-hours-instructor-led-online training, which is featured with digital learning materials, recorded videos, lifetime e-learning access, and a globally acknowledged course completion certificate, is course is ideal to learn how to implement API Management effectively. It is also designed to give a detailed knowledge content delivery system, content delivery within the solutions, integrate caching within solutions, develop solutions that use blob storage, and develop message-based solutions. Passing this examination will offer a long range of career options. 

  • .Net Azure Developer
  • Microsoft Azure DevOps Developer 
  • Microsoft Azure DevOps application developer 
  • Microsoft Azure PaaS application developer 
  • Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service (aks) application developer 
  • Microsoft Azure IaaS application developer 
  • Microsoft Azure DevOps application developer 
  • Application developer: Azure cloud migration 

Go for this AZ-204: Certification instructor-led training if you are intended to learn the techniques to develop solutions that use Cosmos DB storage, create Azure App Service Web Apps, optimize Azure solutions, and implement Azure functions! It demands a basic familiarity with Azure ARM Templates, Azure Functions, Azure Cosmo DB, Azure Web Apps, and know-how to program in an Azure Supported Language. To pursue this, you also need to have one year or more of professional development experience with Microsoft Azure. 

Learn SAP Hybris in 56 hours!

SAP Hybris or SAP Commerce Cloud is a cloud-native omnichannel commerce solution for business-to-business, business-to-customer, and business-to-business-to-customer companies. Germany-based company Hybris is a subsidiary of SAP SE; it sells enterprise Omnichannel and product content management (PCM) software. Even though it was established in Switzerland by a group of technocrats, Hybris subsequently moved its headquarter to Munich, Germany. This company delivers personalized experiences to help enterprises in dealing with the diverse needs of every customer. 

Why SAP Commerce Cloud? 

  • It is ideal to resolve the issues faced by both B2B and B2C users
  • Its Omnichannel commerce helps the companies to use varied combinations of go-to-market models to cater to diverse business needs 
  • It allows the companies to store all the product content management capabilities within one centralized content repository
  • It enables the users to define flexible pricing rules and streamline the buying process
  • It comes with industry-specific features, such as travel accelerator, citizen engagement accelerator, and financial services accelerator
  • It offers real-time customer support to the users

C4H340 - SAP Commerce Cloud Developer Part 1 Course Online Training

C4H340 - SAP Commerce Cloud Developer Part 1 Course Online Training is a 32-hour-instructor-led online training that allows us the opportunity to become a master of generating your custom storefronts. It will teach you how to code within the SAP Commerce Cloud platform, how to build and deploy your solution to the Cloud, how to provide configuration for the SAP Commerce Cloud platform back-end, which are the fundamental technical aspects of SAP Commerce Cloud (on-premise and cloud version), and many more. In earning this course, you will need Java, Java EE concept, and Java patterns knowledge along with the basic knowledge of Spring Framework. 

C4H341 - SAP Commerce Cloud Developer Part 2 Course Online Training 

C4H341 is a 24-hour-instructor-led online training that enables us to understand the fundamental technical aspects of SAP Commerce Cloud (on-premise and cloud version). C4H341 - SAP Commerce Cloud Developer Part 2 Course will give you limelight on the fundamental technical aspects of SAP Commerce Cloud, and teach you how to code within the SAP Commerce Cloud platform, how to deploy your solution to the Cloud, and how to provide configuration for the SAP Commerce Cloud platform back-end. It will also prepare you to work with the advanced features and best practices in SAP Commerce Cloud. 

Multisoft Virtual Academy is providing this course in 56 hours 

We are deeply committed to delivering instructor-led and self-paced training for a plethora of technologies. As a globally accredited training company, this institute maintains international standards, ensures lifetime e-learning access, adds module-wise assessments, and delivers a course completion certificate to the learners. Here you can enjoy free online live webinars to meet the SAP experts live! Multisoft allows the technology aspirants to connect with domain experts and know the latest industry trends.

Is It Fine to Learn Cloud Computing Online?

Yes, it is absolutely fine for you to learn this technology online. Online courses, due to their easy access, advanced learning modes, and high effectiveness, are getting popularity among millions of working professionals. This option is ideal for you if you are limited on time and budget. If you are going for an online course, you will get the benefit of so many things that are not available in offline training. Cloud Computing helps organizations in moving from real infrastructure to virtual infrastructure. It caters to two types of services – if it is limited to a single company or organization, it is called enterprise clouds. In the case of multiple organizations, it is called as public cloud. Therefore, the best Cloud Computing courses online have been able to attain global appreciation from the attendees. Check out the key benefits of online certification below. 

  • Highly experienced subject matter experts
  • Industry-based curriculum
  • Learn the latest tools associated with cloud computing 
  • Interactive lectures and real-life examples
  • Round the year access to the recorded sessions 
  • Advance Analytical Reports
  • Industry-recognized course completion certificate
  • Module-wise assessments
  • Mock tests 

The concept of cloud computing is based on sharing resources to achieve coherence and economies of scale. This technology helps organizations in moving from real infrastructure to virtual infrastructure. It makes the use of web technologies to facilitate resources among multiple users. It can be limited to one organization or multiple. If it is limited to a single company or organization, it is called enterprise clouds. In the case of multiple organizations, it is called as public cloud. 

As cloud computing certification courses are highly demanded courses across the sphere, both online and offline options will be available in your city or any nearby city. If you want to get the most out of the modules, we suggest you get your preferred cloud computing course from any institute if it provides classroom training. In offline training, the trainers demonstrate the modules with interactive lectures and real-life examples. On the opposite side, certified online training companies cater to the industry-based curriculum if they are certified. So, you may go for any online training company if you have a shortage of time and budget! But do make a check to the trainer profile before you pursue your training – whether it is online or offline. 

The delivery of computing services, such as storage, servers, databases, software, networking, analytics, and intelligence, are technically known as cloud computing. This newbie technology runs on-site data centers with round-the-clock electricity, it scales elastically by delivering the correct amount of IT resources and helps the companies in minimizing the hardware expenses by giving the storage service online. Cloud computing runs on a secure global network and allows IT managers to spend more time on goal achievement. With its use, the vendors and service providers manage their logistic activities through an analytic approach. In its implementation, the companies can make disaster recovery, data backup, and business continuity without any hassles. Cloud Computing Online Training provides professionals with the latest generation of fast and efficient computing hardware. 

About the Author: Rajib Kar, who finds reading and writing therapeutic, is a technical content writer in Multisoft. An avid blogger, he has worked in various IT companies that provide employee training to develop employability-skill and a workplace-based attitude. This content marketer usually writes about the recent developments of corporate and industrial training. 

10 Breathtaking Benefits of SAP Cloud Platform Online Training

SAP Cloud Platform is ideal to merge data and business processes. It decreases the expenses and enables the companies in expanding the value of their existing applications. Go to the CP100 course, if you are keen on learning with the use of Cloud technology and tells the process of explaining Integration Strategy and Extension Strategy. This 24-hour-instructor-led training is designed for the Developers, Team Leads, Power Users, Business Users, Power Users, Super Users, Solution Architects, Application Consultants, Business Process Owners, Development Consultants, Enterprise Architects, and Business Process Architects. SAP Cloud Platform Certification offers unlimited numbers of benefits, and we are going to discuss some of the top-rated ones today. 

  • SAP Cloud Platform is helpful in creating new applications or extending existing applications in a secure cloud computing environment. 
  • SAP Cloud Platform ideal to merge data and business processes.
  • SAP Cloud Platform gives drivers and principles required for a successful change and explaining the security aspects of the Business Technology Platform. 
  • SAP Cloud Platform helps the developers in increasing their working speed 
  • SAP Cloud Platform helps the developers in developing enterprise solutions for integrating with non-SAP or SAP solutions without learning a new code. 
  • SAP Cloud Platform offers connectivity through the cloud connectivity service
  • SAP Cloud Platform helps the companies in enhancing the value of their existing applications that are running on the cloud. 
  • SAP Cloud Platform ensures that the new applications can run at a lower cost.
  • SAP Cloud Platform decreases the expenses, and hence, increases the return on investment. 
  • SAP Cloud Platform enables companies in expanding the value of their existing applications. 

It has been able to attain words of praise due to its wide-ranging benefits. Along with knowing the benefits, it is also important for us to know what SAP Cloud Platform and why do we use it. SAP SE has developed SAP Cloud Platform as a service for creating new applications or extending existing applications in a secure cloud computing environment managed by SAP. This platform is ideal to merge data and business processes. Throughout this CP100 Online Training, you will learn to understand the extensibility capabilities of the Extensibility Suite, the integration capabilities of the Integration Suite, and know how to differentiate between authentication and authorization. At Multisoft Virtual Academy, you will get time-to-time assessments, lifetime e-learning access, and an industry-based curriculum for this course. 

About the Author: Rajib Kar, who finds reading and writing therapeutic, is a technical content writer in Multisoft. An avid blogger, he has worked in various IT companies that provide employee training to develop employability-skill and a workplace-based attitude. This content marketer usually writes about the recent developments of corporate and industrial training. 

3 things you need to know about project management

Ministers, project managers, and other rule deciders should know a set of techniques to manage the projects with upper scales. They just don’t have one technique or foolproof tool to manage all kinds of projects. There is no such tool or technique that can be used in every project of every organization. It has to be project-specific. So, your decision about the selection of tool or technique should match the project demands and specifications. However, some techniques are natively designed for specific activities and these activities are not ideal to function properly without having the foundation. 

Agile Project Management 

Agile is one of the most popular projects management techniques. It deals with the projects in a different way compared to the traditional procedures. Owing to its outstanding scale and reach, this methodology is ideal for a wide range of projects. The Agile project management technique is used in projects whose development unties in short but precise increments performed by smaller teams. Its approach is based on breaking the projects into smaller steps. This technique breaks the big project steps into shorter sprints that help the managers to do a detailed analysis of the whole process during the development stage.

Waterfall Technique 

It is considered as one of the traditional project management techniques. It builds on the upper mentioned Classical approach to take the project to a whole new level. This technique is going to help you if you are working on a complex project with difficulties and dependencies. Go for best pmp online training if your project management task is likely to deal with in a properly sequential form where the next task is only performed when the previous task has been completed.

Work Breakdown Structure 

Every project must first get planned before putting it into action. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is an approach to organize the work into small and manageable pieces. As per PMBOK, WBS is a “deliverable oriented hierarchical decomposition of the work to be executed by the team.” The idea is to jump in and learning how to swim is how projects drown in lost time and costs. It is actually the graphic representation of every task in the project.

Learn Project Management from the certified trainers 

Multisoft Virtual Academy is driven by a proven training experience in 800 plus courses and backed by a team of qualified trainers. Since our establishment in 2005, we have been delivering industry-recognized training for working and non-working professionals. Executives, Team Leads, Project Managers, Developers, Windows Server Administrators, Business Analysts, Application Consultants, Data Scientists, and CEOs have appreciated our training team, which is putting its maximum efforts into delivering up-to-the-dated course modules. Carrying in-depth domain knowledge, our trainers upgrade the PMP Online Course contents to cope with time-to-time changes in the technology world. 

About the Author: Rajib Kar, who finds reading and writing therapeutic, is a content marketer in Multisoft. Having a bachelor degree in Engineering, he has worked in various IT companies that provide employee training to develop employability-skill and workplace-based attitude. An avid blogger, this Digital Marketing certified professional loves to write about the adaptability and recent developments of corporate training certification courses.

8 Reasons Why STAAD.Pro v8i Online Course Should Be Your Next Career Move

Bentley STAAD Pro is ideal to perform finite element analysis and check modeling errors. Its visual interface is easily accessible and the editor area is available to identify the modeling errors in Beams, Columns, and Walls. Featured with user-friendly visual interface, this software solution is ideal for steel, stainless steel, aluminum, and concrete. STAAD Pro training course has gained popularity in the construction, architectural, and real-estate industries.

Bentley STAAD Pro is used for analyzing all types of structural projects, such as bridges, highways, chemical plants, structural designs, industrial buildings, dams, culverts, turbine foundations, and other embedded structures. This software is ideal to perform finite element analysis and check modeling errors. Its visual interface is easily accessible and the editor area is available to identify the modeling errors in Beams, Columns, and Walls. Engineers import readymade models from the built-in wizard and edit the dimensions as per exact requirements. This structural designing software is ideal to be used for analyzing all types of structural projects, such as bridges, highways, chemical plants, structural designs, industrial buildings, dams, culverts, turbine foundations, and other embedded structures.

Who is it for? 

The professionals having an educational degree or professional experience in civil, mechanical, or architectural engineering can go ahead with this training. However, STAAD Pro Online Training is ideal for Engineering Consultants, Structural Engineers, Structural Designers, Structural Engineering Technicians, Plant Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Civil Engineers, Process Engineers, and Architectural Engineers. 

Why is Bentley STAAD Pro gaining global popularity? 

  • It has a user-friendly visual interface
  • It is ideal for steel, stainless steel, aluminum, and concrete 
  • It offers nuclear codes that can work with the US, British, Japanese, and Canadian Codes 
  • It gives a good understanding of the structure and enables us to see the rendered view of the modeled elements
  • It gives accurate results in the measurement of Shear Force and Bending Moment
  • It saves time and increases efficiency by eliminating the manual calculations
  • It helps the engineers in improving the structure, section, and dimensions
  • It is multi-featured structural designing software that is ideal for is ideal for Wind Load, Area Load, Dead Load, Live load, Snow Load, or Floor Load

Why STAAD Pro Online Training? 

This course imparts skills and techniques required to develop, maintain and support advanced design requirements. It helps the aspirants in becoming experts of 2D/3D geometry creation methods and learning how to implement useful properties, functions, constants, supports, and specifications to complete the geometry. It will help you in describing the significance of the Bentley STAAD Pro v8i software along with its functions. Throughout this course, the professionals cultivate powerful analysis and designing abilities that can be implemented by a wide range of industries and leading engineering consultancies. It will also prepare them to elaborate methods of analysis and customize structural templates for creating a model. You will become proficient to work with concrete and steel designs covering curvilinear beams, linear and non-linear cables. Due to the wide-ranging features of this software, STAAD Pro training course has gained popularity in the construction, architectural, and real-estate industries.

Can I use it for brick masonry work, costing, or estimating? 

No, you can’t use it for brick masonry work, costing, or estimating! Interestingly, this software solution has some limitations as it is not ideal to be used for brick masonry work, costing, or estimating. With its use, you won’t be able to show the amount of material used and requires proper skill for typical designs. 

About the Author: Rajib Kar, who finds reading and writing therapeutic, is a technical content writer in Multisoft. An avid blogger, he has worked in various IT companies that provide employee training to develop employability-skill and workplace-based attitude. This content marketer usually writes about the recent developments of corporate and industrial training

Join PMP classes online for refining your management skills

Are you a project manager, team manager, associate project manager, team leader, project executive, project engineer, software developer, IT manager who aspire to be a project manager? Embark on your journey of success with PMP certification training! This year is perhaps the best year to earn the PMP certification training for refining your management skills. Project management training turns the professionals extremely desirable in the oil & gas industry, construction industry, manufacturing industry, financial services, and business services. It prepares the professionals to handle the new tools and technologies for accomplishing difficult projects with ease. 

PMP certification training online is available in duo modes – you can either go for 32-hour-Instructor-Led Training or 21-hour e-learning content for self-paced training. This course will develop managerial skills and sets your career apart. You will be able to handle challenging projects in the organization and earn international recognition throughout this course. After you have earned this certification, you will be eligible to get at least 25% more salary than your current salary. Project Management will enable you to efficiently execute the projects and meet the mandatory requirements for the MNC companies. 

Emerged as a gateway to success, this online training imparts managerial skills and enables the professionals to understand the project framework in detail. It will teach you a lot of things, including the techniques of integrating the project segments, determining the project's scope, analyzing the project risks, securing approval of deliverables at various project stages, acquiring HR management skills, and managing stakeholder interest in the project. This industry-recognized certification training helps us driving out undertaken projects towards accomplishments. 

PMP Online Course helps the professionals in becoming fit for the best roles in multinational companies. To earn this certification, you must have a bachelor’s degree of 4-years, 35 hours of project management education, and 4500 hours of working experience in leading the projects. You are also eligible to earn this certification if you have a secondary degree or diploma. With a secondary degree or high school diploma, you need 35 hours of project management education and 7500 hours of experience leading and directing projects. Here we go with the set of benefits served by this professional certification. 

So, the professionals with PMP® Online Certification Training are ready to handle the new tools, technologies, and developments in their respective work areas. As per a report published by Project Management Institute, there will be around 22 million new project management job openings by 2027. Therefore, the future of PMI accredited professionals is vibrant and lucrative. Are you already working as a project head or team leader or willing to promote your work profile for a managerial position? If you are keen on promoting your work designation after getting certified, you are requested to check out the most popular courses for beginners. Here we have listed the best project management courses for beginners below. 

About the Author: Rajib Kar, who finds reading and writing therapeutic, is a technical content writer in Multisoft. An avid blogger, he has worked in various IT companies that provide employee training to develop employability-skill and workplace-based attitude. This content marketer usually writes about the recent developments of corporate and industrial training. 

Python has become the go-to language of data science – know its so-called libraries

Python was introduced in 1991 as a successor to the ABC programming language. Guido van Rossum developed this high-level programming language that design philosophy highlights code readability using whitespace. This general-purpose language has become the go-to language in data science. Its widespread popularity at an ever-increasing rate. It has become among the first few things recruiters search for in data scientist's skill set. Developed to support multiple programming paradigms, including structured, object-oriented, and functional programming, it is ideal for different scales projects. NumPy, Matplotlib, and Pandas are the top three Python libraries for data science. Data science with python will help you in learning any of these libraries. 


Scrapy, written in Python, is an open-source web-crawling framework that is used in data mining, information processing, or historical archival. It comes with built-in applications to handle user-agent spoofing, robots.txt, and HTTP features such as authentication and compression.  


SciKit-Learn is a machine learning library for the Python programming language. Previously

known as scikits.learn and sklearn, it was first released in 2007. Mainly written in Python, this library was featured with classification, clustering, model selection, regression, and dimensionality reduction. It is used with NumPy extensively for high-performance linear algebra and array operations. 


As we have mentioned earlier, NumPy, Matplotlib, and Pandas are the widely used Python library for data science. Pandas, designed to work with structured data effectively, is heavily used for data analysis and cleaning. Instrumental in providing fast and flexible data structures, it is also used in statistics, finance, and neuroscience. 


PyTorch is another machine learning library that is used in natural language processing and computer vision. Written in Python, CUDA, and C++, this library is known for its capacity of tensor computation with strong GPU acceleration support. It is also used on neural networks on a tape-based autograd system. 


BeautifulSoup is another python library for data science that is used in data scraping and data crawling. It is known for its powerful functions such as get(), get_text(), find(), strip(), and split(). Developed by Leonard Richardson, this Python package is mainly used for web scraping. 


Numerical Python or NumPy contains a powerful N-dimensional array object. This general-purpose array-processing package provides high-performance multidimensional items. It was developed as the fundamental package for numerical computation in Python and used to address the slowness problem. 


Keras is another easy-to-use Python Library that is featured with neural-network building blocks such as layers, objectives, activation functions, optimizers, and a host of tools. The developers claimed over 0.375 million worldwide users for this Python Library, which acts as an interface for the TensorFlow library. Besides, it provides support for convolutional and recurrent neural networks. 


TensorFlow is an end-to-end open-source platform for machine learning which is blessed with an all-in-one eco-system for libraries, tools, and community resources. It is designed to use in a wide range of tasks focused on training and inference of deep neural networks. This symbolic math library is based on dataflow and differentiable programming. 

Multisoft offers instant discounts to the aspirants of Data Science

You can avail of a whopping discount on the data science with python course. To avail of it, you are supposed to make a direct conversation with your course councilors. A group of professionals prefers classroom training for learning any technology, but we suggest you the online version, especially if you want to learn it without hampering your monthly budget. We are deeply committed to delivering online and offline training for a wide range of technologies. As a certified training company, this institute maintains international standards, adds module-wise assessments, ensures lifetime e-learning access, and delivers a course completion certificate to the learners. 

Top 10 project management tools of this decade

Project management is the technique of planning and implementing a project efficiently. Corporate training on this technology includes the A to Z of project management, including initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing the project. A manager cannot accomplish the task given to him/her without the use of any project management tool. A plethora of tools have been introduced to lead the companies with effective project management, and we have come with the details of some of these tools. It is very important for you to know the tools available in the market, along with the identification of the most appropriate tool for the type of project you usually handle. Check out which are the top 10 project management software tools of the current decade! 


ZOHO PROJECTS is a cloud-based project management tool that enables managers to create, collaborate, and communicate without paying anything. It allows the companies to plan work, tracking it, and collaborating with the team members. ZOHO offers proper file management, and it is ideal to be integrated with ZOHO CRM and other management tools. 


More than 250k project managers across the globe are using this online Gantt chart software solution. Developed for task and project management, it is now used in project progress tracking, time tracking, team collaboration, deadline, resource, and cost management. It helps the organizations in keeping their resources engaged and balanced. In order to make the management easier, it offers ready-made templates to the end-users. 


PODIO is a highly customizable tool used by project managers. It automates sales pipeline, project budget tracking, and shares encrypted files. Owing to its capacity to break the projects into simple to-do lists with assigned tasks, more than half a million companies currently use this project management tool. Isn’t it a huge number? Yes, it is! This tool enables the companies in real-time file uploads, progress statuses, and comments do. 


WORKZONE is the ideal tool for you if you want to create a central position to divide and assign work. This personalized tool assigns people more than one task, makes individual to-do lists, and introduces task dependencies. It is appreciated for its user-friendliness and sophistication. If you have a team of up to 5 users, you need to invest $200 monthly. It means the expense is $40 per user. 


Australian Company Atlassian develops JIRA to track functional bugs and operational issues. This bug-finding software distributes tasks among the team members. It is appreciated for its well-managed workflow mapping, issue tracking ability, and advanced project management capabilities. 


EVENTCOLLAB is a web-based application that is designed to focus on event project management and logistics tracking. Thousands of companies have adopted it to collaborate and share project schedules; it connects everyone associated with the project. It is featured with a variety of technologies to create ideal solutions for event and project management. Get pmp online training to master this tool. 


A cloud-based solution, PROOFHUB, is designed to replace traditional emailing techniques with effective project collaboration, project management, resource management, and task management. The tool has a simple user-interface, secures the file storage, tracks project history, and offers multiple project management features such as Gantt charts, to-do lists, calendaring, milestones, and timesheets. 


TRELLO, all-in-one task management software, is ideal for small teams or individuals that manage a limited number of projects at the same time. As per pmp certification course online, it is known for its user-friendly design, simplicity in performance, and lightweight build. With its use, users can collaborate within the cards, share files, and leave comments. It makes use of a lot of things, such as boards, lists, and cards for creating tasks. 


Redmine is an open-source management tool that is blessed with a Gantt chart, calendar, and issue-tracking system. Developed to give multi-language support, this software solution is featured a Gantt chart, calendar, and issue-tracking system. 


ASANA is another highly acknowledged project management tool; its performance is based on collaboration and offers productivity with advanced project management functionalities. Even though it is ideal for small, medium, and large scale businesses, we won’t suggest it for freelancers. 

Get familiarity with the real-time applications of Blockchain

Blockchain is a public ledger in which the transactions made in different cryptocurrencies are recorded chronologically; it is digitized, decentralized, and is resistant to modification of its data. It does not allow to change or modify data once recorded. This open and distributed ledger can record transactions between two parties efficiently and in a verifiable and permanent way. This specific type of database is ideal for inter-node communication and differs from a typical database concerning the process of storing information. The Blockchain Ethereum Developer Online Training is ideal for software engineers, software developers, programmers, application architects, and professionals with a deep interest in learning Blockchain. It is designed to teach a lot of things, and here we have listed some of those things.

You will understand and calculate the Ethereum Fees after you have pursued this training, able to develop smart contracts with the use of Solidity on RemixIDE, become efficient in running Ethereum nodes on the development machines, learn the process of preparing production-ready applications, and come to know how Ethereum Ecosystem differs from Bitcoin. It will also prepare you to deploy your own Blockchain service with the use of Web3.JS and Truffle like frameworks. Now we will talk about the real-world applications of this technology. Perhaps payment processing is the most popular real-world use of this Ethereum Blockchain online course. It helps individuals and companies to expedite the transfer of funds from one party to another. As Blockchain is ideal for removing paper-based trails, organizations can easily identify their key inefficiencies within their supply chains and locate items in real-time. 


  • It enables the companies in supply chain and logistics monitoring 
  • It secures sharing and record tracking of medical data 
  • It develops advanced voting mechanism
  • It gives advertising insights 
  • It helps in payment processing and money transfer
  • It establishes cross-border payment systems 
  • It is ideal for expediting energy futures trading and compliance
  • It ensures food safety by tracing food items from origin to your plate 

These are some of the typical applications of Blockchain, but the list does not end here. It helps the governing bodies to introduce and manage digital voting systems. Driven by transparent work ethics, this technology allows the governing bodies to promote digital voting systems. It enables the regulators to see any unwanted change on the network. So, make use of this technology for digital voting with immutability. This technology can act as an intermediary to store and move data for improving a host of industries. Hence, companies use it for sharing and selling unused data. It is also ideal for data backup. Even though the storage systems are considered a go-to source for data safekeeping, they are not resistant to hackers. 

Check out the organizational benefits of DevOps in 5 minutes

The popularity of DevOps is increasing, and it is gradually becoming one of the must-have tools for startup companies. This is a set of practices that merges software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) to shorten the system development life cycle. As it integrates agile business strategies, the companies can make prompt responses to their clients. The organizations of the small, medium and large size that have implemented DevOps technology can deliver high speed and better functionality. Implementing new DevOps tactics helps the companies to complete their projects faster than their previous speed. However, this newbie technology has a plethora of organizational benefits. Let’s discuss some of those today. 

It simplifies the development process by introducing automation 

The integration of development (Dev) and operations (Ops) teams help the company in taking the lead over the nearest competitors. So, introducing it in your organization could be a life-changing decision concerning business growth. It will boost your operation speed and help you to ensure faster delivery. 

It helps the companies to achieve their goals in a short time 

DevOps online courses help the professionals to introduce automation, which enables the companies in continuous software delivery and a quick feedback cycle. Ensuring a smooth flow of the SDLC promotes a collaborative culture and offers the scope for continuous feedback. Hence, this newbie technology helps the company in fixing the glitches. Plus, it removes the barriers between development and operations teams.

It enables the companies to monitor the ongoing systems

DevOps is also known for its capacity to monitor the ongoing systems. Once the software is introduced to any operation, Continuous Monitoring will notify Dev and Quality Assurance teams of specific issues arising in the production environment. However, three types of monitoring processes are there. 

  • Infrastructure Monitoring 
  • Application Monitoring 
  • Network Monitoring 

It helps the companies to maintain security measures, such as threat assessment, incident response, database forensics, and root cause analysis. It ensures rapid network responses, gives better network visibility, and minimizes system downtime. 

It reduces the chance of operational risks 

DevOps is designed to help companies by reducing the chance of operational risks. This technology enables the company to use version control, code review, continuous integration, ongoing system monitoring, infrastructure configuration, on-demand releases, and automated software delivery. It also helps the company in removing the barriers between two teams, development and operations. Get Online DevOps Training from a certified training company!

It ensures optimum reliability and helps the companies to scale with maximum risks  

If you have implemented this software tool, you will be more efficient in dealing with the risks in peak times. When the production is at its peak, the management faces a specific set of challenges. That is why developing a comprehensive strategy is important for the manufacturing companies. DevOps focuses on reliability and scalability in deploying new software while safeguarding the existing on-premises data in a distributed environment.

How to Start a Career in VHDL Programming?

VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL) is a highly demanded hardware description language which is used in electronic design automation for describing digital and mixed-signal systems. It is also used as a general purpose programming language. As it manages complexity by fast and early stimulation, VHDL professionals are highly demanded in electronic design automation. Today we will be talking about the essentials and future opportunities of VHDL Programming Online Training Course. This training is delivered by expert professionals and explains the use of VHDL language in logic design and its code structure. Here we go with some of the fascinating benefits of using this technology. Let’s explore the foremost benefits of VHDL training today!


Which are the critical advantages of introducing VHDL in the organization?

  • It allows the companies to describe and verify system behaviour before the real hardware is developed.
  • It allows the company to describe (modeled) and verify (simulated) behaviour of the required system when used for systems design.
  • It allows the companies in the description of a concurrent system.
  • It is a multipurpose language which helps the companies to use calculation blocks in multiple projects.
  • It is used by the designers to use the type system for writing structured code, especially by declaring record types.


Why do I pursue VHDL Training?  

If you pursue this VHDL Online Training, you will become a design expert who can easily explore design alternatives, shorten time-to-market, increase productivity, and manage complexity by fast and early stimulation. You will get the access of portable design data and use language constructs like case statements, process statements, and assignment statements. The aspirants of VHDL also learn the concepts of Data Flow Modelling and Simulation and Behavioral Level Modelling, such as Control Statements, Procedural Block, Signals and Variables. VHDL online course additionally builds understanding about Identifiers, Data Types, Data Conversion, Operators, Data Attributes, and Operator Overloading. Multisoft Virtual Academy has great trainers who are familiarizing the participants with VLSI design flow, digital VLSI (Very-large-scale integration) design and applications of VLSI. An electronics engineering graduate who is keen on building a career in VLSI industry can safely invest in this course – its test benches are portable between design tools.

How do I earn the PRINCE2® Foundation & Practitioner Certification?

PRINCE2® is a structured project methodology that aims in dividing the projects into manageable and controllable stages. The word PRINCE was derived from an earlier method called PROMPT II (Project Resource Organisation Management Planning Techniques). Project Managers generally use this new project methodology for successful handling and completion of Projects. Designed and developed as a UK Government standard for information systems projects, it is adopted in many countries worldwide, including the United Kingdom, Australia, and Western European countries. In 2013, its ownership of the rights was transferred to AXELOS Ltd. from HM Cabinet Office. PRINCE2® (Projects IN Controlled Environments) certification is a widely accepted certification across the globe. PRINCE2 Foundation & Practitioner Training is best suited the Project Managers and aspiring Project Managers.


What is PRINCE2® Foundation & Practitioner Certification Training?

For PRINCE2®, two certifications are offered by AXELOS®, i.e., PRINCE2® Foundation and PRINCE2® Practitioner. The purpose of earning the PRINCE2® Foundation Certification is to ensure that the professional has enough knowledge of the methods used in handling the projects. A professional will be able to work as a part of the Project Management team, supporting the PRINCE2® environment after earning this certification. This PRINCE2 Foundation & Practitioner Online Training also serves as a prerequisite for attaining the Practitioner Certification. On the opposite side, the PRINCE2® Practitioner certification demonstrates the proficiency in dealing with the difficulty involved in a project, and applying the management skills to finish the work within the defined time. It also helps working professionals to apply appropriate concepts in a PRINCE2® environment.


7 Principles provided by PRINCE2

  • Its continued business justification ensures that the project is still viable.

  • It inspires the project owners to continually refer to their previous and concurrent projects’ lesson logs. Hence, they learn from their experiences.

  • It helps in defining roles that are structured in PRINCE2 methodology in 4 levels.

  • In PRINCE2, projects are planned and controlled stage by stage.

  • It enables the companies to forecast on six tolerances, i.e., scope, timescale, risk, quality, benefits, and cost.

  • It enables companies to focus on products.

  • It is designed to suit the project environment, including complexity, importance, size, time capability, and risks.


Who is it for?

No defined set of the prerequisite is needed to earn the Foundation Program Certification. However, the aspirants are supposed to have a little understanding of Project Management. On the opposite side, you will have to earn the PRINCE2® Foundation certification if you want to earn the PRINCE2 Foundation & Practitioner Online Course.


How does it benefit us?

If you learn this AXELOS-powered project methodology, you will get a deeper understanding of the Processes, Principles, and Themes on which PRINCE2® methodology works. These things enable organizations in facilitating productive Project Management. This is the reason; the certified professionals are getting jobs with 20 to 50% upper salary structures.


The winning benefits of VMware VSphere Online Training

VMware's cloud computing virtualization platform, VMware vSphere, includes vCenter Application Discovery Manager and an updated version of vCenter Configuration Manager. The company released VMware vSphere 5 in 2011, vSphere 5.1 in 2012, and vSphere 5.5 in 2013. It is a business solution wherein multiple operating systems are installed on a single physical workstation or server. With this technology, operations turned simple, workloads turned faster, operations turned automated in the IT companies. Learn VMware vSphere Online to Improve host scalability and network scalability, Deploy an ESXi host and create virtual machines, Migrate virtual machine storage, Monitor resource usage and manage resource pools, Identify and solve issues through analytics and alerts, Configure virtual networks with vSphere standard switches, and Manage clones, virtual machines, templates, snapshots, and other host storages.


This platform doesn’t have any downtime:-

VMware's cloud computing virtualization platform is blessed with the ability to run without any downtime – it performs continuously. It has auto update facility and is moved to all of the hosted virtual servers, in case a server crashes. So, your organization, which is using distributed power management and distributed resource scheduler, will have system availability without any downtime.


This platform will reduce your physical server needs:-

This training initiates the reduction of your energy bill. It saves expenses by reducing your storage and physical server requirements. VMware vSphere Training will also prepare your to reduce the cooling costs, carbon footprint, floor space, and UPS costs in your company. In addition, this software solution will also enable your organization to control maintenance and upgrade costs.


This platform will help you in creating virtual labs:-

The VMware vSphere Online Training will enable a company to do software test, system configuration, and updates without utilizing any extra time. You will also be efficiently test the exchange, Active Directory, and, vSphere without modifying the workstations. These things reduce investment budget of any enterprise.


This platform will allow you easier and quicker to backups:-

If you are a certified professional, it will be easier for you to make easier and quicker to backup for the virtual machines associated with your organization. You will be able to make three levels of backup of a single mail, single file, mailbox, database, or the whole server. The disaster recovery is made easy as the backups are at image-level through snapshot technology.


This platform enhances security layers:-

With the use of this cloud computing virtualization platform, you can handle sensitive data more efficiently. It allows you to create virtual networks and isolate the server as per the exact requirements. Hence, the VMware vSphere Online Course will help you in gaining trust from your customers.

IT Service Management Online Courses are designed for the future

ITIL® is powered by AXELOS® Limited and emerged as the most demanded IT service management framework in the world. It empowers the organizations with optimized costs, improved customer experience, and increased productivity. IT Service Management (ITSM) refers to organizational activities performed with the aim to deliver high quality IT services to the end users. ITSM enables the enterprises to follow a set of procedures to fulfil the diverse customer needs. Multisoft Virtual Academy is instrumental in providing many courses on this technology. Here you will get the opportunity to pick the best ITSM online course for your career.

ITIL ® V4 Foundation Online Training


ITIL® Intermediate Service Strategy (SS) Online Certification Training

The ITIL® Intermediate Service Strategy (SS) Online Certification Training is ideal for Chief Technology Officers (CTOs), Chief Information Officers (CIOs), IT Architects, IT Planners, IT Consultants, IT Audit Managers, Service Designers, and ITSM® Trainers. The individuals who are working in IT Finance Management, IT management, and Supplier Relationship Management are also eligible to earn this IT service management online certification.


ITIL® Intermediate Service Design (SD) Online Certification Training

ITIL® is powered by AXELOS® Limited and emerged as the most demanded IT service management framework in the world. It empowers the organizations with optimized costs, improved customer experience, and increased productivity. However, the ITIL® Intermediate Service Design (SD) Online Certification Training is ideal for the IT Architects, IT Planners, IT Consultants, IT Security Managers, IT Audit Managers, Chief Information Officers (CIOs), and Chief Technology Officers (CTOs). Earn this ITIL certification online!


ITIL® Foundation Online Training & Certification

Multisoft Virtual Academy is instrumental in providing ITIL® Foundation Online Training & Certification training. It is ideal for the individuals who are involved in the implementation of IT technologies in their organization. To earn this ITIL foundation Course Online, the aspirants need to carry a basic understanding of the ITIL® framework and how ITIL® can be used to enhance the quality of IT service management in any organization.


ITIL® Intermediate Service Transition Online (ST) Certification Training

Its course contents include Service Transition Principles, Service Transition Processes, Organizing for Service Transition, Technology Consideration, Managing People through Service Transition, and Implementing and improving Service Transition. Earn this ITIL® Intermediate Service Transition Online (ST) Certification Training for understanding the changes to IT services aligned with business strategy and customer expectations and recognizing the responsibility of service transition.


TOGAF® Online Certification Training

Do you plan, implement, and develop strategies and processes in IT companies? If yes, the TOGAF® Online Certification Training is ideal for you, especially if you are seeking the basic knowledge of TOGAF®. A professional who is intended to showcase his/her TOGAF® skills in a certified manner can take up this course as their career option.


ITIL Intermediate Continual Service Improvement Online Training & Certification

This ITSM Online Certification is ideal for ITIL® Foundation certified candidates who aim in attaining higher level knowledge in ITIL®. After the successful completion of the ITIL Intermediate Continual Service Improvement Online Training & Certification, the professionals can define the principles and processes of continual service improvement, explain continual service improvement, describe continual service improvement techniques and methods, and implement continual service improvement.

Related Course:- ITIL Interview Questioin and Answer

                                  ITIL Study Material

Explore the Easiest way of Becoming a Full-Stack Web Developer

Full-Stack Web Developers are high in demand as they have practical work knowledge to produce effective, responsive, and powerful websites. There are various aspects responsible for website design, and these aspects are database, testing, networking, front-end, and back-end. This profession has emerged as the most popular professions for the developers. The full stack web developer online training provided by Multisoft Virtual Academy is ideal for the front-end developers, back-end developers, and students who aspire to make a career in the field of full stack web development. You will get hands-on knowledge of full-stack development, knowledge about the core concepts related to Full Stack Web Development, get acquainted with the latest web developer technologies and ecosystems, and earn good command over front-end and back-end. Check out the key reasons behind their popularity.


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If you are expecting to hire a developer who is equally efficient in dealing with both front end and back end development, go for a developer who has done full stack web developer training. He/she will be able to write prototype codes that connect your website to other content management systems and use HTML, CSS and JavaScript to create codes that control the appearance and interactivity of a site in a browser. These professionals are goal oriented and dedicated to their work. Multisoft Virtual Academy is a genuinely preferred training company which is instrumental in providing this Full Stack Web Developer Online Training. It has a team of Full-Stack trainers who are putting their heart and soul in educating the aspirants. Contact us for making a direct conversation with highly experienced course councillors.


The organizations that are expecting return from a project depend on the certified professionals. These professionals are qualified and experienced enough to add groundbreaking features to any website. Having the ability to handle a web project from a 360-degree perspective, they are efficient enough to modify the websites. A company with experienced full stack developers can deal with the critical issues. During this course, they learn every aspect of website development. Hence, they can identify problems associated with any project and find long-term solutions of those problems. By doing this, they saves time and expenses.


The individuals who have attended full stack web developer certification online can assume the project ownership and deal with the project needs. He/she will be accountable for the MVP development from start to finish. They will make it right even after starting from the middle. At the same time, these developers are quality focused. So, thousands of companies are now depending on these professionals for their design projects. As the full stack developers take part in various web projects, they are efficient enough to deal with web and app development. An organization can expect their insight will be highly beneficial to the performance and market reception of your project.



Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud Computing: Learn best Course for Career

Enterprises, that are using Cloud technology, are now facilitating servers to minimize their business barriers. They can access the technology services with the help of a cloud provider like Amazon Web Services (AWS). This technology is an excellent substitute for centralization of computer services under one server. Multisoft Virtual Academy is a globally recognized training company which is providing a bunch of courses, including AWS DevOps Online Certification Training, AWS Online Training Courses, AWS SysOps Online Certification Training, Amazon Marketplace Web Services Online Training, AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials Online Certification Training, AWS Solutions Architect Associate Level Online Certification Training, and AWS Solutions Architect Professional Level Online Certification Training.


AWS DevOps Online Certification Training


Ideal for System Administrators and Software Developers, the AWS DevOps Online Certification Training focuses on the design and implementation of an infrastructure on AWS. You will be a master of the concepts and practices of DevOps methodology. This AWS cloud computing certification online training is delivered through a combination of lectures and hands-on lab exercises. The aspirants will learn how to implement Continuous Deployment and Continuous Integration with the use of AWS technology.


AWS Solutions Architect Associate Level Online Certification Training


Earn the AWS Solutions Architect Associate Level Online Certification Training if you want to learn how to identify the methods with the help of Amazon EC2, Amazon VPC, how to configure an Amazon Machine Image (AMI), how to set Security Services & Design Patterns, how to use a threat model, and how to work with AWS Storage Gateway. This AWS cloud computing courses online is ideal for AWS Server Managers, Cloud Computing application developer using AWS, AWS System Engineers, Software Developers, AWS Project Manager, and the Individuals associated in designing distributed applications and systems over cloud computing.


AWS Solutions Architect Professional Level Online Certification Training


Are you a System Engineers, Server Manager, or Project Manager of AWS? If yes, you are eligible to earn the AWS Solutions Architect Professional Level Online Certification Training. It is also ideal for the developers who are using AWS for Cloud Computing applications and the professionals who are into designing architecture over Cloud Computing. It will develop the ability to implement self-healing capabilities, apply appropriate AWS account, use of synchronous versus asynchronous replication, and determine trade-offs between vertical and horizontal scaling.


AWS SysOps Online Certification Training


The AWS SysOps Online Certification Training will prepare you to configure VPN Connections, troubleshoot the foundation based AWS CloudFormation definitions, configure the set of Amazon EC2 instances, secure S3 Buckets, and website hosting from S3. This AWS online training is ideal for the System Administrators and Operations Managers who are handling the roles of AWS DevOps on the AWS platform.


Amazon Marketplace Web Services Online Training


Amazon Marketplace Web Services Online Training helps the candidates to get knowledge of handling robust client application that helps the professionals to handle the future changes in response elements and MWS reports. To help the enterprises in providing better services using the Amazon application, Multisoft Virtual Academy provides hands-on training to the aspiring professionals. You will also learn how to create customer engaging atmosphere and how to work with database platform and the web-sales sites, and Amazon Cloud Servces. Read More Click Here.....

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Become a master of Citrix XenApp 6.5 with CXA-206 training

Citrix XenApp 6.5 administration online training is gaining popularity and we will explore some core reasons today. You can access Citrix XenApp from any location, and the use will enable you to access Windows Apps and get computing resources over the network. This application brings down the risk of data loss and keeps the unwanted interventions apart. It also transfers virtual apps on the basis of the devices and security configurations. We, at Multisoft Virtual Academy, have come with the Citrix XenApp 6.5 administration online training course. It aims in helping the candidates learning XenApp installation, Configuring Policies, Citrix Receiver, and Load Management. While earning this course, it will be a great deal for you if you have familiarity with server monitoring tools and a basic understanding of the Microsoft Remote Desktop Services.


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You can earn this course if you are a Network or Systems Administrator having minimum familiarity with Microsoft Windows environments. It is also ideal for the Windows 2008 R2 administrators who are interested in becoming XenApp Administrators and XenApp Administrators who are intended in updating their domain expertise. The Citrix XenApp 6.5 Administration Online Training enables the aspirants to get an upper hand in Administrative Configuration, Monitoring XenApp, Optimizing the User Experience, Applications and Content Delivery, Web Interface installation & configuration, StoreFront installation & configuration, Application Streaming, and App-V Integration. Here we go with six professional benefits of Citrix XenApp.


  1. It has single management console.
  2. It includes the components like Dedicated Data Collectors, Provisioning Services, EdgeSight monitoring, Remote Access Devices, and increased redundancy with essential servers.
  3. It does not require configuration complexities and expenses.
  4. It has consolidated almost all administrative tasks in one console.
  5. It enables you to publish applications and set policies with a Worker Group.
  6. It has the ability to perform Load Balancing between geographical locations to the XenApp servers closest to their current location.


Multisoft Virtual Academy provides up-to-the-dated course contents to the aspirants. However, the range of course contents include Introducing XenApp, Installing XenApp, Licensing XenApp, Administrative Configuration, Citrix Receiver, Configuring Policies, Delivering Applications and Content, Installing and Configuring Web Interface and StoreFront, Application Streaming and App-V Integration, Optimizing the User Experience, Configuring Load Management, Configuring Printing, XenApp Security, Monitoring XenApp, and Additional Components. We have a team of highly efficient trainers. These CXA-206 trainers were recruited after multi-stage skill analysis and went through stringent training sessions.  They are putting their hundred percent efforts in delivering the course modules. Read More Click Here

Red Hat Certification (RHCSA) is the key to your Career Success

Our course contents include Introduction of RHCSA, Getting Help, Managing Files, Local Users and Groups, Working with Text Files, Permissions, Remote Access, Processes, Services, Software Package, Logs, File System, Virtualization System, KickStart, Archiving Files, Regular Expression, VIM, Networking, Cron and At, ACL, Selinux, Partition & File System, Network Users, Logical Volumes, Access NFS, Access HTTP, Access Samba, and Boot Troubleshooting.  RHCSA Online Course has become one of the most valued corporate certifications in the system administration domain. Multisoft Virtual Academy conducts RHCSA online training to help candidates in cracking the RHCSA certification.


A Red Hat® Certified System Administrator is a professional who showcases the expertise in performing core system administration skills required to manage Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® environments. If you have completed the RHCSA online training, you will be able to operate a running system, configure local storage with the use of partitions, and stop virtual machines. In general, the professionals acquire the RHCSA skills for managing users, groups, and SELinux configuration. However, a certified professional can aim for the next level, i.e. RHCE – Red Hat® Certified Engineer. This RHCSA Online Training is designed for the IT professionals, who wish to become Red Hat® Certified Engineers (RHCE), individuals, who have already attended the Red Hat® System Administration I and II training, and professionals, who have gained experience in system administration tasks for Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® environments. Here are some amazing benefits of RHCSA Training. Check them out! 


  • It helps in dealing with System Administration related tasks in Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • It is the stepping stone into the world of Linux and Red Hat Certifications
  • It enables the certified professionals in opting for higher certifications such as RHCE
  • It is a great option for those professionals who are new to the world of Linux
  • It doesn't require any defined setoff prerequisite
  • It enables us in configuring local storage using partitions and logical volumes
  • It helps in using essential tools for handling files, command-line environments, and directories
  • It teaches how to manage users and groups
  • It highlights the techniques of deploying, configuring, and maintaining systems


We invite you to learn RHCSA Online for a number of reasons. As it is a highly demanding and globally acknowledged certification course, it will enable you to earn at least 25% more than your current salary. After earning this course, you will become a part of global RHCSA team which will push your career to a visible height. Multisoft Virtual Academy is a certified company for online training. It is backed by years of experience and has been able to attain a remarkable position in the world of corporate training. Read More Click Here 

Today 80% MNC Companies Recruit SAP Professionals

Thousands of the multinational companies across the globe are now using SAP (Systems Applications and Products) systems and depending on the certified professionals. They are implementing these solutions to manage various business processes within the organization, including accounting, human resources and purchasing. The SAP certified professionals help their organizations in integrating data with a variety of databases, creating their own rules within the SAP structure, and managing supply chain activities without any difficulties. Designed to handle almost all aspects of a business, Systems Applications and Products solutions stores a high value of marketing, finance, and sales data. That’s why thousands of training institutes are now offering SAP online courses across the globe.


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Multisoft Virtual Academy provides SAP training for different disciplines, including FI/CO, ERP-HR, ERP-MM, HANA, SD, BO, BI, CRM Functional, EHS, ABAP, QM, BASIS, PM, Warehouse Management, UI5, and HYBRIS. It is a SAP certified company which is engaged in providing online training to the working and non-working professionals. If you wish to earn SAP Certification, you are supposed to know a few realities around this course.


Even though it is provided with highly skilled team of professionals, SAP certification is not like a magic paper. It will not make your small share holding business into a market leader just after recruiting some certified professionals. If you learn SAP, it will help you in maximizing sales by increasing your customer satisfaction. SAP cloud platform will not choose your server need automatically. However, it is a baseless myth believed by the companies. This cloud computing platform utilizes software protocols and applications and works with open programming standards such as Node.js, Python, C++, Java, XSXJS, Ruby, and PHP. So, you are not suggested to learn any particular language if you are planning to get enrolled into this course.


Obviously, this certification offers high-paying jobs, but you need to prove your efficiency in implementing the modules as per organizational needs. If you can show your skills, you are even eligible to get a job with 40 to 50% hiked salaries. SAP cloud platform is not that much expensive. To use it, the users are not supposed to invest a huge amount. You can avail trial access for testing different services, and start using Systems, Applications, Products in data processing cloud platform without investing anything. A user can purchase a 120 GB ASE and 10-GB HANA storage just by paying 23 Euros every month. Go for earning best SAP online training from an accredited institute and push your career a few miles ahead! Good luck! Read More Click Here

How to Learn Advanced Ethical Hacking Online?

Hey, would you like to become a white hat hacker? That’s absolutely cool. Do you have the guts to declare that you won’t be using the acquired skills illegally to harm any individual or organization? If yes, we invite you to learn ethical hacking for a booming and highly satisfying career. The practice of accessing personal or organizational computer programs connected over a network is technically considered as hacking. With knowledge and expertise, the hackers access, modify or damage data for their own purposes.


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                                   Ethical Hacking For IT Security


Multisoft Virtual Academy is a lead name in the world of online training. It has a team of ethical hacking experts which offers Ethical Hacking Course Online to the aspiring professionals. This program enables the individuals with the capability to hack computers and internet zones ethically. In its successful completion, you will be able to work with the top most companies and help them in securing the existing IT network vulnerabilities. You will be able to work as Security Auditors, Security Analysts, Site Administrators and many more designations. However, the process of earning this course is easier than you think. You just need to collect the helpline number from our official website or fill up the online form. If you make a call, you will be assisted by our course councillors who are deeply committed to assist the hacking aspirants.


Our Ethical Hacking Course covers a wide range of areas, such as Introduction to Ethical Hacking, Network Scanning, Information gathering about target, Enumeration, Hacking the System, Sniffing, Social Engineering, Working with Trojans and Backdoors, Working with Viruses and Worms, DoS Attack Techniques, Session Hijacking Techniques, Webserver Hacking, SQL Injection, Web Application Hacking, Wireless Hacking, Mobile Hacking, IDS, Penetration Testing Methodology, Firewall Evading Techniques, Cryptography tools and Techniques, and Buffer Overflow Vulnerability.


In order to earn Ethical Hacking Online Training from our training company, you are supposed to have a minimum of 2 years of verified work experience in the information security domain. At the same time, you need to officially state that you won’t use the acquired hacking skills for illegally to harm any individual or organization. In its successful completion, you will learn the techniques of scanning and protecting networks to ensure Cyber Security. You will also be a master of the ways that illegal hackers use for compromising system security. College students learn the modules of hacking to perform legal hacking activities, such as social engineering, intrusion detection, and virus creation.

Introduction to Embedded Systems Online Training

Combined with a processor, memory, and input devices, an embedded system is a computer system which is designed to perform a specific purpose in a mechanical or electronic system. It ranges between the devices used for multitasking devices or the devices used for a particular task. Easy to manage, Embedded systems are microprocessors that consumes a low space and load fast. These systems are cost-efficient and designed to perform specific tasks. Multisoft Virtual Academy is globally acknowledged as authentic online training centre. It has been providing online training on various technologies from the day one. Embedded C online training is one of them. Here we are listing out the main advantages of embedded operating system. Check them out!


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Advantages Of Embedded Systems


Embedded Systems are smaller in size, use less memory, utilize minimum resources, ensure hassle-free performance, and ideal to be loaded within a few seconds. Use these operating systems if you are looking forward to cost-efficient operating systems. Plus, these are dedicated to one device. Embedded C online certification training courses include MATLAB Online Training, Verilog Online Training, System Verilog Training, 8051 Microcontroller Training, VHDL Online Training, PIC Microcontroller Online Training, AVR Microcontroller Online Training, RTOS Online Training, LabVIEW Online Training, ARM7 Microcontroller Training, Linux Device Driver Training, PERL Scripting Online Training, Raspberry Pi3 Online Training, ASIC Design and Verification Training, Embedded C Online Training, Linux Systems Programming Training, PCB Designing Training, etc. There are many other reasons that will insist you to pursue this training from Multisoft Virtual Academy.


  1. It is a certified and globally acknowledged training house
  2. It has recruited highly efficient trainers who follow industry defined norms
  3. It follows global norms of online training
  4. It delivers the classes on the basis of updated contents
  5. It believes in providing the classes with practical examples
  6. It helps the professionals in developing soft skills and building resume stronger


If we talk about the career opportunities of certified professionals, we get a long range of options. These professionals get their employments in machine control, machine monitoring, monitoring and controlling of advanced manufacturing, equipment control, health monitoring and improving industrial machines. After becoming a certified ES professional, you can expect an average salary of $87,300 per year. With almost every device and computer systems, the ES processor is used throughout the industries. Do you have processor related knowledge? If yes, you are eligible to enrol any of the embedded Linux training courses. However, these courses are ideal for software engineers, mechanical engineers, and IT professionals.


It will help in building your resume and soft skills. Hence, this course is helpful for job search and getting high salaried jobs. The instructors will provide you the information you need and help you in filling out the resume with most relevant experience. Another thing about online training is its flexible timing. As it enables the aspirants in attending the classes as per their schedules, you don’t need to find out a slot of time to attend the classes. When you are earning this embedded systems course, you will get to learn from the team of certified. Read More Click Here....

Learn the Career Advantages of Hadoop Developer Online Training

You are invited to attend this course if you aspire to be a Data Scientist, Data Analyst, Data Architect, Decision Maker, Data Integration Architect, Hadoop Administrator, and Hadoop Developer. Hadoop Developer Online Training provides up-to-the-dated course contents to the aspirants, including Java Developers, Architects, Big Data experts, and the professionals with basic knowledge of UNIX, SQL and Python programming language. HDFS Fundamentals, Introduction to Hadoop, MapReduce Fundamentals, MapReduce Programming and Advanced Features, Hadoop Installation and Basic Admin Tasks, Pig, Hive, Hbase, Sqoop, Mahaout, and Case Studies are the modules offered in the Hadoop Dev Training. This is a mind-blowing opportunity for you to know the career advantages of this training.


The world has seen increasing demand for the Hadoop Professionals


It is a doubtless fact that the global demand for Hadoop Professionals is increasingly uncontrollably. According to Forbes Magazing, the Hadoop Market is expected to reach $99.31 billion by 2022 at a CAGR of 42.1%. Hadoop, which is scalable and cost-effective, is one of the most prominent technologies that can handle Big Data. This technology has become a foundation for other Big Data technologies such as Spark, Hive, etc. Hence, it is generating a number of jobs for the certified professionals.


Huge skill gap still persisting in the Hadoop market


Scarcity of big data hadoop professionals is another genuine reason behind its worldwide popularity. Go and pursue Hadoop Dev Online Training for this reason too! Most of the job options offered to these professionals is going vacant due to a huge skill gap available in the market. It has created a vast gap between supply and demand. So, we recommend you to make the right step towards building a sustainable and lucrative career.


Hadoop is the Gateway to Big Data Technologies


It has become a key element for Big Data analytics and has been adopted by thousands of companies. The world of big data now involves multiple technologies in a tailored manner. So, it is essential for you to learn Hadoop and become expert on other Big Data technologies falling under the Hadoop ecosystem if you want a rewarding career. In doing this, you will be able to boost your Big Data career and grab elite roles like Data Scientist and Big Data Architect.


Hadoop has revolutionized the way data is processed


This technology has turned into a popular technology because of various reasons, including low cost, high scalability, safe storage and optimum performance over variety of data sources. It has gradually turned into a better alternative than that of traditional data warehousing systems. In a single, Hadoop Dev Online Course has revolutionized the way data is processed and introduced a drastic change in data analytics. Learn More Click Here

5 Sectors that Employ AWS Devops Professionals

Microsoft Azure is a set of cloud services that is used to help the enterprises in dealing with the difficulties and overcoming major challenges in business. It has emerged as the most advanced solution to build, manage and deploy applications on a global network. Azure is designed to bring together everything you need in your business – whether it is based on products, services or third-party applications. Chris McMasters, Chief Information Officer, CA, said, "We did look at different platforms, including Azure, Google, Amazon, and VMware. If we wanted to put the whole city in the cloud, we needed Azure." Multisoft Virtual Academy is instrumental in offering the online version of Microsoft® Azure Solutions Online Certification Training. Here are five sectors that are now engaged in recruiting the professionals who has earned AWS Devops Online training.


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Financial Sector:


In order to ensure better serve customers, a group of financial service providing companies empowers trained employees. These employees help the companies in optimising risk management, and hence, they minimize the expenses.


Healthcare Sector:


Healthcare is one of those areas that recruit the professionals who have attended AWS DevOps Online Training or classroom training. The certified professionals work to develop solutions for proactive and personalised healthcare.


Retail and E-commerce Sector:


Now days, a significant portion of the retail sector is delivering personalize, flawless, and distinguished experiences. It is gradually moving towards modernization and minimizing expenses in a broader way. However, the e-commerce sector is also following the same.


Manufacturing Sector:


With the forward movement of digitalization, the manufacturing sector is also involved in recruiting the professionals with AWS Devops Online course. It now tries to move with the market trends and respond the customers in better ways.


Government Sector:


The government sector recruits these professionals for a number of reasons, including efficiency and security enhancement. They enable the government offices in optimizing the old and traditional services. Hence, the state and central governments are improving the quality of their services. READ MORE CLICK HERE

Redesign your career with SAP NetWeaver online training

SAP NetWeaver was first introduced in 1997 by an Israeli company, TopTier Software. The first version of SAP NetWeaver was released in 2004 with version NW7.0. However, the latest available version is 5 released in 2015. NW is used in managing and configuring business applications to develop workbench application so you can achieve multiple advantages. Allows you to upgrade systems and perform tasks with immense flexibility, this open platform is based on Service-Oriented Architecture approach. With SAP NetWeaver Online Training, SAP brings a wonderful gift for you if you want to learn the ethics to create a portal with a better user experience. Here we go with three key elements of SAP NW Platform.


1. Business Enablement Applications 

Business Enablement Applications comprises business enablement applications such as SAP Process Integration, Enterprise Portal, and Business Intelligence software suite.


2. Highly Configurable Business Applications

Highly Configurable Business Applications includes SAP ECC suite, SAP CRM software suite for Supply Chain Management, Customer Relationship Management, and other key modules that are part of SAP Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution.


3. Common Development and Technology Platform 

Common Development and Technology Platform comprises the technologies like SAP Web Dynpro, ABAP Workbench, and Visual Composer. These technologies are ideal for web and application development.


Multisoft Virtual Academy has turned into a pioneer in delivering SAP NetWeaver training, as it has been doing this job from the day one. On the basis on qualified trainers, this company insights the candidates on all the important aspects such as: how NetWeaver can satisfy the demand of the ERP Enterprise Portal, Exchange Infrastructure, and Business Intelligence. It is a SAP certified training company which is backed by years of experience. The trainers of this company are following industry standards and committed to prepare the aspirants as per changing industry demands. After this course, they can understand the complete architecture of the software. This course is ideal for the Software Development professionals who wish to gain knowledge on NetWeaver for developing new portals and understanding those. The SAP NetWeaver online certification training comprises with the course contents such as An Introduction, Portal User Experience, Portal Administration, Portal Content, and Portal Runtime & Portal Apps.


Utilizes open standards, SAP NetWeaver describes all the software and services used for 'Business Enablement'. This open technology platform offers a comprehensive set of technologies to integrate people, processes, and information. It serves as the foundation for Enterprise SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture), runs mission-critical business applications, and allows the integration and alignment of people, information, and business processes across business and technology boundaries. In its successful completion, you will be able to understand iP Compilation, iP forms, Portal Runtime, and Portal Apps. You will also understand the installation and operation of NetWeaver Architecture. Hence, it will open unlimited numbers of job opportunities with a handsome salary packages. Read More Click Here


Learn Big Data Online – choose the best course for your career

We are now living in a data-driven world and data analysis has become an integral part of modern businesses. It helps the organizations in studying customer behaviour, facilitating data access, cutting down workplace discrimination, and introducing effective data management system. An online course on big data will open numerous job opportunities for you. If you are a data analyst, you are blessed with unlimited numbers of career options with handsome salary structures.


“Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine.” – Peter Sondergaard, senior vice president, Gartner Research.


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Learn The Techniques To Manage Big Data With Hadoop Online Training


The amount of data across the globe is increasing. It is expected to reach 44 trillion gigabytes by 2020. We, at Multisoft Virtual Academy, provide six courses on Big Data. Throughout this blog, we are going to discuss the prerequisites and career opportunities of those courses.


Hadoop Data Analytics Certification Training


Ideal for Data Scientists, Data Analysts, Data Architects, Data Integration Architects, Hadoop Administrators, and Hadoop Developers, this big data analytics online training aims in providing deep knowledge about Hadoop overview, Hadoop ecosystem, and Hadoop tools. Our specialized team of instructors aim at letting the candidates get an in-depth understanding of the knowledge of Hadoop fundamentals that can help them to know all about Hadoop architecture.


Apache Spark & Scala Online Certification Training


Multisoft provides this training for delivering the features and fundamentals of Scala programming language. Used to avail great analytical results, Apache Spark is considered as one of the most reliable open-source framework for big data. It enables the professionals to run the data analysis faster and it takes lesser disk space. However, the concerned course is ideal for Data scientists, Analytics professionals, Research professionals, and the candidates who wish to understand Apache Spark.


Data Science Online Certification Training


Earn this big data analytics courses online if you are keen in earning in-depth knowledge of analyzing Big Data and using R and Hadoop. You will also get acquainted with the roles played by the Data Scientists and the practices used for Big Data Analysis. After earning this course, you will be able to help your organization to apply strategies on data and resolve complex business issues. This course is ideal for the software professionals, data science enthusiasts, and graduates who wish to make their careers in analytics and data science.


Hadoop Administration Certification Training


Hadoop runs on Linux. So, Hadoop Administration training is a key to earn basic knowledge of Linux. It is ideal for the Mainframe professionals, Big Data Architects, Infrastructure Engineers, DB Administrators and all other professionals who are associated with Big Data analysis. This course will teach you the practices of planning, monitoring, managing, and deploying Hadoop Cluster.


Hadoop Developer Online Certification Training


Delivered by certified professionals, big data analytics training course enables the professionals in understanding the basic principles of Hadoop. It provides an in-depth knowledge about the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), Hadoop MapReduce, Hadoop Cluster and the techniques to implement a Hadoop Project. This big data course is ideal for the data analysts, data architects, data scientists, decision makers, data integration architects, hadoop administrators and hadoop developers.


Data Scientist with R, SAS® & Excel Online Training


Earn this course if you want to gain knowledge about Big Data Analytics. It is ideal for the candidates who wish to learn SAS Data Science and make their career in Data & Analytics. This course will prepare you to work with Clustering, Hierarchical Clustering, Analytical Tools, installing R on different Operating Systems, and Multiple Regression models. Read More Click Here......

Is there any functional difference between SAP BI vs SAP Power BI?

BI stands for Business Intelligence, and SAP BI is a leading data warehousing and reporting tool which empowers us in converting raw data and delivering enterprise business solutions. Hence, it helps the users in making faster and more informed decisions. SAP HANA supports DirectQuery, Import options, and HANA information models. If you want to use SAP HANA, you are suggested to install SAP HANA ODBC driver on the local client computer. Know the reasons behind the growing popularity of SAP BI Online Training – earn it and open hundreds of high paying career options. Today we are going to discuss the basic differences between SAP BI and SAP Power BI.


What is Power BI?


You can easily access SAP HANA databases with the use of Power BI Desktop. SAP HANA supports DirectQuery, Import options, and HANA information models. If you want to use SAP HANA, you are suggested to install SAP HANA ODBC driver on the local client computer. However, the SAP HANA Client tools that contains necessary ODBC driver can be downloaded from SAP Development Tools. It can also be downloaded from the SAP Software Download Center. But yes, SAP Software Download Center changes its structure frequently. Here we will be finding the supported features for SAP HANA.


  • It supports both DirectQuery and Import options.
  • Power BI connector for SAP HANA provided best user experience.
  • Power BI supports Analytic Views, Calculation Views, and other HANA information models
  • Power BI is blessed with optimized navigation.
  • Power BI includes Optimized Navigation for HANA Models.
  • Power BI supports SAP HANA Variables, Input parameters, and HDI-container-based Calculation Views.


What is SAP BI?


BI stands for Business Intelligence, and SAP BI is a leading data warehousing and reporting tool which empowers us in converting raw data and delivering enterprise business solutions. Hence, it helps the users in making faster and more informed decisions. We invite you to learn this technology if you are keen in imparting knowledge on data warehousing fundamentals, data acquisition transformation, BI enterprise reporting, information broadcasting, Bex web analyzer, and data store objects administration. However, the SAP BI online course is ideal for SAP BIÂ functional consultants, Project Managers, SAP End users, IT/Business analysts, Project team members, BI or ABAP professionals with at least three years of functional experience, and the professionals who are interested in learning SAP BI.


  • It is blessed with self-service tools and aim in serving diverse enterprise needs.
  • It can integrate with multiple data sources and ideal to cope with exact organizational requirements.
  • SAP BI is blessed with self-service tools along with wide availability. These tools are used by BI developers, ETL developers, or a dedicated IT department.
  • SAP offers integration with SAP HANA and Data Warehouse, but it also covers external services such as Apache Hadoop, Hive, and Hbase.
  • It is featured with real-time database and the database is compatible with different database management systems.


Companies use SAP for a plethora of reasons, however, the primary focus of this is to serve diverse enterprise needs. The Enterprise Planner suggests good option for corporations with a large amount of data and human resources to supply data. It will add a complete service range for creating BI solution and hence, you will get an optimal organizational solution. Used by BI developers, ETL developers, or a dedicated IT department, these tools help us in automating the process of dragging data from a large storage and introducing it to the users. Register for SAP BI training to get in-depth familiarity of self-service tools. To work with data efficiently, you need a lot of data-specific knowledge and engineering skills. SAP BI is blessed with self-service tools along with their wide availability. Read More Click Here


Go for Power BI training to learn how to analyze and visualize Data

Today every single company is dealing with bulk amount of data, whether it is customer related or sales related. In today's data-driven business marketplace, it is very important for the organizations to analyze trends, statistical numbers and facts before taking any action. You will get many data monitoring tools around you, but BI has emerged as a leader when it comes to Business Intelligence and Data Visualization. In adherence with Gartner’s 2020 BI and Analytics report, Microsoft's Power BI has been placed at number one spot owing to its high user-friendliness and optimum-level of customer satisfaction.


The digitalization wave across the world is gradually shifting towards cloud platforms. Power BI is a cloud-based tool which has become the most dependable tool in the business world. This Microsoft-powered tool has already launched in thousands of companies and ruling the market globally. Therefore, it is a proven fact that the future for BI certified professionals is bright and rising. Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Power BI Online Training covers the course materials such as using dashboards in mobile applications, visualizing data and creating author reports, scheduling automated refresh of reports, creating & sharing dashboards as per the reports dependent upon bi desktop and excel, and creating real-time dashboards.


Multisoft Virtual Academy has come up with Power BI online training course for the professionals who are intended to use this technology to turn unstructured data into useful business information. Suitable for business analysts, project managers, it professionals, solution architects, and business executives, the Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Power BI Online course is designed to help the professionals with the ability to consume dashboards in mobile apps, create custom visualizations for using reports and dashboards, collaborate within groups to write reports, share dashboards effectively as per respective organizational needs, leverage custom visuals in Power BI, and explore live connections to data with Power BI.


After pursuing this training, the aspirants can join other online training courses under the BI domain. It will allow them in understanding business intelligence, data analysis, and data visualization thoroughly. You will also be useful in enabling the aspirants with the capacity to import data, connect and import data, auto creation of dashboards from Salesforce, Marketo, and Google Analytics, shaping and transforming data, enrich data with business calculations, visualize data and authoring reports, schedule automated refresh of your reports, and create dashboards based on reports and natural language queries.


As this analyzing and visualizing data with power BI training develops the decision-making skills in the professionals, these professionals are highly demanded in almost every type of industries. Now a days, retail, software, and healthcare organizations are recruiting these professionals as Power BI Developers, Power BI Project Managers, SQL Server Power BI Developers, Power BI Semantic Model Developer, etc. Plus, they are offering higher salary packages to the qualified professionals. If you are still in a dilemma whether it is a bright career option for you or not can definitely go ahead with this option.

Become a Blockchain Developer with Best Blockchain Course Online

If you want to get detailed information about Blockchain technology and its career goals, you are strictly suggested to earn Blockchain certification. You will get both the options available, whether you want to earn it online or offline. The certification, which is getting global acceptance, has uncounted numbers of benefits. The certified professionals are highly demanded and we will add some of the key reasons behind their ever-increasing popularity. Multisoft Virtual Academy, with a team of certified instructors, enables the aspirants in knowing latest and emerging trends in this technology. Blockchain Certification trainers are committed to prepare the aspirants for organizational innovation and excellence. We provide this course to Networking Professionals, the professionals with basic programming knowledge, and students who wish to kick start a career in this technology.


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Our Best Blockchain course offers Introduction of Blockchain, Blockchain and Bitcoin Data Structure, Creation of Blockchain – Mining, Extending the Blockchain, Buying and Selling Process of Bitcoin, Bitcoin and Blockchain Adoption, Blockchain and Public Policy, Emerging and Latest Trends in Blockchain, and Blockchain Innovation and Entrepreneurship. It has attained industry acceptance due to many reasons, including its capacity to give better security. It is actually a network of computers which is formed by a complicated sequence of mathematical numbers. The incorruptible nature makes it safe from falsified information and hacks and decentralized nature gives it a unique quality of being a party which does not require trust to transact safely. Hence, it is considered as a highly secure technology. Here we have mentioned the complete range of advantages.


  1. It has increased efficiency and speed
  2. It offers more security than other record-keeping systems
  3. It offers greater transparency and reduces expenses
  4. It has improved traceability
  5. Blockchain-as-a-Service for Simpler Integration


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Blockchain has greater transparency and increased efficiency. It deals with all those branches of business those are responsible to act with integrity towards company’s growth and its customers. It adds an unprecedented layer of accountability. Plus, its transaction ledger for public addresses is open to viewing. This technology removes the need for middlemen in many fields of business, such as real estate and finance. Its decentralized nature facilitates faster transactions by allowing P2P cross-border transfers with a digital currency. Blockchain Online Course prevents fraud in exchange-related businesses, improves security, and helps in verifying the authenticity of the traded assets. An audit trail is present to trace the source of imported goods. Therefore, this technology records the exchange of goods every single occasion. In industries, it is used to track the supply chain from manufacturer to distributer. The range of industries includes medicine and art industry. Read More Click here......

Why are the SAS® Certified Professionals High in Demand?

The numbers of SAS® jobs are increasing and the professionals with deep analytical skills are getting more job offers. According to NASSCOM, the numbers of jobs for these professionals are increasing. In a recent review, Harvard considered it as the Sexiest Job of 21st Century. If we talk about the core benefits of SAS® advanced online training, the learners get a detailed picture of the performance analysis highlighting of his/her area of expertise and the weak links. They get the access to 18 online assessments along with three Mock Tests.


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            Basic And Advanced SAS Interview Questions   


However, you can cancel or reschedule the SAS® Advanced Test by visiting and selecting 'Cancel a Test' or 'Reschedule a Test’. Do it more than 24 hours before the scheduled time if you are keen in saving your examination fee. If you are unable to appear for the exam, your whole fees get forfeited by the authorized body. Statistical Analysis System is a collection of software that are ideal for data management, advanced analytics, and business intelligence. SAS advanced online training will play a significant role in learning SAS and building a career in this field.


This course is based on teaching the best business intelligence tools. It will provide you with the basic understanding of SAS also show you the way it can be utilized for data analysis. You will learn the practices of doing complex tasks involved in data analytics. By learning advanced analytic techniques, this course will prepare you to perform do loop and SAS® array processing, control SAS® data set input and output, writing SAS® Macro code and programs, to transform character, numeric, and date variables, and to solve complex problems using advanced DATA step programming statements.


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Multisoft Virtual Academy provides SAS advanced online course for the Candidates with SAS® Programming experience, students who have passed the SAS® Base Programming for SAS® 9 exam, and the students who have successfully attended the Fundamental SAS® SQL course or have an equivalent level of competence. The program offered by us is based on two levels: SAS Base and SAS Advanced. Ideal for the individuals who wish to learn the basic skills required working in data analytics; the SAS Base training provides knowledge about the basics of data analytics and enables the aspirants to upgrade their knowledge with the advanced level training. Earn this if you want to get prepared for SAS® Advance Certification exam. It will prepare you for Writing SAS® macro code and programs, constructing sub-queries, manipulating characters, using conditional logic in the query builder to create new columns multiple value prompts, using functions to convert the data type from character to numeric and vice-versa, solving complex problems using advanced data step programming statements. Ideal to work as Programmers, SAS® Analysts, Developers and Consultants, SAS advanced training will also turn you into a proficient in array processing and in combining large data sets. Read more Click Here....

How to Become a Machine Learning Engineer?

As the corporate world is turning more competitive, businesses are trying to specifying their approaches and broaden their horizons. To cope with the ever-changing needs, new technologies are coming into existence. The machine learning technology is one of those. To sustain their existing operations, businesses are adopting this technology. It allows the computers to learn without any human intervention. ML is basically a technology which enables the machines to learn from their experiences and improve their performances. In this regard, machine learning online course is helping the aspirants in moving their career graphs. If you are intended to earn this course, you need to carry the basics of programming, SQL and math and statistic concepts.


                             See Also:-    Why do I Pursue Artificial Neural Network Online Training After this Lockdown?


Collect all the required information about the Introduction to Machine Learning Training Online from the course councillors associated with Multisoft Virtual Academy machine learning department. They will guide you about the course modules, benefits, class timings, and career opportunities of this training. Here you will be able to earn advanced-level training on the best ML course. A team of certified trainers is ready to deliver the classes with optimum professionalism and maximum care. They incorporate practical examples through the online classes of machine learning course. Plus, the trainers of Multisoft enlighten and ensure that they can successfully apply regression, classification, clustering, recommendation, and other machine learning algorithms.


                             See Also:- A Personalized Guide To Do And Learn Machine Learning In Python


To ensure that you are working hands-on with data during your learning, our course is based on unique case study approach. This training focuses on machine learning basics and the identification of the applications of ML algorithms. Hence, it helps in developing a better understanding on the classification data and models. The course contents of this course include An Introduction, The Regression Algorithms, The Classifiers: Bayesian and kNN, Tree Based Algorithms, and SVM and Improving Performance. Our offered course is ideal for software engineers and IT professionals who wish to make their career in the field of AI, analytics professionals, data science professionals, passed out graduates who want to work as Data Science or Machine Learning professionals, and anyone with a genuine interest in the field of Data Science.


This certification will move the participants through the latest advancements and developments in predictive analytics, deep learning, natural language processing, and algorithmic methods. Our subject matter experts are committed to turn the participants into desirable professionals. The trained professionals can implement technical strategies while executing a project and understand the challenges created by machine learning. Hence, they get a competitive edge over the non-certified professionals. Make your step towards online machine learning course today!

Learn the Fundamentals of R Programming as a Beginner

R includes loops, conditional statements, operators, user-defined functions, and input-output operations. It is simple and effective programming language which is used for graphical techniques and statistical computing. This programming language has turned into the best choice for the data scientists and statisticians. Learn the Fundamentals of R Programming Online for Beginners is designed to teach you the easiest practices to get insight in complex data and find meaningful solutions. It is divided into three modules – Essential to R programming, Data Manipulation Techniques using R programming, and Statistical Applications using R programming. You are eligible to undergo this training if you are carrying a basic understanding of statistics. However, this course is actually intended for risk analysts, forecasters, statistical geneticists, PhD scholars, survey researchers, and academicians.


Why do I prefer R over the other programming languages?


R professionals are hired by top companies with higher salary structures. Used to create interactive web-apps and eye-catching visualizations, this programming language is open source and compatible to cross-platforms. R programming online provides a comprehensive library and used by multiple domains and industries. It has a huge community. This community helps you if you are working on a financial project to find out how many credit card transactions are fraudulent. If you are a user of this programming language, you can seek help from professionals who have worked on similar projects and collaborate with others to share ideas.


R programming online course enables you in learning the programming language which is deployed for reporting, graphic representation, and statistical analysis. It will give you a clear understanding of data import, data manipulation, and data visualization. You will learn data structures, variables, flow of control, and understand how to go about doing R integration with Hadoop through practical R exercises. R is used to build econometric models, analyze fraudulent transactions, Subscriber Profiling, Churn Management, and Personalised advertising. The professionals of computational biology also use it to perform genomic analysis.


Multisoft Virtual Academy is a reliable R training institute


Multisoft Virtual Academy has emerged as one of the most credible training companies for corporate and industrial training. It provides R programming online course by the most experienced trainers in the industry. In its successful completion, you will be able to proficient in handling reading and writing of data in databases, practicing numerical optimization and linear algebra, explaining R environment, elucidating the programming concept in R language, executing advance data handling techniques, and running statistical applications with the use of probability and regression.


Why do I Pursue Artificial Neural Network Online Training After this Lockdown?

Deep learning is one of those technologies that are changing the world today – it is an essential part of Artificial Intelligence. In order to develop an understanding of Artificial Neural Networks, Multisoft Virtual Academy helps the candidates in gaining complete knowledge of Deep Learning essentials. We offer Deep Learning Online Training without charging a higher amount. Our training company is blessed with industry expert trainers who are promised to deliver the best quality training. Through expert coaching and hands-on coding exercises, our Deep Learning A-Z Hands-On Artificial Neural Networks training helps the aspirants in learning the concepts of DL algorithms and enhancing their insight on major real time dataset issues, such as solving the Customer Churn problem, predicting Stock Prices, Fraud investigation, Image Recognition, and creating Recommender Systems.


Which are the key roles of deep learning online training?


  1. It enables the users for advanced level of logical reasoning, and empowers the computer systems to perform almost all types of mental tasks as the humans.


  1. As it is blessed with the capacity of knowledge representation, deep learning helps the computer systems to identify, recognize and describe languages, objects, and people.


  1. It allows the computers to go from one point to another and hence, it enables the computers to interact with the world through hearing, sight, touch, and smell.


  1. Intelligence arises from the rest of the explicit AI and deep learning. It is not explicitly programmed. However, emergent intelligence is the other so called feature of deep learning. It helps the machines to show emotional intelligence and moral reasoning.


Who can earn this training?


Deep Learning A-Z Hands-On Artificial Neural Networks online training is ideal for data analysts, the individuals who wish to become data scientists, and the individuals who wish to add value to their business by using Deep Learning tools. Also, the individuals who are attuned with coding and keen in mastering Machine Learning or Deep Learning are eligible to earn this course.


This training program provides you with deep understanding of the techniques of developing a neural network and how to perform the tasks on machine learning projects. It will help you in building and implementing fully connected deep neural networks, knowing how to implement Deep Learning to your own project, understanding the key parameters and language of the neural network architecture, knowing the important trends of technology driving Deep learning, learning the techniques of implementing the algorithms of this technology, and knowing the actual difference between Machine Learning, Deep learning, and Artificial Learning.


Best Online Course for Data Science Certification Training

By statistical evaluation, data analytics unveils the patterns and information hidden inside a large amount of data. The accurately processed data is used to make important business decisions, which is directly related to business growth. To discard irrelevant data and arrange relevant data, Data Scientists deal with large volume of data, including structured and unstructured data. They are supposed to understand statistics, mathematics, and computer programming related to their work area. However, the learning is difficult if you lack proper guidance and resources. To cope with this crisis, we have recruited data professionals and come up with Best Online Course for Data Science Online Training. This course aims to provide comprehensive knowledge and practical exposure to the aspiring candidates.


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Since the day one, Multisoft Virtual Academy has been serving the working professionals and passed-out graduates with the facility to learn data science online. We provide certification for trendy technologies. Our certified trainers are highly qualified and committed to deliver the classes with real-life examples. They provide up-to-the-dated course modules as per international training regulations. An introduction to data science, Machine Learning Overview, Implementing Association rule mining in R, Reading and Combining Data, Similarity Metrics, Decision Tree Classifier, Basic Data Manipulation using R, Machine Learning Techniques Using R Part-1, Machine Learning Techniques Using R Part-2, Machine Learning Techniques Using R Part-3, Introduction to Hadoop Architecture, Integrating R with Hadoop, Mahout Introduction and Algorithm Implementation, and Additional Mahout Algorithms and Parallel Processing using R are the course modules of the course provided by Multisoft Virtual Academy.


Data Science allows the organizations to apply strategies on data and make the complex business issues get resolved. It sometimes involves the usage of mathematical and algorithms to extract the right information from the data. Hence, Data Science enables the enterprises to make intelligent strategize for gaining profits. Online Data Science Courses is suitable for data analysts, business analysts, software professionals who wished to become analytics professionals, individuals having deep interest in data science, and passed-out graduates who wish to make their career as data or business analytics.


You may ask about the application areas of Data Science Certification. Well, it includes a long range of fields including search engine and product/service recommendations. A search engine such as Yahoo! or Google® provides accurate result after filtering humongous amount of data. This is a challenging job for sure. To fetching of data, search engine based companies implement Data Science algorithms to deliver the most relevant output within a few seconds. Product or service selling websites generally suggest us about similar products or services, and they put that on the right-hand side of the web page. These suggestions are based on your previous searchers and information relevance. Data Science algorithms help those companies to put these suggestions.

Masters in Artificial Intelligence Online as a Safe and Refined Career Option

We are pioneer in offering a bunch of AI courses to the passed out graduates and working professionals. Backed by a team of highly skilled trainers and the intention to prepare efficient artificial intelligence professionals, our company has come up with these courses. Multisoft Virtual Academy is known for its credibility and global reach. It helps the aspirants in understanding programming algorithms and a lot more that is helpful for better job opportunities in the respective industry. You are openly invited to earn these courses if you are wished to get a rapid growth or learn the basics of managing the economical disciplines in the AI-based companies. Yes, you need to choose the Masters Artificial Intelligence Course that suits your requirements from the five courses we are currently offering.


Introduction to Machine Learning Training Online


This course is based on the algorithms and applications of machine learning. It is designed to educate the aspirants with highly sought-after machine learning skills and a good understanding on the classification data and models. In its completion, the candidates can learn ML algorithms such as clustering, regression, classification, and recommendation.


Artificial Intelligence - Learn How to Build an AI Online Training


We offer this online AI certification to help the candidates in understanding what is building truly unique AI by changing a few lines in coding? It is an easy way to learn the techniques of optimizing AI for reaching its maximum potential in the real world. This course includes the course modules such as Installation, Fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning, Q-Learning Intuition, Deep Q-Learning Intuition, Building a Self-Driving Car, Creating the environment, Building an AI, Teaching AI to Play Doom and Win, and Playing with the AI.


General Boosting & Bagging Online Training


Learn Artificial Intelligence online courses for a safe future and this course could be a great option for you if you want to learn the methods of Boosting & Bagging used in Data Analytics. It will turn you into a professional by educating you with algorithmic machine learning methods such as Boosting & Bagging methods, Random Forest, and Support Vector Machines. Multisoft Virtual Academy provides this training as per international norms. Here the trainers combine theory with the real time situations that they will have to face on the real time basis.


Support Vector Machines Training Online


Opt Artificial Intelligence Training Course and get an excellent opportunity to learn Support vector models. This course highlights on the reasons why Support Vector Machines are considered as the high-performing algorithm and effective usage of polynomial, radial basis function, linear, and spline kernels.


Machine Learning Specialist Training Online


By the concerned course, Multisoft Virtual Academy aims in helping the professionals to understand the syntax, variables, and types; learn the process of creating functions and use control flow; and earn insight on regression, classification, and clustering. Here the trainers are certified and committed to deliver up-to-the-dated course materials to the learners.

Best Way to Learn Data Science with Python Certification Online for Beginners

Backed by a huge team of skilled trainers, Multisoft Virtual Academy has turned into a pioneer of Data science with Python Online Training. It provides hands-on training to the analytics professionals who want to work with Python, experienced IT professionals who are expecting a career in data science or analytics, and software engineers who are wished to make a career in the field of analytics. You are also eligible to Best way to learn data science with python Certification for Beginners if you do not belong to these fields but are someone who is keenly interested in learning it. All you will need to know are programming, probability and statistics.


                 Read  Also15 Essential Machine Learning Interview Questions (With Answers)


Why Python?

Now days, data and machine learning professionals prefer Python over the other programming languages. It is blessed with simpler programming abilities and enables the programmers to get the features such as popularity, simplicity, handling capacity and interactions.


  1. It delivers a large standard library which reduces the length of code to be written
  2. It has been ported on Java and .NET virtual mechanisms
  3. It is ideal to work with Windows. Mac OS, and Linux/Unix
  4. It supports object-oriented and process-oriented programming
  5. It is blessed with build-in list and dictionary data structure that can be used to construct fast runtime data structures
  6. It is blessed with an easy-to-learn syntax which is ideal for the beginners
  7. It is free-to-use; this programming language has OSI-approved open source licence


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Why Multisoft Virtual Academy?


We offer updated course modules to the aspirants of data science with python course online. Our course modules are The Data Science: An Overview, Data Analytics Overview, Statistical Analysis and Business Applications, Python Environment Setup and Essentials, What is Mathematical Computing with Python (NumPy)?, The Scientific computing with Python (Scipy), The Data Manipulation with Pandas, The Natural Language Processing with Scikit Learn, The Data Visualization in Python using matplotlib, Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup, and Python integration with Hadoop MapReduce and Spark.


Why Data science with Python online training?


Data science with python training teaches the techniques to use SAS for data exploration and data optimization, and the practices of installing the required Python environment and other auxiliary tools and libraries. The aspirants get hands-on experience on statistical procedures like PROC MEANS, PROC UNIVARIATE, PROC FREQ, and PROC CORP. This course covers advanced analytics techniques such as decision tree, clustering, and regression. After earning data science with python certification, you will be able to apply in IT, finance, retail, healthcare, automotive, transportation, oil, and gas industry. Some of the renowned companies across the globe recruit the Python professionals and offer handsome packages. In 2019, the average annual salary for the certified professionals was $146,085.

Python & R in Data Science Online Training is Highly Recommended | Machine Learning

Are you planning to become a data scientist? Or maybe you are keen in adding value to your business by using powerful Machine Learning tools. If yes, you have definitely opened the right page. We are going to discuss the role of Python & R in Data Science Training throughout this page. However, you will also get to know some of the most high-flying job roles appropriate for the professionals with this certification. Earn hands-On Python & R in Data Science certification to learn data pre-processing, regression, polynomial regression, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, decision tree regression, random forest regression, support vector regression (svr), and evaluating regression models performance simultaneously. Multisoft Virtual Academy is among those companies that are actively engaged in providing corporate and industrial training online. It offers the concerned training with maximum care and optimum professionalism.


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Machine Learning Hands-On Python & R In Data Science training online will be a step-by-step guide to move into the world of Machine Learning and get a clear vision of the Regression and Data Pre-processing. Our faculty members will teach you Polynomial Regression, Simple & Multiple Linear Regression, Decision Tree Regression, Random Forest Regression, Dimensionality Reduction, Apriori, Eclat, Hierarchical Clustering Deep Learning, Clustering, Kernel PCA, Association Rule Learning, K-Means, Artificial Neural Networks, and Convolutional Neural Networks.


                         See Also: Machine Learning To Shower Career Opportunities


As it allows practicing many statistical and graphical techniques, R is worth its popularity and has the scale to go further. This programming language is easy to learn and highly extensible. On the opposite side, Python is one of the easiest languages to learn. It is easy to understand, compatible with Hadoop and gives community Support to the programmers. Interestingly, these two are the most preferable programming language for the data science professionals. Nowadays, professionals prefer this course for data science, machine learning, and big data analysis. The individuals who have attended high school with good marks in mathematics are eligible to earn Machine Learning Hands-On Python & R In Data Science course. It is also ideal for an intermediate level person who carries basic knowledge in linear regression or logistic regression, a graduate who wish to make a career in Data Science, and a coding enthusiast. Read More Click Here

Learn Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) with Best Azure Course Online

Microsoft Azure, which is used to manage and access Microsoft services, is the second-largest cloud service provider in the world. It functions as an online portal because it is a computing platform. However, this piece of write-up will help you with useful information if you are looking to learn more about the basics of Microsoft Azure. Azure professionals are demanded in the group of organizations that want to build, test, deploy, and manage applications in a cloud environment. By enrolling in an accredited online learning program, you will be able to interact with like-minded individuals, i.e., the individuals who share the same interests and goals. Such institutes deliver this training program with reputed industry experts. Hence, you will be able to build lasting professional relationships.


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Multisoft Virtual Academy caters Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Training with Microsoft certified trainers. These trainers are carrying rich industry experience and putting their maximum effort in educating the azure aspirants. The offered course will prepare the professionals to understand cloud computing, Azure, and Azure subscriptions; create Azure Virtual Network; configure virtual machines in Azure; create cloud storage in Azure; deploy databases in Azure; manage an Azure subscription with the use of Microsoft Visual Studio, Azure PowerShell, and the Azure command-line interface.


We include Getting Started with Microsoft Azure, Websites and Cloud Services, Virtual Machines, Virtual Networks, Cloud Storage, Microsoft Azure Databases, Azure Active Directory, and Microsoft Azure Management Tools in our course contents. Our course provides the basic knowledge to the developers, administrators, and IT professionals required to evaluate Microsoft Azure. It will discuss the basic cloud computing concepts and advanced features of Azure.To earn this course, you need to have a basic understanding of virtualization, know the methods of deploying websites, understand domains, users, domain controllers, tables, and queries. Microsoft azure training online is, however, ideal for Windows Server Administrators, Database Administrators, IT professionals who want to learn in detail about Microsoft Azure, Developers who want to evaluate creating Azure solutions, and students who are interested in learning about cloud computing technologies.


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Resolving real-life business problems is another expertise earned by the certificate holders. You will be a master of using theoretical concepts in solving major issues in business. At Multisoft, industry experts will be demonstrating this concept in detail. They will help you in staying updated on the latest trends in the industry. By enrolling course 10979e online training in an accredited institute, you learn everything you need to know about this technology. Enrol today and become a master of Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Education!

How to Earn SAP BI (Business Intelligence) Certification Online

SAP BI well-integrated with visualization. It stands for SAP Business Intelligence. This data warehousing and reporting tool helps the corporate companies in improving decision-making process in the challenging business environments. The tool which empowers gaining insight and delivering enterprise business solutions helps the enterprises by converting raw data into information. Hence, it helps the individuals in making faster and more informed decisions. This technology helps in gaining an analytical insight of latest BI tools, deploying user interface designs, analysing the whole business intelligence process, encompasses the operations and data warehousing tools, providing easy data accessibility for one and all.


Multisoft Virtual Academy is a certified training institute which offers instructor-led training course online. SAP BI Training imparts knowledge on data warehousing fundamentals, data transformation, data acquisition, datastore object administration along with the query performance acquisition. Ideal for project managers, business analysts, project team members, SAP BI enthusiasts, SAP end users, SAP BI functional consultants, professionals with background in BI or ABAP, and professionals with at least 3 years functional experience, our course offers up-to-the-dated course materials. Here you will learn the modules such as Overview, Positioning, Fundamentals, Reporting, Advance Modeling, Extraction, etc.


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SAP BI Certification Course Online demonstrates the keys for increasing the flexibility of important business processes, such as the progress and administration of SAP Business Objects. Our highly qualified trainers teach the aspirants the techniques of simplifying search capabilities of various business tools. In its completion, the aspirants learn report processing strategies, design reports with fundamental/advanced BI knowledge and optimize data reports. The course, which includes the processes of designing and deploying security tools, is featured with keys for the administrative and security departments. It comprises of short sessions deals with the dashboard of Business Intelligence Objects.


                    See Also:  SAP Basics For Beginners – Know The Misconceptions First


SAP Basics For Beginners – Know The Misconceptions Firstnsultants, Business Process Analysts, ABAP Developers, SAP Developers, Pre-sales consultants, Senior Software Engineers, or Implementation Consultants. However, the number of career options does not end here. Learn SAP BI online from our expert faculty team! In order to upgrade their business quality and introduce simplicity in their operations, a wide range of companies is incorporating SAP BI in their business processes. The list comprises big companies such as HCL, Infosys, Wipro, IBM, Microsoft, Jindal Steel Power, Ernst & Young, Harbinger Systems, IBM India, Yash Technologies, Deloitte, Hitachi Consulting, Accenture, and many more.

The Best Way to Learn Python® Programming Online

Python® is a general purpose programming language which has gained world-wide popularity among the programming individuals. It facilitates high-level coding and enables the professionals to use XML processing, web programming, game programming, rapid prototyping and more. The programmers, who have earned Python online training, learn the latest version of programming fundamentals and get expertise in various Python® concepts. They develop confidence to cope with the professional world with the dynamic demands of application development. Hence, they can excel in the field of programming and more than previous.


Python® has a Diverse Application Area:-


Python is used in almost all fields, including web development, scientific computing, statistical computing, data science, finance, trading, administration, system automation, computer graphics, basic game development, security testing, penetration testing, application-specific scripting, and GIS software. It can be used for generating scripts with few lines of code, provides a large standard library that reduces the length of code to be written significantly, featured with built-in dictionary data structure, capable in forming fast runtime data structure, and blessed with a syntax that is easy to learn.


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Why Pursue Python® Programming Online Course Certification:-

If you want to become an expert Python programmer, you are suggested to learn the basic concepts and understand the techniques of meeting the changing demands of application development. However, to become completely proficient in Python training, you also need to work on live application development tasks. An online training is helpful for you if you are sort of time and budget. It won’t restrict you to attend the class within a defined time. The online version enables the professionals in learning the modules as per their preferred time and schedule.


                                         See Also: A Personalized Guide To Do And Learn Machine Learning In Python


Why Multisoft Virtual Academy? 


Multisoft Virtual Academy is pioneer in providing Python® Online Training for students, beginner programmers, intermediate programmers, and the individuals interested in computer programming. Our offered course contain the modules like introduction to Python® Programming, first steps, programming basics, basics continued, data structures, operators and expressions, functions, modules, control flow, input output, and regular expressions. Owing to its professionalism and high credibility, this training institute has been able to attain words of intense appreciations from the corporate companies all other the globe. It maintains international standards in delivering the classes. Contact our experts to learn Python online!


About the Author: Technical content developer at Multisoft Virtual Academy, Rajib Kar has been working as an IT professional for a long time. He reads about corporate training and shares the recent developments and future prospects of these training solutions. 

A Technical Guide to RPA Certification

Robotics Process Automation course facilitates the aspirants with the techniques of organizational data management. Based on the technology which is used to automate business processes with the involvement of robots, this course aims on the processes of automation technology and the tools used in creating better UI. We, at Multisoft Virtual Academy, offer an in-depth knowledge of data manipulating through the best RPA Certification. It includes the modules like Blue Prism’s Robotic Automation, Process Studio, Process Flow, Inputs and outputs, Error Management, Business Objects, Object Studio, Case Management, Advanced Features, Additional Features, and Further Application Types. Robotics Training Course opens up the gateways of innovation and creativity, boosts problem solving ability, widens the learning curve to a far greater extent with the introduction of cognitive and automation learning, and enhances the ability to think analytically.


                                     See Also:- Become Part Of The Fastest Growing Industry By Joining RPA Online Courses!


RPA online courses will prepare you for a wide range of roles. You will learn how to develops an understanding of UI automation and Data Input, what is Debug workflow, basic level skills in Desktop Automation, web automation that imports CSV to Salesforce, acquires intelligence in basic concepts, introduction to UI Automation, leverages skills in passing data inside a workflow, and reusing automation that invokes workflow and templates. The IT Professionals who want to acquire knowledge on scheduling the workflow and wish to enhance their skills on automation are eligible for this course. This certificate is subjected to get global acceptance. In its completion, they will receive a training certificate from Multisoft Virtual Academy.


Our trainers, who are known for their accurate guidance, are highly qualified and specially trained. They put their cent percent effort in educating the RPA aspirants. Robotics Process Automation Developer online Training  has a wide-spread career path, which includes RPA developers, RPA consultants, Solution Architect, RPA Project Managers, Business Analysts, etc. Business analysts create and optimize workflow processes, while the RPA developers work cross-functionally with business operations. These developers learn strategic planning skills, problem-solving skills, problem-solving skills, strong analytical skills, and a sound understanding of programming languages. Organizational RPA project managers fill the communication gaps between Business, Technology, and other business units. They follow up deadlines, document meetings, and send out weekly stats to stakeholders.


If you prefer to become a Robotics Process Automation consultant, you will turn into a subject matter expert who carries specific knowledge of specifying architecture, data model, and system design and interfacing requirements. However, the Solution Architects are software professionals having more than 5 years of programming experience in C#, C++, .NET, Visual Basic, and Java, or any one of the popular programming language. They are capable in performing various responsibilities to push automation. Read More Click Here...

AWS DevOps Interview Questions & Answer – Multisoft Virtual Academy

Are you an AWS DevOps candidate? That’s cool! To help you in impressing the interviewing panel, we have come with a set of AWS DevOps interview questions. The given set is ideal for fresher as well as the experienced candidates. It actually includes questions for both the types. Please go through the answers given here.


What is CI in AWS DevOps?

CL stands for continuous integration which helps to strengthen the software quality. The developers follow a set of software development practices to merge their code alterations into a central repository. After this is done in CL, automated builds, as well as tests, are run. Its objective is to find and address bugs efficiently and quickly.


What is CD in AWS DevOps?

CD stands for Continuous Delivery which expands upon the CI concept by deploying all the code changes to testing or manufacturing environment. And the question is usually asked during the interviews. It is actually a software development practice where codes are built automatically. However, the testing and the preparation of these codes are done for their release to production.


                                  See Also: AWS DevOps Online: Is It The Easiest Way Of Becoming An Azure Professional?


What is Infrastructure as Code?                                                                                                                                 

The practice of Infrastructure as Code stands for a practice where code and software development techniques help in managing the infrastructure. It enables system administrators and developers for interacting with the infrastructure programmatically. However, Version Control and Continuous Integration are some common examples of IaC. 


How to implement IaC by using AWS?

Infrastructure as Code, commonly known as IaC, has been able to introduce tremendous change in the DevOps arena. It enables the developers to write, test, and maintain the infrastructure entities. It you implement IAC; you will be able to deploy infrastructure alterations easily and more effectively.


How does DevOps help?

This is another most frequent AWS DevOps interview question asked by the interviewers. Ideal in integrating the development and operations, DevOps establishes close collaboration and communication across the teams. An organization will be able to improve its IT efficiency and performance after the implementation of DevOps.


What is Virtual Private Cloud?

VPC or Virtual Private Cloud is a virtual network that is dedicated to an individual’s AWS account. It acts as the networking layer for the AWS infrastructure. As a user, you can configure or create your own VPC as per the set of requirements.


What is VPC Peering?

VPC Peering connection stands to a network connection between two Virtual Private Clouds. Helps to route the traffic between the VPCs, this peering basically makes the use of private IP addresses and helps the users by facilitating data transfer. As it is a simple one, you are strictly requested to prepare this question before you face AWS DevOps Interview.


What is AWS CloudFormation in AWS DevOps?

In AWS DevOps, AWS CloudFormation refers to a service that helps the businesses by making the developer’s job easier. The developers build a collection of related AWS resources, and they do that in a predictable and systematic manner.


What are Microservices in AWS DevOps?

This is a well-known design approach which is used for building a single application as a series of small services. It, which uses an HTTP-based application programming interface, commune other services well-established interface that utilizes a lightweight mechanism.


What is the easiest way of handling revision control?

If you know the technique, you won’t face any difficulty in handling revision control. In this regard, it is necessary for you to post on SourceForge or GitHub for handling revision control. If you do so, you will ensure that it can be seen by everyone. You can also post the checklist from its last revision. However, you are more likely to face this question if you are an experienced candidate. Read More Click Here..



Go through the AWS DevOps interview questions to impress your interviewing panel – it is the most recent set.


About the Author: Rajib Kar has been working as an IT professional for a long time. The technical content developer at Multisoft Virtual Academy loves to write about the industry requirements and recent developments of corporate training.

Learn Revit Architecture Online to Boost Your BIM Skills

Revit Architecture is a software developed and managed by Autodesk and is used for architectural designing and documentation. It is designed to support Building Information Modeling (BIM) i.e., designing buildings using a single system to provide visual and non-visual information for acquiring complete detail about the projects before construction to estimate the time, cost and quality of the outcome.


Revit Architecture offers maximized productivity, streamlined designing and documentation workflows, increased speed of projects and updated model with one change in design. These features make it a preferable choice in various industries such as construction, architecture and planning, higher education, computer software, civil engineering, design, real estate and retail. List of companies using Revit Architecture includes renowned names such as Compass Group PLC, Deutsche Bahn, Bechtel, United States Postal Service and the Technical University of Denmark. These companies are regularly in search of freshers and working professionals who have in-depth knowledge of Revit Architecture. A Revit architecture professional earns an average salary of $71,448 annually.


             See Also:  Best Architecture Designing Software Online Course


Individuals working as Project Coordinators, Consultants, Modelers and Draftspersons or freshers interested in learning BIM technology can join Revit Architecture online training course offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy. The 18-hour course is conducted by a team of certified experts who have been training individuals and corporate companies for many years and have completed training more than 5100 learners.


The course is carefully designed and structured to meet international industry standards and provide in-depth knowledge of topics such as Introduction to Revit® Architecture, Starting a Project, Modeling Basics, Curtainwall & Circulation, Model & Insert, Room & Area and Openings, Annotation Details, View and Sheet Composition, Massing & Site and The Basics of Family. Aspirants can revise the course with 24x7 access to e-learning material and recorded sessions, which they can continue to access after completing the course for future reference.


Revit Architecture training at Multisoft never limited to theoretical knowledge. The learners are offered software access so that they can practice as they learn. Moreover, a set of 7 lab exercises helps them get a firm grip on practical concepts. Flexible scheduling allows learners to get the training according to their convenience. Training sessions are conducted at the date, time and duration predefined by the candidates. Three mock tests help the aspirants to analyze their knowledge as they pursue the course.


A training certificate is awarded to each learner of Revit Architecture online training so that they can validate their skills, strengthen their resume and gain outstanding career opportunities.


Multisoft Virtual Academy is an online training platform that has been providing corporate training for 600+ courses related to technical and non-technical industries. Having completed training millions of students in the last 17 years, Multisoft provides training in partnership with Microsoft, IIBA, Oracle, PMI, Cisco, Android and IBM.

Artificial Intelligence: Is Intelligence beyond mankind really good?

With the ability to think, decide and create, Artificial Intelligence has taken intelligence beyond mankind. The next-generation technology turning imagined concepts such as self-driven cars and humanoid robots turning into reality also has a dark side hidden under the sparkling layers of technological advancement. Sophia, the first humanoid robot capable of showcasing more than 60 human expressions, in an interview at the SXSW festival revealed that she can destroy humans if commanded. Future of the world expected to be carried forward by Artificial Intelligence presents to us a contrary image of possibilities.


The Good

  • A machine can keep on working 24x7 to perform the job assigned without getting bored, tired or distracted. This ability allows efficiency and helps in achieving targets faster through AI.


  • You must be using AI in your smartphone or laptop without even recognizing its presence, as it does not demand any complexity from the user. AI is used for day-to-day purposes and has already become a part and parcel of our lives.


  • Smart assistants operated and designed through AI have made things for us as easy as “Okay Google, set an alarm for 7:00 am”.


  • Machines can be used to perform tasks that may be dangerous for humans. This purpose is generally fulfilled in the field of experiment and research. For example, in the automotive industry, robots can be used while trying to test safety equipments for car passengers. Another example of this is in the Gaming industry where the virtual characters are “wasted” instead of dying.


  • While performing a defined task, AI makes machines go through a procedure, reducing the chances of making Errors. Even when an error is made, corrections in designing can permanently eradicate the cause of the error.


The advantages Artificial Intelligence offers makes it the reason to be used in a variety of industries for varying purposes. With this, learning technology brings immense career opportunities along with it. Aspirants can learn fundamentals, installations and building an AI easily through the Artificial Intelligence online training offered at Multisoft Virtual Academy.


                                                See Also:- Basics 21 Artificial Intelligence(AI) Interview Questions in 2020


The Bad

  • Machines are becoming intelligent, but are yet not smart enough to be completely independent and smart. They demand complex designing and development to act in a particular manner. Let’s take the example of Sophia. The developers of the humanoid did not set a path for the robot to respond to the question “Will you destroy humans?” Hence, with the limited ability the robot had, took the question as a command and accepted it saying “Okay, I will destroy humans”.


  • The “intelligent” devices face a lag when emotions are needed and require human intervention. Google Assistant might be able to help you when you tell him that you are bored, but he can’t figure it out of your voice when you are sad. Maybe that is the reason why they can be your assistants, but not friends.


  • Machines cannot improve based on their experience. Though they are capable of saving data but cannot learn from it. They need to be re-programmed to work as per the changes required.


  • The reason why only renowned companies use AI operated devices and software is that the technology is very expensive. This is because of varying reasons like high installation charges and huge repair and maintenance costs.


                                             See Also:- Learn The Next Generation Technology, Today “AI”


Artificial Intelligence is still confined to a limited type of industries and purposes. With changing time, the technology has come up with Adaptive Intelligence, a subdomain of AI that is now making machines and devices capable of self-learning, so that they can improve and prevent most of the disadvantages mentioned above. Moreover, AI is expected to become cheaper in the future as more data gets to be produced synthetically. This will help eradicate the cons of technology and widen the possibilities of its use. With this, the day is not far when you will find a humanoid sitting next to you or travelling by self-driven cars.

Learning Embedded Systems: Path to Countless Career Opportunities

If you are an individual interested in Embedded Systems, you must be aware that it is a computer system that combines memory, memory and input and output peripheral devices embedded as a part of a computer. But what information people generally miss out is that microprocessors of 98% devices are manufactured on embedded systems. This means that it is used in almost all devices from the smartphone and laptop to machines used in industries, households and even aeroplanes. Embedded systems range from having no user interface, used in devices designed to perform single tasks to Graphical User Interfaces as in multitasking devices such as smartphones. 


Now if you are wondering what an embedded system does, then the answer is not one. It enables you to perform various functions such as controlling, regularizing, monitoring and improving equipments and machines. Since embedded systems are a part of almost every machine and device, they are a crucial part of all fields and industries of works. The endless list of renowned companies working on and using embedded systems are regularly in search of freshers and professionals who possess in-depth knowledge and skills related to the computing system. You can earn an average annual salary of $87,300 by becoming an embedded system professional.


You can easily learn the skills related to the processor with the help of online training provided by Multisoft Virtual Academy. The online training platform offers online training programs that meet international industry standards and help you stand apart from the neck-to-throat competition in the market. Various Embedded Systems online training courses offered at Multisoft Virtual Academy are:


  • 8051 Microcontroller Training
  • MATLAB Online Training
  • Verilog Online Training
  • AVR Microcontroller Online Training
  • System Verilog Training
  • ARM7 Microcontroller Training
  • VHDL Online Training
  • PIC Microcontroller Online Training
  • RTOS Online Training
  • Linux Device Driver Training
  • PERL Scripting Online Training
  • LabVIEW Online Training
  • ASIC Design and Verification Training
  • Raspberry Pi3 Online Training
  • Embedded C Online Training
  • Linux Systems Programming Training
  • PCB Designing Training


You may choose to take the training for courses mentioned above through instructor-led or self-paced mediums. While instructor-led training is conducted by a team of certified and highly experienced experts, self-paced learning allows you to pursue the course at your pace. The online training platform gives you a 24x7 and lifetime access to e-learning material as well as recorded training sessions so you may use them for revision while pursuing the course or for future reference.


Being a working professional, if you find it difficult to manage time between your work schedule and training sessions, flexible schedule makes it all sorted. You can customize the date, time and duration of training sessions as per your convenience.


Training at Multisoft is never limited to theoretical knowledge. You will be provided software access and hands-on sessions to get a better understanding and firm grip of various topics you learn. Moreover, a set of assessments, assignments, mock tests and lab exercises allows you to analyze your knowledge and skills related to the processor.


Finally, after completing the course, you are given a training certificate. You may use this certificate to validate your skills, strengthen your resume and gain career opportunities Embedded Systems offer. The online training platform guarantees best quality education with incredible features at unbelievably friendly pricing. Click Here Read More

How to Learn The Science of Data Management?

Data begins to attract the interest of many individuals right from schooling. Generally associated with statistics because of its name, Data Science is rather a larger, more complex concept of combining scientific methods, processes and algorithms to gain knowledge from structured and unstructured data. It becomes easier for one to understand Data Science by understanding its need. The amount of data that companies initially generated was limited. But as the time changed, generation of more data demanded more space, along with the need for it to be systematically structured and organized, for example, companies needed to maintain the records of expectations, requirements and opinions of their customers to improve the future experience. Thus, to fulfil such requirements Data Science was developed.


In present times, Data Science is being considered to be the future of Artificial Intelligence. Self-driven cars that will be developed using AI and operated with Data Science. How? Well, the cars will gather data such as traffic conditions, signals, turns to evaluate the speed and direction in which they have to move to reach the destination safely at the shortest time period.


The important role Data Science performs in maintaining data and successful application of AI makes it an important part of various industries such as finance, healthcare, travel, energy, manufacturing, gaming and pharmaceuticals. The technology is used by renowned companies like Accenture, Roche, PayPal, Deloitte, Uber and Intel. Those keenly interested in Data Science and have a bachelor’s or master’s degree in IT, mathematics, computer science, physics and any other field related to the industry, can become a data scientist. Working professionals having experience in relevant industries can also seek a career in Data Science. Professionals can earn an annual salary of up to $185,000 by becoming a Data Scientist.


Online training offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy makes Learning data science Online Training much more convenient and flexible without compromising with the quality of training. The online training platform renders Data Science course that meets international industry standards and helps individuals and corporate companies to stand apart from the neck-to-throat competition they face in the market.


The 24 hours online training is conducted under the guidance of a team of a certified expert who have been providing training for many years and have completed training 2300+ learners in Data Science online certification course. Aspirants are given 24x7 and lifetime access to e-learning material as well as recorded sessions so that they can revise their course content while pursuing the course and for future reference. The course lays out in-depth knowledge and skills of various Data Science topics such as:-


  • Introduction to Data Science
  • Basic Data Manipulation using R
  • Machine Learning Techniques Using R Part-1
  • Machine Learning Techniques Using R Part-2
  • Machine Learning Techniques Using R Part-3
  • Introduction to Hadoop Architecture
  • Integrating R with Hadoop
  • Mahout Introduction and Algorithm Implementation
  • Additional Mahout Algorithms and Parallel Processing using R


Working professionals find it difficult to manage time between work schedule and training sessions. Flexible scheduling makes it all sorted allows them to customize the date, time and duration of training sessions as per your convenience.


A training certificate is given to all learners at Multisoft Virtual Academy after completing the Data Science course. The certificate may be used by candidates to validate their skills, strengthen their resume and grab the career opportunities Data Science offers. The online training platform guarantees best quality education with incredible features at unbelievably friendly pricing. Read More  Click Here

Learn Piping Design with SmartPlant 3D Online Training

Piping is used for various purposes such as manufacturing, construction and transportation. One of the most preferable softwares for piping designing, SP3D is a 3D pipe designing tool by Smartplant which provides concurrent in-house and off-site contract design resources and allows re-using the as-built models for maintenance activities. The most advanced piping design software helps in increasing productivity and reducing project schedules.


SP3D is most widely used piping design software all around the world as it offers various features such as ease of use, enabling streamlined design processes, allowing management and re-use for future projects. It is used across various industries including consumer goods, oil & gas, chemical and nuclear & power generation.


Companies using SP3D are regularly in search of freshers and working professionals who can help in increasing productivity for the organization with the skills and knowledge of the software they possess. An SP3D professional can earn an average salary of $73,408 annually. SP3D can be learnt easily with the help of online training platform Multisoft Virtual Academy which conducts 24-hour course that meets international industry standards.


          See Also:- Take A Glance At The Benefits Of Using SP3D In A Plant Designing Project


Training for SP3D online course is conducted by a team of certified instructors who are highly experienced and have completed training 5800+ learners in the designing tool. The course is designed to provide its learners with in-depth knowledge of WEBS items, Templates, and style rules, Space management and control points, Piping hierarchy, piping routing and piping placing, Isometric drawing extraction, Grid/Coordinate System, Equipment placing.


Multisoft Virtual Academy provides 24x7 lifetime access to digital learning and recorded sessions material for future reference. Training at Multisoft Virtual Academy is not limited to theoretical knowledge. The learners are also offered hands-on sessions so that they can gain practical knowledge and skills as they pursue their course. The learners can customize the date, time and duration of training sessions with flexible scheduling so that they can take the training as per their convenience.


A training certificate is given to every SP3D online course. They can use this certificate to validate and showcase their skills, strengthen their resume and gain the career growth SP3D offers. The trainer-learner relationship continues even after the course is completed. Candidates can take support and guidance from experts whenever required. The online training platform guarantees best quality training with multiple features at most friendly pricing. 


To know more about Smartplant 3D online training offered at Multisoft Virtual Academy, and to enrol, Click Here. Multisoft Virtual Academy is an online training platform that has completed training millions of working professionals and corporate companies in partnership with renowned institutions such as PMI, IIBA, Microsoft, Cisco, Android and DevOps Institute at Multisoft Virtual Academy.



Become an Electrical Expert With SP3D Electrical Online Training

SP3D Electrical is the software used by engineers in the electrical domain. The software helps in understanding various concepts, methods and procedures for operation in the fields belonging to the electrical industry. SP3D provides features such as Electrical task which allow 3D designing of different electrical elements in plant. The software provides electrical engineers with skills useful for various industries such as power plants, petrochemicals, food and beverage and pharmaceuticals. Freshers with Electrical engineering degree and working professionals associated with the industry can learn SP3D electrical software online with Multisoft Virtual Academy.

The course is designed for draftsmen, designers, electrical engineers and professionals interested in fields of piping design to meet international industry standards helps electrical professionals to explore SP3D software, use different rules, templates and WBS items, understand space management, Make extractions of fixture drawings and understand cable and conduit routing. The 24 hours training is conducted under the guidance of certified experts who have been training aspirants for many years and have completed the course with 3700+ learners.

Learners of SP3D electrical are offered 24x7 lifetime access to recorded training sessions and digital material for revision and future reference. The course content of SP3D includes:

  • Introduction SP3D Electrical
    • Overview of SP3D
    • Electrical Task Workflow
    • Cable tray ports
    • Electrical Equipment modelling
    • What is Catalog Equipment?
    • Design Equipment
  • Structures and Support
    • Shapes
    • Cable routing
    • Splitting the cableways
    • Moving and Rotating the Equipments
    • Inserting Transitions
    • Inserting Components
    • Cable Markers
    • Cabletray MTO
    • Cabletray drawings
    • Sequencing Objects
    • Conduits Routing

Training for SP3D electrical Online Training is taken by individuals all around the world belonging to different time zones. They can customize the time, date and duration of training sessions as per their convenience. Every learner is awarded a training certificate after completing SP3D online training. Multisoft Virtual Academy offers the best quality corporate training at most affordable pricing.

Multisoft Virtual Academy is an online training platform that has been providing corporate to freshers, working professionals and corporate companies training for 600+ technical and non-technical courses. They have completed training millions of learners in partnership with renowned organizations such as Microsoft, Oracle, IIBA, PMI, Cisco, Android and IBM at

Best Plant Design Administration Training Online

PDMS administration allows professionals to set up, maintain and support the areas of 3D model environment and helps stabilize the system. It helps the 3D environment to work appropriately as per the designing needs. PDMS administration professional is capable of performing user support, deliverable creation, end-user training, procedure establishment, troubleshooting, customization and oral and written communication.


PDMS Administration is required in various industries such as manufacturing, transportation, construction, architecture and engineering. Many companies related to these industries are regularly in search of PDMS administrators who have the skills and knowledge related to the field. A PDMS administrator can earn an average annual salary of $47,823.


Freshers graduated from Mechanical, Civil or Chemical fields of engineering, professionals working in fields related to PDMS administration, individuals having a keen interest in the industry or anyone having analytical and problem-solving skills can learn PDMS administration through online training conducted by Multisoft Virtual Academy. The course is designed for individuals and corporate companies related to the field and meets international industry standards.


The 18-hour course is conducted under the guidance of certified experts who are highly experienced and have completed training 5100+ candidates in PDMS Administration online training course. The learners are provided 24x7 recorded training sessions so that they can revise their course content while pursuing the course. Lifetime access to digital learning material can be used by candidates for future reference. The training provides learners with in-depth knowledge and skills related to topics such as PDMS Admin, Design, Lexicon, Paragon, ISO Draft, Draft, Propcon and Specorn.


Training at Multisoft is never limited to theoretical knowledge. The learners are given hands-on sessions so that they can get a firm grip and practical experience of the topics they are learning in the training sessions. PDMS administration Online Training also offers flexible scheduling so that candidates can join the training sessions as per their convenience. The time, date and duration of training are decided as predefined by the learners. Every learner is awarded a training certificate after completing the course. This certificate can be used by freshers and working professionals to validate their skills, strengthen their resume and gain career growth. Corporate companies can use this certificate to showcase the extraordinary skills their employees possess. PDMS training by Multisoft is the best quality online training offered at unbelievably friendly pricing.


Multisoft Virtual Academy is a Online Authorized Training Institute that offers corporate training for more than 600 technical and non-technical courses to freshers, working professionals and corporate companies. They have completed training millions of learners since last 17 years in partnership with Microsoft, Oracle, IIBM, ITIL, IBM, Cisco and many other renowned organizations.

Master SmartPlant Instrumentation with Online Training

Measuring instruments that are used for indicating, measuring and recording physical quantities are collectively known as instrumentation. The term related to the science of instrument-making and is seen in various devices ranging from simple instruments like a thermometer to more complex devices used as industrial control systems. Instrumentation can be seen in refineries, laboratories, vehicles and factories.


SmartPlant Instrumentation (INtools) is used in various industries including household, automotive, aircraft and laboratory instrumentation to reduce the efforts required in managing instrumentation assets. It also helps in decreasing the risk and cost of the overall plant and the overall time needed for maintaining correct information. Formerly known as INtools, the software was developed to be used in Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) Projects.


INtool is used by renowned companies all across the globe because of its salient features such as consistency of work, easy migration of data and as-built project management. The software offers multiple benefits such as saving energy, increased speed, improving uptime, safety and compliance. These companies are regularly in search of professionals who have knowledge and skills of SmartPlant Instrumentation.


SmartPlant Instrumentation Online Training can be learnt anytime and anywhere with the help of online training offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy. The training is joined by working professionals and corporate companies that face neck-to-throat competition in the market. Thus, the courseware is carefully designed to meet international standards. In its 24 hours duration, the course lays out details of Calculations, Foundation Fieldbus, External Spec Editor, Hookups and Specifications.


A team of certified and highly experienced experts come together to deliver INtools skills to beginners, professionals and corporates. These trainers have been conducting training for many years and have completed training 3100+ learners. Trainers at Multisoft Virtual Academy are also candidates’ mentors, who offer them with professional support, guidance, exam preparation tips and interview questions from time to time.


Candidates are given 24x7 access to recorded training sessions so that they can revise their courseware anytime while pursuing the course. Also, lifetime access to digital learning material helps them to use the training resources for future reference.


The course is suitable for those looking for career possibilities of SmartPlant Instrumentation and corporates wishing to boost the skills of their employees. Online training is taken up by aspirants all around the globe belonging to different time zones. Flexible scheduling allows them to customize the date, time and duration of training sessions as per their convenience.


Every learner of SmartPlant Instrumentation/INtools online training is awarded with a training certificate after completing the training. This certificate helps learners to validate their skills in SmartPlant instrumentation, boost their confidence, strengthen their resume and gain career opportunities Instrumentation engineering industry offers. Corporate companies may use the training certificate to showcase the extraordinary skills of their employees.


Our team of training advisors, coordinators and IT support is always available during the training and even after completion of the course whenever required. Multisoft Virtual Academy  is committed to offering the best quality training services with incredible features at most reasonable pricing.


Multisoft Virtual Academy is an online training and Certification platform that has completed training millions of learners in 600+ technical and non-technical corporate courses in their 17 years of service in partnership with renowned organizations such as Microsoft, PMI, IIBA, Oracle, Cisco, IBM and Android.

Learn Ansys: Become a Simulation Software Professional

Ansys is an engineering simulation software i.e., a series of non-linear mathematical equations which cannot be solved without the help of a software. Earlier known as Swanson Analysis Systems Inc. (SASI), Ansys was found in 1970 and was known with the same name till it got its present-day name in 1994. The software was developed with the purpose to allow simulating stationary, moving and thermal problems. In simple words, Ansys helps in analyzing the working conditions to determine the weak points and possible issues of 3D simulations under the virtual environment.


The modular structure of Ansys allows choosing between various features available as per the requirement of the user. Ansys is used by medical practitioners, teachers, manufacturers, searchers and many more to meet their goals despite everyday challenges they face in respective fields of work. Ansys is used in various industries including higher education, machinery, computer software and hardware, construction, automation, aerospace and architecture. Some of the well-known companies using Ansys include Aditya Birla Group, Bühler Motor, Cameron, DuPont, Ford, HCL, Larsen & Tourbo, Samsung Electronics and Whirlpool. These companies are regularly in search of freshers and working professionals who have in-depth knowledge and skills related to Ansys. An Ansys professional can earn an annual salary of up to $153,039.


Ansys can be learnt anytime and anywhere with online training offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy. Ansys online certification training is carefully designed and structured to meet international industry standards and help individuals and corporate companies stand above the neck-to-throat competition in the market.


The 24-hour training is conducted under the guidance of certified experts who have been training aspirants for many years and have completed training 5100+ learners. Candidates are provided with 24x7 and lifetime access to recorded training sessions as well as e-learning material for revision and future reference.


Training sessions at Multisoft are not limited to theoretical knowledge. Learners are offered hand-on sessions so that they gain practical experience and a firm grip of the software. The Ansys online certification training provides learners with in-depth knowledge and skills of:-


  • Introduction to FEA and Ansys
  • Basic Solid Modeling
  • Advanced Solid Modeling
  • Finite Element Modeling (FEM) – I
  • Finite Element Modeling (FEM) – II
  • Solution And Postprocessor
  • Static Structural Analysis
  • Advanced Structural Analysis (Dynamic And Nonlinear)
  • Advanced Structural Analysis
  • Thermal Analysis
  • Generating The Report Of Analysis


The corporate course is joined by freshers and working professionals from all around the world belonging to different time zones. They may customize the schedule of training as per their convenience. The date, time and duration of training sessions are decided as predefined by learners.

After completing the training, every learner is awarded a training certificate. They may use this certificate to validate their skills, strengthen their resume and gain career opportunities Ansys offers. Trainers are also mentors who offer guidance, professional counselling and exam preparation tips from time to time.


Multisoft Virtual Academy offers the best quality training with incredible features at unbelievably friendly pricing. The trainer-learner relation does not end after the completion of the course. The candidates can continue to seek professional guidance from trainers. Moreover, the team of training advisors, coordinators and IT support is available even after completion of course.


Multisoft Virtual Academy is an Online Training Platform that has been providing corporate training for 600+ technical and non-technical courses since the last 17 years. They offer training in partnership with organizations such as Microsoft, Oracle, IIBA, PMI, Cisco and IBM.



Build a Rewarding Career in SP3D Software Administration

Piping is used for various purposes such as manufacturing, construction and transportation. SP3D, one of the most preferable tools for SP3D is a 3D pipe designing tool by Smartplant which provides concurrent in-house and off-site contract design resources and allows re-using the as-built models for maintenance activities. SP3D is most widely used piping design software all around the world as it offers various features such as ease of use, enabling streamlined design processes, allowing management and re-use for future projects. 

All activities related to SP3D database and server project are handled by SP3D administrator. They help in enhancing and integrating the components of the software as per the requirements of the project. He or she participates in defining, applying, executing and closing the stages of the project. 
SP3D is used across various industries including consumer goods, oil & gas, chemical and nuclear & power generation. Companies associated with these industries are regularly in search of freshers and working professionals who can help in increasing productivity for the organization with the skills and knowledge of the software they possess. An SP3D administrator can earn an average salary of $73,408 annually.

Online training for SP3D administration course offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy allows professionals and freshers interested in making their career in SP3D Software Administration to learn the software anywhere and anytime. The training is taken by working professionals and corporate companies are carefully designed to meet international industry standards so that they can stand apart from the neck-to-throat competition. 

Training for SP3D administration course is conducted by a team of certified experts who have completed training 2500+ learners. 24x7 lifetime access to recorded video sessions and digital learning material is offered to candidates for revision and future reference. Training at Multisoft is never limited to theoretical knowledge. The learners are given hands-on sessions so that they get a deeper understanding and firm grip of SP3D administration.

SP3D administration online training is taken by aspirants all around the world belonging to different time zones. The time, date and duration of training sessions can be customized as per the convenience of learners. The course lays out in-depth knowledge of various SP3D administration topics such as setup and administration, project creation, project backup and retrieval, developing utilities and customization of Micro station & AutoCAD as per project needs.

The course content of SP3D online training course includes:
•    Create a new site and plant
•    Create permission groups and assign permissions
•    Simple Backup
•    Deleting a Plant
•    Deleting a Catalog
•    Manual Creation of System Hierarchy
•    Import Creation of System Hierarchy
•    Assign Specifications to Systems
•    Restore as copy Training Plant
•    Prepare the session for Model Data Reuse command
•    Synchronize Model with Catalog and View Generation
•    Database Maintenance
•    Database Integrity
•    Reference a PDS Project (Optional)
•    Error log files
•    Interference Checking
•    Export ZVF and XML files to be used in R3D referencing
•    Attach external 3D data as a reference (R3D)
•    Perform transformation (rotation, scaling, and translation) to R3D models
•    Update attached R3D models
•    Export VUE and MDB2 files to be used for R3D Referencing
•    Convert DGN to ZVF and Create Folder Hierarchy for R3D Models (Optional)
•    Use R3D referenced models for Parallel Design (Optional)
•    Overview of Isometric Drawings
•    Overview of Orthographic Drawings
•    Overview of Reports

Every learner of SP3D administration training is given a training certificate after the training is complete. They may use this certificate to validate their skills, strengthen their resume and gain career opportunities SP3D administration offers. Multisoft Virtual Academy guarantees best quality training at the lowest pricing. 

Career Opportunities with Machine Learning Online Training

Machine Learning has become a part and parcel of our lives. It has blended so thoroughly in people’s lives that they often miss out its existence. Smart virtual assistants, traffic predictions, online commuting network, video surveillance, email spam filtering, product recommendations, online fraud detection and chatbots are all day-to-day examples of Machine Learning.


Machine Learning is the technology that is enabling devices to complete assigned tasks without the need for complex programming or human interference. A subdomain of Artificial Intelligence, ML is used in various industries such as healthcare, education, automotive, finance, banking and local authorities.


Freshers and working professionals interested in learning Machine learning you need to have a basic understanding of mathematical concepts, statistics and probability. Knowledge of computer science fundamentals and programming helps in better understanding of Machine Learning, though it is not mandatory.


Machine Learning offers various features such as data visualization, best automation, customer engagements, efficiency, accurate analysis of data and business intelligence. Machine learning is used by companies all across the globe because of these features for varying requirements. List of companies using ML includes renowned names such as Google, IBM, Baidu, Microsoft, Twitter, Intel and Apple. These companies along with many others are regularly in search of freshers and professionals who have the knowledge and skills related to Machine Learning. Machine Learning professionals can earn an average annual salary of $146,085 which has witnessed a rapid growth of 344% in the last 5 years.


See:-  Machine Learning Online Courses Provide The Best Preparation For A Machine Learning Certification Exam


Machine Learning Online Training can be learnt anywhere and anytime with online training conducted by Multisoft Virtual Academy. The online training platform offers Machine Learning training that is carefully designed and structured to meet international industry standards. The training is conducted by a team of certified instructors who are highly experienced and have completed training thousands of aspirants in various Machine Learning courses. Aspirants are given 24x7 lifetime access to digital learning material and recorded sessions which can be used for revision while pursuing the course or for future reference. Online training is taken by individuals from all across the globe belonging to different time zones. Hence, the time, date and duration of training sessions are decided as per the convenience of the candidates. Training at Multisoft is never limited to theoretical knowledge. The learners are provided hands-on sessions to get a better understanding and firm grip over the technology. A set of assignments and assessments allows them to analyze their preparation and knowledge.


Various Machine Learning courses offered at Multisoft Virtual Academy include Python Machine Learning, R Machine Learning solutions, Machine Learning with TensorFlow, SAP Leonardo Machine Learning, Machine Learning with MATLAB, Introduction to Machine Learning, Machine Learning Specialist Training and Hands-On Python & R In Data Science Training.


Every learner is given a training certificate after completion of course. They may use this certificate to validate their skills, strengthen their resume and gain career growth that Machine Learning industry offers. Read More Click Here 


Learn Revit Structure Anytime, Anywhere: Go Online!!

Revit Structure is a structural engineering software developed by Autodesk. The software is used by architects, designers, contractors and engineers related to structural, mechanical, plumbing and electrical fields to build better and more complex structures. The software offers a platform to make clear, crisp and clean drawing sets. Used for designing, collecting and sharing building models, also known as Building Information Modeling, Revit structure plays an important role in impacting immediate changes on the model to reduce errors and automatically update the design.


Revit Structure is used by many industries including construction, architecture & planning, education, computer software, IT, real estate and retail. The software offers various features such as physical and analytical modelling, reinforcement detailing, structural steel modelling, structural documentation, bi-directional linking with analysis, linking with concrete fabrication, dynamo for structural engineering and linking with steel fabrication which makes it a preferred BIM software for renowned companies such as Compass Group PLC, Deutsche Bahn, Bechtel, United Postal Services and Technical University of Denmark. These companies are regularly in search of freshers and working professionals who have the knowledge and skills related to the software. The annual average salary of Revit structure professionals is $70,248.


Revit Structure can be learnt anytime and anywhere with Revit Structure online training conducted by Multisoft Virtual Academy. The online training platform offers training that is designed and structured to meet international industry standards. The 24 hours course is conducted under the guidance of certified instructors who have been training aspirants for many years and have completed training 6400+ learners of Revit Structure. Candidates are offered 24x7 lifetime access to digital learning material and recorded sessions for revision and future reference.


The courseware provides learners in-depth knowledge and skills about various Revit structure topics such as Structural Isolated Foundation, Creating and Modifying Grids, Controlling Object Visibility, Linking and Importing AutoCAD and Creating Legends and Keynotes. The online course is joined by learners all across the globe belonging to different time zones. Thus, the date, time and duration of training sessions can be customized for by the learners as per their convenience.


Learning at Multisoft is never limited to theoretical knowledge. The learners are provided practical exercises and access to the software so that they get a deeper understanding and firm grip over Revit Structure. A set of 11 module-wise quizzes helps learners to analyze their knowledge and preparation. Every candidate is given a training certificate after completing the course. They may use this certificate to validate their skills, strengthen their resume and gain outstanding career opportunities Revit Structure offers.


Multisoft Virtual Academy is an online training platform that has been training millions of individuals and corporate companies in 600+ technical and non-technical courses since the last 17 years in partnership with renowned organizations like Microsoft, IIBA, PMI, Oracle and IBM. Read More Click Here


PDMS Online Training with Undeniable Features

Individuals interested in designing and managing plant systems are regularly in search of courses that can help them accelerate their Piping Design Fundamentals. They often send us queries expressing their interest in the course which they are unable to pursue because of their busy work schedule. The simple solution for their problems is online training which has now made learning easy, convenient and flexible.


PDMS is a designing software package that allows engineers to create and manage chemical and process plants, construction projects, power plants, paper and pulp manufacturing and water treatment plants. PDMS can be done by chemical engineers, petrochemical engineers, civil engineers, 3D designers, students and professionals related to mechanical engineering.


Piping is used by various industries related to manufacturing, transportation, construction, architecture and engineering because of its features such as concurrent engineering, controlled catalogue database, automatic drawing production, isometric generation, material takeoff, report generation, clash checking and interfacing with third-party software. An individual can earn up to $14.222 every year by learning PDMS.


                                    Join Now & Get     FLAT 15% Discount       Hurry! Limited Period Offer


Training courses offered online by Multisoft Virtual Academy make it very easy and convenient for aspirants to learn PDMS. The 24-hour training conducted by a team of certified and highly experienced instructors enables them to understand the requirements of PDMS in engineering industry, roles and responsibilities as an PDMS engineer/designer, components of piping system, calculating thickness, codes and standards of piping, it's isometric, practical drawing, standards of equipment modelling, structure modelling and clash checking and rectifying.


Other features offered to a PDSM online course learner include flexible timing and 24x7 lifetime access to recorded sessions and e-learning material. The PDMS online course is carefully designed and structured to meet international industry standards.


It includes various piping design topics such as

  • PDMS History
  • Role & Responsibility of PDMS users in EPC
  • Fundamentals of Piping Engineering
  • Fundamentals of Pipe, Pipe Fittings and Piping components
  • Piping Codes & standards
  • Process Layout Engineering
  • PDMS Modules


Learners also get a PDMS training certificate after completing the training. This certificate helps in validating and showcasing their skills, strengthen their career and gain career growth. Read More Click Here

Best Way to Learn Microsoft Cloud Computing Online

Microsoft is being used all around the world by individuals and corporate companies as the most preferable cloud computing system. A cloud computing system is a network of servers, databases, softwares, and analytics saved online to be accessed anywhere and anytime. In simpler words, cloud computing systems offer access to the internet to store data along with increasing the speed and features of the internet. Microsoft is a preferred choice for cloud computing services because of its features such as lower operating cost, efficient infrastructure and scaling business needs.


Microsoft is used in a variety of industries including computer software, IT, healthcare, construction, real estate, finance, retail, marketing and management. With Microsoft regularly updating and introducing new products, it becomes important for companies related to these industries to boost the skills of their employees in the domain to stay ahead in the competitive market. Companies associated with these industries using Microsoft are regularly in search of freshers and professionals who have the knowledge and skills related to the cloud computing system.


Individuals can learn Microsoft anytime and anywhere with Microsoft online training provided by Multisoft Virtual Academy. The training provided in authorized partnership with Microsoft is carefully designed and structured to meet international industry standards.


The training for various Microsoft courses is conducted under the guidance of certified experts who are highly experienced and have completed training thousands of aspirants. Learners are offered 24x7 and lifetime access to e-learning material as well as recorded training sessions for revision and future reference.


Some of the various Microsoft courses offered by Multisoft are:

  • MS Excel Online Training
  • MCSA 70-410 Online Training
  • MCSA 70-411 Online Training
  • MCSA 70-412 Online Training
  • ASP .NET Training
  • Microsoft Office 2010 Training
  • MS-SQL 2012 Online Training
  • MS-SQL Server BI Online Training
  • BI Solutions Online Training
  • MCSA Training
  • Dynamics AX Distribution and Trade Training
  • Dynamics AX Financials 2012 Training
  • Extend CRM 2013 Training
  • NAV 2013 Installation & Configuration Training
  • CRM Customization & Configuration Training

…and many more.


Microsoft training at Multisoft is never limited to theoretical knowledge. The learners are given software access and hands-on sessions to gain firm knowledge and practical experience of the Microsoft cloud computing systems. The set of assessments, assignments, lab exercises and mock tests helps learners to analyze their knowledge.


Online corporate training is taken by individuals all around the world belonging to different time zones. Flexible scheduling allows them to customize the date, time and duration of training sessions as per their convenience.


Every candidate of Microsoft online training courses at Multisoft is awarded a training certificate after completing the training. They may use this certificate to validate their skills, strengthen their resume and gain career opportunities Microsoft cloud computing offers.


Trainers at Multisoft are also learners’ mentors, who provide them with professional guidance, exam preparation tips and interview question and answers from time to time. Learners can continue to seek support from instructors as well as a team of training advisors, coordinators and IT experts even after completing the training.

Read more about Microsoft online training and enrol to boost your skills by clicking here. Multisoft Virtual Academy is an online training platform that offers 600+ corporate courses for technical and non-technical industries. Multisoft has completed training millions of learners in partnership with Microsoft, Oracle, PMI, ITIL, Intel and Android at

Are SAP and Oracle Different?

SAS and oracle are two different Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) environments that are often thought to be the same. While SAP ERP is an enterprise resource planning software that provides tools to allow a flow of information, Oracle is a database management system based on multiple models. The two software can be learned online with the help of the Online Training Platform Multisoft Virtual Academy.


Some other ways in which the two software are different are:


  •   Aspects
  •      SAP
  •     Oracle
  • Sector



  • SAP is mainly used for enterprise resource planning
  • Oracle is one of the leading ERP systems used as database management systems
  • Functionality


  • SAP helps businesses with real time management
  • Oracle is used to manage data in enterprises
  • Language


  • SAP ERP runs on ABAP language
  • SQL is the source of Oracle RDBMS
  • Focus Area


  • SAP provides a combination of application and database
  • Oracle is only a database without application
  • Purpose



  • SAP is used for sales, accounting distribution etc.
  • Data warehousing transaction processing and workloads are some of the functional areas of Oracle
  • Technology


  • SAP R/3
  • Oracle Database 18c
  • Cost
  • Implementing SAP ERP costs comparatively higher
  • Implementation cost of Oracle RDBMS is lower
  • Accounting
  • SAP is capable of managing expenditures
  • Oracle is a more advantageous way to manage an organization’s expenses and invoices
  • Human Resource


  • SAP enables companies to streamline their HR functions in a better way
  • Oracle can allow companies to automate their HR functions
  • Manufacturing Functionality




  • SAP was designed to use AI for business intelligence and workflow automation
  • Oracle was designed to allow monitoring equipment and real-time production


SAS Vs. SAP: How Are They Different?

SAS and SAP are both well-known software companies, but they serve different purposes and offer different types of solutions. Here's an overview of how SAS and SAP differ from each other:

  1. Company Focus:

    • SAS: SAS (Statistical Analysis System) is primarily focused on providing advanced analytics and business intelligence solutions. It offers a wide range of software products and tools for data management, data analysis, predictive modeling, and statistical analysis.
    • SAP: SAP (Systems, Applications, and Products) is an enterprise software company that focuses on providing integrated business solutions across various domains. It offers a suite of software products for areas such as enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), supply chain management (SCM), human capital management (HCM), and more.
  2. Product Offerings:

    • SAS: SAS offers a comprehensive suite of software products for data management, advanced analytics, and business intelligence. Its offerings include SAS Visual Analytics, SAS Enterprise Miner, SAS Data Integration, SAS Data Management, and SAS Programming language.
    • SAP: SAP offers a wide range of software products that cover various aspects of business operations. Its flagship product is SAP ERP, which provides functionality for finance, procurement, sales, manufacturing, and other core business processes. SAP also offers specialized solutions like SAP CRM, SAP SCM, SAP HCM, and industry-specific solutions.
  3. Target Market:

    • SAS: SAS primarily targets industries that require advanced analytics and data-driven decision-making, such as banking, healthcare, retail, telecommunications, and government sectors. It caters to organizations that need in-depth statistical analysis, predictive modeling, and data visualization capabilities.
    • SAP: SAP targets a broad range of industries and organizations, including large enterprises and mid-sized businesses. Its solutions are designed to support end-to-end business processes across different departments, integrating data and operations for improved efficiency and decision-making.
  4. Approach to Analytics:

    • SAS: SAS is renowned for its advanced analytics capabilities. It provides a wide range of statistical techniques, machine learning algorithms, and data mining capabilities for in-depth analysis. SAS offers a programming language (SAS programming) as well as point-and-click interfaces for analysis.
    • SAP: While SAP does provide some analytics capabilities, it is more focused on providing integrated business solutions. SAP Analytics Cloud is the primary tool for analytics within the SAP ecosystem, offering features like data visualization, planning, and predictive analytics.
  5. Deployment Options:

    • SAS: SAS software can be deployed on-premises, in the cloud, or in a hybrid environment. It provides flexibility in terms of where and how the software is hosted.
    • SAP: SAP offers various deployment options, including on-premises, cloud (SAP Cloud Platform), and hybrid models. It has expanded its cloud offerings in recent years, emphasizing the transition to cloud-based solutions.

In summary, SAS base training specializes in advanced analytics and business intelligence, focusing on statistical analysis and predictive modeling. On the other hand, SAP is an enterprise software company providing integrated solutions across various business domains like ERP, CRM, SCM, and HCM. While both companies serve different needs, their solutions can complement each other in certain contexts, depending on an organization's requirements.

Similar analytical qualities make SAS and SAP similar, though the two are quite similar. SAP S/4 HANA Finance 1909 Training is the abbreviation for System Applications Products. On the other hand, SAS means Statistical Analysis System. The two courses can be learned online through corporate training provided by Multisoft Virtual Academy. Various other differences between the two software are:-


  • Topics
  • SAP
  • SAS
  • Definition
  • SAP stands for Systems Applications and Products in Data Processing. SAP, by definition, is also the name of the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software as well as the name of the company. SAP Software is a European multinational, founded in 1972 by Wellenreuther, Hopp, Hector, Plattner, and Tschira. They develop software solutions for managing business operations and customer relationships.
  • SAS means Statistical Analysis System
  • Suitable for
  • SAS is suitable for individuals interested in qualitative analysis
  • SAS is meant for people who are not well-oriented towards mathematics and statistics, though are keenly interested in project management can choose SAS
  • Purpose


  • SAP is used for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).It refers to systems, products and applications for data processing
  • SAS offers comprehensive analytics along with business intelligence and predictive analysis.
  • Methodology
  • SAP is trusted and tested to form essential components of Business Intelligence capabilities
  • SAS is accompanied by a disk connection having scalable throughput. It can be used for varying requirements to increase the amount of data
  • Cost





  • SAP offers features such as easy implementation, on-demand monthly subscription, and low maintenance make SAP affordable
  • SAS controls costs at great extent and is efficient.
  • Technology




  • SAP S/4HANA, is the newest generation Business Suite launched by SAP. It offers on-premises and hybrid deployment, faster analytics, smaller data footprint, faster analytics, higher throughput and access to data
  • SAS offers a flexible and efficient inbuilt database technology which helps   in increasing the quantity of data with Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) architecture and data warehouse for better performance and scalability
  • Companies
  • Some of the renowned companies using SAP are IBM, TCS, and Accenture India
  • Companies using SAS include well-known names such as Capgemini, Infosys and Cognizant
  • User friendly



  • SAP is not preferred generally because of the lack of being user friendly
  • SAS is simple and convenient for new users
  • Integration
  • Data management tools of SAP offer seamless integration which helps in performance management, data integration, data quality and others
  • SAS offers integration with many applications to draw a larger user base


Learn Business Intelligence Course Step by Step

Individuals interested in Business Analysis have the clue of BI allowing software and devices to use data for making strategic business decisions. The technology uses reports, summaries, graphs, and maps for intelligently analyzing business. The technology emerged in the 1960s and began to be used in computer models for using data in IT-related services by the 1980s.


Business Intelligence is not limited to one function. It is rather used for various purposes such as providing quick and efficient business knowledge, introducing performance indicators, empowering employees, saving time on energy data, increasing customer insights, identifying cost-cutting areas, and preventing online threats.


The multidimensional features provided by Business Intelligence are proving to be useful for various industries such as retail, food, telecom, oil, fashion and pharmaceuticals. A list of companies using BI includes renowned names such as Starbucks, Amex, Amazon, Microsoft and IBM. These companies are regularly in search of freshers and working professionals who have the skills and knowledge related to Business Intelligence. Business Intelligence professionals earn an average annual salary of $70,000-$90,000.


                                               See Also:- All You Need To Know About Power Bussiness Intelligence


Business Intelligence online course offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy allows individuals to learn the technology anytime and anywhere. The training courses are carefully designed and structured to meet international industry standards so that aspirants can stand apart from the neck-to-throat competition in the market.


The learners are given the option to choose between instructor-led and self-paced learning mediums. While instructor-led training is conducted under the guidance of certified experts who have been training for many years and have completed training thousands of aspirants, self-paced learning allows individuals to pursue the course at their pace. Business Intelligence training at Multisoft offers learners a 24x7 and lifetime access to e-learning material as well as recorded training sessions for revision and future reference.


The various Business Intelligence courses offered at Multisoft are:

  • MS-SQL 2012 Online Training
  • MS-SQL Server BI Online Training
  • MS-SQL Server Analysis Services Training
  • MS-SQL Server Integration Services Training
  • MS-SQL Server Reporting Services Training
  • BI Solutions Online Training
  • OBIEE Online Training
  • MCSE BI Online Training
  • Reporting and Visualizations 10.102
  • Advanced Documents and Reports 10.203
  • Process Modeling Using BPMN Training
  • Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Power BI
  • Pentaho Online Training
  • Spotfire Online Training
  • 10989 Online Training
  • MicroStrategy 10 Certification Training
  • Qlik Sense
  • Tableau 10 Bi Solutions - Volume 2


Training at Multisoft is never limited to theoretical knowledge. Access to software and hands-on sessions helps learners to gain a firm grip and better understanding of the topics they learn during the training. Moreover, a set of assignments, assessments, mock tests and lab exercises helps them to analyze their knowledge and skills about Business Intelligence.


After completing the course, every individual is given a training certificate. They may use this certificate to validate their skills, strengthen their resume and gain career opportunities Business Intelligence offers. The online training platform guarantees the best quality education with incredible features at unbelievably friendly pricing. 


Get Advanced MS Excel 2016 Course with Certificate

From school projects to office presentations, Microsoft Excel plays an important role in different domains of life for every individual. The variety of charts, dashboards, and formats the software offers makes it a crucial part of every organization. The application is used for various purposes ranging from data recovery, mathematical calculations to security and adding a sophisticated look to presentations.


Microsoft Excel is used in every business, big or small, belonging to any industry for one of the multiple features it offers. Thus, every company requires freshers and working professionals who have an in-depth knowledge of MS Excel. Microsoft Excel can be learned anytime and anywhere with online training offered at Multisoft Virtual Academy.


The online training of 16 hours is carefully designed to meet international standards and enables aspirants to learn about creating pivot tables and charts, tracing precedents and dependents; converting text and validate and consolidate data; collaborating with others by protecting worksheets and workbooks; creating, using, editing, and managing macros and importing and exporting data.


The course can be done by freshers and working professionals who are keenly interested and have basic knowledge of MS Excel. Training provided under the guidance of certified and highly experienced trainers provides them with support, professional guidance, exam preparation tips and interview questions from time to time.

The course is designed to deliver knowledge of further topics to aspirants:


  • Module 1: Using Pivot Tables
  • Module 2: Auditing Worksheets
  • Module 3: Data Tools
  • Module 4: Working with Others
  • Module 5: Recording and Using Macros
  • Module 6: Random Useful Items
  • Module 7: Microsoft Excel Features that Were New in 2013
  • Module 8: Features New in 2016


Online training is joined by aspirants from all across the globe belonging to different time zones. Also, working professionals find it difficult to manage their work schedules and training sessions. The course thus offers flexible timing to allow candidates to customize the date, time and duration of training sessions as per their convenience.


Candidates of Advance Microsoft Excel 2016 online training at Multisoft Virtual Academy are offered 24x7 access to recorded training sessions which helps them to revise the course anytime and anywhere they want. Lifetime access to digital learning material helps them to use the training resources for future reference.


A training certificate is awarded to each learner after completing the online training for the Advance Microsoft Excel 2016 certification course. Individuals can use this training certificate to validate their skills, strengthen their resume and gain career opportunities the embedded controller offers. Corporate companies may use it to showcase the outstanding skills their employees possess.


Our team of training advisors, coordinators, and IT support is always available to provide support, even after completion of training. Multisoft Virtual Academy guarantees the best quality online training with incredible features at unbelievably friendly pricing.


Multisoft Virtual Academy is an online training platform that has been conducting training for 600+ technical and non-technical courses. They have completed training thousands of learners in 17 years as authorized partners of renowned organizations such as IIBA, PMI, Oracle, and ITIL. 

Top 10 Questions with Answers for Blue Prism Interview

Blue Prism is Robotics Process Automation (RPA) software that helps prevent low-return and high-risk manual entry and processing work. It is one of the most commonly used RPA software in the automation marketplace. The secure, scalable, centrally managed and completely automated RPA software is used in various industries such as banking, consumer package goods, insurance, public sector,  legal services, professionals services, utilities, and healthcare. Blue Prism is used by thousands of companies all around the world which include renowned names such as Cognizant, Accenture, Deloitte, Genpact, IBM, TCS, and Tech Mahindra. These companies are regularly in search of freshers and experienced professionals who possess the knowledge and skills related to RPA in Blue Prism. If you as an individual are looking for career opportunities Blue Prism offers, here are top 10 interview questions with their answers you must go through before applying for a job:-


Question: What is Robotics Process Automation?

Answer: To understand the definition of RPA, you need to understand the 3 terms individually:

Robotics: Devices that can mimic human actions

Process: Steps that result in expected/ destined task

Automation: The ability to perform a process to achieve a target without human interference.

Thus, enabling robots to perform automated tasks with the help of software and tools such that they do not need human interference to complete complex tasks is called Robotic Automation Process (RPA).


Question: What is the difference between robotic automation and screen scraping? 

Answer: The main difference between Robotics automation and screen scrapping is:

  • Robots can be legacy applications, service-enabled applications, mainframe, etc. They are application orchestrators and any machine which may be used as a modern robot. They collect procedural knowledge to build a shared library that can be re-used by any other robot or device.
  • Screen Scrapping is when robots are capable of reading applications before displaying through dedicated APIs or context of the native application. A robot is trained to read the application’s display like a user in case of reading through the context of the native application.


Question: Name and explain the various stages of the RPA life cycle?

Answer: RPA life cycle has the following stages:

  1. Discovery Phase: It is decided whether the process can be automated or not by analyzing the client requirements in this phase. The complexity and benefits of the process are also analyzed.
  2. Solution Design Phase: In this phase, the steps required to automate the task are designed. This also includes deciding the basic requirements of the project such as time period, budget and human resources. Then, an Object Model Diagram or flowchart is made to understand the procedure.
  3. Development Phase: Automation Scripts are created in the Automation Developer. They may or may not vary according to the task or kind of automation required.
  4. UAT (User Acceptance Tests): The developing or testing team tests the developed bot in a pre-production environment to check the ways by which a user can automate a specific task.
  5. Deployment and execution phase: The bot is deployed into the production environment after developing and testing. After that, they are executed to generate meaningful results.


Question: What is the difference between thin and thick clients?

Answer: While a thin client is a web-based application where processing is majorly done on the server-side (for example- any virtual tool), a thick client installs into the client-side (for example- calculator).


Question: Why is Blue Prism important?

Answer: Blue Prism is one of the most preferable RPA tools that is used for designing automation scripts. It supports internal and external encryption of decryption of keys. Blue Prism also allows Audit Logs that help to debug easier for its users. It is a complete automation solution that provides secure, scalable and central management along with various types of spying modes for different application types.


Question: What do you mean by Environmental value in Blue Prism?

Answer: The variables available for all processes and business objects are called environment variables. They may be used as dynamic variables for ensuring anytime use for Blue Prism platform. An environment variable can be used by:

          Step 1: Add a data item to the chosen process or object

          Step 2: Open “Data Properties” form

          Step 3: Select “Environment” in “Exposure” combo box

          Step 4: A combo box will be made at the top of the screen from “Name” edit box

          Step 5: Select the Environment variable you want to use and then click on “OK”


Question: What are the hardware requirements for executing the Blue Prism platform?

Answer: There are no such hardware requirements needed for executing the Blue Prism platform. The software is designed in a ready-to=be-deployed manner to match the IT standards such as operational integrity, IT security, and operational supportability.


Question: What is Visual Business Object?

Answer: Visual Business Objects provide an interface to an application. This application is configured in a separate environment known as Object Studio Environment instead of Process studio. Hence, a Business Object is always used by a Process instead of being exposed to Control Room.


Question: What are the steps required to create a process in Blue Prism?

Answer: Blue Prism has two main types of components. They are:

  1. Process Studio: It is the area where Process Diagrams are created. This component offers various features including business logic, control loops, object call, and variables. The main page of every created project is executed first.
  2. Object Studio: Object Studio fulfills the requirement of communicating with external applications to automate tasks. It is an area where Visual Business Objects, the programs interacting with external applications that perform operations are created.


Question: What do you mean by SDD and FRQ?


SDD: Solution Design Document (SDD) is used for describing the Blur Prism automation process derived from Process Definition Document.

FRQ: Function Requirement Questionnaire (FRQ) helps in providing areas that need to be considered and a checklist of details that are required.

8051 Microcontroller Programming Training Makes Learning Embedded Systems Easier

A microcontroller is a small computer based on one circuit chip. It is integrated by metal-oxide-semiconductor. Microcontrollers are embedded (fixed) within devices for controlling and are thus called embedded controllers.  Microcontrollers are responsible for taking control and sending signals to various parts of a device. For example, a microcontroller on TV takes inputs from remote and delivers the output on the TV screen. Microcontrollers rely on RAM and ROM of a device to function accurately. While RAM helps in storing data and results of tasks performed by a microcontroller; ROM stores special tasks it performs.


8051 microcontroller is a microcontroller designed by Intel in 1981. Built with 40-pin DIP (dual inline package), 2 16-bit timers, a RAM and ROM of 128 bytes and 4 kb storage respectively; 8051 microcontroller is programmable and addressable as required. The microcontroller is used in various industries including automobile, space, aeronautics, robotics, defense application, electronics, rail transport, mobile communications, medical applications, and industrial processing. Renowned companies associated with these industries are regularly in search of freshers and working professionals who have the knowledge and skills related to microcontroller 8051.


Programming Microcontroller 8051 can be learned easily with online training offered at Multisoft Virtual Academy. The 18-hour training is carefully designed and structured to meet international industry standards and help working professionals and corporate companies to stand apart from the neck-to-throat competition they face in the market. The training can be taken by:-


  • Individuals having BE, B. Tech., M. Tech. degree in various electronic, electrical, mechatronics and IT fields.
  • Candidates having an M. Sc. degree in Electronics, Instrumentation, CS or Physics along with specialization in Electronics.
  • Working professionals having good knowledge of C programming.
  • Individuals with a diploma degree in ECE, ETCE or CSE.



Training for Microcontroller 8051 programming online course is conducted by a team of certified trainers who are highly experienced and have completed training more than 1000 students in the course. Trainers at Multisoft are also learners’ mentors who offer professional support, guidance, exam preparation tips and interview questions from time to time. The course is designed to deliver knowledge of further topics to aspirants:



Module 1

  • Introduction to Embedded Systems
  • Introduction to 8051
  • Introduction to KEIL µVision IDE
  • Introduction to Proteus Simulator

Module 2

  • Inside 8051
  • GPIO (General Purpose Input Output)
  • Port Programming

Module 3

  • LED Interfacing
  • Switch Interfacing
  • Keypad Matrix Interfacing
  • LED Matrix Interfacing
  • Seven Segment Interfacing

Module 4

  • LCD Interfacing
  • Motor Interfacing
  • Relay Interfacing
  • IR - Sensor Interfacing

Module 5

  • Timer/ Counter
  • Serial communication (UART)
  • Interrupts

Module 6

  • Inter-integrated Circuit (IIC)
  • Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)


The training at Multisoft Virtual Academy is never limited to theoretical knowledge. The learners are offered a set of 2 online assessments and several projects that help them to gain a deeper understanding and firm grip of the courseware. Moreover, 5 online quizzes are conducted to help them analyze their knowledge and skills related to the embedded controller.


Online training is joined by aspirants from all across the globe belonging to different time zones. Also, working professionals find it difficult to manage their work schedules and training sessions. The course thus offers flexible timing to allow candidates to customize the date, time and duration of training sessions as per their convenience.


Candidates of 8051 Microcontroller online training at Multisoft Virtual Academy are offered 24x7 access to recorded training sessions which helps them to revise the course anytime and anywhere they want. Lifetime access to digital learning material helps them to use the training resources for future reference.


A training certificate is awarded to each learner after completing the online training for 8051 microcontroller programming Online Training. Individuals can use this training certificate to validate their skills, strengthen their resume and gain career opportunities the embedded controller offers. Corporate companies may use it to showcase the outstanding skills their employees possess.

10 Important ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) Interview Questions with Answers

ITIL is a set of practices that make Information Technology (IT) suitable to be used for businesses, also known as ITSM. It describes generic procedures, processes, tasks, and checklists that do not focus on a specific type of organization or technology and help working professionals to strategize, deliver value and maintain a minimum level of competency for an organization with other companies belonging to same field or industry of work. Employees can become ITIL professionals by clearing any or all levels of the certification exam conducted at five different levels namely foundation, intermediate, managing across the life cycle, expert and master. Corporate companies hire ITIL professionals to improve their business capability, efficiency, resource utilization, financial control and perception of IT within a business. If you are a fresher or a working professional looking for career opportunities in ITIL, here are 10 most important ITIL interview questions along with their answer you must go through before applying for a job:


Question: Why did you choose ITIL to pursue a career?

Answer: ITIL offers career opportunities to freshers or working professionals who are keenly interested in business, IT or both domains. (You may go on describing your field of interest). Moreover, it allows a powerful alignment between business and IT and helps improve customer satisfaction and service delivery. It teaches professionals better administration of business risk and service disruption.


Question: How is implementing ITIL service desk helpful?

Answer: Implementing the ITIL service desk is helpful as it improves tracking of service quality, recognition of trends and incident, employee satisfaction and incident response time. It also results in increased first call resolution, rapid restoration of services and quick service restoration.


Question: What all do you need to keep in mind while practicing Incident Management?

Answer: Incident Management is primarily practiced for five objectives:

  1. Using regulated methods and procedures for efficient response, incident reports, documentation, analysis, and ongoing management.
  2. Communicating and visualizing incidents to support IT staff and business.
  3. Resolving and reporting incidents for improving the business perception of IT.
  4. Coordinating Incident management activities and priorities as required.
  5. Using high quality IT services to manage use satisfaction.


Question: As an ITIL professional, what steps will you take for incident management?

Answer: Incident management allows managing lifecycles of reported incidents. This involves various steps that need to be carried out for resolving and documenting incidents. The steps required for incident management process are as follows:

Step 1 Identifying incidents

Step 2 Logging incidents

Step 3 Categorizing incidents

Step 4 Setting priorities of incidents

Step 5 Responding to incidents

Step 6 Initial analysis

Step 7 Escalating incidents

Step 8 Resolving and recovering

Step 9 Closing incidents


Question: What is SLA? Mention its types.

Answer: Service Level Agreement is the commitment between an external or internal service provider and end-user. SLA is used to represent the assumed service level of the service provider. The three types of SLA are:

  1. Customer service level agreement: Exists between the service provider and external customer
  2. Internal service level agreement: Exists between the service provider and internal customer, for example, another site, organization or department, etc.
  3. Vendor service level agreement: Exists between service provider and vendor.


Question: What are the stages required to complete the problem management process?

Answer: The steps required for overall program management are as follows:

Step 1 Problem detection and logging

Step 2 Problem categorizing and prioritizing

Step 3 Investigating and diagnosing

Step 4 Identifying workaround for the problem

Step 5 Raising a known error record

Step 6 Resolving

Step 7 Closing problem

Step 8 Reviewing the problem


Question: Why is configuration management done in ITIL?

Answer: Configuration management allows collection, storage, management and verification of data on IT assets and configuration in the enterprise.


Question: Explain the PDSA cycle along with its phases?

Answer: PDSA cycle refers to plan-do-check-act, which is a four-step management method that allows consistent and controlled improvement in a business. Also known as Deming cycle, wheel or circle; PDSA is categorized into:

Plan: Problem recognition and analysis

Do: Solution development and test

Check: Checking how effective is test solution in handling the problem and analyzing if it is capable of any improvements.

Act: Effective implementation of an improved solution


Question: What do you mean by PIR?

Answer: Evaluating and analyzing complete work solution is known as Post Implementation Review (PIR) and is performed to determine the success if change and its implementation after implementing the change request.


Question: Name and explain any four knowledge management systems.

Answer: The different types of knowledge management systems are as follows:

Capacity Management Information System (CMIS) - Collecting data related to IT infrastructure usage, performance and capacity in a consistent manner, that is stored in single or series databases.

Configuration Management Database (CMDB) - Storing information about software and hardware assets used by an organization.

Definitive Media Library (DML) – A secure logical library used to store and protect definitive, authorized versions of all software media configuration items.

Service Knowledge Management Systems (SKMS) – Primary repository of data, knowledge, and information used by IT companies to administer the lifecycle of their services.

The knowledge of answering interview questions of ITIL can only be obtained after having skills related to the technology. You can learn ITIL anytime and anywhere with the help of ITIL Online Training courses offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy.

Top 10 Questions and Answers for Piping Interview

Piping designers play a critical role in building and designing piping systems so that they are capable of carrying out liquids, semi-liquids, and gases. Piping is used for various residential, commercial, industrial and transportation purposes. It is used in various industries such as Oil & gas, petrochemical, off-shore, energy, chemical, EPC, pharmaceutical, cement, and fertilizer. A career in piping can be pursued by professionals having a diploma, bachelor or master's degree in mechanical, chemical or production engineering. Renowned companies such as Samsung engineering, Bechtel, Toshiba, Siemens, L&T, Jacobs, Reliance, and Essar are regularly in search of professionals who have the skills and knowledge related to piping. Piping designing professionals can expect a salary of $105,670 per year. If you are a piping professional looking for a job, here are the Best 10 interview question and answers you must go through:


Question: What are the functions of a valve and how is it selected?

Answer: A valve helps in isolation, regulation, non-return and other special purposes. It can be selected based on what is to be handled (liquid, fluid, gas or powder), nature, construction material, disc type, how to operate, stem type, delivery time, cost and warranty.


Question: Tell me about any 3 types of valves.

Answer: The 3 types of valves commonly used are:

  1. Isolating valves- gate, ball, piston, plug, butterfly, diaphragm, and pinch.
  2. Regulating valves- globe, needle, butterfly, diaphragm, punch, and piston
  3. Special valves- multi-port, float, flush bottom, foot, pressure relief, and breather


Question: What materials are used for the construction of valves?

Answer: Valves can be constructed using bronze, gunmetal, cast iron, carbon steel, alloy carbon steel, stainless steel, polypropylene and other plastics and special alloys.


Question: What is trim composed of?

Answer: Trim is composed of seat surfaces, stem, back seat bushing and small internal parts that contact surface fluid.


Question: What is wire drawing?

Answer: The premature erosion of the valve seat due to excessive velocity between seat disc and seat when the valve is not closed tightly is called Wire Drawing.


Question: Differentiate Asme B 31.1 and Asme B 31.3.

Answer: The difference between Asme B 31.1 and Asme B 31.3 are as follows:

ASME B 31.1

ASME B 31.3

Includes torsion while calculating sustained stresses

Neglects torsion while calculating sustained stresses

Specific sustained stress calculation

Undefined sustained stress calculation

Intensifies torsion

Does not intensify torsion


Moreover, material allowable stresses and stress increasing due to occasional loads in each of the codes are different.


Question: What are the important parameters of a Spring Datasheet?

Answer: The major parameter that must be addressed while making a spring datasheet are cold load/installed load, spring TAG, vertical and horizontal movement, piping material, piping design temperature, insulation thickness, hydro-test loader, line number etc.


Question: How do you calculate the height of a variable spring hanger?

Answer: The height of a variable spring hanger can be determined by selecting the height from vendor catalogue based on stiffness class and spring size. The height is mentioned in case of base mounted variable spring hanger.


Question: If a proper spring hanger is not made program defined, can you select it? How?

Answer: If a proper spring hanger is not made program defined, it can be selected using the following steps:

Step 1: Decide the location where you want to install it in your system.

Step 2: Remove supports that are not taking the load in thermal operating case.

Step 3: Run Program. Sustained load on the support node is a hot load and the thermal movement in the location is a thermal movement of spring.

Step 4: While assuming variability of spring, calculate

Spring constant = (Hot load x variability) ÷ displacement

Step 5: Enter any vendor catalog with spring constant and hot load to select spring inside the travel range.


Question: What is Variability? What is its industry-approved limit?

Answer: The variability can be determined using the formula below:

Variability   = (Hot Load-Cold load) ÷ Hot load

               = (Spring Constant x displacement) ÷ Hot load


25% is the limit for variability for variable spring.


The knowledge of answering interview questions of piping can only be obtained after having skills related to the technology. You can learn to pipe anytime and anywhere with the help of the Piping online training course offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy. To read more about the course and to join it, click here. You may visit our website to have a look at 600+ online courses we offer to professionals and corporate companies.

CAD/CAM Interview Questions & Answers to Help You in Getting a Job

CAD/CAM are computer applications that help in generating toolpaths that convert machine tools structured as designs to turn into physical parts. CAM is a term used for Computer-Aided Manufacturing or Machining process. CAD or Computer-Aided Design is a software that helps create things by designing and drawing by constructing a model with the help of geometric shapes. After the completion of design using CAD, CAM is required to process convert the part on CAD so that it can be used in machine language.

Considering the important role CAD/CAM plays in designing, many industries use the two software. CAD is used in industries associated with Mechanical Engineering and Designing, Civil Engineering and Designing, Product Designing, Prototype Designing, etc. CAM is mainly required for manufacturing for mechanical components where the CNC machine is used. Companies associated with these industries are always in search of professionals who have the skills and in-depth knowledge of CAD and CAM.

Here are the Best most trending interview questions along with their answers that will help you get a job in 2020:-


Question: What is the CAD system?

Answer: CAD system includes two basic components:

  1. Computer Hardware: This includes Graphic workstations, Graphic input devices such as a keyboard, mouse, etc. and Graphic output devices such as printer and plotters.
  2. Computer Software: This includes operating systems for basic operations, software packages used for geometric modeling and application software for design, analysis, and synthesis.


Question: What is the drawing entities? List a few.             

Answer: The entities used to create a drawing on CAD are called drawing entities. There are a variety of entities available depending on the requirements. The entities commonly used include point, line, arc, ellipse, circle, polygon, rectangle, etc.


Question:  What are drawing utilities? Name a few drawing utilities

Answer: Several functions are used for the creation and storage of drawings. These functions are called drawing utilities. These include screen size, line type, scaling, grid, layers, units, snap, etc.


Question: What do you mean by Editing Commands in CAD? Name a few.

Answer: After creating the first draft, entities of drawings need to be corrected and altered. The same can be done with the help of editing commands. For example move, array, erase, fillet, chamfer, mirror, rotate, trim, copy, scale, etc.


Question: What is Geometric modelling? Name a few Geometric modeling techniques.

Answer: The use of CAD system to create a mathematical description of an object’s geometry is called geometric modelling.  This is stored in computer memory and includes creating new geometric models. The various types of geometric modelling techniques used in CAD are two-dimensional modelling and three-dimensional modelling: based on dimensioning; wireframe modelling, surface modelling and solid modelling: based on modelling.


Question: Why did you choose CAD to pursue as a career?

Answer: CAD is the leading designing application as it delivers high productivity in lesser time. It allows for accurate and central process-oriented designing. CAD offers easy modification and effective creation of manufacturing documentation.


Question: What is the difference between 2D and 3D in CAD?

Answer: While 2D modelling helps design flat objects and layouts of buildings, 3D modelling allows conceptualizing real objects by modelling three-dimensional designs.


Question: What are the advantages of Wireframe modelling?

Answer: Wireframe modelling is helpful in many ways. It offers features such as simple construction, less training requirements, less memory space and less manipulation time.


Question: What is CSG?

Answer: The technique of using Boolean combinations of primitives solids to build a part is called Constructive Solid Geometry. In 3D, Boolean operations are addition (+) and subtraction (-).


The knowledge of answering the interview question of CAD/CAM can only be obtained after having skills related to the application. You can learn CAD/CAM anytime and anywhere with the help of CAD/CAM online training courses offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy. To read more about the courses offered by us, click here. You may visit our website to have a look at 600+ online courses we offer to professionals and corporate companies.


Top Ten (10) Unavoidable Interview Questions for a Job in Project Management

A project manager plays a critical role in achieving the goals and success criteria within a stipulated time period for a company. Initializing, planning, executing, controlling and closing a team’s work are the responsibilities of a project manager in any organization. A professional willing to pursue his or her career as a project manager must have outstanding skills to plan, process, communicate and make decisions. Since project management certified professional can contribute to 30% increase in the success rate and development of an organization, it is highly demanded across various industries such as construction, manufacturing, engineering, architecture, and real estate development. If you are a project management professional seeking career advancement, here are 10 interview question and answers you cannot afford to miss out before applying for a job:

Question: What is an important skill a project manager must have?

Answer: A skillful project manager must possess more than one skill to be successful. The various skills that are a must for a project manager include leadership skills, communication skills, and time management skills. You must be able to explain the importance of each of these skills to prove your worth for the post.

Question: How do you begin with a new project?

Answer: The interviewer’s purpose for asking this question is to test the clarity of your thoughts. You must begin a project by focusing on its successful completion. A good project manager must begin with the project by understanding what it is about and what it demands. It is important to dive deeper into the requirements of a project to achieve the goals it demands.

Question: Describe the projects you have handled recently.

Answer: This question is completely based on every project manager’s individual experiences. Being a professional, you would have come across various projects. You can list a few of your projects keeping in mind the criteria such as how recent it was, was it successful, how relevant is it to the job you are applying for. The interviewer wants to check your approach towards work with this question. Choose instances carefully so that they can put an impact on the interview. Be concise and give relevant details.

Question: Describe the steps you follow from start to completion of a project.

Answer: A successful project comprises the following steps, chronologically:

  1. Initiating: A project must be started by understanding its nature and scope. Before moving ahead, a project manager must have knowledge of the business environment and the necessary controls that are required for the project.

  2. Planning: The next step involved tor the completion of the project while fulfilling the limitations is to plan the time, cost and resources estimated and to manage risks during its execution. This is a crucial step, as the successful accomplishing of goals heavily depends on it.

  3. Executing: The terms of the plan need to be executed effectively. This involves allocation, co-ordination and management of employees and other resources.

  4. Project Documentation: Documenting everything related to the project is an important step that is sometimes missed out. It helps in maintaining the budget, scope, effectiveness and pace at which the planning is being followed.

  5. Monitoring and Controlling: This step helps in measuring the ongoing activities, monitoring the project variables, identifying corrective actions and addressing issues and risks.

  6. Closing: A project can be closed by settling the contracts involved or finalizing all the activities that were involved in the requirement of the project.

Question: How do you ensure your team stays on track to meet project deadlines?

Answer: You can help the team to follow the planning by:

  • Clearly communicating the expectations before starting to work on the task

  • Taking regular updates on the progress

  • Making yourself approachable for the team in case of any lags

  • Giving feedback and appreciating the team on completion of the project to motivate them further.

Question: What do you mean by Pareto analysis?

Answer: Pareto analysis is based on the rule that states that 20% of actions cause 80% results. The statistical analysis helps project managers to prioritize work. To strengthen your answer, you can use some examples where you have used Pareto analysis in your previous projects.

Question: What will you do if a customer is unsatisfied with the result of a product and does not accept it?

Answer: Business is brought to the company by customers and thus it becomes a core priority for any organization to keep its customers happy and satisfied. The interviewer through this question wants to understand the importance of customers for you. Try to explain to you communicate with the customer while performing each of the steps from starting until the closing of a project to ensure your team and customer are on the same page. Try to understand what the issues are or factors due to which the customer is not satisfied with the product and tell them how you can make the changes they expect in services or products. In case changes cannot be made, try to explain to the customer that the product meets the expectations as demanded before starting the project.

Question: How will you motivate your team members?

Answer: For team members to work effectively, a project manager must keep their morale high. You need to tell the interviewer how you will work collaboratively with the team. Your team members must be free to share their advice, ideas and suggestions for you or about the project. You need to make a collective effort by contributing instead of imposing your decisions.

Question: How will you convey bad news to your team members?

Answer: The answer to this question again varies from person to person. While conveying bad news, you need to be considerate and upfront to everyone at the same time. You must have all the facts before conveying the news and think about how it will impact the entire team.

Question: How do you set and track goals for your team?

Answer: the Setting goal is an important part of project management. This helps in motivating the team members and keeping projects on track. Give out some examples from your experience telling how you have set and tracked goals for your team. For example, you would have set a project completion goal by assigning different dates to members responsible for various parts of the project. You may have checked with your team regularly and tried to solve obstacles in meeting the deadlines.


Program management helps you to enhance your skills and knowledge by getting a certification from the Project Management Institute (PMI). No organization can survive without a project manager in the present world of tough competition between companies. The license can only be obtained after clearing the Project management professional (PMP) certification examination.

Multisoft Virtual Academy is an online training platform that offers training to working professionals and corporate companies for Project Management courses in partnership with the Project Management Institute (PMI). The learner can choose to pursue the course under the guidance of certified and highly experienced trainers or at their own pace. Click here to read more about various Project Management courses. Multisoft Virtual Academy has completed training millions of students for 600+ technical and non-technical courses conducted at


Most Trending Primavera Interview Questions & Answers

Primavera is an enterprise project portfolio management software. It is used in various industries such as construction, oil & gas, manufacturing, energy and Information Technology. It offers features such as Project Status Email Updates, Multiple Projects Management, Risk Management, Multi-User Access, Information Dashboard, Gantt Charts, Configurable Forms, Real-Time Reporting & Analytics, Graphical Workflow Modeling, Resource Analysis & Allocation, Calendar & Activity Views, Role-Based User Functions, Business Process Automation and Portfolio & Program Management. The ease of use, customer support, and value for money make Primavera the most commonly used portfolio management software by many company companies including  Microsoft, Planview, HP and CA technologies. These companies are regularly in search of professionals who have the in-depth knowledge and skills of Primavera. Here are the most trending Primavera interview questions that will help you get a job in 2020:-


Question: What is a constraint in Primavera?

Answer: Constraints in Primavera can be resolved by fixing the start or finish date by using the following options:

  1. The project must finish by
  2. Mandatory start / Mandatory finish
  3. Start / Finish on or after
  4. Start / Finish on or before
  5. Start / Finish on
  6. Expected finish


Question: What do you mean by Critical path in Primavera?

Answer: In Primavera, the critical path is with the least amount of float, filter the activities with total float equal to or less than 0. It is the longest path through the project.


Question: What is an open-end activity in Primavera?

Answer: Open-end activity is the activity without any successor. Open-end activity is normally unacceptable in a schedule as the total floats are calculated from the end project and these activities cannot prepare a logical late start plan.


Question: What is the difference between flag and milestone activity in primavera?

Answer: There are a lot of differences between flag and milestone activity as follows:


Milestone activity

Can be created with a predecessor as a stand-alone to allocate the constraint.

Can be created without a predecessor as a stand-alone to allocate the constraint.

Primavera automatically updates the status

Status can be updated manually

Cannot be constraint only driven by the processor

Can be constraint only driven by the processor



Question: How do you communicate the monthly schedule analysis?

Answer: Monthly schedule analysis contains separate information for different audiences. The can recognize which audience wants to see what kind of data, analyze and understand the important issues and trouble spots.


Question: How will you deal with a project that has missing information?

Answer: Incomplete projects can be handled by trying to create a clear plan of action.


Question: Differentiate free float and total float?

Answer: The basic difference that sets free float and total float apart is that an activity can be delayed without delaying the successor activity in free float and without delaying the project finish date in the total float.


Question: What is WBS?

Answer: WBS stands for Work Breakdown Structure. WBS is a hierarchical breakdown of a Project into elements and deliverables.


Question: What are resource allocation and resource leveling?

Answer: The assigning of resources for activities, determining the amount of labor, equipment, and money needed for an activity is called resource allocation. Resource leveling is the understanding of resource requirements of all scheduled activities are compared according to the maximum quantity available while leveling. Resource’s maximum quantity can be determined through the max units/time for a particular resource in the resources tab.


The knowledge of answering the interview questions of Primavera can only be obtained after having skills related to the software. You can learn Primavera software anytime and anywhere with the help of Primavera online training courses offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy. To read more about the courses offered by us, click here. You may visit our website to have a look at 600+ online courses we offer to professionals and corporate companies.

Enhance your Company's Productivity with RPA - Automation Anywhere

Robotics Process Automation is a business process automation technology that uses software robots to automate repetitive tasks and manual processes. It helps in enhancing the work of employees of a corporate company by performing tasks such as interacting with websites, business, and desktop applications by executing repetitive tasks that do not involve complex commands.


Features such as rich-analytical suite, security, simple bot creation interface, source control, and hosting and deployment options make RPA a preferred choice amongst various industries such as retail, banking, insurance, local authorities, and human resources. Renowned companies such as Chevron, Dell, Google, Harley-Davidson, Intel, Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft, NASA, Nokia, Sony, Target, University of California, Visa and Whirlpool have working professionals who have the skills and knowledge related to RPA.


RPA tools allow robots to manage data, respond as desired, communicate with other digital systems and even perform some complex tasks. Corporate companies must train their employees in RPA to enhance productivity and save the time of the organization. RPA training can be accessed by companies all across the globe with Robotics Process Automation online training courses offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy. The benefits learners get from online RPA courses are:-


  • Training by expert instructors: The team of trainers conducting RPA training courses is certified and highly experienced. Our experts have completed training 4100+ professionals.
  • Access to recorded sessions: The learners of RPA online courses will be provided 24x7 access to recorded sessions and e-learning material so that they can revise their course content whenever they wish to.
  • Updated courseware: RPA online courses are taken up by working professionals and employees belonging to corporate companies all across the world. The courses are carefully designed to meet international standards.
  • Flexible scheduling: Learners at Multisoft Virtual Academy are working professionals belonging to different time zones. The time, date and duration of the sessions are fixed only as per the convenience of aspirants.
  • Hands-on sessions: Training at Multisoft Virtual Academy is never limited to theoretical knowledge. The learners are provided with access to the software so that they can practice as they learn.
  • Modulus assessments: Assessments of all topics covered under the courses are offered to candidates so that they can analyze their knowledge as they pursue RPA training online. 
  • Training Certificate: Every learner of Robotic Process Automation Certification course at Multisoft Virtual Academy is awarded a training certificate after completion of course. This certificate helps corporate companies to showcase the excellent skills their employees possess.


Read more about the Robotics Process Automation online training and enroll to boost the skills of your employees by clicking here. Multisoft Virtual Academy is an online training platform that offers 600+ corporate courses for technical and non-technical industries. Multisoft has completed training millions of learners in partnership with Microsoft, Oracle, PMI, ITIL, Intel and Android at


Get a Job at Microsoft: Check Out the Most Trending Questions & Answers

Microsoft is used for various purposes such as software, services, solutions and devices by a majority of individuals and companies all around the world. The same fact becomes a primary reason for highly-demanded Microsoft professionals across various industries. The new decade is starting with thousands of vacancies for Microsoft professionals. You can expect a salary of around $157,352 per year. We don’t want you to miss the career opportunities Microsoft offers and thus bring to you trending questions of 2020 with answers for Microsoft Job interview:


Question: What is Primary, Secondary and Stub zone in windows DNS?

Answer: A file is saved in the form of a normal text file in Primary zone with the filename (.dns). A secondary zone is a back-up server for primary server through fault tolerance and load balancing and maintains a read-only copy of zone database on a separate DNS server. A stub zone contains a copy of SOA records and a name server to reduce DNS search orders.


Question: How to install an app when the MSI file is not available?

Answer: Application can be installed using (.ZAP) text file Software Installer in case of windows installer is not available.


Question: What do you understand by “tattooing” the registry?

Answer: A user can change and view user preference which has not been stored in portions of the registry that are maintained. This is called “tattooing” the registry. The user preference continues registry even after group policies are changed or eliminated.


Question: What is the primary function of a domain controller?

Answer: Domain controller is mainly used to validate users on a network and to provide data of Active Directory Objects.


Question: What is the meaning of the caching-only server in DNS?

Answer: The caching-only DNS server helps you to get information about the queries based on data saved in DNS cache of the server.


Question: What is LDAP?

Answer: LDAP, also known as Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, helps you to search for particular information in the server, e-mail etc. It uses Internet protocol, which is LDAP.


Question: What is the difference between a thread and a computer process?

Answer: The difference between thread and computer process is as follows:


Computer process


A computer process is similar to a computer program

A thread is an executable program

Executed in a sequence

A different thread can work together

Runs several programs simultaneously

Each thread works as a single process



Question: What is INODE?

Answer: INODE is a part of a file system and a data structure used to describe the objects of a file system. It is a unique pointer to a block or disk and holds metadata of files.  


Question:  Where is the AD database held?

Answer: AD database is held in %systemroot%/ntds. The following files control the structure of AD:

  • ntds.dit
  • edb.log
  • res1.log
  • res2.log
  • edn.chk


Question: If you have to install a client operating system over the network, which windows server 2008 service will you use?  

Answer: Client and server operating systems can be installed over a network of computers enabled with network interface with PXE using Windows Deployment Services (WDE).


The knowledge of answering the interview question of Microsoft can only be obtained after having skills related to the computer system. You can learn Microsoft server anytime and anywhere with the help of Microsoft online training course offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy. To read more about the course and to join it, click here. You may visit our website to have a look at 600+ online courses we offer to professionals and corporate companies.

CBAP - Most Trending Interview Questions & Answers

Certified Business Analysis Professional is a designation of individuals who are certified business analysts holding experience and hold a trademark issued by the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA). No business can survive without a business analyst in the present world of tough competition between companies. A CBAP helps a business in many ways including creating a detailed business analysis, outlining problems, opportunities and solutions for business, budgeting and forecasting, planning and monitoring, variance analysis, pricing, reporting and defining business requirements. Renowned companies are regularly in search of CBAP. Here are the most trending interview questions if you are looking for a job of CBAP role:-


Question: What are the roles of a business analyst?

Answer: The primary role of a business analyst is to find the needs of the organization, detect their problems, predict possible future issues and suggest suitable solutions while focusing on the progress of the organization. Apart from that, being a business analyst, I understand that I need to have good knowledge of engineering concepts and technical knowledge, must possess leadership qualities and be fluent in verbal and written communication.


Question: Name some tools that are helpful for business analysts.

Answer: Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, MS Project, ERP systems and rational tools are some of the tools required for business analysis.


Question: What is the difference between a risk and an issue?

Answer: The difference between a “risk” and an “issue” is as follows:



Risk is a problem that can be predicted in advance depending on the ongoing pattern of situations.

The risk that has already happened is called an Issue.


A Business analyst can take precautionary measures to prevent risk.

A Business analyst can only suggest ways to control the damage caused.


Question: How do you handle and manage stakeholders?

Answer: There are various ways by which difficult stakeholders can be handled. These include:

  1. Listening to them patiently while trying to understand their point of view. Talking to them politely and not ending the conversation too soon.
  2. Since stakeholders are generally not comfortable with a few things in the project, their doubts must be cleared while diplomatically answering them.
  3. One on one discussion can help establish reliability and commitment. This can be done by organizing a meeting.
  4. Trying to eradicate their problems and keep them motivated. For example, a stakeholder may be worried about how a project is progressing.
  5. Engaging with stakeholders while making them understand the value of their contribution.


Question: What do you mean by INVEST?

Answer: INVEST helps project managers and technical team to deliver products and services of good quality. INVEST is the abbreviation for Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Sized Appropriately, Testable.


Question: What do you mean by OLTP?

Answer: OLTP or On-Line Transaction Processing are systems that are capable of performing database transactions. They help in data entry and retrieving data from the database.


Question: What is Pareto Analysis?

Answer: Pareto Analysis is a decision-making technique that is also known as the 80-20 rule. It is named so because the rule says 20% causes are the reason for 80% effects in a system. The analysis explains a few factors which are responsible for big problems and is used for quality control and defect resolution.


Question: Define the Pair-Choice technique.

Answer: Various items in a process can be given priority with the help of a pair-choice technique. This technique is used when different stakeholders are involved in a project. The technique works by comparing each item in a group and then selecting the item having the highest priority.


Question: Differentiate V Model and Fish Model.

Answer: V model is more time and cost-efficient as compared to Fish Model which consumes more time as well as money. The fish model is used in the case of a lack of ambiguities in the requirements of a customer. On the other hand, if a customer’s requirements have ambiguities, the V model is preferred.


Question: What is Benchmarking?

Answer: Measuring the performance of an organization for competing in an industry is called Benchmarking. Many companies include various measures such as policies, performance, and rules in the process of Benchmarking.


Question: What is requirement elicitation?

Answer: The collection of information from users and stakeholders is done with the help if requirement elicitation. Requirement elicitation helps in understanding the requirements and expectations of users and stakeholders from a system. It also includes various strategies that help indirectly collaborating with users or clients. Read more CBAP Interview Questions and Answer. in FAQ Section Click Here.


A job in CBAP can only be obtained after clearing the CBAP certification examination. Multisoft Virtual Academy is an online training platform that offers training to working professionals and corporate companies for CBAP course. The learner can choose to pursue the course under the guidance of certified and highly experienced trainers or at their own pace. Click here to read more about the CBAP online certification training. Multisoft Virtual Academy has completed training millions of students for 600+ technical and non-technical courses conducted at

ITIL Certified Employees Are Valued By The Corporate Companies

ITIL is a set of practices that make Information Technology (IT) suitable to be used for businesses, also known as ITSM. It describes generic procedures, processes, tasks, and checklists that do not focus on a specific type of organization or technology and help a corporate company to strategize, deliver value and maintain a minimum level of competency with other companies belonging to the same field or industry of work. By training its employees in ITIL, a company enables them to plan, implement and measure ways in which the IT resources can be used for the benefit of the company.


Employees can become ITIL professionals by clearing any or all levels of the certification exam conducted at five different levels namely foundation, intermediate, managing across the life cycle, expert and master. Corporate companies can enroll for ITIL training provided online by Multisoft Virtual Academy to improve their employees’ business capability, efficiency, resource utilization, financial control and perception of IT within the business. Training at Multisoft Virtual Academy offers features such as:


  • Training for ITIL courses such as ITIL Foundation Online Course is conducted by a team of certified instructors who are highly experienced and have completed training more than 51,000 learners.



  • ITIL Foundation Online Training is taken up by aspirants such as working professionals and employees belonging to a corporate country from all around the globe belonging to different sessions. Flexible timings of training sessions allow learners to customize the date, time and duration of sessions as per their convenience.


  • The customizable courses range to the varying requirements of corporate companies belonging to different fields of work. ITIL online training courses offered at Multisoft Virtual Academy are:
    • ITIL Foundation Training
    • ITIL SS Online Training
    • ITIL SD Online Training
    • ITIL ST Online Training
    • ITIL SO Online Training
    • ITIL CSI Online Training
    • TOGAF Certification Training
    • ITIL 4 Foundation Training


  • To allow aspirants to revise their course content anytime and anywhere, 24x7 access to digital learning material is offered to all learners of ITIL Foundation Training, ITIL 4 Online Training and other ITIL online training offered at Multisoft.


  • Learning at Multisoft Virtual Academy is not limited to theoretical knowledge. The learners of TOGAF certification training are provided hands-on sessions so that they can gain practical skills and knowledge.


  • To help the aspirants in analyzing their knowledge and skills, assessments and mock tests are offered to learners of various ITIL online training courses.


  • Trainers at Multisoft Virtual Academy are also mentors who guide aspirants with exam preparation tips from time to time so that they can excel in their certification exams with flying colors.


  • Online training for ITIL certification is taken up by working professionals and corporate companies from all around the world who face tough competition in the market. The courses are carefully structured to meet international standards.


  • Every learner of ITIL certification is awarded a training certificate from AXELOS, the venture that conducts and provides ITIL certification. This certificate can be used by corporate companies to showcase the outstanding skills their employees possess.


  • The trainer-learner relationship does not end after the completion of the course. Learners are provided with lifetime access to recorded training sessions which they can use to brush up their skills whenever required in the future. Moreover, the learners also get 24x7 after training support provided by a team of training advisors, coordinators, and IT professionals.


To know more about the various ITIL courses offered at Multisoft Virtual Academy, click here. Multisoft Virtual Academy is an online training platform that has completed training millions of working professionals and corporate companies in partnership with Microsoft, Oracle, PMI, ITIL, Cisco and Android at



SP3D: The Best Tool for 3D Pipe Designing

Smartplant 3D is a pipe designing 3D tool by Smartplant foundation provides concurrent in-house and off-site contract design resources to companies that own and operate plants. Moreover, it makes them capable of re-using the as-built models for maintenance activities. SP3D is the most advanced pipe design software of the 21st century which helps in enabling optimized designs, increase productivity and reduce project schedules.


Features such as ease of use, enabling streamlined design processes, allowing management and re-use for the future project make Smartplant 3D a preferable choice for pipe and plant designing across various industries such as consumer goods, oil & gas, chemical and nuclear & power generation. Companies belonging to these industries must train their employees in SP3D to enhance the skills and knowledge of their employees; who in return increase productivity for the organization. Training for SP3D can be easily done with the help of Multisoft Virtual Academy, an online training platform that provides world-class training for the pipe designing tool along with features such as:


  • SP3D online training course of 24 hours delivers in-depth knowledge to aspirants of the pipe designing tool. Through the training, learners gain skills related to:
    • WEBS items, Templates, and style rules
    • Space management and control points
    • Piping hierarchy, piping routing and piping placing
    • Isometric drawing extraction
    • Grid/Coordinate System
    • Equipment placing


  • Training for SP3D online course is conducted by a team of certified instructors who are highly experienced and have completed training 5800+ learners in the designing tool.


  • The Smartplant 3D training is taken by working professionals or employees of corporate companies from all across the globe belonging to different time zones. Flexible timings of training sessions allow the aspirants to easily manage their work schedule. The date, time and duration of training sessions can be customized as per the convenience of the learners.


  • SP3D online training is carefully designed to provide the knowledge and skills of the pipe designing tool to aspirants. The course content is divided into five categories. They are:
    • Introduction
    • Piping
    • Equipment
    • Structure
    • Supports

The course further provides deep learning of Smartplant 3D. Click here to read the detailed course content.


  • To allow the learners of SP 3D training to revise their course content, Multisoft Virtual Academy provides 24x7 access to digital learning material. Aspirants can access the learning material online anytime and anywhere they want.


  • SP 3D online training at Multisoft Virtual Academy is not limited to theoretical knowledge. The learners are also offered hands-on sessions so that they can gain practical knowledge and skills as they pursue their course.


  • Training for SP 3D online course is taken by working professionals and corporate companies that face tough competition in the market. Updated courseware is carefully structured to meet international standards.


  • Every learner of SP 3D online course is awarded a training certificate after completing the course. This certificate can be used by corporate companies to showcase the outstanding skills their employees possess.


  • The learner-trainer relationship at Multisoft Virtual Academy does not end after the course is completed. Learners are offered lifetime access to recorded sessions so that they can brush up their skills and knowledge whenever required in the future.


  • Trainers at Multisoft Virtual academy are also learners’ mentors. They provide them with guidance and support whenever required and even after the training is completed.


  • Multisoft Virtual Academy ensures that the learners of SP3D online course get the best quality training at the most reasonable pricing. Corporate companies willing to train their employees are also offered with special discounts.


To know more about Smartplant 3D online training offered at Multisoft Virtual Academy, and to enroll, click here. Multisoft Virtual Academy is an online training platform that has completed training millions of working professionals and corporate companies in partnership with renowned institutions such as PMI, IIBA, Microsoft, Cisco, Android and DevOps Institute at


Top 10 Hadoop Big Data Interview Questions & Answers for 2021

Very large sets of data can be analyzed and used to extract information systematically from with the help of Big Data. This particular feature that Big Data offers makes it stand apart from traditional data-processing application software. Hadoop is a collection of software utilities that uses a network of multiple computer systems to solve problems related to massive amounts of data and computation. Hadoop provides a platform to process Big Data using the MapReduce programming model. Industries such as marketing, finance, and HR use Hadoop for Big Data. 80% of multinational companies use Hadoop for Big data and are regularly in search of professionals who have the skills and in-depth knowledge related to Big Data in Hadoop.

Here are top 10 interview questions with their answers that will help you get a job in 2020:


Question: What are the primary components of Hadoop?

Answer: The primary components of Hadoop are HDFS, Hadoop MapReduce, Hadoop Common, YARN, PIG & HIVE, HBase, Ambari, Oozie, ZooKeeper, Thrift, Avro, Apache Flume, Sqoop, Chukwa, Apache Mahout and Drill.


Question: What are the core concepts of the Hadoop framework?

Answer: There are two core concepts of Hadoop. They are:


  1. HDFS: Hadoop Distributed File System or HDFS is a file system based on Java and used for storing vast datasets. It is a reliable format powered by Master-Slave Architect.


  1. MapReduce: MapReduce is a programming structure used or processing large datasets.  “Map” segregates the datasets into tuples and “Reduce” uses the map tuples to create a combination of smaller chunks of tuples.


Question: What are the most common input formats in Hadoop?

Answer: The three common input formats in Hadoop, namely Text Input Format, Sequence File Input Format and Key-Value Input Format. Text Input Format is the default input format in Hadoop. Sequence File Input Format helps in reading files in sequence. Key-Value Input Format is used to read plain text files.


Question: What is YARN?

Answer: YARN stands for Yet Another Resource Negotiator. It is the data processing framework that helps manage data resources and create an environment for successful processing.


Question: What do you mean by Rack Awareness?

Answer: The algorithm used by NameNode to determine the pattern in which data is blocked and their replicas are stored inside Hadoop cluster. This can be done with the help of rack definitions that reduce the congestion between data nodes.


Question: What are Active and Passive NameNodes?

Answer: Active and Passive NameNodes are two NameNodes contained in Hadoop system. Active NameNode runs the Hadoop cluster and Passive NameNode stores the data of Active NameNode. Passive NameNode can take the lead in case Active NameNode crashes. This helps the NameNode to always run in a cluster thus preventing the system from failing.


Question: Name some different schedulers in the Hadoop framework?

Answer: There are three different schedulers in Hadoop Framework. COSHH is used to reviewing the cluster and workload combined with heterogeneity to schedule decisions. FIFO Scheduler is used to line up jobs in a queue according to their time of arrival, without the need of using heterogeneity. Fair Sharing creates various individual users containing multiple maps. It also helps reduce slots that are used to execute specific jobs.


Question: What is Speculative Execution?

Answer: Some nodes run slower in Hadoop framework which can create constraints in the entire program. To prevent this, Hadoop launches an equivalent backup for that task and detects a task running slower than usual. While in the process, the master nodes execute both tasks simultaneously. The task which cannot be completed earlier is killed. This feature is called Speculation Execution in Hadoop.


Question: How to debug a Hadoop code?

Answer: To debug a Hadoop code, first the list of MapReduce tasks that are running is checked. After that, the presence of running orphaned tasks is checked. The location of Resource Manager logs can be found by Running “ps –ef l grep –I ResourceManager” and find an error related to a specific job id in the displayed result. After that, the worker node used to execute the task is identified. Then log in to the node and run “ps –ef I grep –iNodeManager.” Finally scrutinize the Node Manager Log.


Question: Name some practical applications of Hadoop.

Answer: Hadoop can be used for street traffic management, fraud detection, and prevention, analysis of customer data in real-time to improve customer service and accessing unstructured medical data from physicians, HCPs, etc.



The knowledge of answering the interview question of Big Data in Hadoop can only be obtained after having skills related to the software. You can learn Big Data in Hadoop anytime and anywhere with the help of Hadoop Administration Certification Training online training course offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy. To read more about the course and to join it, click here. You may visit our website to have a look at 600+ online courses we offer to professionals and corporate companies.

Crack Job Interview in Machine Learning using Python


Machine Learning is taking 21st-century devices beyond unimaginable intelligence. The training of machines to be able to perform critical tasks with human interference and complex programming has made devices using virtual personal assistants, GPS navigation, video surveillance, and online fraud detection work efficiently. Python is one of the most widely used programming languages for Machine Learning. It is being used in industries such as gaming, automobile, aeronautics, education, and healthcare. The dynamic requirement demanded the skill makes it a strong opportunity for professional corporates who are interested in and related to Machine Learning.

Here is a collection of the 10 most commonly asked interview questions with their answers for a job in Machine Learning:


Question: Which library would you prefer for plotting in Python language: Seaborn or Matplotlib or Bokeh?

Answer: The answer to this question depends on which visualization you are trying to achieve. Every Library has a specific purpose:

Matplotlib: It is used for basic plotting like pies, bars, scatter, lines, plots, etc.

Seaborn: It is built to ease plotting and is used for statistical visualization. Examples of its use include showing the distribution of your data or heatmaps.


Question: How are NumPy and SciPy related?

Answer: NumPy is a part of SciPy and defines the basic numerical functions like indexes, reshaping, sorting etc. SciPy implements computations like Machine Learning using NumPy’s functionality.


Question: How is the decision tree pruned?

Answer: The branches of decision trees have branches having weak predictive power are removed for increasing predictive accuracy and reducing the complexity of the model. It can be pruned by continuing pruning and replacing each node unless the predictive accuracy of the required amount is obtained.


Question: When do we use L1 and L2 norm in Machine Learning?

Answer: When a regression model uses the L1 regularization technique, it is called Lasso regularization. On the other hand, when it uses L2, it is called Ridge Regression. Ridge regression is used to add “squared magnitude” to loss function of coefficient in the form of penalty term. Lamda Regression is used to add “absolute value of magnitude” to loss function of coefficient in the form of penalty term. 


Question: How would you handle an imbalanced dataset?

Answer: An imbalances dataset can be handled in the following ways:

By collecting more data

By resampling it for correction of imbalances (undersampling/oversampling)

By trying a different algorithm on the dataset (bagging/ boosting classifiers)

By generating synthetic samples (S.M.O.T.E)


Question: List down some of the ways to visualize the data?

Answer: Data can be visualized using 2 kinds of plots:

By involving plots of one variety of quality for individual variables like histogram and Box plot.

By involving a different variety of plots such as Scatterplot matrix to understand the structuring of connection between interactions/relationship between the variables.


Question: What is Boosting and how does Boosting identify the weak learners?

Answer: The family of algorithms that can convert weak learners into a strong learner is called Boosting. The process is performed in a sequence by each model attempting to correct the errors of the previous model.


How to handle the Non-stationary in Time series data?

Answer: The mean of a time series can be stabilized by eliminating the changes in the level of a time series with the help of difference. This helps in removing trend and seasonality.


What does PCA do?

Answer: The dimensionality reduction algorithm PCA collects and decomposes data using transformations in Principal Components (PC). This statistical procedure converts a set of observations of correlated variables using statistical procedures for values that are not correlated variables, also known as principal components.


What is Multi-Dimensional scaling?

Multi-Dimensional scaling is an approach that uses mapping relating to the ability to interpret dimensions. Its purpose is transforming consumer judgments into distances that can be represented in multi-dimensional space. When the basis of comparison is unknown, MDS as an exploratory technique helps to examine unrecognized dimensions of the products and reveal the comparative evaluation of the products.


The knowledge of answering the interview question of Machine learning with Python can only be obtained after having skills related to the technology. You can learn Machine learning in Python anytime and anywhere with the help of Python Machine Learning online training course offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy. To read more about the course and to join it, click here. You may visit our website to have a look at 600+ online courses we offer to professionals and corporate companies.

How to Get Job in Companies Associated with VLSI

Every individual dreams of working in renowned companies such as Intel, Qualcomm, IBM, CISCO and Wipro. These multinational companies working on  Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) technology are spread all across the globe. Companies associated with VLSI technology majorly work on designing and producing chips that are present everywhere: from smartphones to medical devices. Integrated Circuits (IC) are used to combine multiple transistors inside a chip.

VLSI field offers excellent career opportunities to individuals who have an in-depth knowledge of electronic design fundamentals. VLSI presents numerous opportunities for freshers at entry-level roles.

“One needs to understand that VLSI, as seen from textbooks, is not just limited to that. Skills such as digital domain and VHDL/Verilog HDL languages can be acquired that are used in FPGA based embedded system industry and also in ASIC companies,” - K. Srinivasa Raju, CEO, Unistring Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Verilog is a Hardware Description Language. In simple words, it is the textual format used for describing electronic circuits and systems. Verilog is used for the analysis of timing, test and for converting the complex design into gate-level representation. Verilog HDL became an IEEE standard as IEEE Std. 1364-2005. IEEE here stands for the Institute of Electrical Engineers which is a professional association for electronic engineering.





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Hurry now! Click here.

Professionals such as Design Verification Engineers, Design Engineers, ASIC Design Engineers, Very-Large-Scale Integration (VLSI) Engineers, Staff Engineers, and Senior ASIC Design Engineers can pursue their career in the field of Verilog. Since Verilog helps in designing and verification of digital circuits, it is used in industries related to electrical and electronic devices and hardware. A working professional associated with Verilog can expect an average salary of $64,663 per year.

Verilog can be learned easily at the convenience of home or workplace with System Verilog online training courses offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy. The System Verilog Online course is mostly enrolled by working professionals seeking career advancement and corporate companies wishing to boost the skills of their employees. Thus, the courseware of System Verilog training is carefully designed and structured to meet international standards. More than 5500 individuals have completed training conducted by certified experts who have been teaching System Verilog online for many years. To know more about the course and enroll yourself, click here.


Multisoft virtual academy is an online training platform that has been providing training for 600+ technical and non-technical courses to millions of learners in partnership with Microsoft, Oracle, IIBA, PMI, Android, and Cisco. If you are a fresher, working professional or a corporate company seeking advancement, visit to find the course that best suits your profession. 

Learn SAP HANA Online to Strengthen Your Career Path

SAP is a relational database management system that works on columns and is used to analyze data of large volume in real-time. The in-memory management system is developed and marketed by SAP SE. It is mainly used as a database server that helps store and retrieve data according to the requirement of various applications. SAP is an ERP solution that works as a combination of hardware and software.

SAP HANA offers three Editions:-

(i) Platform 

(ii) Enterprise  

(iii) Extended Editions.

Platform:-  The Platform edition offers Core database technology for customers having a license for SAP Business Objects Data Services and is willing to use ETL-based copies. It includes the SAP HANA database, SAP HANA Studio, and SAP HANA, clients.

 Enterprise: Enterprise Edition contains data provisioning (SLT, BODS, DXC) including database technology for customers who wish to use ETL or trigger-based replication but do not have licenses required for SAP Business Objects Data Services.

Extended Editions:- Extended Edition contains Sybase data provisioning and can be used on multiple Enterprise edition or Platform for customers to use all replication scenarios including log-based replication at their utmost capacity.

SAP HANA boosts analytics and application on the in-memory platform. Its features such as real-time data, speed, access to various data sourcing deployable to Cloud, simplicity, cost and choice options it offers makes SAP HANA a preferred choice for Business Objects Data Services.

SAP HANA is used in various industries such as aerospace, agribusiness, automotive, banking & finance, manufacturing, consumer products, engineering, and food &drug production. It occupies the markets of many countries including the US (5328 companies), India (898 companies), UK (597 companies), Germany (444 companies) and Australia (242 companies). The list of 12,152 companies using SAP HANA all around the world includes renowned names such as United States Postal Service, Compass Group PLC, Volkswagen AG, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV, and Deutsche Post AG. These companies are always in search of professionals who have the skills and in-depth knowledge related to SAP HANA. An SAP HANA professionals can earn up to $214,500 per year. The career advancements SAP HANA offers to individuals makes it a must-know skill.

SAP HANA can be learned from the convenience of home or workplace through SAP HANA online training provided by Multisoft Virtual Academy. The 30 hours of training provide in-depth knowledge of Replication Server and Process, Backup and Recovery, Configuring import server, Levels of Modeling, Creation of users & their roles and much more. The courseware is designed and structured to meet international standards. Training at Multisoft Virtual Academy is never limited to theoretical knowledge as they also provide hands-on sessions and practical material required for the course. The e-learning material and recorded sessions can be accessed anytime by the learner for revision as they pursue SAP HANA administration training.


Training is conducted by a team of certified experts who are highly experienced and have completed training 3700+ learners in SAP HANA online certification training. Case study and assignments included in the courseware help you get a deeper understanding of SAP HANA training online. Since a lot of individuals learning SAP HANA online are professionals or belong to corporate companies, interview questions are provided to help them in placement. Moreover, every learner is awarded a training certificate that helps them to validate their skills and strengthen their resume.


To read more about SAP HANA online training offered at Multisoft Virtual Academy and to enroll, click here. Multisoft Virtual Academy has completed training millions of learners in 600+ courses related to technical and non-technical industries. Visit if you are a professional looking to upskill your career path or a corporate company planning to enhance the skills of your employees.

Master Python Machine Learning with Online Training

What is Machine Learning?

Machine Learning is a technology developed to enable machines and devices to perform complex tasks using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and without the need for complex programming. Machine Learning is used in day-to-day devices such as virtual personal assistants (Siri and Google Assistant), predictions, video surveillance, Email spam, online customer support, and online fraud detection.


What is Python?

Python is a high-level programming language used for developing websites, applications, and web applications. It focuses on managing applications related to common programming tasks. It is used for web development, game development, artificial intelligence, data science, desktop GUI, web scrapping applications and CAD applications.


What is Machine Learning on Python?

Python has developed modules for programmers to implement Machine Learning. Simpler programming of Python makes it a preferable choice for Machine Learning. It combines syntax and power to deliver object-oriented and interactive programming language. Features such as simplicity, handling capacity, popularity, and interactions make it a widely used language for Machine Learning.


Career advantages of Machine Learning on Python:-

Python is one of the top 10 leading programming languages. It is used for machine learning by industries related to web development, healthcare, finance, retail, automotive, oil & gas, and transportation amongst many more. Companies belonging to these industries are searching for professionals skilled to use Machine Learning on Python.

Knowing the technology and software makes professionals stand apart from those having equal experience and educational qualifications. It increases the career possibilities of those searching for jobs and salaries of those associated with the field. By 2022, the marketing size of Machine Learning in Python will grow to $8.81 billion from $1.41 Billion in 2017. The market is also expected to have a Compound Growth Rate (CAGR) of 44.1%. Professionals stepping into the field can expect a salary of $134,000; whereas the average salary of experienced professionals in Machine Learning of Python is $146,555.


Professionals such as web developers, software engineers and application designers and individuals who are enthusiastic about Machine Learning or Python can learn Machine Learning with Python to get faster results, build practical skills and strengthen their portfolio.


Machine Learning with Python Online Training at Multisoft Virtual Academy

Multisoft Virtual Academy is one of the leading online training service providers who have been conducting training on Machine Learning with Python for the last 17 years. Machine Learning Python course is carefully designed and structured to meet international standards. It gives learners in-depth knowledge of introduction to Machine Learning with Python, machine learning algorithms, open-source machine learning libraries, use of pandas, NumPy, matplotlib and evaluating machine learning models.

Machine Learning with python syllabus includes:--

  • Giving computers the ability to learn from data
  • Machine Learning algorithms for classification
  • Machine Learning Classifiers using Scikit-Learn
  • Data processing


A recorded session of four hours helps learners to pursue the course at their pace. It covers a wide range of Python libraries such as Scikit-learn, Theano, and Keras. It mentors learners with guidance on everything from sentiment analysis to neural networks.


Every learner is awarded a training certificate after completing the course of Machine Learning with Python. This helps him or her to validate their knowledge and boost their confidence. Corporates can use this certificate to showcase the extraordinary skills their employees possess.


Learn RPA Online to Step Ahead in the World of Automation

Robotic Process Automation, commonly known as RPA is a type of business process automation technology. It is based on metaphoric software robots or Artificial Intelligence workers. It can be used for varying purposes ranging from generating an automatic response to an email to deploying robots programmed to perform automated tasks. RPA is used to interpret, trigger responses and communicate with other systems so that they can perform a variety of repetitive tasks. RPA robots can log into applications, copy & paste data, move files and folders, scrape browsers, fill the form and perform many such tasks. In simple words, RPA is the process of automating business operations to reduce human intervention with the help of robots.


RPA systems are used all around the world as they never take rest or make mistakes. They prevent disruption to underlying systems and thus are cost-efficient. RPA offers direct profitability to organizations aiming for accuracy. The technology will be used for superior scalability and flexibility in the future. Another feature that makes RPA widely used is that it can be easily trained to integrate into any system.


RPA is used across various industries such as retail, banking, insurance, human resources, and councils & local authorities. The list of thousands of companies that use RPA includes renowned names such as Cisco, Dell, Google, Harvard University, Intel, Kodak, Linked-in, Microsoft, NASA, Nokia, Shell oil company and US army. The average salary of an RPA professional ranges from $97,631 to $130,447 per year. RPA is the next generation of technology that is highly demanded across various industries. Learning the technology brings career advancements to a working professional’s life and helps increase productivity for corporate offices.


Multisoft Virtual Academy offers Robotics Process Automation Online Training Courses. The 30 hours RPA training course provides learners with in-depth knowledge of topics such as Blue Prism’s Robotic Automation, Process Studio, Process Flow, Inputs and outputs, Business Objects, Object Studio, Error Management, Case Management, Additional Features, Advanced Features, and Further Application Types. The course can be pursued by IT professionals who want to enhance their intelligence on automation and wish to learn branching workflow.


Instructor-led RPA online course is conducted by a team of certified experts who are highly experienced and have completed training more than 3000 learners. The training sessions are recorded along with providing 24x7 access to learning material so that the learners can revise whenever they need it. Online RPA courses are learned by aspirants across the globe belonging to different time zones. Thus, the timings of training sessions are customizable. The time, date and duration of sessions are decided only as predefined by the learner.


Candidates at Multisoft Virtual Academy are provided with hands-on sessions so that they can practice as they learn; and that their course is never limited to theoretical knowledge. The corporate course is taken by professionals belonging to the technology industry and employees belonging to corporate offices. Courseware for RPA online training is carefully structured to meet international standards. Every learner of Robotic Process Automation Certification course is awarded a training certificate after completing the training. This certificate helps professions to validate their skills and strengthen their career. Corporate companies can use this certificate to showcase the extraordinary skills of their employees.


To read more about RPA online training course offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy and to enroll, Click Here. You may visit our website to read about 600+ online courses we offer.

Most Trending AutoCAD® 2D & 3D Interview Questions & Answers

AutoCAD is a CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software that allows designing and drafting 2D and 3D models. Features such as compatibility with other software, easy language, extensions, and vertical integration make AutoCAD the most commonly used CAD software all around the world.

The vivid requirements of CAD fulfilled by AutoCAD software make it useful in a variety of industries including Mechanical Engineering and Designing, Civil Engineering and Designing, Product Designing, Prototype Designing. Renowned companies such as Gladsaxe Kommune, Lemvigh-Muller A/S, Frederikshavn Kommune, China Mobile Ltd. and Hon Hai Precision Industry are regularly in search of professionals who have the knowledge and skills related to AutoCAD. Before applying for a job in AutoCAD, you must go through these most trending AutoCAD 2D & 3D interview questions that will help you get a job in 2020:

Question: What are the uses of AutoCAD?

Answers: AutoCAD is used by professionals for visualization. Drafters can make changes in their design. AutoCAD gives freedom of implementation to designers.

Question: What file format is used in the design?

Answers: AutoCAD uses .dwg format for designing. It is an interchangeable format and has a DXF extension. It operates data operability. It allows using different languages as per requirement. 

Question: What is the function of vertical integration?

Answers: Vertical integration program is used to enhance the architectural designing of 3D objects. 3D objects include walls and other things related to simple objects like lines, circles, etc. and data containing information. The data is programmed to be able to represent extracted files and architectural products only as per the requirement.

Question: What is the use of variant in AutoCAD?

Answer: Variants in AutoCAD allow the creation, visualization, and rendering of 3D models including 3D print. They help in using the functionality of various applications as per the requirement. 

Question: What features are corrected by AutoCAD?

Answer: AutoCAD offers a way to drag and drop elements using “VERB” and “NOUN” in a dialogue box. This helps an object to move to another place from its original position. Similarly, “MOVE and ERASE” offer remove and editing functions.

Question: How to set up a default drawing directory?

Answer: Default drawing directory contain subdirectories with information using windows commands. The applications that need to be used are highlighted and those applications can be placed in a default directory using drag and drop features. Menu and dialogue boxes displayed at the front can be used for properties for the application.

Question: How can you copy a closed drawing?

Answer: A closed drawing can be copied with the help of a designer center in the toolbar of AutoCAD. Copy of drawing can be done easily using a tree view option.

Question: How can you remove the empty layers from drawing?

Answer: Empty layers can be removed after removing objects within layers. Otherwise, the layers may be referenced by an object in block definition or frozen on a viewport. The EXPORT command helps remove a layer from drawing by creating a DXF file of the drawing. The DLX file can be edited in a text editor and all instances of layers except layer definition can be renamed.

Question: How can you make a spring, spiral or screw thread?

Answer: For making a spiral or screw thread, use an AutoLISP routine like spiral.1sp. it will create a spiral path as required. EXCRUDE command can be used with a reference object with a spiral as a path. Spiral or screw thread can also be made using augmented lines as path on Mechanical Desktop (MDT) or Autosurf.  

Question: What are grips?
The small boxes that appear on selected objects are called grips. Grip helps in moving and editing an object by dragging it.


The knowledge of answering interview questions of AutoCAD can only be obtained after having skills related to the technology. You can learn AutoCAD anytime and anywhere with the help of AutoCAD® 2D & 3D Online Certification Training offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy. To read more about the course and to join it, click here.  You may visit our website to have a look at 600+ online courses we offer to professionals and corporate companies.


How to Become a Microsoft Certified Professional

Technology has allowed organizations to work efficiently and provided them with easy and quick ways of operating. One such technology that is being used by companies all around the globe is the server. Servers help quick access of internet to store data, in a way charging the speed and features internet provides. Microsoft provides servers, software, services, solutions and devices that help companies to manage its data and operations effectively. Another factor that makes Microsoft a preferable choice is its ease of availability and access.

With Microsoft regularly updating and introducing new products, it becomes important for companies to boost the skills of their employees in the domain to stay ahead in the competitive market.

Corporate companies can boost the skills of their employees with Microsoft online training provided by Multisoft Virtual Academy. They have authorized partners of Microsoft and provide in-depth knowledge and skills related to the technology.

The benefits of Microsoft online courses at Multisoft are:

  • Experienced instructors: The team of trainers at Multisoft Virtual Academy is highly experienced and certified. They have completed training thousands of learners of Microsoft courses online.
  • 24x7 learning access:  Learners are offered access to e-learning material and recorded video sessions so that they can revise whenever they want.
  • Flexible timings: The training sessions for Microsoft online courses are enrolled by working professionals of corporate companies from all across the globe. Thus, the timings of sessions are customizable and are fixed only as per the time, date and duration that are convenient for them.
  • Courses: Courses are designed to suit the varying requirements of learners belonging to different fields and industries of work. Click here to check the Microsoft online courses offered at Multisoft Virtual Academy.
  • Updated courseware: The courses are joined by corporate companies all around the world and hence are structured to meet international standards.
  • Assignments: A set of assignments is provided to encourage a deeper understanding of various courses offered at Multisoft Virtual Academy.
  • Assessments: Learners are given assessments and mock tests so that they can analyze their knowledge and skills about Microsoft courses online.
  • Exam tips: The trainers are also mentors who provide guidance to aspirants from time to time. Learners are offered exam tips so that they can clear the Microsoft certification exam with flying colors.
  • Friendly pricing: Training at Multisoft Virtual Academy is provided with the aim to deliver the best quality education at the most reasonable prices. The cost of each Microsoft online course differs as per the features it offers to its learners.
  • Training certificate: A training certificate is provided to every learner after the completion of their Microsoft certification courses online. This certificate helps corporate companies to showcase the outstanding skills their employees possess.

Read more about Microsoft online training and enroll to boost the skills of your employees by clicking here. Multisoft Virtual Academy is an online training platform that offers 600+ corporate courses for technical and non-technical industries. Multisoft has completed training millions of learners in partnership with Microsoft, Oracle, PMI, ITIL, Intel and Android at


About the Author: Bhumika Gupta is a seasoned Technical Content Writer and Content Developer and has been awarded a National Certificate for her writings. She is keenly interested in the training sector and is currently working as a Senior Content Writer at Multisoft.

Career Opportunities offered by Embedded Systems Online Training

What is an embedded system?

An embedded system is a computer system combined with a processor, memory, and input or out devices designed for a specific purpose in a mechanical or electronic system. An embedded system is a part of a complete device including electrical or electronic mechanical and hardware parts. Embedded systems range between devices used for a single task (User Interface-UI) or multitasking devices such as mobile phones (Graphical User Interface-GUI).


What are the features of embedded system?

Embedded systems play an important role in the functioning of devices. They are cost-efficient and perform tasks specifically. Embedded systems are microprocessors and hence are easy to manage, consume a low space and load fast.


Career opportunities for embedded systems

Embedded systems are used for machine control, machine monitoring, monitoring and controlling of advanced manufacturing, equipment control, health monitoring and improving industrial machines. With almost every device and computer systems either based or a part of embedded system, the processor is used almost in every industry. Renowned companies providing embedded systems as well as those working using embedded systems are regularly in search of professionals who have skills and in-depth knowledge of embedded systems. An embedded systems professional can expect an average salary of $87,300 per year.


How to learn embedded system

The career opportunities that embedded systems offer can only be obtained after having the skills and in-depth knowledge related to the processor. Training for embedded systems can be taken at the convenience of home or workplace by accessing the online training for embedded systems offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy. The training can be pursued by software engineers, mechanical engineers, and IT professionals.


Features of Embedded Online Course:-

Expert trainers: Embedded course online training at Multisoft Virtual Academy is conducted by a team of certified trainers who are highly experienced and have completed training thousands of learners. The trainers are also mentors and happily provide professional guidance from time to time.


Flexible timings: Online training for embedded systems certification courses is taken by candidates from all around the globe belonging to different time zones. The time, date, and duration of training sessions is decided as predefined by learners so they can learn at their convenience.


Courses offered:  Embedded systems are used in varying fields and industries as they serve various purposes. Multisoft Virtual Academy offers the following courses to aspirants looking forward to a career in embedded systems.


  • 8051 Microcontroller Training
  • MATLAB Online Training
  • Verilog Online Training
  • AVR Microcontroller Online Training
  • System Verilog Training
  • ARM7 Microcontroller Training
  • VHDL Online Training
  • PIC Microcontroller Online Training
  • RTOS Online Training
  • Linux Device Driver Training
  • PERL Scripting Online Training
  • LabVIEW Online Training
  • ASIC Design and Verification Training
  • Raspberry Pi3 Online Training
  • Embedded C Online Training
  • Linux Systems Programming Training
  • PCB Designing Training

Correspondents at Multisoft also help candidates to choose the course that best suits their requirements.


Recorded sessions and learning material: Every learner is provided with 24x7 access to e-learning material and recorded sessions so that they can revise their course material and sessions whenever they wish.


Hands-on sessions: Learning at Multisoft Virtual Academy is never limited to theoretical knowledge. The learners are also offered software access and hands-on sessions so that they can practice as they learn.


Assessment: The learners of embedded online courses can analyze their knowledge and skills with the help of assessments.


Updated courseware: The embedded systems online courses are taken by working professionals and corporate companies. The courseware is designed and structured to meet international standards.


Training certificate: Every learner of embedded systems certification courses is awarded a training certificate after completing the course. The certificate helps freshers and working professionals to validate their skills and knowledge, seek career advancement and boost their confidence. Corporate companies can showcase the outstanding skills their employees possess using the certificate.


Read more about the embedded systems online training and enroll for a better career by clicking here. Multisoft Virtual Academy is an online training platform that offers 600+ corporate courses for technical and non-technical industries. Multisoft has completed training millions of learners in partnership with Microsoft, Oracle, PMI, ITIL, Intel and Android at


Manage Projects Like Never Before With Primavera Online Training

Primavera is a software used for project and program management. The software is commonly used by the architecture, engineering and construction industry. The software focuses on Project Portfolio Management (PPM) to allow users to measure progress, improve team collaboration, assure governance and prioritize project investments and resources.


Primavera P6 is the most effective project management software in the market, developed and marketed by Oracle, the producers of Primavera.  It provides features such as risk management, critical path analysis, resource and cost management. There are two versions of P6 namely Primavera Professional Project (PPM) and Primavera Enterprise Project Portfolio Management (EPPM). While P6 PPM is Windows-based software that can be used as a standalone or an enterprise tool, Oracle Primavera P6 EPPM offers a Methodology Management tool that includes project templates for different kinds of projects.


Primavera P6 is used by project managers, planning engineers, and schedulers to plan, manage and track complex projects. Primavera P6 allows project managers to manage complex projects and project portfolios, increase visibility, manage project risks, perform resource & cost management and improve decision making and collaboration.


Primavera P6 is used by a variety of industries including Engineering, Construction, Government, Aerospace, Defense, High-Technology, Manufacturing, Utilities and Oil & Gas. Primavera is used by renowned companies such as Aztech International, Bureau of reclamation, Chevron, Emerson, Hanford ARC, Parsons, and San Francisco Department of Public Works because of primarily 5 factors: cost efficiency, easy to learn, simple set-up, fast and more control without the need of much responsibility. Working professionals who possess the skills and in-depth knowledge of Primavera can expect an average salary of $100,206.


Online training platform Multisoft Virtual Academy offers corporate courses on Primavera that can be taken by working professions seeking career advancement and corporate companies willing to enhance the skills and knowledge of their employees for increased productivity. The instructor-based training is led by a team of experts who are certified and have been training candidates in Primavera courses for many years. Learners can also choose to pursue the course at their pace by selecting the self-paced learning medium. 


The Primavera P6 online training courses offered by Multisoft are:

  1. Primavera P6 online training
  2. Primavera advanced training
  3. Primavera Analytics training
  4. Primavera Unifier Administration
  5. Managing risk in Primavera


The courseware for all the Primavera online training courses is carefully structured to meet international standards. The learners will have access to recorded sessions and e-learning material so that can revise whenever required. Since the training is taken by learners across the globe belonging to different time zones, the timings of sessions are customizable. The date, time and duration of sessions are only decided as predefined by the aspirant.


Learning at Multisoft Virtual Academy is never limited to theoretical knowledge. Software access is also provided to aspirants to help them practice as they learn. Online assessments help the candidates to analyze their knowledge. Multisoft Virtual Academy is offering Primavera P6 training online in partnership with Oracle. Every learner is awarded a Primavera training certificate after completing the course. This certificate helps working professionals to boost their confidence and validate their skills. Corporate Companies can use the certificate to showcase the extraordinary skills their employees possess.

Click Here to read more about the Primavera Courses offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy. Multisoft Virtual Academy has completed training millions of learns in 600+ technical and non-technical courses available at



SAP® ABAP Course for The Beginners

SAP® ABAP is a high-level programming language used for developing application programs such as reports, module pool programming, interfaces, forms, data conversions, and user exits & BADI. It provides various functions such as reporting, data entry, printing and general programming which are used in various industries including retail, public sector, insurance, oil & gas, media, plant maintenance, utilities and various fields in business such as HCM, finance and R&D engineering.

Learning SAP® ABAP online helps in strengthening the skills of the employees of a corporate company. These employees in return help the company to stay ahead in the competitive industry by contributing to the productivity of the organization with their outstanding skills obtained through SAP® ABAP Training Online. The programming language can be learned easily with SAP® ABAP Online Training provided by Multisoft Virtual Academy. The features provided to learners of SAP® ABAP Course Online are:


  • 30 Hours Training: The 30 hours of training for SAP® ABAP Online Course helps the learners to dive deep into the knowledge of tables, data elements, structure, domains, different Internal tables, and many more concepts and techniques.
  • Experienced Trainers: The team of trainers conducting ABAP Online Course is certified and highly experienced. They have completed training 5200+ learners in SAB ABAP online course.
  • Course Content: Course content at Multisoft Virtual Academy is carefully structured to offer skills and in-depth knowledge related to the following topics:
    • Introduction to SAP®
    • ABAP Dictionary Concepts
    • Data Types
    • Loops & Branches
    • ABAP Programming Basics
    • Structures & Internal Tables
    • Modularization Techniques
    • Reports
    • Module Pools
    • Dialog Programs
    • File Handling
    • SAP®® Scripts
    • Cross Functional


  • Access to Learning Material: Aspirants are given access to e-learning material and recorded sessions so that they can revise the course content or any part of SAP® ABAP Online Training, whenever they wish to.
  • Hands-on Sessions: Training of SAB ABAP certification is never limited to theoretical knowledge. The aspirants are offered hands-on sessions so that they can gain practical knowledge and skills in the programming language.
  • Flexible Timings: Candidates can customize the timings of the sessions to learn SAP® ABAP online from the convenience of their home or workplace. Learners belonging to different time zones enroll to learn ABAP online. Thus the time, date and duration of training sessions are decided as per their convenience. 
  • Updated Courseware: ABAP online certification course is joined by many corporate companies across the globe to boost the skills of their employees. The courseware is thus regularly updated to meet international standards.
  • Training Certificate: Every learner of SAP® ABAP online training is awarded a training certificate after successfully completing the course. This certificate helps corporate companies to showcase the outstanding skills their employees possess.


Apart from that, the ABAP online training comprises understanding of Tables, Data Elements and Domains, Structure, Factorial program, Fields Strings and symbols, Control Level Commands (AT First, AT New, etc.), System fields of reports, Creation of Tab Strip, Calling Programs (Submit, Call Transaction), Recording Technique and SAP Script symbols. After the successful completion of course, every learner at Multisoft Virtual Academy is awarded a training certificate that helps them to validate their training, strengthen their resume and boost their confidence. To join the course and to know more about SAP ABAP online training, click here.

To join others' course and to know more about SAP® ABAP online training. Multisoft Virtual academy has completed training millions of students in 600+ online courses they offer. To read more about the online training platform, visit

Mastering BIM Skills with Revit MEP Online Training

Revit MEP is a software by Autodesk on Building Information Modeling (BIM). It is used to work on three engineering aspects namely mechanical, electrical and modeling which make a building suitable for human utility. It provides various features while designing and documenting a building model such as enhanced communication, data analysis, interference detection, and fabrication.

Revit MEP is used by professionals belonging to various industries because of its accurate and time-saving results. It is beneficial for individuals such as Architects, Structural Engineers, Civil Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Drafters, Modelers, and Contractors. Moreover, companies related to architecture and various streams of engineering are always on a lookout for individuals training inefficient use of Revit MEP.

Learning Revit MEP can be beneficial for professionals seeking career advancement and companies aiming to increase the productivity of its employees and boost productivity. Revit MEP can be learned with the help of online training platforms such as Multisoft Virtual Academy.

Multisoft Virtual Academy offers Revit MEP online training to professionals and corporate offices. 24-hour duration of the course is provided by our team of certified experts who have successfully trained over 3200 learners. The courseware is carefully designed and structured to meet the international standards so that aspirants stay ahead of professionals with equivalent educational qualification and experience. It includes 11 module quizzes that learners can check their progress as the move on with the training.

Revit MEP training courses provided by Multisoft Virtual Academy are never limited to theoretical knowledge. Learners also get to do practical exercises so that they get hands-on experience with the software. Moreover, access to Revit MEP software is given to candidates so that they can practice and test their skills while receiving the training. Revit MEP online training is scheduled according to the time, date and duration as predefined by a learner, so they can take the training from the comfort of home or workplace.

The training starts with an introduction to Revit MEP software and its interference, need and essential features. The learner dives into a deeper knowledge of air terminals, ducts and managing duct pressure loss reports along with other reports. The course provides knowledge of piping systems, piping routing, associated mechanical setting and fire protection system. Electrical segments of the course include the creation of a circuit, adding lighting fixtures and switches, defining cable tray, fittings and creating a fire alarm plan.

Contents of Revit MEP training course include:

  • Introduction to Revit MEP
  • Revit Mechanical
  • Revit Plumbing
  • Revit Electrical
  • Revit Family Creation
  • Project Work
  • Quiz

After completing the training, every learner is awarded with a training certificate. This certificate helps professionals to boost their confidence and validate their skills and knowledge on Revit MEP. On the other hand, companies can showcase the skills of their employees to gain a higher reputation using the certificate. To read more about Revit MEP training and to enroll for the course, click here. Visit to check out the other online courses provided by us.

Secure Your Career with Cloud Computing Online Training

Cloud Computing has been allowing computer systems with data storage without the need for manual management. The word “Cloud” in cloud computing refers to the internet, and as the name suggests, cloud computing saves data of a computer system online. Apart from data, servers, storage, database, networking, analytics, software, and applications can also be saved online with the help of cloud computing. Cloud service providers are cloud computing networks or large groups of servers that can be accessed on the web.


Cloud computing offers various features such as affordable cost, quick speed, access from different geographical locations, hardware setup, software patching, worldwide network, reliability, and security make it the most widely practiced source of data storage and server access all across the globe. The three cloud computer servers used by a majority of companies are AWS, Microsoft, and Salesforce. Cloud computing offers different types of clouds that suit the varying needs of different companies.


Cloud computing is playing an important role across various organizations of all sizes, needs, and industries. Though cloud computing is used in almost every field of work, it is mainly used in industries such as automotive, education, healthcare, insurance, hospitality, production, real estate, legal, non-profit, and finance. The millions and billions of companies using cloud companies include renowned names such as Ampush, Fox News, Shipt Inc., United Airlines, Vanguard, and Xerox Corporation. These companies are regularly in search of professionals who possess the knowledge and skills related to cloud computing. These skills can be obtained by getting Cloud Computing online training. Apart from the career advancements, cloud computing professionals can expect an average salary as high as $138,890. Freshers and working professionals aiming to become Solutions Architect, Technical Architect, Software Engineer, IT Architect or Systems Engineer can take training for cloud computing courses.


Multisoft Virtual Academy offers Cloud Computing training online for Salesforce, Microsoft, AWS and Azure servers. The instructor-led training is conducted by a team of certified experts who are highly experienced and have completed training thousands of learners in various cloud computing courses. The corporate courses offered online are pursued by working professionals and employees of corporate companies. Therefore, the courseware is carefully designed and structured to meet international standards.


The learners are provided access to recorded sessions and learning material so that they can revise their course material whenever they need to. Learning at Multisoft Virtual Academy is never limited to theoretical knowledge, and the aspirants are provided with hands-on sessions and software access so that they can practice as they learn. Assessments and mock tests are included in the courseware so that the learners can analyze their knowledge.


Trainers at Multisoft Virtual Academy also provide mentorship by guiding candidates from time to time and providing them with examination preparation tips. The online cloud computing training is taken by individuals all across the world belonging to different time zones. Thus, the timings of training sessions are customizable and are only fixed on time, date and duration as predefined by the learner. Every learner is awarded a training certificate after completing their cloud computing training online. The certificate helps professionals to validate their skills and boost their skills. Corporate companies can use this certificate to showcase the outstanding skills their employees possess.


To have a look at various cloud computing courses offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy, click here. Multisoft Virtual Academy is an online training platform that has been training millions of working professionals and corporate companies in its 600+ technical and non-technical courses for the last 17 years in partnership with Microsoft, Oracle, Project Management Institute, IIBA, DevOps Institute, ISTQB and ITIL. To read more about Multisoft, visit

Design and Manufacture like Never Before with the Help of CAD/CAM Online Training

CAD and CAM are two aspects of Engineer designing. While CAD or Computer-Aided Design helps in Designing, CAM or Computer-Aided Manufacturing helps the designs to be implemented for the manufacturing process. These two are computer applications that help in generating toolpaths that convert machine tools structured as designs to turn into physical parts. CAD/CAM brings innovations of innovators, inventors, mathematicians, and machinists together to create physical parts based on designs on software.


CAD or Computer-Aided Design is a software that helps create things by designing and drawing by constructing a model with the help of geometric shapes. The designs can be structured in the form of 2D or 3D models. Shapes of parts for machining can be designed in 2D using geometrical shapes such as points, lines, and circles. CAD generally allows designers to create surfaces. 3D contours of the shape can be defined in CAM for the CNC machining process. The transfer of designed parts for programming makes CAD a crucial part of the manufacturing process.


CAM is a term used for Computer-Aided Manufacturing or Machining process. After the completion of design using CAD, CAM is required to process convert the part on CAD so that it can be used in machine language. CAM is programmed in order to calculate the cutting paths of the tools being used to produce a part and remove excess material. CAM allows selecting and managing various tools available in the library for optimizing the tool path needed for machining as defined in a CAD model of a particular part.


Considering the important role CAD/CAM plays in designing, many industries use the two software. CAD is used in industries associated with Mechanical Engineering and Designing, Civil Engineering and Designing, Product Designing, Prototype Designing, etc. CAM is mainly required for manufacturing for mechanical components where the CNC machine is used


While the list of companies using CAD includes renowned names such as Gladsaxe Kommune, Lemvigh-Muller A/S, Frederikshavn Kommune, China Mobile Ltd. and Hon Hai Precision Industry; CAM is used by companies such as Hon Hai Precision Industry, Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd., United States Postal Service, and Bosch Group. These companies are always in search of professionals who have the skills and in-depth knowledge of CAD and CAM.


The salary of a CAD professional ranges from $46.827 to $108,011 per year, depending on the industry he/she is working in. Professionals of CAM earn an average annual salary of $179,838. Getting training in CAD/CAM brings innumerable career opportunities and economic advantages to an individual’s life.


CAD/CAM courses can be pursued without the need to take a break from your professional or personal schedule with the help of CAD/CAM online courses offered at Multisoft Virtual Academy. The online training platform offers more than 60 CAD/CAM training courses that can be learned anywhere and anytime. The training is conducted by a team of certified experts who have completed training millions of students in various courses of CAD/CAM offered at Multisoft virtual academy. The training courseware is carefully designed and structured to meet international standards. Recorded training sessions and access to digital learning material help the learners to revise as they pursue their course.


Training of CAD/CAM online courses is never limited to theoretical knowledge. The learners are provided with hands-on sessions, lab exercises, access to required software; so that they not only have in-depth knowledge but also skills required to use the various CAD and CAM software. Online assessments help the learners to test their knowledge and skills about the course. After the successful completion of training, every learner is awarded a training certificate which helps them to validate their skills, strengthen their career path and boost their confidence.


To have a look at various CAD/CAM courses offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy, click here. You may visit our website to check 600+ technical and non-technical courses we offer to professionals and corporate companies.

Artificial Intelligence - Learn How to Build an AI Online

The ability to communicate, invent, think, express and create makes humans distinct from other animals and living beings present on the Earth. For thousands of years, humans have been inventing things that can make life simpler and better. Let’s take the example of fire and clothing which made humans healthier and safer from environmental conditions around them such as wild animals and weather conditions and gave them better food. Inventions have brought humans to a phase where they can travel faster, communicate better, express more, and think like no other species can. Technological advancements are the reason behind the world we are living in. From the invention of the internet to programming language your smartphone is working on, everything has allowed mankind to access knowledge and objects easier.


With the introduction to Artificial Intelligence, human intelligence is no more limited to mankind. Humans are creating and inventing devices and software that can think, make decisions, communicate, express and perform tasks without human interference or the need for complex programming. Artificial Intelligence is not limited to robotics but is rather widely practiced and used technology. Day to day examples of Artificial Intelligence include prediction of traffic and weather, rideshare apps like Uber and Ola, Autopilot used in commercial flights, spam folders created for emails, fraud preventions and recommendations while online shopping amongst innumerable more.


Self-driving cars, smart-reply for mails, improving education, automated investment practices, and chatbots are just a few names of what the future of Artificial Intelligence is going to bring to humans. The idea of technological advancements can be taken by the fact that Sophia, a social humanoid robot activated on 14th February 2016 can display more than 60 facial expressions.


Artificial intelligence is used in various industries such as aeronautics, medical, education, automobile, banking, and electronics; bringing a range of career possibilities with it. With renowned companies such as Google, Amazon, Android, Instagram, and Facebook associated with Artificial Intelligence, getting Artificial Intelligence training can boost your professional importance that the industry demands. The average annual salary of an AI job is $111,118. Professionals related to engineering and development can gain high career and income profits by doing Artificial Intelligence training.


Multisoft Virtual Academy, committed to delivering the best quality training to learners, offers Artificial Intelligence online training. The 18 hours training is carefully designed and structured to provide courseware that meets international standards. The course is suitable for individuals looking for career possibilities of the technology and corporates wishing to boost the skills of their employees. The training is conducted by a team of experts who are certified and experienced in training professionals for Artificial Intelligence certification training and has completed training more than 2100 learners. Training at Multisoft Virtual Academy is never confined to theoretical knowledge as learners get hands-on sessions to practice as they learn.

The Artificial Intelligence certification course is designed to provide in-depth knowledge of Fundamentals Of Reinforcement Learning, Q-Learning Intuition, Building a Self-Driving Car, Deep Q-Learning Intuition, Installation, Creating the environment, Building an AI, Playing with the AI and Teaching AI to Play Doom and Win. Experts deliver AI skills, Code templates, Intuition Tutorial, Real-world solutions, and In-course support to beginners, professionals, and corporates.

Every learner of Artificial Intelligence online certification training is awarded a training certificate after successfully completing the training. This certificate helps learners to validate their skills in Artificial Intelligence and boost their confidence and corporates to showcase the extraordinary skills of their employees.




Grab the Career Opportunities of Embedded Systems with Online Training

Our daily lives are incomplete without an endless list of devices such as digital alarm clocks, traffic lights, calculators, air conditioners etc. It is indeed an undeniable fact that embedded system is a part and parcel of our lives. Everything that we can see around us is either automated or a part of it. Embedded systems are a combination of hardware and software programing that enables devices to complete assigned tasks automatically. From smartphone to cars, embedded systems are successful and widely useful because of two factors- ease and accuracy which are also the reasons of their quick adoption in technologically advancing world.

Since one of the first recognizable by Apollo Guidance Computer in 1965, adoption and development of embedded systems have been untouched by factors such as connectivity, security and cost. Embedded Systems have witnessed unimaginable growth in past few years. With such rapid increase in the use of embedded systems, the demand with people having knowledge of the technology was natural. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has predicted an increase in demand for Electrical Engineers of at least 4%. Most importantly, professionals trained in Embedded systems are to gain rapid career growth. Automobile, electronics, defense and medical industries are just a few to name amongst the fields and industry that have a high demand for those having skilled knowledge of Embedded Systems. With the average salary of an Embedded software engineer is $87,000, the technology brings a lot of professional as well as economic benefit to those trained in Embedded Systems.

Knowledge and skills of Embedded systems can be gained at the convenience of your time and place with the help of embedded online course. Online training platforms such as Multisoft Virtual Academy provide embedded systems certification courses. The training is provided by a team of certified and highly experienced trainers who are technical giants and have been training individuals and groups since more than 5 years. There are more than 15 courses of Embedded systems, each particularly designed and structured to suit the varying needs of professionals. The courses offered online by MVA are:

  • 8051 Microcontroller
    • 18 Hours training
    • 5 Online quizzes
    • 2 Online assessments
    • Projects
    • 24/7 E-learning access
    • Training certificates
    • 950+ Learners


  • MATLAB Online Training
    • 16 Hours training
    • 4 Projects
    • 6 Lab exercises
    • 8 Module-wise assessments
    • 24x7 E-learning access
    • MATLAB Training certificate
    • 4000+ Learners


  • Verilog Online Training
    • 18 Hours training
    • 6 Assessments
    • Experienced Instructor
    • 2 Lab exercises
    • 24x7 E-learning access
    • Training certificate


  • AVR Microteller online training
    • 21 Hours training
    • 3 Assignments
    • Experienced Instructor
    • Hands-on sessions
    • 5300+ Learning
  • System Verilog Training
    • 21 Hours training
    • Experienced trainer
    • 2 Full-length assessments
    • Training certificate
    • 5500+ Learners


To check out other courses offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy and to read more about embedded systems certification courses.. MVA provides online training solutions for more than technical as well as non-technical fields. It offers more than 600 courses in industries such as project management, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual reality, digital marketing, CISCO, Red Hat, database, CompTIA, service management and many more. The courseware is designed and updated regularly according to the latest industry norms practiced globally. Certification is awarded to every learner after completing the course to validate theirs kills and knowledge. Multisoft Virtual academy aims build skills that can help an individual or company stand out from competitors in the industry with its excellent knowledge of field. To read more about Multisoft virtual academy, visit

Check Out the Most Trending Questions & Answers for AI Interview

Artificial Intelligence has introduced intelligence beyond human knowledge. The devices and software used through the technology are offering the ability to communicate, invent, think, express and create equivalent to human capability and even beyond. This ability is the reason behind top companies such as Google, Instagram, Facebook, Amazon and Android to hire AI professionals for various industries such as education, healthcare, automobile, banking, and electronics. Beginners and professionals who possess the skills of AI can expect jobs in renowned companies with more than $111,000 annual salary. Here are the top 10 AI interview questions along with their answers that will help you get a job in 2020:


Question: What is the difference between Strong Artificial Intelligence and Weak Artificial Intelligence?

Answer: There are a lot of differences between weak and strong Artificial Intelligence. First and foremost, weak AI has limited scopes as compared to widely applied strong AI that offers vast scope. On the other hand, weak AI is good at performing specific tasks and strong AI possesses the intelligence of the human level. Lastly, weak AI uses learning that is processed and unprocessed to process data and strong AI uses the association to do the same.


Question: List some applications and programming languages used in AI.

Answer: Applications of AI include Natural language processing, Chatbots, Sentiment analysis, Sales prediction, Self-driving cars, Facial expression recognition, Image tagging. AI can be done on programming languages such as Python, R, Lisp, Prolog, Java, and C++.


Question: What is a Turing test?

Answer: The ability of a machine to match the human level of intelligence is tested using the method of the Turing test. A machine is considered intelligent if it passes the challenge against human intelligence. The machine can be considered intelligent in spite of the lack of sufficiently mimicking humans.


Question: What is an expert system? List some advantages.

Answer: An AI program with the knowledge about utilizing information to react appropriately in a particular area is an expert system. It offers benefits such as Consistency, Memory, Diligence, Logic, Multiple expertise, Ability to reason, Fast response and Unbiased in nature.


Question: What is bidirect algorithm?

Answer: The bidirect algorithm begins searching from the beginning state in forward and from the objective state in reverse. Each search is performed up to half of both ways. The searches are to identify in a common state by linking the beginning state with an objective state.


Question: How are game theory and AI-related?

Answer: AI uses game theory as it needs more than one participant to narrow the field. Game theory delivers maximum utility by enhancing the decision to get maximum utility.  A game is designed for a group of intelligent participants using inverse game theory.


Question: What is fuzzy logic? List its application.

Answer: Fuzzy logic is a kind of encoding of human learning for artificial processing and is a subset of AI. A form of many-valued logic, it is showcased us IF-Then rules.


Question: What is FOPL?

Answer: FOPL is a collection of formal systems in which individual statements are divided into subject and predicate. FOPL is the abbreviation for First-order predicate logic, where predicate means a single subject which can be modified or defined for the properties of the subject.


Question: What is the difference between parametric and non-parametric models?

Answer: There are a lot of differences between parametric and non-parametric models.

  1. While the parametric model features a particular amount of parameters for predicting new data, the non-parametric model does the same by using an unbounded number of parameters.
  2. Algorithms used by parametric models are Logistics regression, linear discriminant analysis, perceptron, and Naïve Bayes. The list of algorithms used by the non-parametric model includes decision trees like CAR and C4.5, K-nearest neighbors and support vector machines.
  3. Parametric models are used because they are simply fast and consume fewer data. On the other hand, non-parametric models are used because of their flexibility, power, and performance.
  4. While parametric models lack complexity, fit and are constrained; non-parametric models are slower, consume more data and overfit.

Question: What is a partial-order planning?

Answer: Any problem can only be solved by identifying, allocating or developing solutions for it, performing each step at a time. The partial-order plan allocates each step to be performed only when required.


Question: Why is Artificial Intelligence training important?

Answer: Artificial intelligence is used in various industries such as aeronautics, medical, education, automobile, banking, and electronics; bringing a range of career possibilities with it. With renowned companies such as Google, Amazon, Android, Instagram, and Facebook associated with Artificial Intelligence, getting Artificial Intelligence training can boost your professional importance that the industry demands.


Question: Who can do Artificial Intelligence training?

Answer: Training for Artificial Intelligence can be pursued by anyone who is interested in the new technological advancements to take place in the coming years. All you need to have is the basic knowledge of concepts of physics, engineering, computer science, and mathematics. We provide training to professionals and corporate companies related to engineering, developing and machine designing industries.


Question: How will the training be provided?

Answer: Multisoft is a virtual training platform and conducts online training. All you need for getting the raining is a laptop or a computer with an internet connection that can support the required software.


Question: Who will be providing the training?

Answer: The training will be provided by a team of experts who are certified and have completed training thousands of leaners in their many years of experience. These trainers are also your mentors who provide professional guidance whenever needed.


Question: When will the training be conducted?

Answer: The training is conducted at time, date and duration as convenient for the learner. The timings of all courses at Multisoft are flexible and can be customized.


Question: What training features are offered to AI online course learners?

Answer: Training features offered to learners of various AI courses at Multisoft Virtual Academy include hands-on sessions and access to learning material so that they are never limited to theoretical knowledge and can revise the learning material anytime they want to, while pursuing the course or even later in their lifetime.


Question: Is it an individual or group training?

Answer: This completely depends on the learner. Training for AI courses is conducted as one-to-one or group training as needed by the learner. Generally, while professionals prefer individual training, corporate companies want their employees to be trained as a group.


Question: How do I know which AI course suits my professional requirements?

Answer: Multisoft Virtual Academy offers online training for a variety of Artificial Intelligence courses so that they can meet the varying needs and demands of industries and fields AI is spread across.


Question: Is the courseware updated?

Answer: All our corporate training courses are meant for professionals looking for career growth in this technological era. The courseware of all Artificial Intelligence courses is carefully designed and structured to meet international standards. Moreover, we provide training in partnership with companies such as Oracle, Microsoft, ITIL, DevOps Institute, Intel, Android, and CISCO.


Question: How do I validate my training?

Answer: Every learner of the Artificial Intelligence course is awarded a training certificate after successfully completing the training. Professionals can use this certificate to strengthen their salary and expect an increased salary, while corporate companies can use it to showcase the skills of their employees.

The knowledge of answering the interview question of AI can only be obtained after having skills related to technology. You can learn Artificial Intelligent anytime and anywhere with the help of AI online training course offered by Multisoft Virtual Academy. To read more about the course and to join it, click here. You may visit our website to have a look at 600+ online courses we offer to professionals and corporate companies.

Get SAP Certified from SAP-SE Authorized Training Institute

SAP represents Systems, Applications, Products. German company SAP SE developed SAP-ERP as an enterprise resource planning software which is ideal for Production Planning, Logistics Execution, Quality Management, Sales & Distribution, Financial Accounting, Financial Supply Chain Management, Management Accounting, etc. Since the latest version was introduced in 2006, additional functionality has been added to SAP ERP 6.0 through SAP Enhancement Packages. However, the SAP-SE authorized SAP training institute online are engaged in offering the SAP courses as the demand for certified professionals is growing across the globe. 


What is SAP-SE authorized institute? How to earn this status? 

Authorization is the process of allowing a person or a body to have or do something, and the SAP-ERP certification is controlled by the German company SAP SE. The company assigns authorizations towards the customers as per the authorization concept. This certification defines the system in which the users are allowed access to the system, transactions, programs, and services in the SAP systems. However, a person needs corresponding authorizations to gain access to business objects. 


What is SAP-ERP certification? 

Certification training in SAP will enable you to pursue the job profiles like SAP Network Specialists, SAP Database Administrators, SAP Finance & Accounting Control Experts, SAP Security Consultants, SAP Customer Relationship Managers, SAP Business Intelligence officers, SAP Technical Support Executives, and SAP Sales & Distribution Managers. SAP SE is the abbreviation of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing, and today's article is based on the modules of SAP - SAP NetWeaver, SAP FICO, SAP Ariba, and SAP HANA. We will be discussing the courses catered by SAP authorized training centers along with their industry acceptability throughout this article. 


Earn the SAP course that's ideal for your career!

SAP HANA certification demonstrates the skills to handle the architecture and technical functionality of HANA. It is ideal for SAP Solution Architects, SAP Business Analytics, SAP Functional Consultants, SAP Techno-Functional, SAP Technical Consultants, SAP BW/BI Consultants, Project Managers, and students with management and finance background. At its completion, the participants get detailed knowledge of SAP HANA, SAP S4HANA, and an in-depth understanding of Material Management. The SAP FICO certification training is ideal for the Financial Consultants, SAP® Technical Consultants, and Developers who want to develop their understanding of SAP® Financial ERP tool. It helps the business groups in managing the financial accounting and controlling of SAP® ERP tool to manage better business processes. 


The online courses on Ariba are used by the companies to the digital transformation of their procurement and supply chain platforms. Hence, it is known as a supply chain and e-procurement Cloud solution. And the SAP Ariba training is ideal for SAP professionals, business professionals, IT professionals, and stakeholders having in-depth knowledge of procurement, finance, treasury and legal aspects of the business. SAP NetWeaver is another module of SAP. We offer the SAP Netweaver Training to help the ERP application developers in understanding NetWeaver Architecture, its installation, and other basic aspects of this software. Our offered training will help the candidates in getting a complete understanding of the NetWeaver software. 


SAP certification will open numerous job options for you! 

You will be able to pursue a career as HR Executive, SAP HCM Consultant or Payroll Executive after earning SAP Payroll Module. In contrast, the SAP Customer Relationship Management course will open the job options as System Engineer, Project Manager SAP, Software Engineer, SAP Trainer, and SAP SD Functional Consultant. Earn the SAP Financial Accounting and Controlling Course to start a career as SAP Functional Consultant, Process Developer, SAP FICO Consultant, SAP FI Consultant, Project Leader, or Manager Costing. However, the SAP NetWeaver module will give you the option to choose a career from SAP EP Consultant, Software Engineer, SAP Basis Administrator, and SAP Basis Consultant. 


Best SAP-ERP Authorized Training Institutes Online and Placement facilities

Have you prepared your mind to be an SAP professional? Great decision! The SAP-SE authorized training houses are providing placement facilities to the participating aspirants. Multisoft Virtual Academy, one of the best SAP training institutes online, is providing training courses for all four SAP modules – SAP® - Financial/Controlling (SAP - FI/CO) Online Certification Training, SAP NetWeaver Online Training, SAP HANA Online Certification Training, and SAP Ariba Online Training. This institute upgrades its course contents are per the recent changes in the Systems, Applications, Products industry. A skilled team of trainers is helping it in offering the SAP courses. Additionally, Multisoft believes in charging minimum and maintaining a lifetime relationship with the certified candidates. Talk to the course councilors and earn the course that fulfills your career demands!

Earn Instructor-Led Online Training for SAP® ABAP

Developed and marketed by SAP, a German multinational enterprise software development company, ABAP is an event-driven programming language that runs in the SAP ABAP runtime environment. It helps in the development of the application programs, such as Reports, Interfaces, Forms, User Exits & BADI, Data conversions, and Module Pool Programming. You need to learn the modules of ABAP if you wish to start your technical journey with SAP ERP. Online SAP ABAP course is designed for the programmers, developers, engineering graduates, and computer application graduates will help you in this regard.


                               See Also:- An Overview Of The SAP ABAP Certification Program


How do I pursue ABAP Online Certification?

To learn SAP ABAP online, you are strictly suggested to choose a certified training house that is committed to conducting the classes with qualified and highly experienced faculty members. You will find hundreds of training institutes that are offering online courses, but the numbers of certified institutes will be limited. In general, the certified institutes are providing all the versions of SAP ERP, and that is with updated course modules. ABAP is integrated with other features of the SAP NetWeaver ABAP application server. It doesn't stand alone. So, you are requested to go through the distinctive features of ABAP infrastructure if you have prepared your mind to enroll in the concerned course.


                                                        See Also:-  SAP ABAP Course Content


What does SAP ABAP Programming for Beginners will teach?

Data Types, ABAP Dictionary Concepts, ABAP Programming Basics, Modularization Techniques, Structures & Internal Tables, Loops & Branches, Reports, Module Pools, File Handling, Dialog Programs, SAP® Scripts, and Cross-Functional are the course contents for the concerned course. After ABAP Online Certification, the participants learn how to create programs using loops and branches; understands the ABAP data types and terminology; understands the dictionary concepts such as tables, structures, buffers, indexes, etc.; learns how to create programs using module pools, file handling, and scripting; learns how to write programs by implementing ABAP programming basics, covering formatting, syntax check; and how to use modularization techniques covering subroutines and function modules.


Why are the ABAP professionals accepted by every organization?

Logical database connections allow code to be abstracted from a specific database. As the actual database connections are configured outside of ABAP code, it will enable the users to use the same code in different database environments. Data Dictionary is available to all ABAP programs in a system. It is a dictionary of business logic and data structure definitions. This SAP ERP is also featured with Change and Transport System which manages the promotion of development objects to quality assurance and production environments. However, the shared development system allows the developers to work on the same set of development objects simultaneously. Learning the SAP ABAP online course from a genuine training house will help you in getting acquainted with all these elements. Visit to know more about this course.


Gain acquaintance on UI automation with RPA online training

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) minimizes the barrier of using automation in products. Involves bots or software robots; it develops the action list by watching the user performance in the application's graphical user interface and performs the automation. The RPA tools are pretty similar to the graphical user interface testing tools. Some of the popular tools are UiPath, Blue Prism, Another Monday, Automation Anywhere, WinAutomation, HelpSystems, Automate, Linx, and Automai. Multisoft Virtual Academy is a certified and globally acknowledged name in the world of online training. It is offering one certification course on Robotic Process Automation and three courses on Robotic Process Automation tools. Let's have a small discussion on these RPA training courses.


Robotics Process Automation Online Training:-

Robotics Process Automation Online Training is ideal for the IT professionals who are keen on enhancing their intelligence and skills on automation. It includes Blue Prism's Robotic Automation, Process Flow, Object Studio, Error Management, Case Management, Business Objects, and Process Studio in its course contents.

Instructor-Led Online Training

  • 30 Hrs Training
  • Hands-on Sessions
  • Certified Trainers
  • Training Certificate     




RPA – Blue Prism Online Training:

 RPA – Blue Prism Online Training is based on the implementation, functionality, and usage of a feature-rich analytics tool Blue Prism. Enables the companies in introducing end-to-end business processes; this RPA online course is ideal for fresher graduates, IT professionals, digital marketing professionals, and business intelligence professionals. A company doesn’t need to hire people with programming skills to implement and use this tool. It can be implemented within a short span of 5 to 6 weeks.

Instructor-Led Online Training

  • 24 Hrs Training
  • Hands-On Sessions
  • Experienced & Certified Trainer
  • Training Certificate
  • Software access available



RPA - Automation Anywhere Online Training:

 RPA - Automation Anywhere Online Training aims in teaching the implementation, functionality, and usage of Automation Anywhere. The RPA tool that offers intelligent automation for generating easy-to-understand IT operations uses trendy automation technology to combine the traditional RPA with elements like reading of unstructured data.

Instructor-Led Online Training

  • 24 Hrs Training
  • Hands-On Sessions
  • Experienced & Certified Trainer
  • Training Certificate
  • Software access available



RPA - UiPath Online Training:

RPA - UiPath Online Training is delivered to fresher graduates, IT professionals, digital marketing professionals, and business intelligence professionals. It teaches them the techniques of creating end-to-end business processes and solutions. This highly reliable process automation tool can be hosted in virtual terminals or cloud environments. A company can quickly implement this tool to design, deploy a robotic workforce within one and a half month. 

Instructor-Led Online Training

  • 20 Hrs Training Program
  • Certified Trainer
  • Recorded Sessions
  • Training Certificate




All four courses we have discussed here are getting worldwide acceptability. So, you can prefer any of these robotic process automation certifications if you are expecting a prosperous career in the field of robotic automation. Designed to ensure double-edged growth for you, these RPA courses are provided online as per industry defined norms. To know more about the RPA courses, please visit Multisoft Virtual Academy is backed by highly efficient instructors and charges minimum in providing these courses.

PMP Certification: Best Project Management Courses for Beginners

PMP certified managers will always be high in demand. If you want to stay in the game, make a move to refine your managerial skills now! Project Management Professional is globally-recognized certification training that helps the project managers in driving a project towards its desired goal. This certification training helps the individuals to attain the most desired credential and become eligible to apply for the best roles in top organizations globally. A growing business is prepared to cope with the changing demand of the corporate industry, and that is the reason they hire the professionals who went through the PMP certification training online and capable of adding value to the company.


PMP boosts confidence, professionalism, and makes the professionals extremely desirable a wide range of industries, including the oil industry, gas industry, financial services, business services, and insurance, manufacturing industry, construction industry, and utility industry. So, certified professionals are ready to handle the new tools, technologies, and developments in their respective work areas. As per a report published by Project Management Institute, there will be around 22 million new project management job openings by 2027. Therefore, the future of PMI accredited professionals is vibrant and lucrative. Are you already working as a project head or team leader, or willing to promote your work profile for a managerial position? If you are keen in promoting your work designation after getting certified, you are requested to check out the most popular courses for beginners.


Here we have listed the best project management courses for beginners below.

  1. Six Sigma Green Belt Training & Certification
  2. Microsoft Office Project 2010 Online Certification Training
  3. PRINCE2® Foundation & Practitioner Certification Training
  4. Scrum Master Online Certification Training
  5. PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® Online Certification Training
  6. M_o_R® Foundation Online Certification Training
  7. Primavera Analytics Training Online
  8. Mastering Microsoft Project 2016



Multisoft Virtual Academy is an online training institute which is offering a diverse range of courses, including PMP certification training courses. As it is an authorized training house and located in a highway-touching location, it has been able to attain deep attention from the individuals and corporate companies. A group of PMI certified trainers is driving this training company which is known for its quality education, low price, and commitment to have a lifetime association with the trained professionals. To assist the aspirants by showing them the right career directions, Multisoft has also elected a team of career counselors and prepared them.


Say Hello To ITIL Certification Online!

What is ITIL Stands For?

ITIL, Stands for Information Technology Infrastructure Library, is a set of detailed practices for IT service management (ITSM) that focuses on aligning IT services with the needs of the business.

ITIL or Information Technology Infrastructure Library describes processes, procedures, and checklists that are neither technology-specific nor organization-specific. Designed to introduce the best practices, reduce expenses, and define the organizational roles clearly, it is a set of IT service management practices that focuses on aligning IT services as per the business needs. You might be curious to know the ideal version for your organization among all its variants – ITIL 2007 edition, ITIL Version 2, ITIL Version 3, and ITIL® 4. Well, ITIL® 4 is the latest trend of ITIL certification online, and we are going to discuss some of the key reasons behind the worldwide acceptability of ITIL® 4.


ITIL® 4 is more flexible.

It is true that the most recent edition of ITIL does not introduce the service value system, but it is definitely a refined version of ITIL Version 3 in terms of flexibility. Flexibility is one of the key additions of the latest version which offers a one-size-fits-all approach that works for almost no one. Known for more simplicity and a higher transparency rate, the latest version of ITIL is more reliable. It allows you to start from a point where you already are. You can update it faster than all its previous versions. Moreover, ITIL 4 is designed to be used everywhere. 


ITIL® 4 is ideal for tracking statistics and analyzing departmental outcomes.

The employees who expect to handle problems with less bureaucracy may find the previous versions of ITIL slow, clunky, and demanding. As the fourth version is the latest addition of ITIL Certification Online, you will get the upper hand about the latest version after attending this certification course. ITIL online certification is an ideal solution for the employees if the organization demands fast results from them, and that is with a high amount of accuracy.


ITIL® 4 embraces the latest trends of technologies.

Introduced by AXELOS in February 2019, the most recent edition of ITIL is inclined to the latest trends of technologies and service management. It was introduced to help organizations in integrating digital technology and undergoing digital transformation.


ITIL® 4 is designed to transform federal organizations.

Have you heard about the term ITIL 4.0? It now speaks about the 4th Industrial Revolution, even though there was a time when ITIL stood for Information Technology Infrastructure Library. The most recent version gives us the ability to use systems intelligently by collecting data and applying logical rules for machines to learn. Therefore, ITIL Foundation Online is now more inclined to the fourth version of the Information Technology Infrastructure Library.   Read More about ITIL® V4 Certification Online: Latest Updates............ Click Here.


How to Learn STAAD.PRO? Advantages, Disadvantages, Features and Application areas.

STAAD or STAAD.Pro is a structural analysis and design software application that was developed by Research Engineers International. This widely used software product supports over 90 international timber, steel, concrete, and aluminum design codes. It makes the use of various forms of dynamic analysis methods, such as time history analysis and response spectrum analysis, and various forms of analysis, such as traditional static analysis, non-linear geometric analysis, p-delta analysis, Pushover analysis, and buckling analysis. STAAD's ribbon-based user interface helps in creating an analytical model and Steel AutoDrafter workflow extracts planar drawings and produces excellent quality plans. Knowing all its advantages will help you in deciding whether this course is ideal for you or not. So, we are now going to tell you some of the benefits of STAAD.Pro and then we will be moving to the application areas of STAAD.Pro Training.


STAAD Pro features:

  • STAAD.Pro® has an open architecture; it enables engineers for both physical and analytical modeling
  • STAAD.Pro® Physical Modeler simplifies the modeling of a structure. It introduces a flexible modeling environment and pushes design productivity
  • STAAD.Pro® Building Planner enables the seamless generation of building model that can be analyzed in the program itself
  • STAAD.Pro® is featured with a broad spectrum of design codes and involves lower operational cost
  • Advanced Concrete Design workflow provides direct access for STAAD models
  • STAAD.Pro® is scalable and blessed with wide industry acceptance
  • STAAD.Pro® can be used for analysis and design of all types of structural projects
  • Eurocode 8 is the Earthquake Mode of STAAD; it is used to check if the structure conforms to the basic geometric recommendations
  • STAAD.Pro® is blessed with a user-friendly package and graphical user interface


STAAD Pro Advantages:-

  • It shows accurate results in Shear Force and Bending Moment diagram measurement
  • It does not involve any manual calculation and ensures faster methods of designing the structure
  • It is suitable for ideal for Steel, Concrete, and Aluminum as it supports 90% of international steel, concrete, timber & aluminum design codes
  • It shows the number of reinforcement used in longitudinally and Shear reinforcement
  • It helps the engineers in improving the structure, section, and dimensions
  • It is suitable for designing the structure of Live load, Dead Load, Wind Load, Snow Load, Area Load, or Floor Load
  • It helps in designing simple beam to skyscraper
  • It is ideal for analyzing whether it will fail at applied load or pass
  • It is suitable for importing designs from AutoCAD


STAAD Pro Application Areas:-

STAAD is ideal to be used for analyzing all types of structural projects, such as buildings, plants, towers, tunnels, bridges, metro stations, wastewater treatment plants, and chemical plants. Owing to its easy to use features and wide-ranging benefits, this software is getting worldwide popularity. You need to know about the application areas if you are planning to learn STAAD.Pro Online. It is currently used in construction, architectural, and real-estate industries, especially in an industrial building, bridge & highway construction, chemical plants, structural designs, dams & culverts design, turbine foundations, and other embedded structures.


STAAD Pro work advantages:-

  • STAAD Pro comes with many benefits as it is sophisticated and multi-featured structural designing software. To help the STAAD professionals with a resource library, this feature-rich building design software provides an open architecture – OpenSTAAD.


  • The STAAD Pro software determines the drift, deflection, depth of any construct, and calculates the reinforcement for the concrete columns, beams and shear walls. This is because of the availability of an extended range of design codes. STAAD Pro is featured with the designs that use the British codes, US codes, Euro codes, Japanese codes, Canadian codes, and nuclear codes.


  • STAAD Pro provides a wide range of tools for the designer to choose from. It allows the users to use the materials made of Concrete, Steel, Stainless steel, and Aluminum


  • Ideal in showing the rendered view of all the modeled elements in 3D, STAAD Pro visual interface is blessed with high celerity and optimum user-friendliness. This structural designing software, however, allows the users to use both Response spectrum analysis and Static analysis.


  • Another most exceptional feature of STAAD Pro software is its capacity to develop models without resisting the users the ability to edit dimensions as per their requirements. It also gives the shear and moment values at every 1/12th section of the member.


STAAD Pro Disadvantages:-

This structural analysis and design software application has some limitations too. You cannot use STAAD Pro for brick masonry work, costing, or estimating. It does not show the amount of material used and requires proper skill for typical designs.


How to Learn STAAD.Pro v8i online?

To pursue this course, professionals need to have an educational qualification or professional experience in civil or architectural engineering. The STAAD.Pro v8i training online course covers the modules like Introduction to Loading, FEM/FEA, Concrete Design, Seismology, Steel Design, Foundation Design, Report Generation, Automatic Load Generation, Model Generation and Editing, and Introduction to STAAD.Pro® V8i.


  • Structural Engineers
  • Structural Design Technicians
  • Civil Engineers
  • Architectural Engineers
  • Engineering Consultants
  • Plant Engineers
  • Mechanical Engineers
  • Process Engineers


STAAD.Pro v8i Training Online is beneficial for us from multiple prospects. Not only that, this software program automatically generates influence surfaces for bending moments, support reactions, and deflection in all degrees of freedom of nodes. It offers a 30-day trial to the users, so, you don’t need to get the license. If you want to use it more than a month, you will have to uninstall the software and purchase a licensed version. Learning this structural analysis and design software online is a genuine solution for you if you want to get a comprehensive view of all the modules of this software.


Data Analytics Courses for The Beginners

Data Analytics has turned into the key element of business decision making; its work principle is depending on five Vs – volume, variety, velocity, value, and veracity. The adoption and usage of Data Analytics are increasing as the companies are considering it as a decision-making tool. It is surpassing market predictions. As per the Analytics Advantage survey made by Tom Davenport, more than 90 percent of beneficiaries feel that analytics will become essential to their organizations in the next three years. In today’s scenario, six key beneficiaries of data analytics professionals are healthcare, consumer, energy, manufacturing, technology, and banking. We will give you a brief idea about the eligibility criteria, eligible candidates, subjects undertaken, and career prospects of Data Analytics Courses.


Data Analytics certification courses are ideal for systems analysts, business analysts, consultants, Testers, IT developers, System Administrators, process improvement specialists, database architects, project managers, process improvement managers, requirements analysts, data analysts, database administration professionals, and database designing professionals. The subjects like introduction SAS® foundation, introduction to SAS® programs, accessing SAS® data, combining SAS® Data Sets, Data Manipulation Techniques, creating Summary Reports, Producing Detail Reports, Data Transformations, Debugging Techniques, Formatting Data Values, etc., are taught in these courses.


These online data analytics courses help the participants in defining generated transformations, creating metadata for source and target data, creating target data and jobs, working with transformations, and deploying jobs. However, the jobs offered to the certified professionals are IT systems analyst, healthcare data analyst, operations analyst, data scientist, data engineer, quantitative analyst, data analytics consultant, project manager, digital marketing manager, and transportation logistics, specialist.


Multisoft Virtual Academy is a certified training institute for the data analytics online courses, such as Data Science Online Certification Training, MemSQL Developer Online Certification Training, Apache Storm Online Certification Training, Hadoop Developer Online Certification Training, and Advanced SAS® Online Certification Training. As it is backed by a team of qualified and proficient trainers, this training house is providing industry-recognized training courses with up-to-the-dated course contents. Multisoft instructors not only believes in serving the participants during the online certification courses but also committed to assisting the candidates before and after pursuing the course. To know the details of these courses, visit us Now.

Earn Business Analyst Certification Online: Find the Key Benefits

Popularly known as CBAP, Certified Business Analysis Professional is one of the most widely recognized professional certifications in the Business Analysis (BA) domain. A Canada-based Institute, International Institute of Business Analysis, awards this certification to the Systems Analysts, Business Analysts, Consultants, Requirements Analysts, Process Improvement Specialists, and Process Improvement Managers. Among the four levels, the first one is meant for the beginners in the business analysis field, and the fourth level is ideal for the BA professionals, who want to gain in-depth knowledge in this domain. Today we are going to discuss a few things that every CBAP certification training aspirant should know.


It presents a global network opportunity, increases industry recognition.

Best CBAP online training will put you into the global network of professionals working in the business analysis field. It offers you a global networking opportunity that has a set of advantages from personal and professional fronts. As the MNCs and Fortune 500 organizations are recruiting the certified professionals, these professionals get a global recognition very easily.


It gives more confidence to the professionals.

The course curriculum of CBAP is designed in a way that it boosts candidate's confidence and prepares you challenges that are most likely to arise in your professional path. It prepares the professionals logically and psychologically. At the same time, the concerned course will boost self-esteem and job satisfaction in you.


It guarantees a double-edged promotion.

It is true that the CBAP certification is not an easy certification to achieve, but it is a worthy certification in terms of career development. If you are a working professional in the field of business analysis, the chance to promote your career is bright if you are pursuing the Business Analyst Certification Online. Not only has the job promotion, but this certification also guaranteed salary growth. The professionals from any related field are also suitable for this double-edged promotion.


It boosts your management skills.

So far, you have come to know that the decision of pursuing CBAP Certification could be the best career decision of your life. Well, the course is also likely to teach you the modules of team management. Hence, you will be prepared to manage your team in accordance with the set of rules defined by your organization.



You must know the key benefits and course modules if you are planning to enroll in this training, and we have tried to discuss the four benefits of pursuing online CBAP training in today's perspective. The course which is getting unparalleled popularity is worth the investment of time, money, and effort. Even if it is an inexpensive corporate training course, it will give you an all-round learning experience. 






What is Primavera P6? Learn the Basics, Know the Fee Structure.

Primavera online training teaches the aspirants the best management practices, gives an extensive hands-on workshop for the lesson learned and helps them in creating project structure and scheduling it as per the industry standards. These courses are ideal for IT Project Managers, Application Developers, Salesforce® Developers, Implementation Experts, Solution Designers, Technical Architects, and Digital Marketing experts. If you are not familiar, you must be curious to know the Primavera p6 software first. So, allow us to discuss this project management software at the beginning of this write-up.


What is Oracle Primavera P6?

Oracle Primavera is an enterprise project portfolio management software that helps organizations in scheduling tasks, opportunity management, risk analysis, resource management, collaboration, and project management. It is widely used in construction, manufacturing, and corporate companies. However, Primavera P6 online training has emerged as one of the world's most comprehensive Project Management software programs. It helps the project managers and other employees in minimizing the risk factors. You should have an in-depth understanding of project portfolio management if you are keen on learning the functionality and use of this software.


Which are the basics of Primavera p6 online training?

The Primavera online training is subjected to teach you the participants the techniques of creating a Work Breakdown Structure, navigating P6 Professional, developing a project schedule, Understanding float & Activity Types, Viewing the Enterprise Project Structure & schedule log report, performing forward pass, performing backward pass, optimizing the schedule, and formatting schedule output for reporting progress.


Which are the main uses of Primavera?

Primavera project portfolio management solution involves dashboards, content management, workflow, reporting & management, collaboration, and shared services. Planning engineers, planning managers, and project managers use this software which is mainly used in planning, monitoring, controlling and reporting the projects.


What is the fee structure for Primavera's online training?

If we talk about the popular Primavera p6 training online courses, Primavera® Unifier Administration REL 17 Online Training, Managing Risk in Primavera® Risk Analysis Rel 8.6 Online Training, Primavera Advanced Training Online, Primavera Analytics Training Online, and Primavera® P6 Online Certification Training are some of the popular Primavera courses that are delivered online. None of these courses is expensive, but yes, you need to identify the right course for your career by knowing its benefit-range. In general, instructor-led online training has a higher price value compared to self-paced training.


Advantages And Scope Of Learning Primavera P6!

Primavera P6 is a powerful project management software tool by Oracle. It is widely used by project professionals, engineers, schedulers, and other project management professionals for planning, management, and project reporting. From aerospace to retail, every industry is leveraging this advanced tool for effective business management. Due to its numerous benefits, including reduced risk, greater communication, simpler collaboration, and enhanced performance, Primavera P6 is gaining immense popularity among enterprises. Primavera P6 online training trains participants to plan, build, and operate assets with Oracle primavera, and make their way to a successful and satisfying career.


Project management is a key aspect of a company’s success. Tools such as Primavera P6 ease the whole process of optimizing resources, delegating tasks, staying on schedule, and tracking projects. By executing the project promptly and under budget, companies get a satisfied customer that leads to a long term and successful customer/supplier relationship. Thus, Primavera P6 narrows enables them to narrow their focus, achieve their goals and improve their deliverability and rate of success.


Related: Reasons to Choose Online PMP Certification Course

Professionals who go through the Primavera training online own extensive knowledge of the tool and the capability of managing projects of any size. Primavera P6 is a robust and easy-to-use project management solution for planning, managing, and executing projects. This cloud-based solution helps project managers in improving communication between team members by enabling them to easily and quickly send updates. It also facilitates the monitoring and visualizing the project performance versus plan. According to the statistics, the majority of the top engineering companies in the USA opt for Primavera P6 in order to achieve effective project management, leading to a plethora of job opportunities that require professionals with Primavera software skills.

Multisoft Virtual Academy is a renowned training organization that provides Primavera P6  training online programs, including Primavera Risk Analysis, Primavera Unifier Administration, Primavera Analytics, and Primavera Advanced online training. Participants learn to implement the Primavera software for effective project management, becoming eligible for job positions like Project Managers, Event Organizers, Project Planners, Consultants, and Financial Project Analysts.


About the Author: Rajib Kar, who finds reading and writing therapeutic, is a creative content developer in Multisoft Virtual Academy. Passionate about employee training, this Digital Marketing certified professional has worked in various IT companies that provide corporate and industrial training certification courses.

How to become a truly satisfied piping professional?

Piping is used to create a complex network of pipes and fittings in order to transport various liquids, gases, and sometimes slurry and powder material. The piping engineers learn the skills of transporting fluids from one point to another, along with the design and maintenance of piping construction. Here are some of the highly-demanded corporate training courses in the field of piping design. All these courses are ideal for the engineering graduates who wish to learn the techniques of pipe designing or intended to establish their careers in oil, food, chemical, beverage, gas, energy, manufacturing, construction, or petrochemical industries.


SmartPlant® 3D (SP3D) Online Training Course:

The SmartPlant® 3D (SP3D) Online Training Course is ideal for you if you wish to be the master of WEBS items, piping hierarchy, templates, style rules, control points, Space management, piping placing, piping routing, isometric drawing extraction, coordinate system, or equipment placing. Smart Plant – 3D (SP3D) is actually a modeling software that is used in the engineering sector for pipe designing.


AutoCAD Piping Online Training Course:

Get the AutoCAD Piping Online training course if you are intended to establish a career in the piping industry. The AutoCAD Piping Online Course covers the basics of AutoCAD, distillation column Piping layout, drafting of pump suction & discharge line with dimensioning, Nozzle Orientation, distillation column Piping layout, and drafting of pump suction isometrics with dimensioning.


SP3D Administrator Online Training Course:

The SP3D Administrator Online Training Course covers SP3D setup and administration, Project creation, develop utilities, project backup and retrieval, and customization of Micro station & AutoCAD as per project needs. Enroll in this course if you want to know about the techniques of scheduling and prioritizing work for accommodating the user needs with minimum impact. The concerned course will also prepare the aspirants to document the changes in the processes during the project's lifecycle.


Piping Design and Drafting Online Training Course:

The use of Piping has become a necessity in petrochemical plants, oil & gas industries, or food & beverage industries. Hence, these industries are now hiring professionals who have enrolled in the piping design and drafting an online training course. This AutoCAD Piping Training course covers piping layouts, bill of materials, computer-aided drafting, and preparation of Isometric drawings. If you are looking forward to learning the principles of design and drafting, this course is ideal for you.


Intergraph CAESAR II® Online Certification Training:

The Intergraph CAESAR II® Online Certification Training prepares the participants with the Theories of failure, Basic Stress-Strain Theories, Support span Calculations, Preparing stress Critical line list, Modeling of piping systems in CAESAR II, Supporting of piping systems (support types), Spring design & Modeling in CAESAR II, system evaluation, system re-design, and model generation. Read More Click Here


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