Getting Started with SharePoint: An Introduction for Beginners

Organizations around the world are increasingly adopting agile methodologies for implementing their business and IT strategies, with a focus on enhancing their data management capabilities. They are in search of solutions that offer benefits in terms of ease of use, dependability, scalability, mobility, speed, efficiency, relevance, and security.

SharePoint 2019 Power User Online

SharePoint is more than just a software solution or application; it’s a comprehensive, web-based collaborative platform for businesses, developed by Microsoft and tightly integrated with Microsoft Office 365. In this blog, we’ll delve into a detailed exploration of SharePoint.

Before we dive into SharePoint Online Training by Multisoft Virtual Academy, let’s first gain a clear understanding of what SharePoint actually is.

What is SharePoint?

SharePoint is a web-based collaborative platform that is part of the Microsoft Office suite. Developed by Microsoft, it is primarily used for the storage, organization, sharing, and access of information from any device. The capabilities of SharePoint are very versatile, ranging from creating websites to document management and from collaboration to content management.

SharePoint 2019 Power User

Key features and functions of SharePoint include:

  • Collaboration: SharePoint enables teams to work together effectively by sharing documents, data, and information. It facilitates collaboration on projects and documents in real-time.
  • Document Management: It provides a centralized system for storing and managing documents, making it easier to find, access, and control important business documents.
  • Integration with Microsoft Office: SharePoint integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Office applications, allowing users to work on documents directly within SharePoint.
  • Customizable Websites: Users can create and manage websites for internal use, such as intranets, or for external publishing.
  • Workflows and Automation: SharePoint allows organizations to automate business processes with custom workflows, improving efficiency and productivity.
  • Access Control and Security: SharePoint includes robust security features that help manage permissions and access to information, ensuring data safety and compliance.
  • Search and Findability: Its powerful search features help users quickly find the information they need across the platform.
  • Mobile Accessibility: SharePoint is accessible from various devices, including smartphones and tablets, allowing users to stay connected and productive while on the go.

SharePoint online training is a versatile tool that helps businesses streamline their operations, enhance collaboration, manage documents, and improve overall efficiency. It’s particularly useful for organizations looking to centralize their operations and collaborate effectively across different teams and departments.

Why use SharePoint?

SharePoint is a versatile tool utilized by a wide range of industries, including health care, pharmaceuticals, recruitment, financial services, construction, manufacturing, telecommunications, consulting, education, government, and non-profit organizations, among others.

Consider the overwhelming number of emails and physical documents that accumulate over time. Managing and tracking these can be quite challenging. SharePoint certification addresses this issue with its robust document management system. It provides a secure platform for individuals and teams to efficiently store, manage, organize, share, and collaborate on documents and content. This system also supports archiving and ensures that information can be accessed from any device, at any location, at any time.

SharePoint 2019 Power User Online Training


SharePoint 2019 introduces enhanced user experiences for customers utilizing SharePoint, including those in on-premises and hybrid setups. Here are the key features, detailed one by one:

  • Modernized Homepage: SharePoint’s homepage has been revamped to offer a more contemporary feel. Users can easily access all organizational sites from this central start page. Features like following sites for updates, receiving news, and the ability to create and manage sites directly from the homepage are included.
  • Modern Team Sites: These sites are tailored to provide teams with a modernized experience. They come equipped with features like modern news, quick links, site activity, mobile optimization, speedy site provisioning, and in-line editing of the quick start menu. These enhancements make team sites more collaborative and user-friendly.
  • Modern Communication Sites: Serving a similar purpose to traditional publishing sites, communication sites now utilize modern pages and boards, eliminating the need for subsites. Users can create attractive, mobile-ready pages without needing to code. This update simplifies the process of building and maintaining communication sites.


SharePoint offers a variety of advantages that make it a valuable tool for organizations:

  • Enhanced Communication: It ensures the timely and appropriate distribution of crucial information, which is essential for making important decisions. Teams can work together efficiently and securely, regardless of their location or time zone, enabling effective interaction and information exchange.
  • Document Sharing and Management: SharePoint allows teams to effortlessly share, edit, and review documents. It maintains a clear record of modifications, making it easy to track the original and edited versions of a document, as well as identify who made specific edits.
  • Versatile and Accessible: SharePoint provides a flexible solution that caters to various organizational needs. It is available in different forms: cloud-based, on-premises, and hybrid models. Additionally, SharePoint can function independently or in conjunction with Microsoft Office 365, making it a suitable option for businesses of all sizes, from small to large enterprises.


SharePoint 2019 Power User Online Training by Multisoft Virtual Academy is a versatile platform designed to revolutionize work processes. It offers easy access anytime, anywhere, and on any device, facilitating a transformation in how people work. SharePoint not only supports current IT infrastructure, structured procedures, and compliance requirements, but also provides a contemporary experience for corporate training. It integrates information and platforms within a collaborative environment, tailoring processes to meet business needs.

By optimizing work methods, SharePoint enhances agility, fosters innovation, and supports business growth. This blog provides a comprehensive overview of SharePoint.

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